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SEMESTER: 2021/22.1 (2021.2)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4111/Writing I
Tugas 2

No. Soal
1. There are social function and purpose in writing News Item. Based on these, Please write a News Item
(composition) about pandemic virus covid 19 as a topic!

2. There are social function and purpose in writing Spoof Text. Based on these, Please write a Spoof Text
(composition) about virtual learning as a topic!

3. There are Social Function and schematic structure in writing Explanation Texts. Based on these, Please write an
Explanation Text (composition) about what causes flood as a topic!

4. There are Linguistic features in writing Procedural Texts. Based on these, Please write a Procedural Texts
(composition)! Use linguistic features about Playing Badminton as a topic!

5. There are Linguistic features in writing Report Texts. Based on these, Please write a Report Text
(composition)! Use linguistic features about the Electric Car as a topic!

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