Anatomical Basis - Current View of Images

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The Anatomical Basis of Dystonia: Current View Using Neuroimaging

ricy, MD, PhD,1,2,3* Marina A.J. Tijssen, MD, PhD,4 Marie Vidailhet, MD,2 Ryuji Kaji, MD,5 Sabine Meunier, MD, PhD2
phane Lehe

Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle (ICM) epiniere, Centre de NeuroImagerie de Recherche (CENIR), Paris, France
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Centre de Recherche de l’ICM epiniere, UMR-S975, INSERM, U975, CNRS, UMR 7225, Paris, France
Service de Neuroradiologie, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France
Movement Disorders, Department of Neurology AB 51, University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG), Groningen, the Netherlands
Department of Neurology, Institute of Health Bioscience, Tokushima University, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokushima, Japan

ABSTRACT: This review will consider the knowl- thalamo-cortical and cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathways.
edge that neuroimaging studies have provided to the This suggests that a better understanding of the dysfunc-
understanding of the anatomy of dystonia. Major advances tion in each region in the network and their interactions are
have occurred in the use of neuroimaging for dystonia in important topics to address. Current views of interpretation
the past 2 decades. At present, the most developed imag- of imaging data as cause or consequence of dystonia, and
ing approaches include whole-brain or region-specific the postmortem correlates of imaging data are presented.
studies of structural or diffusion changes, functional imag- The application of imaging as a tool to monitor therapy
ing using fMRI or positron emission tomography (PET), and and its use as an outcome measure will be discussed.
metabolic imaging using fluorodeoxyglucose PET. These C 2013 Movement Disorder Society
techniques have provided evidence that regions other than
the basal ganglia are involved in dystonia. In particular,
there is increasing evidence that primary dystonia can be K e y W o r d s : MRI; PET; basal ganglia; cerebellum;
viewed as a circuit disorder, involving the basal ganglia- dystonia; diffusion imaging

Dystonia is characterized by involuntary sustained causes, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury, or may
muscle contractions causing twisting and repetitive be induced by treatments. Given the heterogeneity of
movements or abnormal postures.1 Dystonia is etiology of dystonia it is likely that the different forms
observed in a wide range of clinical entities. Various of dystonia have different neuroanatomical origin
classifications of dystonia have been proposed. Dysto- although they probably share a common substrate.8,9
nia can be classified according to the parts of the body This review focuses on how neuroimaging and neu-
that are affected; ie, focal dystonias of isolated body roanatomic studies have contributed to the under-
region (torticollis, blepharospasm, spasmodic dyspho- standing of the anatomical basis of dystonia. We
nia, and writer’s cramp), segmental dystonias involving specifically address new, current, important issues by
2 or more contiguous body regions, and multifocal and asking 4 key questions. First, what are the respective
generalized dystonias.1–3 Dystonia can also be classified roles of the basal ganglia and the cerebellar networks
according to etiology, with primary dystonia, dystonia- in dystonia? While there is a large body of literature
plus syndromes, and secondary dystonia.4–6 Primary pointing toward a major role of the basal ganglia in
dystonias include disorders with no lesions using con- dystonia, more recent findings also point to the role of
ventional imaging. Primary dystonias may be idiopathic other regions, in particular the cerebellum, and envis-
or from genetic origin with some 30 genes or loci iden- age dystonia as a network disorder involving both the
tified so far.7 Secondary dystonias result from specific basal ganglia–thalamo-cortical and the cerebello-
------------------------------------------------------------ thalamo-cortical networks. The second key issue is the
*Correspondence to: Dr. Ste phane Lehe ricy, Service de neuroradiologie, question of cause or consequence when interpreting
Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere, 47 Bd de l’Hopital, 75651 Paris Cedex the changes observed using imaging findings in dysto-
13, France;
nia. Although it is tempting to interpret imaging find-
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: Nothing to report.
ings as revealing abnormal brain structure and
Received: 8 December 2012; Revised: 6 April 2013; Accepted: 2 May function associated with the pathological process, it is
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( now clear that experience and practice can result in
DOI: 10.1002/mds.25527 changes in brain structure and connectivity. In

944 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


dystonia, over practice, abnormal sensorimotor inte- increased, but decreases were also reported.34,38 The
gration and motor output may therefore explain at explanation for this discrepancy is not known so far
least part of the changes that were reported. Several but may be related to differences in the population
studies that have tried to address this issue are pre- studied or in technical parameters that were used, as is
sented in this work. A third question that is not solved discussed further in the paragraph “Contrast and tech-
yet is to determine the cellular and molecular sub- niques for structural imaging”. Improvement and stand-
strates of imaging changes. This has important impli- ardization of quantitative MR techniques may help
cations for guiding pathological studies to potential solve this issue by allowing better comparison between
cellular targets. Apart from some specific dystonic centers and studies. Changes were mainly located in the
conditions, such as X-linked dystonia, neuropathologi- putamen, but the caudate nucleus, the globus pallidus,
cal studies were frequently negative in sporadic dysto- and the nucleus accumbens were also affected.35,36
nia whereas imaging has detected mainly functional Using diffusion imaging, changes in anisotropy, a
but also structural abnormalities. Here, we present marker of the orientation of water diffusion in fiber
potential cellular and molecular mechanisms that may tracts, or diffusivity, an index of diffusion magnitude,
explain changes in brain structure evidenced using were shown in the basal ganglia in cervical dysto-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Last, we address nia,32,39–41 and spasmodic dysphonia.42 No changes
the question of whether imaging, together with a bet- were observed in blepharospasm.41 Anisotropy was
ter understanding of anatomical changes, may be used most often increased in the basal ganglia and sur-
as a tool to develop and evaluate treatments in rounding white matter.39,41,43,44 Diffusivity was either
dystonia. decreased39,41 or increased.40,42 Changes were also
reported in other regions including the thalamus40,42
and its frontal connections,45 the corpus callosum,41
Is Dystonia Caused by Defects in the white matter abutting the basal ganglia,43,44 basal
ganglia connections with the brainstem and the frontal
the Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum, or cortex,41,46 and the corticobulbar/corticospinal tract.42
Both? Changes reported in the white matter surrounding the
basal ganglia may have been related to abnormalities
There is extensive literature supporting the role of the ba- in neighboring fiber tracts, such as basal ganglia–thal-
sal ganglia in the pathophysiology of dystonia (Table 1). amus, cortico–basal ganglia, or cortico-brainstem, and
The basal ganglia were first implicated in secondary dys- corticospinal tracts, but this remains to be determined.
tonia in neuropathological studies10,11 then in neuroi- Specific investigation of these connections using high-
maging studies using computed tomography (CT)12–14 resolution tractography may help resolve this issue.47
and MRI.15–18 Lesions were most frequently observed Overall, the basal ganglia and their connections to the
in the basal ganglia (Fig. 1A)19 and the thala- cortex and the cerebellum were affected. Increased
mus,15,16,18,20,21 but occasionally in other regions, fractional anisotropy (FA) in the basal ganglia was
including the parietal cortex,22 the cerebellum,23–26 the attributed to increased cellular density and fiber coher-
brainstem,17 and the upper spinal cord.27 The clinical ence, and more ordered tissue structure. Decreased FA
presentation varied depending on the site of the lesion, was attributed to a reduced number of connections.39,41
suggesting that different forms of dystonias may have Abnormalities in regional glucose metabolism have
different origins. For instance, basal ganglia lesions been evidenced in the basal ganglia of patients with pri-
most often resulted in hemidystonia; thalamic lesions mary sporadic dystonias using [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose
resulted in hand dystonia often associated with myoclo- positron-emission tomography (FDG-PET). Increase in
nus,15 tremor, and cerebellar syndrome; brainstem glucose metabolism was most frequently reported in
lesions were associated with dystonia of the upper limb
patients with cervical dystonia,48,49 blepharospasm,50
and face with parkinsonism and tremor17; and spinal
spasmodic torticollis,49 and mixed dystonias.51–53
cord lesion was associated with torticollis.27
Other regions such as the cerebellum, the frontal cor-
In primary sporadic dystonia, on the other hand, con-
ventional imaging was normal until the advent of tex, the thalamus, and the pons showed more variable
voxel-based techniques such as voxel-based morphome- increases or decreases (see Neychev et al.28 and Zoons
try (VBM). Structural abnormalities were then reported et al.29 for review). In sporadic dystonia and early-
in the basal ganglia, the thalamus, the cerebellum, and onset primary dystonia (DYT1), an abnormal pattern
the cortex, especially in the sensorimotor and premotor of metabolic activity characterized by increased metab-
regions as recently reviewed (Fig. 1B).28–30 Gray matter olism was evidenced in a network including the poste-
changes in the basal ganglia were observed in blepharo- rior lenticular nucleus, cerebellum, and supplementary
spasm,31,32 cervical dystonia in isolation32–34 or mixed motor area (SMA).53–56 Abnormalities of dopaminergic
with upper limb dystonia,35,36 musician dystonia,37 and neurotransmission, with reduction in striatal D2 recep-
writer’s cramp.38 Gray matter was most often tor binding, have also been reported.57,58

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TABLE 1. Basal ganglia versus cerebellar involvement in dystonia in imaging studies

Region affected Type of dystonia Primary measure Regions affected References

Basal ganglia
Lesions Secondary dystonia Location of lesion 12–14,16,18,19
VBM Blepharospasm Volume Pu 31,32
Cervical dystonia GP 32–35
Focal hand dystonia GP 36,37
Writer’s cramp 38
Generalized (idiopathic) GP 36
DYT1 dystonia Pu 33
DTI Cervical dystonia FA Pu 39,41
MD CN 40
Writer’s cramp FA 43,44
MD 42
FDG-PET Blepharospasm Metabolism CN 50
Cervical dystonia Pu 48,49
DOPA-responsive dystonia Pu 159
DYT1 dystonia Pu 54,132
DYT6 dystonia Pu 132
Mixed dystonias CN 51,53
Lesions Secondary dystonia Location of lesion 23–26
VBM Blepharospasm Volume Hem 32
Cervical dystonia Floc 32,35
Writer’s cramp Hem 38
DTI Spasmodic dysphonia FA 42
DYT1 dystonia FA 95
DYT1 and DYT6 dystonias FA SCP 95
Tractography CRB-Thal 97
DYT11 dystonia FA, MD Brainstem 96
FDG-PET Blepharospasm Metabolism Verm 50,55
Cervical dystonia Hem 48
DOPA-responsive dystonia Verm 159
DYT1 dystonia Hem 54,132
Mixed dystonias Hem 51

VBM, voxel-based morphometry; Pu, putamen; GP, globus pallidus; DYT1, early-onset primary dystonia; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; FA, fractional anisot-
ropy; MD, mean diffusivity; FDG-PET, [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography; CN, caudate nucleus; Hem, hemisphere; Floc, flocculus; SCP,
superior cerebellar peduncle; CRB-Thal, cerebello-thalamic fasciculus; Verm, vermis.

Functional imaging with PET of functional MRI afferent inputs are inadequately processed at multiple
(fMRI) has been extensively used to study dystonic levels of the central nervous system. This is also sup-
patients using various tasks that did or did not induce ported by electrophysiological studies, which revealed
dystonia. These studies have been extensively reviewed abnormalities of temporal and spatial discrimination
elsewhere29 and only the main results are summarized and integration of sensory signals, using vibration-
here. Changes in activation levels were in general induced illusion or mental representation of
reported in a sensorimotor-related network that movement,70 or mapping of primary somatosensory
included the primary sensorimotor cortex, medial and representations of the digits in patients with writer’s
lateral premotor areas, the parietal cortex, the basal cramp.71
ganglia, the thalamus, and the cerebellum. In the basal There is also evidence coming from other sources to
ganglia, studies reported either increased59–64 or nor- support the role of the basal ganglia. Clinically, dys-
mal activation65 during motor or sensory tasks, tonic movements and postures have been described as
although few studies reported reduced activation.66 It part of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s
is considered that tasks which induced dystonia were disease with dysfunction of the nigrostriatal path-
likely to reflect dystonic activity in the motor cortex ways.72 The efficacy of stereotactic neurosurgery of
and associated areas, whereas tasks that did not the basal ganglia to improve generalized primary dys-
induce dystonia were believed to reflect primary tonia either using lesioning73 or deep brain stimula-
changes in the brain or long-standing consequences of tion74 of the internal segment of the globus pallidus
dystonia. Some studies also reported abnormalities in also points to a central role of the basal ganglia. Last,
movement imagination67 and in the sensory represen- several animal models point to dysfunction of the ba-
tation in dystonias,62,68,69 supporting the view that sal ganglia in dystonia.75,76 Dystonic movements were

946 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


FIG. 1. A: Localization of lesions resulting in secondary dystonia in 14 patients with basal ganglia infarct. Lesions were manually segmented on 3D
T1-weighted images. The area of overlap of all lesions was determined after normalization in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space. The
overlap area (in blue) is superimposed to the mean normalized anatomical images of the patients. The overlap was located in the posterior sensori-
motor part of the putamen (Delmaire C et al., unpublished data). Diffusion-based tractography using this overlap area as seed region showed that
this region was connected to the primary sensorimotor and premotor cortex. B: Statistical parametric maps demonstrating voxel-based morphome-
try (VBM) gray matter network changes in 30 patients with primary focal hand dystonia compared with 30 control subjects. Gray matter decrease
was observed in bilateral primary sensorimotor and premotor cortex, thalamus, cerebellum, and right putamen (P <.01 uncorrected, based on Delm-
aire et al.38).

observed after basal ganglia lesions in both imbalance between the direct “excitatory” and indi-
rodents77,78 and primates.79–83 In primates, lesions rect “inhibitory” output pathways of the basal gan-
inducing dystonia were located in the posterior senso- glia.86 Support for this latter model was recently
rimotor putamen.84 provided in a transgenic mouse model.87,88 In these
Overall, the role of the basal ganglia in dystonia is mice, selective blockade of fast-spiking inhibitory
largely supported by convergent evidence from differ- interneurons, preferentially targeting neurons of the
ent sources. However, a large majority of observations direct pathway, produced symptoms that resembled
have also shown that abnormalities associated with dystonia, suggesting that loss of local inhibition from
dystonia are not limited to the basal ganglia but also these interneurons created an imbalance between the
involve other brain regions, including the cerebral cor- direct and indirect pathways.88 Another model was
tex, the cerebellum, the thalamus, and the brainstem. derived from observations in patients with hereditary
It is now clear these regions participate in dystonia. dystonia DYT3 or X-linked recessive dystonia-parkin-
There are several ways of interpreting their role in sonism (XDP), which is due to a mutation of the
dystonia. TAF1 gene, a general transcription factor.89 These
patients have definite neuroanatomical and neurora-
diological lesions in the striatum (Fig. 2A,B).90,91 In
Interpreting the Role of Other Regions in XDP, striosomal compartments are affected early in
Dystonia the dystonic phase, suggesting imbalance between the
The classical interpretation of changes outside the striosomal and matrix compartments as a cause of
basal ganglia is that they are consequences of basal dystonia.90 A similar interpretation was made for
ganglia dysfunction. Several models of basal ganglia DYT5 or dopa-responsive dystonia.92 According to
dysfunction have been proposed to explain the occur- these models, abnormalities observed outside the basal
rence of dystonia. Earlier models postulated that dys- ganglia using neuroimaging may be secondary or com-
tonia results from (1) a failure of the filtering process pensatory. Structural imaging modifications were
of the basal ganglia that facilitates voluntary move- interpreted as plastic changes due to abnormal motor
ments and suppresses competing ones which may output/sensory input from repetitive movements or
interfere with the selected movement,85 or (2) an dystonic postures.

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FIG. 2. A: Coronal histological sections of the striatum stained using calcineurin in normal control and using calcineurin and calbindin in X-linked
recessive dystonia parkinsonism (XDP-DYT3) patients. The striatum of the control subject presented a strong labeling, diffusely distributed in the
caudate nucleus (CN), putamen (Pu), and nucleus accumbens (NA). In XDP patient, the neostriatum presented patches with high calcineurin labeling
and interpatch area with poor calcineurin labeling. Calcineurin-positive patches closely corresponded with calbindin-positive patches (indicated with
the asterisks). Scale bar 5 5 mm (adapted from Goto et al.90). B: T2-weighted axial magnetic resonance image showing bilateral striatal atrophy and
hyperintense rim around the lenticular nucleus (arrows).

More recent views point to dystonia as a network debated relevance to human dystonia and the poor
disorder and try to accommodate evidence implicating characterization of dystonic symptoms, they provide
other brain regions.28,93 In network models, dystonia valuable direct information on the underlying anatom-
may result from dysfunction or abnormal communica- ical lesions. In the dystonic (dt) rat, which presents
tion of any region in the network, alone or in combi- abnormal movements resembling generalized dystonia,
nation.28 Among potential candidate regions, the surgical removal of the cerebellum eliminates dysto-
cerebellum and the cerebello-thalamo-cortical network nia.99 In the tottering mutant mouse, which presents
have received considerable attention (Table 1).28,93 In abnormal movements resembling paroxysmal dystonia,
addition to the frequent involvement of the cerebellum dystonic attacks were associated with early activation
in primary sporadic dystonia evidenced in imaging of Purkinje cells and deep cerebellar neurons; selective
studies, studies in DYT1 and DYT6 dystonia provided elimination of Purkinje cells eliminated dystonic
further evidence that anatomical disruption of the cer- attacks.100 By using conditional genetics it was possi-
ebellar outflow is an important factor determining the ble to obtain animals with gradients of cerebellar dys-
occurrence of motor symptoms in these subjects. First, function. In these animals, abnormalities restricted to
microstructural abnormalities were reported in the vi- Purkinje cells were sufficient to cause dystonia and the
cinity of the superior cerebellar peduncle in manifest- extent of cerebellar dysfunction determined the extent
ing and non-manifesting DYT1 and DYT6 of abnormal movements.101 This suggests that focal
carriers94,95 and DYT11 carriers.96 Second, diffusion and generalized dystonia may arise through similar
tractography showed reduced connectivity of the cere- cerebellar dysfunction of various extent.101
bellum with the thalamus in both clinically manifest- Another possibility is that the cerebellum interacts
ing and non-manifesting DYT1 and DYT6 mutation with the basal ganglia to generate dystonia (Fig. 3).
carriers.97 Third, reductions in cerebello-thalamic con- There is evidence that the cerebello-thalamo-cortical
nectivity in DYT1 carriers correlated with motor acti- network may interfere with the basal ganglia–thalamo-
vation responses as measured using regional cerebral cortical network in both animals and humans. Ana-
blood flow at rest and during movement.97 This corre- tomically, the 2 networks are thought to communicate
lation was interpreted as loss of inhibition at the corti- in the motor cortex, where the final output coming
cal level consistent with a loss of cerebellar inhibitory from distinct thalamic relays is organized.102 In addi-
outflow.93,97 It is not known whether these findings tion, in macaques, a disynaptic pathway linking the
are specific to DYT1 and DYT6 dystonia or are also dentate nucleus and the striatum was evidenced using
present in sporadic cases. Together with the abnormal histological tract tracing.103 A return pathway from
metabolic activity pattern evidenced in the cerebello- the basal ganglia to the cerebellum was also
basal ganglia network,53,56,98 abnormalities point to reported.104 Physiologically, functional interactions
the cerebellum as playing a crucial role in the dis- between the basal ganglia and the cerebellum were
ease.93 In support of the role of the cerebellum in dys- recently demonstrated in mice, in which stimulation or
tonia, several animal models have implicated a lesions of the cerebellum resulted in changes in striatal
cerebellar dysfunction in dystonia. Although animal dopamine levels.105 The same group has shown that in
models have several limitations, including their mice models implicating the cerebellum, subclinical

948 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


eye-blink conditioning in patients with upper-limb

dystonia.121 These findings reinforce the view that
abnormal cerebellar functioning may support abnor-
mal adaptation in various forms of dystonia. Recently,
conditioning to the cerebellar cortex was shown to
prime ongoing sensorimotor plasticity in the motor
cortex.122,123 In healthy subjects, excitation of the cer-
ebellar cortex by anodal transcranial direct current
stimulation (tDCS) or intermittent theta burst repeti-
tive TMS (rTMS) prevented the development of paired
associative stimulation (PAS)-induced sensorimotor
plasticity in the motor cortex, whereas inhibition of
the cerebellum by continuous theta burst rTMS
enhanced and prolonged cortical plasticity.123
Whether abnormal responses of the motor cortex to
plasticity induction protocol (such as PAS) observed in
FIG. 3. Schematic representation of basal ganglia and cerebellar net-
works and their possible interactions in dystonia. Ref indicates rele- dystonia is related to abnormal cerebellar modulation
vant reference numbers. DN, dentate nucleus; GPe, external segment remains to be demonstrated.
of the globus pallidus; GPi, internal segment of the globus pallidus; Further evidence of abnormal interaction between
M1, primary motor cortex; PM, premotor cortex; STN, subthalamic
nucleus; SMA, supplementary motor area; VA, ventral anterior nucleus the basal ganglia and cerebellar networks in relation
of the thalamus; IL, intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus; VLp, ventral with tremor and L-dopa–induced dyskinesias was
lateral posterioir nucleus of the thalamus; SNr, substantia nigra pars
reticulata; CB ctx: cerebellar cortex.
reported in Parkinson’s disease.124–126 Using concomi-
tant electromyographic recordings and functional con-
nectivity analysis with resting state fMRI, it was
basal ganglia lesions exaggerated dystonic movements.
found that tremor was related with pathological inter-
In mice, an aberrant cerebellar output can have an
actions between the basal ganglia and cerebello-tha-
adverse effect to the basal ganglia and add dystonia to
lamo-cortical circuits. It was proposed that the
parkinsonism.106 These findings implied that the basal
cerebello-thalamic circuit, which controlled tremor
ganglia and the cerebellar networks interacted to gen-
amplitude, was driven into tremor generation when
erate abnormal movements.105
In humans, cerebellar outputs can modulate cortical receiving transient signals from the dopamine-depleted
excitability and therefore interact with the basal gan- basal ganglia, which were transiently activated at the
glia–thalamo-cortical network at the cortical level. onset of tremor episodes and presented increased func-
This modulation was observed following repetitive tional connectivity with the cerebello-thalamic circuit
somatosensory stimulation,107–109 cerebellar degenera- through the motor cortex.126 A beneficial effect on L-
tion, or infarction.110 dopa–induced dyskinesias of repeated sessions of cere-
The cerebellum may play a role in the deficit in sen- bellar inhibitory stimulation was demonstrated in
sorimotor integration observed in dystonia,70 as advanced parkinsonian patients,124,127 this effect was
shown using electrophysiological techniques. The cere- paralleled by a decrease in [18F]-FDG uptake in
bellum processes proprioceptive information, alters bilateral cerebellar hemispheres and dentate nucleus.
somatosensory thresholds in the cortex, and plays a Both electrophysiological and imagery findings support
key role in both temporal and spatial discrimina- the hypothesis that the cerebello-thalamo-cortical
tion.111,112 Using dual-site and double-pulse transcra- circuit is involved in the generation of L-dopa–induced
nial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in humans, it was dyskinesia.128
shown that cerebellar outputs modulated the excitabil- In summary, although there is numerous and con-
ity of the primary motor cortex via their projections verging evidence demonstrating the role of the basal
to local GABAergic inhibitory interneurons.107,113 As ganglia in the pathophysiology of dystonia, a number
GABAergic inhibition in the primary motor cortex is of studies have also suggested a possible role of the
deficient in dystonia, this observation provides possi- cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathway. However, as cere-
ble mechanisms by which the cerebello-thalamo-corti- bellar lesions in humans most often result in ataxia,
cal network may contribute to the loss of inhibitory the contribution of the cerebellum in dystonia remains
processes observed in dystonia.114,115 Last, abnormal to be determined. One possibility is that dysfunction
plasticity and learning processes are considered as im- more than destruction of the cerebellum results in dys-
portant neurophysiological findings in dystonia.116–119 tonia or that dystonia results from abnormal interac-
The cerebellum is also involved in saccadic adaptation tions between the cerebellum and basal ganglia A
and eye-blink conditioning. Saccadic adaptation is better understanding of cerebellar dysfunction and
impaired in patients with myoclonus dystonia120 and interactions with the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical

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network, at the basal ganglia or the cortical levels measured in the subgyral white matter adjacent to the
using combined imaging and neurophysiological sensorimotor cortex94 and in the dorsal pons95 of
approaches, will provide useful information to better non-manifesting DYT1 carriers. More recently, using
understand the contribution of the cerebellar network tractography techniques, the same group showed
in dystonia. greater reduction in the integrity of thalamo-cortical
fiber tracts in non-manifesting DYT1 and DYT6
mutation carriers than in manifesting patients.97 Man-
How Can We Distinguish Cause ifesting and non-manifesting DYT1 mutation carriers
were also compared with idiopathic adult-onset pri-
from Consequence in Imaging mary dystonia (mostly cervical) and control subjects
Studies? using VBM. A genotype (DYT1 mutation status)–phe-
notype (dystonia) interaction was observed in the
Another important yet unsolved question is whether
putamen of these subjects.33 Asymptomatic DYT1 car-
observed changes reflect primary predispositions or are
riers had larger putamen than symptomatic DYT1
secondary changes due to either differential environ-
patients. Increased volume of the putamen in asymp-
mental conditions or to the involvement of regions
tomatic DYT1 carriers was also evidenced in non-
downstream from the primary site of dysfunction. Envi-
DYT1 primary dystonia. In addition, symptom sever-
ronmental conditions in dystonia may include abnormal
ity correlated negatively with putamen volume bilater-
sensory feedbacks to the brain resulting from move-
ally in the DYT1 population. Functional imaging
ment overflow, co-contractions and abnormal postures
studies also showed changes in non-manifesting sub-
in dystonic body parts, or recall of abnormal motor
jects. During performance of a finger-tapping task, in-
programs. As prolonged changes in sensory feedback
termediate activation levels were observed in non-
induced by motor practice and training are known to
manifesting DYT11 mutation carriers.135 Non-mani-
induce changes in brain structure, ie, in grey matter
volume or in fiber tracts and white matter, even among festing DYT1 carriers showed impaired brain activa-
normal subjects,129 such changes in dystonia may not tion and performances during motor sequence
be a cause but a consequence of the dystonic move- learning.136,137
ments or traditionally of the dysfunction of the basal Another group has investigated patients with adult-
ganglia. Cross-sectional studies can most often not dis- onset primary torsion dystonia (AOPTD).131 They
tinguish whether the observed structural changes are used a sensitive endophenotype, the temporal discrimi-
the cause or the consequence of the disease. nation threshold (TDT), as a marker of subclinical
Solutions to this issue may come from studies in pre- gene carriage in unaffected relatives. The TDT is the
disposed patients, such as non-manifesting mutation shortest time interval at which a subject can detect
carriers, in patients with subclinical motor deficits or that two stimuli are asynchronous. Patients with
physiological compensations that are not translated AOPTD present sensory processing abnormalities in
into motor deficits, from longitudinal studies as well tasks such as the TDT.138 Abnormal TDTs was found
as intervention studies. The use of endophenotypes is in 86% of sporadic and familial AOPTD patients, and
thus one approach to this problem. Endophenotypes one-half of the unaffected first-degree and second-
have been defined as markers of subclinical gene car- degree relatives of sporadic and familial AOPTD.
riage in unaffected relatives.130,131 Endophenotyping Bilateral increase in putaminal gray matter was found
looks for markers of altered gene expression in the in unaffected relatives with abnormal TDTs, which
brain of non-manifesting gene carriers as exemplified suggested that structural changes in the putamen were
in the following paragraphs. Increased metabolic activ- a primary phenomenon.131
ity using FDG-PET was reported in a network includ- In patients with writer’s cramp using magnetoence-
ing the posterior lenticular nucleus, cerebellum, and phalography (MEG), disorganized finger somatotopy
SMA in non-manifesting DYT1 gene carriers.54,55 This was reported in primary sensory regions.71 Abnormal-
abnormal metabolic pattern was unrelated to the pres- ities were also observed in the nondominant hemi-
ence of symptoms in DYT1 carriers as it was observed sphere coding the nondystonic limb representations,
in manifesting and non-manifesting carriers with a which correlated with disease severity. As movements
similar expression.54,56 It differed from the one of the nondystonic limb were normally executed,
observed in non-manifesting carriers of the DYT6 abnormalities in the corresponding hemisphere were
mutation because the metabolic abnormalities unlikely to arise from abnormal peripheral inputs and
involved the putamen, the cerebellum, the thalamus, sensory afferent volleys and were interpreted as brain
and the upper brainstem in these subjects.132 Reduc- initial dysfunction. Bilateral abnormalities in patients
tion in striatal D2 receptor binding was reported in affected unilaterally further support the notion that
manifesting as well as non-manifesting DYT1 car- both hemispheres are originally, possibly genetically,
riers.133,134 Using diffusion imaging, reduced FA was affected by the disease and that imaging can detect

950 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


TABLE 2. Overview of the different imaging techniques

Method Techniques Primary measures Information

MRI techniques
Structural Region of interest Volume, shape, surface, thickness Morphometry
(T1-w, T2-w, IR)
Voxel-based techniques Concentration, density or volume of brain Morphometry; volume or signal changes
Cortical thickness; shape analysis Cortical thickness and shape Morphometry
Relaxometry Measurements of T1 and T2/T2* Relaxation times: T1/T2/T2*; relaxation Microscopic architecture of brain tissue;
rates: R1/R2/R2* brain iron (T2/T2*)
Magnetization Images with (MT) and without (M0) MT MT ratio (MTR 5 M0-MT/M0) Degree of myelination, axonal density
transfer pulse
Diffusion DWI, DTI, HARDI; tractography MD, RD, LD, FA, GFA; number of tracks, Diffusion of water in biological tissues;
probability of connection fiber tract-specific reconstructions
Functional Resting state fMRI BOLD signal fluctuations Functional connectivity within brain
Activation fMRI BOLD signal fluctuations Activation levels and functional connec-
tivity during behavioral tasks
PET techniques
Metabolism [18F]-fluoro desoxyglucose ([18F]-FDG) Regional glucose metabolism Brain metabolism
Functional [15O]-H2O Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) Activation level during behavioral tasks
Neurotransmission Ligands for neuroreceptors Visualization of receptor pools Changes in receptor binding

MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; T1-w, T1-weighted; T2-w, T2-weighted; IR, inversion recovery; T1, T1 relaxation time; T2, T2 relaxation time; T2*, gradient
echo T2 relaxation time; R1, T1 relaxation rate; R2, T2 relaxation rate; R2*, T2* relaxation rate; MT, images with MT pulse; M0, images without MT pulse; MT,
magnetization transfer; MTR, magnetization transfer ratio; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; HARDI, high angular resolution diffu-
sion imaging; MD, mean diffusivity; RD, radial diffusivity; LD, longitudinal diffusivity; FA, fractional anisotropy; GFA, generalized fractional anisotropy; fMRI,
functional MRI; BOLD, blood oxygen level dependent contrast; PET, positron emission tomography.

primary changes in dystonic patients. Impaired sensory subjects do not develop dystonia and other factors
function and representation may thus be seen as sub- such as overpractice are necessary. Data also showed
clinical endophenotype trait of disease.130 that changes can be modulated by the expression of
Investigation of patients with subclinical motor defi- the disease. Differences between types of dystonia may
cits also provided interesting information. An example be relevant and point to differences in pathophysiol-
of this approach consisted of comparing patients ogy, although this requires further investigation.
expressing or not expressing dystonic symptoms. For
instance, a whistling task allowed studying the oro- Why Have Pathological Studies
mandibular motor system in clinically affected patients
with Meige’s syndrome (combining blepharospasm Failed to Reveal Abnormalities
and oromandibular dystonia) and unaffected patients Where Imaging Studies Point?
with isolated blepharospasm.139 During whistling,
patients with Meige’s syndrome showed deficient acti- Another unsolved issue is to understand the discrep-
vation in the face primary motor and ventral premotor ancy between neuroimaging findings and the few his-
cortex, whereas both forms of dystonia had increased tological studies conducted so far, which showed only
activation in bilateral somatosensory areas and caudal limited morphological abnormalities.141 This question
SMA. This suggested that impaired motor activation is of importance, as a better understanding of the
was specific to the clinically affected oromandibular changes depicted using neuroimaging may help guid-
motor system in Meige’s syndrome whereas increased ing future histological studies. Although modern neu-
somatosensory activation was independent of the roimaging methods have been used extensively to
affected motor system.139 Task-independent altera- study changes in brain structure of patients with dys-
tions within a writing-related parieto-premotor circuit tonia, the significance of the imaging changes remains
were also observed in writers’ cramp using resting poorly understood. Speculation on the candidate
state fMRI.140 mechanisms that underlie neuroimaging changes can
In summary, these data demonstrate that structural help explain the neuroimaging observations (Table 2).
changes can preexist the occurrence of symptoms in
dystonia in the basal ganglia and the cortex, and in Contrast and Techniques for Structural
the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathways. Presympto- Imaging
matic changes are markers of predisposition but may VBM142 and cortical thickness types of analyses143
not be sufficient to cause dystonia, as many at risk rely on the voxel-based comparison of T1-weighted

Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013 951

 R I C Y
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signal intensities, which depend on T1 relaxation time. may contribute to the explanation of the observed
T1 relaxation time reflects interactions between pro- structural changes. Primary cellular changes associated
tons and their surroundings (called the lattice) and with DYT1 mutation, such as altered protein folding,
depends mainly on the mobility of water within the abnormal cell trafficking, and altered cytoskeletal and
microenvironment.144 How this contrast relates to the vesicle dynamics,7 may also contribute to differences
underlying cellular and tissue microstructure (neuronal in water diffusion or relaxation parameters evidenced
densities, cell size, myelination) is not known. As a in the affected brain of DYT1 carriers.97
consequence, although VBM provides metrics such as Combined histological and MRI studies in animal
“concentration,” “density,” or “volume” of brain tis- models of dystonia may help us better understand the
sue, any tissue property that affects the T1 relaxation relationships between imaging and histological
time, will affect voxel intensities on a T1-weighted changes. In normal mice, training with water-maze
image, and hence will influence voxel-based compari- tasks resulted in specific growth in the hippocampus
sons even in the absence of volumetric changes. or the striatum, depending on the version of the
Efforts have been made to develop more quantita- task.153 Volume growth correlated with GAP-43 stain-
tive techniques than VBM, which probe more directly ing, a marker of neuronal process remodeling, but not
into the tissue microarchitecture and aim at revealing with neurogenesis and numbers or sizes of neurons or
the physical properties of water that govern MRI con- astrocytes. This suggested that plasticity-related
trast to better characterize tissue properties.145 Major changes reflected remodeling rather than neurogenesis.
quantitative contrast parameters include longitudinal In animal models of dystonia, a recent study has
(T1) and transverse (T2/T2*) magnetization transfer shown highly similar patterns of brain structural
(MT), and diffusion indexes. MT is thought to corre- changes in human non-manifesting DYT1 carriers and
late with the degree of myelination146 and axonal den- DYT1 mutant mice that contain the torsin1A gene
sity.147 Diffusion imaging allows the calculation of mutation.154 Mutant mice, which did not display
several indexes that characterize the overall displace- abnormal movements, exhibited significant diffusion
ment of molecules and presence of obstacles to diffu- tractography changes in the cerebello-thalamo-cortical
sion (ie, mean diffusivity [MD]), the orientation of fiber tracts and in brainstem regions linking cerebellar
diffusion (ie, FA), and the diffusion directions along and basal ganglia motor circuits. In line with human
the main direction of diffusion (axial or longitudinal observations, metabolic activity using micro-PET in
diffusivity) and perpendicular to it (radial or trans- the mice sensorimotor cortex correlated with integrity
verse diffusivity).148 Anisotropy relates to the presence measures of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathway.154
of oriented structures such as axons in fiber bundles, These findings indicated that DYT1 mutant torsinA
such as membrane,149 myelin,150 axon diameter and had similar effects in mice and humans, suggesting
packing density,151 longitudinal filaments, and cyto- that animal models may help elucidate the histological
skeleton. It is generally accepted that changes in axial correlates of diffusion and connectivity changes in
diffusivity mainly reflect axonal damage whereas dystonia.
changes in radial diffusivity reflect myelin damage. In summary, the understanding of the mechanisms
Because of the lack of specificity of the anisotropy and of dystonia using neuroimaging is thus limited,
diffusivities, diffusion microscopy techniques were because these changes are partially understood and are
developed to directly probe tissue features such as not specific to the underlying cellular processes. In
mean axon radius and neurite density.152 addition, the molecular and cellular changes that were
associated with structural imaging changes are not
routinely investigated in histological studies, and com-
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
parisons with imaging data are scarce.
Underlying Changes in Brain Structure
Studies at the cellular and molecular level have iden-
tified potential candidates that may be associated with
extensive practice and overtraining, and are exten-
How Does Understanding Anatomy
sively reviewed in Zattore et al.129 In gray matter, Help Us to Think About New
changes may be of neuronal or non-neuronal origin. Treatments?
At the neuronal level, changes may relate to differen-
ces in number and morphology of neurons and synap- Improved knowledge of the anatomy of dystonia
ses.129 Extraneuronal changes include increases in size contributes to a better understanding of brain dysfunc-
and number of glial cells. In white matter, changes in tion and may therefore help develop new therapeutic
the number of axons, axon diameter, the packing den- strategies targeting the affected structures. As detailed
sity of fibers, axon branching, axon trajectories, and above, neuroanatomical and imaging studies improved
myelination may result in changes in diffusion met- our understanding of the anatomical substrate of dys-
rics.129 In dystonia, overuse of the affected body part tonia by showing that regions implicated in the disease

952 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


involved not only basal ganglia networks but also cer- combination with clinical and genetic biomarkers,
ebellar networks. Understanding dysfunction in these could also expand the application of imaging to the
networks will help us understand how they contribute investigation of the anatomical and physiological bases
to the different forms of dystonias. For instance, a and differences of the different forms of dystonias, as
better knowledge of the physiological interac- was successfully done for Alzheimer’s disease.158
tions between the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical and
cerebello-thalamo-cortical networks using animal Conclusion
models,105 and maging,126 or electrophysiology123 in
humans will help clarify the functional significance of While dystonias are traditionally viewed as resulting
abnormal interactions between these networks in dys- primarily from basal ganglia dysfunction, neuroana-
tonia. Another example comes from dopa-responsive tomical and imaging studies in animal and humans
dystonia in which a differential striosome-matrix pat- have provided evidence that primary dystonia may be
tern of dopaminergic loss was hypothesized to contrib- a neurodevelopmental circuit disorder, involving the
ute to the genesis of dystonia symptoms.90,92 Drugs cortico-striato-pallido-thalamo-cortical and cerebello-
targeting this imbalance may be relevant to other thalamo-cortical pathways. Key questions are to
types of dystonia. understand the role of each region in the networks
Imaging can also be used to monitor the effect of and whether differential dysfunction of regions in
therapy in dystonia patients. In patients with writer’s these networks explains the variability between sub-
cramp, the pathophysiological basis of rehabilitation groups. It is also important to determine whether there
therapy was investigated using MEG.155 After recover- is a final common pathway for all dystonias. Second,
ing a legible handwriting, patients presented normal imaging studies suggested that some structural changes
somatotopic organization of the fingers in the sensory in these networks were primary, whereas others were
cortex controlling the dystonic limb, whereas this rep- modulated by the expression of the disease. Third, a
resentation was disorganized in untreated patients. better understanding of the cellular processes underly-
These results suggested that prolonged tailored reha- ing neuroimaging changes observed in dystonia may
bilitation in writer’s cramp induced long-term plastic- help us better understand the pathophysiological basis
ity changes, specifically lateralized to the cortex of dystonia and guide future histological studies. Last,
controlling the dystonic hand.155 Several investigators better knowledge of the anatomical lesions associated
have studied the effect of botulinum toxin using with dystonia may help guide the development of
fMRI. Botulinum toxin treatment partly reversed over- treatments directed toward new target structures and
activity of somatosensory areas and caudal SMA in circuits and to evaluate treatment effects.
Meige syndrome patients, but did not improve
impaired motor activation.139 The authors concluded Acknowledgments: We are grateful to H.A. Jinnah, Departments
of Neurology, Human Genetics, and Pediatrics, Emory University,
that overactivity in the somatosensory cortex in orofa- Atlanta, GA, for helpful discussion.
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