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[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ✨✨✨ENCHANTED (Rare love)

°•°[Introductions] •°•❄❄

Episode 1

Every girl wants their life to be a fairytale and they always dream about that DAY. They want to
enjoy every second, minute and hour of that day. On that day everyone praises her and compliment
her, she gets showers of love and above all the love of the one who made that day possible. I know
of a girl who have such dreams and want them to come true but something happened that she ____.

Uh-huh how about we just start the story from the beginning. It all began in a small village called

'Birpur' a very beautiful village known of its magnificent mountains of sand(sand dunes) and it's
beautiful horizon during sunset. It's also known of it's good and kind people, who love and care
about everyone. Be it a friend, a neighbor or a stranger. And above all its known of it's beautiful
maidens! Those that men come from other neighboring villages and cities just to seek for their hand
in marriage. But there's one particular girl. A very beautiful girl, a girl with extraordinary looks. Some
call her a moon goddess and some call her a fallen angel .

Well I won't encourage you to refer to her with those names because you might her quite
interesting. How she is, will be decided by you and not me. Where does this girl stay?

In Hansa Vikramaditiya Singh palatial mansion. Hansa Vikramaditiya Singh is a respected and an
honorable lady in the whole of Birpur. Her daughters and daughter-in-laws are known to be very
cultured and reserved. Why won't she be so respected when she is a very strict and orthodox
woman. Her daughters-in-laws don't have the courage to argue with her nor complain about
anything. They just have to follow orders and nothing else.

Let's take a sneak peep into this family.

"I wonder where this butterfly is? She's always flying there and there looking for trouble. "

"Sister-in-law Rano what are you mumbling about? "

The lady stopped crushing the chillies and looked at Rank. "Yes, yes I have gone mad Dilshad. I mean
why won't I talk to myself when we have such a naughty girl staying with us in this house. She will
get us killed some day,"Rano snapped and went back to her work.

"Sister-in-law, please don't chide her so much. She's just a child after all. "

"She's just a child she say?! Look, she's eighteen years old and it's time for her to get married. Til
when will she remain a child tell me? She's just a child my foot! "
"Rano,she knows that the time has come for her to get married but she never understands. She is
well aware of the traditions of our family. If mother comes to know about her last misdeed. Dilshad,
you and I will be severely punished by her. "

"Rano, please don't talk like that. Mother in law shouldn't come to know what she did. "

"Hohooo! This is the main reason your daughter is a complete mess. That girl will never learn til you
teach her Dilshad. Do you understand me? "

"What are you saying Rano? She's our daughter right? Mimi is our child right? If I don't teach her,
you will do it right? "Dilshad looked at her with a smile.

Rano sighed and sat next to her. "Yes. She's the only child of this family. If we don't love her who
will. I couldn't become a mother but you gave me the privilege of becoming one by giving birth to
our dear Mimi. Thank you for that, "she gave her a hug. "But where is this silly girl Dilshad? "

"I don't know sister? "

"If mother comes back from the temple and find that she's still not back from the college she will
be very furious. "

"Oh dear Goddess! Where are you Meerah? "

"Make way! Make way! Make way for me please! "she said passing through the crowd of students in
the courtyard. "I have to get home as soon as possible! "

"Hey Meerah! Meerah, wait up for me! "her best friend called out and she turned around.

"Not now Rajji. I have to reach home without grandma or else I will be in big trouble. "

"Meerah even I have to get home and make supper for everyone. "

"Rajji, you don't understand. Grandma, is not someone you would want to mess up with. Mom has
asked me to come early from school today. I don't know why because it's not my birthday today. "

"Silly! "Rajji hit her behind the head. "A marriage proposal must have come for you, that's why. "

"Accha! (Really?) Oh no Rajji I have to get home or else I am doomed. "

"Someone is eager to meet her groom for the first time, "Rajji gave her a teasing nudge smiling.
"Hey, I am your friend spend some time with me as well. You will leave me and go some day. "

She shyly smiled holding her books in her hand. "Yes Rajji, I will spare some time for you but right
now I have to go home. Come let's hurry! "they held hands and ran out of the school premises.
"Golgappas! Aloo puri! Rajji let's get some,"she said licking her lips in desire.

"Hey, we have to go home. Remember you have to get there before your grandma. If you waste
time and money on this food, you will get in real trouble. Deep, deep waters! Do you understand
me? "

"Rajji please. Let's have some huh? Anyway grandma will be back only in the evening. Come let me
treat you, next time it will be you spoiling me, "she looked at the vendor. "Listen sir please give me
spicy golgappas, two plates of aloo puri and pack some jalebis for me. "

"Okay ma'am, "the man served me the gulams and they ate them.

"Hmm, this is yummy sir. Please give me some,"she smiled and by accident her veil fell off from her
face revealing it. She gasped and tried to tie it back and that's when she saw her grandma staring
deadly and angrily at her. I gulped up and tied the veil.

"Rajji, I will leave now. "

"But why? You were enjoying a while back. "

"I have to go Rajji. See you. "

"Hey Meerah! "

"How dare you do something like that Meerah? Don't you know that the girl child of Hansa
Vikramaditiya Singh's house is not suppose to go out without a veil in her head then how did you
dare try to disgrace me! "

"Grandma, I.... I didn't ___. "

"Are you arguing with me now! For this shameless deed of yourself I am going to flog you with this
walking stick of mine. Give me your hand. "

After giving her ten strokes, Meerah ran to her room and sat on her bed crying, looking at her
bruised hand.

Her mother walked in and sat down next to her."Let me see. It must be paining right? Why do you
do so Mimi? You know that mother gets angry so quickly. How can you walk around the market
without a veil on huh? "

"Mommy, are you here to tell me how bad I am or help treat my hand? "she asked annoyed.

"She's here to do both, "her aunt came in with a small bowl. "Here Dilshad, apply this henna paste
on her. Her bruises will be cured by tomorrow morning. "
"Aunt, I didn't take off the veil by purpose. It fell off by mistake. And what's all this? Do we really
have to walk around the village with veils over our heads and faces like we are some mentally
unstable women. Since childhood I have been listening to grandma but now it's enough mom."

"Shut up Mimi! You have grown wings now I can see. If mother hears you, she won't hesitate to chop
you into pieces right this minute, "her aunt pulled her ear.

"Mimi, Rano is right. Whatever grandma is doing is for the benefit of us. Take for example Birpur is
very sunny and hot. If we walk about with no veil then we will lose our beautiful complexion. The veil
is our shade. And I am sure you won't want your groom to find you all dark colored and ugly. "

"Exactly Mimi. She just want him to find you so beautiful and light colored and more than that,"her
aunt added.

"Mom, aunt, I am not a kid okay? I know very well that grandma still thinks this is the 1980s where
they used to do things this way but mom we are in the twenty-first century. I mean hello people!
"she groaned rolling her eyes.

"While coming here she asked me to give you this photo. He is Dev Shivrastra and he is from Virpur.
He is the one coming to meet you tomorrow morning. How is he? Handsome right? "her aunt asked.

"He is not how I thought he would look like but still he is average. Let's see if he will be able to
tolerate me or not, "she smiled staring at the photograph.

"Mimi, please don't mess anything up or else mother will kill you this time around. "

"Aunt, I don't always cause trouble. I will try to be in my out most behavior tomorrow. "

"Good girl. "


[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Genre ;melodrama and romance


Episode 2.....(Two) ❄❄❄

(The first encounter and marriage alliance)

"Wakey! Wakey sleeping beauty!"her mother called out as she walked over to the curtains and
opened them widely and the sun rays penetrated through the sundown onto Meerah's face.

She groaned turning her face to the other side.

"Mimi, wake up! We have to go to the temple with grandma to give offerings to the goddess for
blessing you with such an amazing gift. "

"Mom, what's good in getting married? It's not a big deal anyway, "she replied with a low voice.

"Mimi, marriage is a big deal you know. The girl has to leave everything behind and stay with her in
laws. For a girl to do that doesn't take naughtiness. It takes courage and maturity,"her mom said
stroking her head.

"If this alliance is going to separate me from my mothers then I don't want to get married,"she
yawned sitting cross legged on the bed and faced her mother with her face in her hands. "I don't
wish to get marr___. "

"Quiet! "she put her hand on her lips and sternly gave her daughter a look. "Don't ever say that. You
know the traditions of this house. At the age of eighteen you have to get married. I got married
when I was seventeen, you know. "

"Mom, I have thought about all this marriage thing. I want to study mom. If I get married what will
happen to my studies then? Will I become a house wife? No. No, I can't do that. "

"Mimi, its a duty if a wife and a daughter in law to take care of her husband and his family. You will
have to take care of them dear. Come go take a shower. Rano and I will be waiting for you
downstairs. Go on now. "

"Okay mom, "she breathed out and hang down her feet from the bed.

"Mimi, don't you dare set your feet on the ground without thanking the lord first. "

She rolled her eyes and closed her eyes taking a silent prayer.


"Mimi, take this veneration platter and offer prayers to goddess Lakshmi, "her aunt smiled giving her
the platter. She stood in front of the goddess's idol and offered her prayers.
***Dear Goddess, you have blessed me with something that all the girls of Birpur wants and desire. I
just want to thank you for this alliance. And goddess may he be a nice and romantic husband and
love me the most in the world. Please dear goddess. ***

"Now offer this rose water to the goddess's feet. "

She took the pitcher and poured the water over the goddesses feet.

"The prayers are done now. We should head home and get the girl ready to meet her visitors
daughter in law. This time around make sure she doesn't do anything absurd because of she does I
will give her the worst punishment ever. Do I make myself clear Dilshad? "

"I promise you mother that Mimi will be at her out most behavior today. "

"Good. I will meet you at home. I have somewhere to go first. Come in the other car. "

"Okay mother. "

Meerah looked around and saw a stall selling her favorite snack. A smile crept on her face and ran
towards the stall without her parents noticing.

"Rano, where is Mimi? "Dilshad asked when she turned around and found her missing from Rano's

"Oh dear Goddess this girl will get us murderer by mother. Listen Dilshad we have to split now. I will
go this way and I will take this side. "

"Okay Rano. You be careful okay and please don't scold her too much. "

"I will try Dilshad. Now go on, "she sighed looking for a girl wearing a yellow salwar suit around the

"Listen sir please give me five plates of gulaam gamuls please. My taste buds are watering upon the
smell of the aroma, "she smiled looking at the foods. Her eyes fell on a batel leaf. "Batel leaf! Sir, do
you know my grandma Hansa Vikramaditiya Singh loves batel leaves. Please pack ten of them for
me. "

"You are Hansa Vikramaditiya Singh's granddaughter? "

"Ye sir. Do you by any chance know my grandma? "

"Dear, your grandma is quite famous in Birpur due to her charity work. She gives to the old and poor
people. Money, blankets and food baskets. Though she looks cold from the outside, inside she's a
warm hearted person. "

Meerah thought of her grandma and her harsh punishments and she shuddered. "Erm___I won't say
that about her sir. "

"Here dear your gulaam gumuls. "

She sat down on the chair and ate up the gulaams. Complimenting them as she ate them one by
one. "Wow! Spicy gulaam gumuls are the best! "she squeaked hungrily licking her fingers. "I can't
ever have the best of them. Can I have five more please. I would like to try sweet chilli ones this time
sir. "

"Meerah! "a voice called behind her. Her heart stopped and the snack in her hand fell down. She
started sweating. She's in trouble for running off like that. She slowly turned her head around, ready
to face her aunt's wrath.

"Rajji! You and here? "she snorted in relief and walked over to her. "Do you know you scared me. "

"Meerah, you should be scared because your mother and aunt are looking for you like hawkers. They
both saw me in the temple offering prayers in behalf of dad and asked me if I had seen you. Then I
asked myself where can you find Meerah when she's missing? "

"A stall selling ______. "

"Gulaam gamuls! "they said in unison smiling.

"Meerah, you have to go back or your aunt will kill you. Hey, I want to tell you something very, very
important. "

"Go on I am listening, "she nodded with her mouth of a her favorite snack.

"The groom and his family are coming to meet you today right? "

"Right. "

"In order to know that the boy isn't a mama's boy, you will have to test his love for you. "

"Rajji, the guy is only coming to see me. If he likes me things will be taken forward. And anyway the
person getting married is Hansa Vikramaditiya Singh's granddaughter. It won't matter if the guy
doesn't like me or not. "

"But if he says yes then you will have to do what I am about to tell you. Sister Geet once did the
same thing and now brother in law loves her so much. You too will have to do the same thing. "

"What thing is that Rajji? "

She came closer to her and whispered in her ear. Meerah's eyes widened and shifted away.
"Rajji are you crazy or what?! "

"Trust me it will work. Now go before aunt or your mother spot you here. "

She took her package and ran towards the car with a smile on her face.

Her waist lace, anklets and bangles tingling as she ran. While running she had her eyes on her watch
that she didn't see the man standing on the way with a venetration platter in his hands. When she
finally raised her head it was already too late she bumped onto the man, lost her balance and made
a fall. The platter in the man's hand flew up as he immediately caught Meerah before she could fall.
She gasped when she felt his hands around her waist. Her eyes fell on his brown ones and they had
an eye lock and some vermilion fell on Meerah's face.

He slowly helped her up on her feet not breaking the eye contact. Meerah gulped up upon seeing
the majestic being standing in front of her and not only standing he was holding her diligently. Her
veil fell off her face revealing her face.

"Oh no aunt and mom will kill me. I have to go,"she pulled herself from him and ran away.A gust of
wind came by and her veil flew from her shoulder and went with the wind and fell on the man's
head. Meerah looked back but didn't stop to go and retrieve her veil. She continued running away.

The man took the veil off and looked at it.

"It's embroidery work piece and very rare one to be exact. Why would she leave behind such an
expensive piece of cloth? "he looked up with the veil in his hand. "Women and their irresponsible
and careless behavior. This is one of the reasons why I hate women. They never do anything right. All
they know is to use things and throw them away as if it's nothing,"he said angrily and threw the veil
on the ground.

"Sir, we have to leave for Dubai now. The meeting of the investors will be held there. And you as the
biggest investor you have to be there tonight, "his PA said.

"Bring the designer samples Param. We need them for the next clothing designs, "he gave and
walked to his car. His PA saw the veil on the ground and picked it up.

"What is this doing here? If sir finds out that one of the samples is missing he will get me hanged. I
should put it with the other samples."

Vikramaditiya Mansion

"Where did you run to? And you lost your dupatta too, "her aunt asked with a stern face.

"Aunt, I..... I.... "

"Enough Meerah! When will you grow up huh? Do you want mother to know about this deed you
have done? She will kill you Meerah. You know that nothing matter the most to mother than her
reputation and self respect but you don't want to understand this simple thing! You are all messed
up and with vermilion on you. Thank the heavens that mother is not at home."

"Rano, she's feeling guilty already. You just let it be okay? "her mother said.

"No Dilshad! Her tears make you weak I know that but they continue to make you weak then
Meerah will continue to be like this. She will headlessly make mistakes knowing that with one tear
drop you will forgive her. That veil she lost was made by you and she lost it! "

"Aunt, I... I am sorry. I promise to stitch up ten veils to make up for the veil I lost. Mom has taught
me embroidery work so I will do it but please forgive me aunt. Everyone can stay angry at me but
not you. I won't be able to forgive myself if you don't forgive me. "

"Dilshad take Meerah to her room and prepare a rose water bath for her. I want her to look
beautiful and radiant today. I will GI supervisor Rashmi in the kitchen, "she said ignoring Meerah.

"Aunt please forgive me. I'm truly sorry aunt. "

"If you're truly sorry Meerah prove it to me. Now go get ready before mother comes back. "

"Aunt, you please ____. "

"Leave it Mimi. She's very angry at you now and she won't forgive you so soon. You came with me,
"her mother said taking her upstairs.

"You are angry at me too right mom? "

"Yes. Now come on take your bath, "she lightly pushed her into the bathroom.

After taking the bath she looked at her skin which was so soft and smooth. She came out and her
mother gave her a pink saree to wear and she helped her drape it.

"Sit, let me do your hair, "her mother smiled at her.

"Mom, I don't know why I always mess things up. I never do any of those things intentionally mom.
They just happen and they only happen with me. "

"Hey Mimi don't cry dear, "her mother cupped her face. "I was angry when I saw you with no veil on
your head and with vermilion all over your face and dress. But can I ever stay angry at you for more
than a second? No right. You know why? Because I love you Mimi. I love you so very much. "

"But aunt? Will she forgive me? Mom, I can tolerate grandma and you being angry with me but not
aunt. She's everything to me mom. Please ask her to forgive me mom. "

"I will try Mimi but you know how she is right? "

"Dilshad, she's not ready yet? Mother and the guests are here and she asked me to call you too, "her
aunt came in. Meerah went over to her and hugged her.
"Please forgive me mother. Please forgive me."

She smiled and disengaged from the hug. "Mimi, I was angry but not anymore. You are our baby doll,
our adorable Meerah. Don't cry dear. Now is the time to smile and rejoice. Come now we should go
down stairs. "

"My grandchild is a very beautiful and cultured girl. She will make a perfect daughter in law. You will
be pleased with her by first look. "

"We believe so Hansa devi because ever since Dev got the photo of your granddaughter he hasn't
been able to take his eyes off her,"his mother said looking at her son.

"Really? Then he must like her a lot. Anyway she's a mesmerizing beauty with natural looks."

Dev looked upwards and saw them coming with her in between her mother and aunt. She was
wearing a white sari ;his favorite color and a veil over her head but not covering her face though.
She was so beautiful! More than beautiful!

The sounds of her anklets and waist lace were complementing everything. She looked like an angel.
She was glowing just like one.

Ma'am this are my daughter in laws;Rano and Dilshad. And she's my granddaughter, yah. Rano and
Dilshad are both her mothers. "

Mrs. Shivrastra walked over to Meerah and cupped her face and made her look up. "She's very
beautiful. What's your name dear? "

"Meerah, "she timidly replied and lowered her eyes once again.

"It's a very beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you. Dev, what do you think dear? Should we go
ahead with the alliance? "

He stood up his eyes never leaving Meerah."Mom, I will marry Meerah, "he didn't miss the beautiful
smile on her face when he said that. "She's the type of girl I have been looking for. She's the one I
want to marry but before that I would like to hear what Meerah has to say about this. "

"Dev, the girls in our family doesn't have a say in such matters, "her grandma said instantly.

"I know that grandma but please can you grant me this permission as your would be son in law. "

She hesitantly nodded. Dev took Meerah to the roof top and looked at her.
"You are very beautiful Meerah, "he said hoping she would raise up her head but she just smiled. "I
know that it's our parents wish to see us married but I want to hear your opinion in this matter
Meerah. "

"Well actually _____I have always wanted to get married but I never really ___want to go far away
from my mothers, you see. I don't want to go to Virpur leaving my family behind. "

"Meerah, it's destiny for a girl to leave her maternal home and live with her in laws. Will you refuse
this marriage alliance just for that reason? To be honest Meerah, I love you and I want to spend the
rest of my life with you. I realized that I love you the first time i saw your photo. Please give me a
chance. "

"You didn't let me finish my statement earlier,"she said. "However I am willing to leave everything
behind and start a new chapter with you. "

He made an attempt to hug her but she stepped back.

"I'm so sorry. I am just happy that's why I___"he smiled crazily looking at her. "Thank you Meerah. "

"You're welcome but will you demand dowry from us? "

"Meerah, its our Indian culture and customs that the bride's family pay dowry but I don't believe in
all that so as my family. We can never do such a thing. We are never going to ask for dowry Meerah.

She smiled. "We should go back inside, "she started to walk away but Dev caught her scarf. She
gasped and stopped.

"Now that we have agreed to partake on this journey together, can't you atleast let me see your
face. Just once. "

She slowly turned around and looked at him. "Beautiful, "he dreamily said with a wide smile on his
face. She quickly turned back and ran back to the house.

"The sound of her anklets are very unique. I have heard many before but they weren't anything like
this. This is like music. I love you Meerah. "

Later that Day[In Shivrastra House;In Virpur]

"Have you fallen in love with her Dev? "his mother asked. "If yes was that the reason you said no to
dowry you idiot?! Hansa Vikramaditiya Singh is a diamond mine and you said no to that? "

Dev smiled and looked at his mother. "You were right mother Hansa Vikramaditiya's granddaughter
is extremely beautiful and I should have been careful but I got carried away by her beauty. "
He frowned. "I almost lost myself and my goal while looking at her innocent face. "

"But you did son. You did. Our mission is to make Hansa Vikramaditiya very poor. We are only there
to seek revenge to what she did to your father twenty five years ago and we will get our revenge by
ruining her granddaughter's life. "

"Mom, I haven't forgotten what you and father went through because of that old hag. One of her
dead sons stole money from her house and they assumed you and father of stealing it and sent you
to jail. Father, is late but I will revenge for his insult and snatch away the wealth and riches that she
has and bring her down to the ground. '

"But you didn't demand dowry Dev. "

"Mom, if we want to make an entry into that house we have to have Meerah's trust. I believe she
has started trusting me now and she must be dreaming about me now. Mom, Meerah is the only
child which means everything that old woman owns belongs to her. Marrying her means getting
everything Hansa owns then after that we will show them their true worth. "

His mother smiled looking at him.

"We will at any cost destroy Hansa Vikramaditiya Singh! "they pledged.


[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ❄ Genre;melodrama and romance

ENCHANTED (Rare Love) ❄❄


(Is it love?...... Do I love him)

"Tell me Meerah, how is the guy? "Rajji asked her with a teasing look on her face. Meerah flushed
and looked away.

"Rajji, he is calm as the waters by the river side.He has a gentle soul, you know. Rajji, I did as you
have told me. He told his mom that they won't ask for dowry. "

"That is it then! "Rajji exclaimed making her jolt up a little. Rajji bit her tongue when she realized she
just startled her. "Sorry, sorry,"she apologized and cleared her throat. "As I was saying Meerah, that
is it. Dev Shivrastra loves you and can fight with the whole world for you. Okay now tell me, do you
love love him as much, huh? "
Meerah looked at her confused. "Love? Rajji,I don't know what I feel for him anymore. Do you know
my dream man was actually the opposite of Dev. I know that I am crazy but that is what I really want
in a man, "she said dreamily.

"Okay Ms. Dreams, what do you really want in a man? "

Meerah walked to the window and stared at the skies and smiled as she saw a picture in her mind.
"Fierce eyes, eyes that can make everyone shiver in fear. A man who has aura and authority around
him. A man who exert control on everything. He must be respectful, a challenger, a risk taker, and
should have a solution to every problem. He must be troublesome somehow. "

"Oh devimiya! "Rajji mentally slapped her forehead and made Meerah look at her. "Tum pagal
ho(Are you crazy?) You will never find such a man in Birpur. Never. "

"Why Rajji? Why can't there be a man like that in Birpur? "

Rajji shook her head and made her sit on the bed. "Meerah, this is Birpur. Who is the richest man in
the whole of Birpur tell me. "

"The King. "

"Actually, and he is the only one who exert control in this village. Tej Singh Tejawat and I am sure
that you don't want to get married to that leech. "

Meerah's body shuddered with disgust. "Rajji chup(shut up) I know that I want a man who is
powerful but King Tejawat is not in the list of those men. I rather die than get married to that
disgusting creature who marry girls just because of their physical appearance. He is sick and a
pervert. I heard that he also have__,"she closed her eyes and swallowed hard unable to say it.

"Yes, Meerah he does it in public. He is such a disgust man,"Rajji crunched her nose. "Anyway forget
about all that. Meerah, you, yourself is terror and you want someone like you?! Truly I am convinced
that you are crazy. Who in this world is the perfect match for you. The man who fits in your
description of a man hmm?"

Meerah shrugged with a smile. "I don't know Rajji but I am sure that he is somewhere else just
waiting for me. "


"Good evening sir, "everyone bowed as he walked into the office making his way to the conference
room. "Good evening VK. "

He just walked passed them and made his way upstairs followed by his PA.

"Aww VK, is so handsome, "one of the ladies said swoon.

"But he is so cold. His attitude and everything about him, "another added.
"And that's what makes him hot. His aura, attitude and everything about him is what makes him
attractive Veera. He is the 'Boss', VK and now that he is back do not goof up. He doesn't forgive
mistakes even if its a small one.Did I make myself clear Veera? "

"Yes ma'am. "

VK sat on his chair and picked up the telephone besides him and dialed a number.

"Yes sir, "someone answered on the other line.

"Sasha, listen I won't be taking any calls today. I don't want to be disturbed while I am working oka?
"he said with his melodies yet rough and authorative tone. There was silence on the other end as the
girl was holding tight to the phone, her chest raising up hastily.

"Sasha! Sasha! "he raised his voice snapping her out of her dreams.

"Y__yes s_sir. I won't pass any calls to you but sir what if it's from home? "Sasha asked.

VK sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You can receive only those calls and tell them that I will get
back to them when I am done with my meetings. Is that understood? "he asked.

"Yes sir understood. "

He disconnected the call and looked at Param;his PA. "Tell me Param, do I really intimidate you so
much that you can't even sit properly on the chair? "he raised his eyebrow at him.

"N_no, no sir. It's just that I am comfortable this way? "Param nervously smiled and adjusted his

"I see, "VK nodded and leant close to his desk putting his arms on the table. "When is Forrester
Creations coming to look at the designs? "

"Anytime soon s_sir. W_we should go to t_the conference room right now. We do have the designs
with us. "

"Good. Shall we? "he stood up and walked out of the office.

"God, why does he always have to be so tensed? He never smiles when he is talking. All he knows is
to shout and fire people. I am tensed too, "Param took the files and left after him.

The cilents impressively looked through the designs and looked at VK.

"VK, you never stop to impress us. With this designs Khurana Fashion Designs will be the best in sari
productions. We are ready to put our investment on this, "Mr. Chopra said with a smile.
"Mr. Chopra, I am a business man and I know exactly what I have to do to get the best deals. Anyway
I don't really need your investments and you know that. I am following the right route of doing this
so don't waste my time on telling me how good I am because I know I am the best,"he replied
sternly and looked away.

Mr. Chopra cleared his throat due to embarrassment. "VK, there's one particular design. It doesn't
look the others. It's embroidery, hand made embroidery and its beautiful. If we could make more
clothes using it then I am sure our clothes will be bought at large numbers. "

"What design? "VK asked and opened the file before him and flipped through the pages and his eyes
fell on it. "This? "he muttered looking at it. He had flashbacks of the girl who bumped into him back
at Birpur and ran off leaving the duputta with him. He had thrown it away then how did it get here?

He remembered her black widened eyes as she thought she had fallen, her trembling rosy, cherry
lips. And her beautiful face that was covered with the vermilion that had fallen from his platter. His
mind trailed back to her eyes. Those eyes. Those big beautiful eyes with long eyelashes, that were
continuously staring right into his as if searching for something hidden in his own eyes. As if they
were piercing through his dark soul. He shut his eyes and anger.

"VK, are you alright? "Mr. Chopra asked him.

He shot up from his chair and went back to his office.

"No! No! No! That's enough! How can I forget that one of them broke my heart? Dammit! All women
are the same, they're leeches. They all know how to suck up a person and get away with it. I will
never forget that night, that day. I have made a vow that I will never become a fool once again, but
that woman! I just saw her and she invaded my thoughts just like that. Women are all snakes, full of
deceit. They never do anything good, they're all bad and I will never ever go back there again. Love
and emotions mean nothing to me at all. Nothing at all,"he coughed holding his chest. He took out
his pills and took them.

Loud music was heard from a room, disturbing the whole household. The servants were already
used to it and anyway there was nothing they could do about it.

"Where's that noise coming from? "

"It's coming from Baby Amyrah's room ma'am,"one of the servants replied.

"This girl is going to drive us mad with her craziness,"the lady said and went upstairs to Amyrah's
room and opened the door. She put her hands on her ears as it felt like her ears were going to burst
for a minute. She scowled at the little girl dancing in the room and went over to the radio and turned
it off.

"Oh my gosh! Who dared to turn off my radio?!"she sharply turned around to see her grandma
looking at her with squinted eyes.
"I dared do turn it off Amyrah. What's the meaning of this dear? This is a house not a disco club, "her
grandma said in a scolding manner. Amyrah snorted and rolled her eyes at her.

"Mom used to allow me to do anything I want,but___but here everything I do is forbidden! Oh my

gosh! I can't live like this. I am not a prisoner here, I am the granddaughter of this house, "Amyrah
ranted moving her hands in the air.

Her grandma sighed looking at her. "It looks like your mother didn't train you well dear. I know that
you used to do all this back with her but dear now you are living with us. You can't open such a loud
volume, you have people living with you in this house who can't really tolerate loud music dear, "she
said lovely and cuffed her chin. Amyrah jerked her hand away rudely and stared back at her.

"You know what grandma, if you can't stand how I play my music then you might as well go to the
old aged home. That's where you truly belong. Everytime you always crush me down, telling me how
ill-mannered I am. To be frank I am sick of it already. I'm me and nothing is going to change that. You
are just so annoying. I wish I could just lock you up in a closet and throw the keys____. "


She rolled her eyes at the voice and crossed her arms. "Here is another problem. Your son,"she

"Amyrah,"he entered the room fuming with anger. "Amyrah, didn't you hear me when I was calling
out to you? "he asked.

"Oh that, well that wasn't calling. It's yelling and I am sick and tired of having you people yelling at
me all the time. "

"Amyrah, don't test my patience. You know better, so tell me who messed up my project. Because of
you and your silly games I almost lost this project

Now tell me why did you do this huh? "

"I didn't do anything daddy! I don't know what you are talking about. "

"AMYRAH! "he came closer to her but his mother pulled him back. "I am sick of your childish
behavior Amyrah. "

"What daddy! What! I told you I have no idea what you are talking about? "

He closed his eyes to calm his nerves. He went to the wall and pounced his fist on it.

"Amyrah, I am going to ask you for the last time. Did you or did you not mess up with my project?
"he looked back at her. Amyrah gulped down. She never that look. Her father was so angry.

Tears welled up in her eyes and came down her cheeks. "I told you the truth daddy I didn't do
anything this time. I am innocent believe me daddy. "
"Do you know what the funny part is Amyrah? No one in this house apart from you can do this. Tell
me who did this. Tell me! "he yelled.

"I told you I don't know anything. Oh my gosh! Now I have turned into a liar. What kind of a father
are you daddy? You don't even behave your own daughter! I didn't do anything to your stupid
project. I don't even know where you keep them yet you believe I did something to your stupid
bloody work! "

"Okay fine Amyrah. You didn't do anything right? The CCTV camera in my studyroom will expose the
culprit. Come with me, "he gently took her hand and went to the security room.

"Sir, "the guard stood up when he saw them.

"Rathore, saw us the CCTV footage of my studyroom, "he said.

"You don't believe me, don't you? I cannot believe that my own father is doing this to me,"Amyrah
sobbed looking at his face.

"Vivaan I think she's telling the truth this time around. If she says she didn't do anything then we
should believe her dear, "his mother said softly.

"Mom please. I know that you love Amyrah but we can't always ignore her mistakes all the time,"he
replied and looked at the footage. What played before his eyes shocked him.

"Payal? What is she doing in my studyroom?"he asked himself then got his answer when he saw her
swapping one of his files and left the room with a smile.

**This means Payal did it. She's the one who messed up with my files but why? **

Amyrah pulled her hand from his grip. "Let go of me! I told you that I didn't do anything but you
didn't believe me. I can't even believe that you could do this to me daddy. "

"Amyrah dear listen__. "

"Don't call me that! Today for the first time you yelled at me for a mistake I didn't commit. I agree I
make a lot of mistakes but that doesn't mean I should be blamed for every little bad thing that
happen in this house. I didn't do anything but Payal whom you got here as my nanny did everything.
She messed up with the files so that you get angry at me and that happened only. "

"Amyrah, listen dear____I am sorry. Dear___. "

"Stay away from me. I don't even want to talk to you, "she ran back to the house in tears.

She closed her bedroom door and locked it. She leant against the door and wiped off her tears with
a smirk on her face.

"Task done. Dad is angry and that stupid Payal is gone, "she took out her smart phone and dialed a
number. "The job is done. That stupid nanny won't be in this house tomorrow morning and you will
come back to this house.I will never let dad rest in peace til I bring you back to this house. You and
dad belong together. He will get married only to you and no one else,"she paused with a smile on
her face."I love you too. I will hang up now, "she disconnected the call and jumped onto her princess
bed and giggled.

"Poor Payal, "she hissed sadly. "You shouldn't have challenged me at all. You wanted to charm my
dad into marrying you but I didn't let that happen. I got you kicked out as I had promised. Now you
are gone for good. I made the mistake and because of your foolishness you fell right into my trap.
Aaah, this is amazing. Now I just have to perfect my acting skills a little bit. "

"Do you love Dev, Meerah? "Rajji asked with a worried look on her face.

"Love? Is it love? Do I love him? I don't know Rajji. "

"Then how can you marry someone you don't love Meerah? "

"Rajji, you know my situation right? I don't have a say in all this. Grandma is the one who have a say
in everything and besides not everyone have a love marriage. Love can begin after marriage as well.
If I don't love Dev then I am sure I will after marriage,"she smiled.

"Silly girl, "Rajji slapped her forehead. "It doesn't always work like that. Meerah, there are so many
people out there who are very, very unhappy in this kind of marriages. They want to break out but
can't do it as it is already late. Meerah, you have to have something for him."

"Yes Rajji, I do feel something for him. This is true I don't know what I feel about him but I know that
I respect him. I might not fall in love with him but I will try my level best to make sure that I uphold
my duties as a wife to him. So what if I can't love him, I can respect him and his feelings at least. "

Rajji sighed and held her hands. "What about your dream man? Are you going to just forget about
him because of what you feel for Dev. Meerah, I just want you to be happy at all times. You are best
friend, if this is what you want then I have no right to stop you from doing it. My best wishes are
with you okay? We should go to sleep right now, it's quite late. "

Meerah nodded and went to the bed. "What about you Rajji? What do you want in a guy? You will
get married soon too right? "Meerah asked her as she cuddled against her.

"I want a guy like me too, "she giggled.

"You are crazy too. Good night Rajji,"she said with a yawn.

"Good night too Meerah. "

She was walking around in a house when suddenly rose petals were showered upon her. She loves
white roses. She smiled and brought her hands forward in attempt to caught them as they fell on
her, she twirled around giggling.

She stopped playing around when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see a full
rose laying on the floor. She walked over to it and picked it up.

'You are beautiful 'Read the message in the rose petals. A smile curved on her lips as she brought it
close to her nose and nuzzles it. She looked up to see another one laying ahead, she walked to it and
picked it up.

I want to see your face every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep

She smiled more when her eyes caught another rose. She picked it up.

Your smile is what makes me fall in love with you even more. Keep smiling like that and I will keep
on falling just for you

She walked further.

I want to be with you. Stay with me forever. You and I forever my love. Be with me always and
our love will be inseparable forever and ever

"What is this? Who is this person? And why is my heart beating up so fast by just reading this
messages. And why am I smiling too much?"she asked herself and put her hand on her chest to feel
her heart pumping so fast. She opened her eyes and looked up to see a figure standing there. She
took a deep breath and walked over to it. She raised her hand and put it on his shoulder. He slowly
turned around and looked at her. She saw his smile which made her smile back too, she slowly
raised her eyes to look at his face when she heard something or someone calling her.

"Meerah! Hey!Meerah wake up! "

She opened her eyes to look into Rajjis. She jolted up and sat on the bed.

"Now tell me what were you dreaming about? You were smiling and blushing in your sleep. Tell me
what your dream was about,"Rajji got off bed and went to the bathroom.
Meerah put her hand over her chest and her heart was still beating faster. She gasped and smiled at
the effect. "I found him Rajji,"she replied.

"What? What did you find? I mean who did you find? "she asked her mouth full of her toothbrush
and toothpaste.

Meerah blushed and looked at her. "Rajji, I am in love with him. I love him Rajji. I know it is him,
that's why my heart can't stop beating whenever I think about him. That smile. His smile is one in a
million Rajji. "

Rajji looked at her puzzled. "But Meerah, last night you told me that you don't love him then all of a
sudden you love him. I have heard about love at first sight but not of love at night."

"Rajji, I am not talking about Dev here. I am talking about him. The one who came into my dream.
Rajji, I couldn't see his face but yes I saw his smile. "

"Silly girl, "Rajji pinched her and she gasped rubbing her arm. "Meerah, you're getting married in no
time and you are thinking about some other man. You have gone mad. "

"Rajji, now I don't want to get married anymore,"she smiled dreamily. "Yes, I don't want to get
married anymore,"she shook her head and got off bed. "Rajji, how can I get married when I love
someone else now. I know that I am crazy. How can I fall in love with someone I only saw in my
dream. "But Rajji I am already there. Rajji, I can't stop my heart from beating so fast and I can't stop
thinking about it. I'm feeling hot Rajji. I love him so very much. I love him Rajji and I can't get married
to anyone apart from him now. No, I won't get married. "


They looked at the door and their eyes widened with fear.

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ❄ENCHANTED (Rare Love)


(A Fresh Start To Life)

Meerah walked towards Rajji who was still lost in thoughts. Meerah stood next to her and looked at
the flowing river before then.

"Are you wondering why I called you here all of a sudden? "Meerah asked and looked at her with a
small smile on her face. Rajji looked back at her with a confused look.

"What has brought this up Meerah? Why are we even here in the first place? "
"Rajji, do you remember? You and I met in this very place. We met here and we immediately hooked
up and became friends. You told me everything about your family and I did the same. Do you
remember? "Meerah smiled widely.

Rajji smiled as the events of that day replayed at the back of her mind. "Yes Meerah, I remember. I
remember every detail of that beautiful day. "

"But Rajji, I am leaving,"her smile vanished."I am getting married in just three days. Dev, wants the
marriage to take place in three days which is not enough for us to spend our last days together. Rajji,
you're my best friend, no in fact you are like my soul sister. I don't want to leave you and go Rajji.
You had promised me that no matter what happens you and I will never keep secrets from each
other. But you have been keeping a lot of secrets from me lately. "

Rajji tensed and glanced at her friend and shook her head. "No Meerah, I am not keeping anything
away from you, believe me. "

"No Rajji I don't believe you anymore. Rajji,you and I know that I don't love Dev. Rajji, am I making a
big mistake in getting married to him. Tell me Rajji. Am I about to enter into a hell whole? Tell me
Rajji. Just tell me if I am making the biggest mistake of my life here.Tell me Rajji. "

BECAUSE HE IS NOTHING BUT A FRAUDSTER! "Rajji raised her voice staring into her friend's eyes.

"Wh__what are you saying Rajji? Dev, can't be a fraudster. You must be mistaken. "

"Meerah, I know what I am saying. Open your eyes. Dev isn't a good man what so ever. If you get
married to him, he will leave you for your wealth. This whole thing is a sham alright. Dev doesn't love
you at all. There's no spark of love in all this. "

"How are you so sure Rajji? "Meerah asked staring back at her.

Rajji sighed and mutely she tells Meerah everything that occured between her and Dev during Lohri

"Haan Meerah,"Rajji held her hands. "Dev is a very dangerous man. Don't get married to him and
ruin your life. "

Meerah smiled and hugged her. "What did I tell you Rajji. I will get to the truth come what may.I
knew something was fishy that day. I knew you were hiding something from me. "

"But how did you guess? "Rajji pulled away from the hug and looked at her puzzled.

"Let's leave that for tonight. Dev and his mother are coming for the engagement tonight. I don't
know why Dev wants to do this to me and if I want to know I will have to make him talk. It's just a
matter of few hours and he will be exposed before everyone. "

Her mom and aunt were adorning her with sweet smelling perfumes and golden jewelry pieces.
When she looked at the mirror she couldn't believe that the person standing there was actually
herself. She gasped then a smile crept on her face.

"You are looking so beautiful Mimi. Just like a queen, "her mother hugged her and pecked her

"She has to be outstanding tonight. She's getting engaged to a handsome man after all.Our daughter
has to be more than beautiful,"her aunt put a black dot behind her ear. "May no evil eyes fall on you
my dear,"she hugged her.

Meerah wiped her tears and forced a smile.

**Aunt, mom perhaps you of you will hate me after what I am about to do. You guys deserve true
happiness not this sham in a form of happiness. I am sorry mom and aunt. Forgive me if you can**

"Shall we? The guests are already here. Come dear, "her aunt held her hand and they left the room.
Everyone stopped talking and looked at her in awe as she came downstairs on her pink lehenga. She
was glowing and radiant. Dev smiled even though she didn't want to. No doubt she was an
extremely beautiful girl. There's no doubt about that. She's beautiful.

The priest made the couple to the dias. Meerah looked at Dev, she wanted to punch that smile off
his face. She clenched her fists and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

The priests chanted the mantras and asked for the rings. He asked Dev to slide the ring in Meerah's
hand. He took the ring from his mother and looked back to Meerah.

"May I? "he smirked at her with his hand stuck out for her to put hers in his. She reluctantly placed
her hand on his the moment he was about to adjust the ring Meerah pulled her hand back shocking
everyone completely.

"I will not get married to Dev. Not now,not ever!"she declared. Her mother rushed over to her and
made her face her.

"Meerah, what are you saying? What is this new drama now? Listen, take back what you said now! "

"Meerah, I hope you are not saying this because of your stupid dream. Before mother in law gets
angry let Dev put the ring on you."

"Dilshad! "her grandma scolded. "What is this new drama about? Meerah, put your hand forth the
auspicious hour is about to pass. "
"No grandma. I will not get married to Dev and I will not change my decision about it,"she said

"Meerah, what is wrong with you? Why do you want to make her angry? "her aunt whispered.

"Aunt, I am making anyone angry here. I am only saying what I feel is right. "

"All of you want to know why I won't marry him right? But before that I would like to do something
first,"she threw a glare at Dev who was clueless. Meerah threw a punch at his face and he staggered
backwards holding his cheek, which was painful. Then looked at the priest before giving him a tight
slap too.Making the guests gasp with shock.

**What is she doing? Why did she slap the priest? **

**Doesn't she know that doing this means cursing herself and family. **

**I thought the women of this family are well mannered and cultured but look at what their
daughter is doing. So shameless. **

Everyone muttered, loud enough for Meerah's grandma to hear.

"ENOUGH MEERAH! ENOUGH OF YOUR DRAMA! "she yelled at her and angrily walked to her and
slapped her. "What do you think you are doing huh? What is all this, tell me before I kill you! "

"Grandma, you may slap me as much as you want but I will not get married to this fraud,"she
pointed at Dev who gulped down. "Everything is all his plan. Everything is nothing but a sham
grandma! He is marrying me for the sake of my wealth. Grandma, Dev is a married man. He has a
wife and two kids. Do you understand me?"

"Wh_what are you saying Meerah? Who has been feeding you with all__. "

"Hey! "she grabbed him by the collars. "Don't even say a word. Don't even try denying it or I will
beat you black and blue that your mother won't be able to recognize you. I knew something was
fishy during Lohri. When I found Rajji at the top roof crying then suddenly you got a call and said
something about a business deal at London. Requesting my grandma to get us married in just three
days. Wow Mr. Shivrastra! Wow! That's was a smart move but they didn't inform you that I am way
smarter than you, "she shoved him back.

"Mom, Dev doesn't love me at all. In fact he came here with a wedding proposal and a devious
purpose. He didn't his homework pretty well and got to know that I am sole heir of Vikramaditiya
Singh's property and after marrying me, grandma will give him everything with no second thoughts.
He doesn't want to marry me that's why they brought this fake priests with them. Am I lying priest?
"Meerah looked at him and he immediately looked down in fright and in guilt.
"He is just an actor and he has been chanting the wrong mantra and all of you were so excited to
even realize it,"she looked back at Dev. "Why did you do this? What have I done to you to make you
want to destroy my life huh?"

"Not you but your grandma. She's the one who made us like this and come out may we hand to
exert our revenge for all the pains we went through because of her and her dead sons!"Dev's
mother said.

"What has my grandma done that you had to do this? "Meerah asked.

"She sent my husband to his early grave. Do you remember Amba and Ranveer Shivrastra? Who
used to work in this mansion a time back as servants? The one you accused of stealing your gold
coins and necklace?! While one of your sons was the one who stole from his own house! My
husband was sent to jail where he died while trying to escape from there. I had to bring up my son
as a widow and a single parent. Nooo! There was no way I was ever going to let you go just like that.
I had to have my revenge on you through your grandchild! "

"No matter what happened in the past it has to be in the past. I have no idea what really happened
but I still want to apologize on behalf of my grandma. We are truly sorry about what happened to
your husband but what is my fault? I am innocent. Your enmity is with my grandma not me. "

"Even I was innocent Meerah. What was my fault? My father was innocent but they didn't care nor
believe him. Now he is dead. He is gone. You want us to forgive you right? But can you give me my
father back? "

Meerah snorted and swallowed back her tears and looked at her family they all had their heads

"All the years we served your family give them back to us! Give us our head of the family then we
will forgive you! "Dev's mother sobbed.

Meerah walked over to her and folded her hands before her.

"Ma'am, you consider me as your daughter right? Today your daughter is asking you to please
forgive my family. I have no idea what happened in the past and I would like us to forget everything
and make a fresh start. A fresh start to life. A new life,"she took out her property documents and put
them in Dev's hands. "If taking this will make you all forgive us then you can have them. Have them
but all I request from you is to forgive my family. Ma'am life is too short to live only with hatred and
pain. Just let it go and you will see the beauty of life. "

Meerah sadly smiled and wiped her tears. "Me saying all this won't bring your husband back but it
will give you some peace and rest. I know that to forgive us is kind of impossible but still I beg you to
forgive us ma'am. I'm sure Mr. Shivrastra would have wanted you to be happy all your lives ma'am. "

Dev snorted and gave the documents back to Meerah with a smile on his face. "It's good to know
that within this family there's someone with a good heart. Meerah, you're a nice person and you
love your family a lot just like I love my mother,"he paused looking at her. "Thank you Meerah.
You're right, you and I were innocent and the innocent shouldn't be punished for the mistake of
others. "

Meerah smiled and looked at Dev's mother who was still in tears. "Ma'am, I know I can't take your
pain away but at least I can take you feel better. A rose has thorns, when a thorn from a rose prick
you, one shouldn't vent the frustrations on the poor flower. Dev and I are innocent so why should
we pay for the sins of our parents? Ma'am please forgive us. "

"You are right dear, maybe I shouldn't think too much about the past. Thank you so much, had it
been someone else they would have called up the police but you didn't. May you always be happy
and fulfill all of your dreams. "

Meerah smiled and hugged her. "Thank you so much ma'am. "


"Today, I got so humiliated in front of everyone and its all because of you,"her grandma angrily said
to her. "You caused me so much humiliation. "

"I don't believe you grandma,"Meerah shook her head in disapproval. "Someone lost her loved one
because of you and your ignorance and because of that one mistake of yours two lives were going to
be destroyed. You should actually thank me for helping you in making peace with the Shivrastra
family, but no you only care about your reputation and self respect. "

"Meerah, "her aunt grabbed her hand and turned her to face her. "Enough of your tantrums now. Be
quiet! That's not how to talk to your grandma. "

"What aunt what! Grandma did wrong and she didn't even apologize to that family not even you! I
can't stand this anymore. I am going to my room, "she turned to go to her room when she jerked to
a stop when those words came out of her grandma's mouth.

"Another proposal came for you and I agreed to it. "

She sharply turned and looked at her grandma."Is this a joke?"she moisten her lips. "My
engagement just got called off and you want me to jump into another marriage proposal!? What
kind of an idiot do you all think I am? I am not so desperate to get married. I am just eighteen! I will
not get married not after what happened today. "

"Dilshad, talk to your daughter and make her understand that my reputation is what I care about. I
won't hesitate to kill to keep it intact. And I will not let a little girl ruin it for me. "

"I will make her understand and convince her mother in law, "her mother said softly.
"No! I will not understand not get convinced. I will not get married to anyone! Not a man from
Birpur! I don't want to get married. You can punish me and beat me up grandma but I will not
change my mind. "

"Dilshad, I am going to say this for the last time. Make your daughter understand or she will not live
to see her future. The boy's family are coming over tomorrow. That's all I have to say. "

"If I have to choose between my family and my life today, I will definitely choose my life. I am done
following your rules. The rules of this house don't apply to me anymore. I am done with this
suffocating life. I am sick of living like this. Now I will live my life according to my own terms, "she
turned around and made her way to her room.

Next Day

"Meerah wake up dear. It's time to wake up for the morning prayers. Hey wake up before grandma
comes her and drag you down. She's still upset with you because of that stunt you pulled last night,
"her mother said after opening the curtains. "Mimi, wake up, "she uncovered the blankets off the
bed only to discover there were just pillows. "Mimi? "

The note on one of the pillows caught her eye.She picked it up with trembling hands.

Dear mom and aunt

I'm terribly sorry about the events that happened last night. It must have angered all of you but that
one thing about the truth. It hits. And it hits very bad. Whatever happened in the past is none of my
business but I can't always pay for the mistakes of others. I can't stand living like that anymore mom.
I am sorry for everything again and I hope you forgive me. Aunt, I love you and I will always love you
the most. Mom, I love you too very much. But this is it, I can't keep up anymore that's why I am
leaving. I don't know where I am going to but I am going far away from you. I am going out in search
of my destiny. I'm not sure if I will find it either but it's better late than never. I might even die
before reaching to my destiny but I will be fine. I am sorry i had to leave like this but know that I love
you and will never stop loving you.

Yours truly

Your sweet bubbly daughter

"MEERAH! MEERAH! "Dilshad hollered and fell on the floor tears rolling out of her eyes. Rano came
rushing in the room and found her sitting there with the note on her chest. She slowly took it and
silently read it. Tears welled up in her eyes and hugged her sister in law as they both sobbed.
•°❄ ❄ ❄ •°

"I don't know if I have made a good choice or not but I do know that there was no happiness back
home, "Meerah said to herself as she got off the bus and looked around her surrounding. She was in
Mumbai bus station.

"This is a new place for me. I have no one to call my own but I will survive. I came here in search of
my destiny, hopefully I will find it. I will start my life afresh. A fresh start of life in a new city with new
people,"she smiled looking at the address on the paper she was holding tightly in her hands. Rajji
had written it down for her and she said it was her friend;Param's address. He had left Birpur to
Mumbai to study and now he live in Mumbai and works as a PA for some business man tycoon.

She halted a taxi and gave the driver the address. They stopped in front of a very big building,
twenty-seven feet. She paid the man and got out of taxi and stared at the building in awe. She has
never seen as a building in her entire life and it was made by glass. She was still staring when three
cars came by making her dupatta cover her face. She turned her face aside. On the other hand
Vivaan came out from one of the cars and proceeded to the door but halted when he saw a pink
dupatta flying by, by the corner of his eye and turned around to see a girl struggling to adjust it. He
stared at her intensely.

"Sir, the cilents are waiting for you,"Param said to him snapping him from his thoughts.

He made his way into the office and at the other hand Meerah adjusted her dupatta and put it
around her neck. She smiled and made her way into the building as well.

"Khurana Industries, you have something that I want and I will get it no matter what. "

Her mouth went agape looking at the interior of the first floor. Everyone was walking around,
occupied by one or two things. Everything was busy including the computers. There were escalators
and elevators getting filled with people. She was still standing there when a man wearing glasses
with a warm smile on his face.

"Excuse me ma'am are you looking for someone? "he asked politely.

"Erm___I..... I am looking for someone by the name Param;I am here to meet him for some
important job, "she replied.

"You have met the right person. You must be the one here for the interview of sir's daughter."

"Sir's daughter? Well er __sir I am not ___. "

"Just come with me. I will tell the driver to drop you off to the house. Sir will take your interview
from there. Come with me, "he gently took her arm.

"Hey! Sir listen to me. Listen I am here for Mr. Param. My friend said I should___. "
"Ma'am, I am Mr. Param and I know your friend has asked you to come here that's why I am saying
get in the car. Sir will come and take your interview. Go in please, "he opened the door for her and
made her sit in the car then closed the door behind her.

"Driver, take her to Khurana Mansion. She's Ms. Amyrah's new nanny, "he said to the driver and he
drove off. Param stood there in thought. "This is strange. I thought Ms. Sudha was an old woman but
she looks a little younger like she's a teenager. Better not get into that because she's sir's choice. "


Meerah couldn't stop her mouth opening wide with every step she took towards the house. Sure her
house was huge but not like this. This house was more than a stadium.

"I advise you to close your mouth miss because you have seen nothing yet. I'm Party;the butler, "the
man introduced and stuck out his hand for a handshake. Meerah smiled and folded her hands.

"I am Meerah Vikramaditiya Singh,"she bowed. "Well I have never seen anything like this so that's
why, "she flushed.

Parth was taken aback, he has never met a girl like her in Mumbai. And come to think of it, her dress
was Indian;a traditional attire. Girls in the city wore shorts, dresses and heels but she was still
holding on her culture.

"You are not from here are you? "

"Yes. I am from Birpur. I just came here, "she smiled at him.

"Come inside please, "Parth opened the doors for her and she just stood there.

"Now what did mom and aunt say about which foot I should enter the house with? "she asked
herself in thought. "Was it right or left? "

"It's the right foot dear, "a voice answered her dilemma. Meerah raised her head to see a old
woman looking at her with a smile on her face.

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★

By;Bena Gaselesego @ Shiny Diamonds library

❄❄Genre;melodrama and romance



•°•(What do I do?) °•°


Rajji and Meerah turned around and their eyes widened looking at the person standing at the door
and walking towards them.

"Meerah, we are in hot waters and its all because of you, "Rajji said under her teeth.

"But Rajji I just said out my true feelings, right?"

Rajji hissed in annoyance and threw her a look."You know what, just be quiet. "

"Meerah, what is it I just heard you say? "her aunt asked with a stern look on her face.

"Aunt, listen you___. "

"You love someone else?! Meerah, if you love someone else why didn't you tell me and Dilshad. Oh
my God this girl will get us killed by mother in law one day. Meerah, who is this boy? Bholo (speak)! "

"Aunt, you misunderstood everything,"Rajji said nervously.

"Accha? (Really?) What did I misunderstand?This foolish girl's alliance has been fixed and she has an
affair with some boy in the village.I had told Dilshad not to send you to college but no, she didn't
listen now she the fruits of her stubbornness. "

"Aunt, you sit down, "Meerah made her sit on the bed and gave her a smile. "Aunt,you're getting it
all wrong. By the way for a moment I thought you were grandma, I am sure she would have
punished me by now. Thank the heavens it was only you. I love you aunt, "she pecked her right
cheek and embraced her.

Her aunt melted down and hugged her back with a smile making her sit down next to
her."Chamkili(silly girl) you always get yourself and us in trouble. Mimi, we love so much. Main
tumse pyaar karta hoon(I love you) You're like my own daughter. Dear, tell me the true do you have
an affair with any of the boys at college?Tell me honestly. "

Meerah sighed and took her hands into hers."Nahi mamiji(No aunt) I don't have an affair with
anyone. Mamiji, I had a dream last night and I saw someone. I saw him in my dream aunt. For the
first time I dreamt about the man of my dreams, I couldn't see his face but yes I saw his smile aunt. It
was the most intoxicating smile to look at,"she smiled and looked at her aunt. "So out of excitement
I blurt out my feelings. "
Her aunt cupped her face. "So Dev isn't the man of your dreams then,"she concluded."The kind of
man you're looking for should be unique and little more like you, right?"she asked lovingly.

"Haan aunt,"she nodded shyly. "Aunt, you and mom have taught me to always respect the decisions
made by grandma so I will respect grandma's decision regarding my future. She thinks Dev is the
right man for me so I will just go by her decision. "

"My Meerah has become mature now. I'm proud of you. Listen today is Lohri and mother in law has
invited Dev and his mother over.You have to help with the arrangements, okay? "

"Understood aunt. I will surely help,"she smiled. Her aunt smiled back and left the room.

"That was close, "Rajji finally fell on the bed and took out the breath she has been holding up. "I
thought it was your short tempered grandma. I was sure that I was going to meet my end today,"she
ranted as Meerah took out her sketchbook and pencil from the drawer besides the bed. She went to
the balcony and sat on the chairs there. She closed her eyes and had flashbacks of her dream. She
smiled and slowly started sketching his smiley face.Just his smile.

"Wow Meerah! So this is the guy,"Rajji snatched the book from her. "The picture is incomplete.If it
was complete we could have been able to used it to look fro him."

"And whose fault is it that it is incomplete?It's you Rajji Basu. If you haven't woken me up I would
have seen his complete face. Idiot! "she snatched the book back and looked at the incomplete

"I know for sure that I am going to meet you som day and that day my picture will be completed. "

"And how do you know that? "

"I don't know Rajji but my instincts and heart believe that I will surely meet him someday."

•°• °•°

"Amyrah wait dear,"Vivaan caught her small hand which she immediately pulled away from his grip.
"Princess, I am sorry for whatever happened last night. Please forgive me dear."

"No daddy! You called me a liar. I am a lair now and its all because of you. I am getting late for school
and before you call me a late comer I better leave,"she turned to walk away but Vivaan pulled her
back and hugged her.

"I understand that you are angry at daddy princess but I am apologizing right? "he disengaged from
the hugged and cupped her chubby face. "I am really, really sorry for everything I said to you. I know
you are not a liar but with your current behaviour towards me and everyone I thought you must
have done it."
"Wow daddy! That shows how much you trust your daughter. Believe me, that's a very awesome
level of trust,"she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

Vivaan couldn't help but crack a smile. "Today is Lohri, a hindi festival and today I will do everything
and anything you want from me. You just have to press the button. "

Amyrah smiled within and dropped her attitude."Anything? Are you serious daddy? I hope you are
not baffling. "

He shook his head and held her hands."Has daddy ever played with your emotions? "

She shook her head and smiled. "Okay, first you have to fire Payal from this nanny job. I have told
you that I don't need a nanny but you just don't want to listen to me. "

"That has already been done princess. Payal is gone for good. "

She snorted. "Today is Lohri and I to spend this day with you and mom,"she smiled at him. Vivaan's
smiles dropped and he felt his heart get cold.

"Just the three of us, as a family we once were. Will you do that for me daddy? "

He moisten his lips and let go of her hands."Amyrah, you can ask for anything but that. "

"I knew it, you're lying to me. You can never do anything to make me happy. First you took me away
from my mom, get a nanny for me and what not! All you know is makime cry and sad. You enjoy
seeing me like this right? If you can't do this for me then forget about talking to me ever again. I
don't want to be with you anymore! I hate it here! I hate this mansion! I hate my new school as well!
I hate it here!"she ran away from him in tears.

He stood there frustrated and raked his hands into his hear.

"Vivaan,"her mother called and walked over to him. He turned and looked at her and hugged her.

"Mom, what do I do? What do I do? Tell me mom. My daughter wants to celebrate Lohri with her
mother and on the other hand I don't want to be anywhere close to that woman. What do I do
mom? I don't even know what that woman told my daughter. She has poisoned my Amyrah's head
and made her believe that I can never make her happy,"he disengaged from the hug and looked at
her. "When I look at Amyrah, I see Tanveer in her. She has her disgusting attitude, her arrogance.
Amyrah has become self-centred and selfish and Tanveer has made her this way. She has turned my
daughter an awful human being and I don't know what to do to bring my sweet little angel back. Did
you see that mom? Amyrah blackmailed and where did she learn to do all this from? Her mother.
Amyrah thinks that her mother is the most innocent and loving person in the world. She can't see
that she's using her to get to me."

"Vivaan, I can understand how you are feeling by the moment. Dear, if you refuse to give Amyrah
what she wants then you will lose her forever. Just do what she wants this time around. Maybe she
will see otherwise. She believes you don't love her but prove that belief wrong. Make her believe
that you love her. Tanveer is a very shrewd woman, she is capable of anything. She can even use her
own daughter just to reach you but dear don't let her. Right now Amyrah is on her mother's side and
will do anything to make sure the two of get together again. Vivaan, let go of your temper and anger
for a while and make your daughter happy, hmm? "

He nodded with a smile. "Thank you mom.I have to get to work now. See you,"he pecked her cheek
as a goodbye and left.


She poured herself as whiskey in the glass and added some ice cubes. She sat down on the longue
with a smile on her face.

"You are really a cunning and a shrewd woman Tanveer,"Ashok said with a smile.

She whipped her hair and smiled widely."And this is what attracted you to me Ashok Khanna;VK's
former boss. "

"And believe me I regret ever meeting you Tanveer. I wish I could turn back time,"he said campy
giving her a warm smile.

"Too bad you can't do that Ashok. Shall I tell you something? You are very ungrateful,i have made
such a perfect plan but you don't want to help me with it. May I ask why? "

"Because I am a human being Tanveer and you are inhuman. You don't care about anyone but
yourself and your goals. You don't even care about your own daughter. I can't believe you twisted
Amyrah's mind and turned her against her own father. You and I know the main reason Vivaan
divorced you but you lied to your eight years old daughter that her father is the one who divorced
you after you caught him cheating on you. You are the one who went behind Vivaan's back and
cheated on him. He loved you so much and kept forgiving you all the time but all you ever wanted
was my money but like a fool I thought you loved me and you wanted to be with me,"he shook his
head in disgust.

"That's the difference between you and I Ashok. You are a fool and I am super intelligent. I loved
Vivaan but that was before the met you. Ashok Khanna, my husband's boss. I was sick and tired of
living on Vivaan's basic salary, I wanted more. I cheated on Vivaan with you and I left him. I
compelled him to give me a divorce. I came here to live with you thinking that my life would be
better but no you turned out to be the worst mistake of my life. In just two years, two years Vivaan
surpassed you! From a personal assistant to a boss! In just two years. He even bought your car
factory, he made you his employee. Vivaan Khurana is now the great business tycoon VK.He owns
islands, many business ventures. Advertisement, shipping, investment and all others. He has
companies all over the world. I regret leaving him for a loser like you. And I will rectify the mistake. I
want him back and I will have him. "

Ashok burst with laughter. "Oh my word! Do you think that the 'VK' alias Vivaan Khurana will take
you back after you dumped him for his rich boss? Have you ever seen Vivaan with a lady in any
magazine, newspaper or the functions and events that has taken place so far? The answer is no
Tnaveer and you know why because he hates women and doesn't trust them anymore. After what
you did to him, Vivaan will never even think of taking you back. He fucking hates you. "

"SHUT UP! "she threw the glass in her hand against the wall. "Just shut the fuck up! VK is mine and
will always be mine. If I don't have him to myself I will utterly ruin him! Vivaan Khurana was my
husband and I will make him my husband once again. "

"You don't even love him Tanveer. You only want his money and wealth. When he used to be my PA,
you were disgusted by him and now that he is a zillionaire you want him. Women are indeed
leeches. "

"Ashok, you and I know every well that I don't do love and that shit. But with Vivaan it is different. I
am obsessed with him. The time I am done with him, he will be broke. Really broke. "

"This time around you are going to lose. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Tanveer before you
really fall in love with Vivaan and get hurts I advise you to let it go. You will be devasted to hear that
VK is in love and getting married and when that day comes it will be Tanveer Arora's defeat. You will
lose the money, Vivaan and your daughter. "

"And I will never let that day to come true. I will only get married to Vivaan aka VK. I will once again
be Tanveer Vivaan Khurana. Mark my words. Even if using wrongs means to get married to him once
again. Amyrah is my pawn and I will use her to get to her father. Til she on my side I have nothing to
worry about,"she smiled and pecked Ashok on the lips. "I better get ready to spend today with my
husband to be and my daughter, "she giggled going upstairs to change.


"Mom! You came! "Amyrah rushed into her arms. "Today is going to be s much fun! It's going to be
like the old times, right daddy? "she looked up at him and there was a ray of hope in her eyes. He
just smiled and lifted her up in his arms.

"Not sure about that princess, but yes today we are going to have fun! "

"Yesssss! "

They went to the amusement park, went to the park to play games and went to the movies.After
that they found a spot to have lunch.

"VK, this is perfect. Thank you for all this,"Tanveer said with a smile on her face. Vivaan sighed and
looked at Amyrah who was playing fetch with her dog Johnny.

"Point of correction Tanveer. I didn't do this for you or to make you happy. I have agreed to do this
on my daughter's behest. I did this just to make her happy not you. Just you know Amyrah's perfect
family will never work because you are the one who destroyed it. "
"You know what Vivaan, I still think you love me that's why you haven't moved on. That's why you
are still single because you can never love someone the way you love me,"she lifted her hands to
touch her but Vivaan stopped her midway.

"You are right I can never love anyone the way I loved you Tanveer but I can hate someone the way I
despise you. I will forgive nor forget what you did to me. Not in this life time. I hate you immensely. I
hate you more than I ever loved you. You think I am still single because I love you?! That's your
delusion Tanveer. I am still single because I am busy building my empire, after that I will look for my
lady love and get married to her. I will never ever look at you in that way again. To me, you're just
Amyrah's mom, you don't even deserve this title Tanveer,"he jerked her hands away and stood up. "I
have nothing to do with you anymore. I wish I could forget your disgusting face,"he said and went
over to Amyrah to play with her.

"No way Vivaan. No way! You love me, you belong only to me and I will have you come what may. "

~~ ~~

"Meerah, hurry up. You don't want to keep brother in law waiting right? "Rajji said pulling her leg.

Meerah came out of her dressing room wearing a white sari. Rajji whistled looking at her.

"Whooo! Someone is looking mesmerizing tonight. Dev, will go agape looking at you for sure. As for
me I will be busy looking for my perfect match,"Rajji said with a smile.

"Rajji, be quiet. Come let's go. Everyone is waiting for us. "

They made there way downstairs where everyone was celebrating and dancing around the holy fire.

"Where's Dev? "Meerah asked.

"You can't wait ,can you? "Rajji gave her a nudge. "You stay here I will look for him in the balcony,
hmm,"she smiled and left.


"You don't have to to worry about anything. The don't know who I am. They have no idea that this
marriage is a sham. I will do something to make sure that I get married to her as soon as possible.
After marriage they will hand me all of her property, as it is the son in law is given so much of
respect. We will get the money then this family will lose everything. Their daughter's life will be
ruined. Listen I have to go now. Everyone is waiting for me downstairs. I have to go and put up an act
now. Listen I love you too. Bye, "he disconnected the call and turned around to go back to the
function. His eyes widened staring at Rajji who had tears in her eyes.
She walked over to him and gave him a tight slap. "You scoundrel! You are getting married to my
best friend just for the sake of her property! I thought you loved her Dev. You have an affair with
someone else yet you are willing to get married to my best friend. Why do you want to ruin her life
tell me?! "

"Rajji, listen its not what you are thinking. Let me explain myself to you. It's nothing like that believe
me. "

"I don't believe a word that you say Dev. Let's see what Meerah has to say about this. She won't
spare you Dev, she will kill you for trying to deceive her, "she turned on her heels and ran

"Dammit! Rajji, stop! Rajji listen to me. Rajji! Rajji! I said STOP! "he caught her arm and pinned her
against the wall. "You will not say a word to anyone, do you hear me! I will get married to your
friend in three days and you will just stand there watching as the fake wedding takes place. You are
right I am in love with someone else and she's my wife! I am only getting married to Meerah just to
ruin her and her entire family. "

"And I will not allow that you happen. I will tell Meerah everything and she will teach you a lesson.
You just wait and watch what she will do to you once she finds out. "

"Hey! Shut up! You will shut up. You won't say a word because if you do____"

Rajji felt her feet get cold when those words came out of his mouth. Tears rolled down her cheeks as
she looked into his cold and emotionless eyes.

"Yes, this is what you will do. You will shut the fuck up and cry your heart out as you will be watching
your friend's life getting ruined forever. I will go first so that no one suspects something,"he smiled
and left. Rajji fell on the floor and cried her heart out.

"Meerah, I am sorry. I am sorry, even after knowing the truth about Dev I can't do anything about it.
Forgive me please. Dear God please protect my friend please Lord. "

Few Minutes Later

Meerah was looking around for Rajji who was nowhere to be seen. She went upstairs to the roof top
and she found her there looking at the clear sky.

"Rajji, what are you doing here all alone? "she made her look at her and she saw tears in her friend's
eyes. "Rajji, are you crying? Why are you crying like this hmm? Tell me Rajji. "

Rajji looked at her debating whether to tell her or not. Then she recalled Dev's threat.

"It's nothing Meerah. I'm not crying. Something got into my eyes, that's why the tears. Come let's go
downstairs. "
"Rajji, you're hiding something from me aren't you? And you are not going to tell me what it is
either. It's okay, 24hrs is enough for me to find out what is eating you up Rajji. I will find out the
truth in 24hrs. Just 24 hrs. Come let's go,"she took her hand and they went downstairs to join the

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: Genre;melodrama and romance



(Mission deal with Amyrah)

She sat up on the bed yawning and stretching out her arms.

"Good morning Amyrah,"Meerah beamed looking at her. Amyrah groaned and got of bed.

"What's with you this morning? Do you really have to shout in my ears like that! "she shot Meerah a
look who just walked over to the window and pulled it open.

Amyrah went to the bathroom and was dumbstruck looking at the bathtub. Her bath was done just
like she likes it. It was filled with vanilla scent foam bath which had now lathered.

"What happened Amyrah? Don't you wish to take your princess bath? "Meerah asked with a smile
on her face.

"When did you do this and how did you know that this is how I like my bath because I remember I
didn't tell you anything! "she glanced at Meerah angrily.

Meerah sighed. "Are you serious about this right now? Do you really want us to argue about this
now? "

Amyrah rolled her eyes. "Well get out. You don't expect me to take my bath with you standing here
and ogling at me do you? "

Amyrah came out of the bathroom with a towel under her armpits and tied into a knot in the front.
She applied some body lotion and turned around to rant again when she found her uniform missing
on the bed.

"Uniform, "Meerah presente it before her. "You wear shirt and shirt on Thursdays, right? "
Amyrah growled but didn't say anything, snatching the uniform from her she proceeded to the dress
room. Meerah couldn't hide her smile anymore so she shamelessly let it crept on her face.

Amyrah came out trying to tie her tie.

"May I? "Meerah asked and walked over to her. Meerah helped tying the knot and even
demonstrated so that next time she does it on her own.

"Can you help pack my hair in a different style?My daddy really doesn't know how to do it and even I
am not good plaiting hair. People at school always taunt me with my pigtails. "

"Well I could help you if you say the magic word,"Meerah said looking at her reflection on the front

"What magic word? "Amyrah groaned.

"Please. "

"Do I really have to say that? I have never spoken that word to anyone. Not even my dad and I will
that to you. You are just a nanny! "

"Well maybe because this nanny can do your hair amazingly well and beautifully. "

Amyrah took a deep breath with her eyes shut then opened them again. "Would you please help me
with my hair? "she asked bitterly making Meerah flinch a little. "Well what are you waiting for? Do
it! "

"You can do better than that Amyrah. You can be politely ask me to help you. "

"What! I have already said please and I can't do more than that. You know what nanny, I don't need
your help. You can go to heck for all I care. All you had to do is help me but you are nothing but a
arrogant village girl with bad taste in fashion. Where's my__. "

"Maths, English, hindi, French and Geometry notebooks are all in the bag as well as the necessary
stationary, "Meerah gave her the bag and Amyrah snatched it and went down for breakfast.


"Good morning daddy, "she gave him a soft peck then walked over to her grandma. "Good morning
grandma. "

"Good morning dear. How was your night? "

"It was fine and I slept like a princess I am,"she smiled then frowned when Meerah walked towards
them. "But my morning got ruined by looking at her face! "she added grumbily.

"What did she do princess? "her dad asked.

"Nothing. She's just so irritating and annoying."

"Where's my breakfast? I am hungry! "she snapped at Meerah who smiled in return.

"Coffee, tea, cappuccino and espresso. Which one do you wish to have for breakfast? "

Amyrah stared agape at her then maintained her posture again. "Cappuccino. "

Meerah made some for her then gave it to her along with some toast and omelet.

After that she went to the parking lot to ask the driver to bring out the car for Amyrah.

"Today she didn't make a fuss during breakfast. Why? "Khushi asked looking at Meerah. "I don't
know how that's even possible. "

Meerah just smiled. "I am planning a mission. Mission DWA. "

"Mission DWA? What's that? "

"Mission Deal With Amyrah, "Meerah replied with a smile.

"I pray you don't end up losing your job due to this mission, "Khushi said.

"I won't. Don't you worry about me. I will deal with Amyrah in Birpur style. Here she comes,"Meerah
said looking at Amyrah who was walking towards them.

"Let's go to school, "she said boringly and Meerah opened the car door for her and got in after her.
The drive to Greenfield Elementary School was a long -short one and a quiet one. When they got to
school Amyrah got off the car and turne to walk away but Meerah called out to her.

"What! "Amyrah wondered. Meerah smiled and knelt down before her.

"You said please to me for the first time though rudely, still you deserve an award,"she pulled out
her hair pin letting her hair fall down behind her. She bit her lower lip and cutely plaited Amyrah's
hair into three braids and packed the remaining hair into a side ponytail and tied it up with her
glittering pin.

"There you are good to go,"she announced and stood up.

"Don't expect me to say thank you because I am not going to do that,"she said then sighed when she
saw the look on Meerah's face. She moisten her lips and bit it a little. Meerah smiled when she saw
her nervousness. It was evident she has never said thank you to anyone before.

"It's okay you don't have to say it if you don't want, "Meerah said and turned to get into the car.

"Meerah! "Amyrah called. She sharply turned around shocked. First Amyrah called her by her name,
she didn't address her as nanny. Secondly, how does she even know her name? She heard that she
doesn't even remember the names of the servants in the house then how did she know her name?

"Yes? "
"Thank you, "Amyrah said then ran off. Meerah smiled and got into the car.

"Take us home Vikrant. I am so happy today,"she said happily.

"Good bye Amyrah. See you tomorrow! "her friends hugged her.

"Of course see you, "she waved and went to the car.

"You know if people see you now they will think you are an angel when you are not,"Meerah said to
herself but Amyrah heard her.

"Did you say something? "she asked.

"Yes, I said let's get into the car and go home,"she covered it up with a lie. Amyrah snorted and got
in with no further arguments.

"Do you know everyone was complimenting my hair today. You really did a good job. My friends
were asking me from which salon I made my hair from, "Amyrah broke the silence.

Meerah looked at her astonished then cleared her throat. "I am sure you must have told them that
you made your hair at one of those fancy hair salons and a stylist made it for you, right?Then you
paid hundred of rupees to her. You didn't tell them that I did it because you are ashamed that I, a
village dirty girl did it for you, right? "

"Now that you are saying it I wish it was true,"Amyrah rolled her eyes. "For the first time in my life I
genuinely appreciated someone and they just don't care about it. "

"Wait. You told them that I am the one who plait your hair? "

"Why do you even care what I told them? You are so rude and annoying. Of course I told them that
my nanny did it. "

Meerah grinned and looked at Vikrant in the rear mirror. "Please take a turn here. "

"I thought we were going home,"Amyrah scowled.

"I want to take you to this amazing place I just discovered. You will love it. "

"This is the amazing place you just discovered? "Amyrah raised an eyebrow at her.
"Yes! "Meerah squeaked.

"Meerah this is a downl ow market! It doesn't suit my personality. Just look at people here. They
look like crap! Did I mention that I don't love it here? Take me home or I will make sure you lose
your job! "

Meerah hissed in annoyance and rolled her eyes at her making Amyrah go agape. "Did you just roll
your eyes at me! Me? Amyrah Khurana! Oh you're so not going to love what I am going to do to you.

"Has anyone told you that you are so noisy? "

"WHAT! "

"No, they haven't? Well for your own piece of information you're noisy and irritating. Just learn to
chill Amyrah. "


Meerah gulped when she saw her angry face and eyes. "Amyrah relax. This is a market. Just look
around, what do you see? "

"People. Dirty people! Now take me home! "

"And these dirty people work hard to earn money Amyrah. Every single coin and note mean a lot to
them. When I woke up in the morning I found this one hundred rupee note laying on the floor of
your room,"Meerah gave it to her.

"What's the big deal? It's just one hundred rupee note. It's not that important and it cannot even
buy anything at the mall! "

Meerah sighed and made her sit on the bench near a tea stall.

"Amyrah whether a coin or a note, one hundred rupee or one hundred crores money is important
and every coin and note matters. What a poor man treasures even a rich man does. The only
difference is the other one makes a lot while the other makes a little. Money comes and go that's
why it's important to keep it safe and make use of it in difficult times. You see this people Amyrah
every single cent they make is important for them. It's their hard earn money so they keep it safe in
order to survive. Just because you are rich and have everything it doesn't mean you used misuse.
There's someone out there who this useless one hundred rupee note mean everything to him or her.

"What I am trying to make you understand is that you shouldn't waste what you have in abundance
rather you should preserve it for future use. You never know what will happen as times go by,
"Meerah cupped her right with a smile on her face. "Did you understand Amyrah? "

"Are you done with the lecture now? Shall we go home already! "she stood up.
"No, first I will have golgappas! "

"Gol what? "

"Golgappas! They are my favorite snacks. Come you will love them, "she took her hand and tagged
her along to the stall.

"Sir please give me a plate of five golgappas,"she said to the hawker and he made some for her. She
took one into her mouth and moaned in pleasure.

"Wow! This is so delicious. Sweet chillied golgappas are the best. Here have some. "

"Are you out of your mind or what? This thing looks unhealthy and its oily. Mom said I should be
cautious with what I eat. I can't eat th__. "

Meerah shut her up by stuffing the golgappa in her mouth and made her chew it. Amyrah's eyes
widened upon tasting it. It was the most scrumptious thing she has ever had.

Meerah stared at her as she swallowed.

"How was it? "she asked her.

"Yuck! It's disgusting. Yuck, "she spat out."Just take me home already! "

"Sure, sure. Let's go. "

Amyrah dropped her bag on the bed and jumped on. She took a deep breath and let it out. She went
to the intercom and made a phone call then turned to go to the dress room to change her dress
when she saw the note Meerah gave to her at the market.

**Every coin and note mean a lot Amyrah. Whether one hundred rupee or one hundred crores all
money should be treasured**

She smiled and took out her money box and put the note in it then remember a coin she once
dropped on the floor. She looked around the room til she found it under the bed. She took it out and
put it in the money box.

"I never used to save money because mom has always taught me to use what I have with no second
thoughts. She says money never runs off because my dad is so rich and his money will never run off
but after what I saw today and after what Meerah told me I think money is something one should
treasure. So I will start saving from now on after all every coin and note matter, "she said then went
to the dress room to change unaware that her grandma was standing at the door and listening to
everything she said.
"Meerah is something else. I believe that this is tje work of the goddess. You came into this house
with a purpose. Amyrah for the first time disagreed with something her mother taught her. This is
amazing. A miracle indeed. Lets se what else is going to happen, "she said and walked away with


Meerah heard a door bell and went to answer it.

"Good evening is this Khurana House? Ms. Amyrah ordered some snacks from our restaurant, "the
delivery man said.

"Order and Amyrah made it? "she asked herself then looked at the man. "Thank you, "she smiled
and paid him. "What did she order at this time? "

She was looking at the package in her hands as she walked upstairs to Amyrah's room that she failed
to see Vivaan who also had his eyes on the file in his hands.

She bumped into him, the file in this hands flew up as he immediately caught her around the waist
to prevent her from falling down the stairs. Meerah gasped as she fell into his strong arms with the
package hugged tightly against her chest. She swallowed hard when Vivaan stared down at her, his
eyes piercing through her soul. They stayed like that gazed into each other's eyes with so much

"S_sir, "Meerah said in a whispered. "S_sir let m_me g_go. "

Vivaan snapped out of his thoughts and slowly pulled her up.

He cleared his throat. "You _you're so fond of bumping into me all the time. Has it become your
habit now? "he asked sternly.

"No. No sir, I wasn't looking that's why____I will pick up the papers now, "she bent down and
retrieved the file and gave it to him. Vivaan snatched it from her and proceeded to walk away but
was jerked to a stop. He turned around to snap at Meerah only to find that her veil was stuck to his
watch. He moved back to her and tried to take it off but it won't come off.

"I will do it, "Meerah said and slowly took off her veil. "It's done sir. "

Vivaan walked off. "What! He is so rude! I helped him and instead of saying thank you he walked off.
Both father and daughter have attitude problems. And they will kill me with it,"she grumbled and
made her way to Amyrah's room. She found her in her room mixing something in mixing cup

"What's that? It looks green. "

"Together with a perfect body I should have a pretty face right? Oh my gosh you are so ____. "
"So what? "

"Forget it. Just apply this face mask on my face,"she shoved the paste at her. Meerah stared at it

"It's green so no. It's a big No! How about we try something else? "

"Something like what? Mom uses this paste and she also told me that it's the best in making the face
spotless and radiant. "

"There's no doubt the paste does that but I know something that doesn't only do that but also
makes the face smooth as a pebble and gives a light complexion. "

"And what's that? "

"Come with me. You will find out, "she took her hand and led her to the kitchen. She took out some
tumeric, mixed it with a plain yogurt, some honey and some rose water, giving it a yellowish -gold
color and an amazing smell.

"Back at Birpur when a girl is about to get married they apply this to her face, arms and feet after
that she will look very beautiful,"Meerah said as she applied some on Amyrah's face.

"But what if I get blemishes? If I get one I will sue you and your entire family. "

"Yes do that, "Meerah applied some in her cheeks and forehead til her whole face was covered with
the paste.

"No that won't do. I will apply some on you too. If I get blemishes, you get one too, "Amyrah
scooped the paste and applied some on Meerah's face. "There done. I am going to take a selfie now,
"she took out her phone and took few photos with Meerah smiling at her.

"Come let's take selfies, "she pulled Meerah closer.

"But Amyrah I am not your friend. "

"So what? You are my nanny right? Even I don't want to be friends with you but I want to take selfies
with you. You should be happy that I want to do this with you, "she rolled her eyes.

"You are so rude! "Meerah pinched her cheeks playfully making Amyrah press the click button and
captured the photo.

"Oh my gosh! Look at what you made me do! "

"S_sorry, "Meerah bit her nails making her more angry.

"Come to my room and massage my hair only then I will forgive you. "

"She's likea weather. The next minute she is sweet and the next she's not, "Meerah mumbled as she
left the kitchen with some oil in her hands. Join us on our whatsapp and telegram page for more
stories through ohene ome on+233544142683.
She walked into her room and found her sitting cross legged on the floor.

"We should go wash our faces. Come. "

After the face wash Amyrah laid her head on Meerah's laps and let her oil and massage her hair. She
fell into a deep slumber. Meerah carried her to the bed and laid her down and covered her with the
blankets then switched off the lights and walked away closing the doo behind her.

She was on her way to her room when she heard someone coughing heavily behind her. She turned
around to see Vivaan holding himself against the wall with a hand on his chest. She rushed over to

"S_sir are you alright? "she asked. Vivaan shook his head and leant against her shoulder.

"Sir what has happened to you? Sir? "

"Medicine. Drawer. Bedroom, "he said.

"Medicine? Drawer? Bedroom? S_sir wh_what are you trying to say to me? "

He coughed even more holding tight to her arm for support. Meerah moaned in pain as his nails
were burying deep into her flesh.

"Medicine, "he said and coughed.

"Medicine? Drawer? Bedroom? "Meerah's eyes widened when she finally got his message. "I will get
it right away sir. You stay here and I will get it, "she gently sat him down and ran towards his room
and searched for the medicine. Rambling those the drawers till she found the medicine box. She
rushed back to him and knelt down next to him.

"S_sir which one is it? "she asked but he continued to cough even more. Meerah rubbed his back,
she didn't even realize she was crying. "S_sir tell me which one is it? Just try sir. S_show me, "she
looked at him. Vivaan's eyes were slowly closing up. "Sir stay with me. Sir! Sir please don't do this to
me. Sir. Sir listen to me I am not a nurse or a doctor so please show me which one is your medicine.
Maybe I should call the ambulance. "

Vivaan held her tightly and shook his head indicating no.

"B_but sir, "Meerah looked at the pills and just picked any and helped him have them. She looked at
him as he swallowed them with such difficulty.

"S_sir please don't sue me if you die. You didn't tell me which pills are the right ones so I just gave
you what I felt was r_right. P_please d_don't die s_sir. Sir? "

"Meerah shut up, "he finally spoke up. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"Sir? "Meerah let the tears fall. "You are not dying are you? P_please tell me you're alright sir. "
Vivaan stared at her misty eyes and raised his hand towards her face and wiped her tear. "Why are
you crying for me? I am okay now. But that was a close one. Why are you crying? "

"S_sir you might not be my loved one but you gave me a job and a place to stay so I am opt to worry
about you. I thought you were going to die and that I killed you. I gave you anything I felt was right
which without knowing if that's what you have to take as your medicine. "

Vivaan's heart melted and he gave a small smile.

"I am fine and thanks to your presence of mind and instincts, "he stood up and helped her up as
well. "Maybe I should thank you. "

Meerah nodded wiping her tears. "Are you sure you won't die? "

"No Meerah. You gave me the right meds. Thank you so much. "

She smiled widely. "You are sure? I really don't want to go to jail for killing you. I would never really
kill you intentionally. Had I given you wrong pills and had died then it won't have been my mistake. It
would have___. "

"Shhhh! "Vivaan put his index finger on her lips and Meerah shut her lips and stared back at him.
"Quiet Meerah. Just be quiet. Now listen to me. "

She nodded and he smiled a little.

"You will go to your room and sleep. And tomorrow morning you won't say a word about this to
anyone. It's a secret. Do you know what a secret is? "

She nodded once again.

"Good. You won't say a word to anyone about this or there will be consequences. Now turn around
and go to your room and sleep. "

She turned around and walked to her room in silence, she closed the door behind her. Vivaan picked
the medicine box and smiled.

"She's crazy. A crazy one, "he went to his room.

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ❄Genre;melodrama and romance

ENCHANTED (Rare Love)❄

(You are just a nanny... let it sink)

"It's the right foot,"a voice answered her dilemma. Meerah raised up her feet to see an old lady
standing in the middle of the house smiling at her. She returned the smile and entered the house.

"Greetings ma'am, "Meerah folded her hands giving her a polite smile.

"I'm impressed. This is the first time witnessing a girl from this city so cultured and polite,"the lady
said. Meerah looked at her.

She wasn't that old. She was in her early fifties or sixties. Her hair still had the black color with a few
strands of grey hair. By the look of things she was an old lady who looks good in the modern clothes.
She was wearing a white sari, had her tied into a bun and had specs on and a book in her hand. It
looks like she has been reading.

"Umm__actually ma'am. I'm new here, in this city. I'm from Birpur, "Meerah replied.

"That explains why you are wearing a traditional outfit. This is interesting,"she muttered and glanced
at Meerah. "Please sit,"she motioned her to sit on the couch. Meerah nodded and sat down with her
luggage bag in her hands.

"The name is Shanti Khurana but you can call me ma'am if that's okay with you dear. So may I know
what brings you here? Do you by any chance know my grandson;Vivaan Khurana. He calls me mom
because I am the one who raised him up after the tragic accident of his mom and dad,"she explained
while Meerah gave out a confused look. Why was she telling her all this?

"Well no ma'am. The truth is even I have no idea what I am doing here. My friend gave me this
address, "Meerah gave it to her to look at."And told me to meet someone by the name Param. I did
meet him but he sent me here. "

Mrs. Khurana sighed with a smile while the telephone on the table near her rang. She went ahead
and answered it.

Mom, Param just told me he has sent Ms. Sudha over. I am stuck in a meeting and I don't think it
will be over soon. I will be home late. Do take her interview.

"Ms. Sudha? How old is she if I may ask? Does she look a lot younger? "

What are you saying mom? I told you that's. Sudha is a middle aged woman. Amyrah is kind of
allergic to the nannies that I presented to her so this time around I decided to go for a middle aged
"Okay dear I will surely and gladly take the interview. You take care of yourself and come home
soon. You know how Amyrah is. She won't eat her dinner nor go to sleep til you are here. "

I will try mom. Bye see you

She disconnected the call and looked at the young lady in front of her. She looked so innocent and
good at heart. She had a good nature too and she still had the indian culture and spirit in her. She
looked nervous as her eyes were wandering around the house, her mouth was agape. Maybe it was
the first time seeing anything like this. Mrs. Khurana smiled looking at her and cleared her throat
getting Meerah's attention.

"What's your name dear? "

"Meerah. Meerah Vikramaditya Singh. "

"How long are you? "

"Eighteen ma'am. "

"How good are you with kids? "

"Kids? "Meerah bit her lower lip then released it. "I don't know but I guess I can do well with them. I
wasn't blessed with any siblings, I was the only child. But yes I had a friend whom I treated as a
sister. She behaved like a child sometimes but we were fine,"she replied.

"Then I assume you will do well with Amyrah,"Mrs. Khurana said.

"Amyrah? Who is Amyrah? "

"Oh she's my great grandchild. She's Vivaan's daughter. She's eight years old and you will be her
nanny. This is a new place for you and you will surely need a job to survive in this city. So I suggest
you take up this job dear,"she said. "If you are good with kids I am sure you and Amyrah will get
along pretty well. "

"It's depends on the two of us. If she will be willing to work with me actually. "

"I am going to be honest with you. Amyrah isn't the nicest of kids. She is just herself, she has her
own life and she's erm__. "

"Rude, full of herself and outspoken? "Meerah concluded and Mrs. Khurana gave her a look.

"I am sorry ma'am, "she apologized. "Actually the way you were describing Amyrah made me have
that conclusion. Sorry if I have upset. "
"No, it's nothing like that dear. It just that you are right about Amyrah. She's rude that's why all the
nannies we had hired quited. They couldn't stand her behavior and attitude. "

"What can I say dear? She's just like her mother. She didn't teach her how to interact with others
and has taught her to always put herself first before others. Amyrah, has her mother's arrogant side.
She's more like her mom than her dad. I have only one question. Do you think you can handle her? "

Meerah went into deep thoughts. "Ma'am, I am not a deity to make a miracle so that your great
granddaughter likes me at first sight. I really have no idea nor do I promise anything. It's worth trying
and I really do need this job to survive in this city. "

"You are right. I just hope you last for long. Come let me take you to your room,"Mrs. Khurana
offered and they went upstairs to the rooms. Mrs. Khurana opened the door.

"This is your room, "she stated. Meerah smiled widely and walked in.

"It's beautiful! "she exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it. Arrange your clothes nicely and come downstairs I would like you to do
something for me. Make yourself feel comfortable, I will send some juice for you. "

"Thank you ma'am. "

"Don't mention it dear,"Mrs. Khurana cupped her cheek and left.

Few minutes after packing her clothes in the wall wardrobe a servant walked into the room with a
glass of juice.

"Ma'am has sent juice for you,"she said with a smile and put it on the table.

"Thank you. Well since you and I will be working together in this huge house we might as well be
friends. I am Meerah and you? "

"I am Khushi and I am Mrs. Khurana's special servant. Meaning that I am the one serving her most of
the times. I heard that you will be Baby Amyrah's nanny. "

"Yes. Can you tell me more about her please,"Meerah made her sit down on the bed.

"What can be said about that monster. She's a devil in disguise of a eight year old kid. She is so full of
herself. You know, all her nannies were fired all because of her devious plans. That little girl is a
demon. Sometimes I wish I could lock her in a closet and throw away the keys. "

"Is she that bad? "Meerah gulped down.

"She's terror. A day nightmare. You sound like a good person and innocent too, I just pray she
doesn't use this against you. Someone should really teach that little brat a lesson,"Khushi snarled
and shook her head. "You don't worry about her now. Worry when she's around. Chant your prayers
now because when she comes she will ruin your entire day just by saying one word. Just drink your
juice, I will go now. "
"Oh dear goddess what have I gotten myself into. I am getting scared just by the mention of her
name. Is this how it feels like to have a naughty child? "she asked herself as she drank the contents
in the glass. "I really need this job but it seems like I won't last a day here. Dear goddess please help
me find a way out and make Amyrah like me just a little hmm. "

Meerah whined looking at the flour before her. Mrs. Khurana just asked her to make flat breads for
her and some lentils soup. She agrees she's from a village but cooking isn't something she knows
how to do. She can't cook. She never learnt how, let alone making flat breads and lentil soup.

"Well here goes nothing,"she muttered as she added some water into the flour and started kneading


Vivaan made his way into the house and gave his suitcase to his personal servant who took them to
his room.

"Good evening mom, "he pecked his grandma who pecked him back with a smile.

"How was your day at work? "she asked.

"Hectic and tiring. I would need a head massage and knowing that you are good at giving that would
you do it? "

"Of course, anyway I love touching your hair."

"Umm__where is Amyrah? I don't see her bossing everyone around. "

"She must have gone to meet Tanveer after school,"his grandma replied with a smile.

Vivaan's smile dropped. "I don't really like the idea of her going there. Mom, whenever Amyrah goes
to visit her mother I get spine chilling feelings. Tanveer is not good for Amyrah's upbringing. That
woman has turned my daughter into a monster. "

"There's nothing you can do about it Vivaan. Amyrah loves her mother and thinks she's a good
person. Just don't worry about it, she will come around. I'm going to get something from my room."

Vivaan nodded and slumped back on the couch resting his head on the head rest. He took a deep
breath with his eyes closed. Suddenly he smelled something. Something burning.
"What's that smell? "he opened his eyes and looked at the direction of the kitchen and smoke was
coming out from there. "The kitchen is on fire! "he got onto his feet and ran towards the kitchen.

From the smoke emerged a goddess of beauty,waving her hands in the air and coughing. Her hair
was covered with flour so as her face and clothes.

She was unware of the person looking at her, all she wanted was to catch a deep breath of fresh air.
She coughed once again her hands in her chest. She dumped into Vivaan whose feet had been glued
on the floor all this time looking at her. When she hit her head onto his chest, she lost her balance
and went for a fall. She screamed for help and Vivaan moved his hands and caught her around her
waist and looked down at her. Meerah slowly opened her eyes and stared into his. Time stopped.
Everything in motion stopped as she stared into his black orbs.

**Oh dear goddess who is he? **

She looked down at his lips. They were so small and rosy pink. She gulped down. Her heart skipped a
beat when he pulled her up and her hands fell on his hard chest. They had a eyelock. A long one. She
heard music in her ears. Vivaan stared back at her with confusion. She wasn't saying anything, it was
like she was zoned out. She was just smiling like she has set her eyes on her favorite snack.

Meerah cuffed her chin as she was lost in his priceless facial expression. She saw rose petals falling
down upon them as he snapped his fingers trying to wake her up from her thoughts but it did no

"Is this a dream? "she asked herself. "I am feeling faint. I am losing my breath. This has happened for
the first time that I am going to fain__"she passed out before finishing her sentence. Vivaan once
again sprint forward and caught her before she could fall on the floor. He stared down at her messy
face and pulled the strands of her hair behind her ear and traced his fingers down her cheek.

"Daddy! "Amyrah yelled looking at him. "What are you doing? And who the heck is she? "

He ignored her and carried Meerah in bridal style and walked to the living room and laid her on the

"Daddy, I asked you a question. What was she doing in your arms and... and why did you carry her in
your arms and lay her down here? Who is she? Is she your girlfriend? "Amyrah ranted angrily.

Vivaan sighed and looked at her. "I have no idea who or what she is and what she's doing in our
house princess. And no, she's not my girlfriend,"he replied looking down at the unconscious Meerah
who had a smile on her face.

"What's that smell Vivaan? "his grandma asked and her eyes fell on Meerah. "Oh my goodness what
has happened to her? "

"You know who she is mom? "Vivaan asked.

"Yes, she's Meerah;Amyrah's new nanny. "

"WHAT! "Both father and daughter exclaimed in shock.

"Her! She..... there's no way she's my nanny. Just look at her! She's a complete mess! "

"Mom, Amyrah's nanny is a middle aged woman. Look at this girl, she looks young to be a nanny.
Mom, how can you even think she will handle Amyrah? You are impossible mom! You know very
well that Amyrah hates young nannies then why mom? "Vivaan asked frustrated.

"Vivaan, you told me to take her interview and I did. She fits perfectly into your description of a
nanny. She and Amyrah will do just fine. Trust me on this son. She will tame Amyrah and groom her
into the girl we want,"she replied back.

"Mom you don't understand, do you? Listen when she wakes up tell her to go from___. "

Meerah groaned and blinked her eyes. She looked at her surrounding and her eyes fell onto black
ones but they were not like the ones in her dream.

"Oh my gosh! Wake up already and stop staring at me like that! "Amyrah snapped at her and she
immediately sat up and bit her lower lip.

Vivaan and his grandma went back to her.

"Dear, are you alright? How are you feeling right now? "

"Ma'am do have any sweets? I need something sweet and salty. Do you have some? "she asked
glancing at her.

"Rajeev, please bring some sweets for us and some salt!"

The sweets and salt were brought for her. She took some and sprinkled some salt over them and ate
them one by one. Amyrah and her daughter watched her eat like she was somehow mental. Who in
this world eat sweets with salt?

After having for about ten sweets she took a deep breath and smiled with pleasure.

"Are you okay now? "Mrs. Khurana asked her an she nodded.

"Now tell us what you were doing in the kitchen. You almost set it on fire,"Vivaan spoke looking at
her. Meerah put her hand on her chest and listened to her beating heart. It was running marathons.
She took a deep breath and swallowed a huge lump that was stuck on her throat for a long time

"Ma'am had asked me to make flat breads f_for h_her and s_some lentils s_soup. B_but I don't
know how to cook so the breads got b_burnt t_that's why there was s_smoke,"she looked back at
"Oh my gosh! You don't know how to cook then how can you be my nanny? This is so not happening,
"Amyrah said and used her hands to fan herself. Meerah bit her lower lip, something she does when
nervous and feeling uneasy.

"Amyrah dear why don't you take Meerah to your room and show her around hmm. "

She rolled her eyes and took Meerah's hand and led her upstairs to her room.

"Mom what are you doing? She couldn't even say a single word without stuttering. How will she
manage a stubborn and arrogant girl like Amyrah? "

"Vivaan, trust me. She and Amyrah will get along very well. You don't have to worry about anything.

"I just hope you know what you are doing. If she makes a small mistake she's gone. You know I don't
tolerate mistakes. I am going to my room,"he shook his head and left.

Amyrah dragged Meerah into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Now tell me which category do you fall in? Which type of women do you follow in? "Amyrah asked
her and Meerah gave her incompherensive look.

"Apart from appearing from the smoke and falling into my dad's arms what other abilities do you
have? "Amyrah asked irated.

"I am good at drawing, painting and___. "

"Oh my gosh just shut up! Where do you even come from? You look like you just emerged from a
hole, "she clenched her fists and took a deep breath to calm her nerves down. "Listen, comprehend
then tell me which type you are. The first type of women who come to the house in pretense of
being my nannies are those who think they can use their innocence and good nature to charm my
daddy into getting married to them. The second type are those who try to get to my dad by trying to
change me and turn me into a better person, a good girl. They try to reach to my dad through me
but it never works. The last type are those who are arrogant and think they can get to my dad no
matter what I do. "

"They all come here with a motive of trying to coax dad into marrying them. I saw how my dad
affects you and I saw that sparkle in your eyes when you locked eyes with him. Now tell which type
are you? "

Meerah moisten her lips and gave Amyrah are smile. "I don't fall in any of those types Amyrah's. Is
there a type of those who just come here to do their job and stay away from your daddy? "

Amyrah looked at her agape. Who is she? What is she? And where did she come from?
"What are you? And wherr are you from? You look like some village dirty girl! "

"I'm a human being just like you Amyrah and yes I am from a village called Birpur. "

"You are my nanny. You are just a nanny, take your time and let it sink. Stay within your limits and
don't ever have the fantasy of having my dad because he would never look at you. You are just a
dirty village girl and dirty villag girls get married to only dirty village boys, not the Kings. My daddy
will never give a second look because you are just not his type. I bet you have no family too. Even if
you did, they must have kicked you out because you are dirty. Oh my gosh! Look at your clothes they
are old fashioned. "

Meerah stared at Amyrah's with misty eyes. Her eyes had tears but they didn't fall. How can she be
eight years and talk to her like that? She just hit where it hurt the most. Her family.

"Crying! That's what village girls are good at. When you cry, you stop thinking and try to find
solutions to your problems! "Amyrah's snapped at her. "A nanny, that's what you will always be. Hi
fresh ome on+233544142683 to be added to Story headquarters room. Never forget this. Now get
out of my room I want to sleep. You ruined my happy day. "

Meerah slowly made her way out of the room and closed the door. Amyrah smiled.

"She looks timid and that's my advantage. She will be my toy forever. This one is for keeps for sure.
She's easily bullied. She knows how to make my day,"she tucked herself to sleep with a victorious
smile on her face.

Meerah made her way to the outside garden. She sat on the bench next to the fountain and tears
made their way out of eyes. She sobbed holding her chest.

"H_how c_can she talk to me like t_that? Til date no one has ever spoken to me that way.She's just a
little girl but the works of her tongue are so sharp and it penetrated my soul."

"That's how she is. The soon you get to understand this, the less painful it will be for you,"a voice
said and she immediately stood up wiping her tears.

"Amyrah is stubborn and arrogant. You need to know this for you to be able to handle her. Tears aint
the solution. Make your fears and weaknesses into your strengths. Here wipe your tears, "he gave
her a handkerchief. Meerah took it and wiped her tears then gave it back to her.

"Thank you s_sir,"she sniffed.

"I didn't do this for your sake but for my daughter's sake. I don't believe you can do this, women are
weak people and there's nothing surprising about that. Women know only one thing and that is to
be dependent on other people. Til you learn how to fight your own battles and be independent, you
will always be weak.Amyrah is going to be torture you a lot and she is good at that. She has school
tomorrow at 08:00 hrs. Be up before her and prepare her bath, uniform and breakfast. She likes to
have pancakes with honey in the morning and sometimes toast with omelet. Then beverages, it
depends on her mood. Sometimes she wants espresso, cappuccino, tea or coffee. It just depend on
her mood. "
"It's late you should go sleep, "he said and turned to walk away.

"Wait sir, "she said and Vivaan stopped. "You might not want to hear this but still I will say it. Thank
you. I will try my best to be the perfect nanny for Amyrah. "

"Anything else? "

"Yes, I will also try not to make her angry. "

"Anything else? "

"Yes, "Meerah stood in front of him to see his jaw tightly closed. He was getting pissed and Meerah
sensed it.

"No. No sir I wanted to say good night,"she said and ran to the house. Vivaan stood there with a
smile on his face.

"Crazy. "

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★★★★★★★




"Good morning everyone!"Amyrah smiled at them. "I know you all must be scared to know the
reason why I called you here so early in the morning. I didn't call you here to fire you,"she added and
saw all of them take a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Khurana and Meerah walked into the living room and were surprised to see everyone in the
living room and Amyrah addressing them.

"The thing is someone told me last night that making friends is quite an easy task to do. This is hard
for me but I have to do it. I don't want to have people hating me and having bad and negative
thoughts about me all the time. I don't have much but I would like to give you this,"she picked up a
few baskets which had small packets inside. "I have only sweets, snacks and fruits with me. I just
want to show my gratitude towards you that's all. "
She walked over to them and gave them the snacks.

"Mrs. Gupta I know you have a small kid so please give her this on my behalf, "she gave her some
teddy bear and a few toys. "I hope she likes them. "

"Thank you Ms. Amyrah,"Mrs. Gupta said with a smile on her face.

"No problem. That's all, I only called to appreciate you that's all, "she said dispersing them.

"Wow Amyrah! I never really thought you could be so generous and do that, "Meerah said and gave
her a boosting nudge.

"Well after that lecture you gave me I had to do it and anyway I am tired of having to people angry
with me all the time. "

"That's very good. You know something Amyrah, I know of a saying that says do unto others what
you would want them to do unto you. If you want everyone to love you and respect you, you have to
respect and love them back. That's how everything works. "

"I know, I know, "Amyrah rolled her eyes at her."When is Rohan coming? "

"Any minute now, "Meerah replied looking at the wall clock. "I will go make sure that everything is
set for you guys. "

"So Rohan who is that lady you came with?Please pass me the glue, "Rohan gave it to her. "Thank
you Rohan. "

"She's my dad's personal assistant and my soon mom to be, "Rohan replied as he cut the manila
paper with the scissors. They were making a collage for their art project.

"Soon mom to be as in new mom or she's just your mom and your dad will be getting married to
her? "

"As in a new mom. She will be my step mom,"Rohan smiled.

"And you're happy about it? "Amyrah gave him a look. "You don't have a problem with your dad
getting a new wife? What about your real mom?"

Rohan adjusted his spectacles and went into deep thoughts, when he got his answer he looked at
Amyrah. "No, I don't have a problem with it. At first I had a problem, I wanted dad to only belong to
mom. I used to trouble Laura so much just so she could run away, leave my dad and never come
back. Then I realized that in this world nothing matter to me than my dad's happiness. If my dad is
happy even I am happy. Dad's happiness lays in Ms. Laura. "

"But you're compromising with your happiness with your dads'. "
"No, in fact I am happy with my dad's decision Amyrah. I agree Ms. Laura isn't my mom but she loves
me just like my mom does even more than that. All I had to do was to give Ms. Laura a chance and
she proved to be the best mom in the world. "

"I have never imagined my dad with anyone except my mom. I only want him to be with her."

"You don't have to be selfish Amyrah. Maybe your dad isn't happy with your mom. Maybe they did
something to each other which they can't get over with it. Just like my dad and my mom. They're
happy without each other,dad is happy with Ms. Laura even I am happy with their relationship. I
really have no problem with them. Maybe you should try giving it a thought too. Imagine your dad
with someone else then accept it and trust me you will love it just like I am loving it and enjoying
myself. "

"That's scary and I don't want to think about it."


"So you're not Amyrah's mother? "Rohan's mom asked with a smile.

"No. No ma'am I just her nanny but I guess we are friends now, "Meerah replied.

"But you seem mother like and the relationship you and Amyrah share is something beautiful."

"I won't be so sure about that. She can be a hot potato sometimes. "

"But all it takes is patience. Rohan was a kind of difficult but he is fine now. He is my perfect baby
boy. "

"He is a good boy and I am happy that he and Amyrah are friends,"Meerah smiled looking at them.

"Yes even I am happy. "

"Well I am happy that you finally made friends with everyone and you are friends with Rohan now. "

"Meerah, why can't mom and dad be together again? You have answers to every question so answer
me. "

Meerah moisten her lips and made her sit on the counter chair. "Amyrah, I really have no idea and
answer to that question but I can only know one thing. And that is God is the only one who unite
people, sometimes maybe things may not turn out the way everyone wants. "
"But why Meerah?! "she whined. "When I grew up I thought mom and dad loved each other but
now they're not together. I don't know what really happened. I have no idea if it's mom's fault or
daddy's fault! Mom say something else and daddy say something else all together! "

Meerah held her hands. "Amyrah, what does your heart say? You know one thing that I know is your
heart can never lie to you okay? I don't know what really happened between your mom and dad but
I am sure that if your dad loved your mom he would have fought to be with her again. I am not
saying he doesn't love her but__."

"Amyrah! "a voice said behind them. "Amyrah baby! "

"Mom! You and here! "Amyrah rushed over to her and hugged her. "What are you doing here?"

Her mother looked at her astonished. She never used to question her like this then why today. She
liked it when she came by but now?She glanced over to Meerah whose head was bowed down.

"Who are you? "she asked and Meerah raised her head to reply but Amyrah beat her to it.

"Mom, she's Meerah. "

"Meerah? "

"Yes, my nanny, "she replied with a smile.

"Amyrah can I talk to you for a moment. If you don't mind 'Meerah' can I have a word with my
daughter,"she said bitterly.

"Of course ma'am, "she said and left.

"Amyrah what is this? What's going on? "

"What happened mom? "

"You got a new nanny and you didn't even care to call me and tell me about her? What has
happened to you? She has coaxed you right?"

"No mom. You have gotten it all wrong. "

"Then why didn't you tell me baby? Sweetheart we agreed on this, girls like her shouldn't be your
nanny at all. They will try to replace me in your life and dad's life. "

"No mom Meerah is not like other girls that have come here. She's different and she hasn't made a
move towards me or dad. I know you don't want such girls near daddy and you would want them to
leave from here at the earliest that's why I didn't tell you about her. I don't want to fire her mom.
She's sweet and kind. "

"Amyrah, can't you see she has convinced you to believe that she's kind and sweet. All the ladies
wants to be with your dad because he's handsome and rich. If you want mommy and daddy to be
together again then she has to go from here. "
Amyrah pulled her hands from her. "You are wrong mom. Not everyone who comes here wants to
replace you in my life or dad's life. You should stop being secure about this. If you get so desperate
like this then I'll think that you were the one wrong and that's why daddy left you! Mom, I am
confident that Meerah won't do such a thing and she's not going anywhere. She's staying because I
need her. "

"Wow Amyrah! You are going away from me and its all because of that girl! "

"Stop it mom! Stop competing with Meerah. She's just a nanny and she knows her limits okay? "

Tnaveer nodded sadly. "Okay. Today you have proven to me that you love your dad more than me. I
came here to take you out and have ice cream with you but it looks like you don't need me anymore.
You want your nanny more than me. "

Amyrah shook her head. "No mom that's not what I meant. I love you so much, more than I ever
loved daddy. "

"I don't believe it. If you love me Amyrah you will listen to me and do as I say. Goodbye baby and I
love you no matter what happens,"she pecked her forehead and left.

Amyrah sat on the floor with tears in her eyes.Meerah came into the kitchen and found her sitting

"Amyrah, what happened? Why are you crying?Come sit, "she made her sit on the chair once again.

"My mom thinks I don't love her because I let you stay here instead of firing you! "

"So does that mean I am fired? "Meerah asked making Amyrah look at her.

"No. I don't want you to go because ___because you're my__. "

"I am what Amyrah? "

"You are my friend, "she sniffed wiping her tears.

"Really? "

"Please don't make me say that again, "she grumbled rolling her eyes. Meerah smiled.

"Well in that case how about we do something interesting! "

"Please tell me you're not going to ask me to clean the house because I am not going to do it! "she

"No! Why would you think I would ask you to do that? "

"Because whenever you say that you always make me do things I don't want to do and hate!" "Well
this time around I am sure it's something you will like. Come with me and let's make some
homemade ice cream. "

"How will we do that. "

"Watch and learn. We will need some milk, some vanilla power, some ice cubes, lot of them and
some salt. Lots of salt. "

"Today for the first time Amyrah was against me and its all because of that girl, "Tanveer said and
threw the glass she was holding against the wall.

Ashok laughed. "Why are you so furious? "

"Don't you get it Ashok? If Amyrah gets away from my hands everything will be over my plan will be
ruined. No! I can't allow that to happen!I have to do something, something that will shake Vivaan
from his comfort zone. "

"Something like out? "

"Something massive Ashok. Vivaan will be forced to get back with me. He will have no choice but to
come back. "

To be continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★★★★★★★★

Genre;melodrama and romance



(Hose dripping)

"Meerah, will you please go give this protein shake to Vivaan. He needs it, he just came back from
his morning run, "Mrs. Khurana gave her the shake bottle. Meerah gulped down staring at it and not
making a move to take it from her hand.

"Dear, what happened? "Mrs. Khurana looked at her suspiciously then smiled when she saw the
scared look on her face and concluded that she must be afraid of Vivaan. "He won't get angry at you.
Just give him his shake mix then go wake up Amyrah. "
Meerah took it and went upstairs to his room. She knocked to get a reply but no reply came. She
opened the door and pepper inside.

"S_sir? "she called then got in to put the shake on the table. She turned around to leave when
Vivaan made his way out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso the other one in
his right hand wiping his hair. Meerah's eyes were like saucers staring at his awesomely made
physique. Vivaan hadn't noticed her yet and when he finally did Meerah held her scarf tightly in her

"You here?! "Vivaan shot her a look.

**He will surely kill me. He did threaten me last night and he also hurt me though unintentionally
**She thought as she stood backwards steps as Vivaan took long strides towards her. She
accidentally hit the vase on the table.

"Care__, "Vivaan said but was cut off when it fell to the floor and shattered into pieces. Meerah
gasped with her hands on her mouth.

"Meerah! "Vivaan grumbled. "What are you doing in my room?! "he yelled making her jump up with

"S_sorry sir. I.... I didn't want to come here b_but ma'am s_said___. "

"Will you stop stuttering! Can you for once talk without doing that. It irritates the heck out of me!
Now tell me what are you doing in my room! "

Meerah took the bottle and put it in his hand and ran off from there.

Vivaan looked at the protein shake in his hand and at the open door. "This girl will make me go crazy
one day. What's wrong with her? Unbelievable man! "he walked into the dressing room to get


"Your shirt and slacks, "Meerah gave them to Amyrah who turned around to take them to find that
she was there but her mind wasn't.

"EARTH TO MEERAH! "Amyrah screamed making her snapped out of her lala land. Meerah glanced
at her. "What happened? Why are you screaming like that? I the world coming to an end? "

"What? "Amyrah raised an eyebrow. "Meerah, where are you lost? You look like a zombie. Did you
have a nightmare last night or did you see something scary last night? "
"I think I am going to lose my job today,"she said with a whine.

"What makes you say that? Listen nobody fires my nannies except me. Daddy can't fire you til I say
so. I am not ready to fire you so soon nor am I planning to do so, "she rolled her eyes at her. "You
should go prepare breakfast for me."

Meerah nodded and made her way to the door.

"Hello! "Amyrah said. "Aren't you suppose to ask me what I want for breakfast? "

"Yes, what do you want for breakfast? "

"Polony sandwich and some mixed berries juice, "she replied.

"Yes, I will make them right away,"she said and left.

"What's wrong with her this morning? She's unbelievable I tell you, "she shook her head and packed
her books.


"Here your polony sandwich and your mixed berries juice. Hope you enjoy them,"she smiled
promptly at her.

Amyrah raised her eyebrow and folded her arms. "Okay I think something is totally not right with
you upstairs. A while ago you looked like you were about to pass out now you look alive and jovial
once again. Mind telling me what's going on? "

"No, "Meerah said flatly making her frown.

"I demand you to tell me! You are my nanny! "

"And that's the more reason I won't tell you. I am your nanny not your aunt or friend, "Meerah
shrugged with a smile on her face.

"Good morning sweetheart! "Vivaan made his way downstairs and gave Amyrah a peck on the
cheeks. Then looked at his grandma. "Good morning mom. "

"Good mor__. "Mrs. Khurana was cut short by the sound of shattering glass. They all looked up to
see Meerah standing there with widened eyes and trembling hands. Vivaan arched his eyebrows
looking at her, she was looking straight at him, her eyes were gazing right at him. Why is she staring
at him? And why is she looking so terrified?

"Meerah, are you okay? "Mrs. Khurana asked her touching her trembling hands. Meerah snapped
and looked at her.

"Huh? Y_yes. I..... I... I will go drink s.... some w... water, "she immediately vanished from there.
Vivaan shook his head in disbelief.
"What has happened to her all of a sudden?"his grandma asked him and he shrugged and looked at
Amyrah who also shrugged.

After taking Amyrah to school Meerah returned back to the mission happily smiling now. She still has
her job. She adjusted her scarf then stood in front of goddess Durga's idol.

"Oh dear goddess you are amazing. I made the boss angry but he didn't fire me from my job then
Amyrah who promised to protect my job. Even Mr. Vivaan is not at home I don't have to be scared
anymore. And goddess please keep him away from me, far, far away from me. "

"Meerah dear, "Mrs. Khurana walked over to her with a smile.

"Yes ma'am. "

"Dear, will you do something for me? "she cupped her cheek and she immediately agreed.

"Dear Vivaan has forgotten his lunch box at home and Khushi has gone to the market to buy some
food groceries for us. I have to go to the temple to offer prayers so will you please go to Khurana
Industries and give him the lunch box? "

"Wh_what?! Me! "Meerah stammered.

"Please go for me dear. Please go and give him this hmm. "

She reluctantly agreed and took the lunch box.


She made her way to the reception.

"Good morning ma'am, welcome to Khurana Industries how may I help you? "

"I am here to meet your boss. The owner of this company, "Meerah replied.

"Do you have an appointment with him ma'am."

"Hey no! No! His grandma has asked me to come give him his lunch box,"she held it out for her to
see. The lady nodded and made a call after that directed her to take the elevator to the last floor.

The doors opened and Meerah once again made his way to the reception desk.

"Excuse me, may I know where Mr. Khurana's office please. I am here to give him his lunch box. "

The lady ogled at her clothes then made a disgusted face. "Who the heck are you? And do you have
an appointment with VK? "

"VK? "Meerah asked herself then looked back at the lady. "Who is that? "
"Get the files of the Naidei project and bring them to my office Param. I need to look at the blue
prints and send them over to Mr. Chopra. And listen you ___, "he trailed off when his eyes caught a
lady in a green salwar suit walking away from the reception with her head bowed down. It was
evident she was crying. Somehow he felt something stinging in his chest as she walked away.

"Excuse me! "he called out and the lady stopped and slowly turned around. He took his hand out of
his pocket when he saw her.

"Meerah! "he walked over to her. "Meerah, you? What are you doing here? "he asked then looked
rato see everyone looking at them then they immediately looked away. "Come with me,"he took her
to his cabin and closed the door.

"Tell me ,what are you doing here? "

She sniffed and wiped her tears. "What kind of the people do you entertain in your workplace?"

"What? "he folded his arms and looked at her with a questionable look on his face.

"Is rude other word for politeness in this city? That girl with white hair was talking rudely at me just
because I am different from her. I agree I come from a far away village but I am a human being right?
She was talking about my sense of dress and how I was looking. Is it a crime to be different? "

"I don't have time to answer your silly questions Meerah. Instead of crying and letting her insult you,
you should have talked back at her. You women I tell you. You always find comfort in tears as if they
contain answers to your questions, "he shook his head.

"Instead of running away from your problems, you should face them fiercely. But what can be
expected from a poor village girl like you? You can only find a corner and cry yourself to sleep,"he
taunted at her. Meerah wiped her tears and looked up at him.

"How can you say that about me? You don't even know me and you ___. "

"I don't need to know you at all. You can't even say one line without stuttering. What can be
expected from you actually? The answer to that question is nothing. "

"You think you know me but the truth is you don't. But I know very well. You are so harsh and you
don't care about other people. Had you been a little soft maybe you won't be alone and so harsh.
What can be expected from someone who can never love nor understand love and true emotions?
The answer to that question is nothing "she answered back. "I came here to give you your lunch box,
"she put it on the table and turned towards the door. Vivaan caught her arm and brought her back.
She yelp with pain.

"What do you know about me hmm? You know nothing about me okay! So don't you dare talk to me
like that again! "
"It's hurts because it's the truth. That's one aspect about the truth it hurts really bad and it's bitter
but that doesn't change the fact that__ow! "she cried and hissed with pain when his grip on her arm
tightened, adding more pain to the pain of last night when he held her. Vivaan saw the pain in her
eyes and let her go instantly.

"Just get out from here. GET OUT! "he yelled at her. Meerah didn't even waste a second she left.

~~ ~~

Meerah was cleaning Amyrah's room when she spotted the package of last night under the sofa. She
brought it out and sniffed it.

"Golgappas? It smells of golgappas. Oh I see she ordered the golgappas even though she said they
were disgusting,"she smiled as now she found a reason to tease her. Amyrah barged into the room
and threw her bag across the room and jumped onto the bed burying her face on the pillow.

"Amyrah what happened? "Meerah sat next to her on the bed. She heard some whimpering. Amyrah
was crying.

"Amyrah! "she patted her shoulder. "Princess, why are you crying? "

"I am not crying! "she snapped at her. "Big girls don't cry! Mom has told this. Big girls are not cry
babies! Big girls are strong, "she sobbed.

**Her mother has been pretty harsh on her. She's just a kid**

"Well I think your mom is wrong on that part because you are crying now sweetie ~,"she said.

ANYONE! "she hollered w~ ith a cracking voice.

"Okay if you are stubborn even I am no less. I am not moving an inch til you tell me what's wrong
with you. "

"Why aren't you leaving! I hate you! Just leave me alone! "

"No, I am not leaving til you tell me what's bothering you. I must comment that big girls also cry and
become weak too, "she added.

Amyrah raised her head and looked at her. "Do you cry too? Aaargh! Don't look at me! I look ugly!
"she growled making Meerah crack up with laughter. "Stop it's not funny. Stop laughing or you're
fired. "

Meerah moved closer to her and pulled her more into a hug. "Right now you need a care bear hug,
"she said with a smile. "You are not that ugly. When I cry I look like a rabbit. You know those ones
with red eyes, pink noses and pink ears? I look exactly like them. "
"You are stupid, "Amyrah hugged her even more. "Big girls don't cry. "

"Amyrah big girls cry too. You know why? Because everyone in this entire universe has a weakness
and a spot where when it's hit it gets painful. Your mom has that spot too, it's just that you haven't
seen it yet but it's there. Your dad and grandma has one too. And Amyrah tears are not a sign of
weakness or of giving up. Tears are your true emotions, how you truly feel dear. Never ever let
anyone tell you to never cry. All human beings cry Amyrah, animals cry too. God cries too when he
sees bad things happening with his children. When God crys who are we not to cry? "she looked at
her. You are a kid Amyrah and kids cry all the time. "

Amyrah unwrapped her arms around her waist and sat up straight. "Well today at school a new boy
came in. He accidentally broke my pencil and I lashed out on him then he talked back causing a
massive fight. He told me that he hates me and that I am rude and arrogant. It hurt to be called
bad,"she confessed.

"Well I might have a solution for that,",] Meerah said. "Why don't we call at this guy's house and ask
his parents if he could come over to hang out then you would apologize to him and make friends
with him? "

Amyrah beamed and nodded. Meerah went to get a telephone book and looked for Ludick
surnames. Luckily the first trail was Rohan Ludick's residence number.

After the phone call Amyrah looked at Meerah to tell her what they said.

"His mom has agreed to send him tomorrow,"she squeaked.

"Really! "

"Uh-huh, "she nodded. "Now how about doing something interesting to lighten up your mood?
Come with me, "she led her outside to the parking lot.

"Amyrah meet Vikrant, "Meerah introduced. "Vikrant meet er ___Amyrah. "

"Meerah what are we doing here? "

"Amyrah, Vikrant is your driver. He has been your school driver for more than six years and today we
are going to appreciate him for his long service and loyalty. "

"What?! "

"Yes by helping him wash the cars. Sounds like a good idea right! "

"NO! That's the worst idea I have ever heard in my entire life! I have never even washed a plate and
you want me to wash a car! This is a joke right? "she eyes Meerah waiting for her to say'of course I
am joking 'but no she just kept a straight face.

"Oh hell no! You can't make me do this! "

"No. No girl you can't do this. Vikrant has been loyal to you and you haven't been appreciating him
with anything. "

"Hello dad gives him his bonuses and salary!"

"Exactly your dad not you. You have no money to pay Vikrant but you can at least do this for him. A
little gesture of kindness and appreciation is all we ask for. ""

"Fine! "she snapped.

"Great. Here is the sponge. You take the front and I take the back. Go for it! "Meerah gave her
thumbs up and a wink.

"Stop behaving like a child! "she groaned and started washing the car. Meerah smiled looking at her.
She took hold of a hose pipe and pointed it at her. Amyrah's eyes widened.

"What are you doing with that? "she asked. Hi omeano on +233544142683 to read more stories
from our whatsapp and telegram page. Meerah took a few steps back. Her eyes widened more and
before she could run Meerah sprayed the water at her. Soaking her wet from head to toe.

"Stop! The soap got into my eyes! "she yelped. Meerah stopped giggling and walked over to her to
check her eye Only to have the hose pipe snatched away from her. She gasped as Amyrah shot it at
her. When she tried to run she fell due to the wet grass. Amyrah laughed and sprayed the water all
over her body.

They played around with the water, throwing the soapy water at each other.

"Let's see how you dodge this! "Meerah threw soapy water at her but Amyrah was quick she moved
to the side and SPLASH ! The water sprayed on someone.

"D__d__daddy! "Amyrah stuttered. Meerah dropped the bucket on the ground and covered her
mouth with her hands. Amyrah gulped down seeing the pissed look on her father's face.

"Y_you are home early t_today. Is everything al_alright? "

"You ___. "

"Run Meerah! "Amyrah took her hand and ran towards the house with her.

"What the__! Amyrah! Amyrah! Stop right there now! "he shouted and they jerked to a stop.

He walked over to them and looked at them from one to the another. "What were you doing?"

Amyrah looked at Meerah who also looked at her pleading to her to save her.

"Actually d_daddy we were j_just__. "

"Amyrah go inside now and change your clothes. "

She reluctantly let go of Meerah's hand and ran to the house.

Meerah took a few steps backwards holding her hand on her chest which was rapidly going up and

"Why are you stepping away from me? Meerah, I am not going to ___. "

Before he could finish she ran away leaving him shocked. "What has happened to her? "

"Amyrah, I don't thithink you got my point,"Meerah said drying her hair as she was sitting cross
legged on the floor. "My whole intention was to try show you that making friends is easy. You
helped Vikrant and now he is not afraid of you. What I wanted to explain to you is you have to be
kind to Rohan so him to be your friend. That's how relationships and friendships work Amyrah. You
don't always have to be the top banana, you have to learn how to be less arrogant and rude, and be
more kind, generous and submissive in order to make friends."

"Rajji and I are just like that you know. We love and are submissive to each other. You should try it
believe me making friends won't be that hard anymore. Also I wanted you to know that you can
make your life fun through some things like water fights and others not by just going to the mall and
waste money on buying so many clothes and toys which you won't need in the future. Look at your
room it is filled with so many toys and you don't even play with all of them so don't you try to be
more kind and share them with those who don't have anything to play with. Amyrah, life is too short
for you to live like a perfectionist. No body is perfect Amyrah. Not me, not your dad or mom. We just
have to accept this and live with it and try live our perfectly imperfect lives. "

"And the most important lesson of the day was appreciate those who serve you. Appreciate Khushi,
Parth and others for always serving and been loyal to you at all times. "

"Are you done? I am feeling sleepy. I want to go to sleep, "Amyrah yawned. Meerah smiled and
nodded. She tugged her to the duvet and stroke her head til she fell asleep. She switched off the
light and left the room. She smiled and made her way to her room. She raised her hand to the door
knot to open the door and go in but someone caught her arm and put their hands over her mouth to
prevent her from screaming. The person twirled her around so that she faces him.

"S_sir! "she exclaimed. "You? Why have you brought me here? "

"You, what is wrong with you? Since morning you have been behaving strangely when you see me.
What has happened to you? "

"Well sir last night you threatened my life! "

"What! "

"Yes sir. You said if I say a word about what happened to you to anyone there will be consequences.
I got scared as I told God about your problem. And sir til date I have never hidden anything from
anyone, what you asked me to do I can't do it. Your grandma has the right to know about what
happened last night. You are sick sir. "

Vivaan sighed and smiled. "You are right I am sick but Meerah mom should never know of this. It will
kill them. Meerah you have to keep this to yourself. And what made you think I would hurt you. I just
said to scare you off nothing more. "

"Right! Just like in the movies the hero_____, "she trailed off when she saw his jaw clench."S_sorry
sir. So sorry. Can I go outside now? It's quite freezing out here. Don't worry my lips are sealed. Can I
go sir? "

"Am I stopping you? "

"Y_yes___I mean no. I will go now,"she said and left.

"Unbelievable man, "he shook his head and went back into the house after her.

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★★


Genre;melodrama and romance



(It's your call)

"What! Did she really negotiate that with you?"his grandma asked not ready to believe what she just

"Yes mom, she did! God I felt like strangling her right that moment. I can't believe she thinks Amyrah
is a toy with can play around with like that. I hate her mom. I hate Tanveer! I hate her!"he kicked his
chair and rotated around.

"Stop it Vivaan! Getting angry and throwing things around is not going to help out or make Tanveer
change her mind or the shrewd way she thinks. Just calm down! "
He slumped on the chair. "Mom how can I calm down now? I can't stop thinking about what she
proposed to me. She knows. She bloody knows that Amyrah is my life and I would do anything to
have my daughter with me all the time! Then who could she think of putting me through this again
mom! "


"You!? What are you doing here? I told you to never show me your face again, didn't I? Are you hard
of hearing or you don't hear at all?Get out now, "he stated irated. Tanveer smiled and helped
herself to the chair.

"Relax Vivaan. I am not here to eat you up but to talk to you. "

"You and I have nothing to talk about Tanveer. You and I ended the day you forced me to sign the
divorce papers and you ran away with my ex-boss. You and I have nothing to talk about now. "

"Come on Vivaan. I know you still want me stop working yourself up, "she leant closer on the desk
exposing her cleavage and licked her lower lip seductively. "You still want me that's why you are still
single right? "

He scoffed with a smile and sat down on his chair. "Me being single has nothing to do with you
Tanveer. If only you knew you mean nothing to me anymore. Those days I used to stand in the rains
just for you are over, they're are long gone Tanveer. You mean nothing to me now so just get out
quietly before I send the security in to send you out, "he said softly yet with an intense and angry

Tanveer leant back on the chair and crossed her legs. "Well I can't go because I have something you
want. "

"You do you have that I would want so bad?"he asked with a mocking smile.

"Amyrah, "she replied and smiled when she saw his smile slowly vanishing from his face.

"What do you mean? "

"Vivaan, I know you love Amyrah a lot and I love her too and our daughter has one wish and that's to
see her mom and dad together once again. "

He scoffed. "Tell me something new Tanveer. Of course I know she wants that and I also know you
are the one instigating her to say and do all that she's doing. "

She half smiled. "You are a smart man Vivaan and I would advice you to do as Amyrah wants."

He leant closer fidgeting with his pen. "Or what Tanveer? "

"Or you will lose her Vivaan. Forever. You will never see her again. Never ever. I will take her away
from you and this time the law will be by my side, supporting me. I am Amyrah's mom, I have Ashok
with me and if I take you to court Amyrah's custody will be given to me and Ashok Khanna, a man
you despise a lot. You are single and of course you do know there's no way the judge will rule in
your favor. "

"I took care of her when you left her with me to pursue your romantic love and life dammit!"he bang
his fist in the desk making her smile more. She enjoyed seeing him like this, he knew it very well.

"Well based on the law and procedures that doesn't count. I will take Amyrah from you and you very
well know that's possible, very much possible. "

"What do you want? "he asked.

"Nothing much. Something I want is right in front of me. I want you Vivaan. I want you and I as one
once again. I want us to get married then Amyrah won't have to go anywhere. She will stay with you
forever and ever, I promise you that. But if you say no, "she hissed shaking her head then smirked at
him. "I can get married to Ashok in just a day and obviously the judge will give Amyrah to us, a good
family. A complete family. It's a deal Vivaan, marry me and have your daughter. It's your call. You
have 24hrs to think this over, "she stood up and winked at him before leaving.

✨✨End of flashback ✨✨

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He had tears in his eyes. "Mom, she knows I can't
stand her still she proposed such a dirty deal to me. Mom, I can't do that to myself nor my daughter.
I can't. "

His grandma held his hands. "If Tanveer can get married in a day, you can get married in an hour.
Vivaan you're VK the business man tycoon. If Tanveer can get married even you can. "

"What are you suggesting mom? "he looked at her.

"Get married Vivaan. It's high time you get married then you will be sure that neither Tanveer or
anyone would take your daughter from you. "

"Mom! No, not this again,"he grumbled.

"Then agree to Tanveer's demand and suffer in a loveless marriage or not agree and lose Amyrah
forever. It's your call Vivaan. I am sure you don't want all that to happen to you nor Amyrah. You are
not helpless Vivaan. You have a choice and this choice is the best you can ever have. I have told you
my own words what you do here further is your game. I am out,"she lifted her hands in defeat and
left him to ponder over her words.

• •° •° •° •° •° •
"So that's what really happened? Amyrah's mom left her over for a rich man and poor Amyrah thinks
it's her father's fault that she got separated from her mom, "Meerah said walking in the hallway.
"Sir, really has no choice but to gef married to someone else if he wants to keep Amyrah. He really
loves his daughter. He will be devastated if she goes away from him. God please help him, "she
folded her hands and prayed to the goddess.

"I am sure that Amyrah loves both her mom and dad equally and it will devaste her even more if
she's taken from her father. Please don't let that catastrophe happen dear goddess. Please help
them. "

"God listens to those whose hearts are meek my dear, "Mrs. Khurana walked over to her. "In such a
short time you have grown so fond of Amyrah and you understand her so well,"she smiled and
cupped her chin and looked at the goddess. "May he listen to my prayers as well. I just want my son
and grandchild to be happy. That's all. "

"He will listen ma'am. Prayers done from the heart and with no evil intention are always heard,
"Meerah smiled. "Ma'am, I will go pick Amyrah from school, "she said and left.

"Dear goddess, she's so innocent and I know I shouldn't think this about her. But what do I do?
Vivaan calls me his mother and every mother worries for her child. I can't help my heart from feeling
like this. Meerah is the right girl to be my Vivaan's wife and also be Amyrah's mom. She understand
and know both of them so well. Dear goddess please do something and make them unite. Anything
dear Lord. Show me a sign. Make a way for me to get them married somehow,"she prayed and lit
the lamp.

>>>Fast forward >>>

"Mom, I thought about what you told me and I am ready to get married. I will get married but to the
girl of my choice, "he said.

"Do you have anyone in mind? "

"Yes, my friend Somali. She's a tamilian and she's the right girl for me. "

His grandma sighed. "If you're so sure and convinced then I have no say in all this. My blessings are
with you my dear,"she blessed him and he walked away.

"The wedding will take place mom but it will be a fake wedding. A fake marriage. I am doing this just
to make sure I don't lose my ~daughter. I am sorry mom, I do know that it's your dream to see me
married. But I can't not after what Tanveer made me go through. I can't love or trust anyone after
that, "he s~ adly said looking at her then proceeded to leave.

"What have you done mom? Just what are you doing? I heaed from grandma that you are taking
daddy to court! For what mom!"Amyrah shoved her hard. She was angry and sad at the same time.
"Why mom?! Why!? "

"Amyrah baby relax. Mom is doing all this just to make sure that she and daddy gets back together. "

"Which world and city do you live in mom?! Didn't you hear? Dad has agreed to get married but not
to you! "

"What! "Tanveer stared at her shocked. She did hear that VK is getting married but she thought she
was the bride.

"Who is he getting married to Amyrah? "

"Moooom! I have told you right? I don't want to ~be separated from anyone of you but you taking
daddy to court means I have to stay with one of you and be away from the other one. I love you
both equally and want to be with you both! Why did you do th~ is mom!? Why do I have to suffer
due to your misunderstandings and fights! I am just an innocent eight years old girl who want to see
her mom and dad together again. I don't want a new mom and if I am getting one today then it's
your fault mom! "

"Amyrah babe listen, "she cuffed her chin and made her look at her. "You want mom and dad to be
together again right? "

She slightly nodded in tears.

"Then you will have to help mom in doing that. Will you help me? "

"You know I would do anything just to see you and daddy together and happy again. "

"Then this wedding shouldn't happen with that woman but with me. Vivaan has to get married to
me.When is he getting married. "

"Mom, he is Vivaan Khurana and he wants this wedding to happen as soon as possible. He is getting
married in just two days. How will we stop this then? "

"You will do as I tell you. Will you do it sweetie?"she asked looking intensely into her eyes.

~~❄ ❄ ❄ ~~

"Khushi put up this lights please. Ma'am said everything should be perfect tonight. It's sir and Ms.
Somali's henna and musical ceremony tonight,"Meerah instructed to her. "Everything should be___.

"Perfect! "everyone in the hall concluded then giggled.

"Meerah ma'am has entrusted you with this responsibility so we will help you to uphold it. Don't
stress so much, "Khushi said. "You go check if the food is ready in the kitchen and if the henna is
ready. Ma'am has made it herself."

Meerah smiled. "From what I heard henna. :@ made by the mother in law is
considered a blessing. "I am sure that sir and ma'am will be happy forever. Listen I will go to the
kitchen right now and check on everything especially the henna, "she said and left to the kitchen.

"Tazar is the food ready? "she asked.

"Yes Meerah. "

"And the henna? "

"Already ma'am. "

"Why are there two bowls of henna Tazar? "

"The other bowl is the henna and the other one is a herbal paste. Sir has hurt his hand so ma'am
made the paste for him to apply on the cut. "

"Tazar! The soup! "Meerah rushed over to the hot pot and held the lid with her bare hands and of
course one get burnt when they touch a hot lid. "Ow! Aaaah! "she cried retrieving her hand.

"Ma'am are you okay? "Tazar rushed over to her.

"Kunal! Kunal! "Vivaan got into the kitchen in anger. "Where is the paste I asked for?! "

"Right sir. Here it is,"Tazar gave it to him then left with the other bowl.

"What has happened to you? "Vivaan asked Meerah who was busy running cold water over her

"I burnt my hand,"she replied.

"Let me apply this on you, "he took her hand and slowly applied the paste on her hand. After that he
quietly left leaving her standing there.

Back In The Hallway

"What is this? "Vivaan's grandma exclaimed looking at the henna. "What is all this!? "

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★



(Bittersweet ll)

"What is this? "Mrs. Khurana asked everyone who was in the hall. "What is this Khushi? This is not
the henna I made. This is the herbal paste I made for Vivaan! Where's the henna Khushi? "she asked.

"Let me go and check with Meerah ma'am,"she replied and left to the kitchen to find her standing in
the middle of the kitchen staring at her hand.

"This doesn't smell like a herbal paste. It smells more like__. "

"Meerah, you're here while ma'am is outside in so much fury, "Khushi cut her self conversation off.
"Something bad has happened Meerah and ma'am is furious regarding the same. "

"What happened Khushi? Why is she angry?As far as I can remember everything was fine when I felt
from the hall to here. "

"Yes, it was fine but now it's not Meerah. Something has gone wrong. "

"And what is that? "Meerah asked.

"The bride's henna has gone missing Meerah. Someone has swamped the henna with the herbal
paste that's why she's so angry. Meerah that henna is considered auspicious. Henna made by the
mother in law to be is regarded as a blessing for the groom and bride to be together til
infinity,"Khushi replied.

Meerah felt her tummy tie into a knot and she felt sick for a minute.

Her feet got cold and her world began to spin.

"What is this? "Khushi held her burnt hand. "You got burnt but how? And what's this?"her eyes
widened when she sniffed it in then glanced over to Meerah who also was in a state of shock. "This!?
Henna! You applied the henna on your palm! "

Meerah immediately shook her head. "No! No! No Khushi,"she said, "I didn't know even sir had no
idea that it was the henna. We thought it must be the paste. And by mistakeTazar must have
swamped the henna with the herbal paste."

"I believe you Meerah but this is henna. The henna the bride was suppose to apply today on her
henna ceremony. If ma'am comes to know this happened then ___. "
"She shouldn't come to know Khushi. It was mistake. I didn't want this to happen. If they don't come
to know then it won't mean anything to anyone. Promise me that you won't say a word to anyone
about this Khushi. Promise me, "she looked into her eyes pleading making khushi give her an
assuring smile and a nod.

"Thank you Khushi. Thank you. "

"What do you mean it means nothing Vivaan!"they heard a shout coming from the hall and they
immediately went there to see what was happening.

"Mom, it's just henna. We can order a new one. We still have an hour to the ceremony. "

"Vivaan, I made that henna for Somali and we don't know where it is. How can I be calm about that?
Do you even know the significance of the henna made by the mother in law? "

"Mom, its just henna whether made by you or someone else. What matters is your blessings mom.
Henna is just a henna. Just relax I will go and order a new henna, "he sighed and turned to leave,
that's when his eyes fell on Meerah who was hiding behind Khushi. He stared into her gaze for a
while before walking away.

"He looked ____, "Khushi trailed off.

"Angry I know, "Meerah replied.

"No. He looked okay with the whole situation. Is he really okay or just pretending to be okay?"

Meerah shook her head into no and shrugged.

.... ....

"Amyrah what are you doing in your room when you are suppose to be downstairs applying some
henna? "Meerah looked at her smiling.

"I don't have time to play henna with everyone. Besides I go to school so I can't apply any henna,
"she said bitterly and looked away. Meerah sighed and sat next to her on the bed.

"I smell something. Do you smell it too? "she asked sniffing around. Amyrah rolled her eyes and
crossed her arms on her chest.

"Someone is angry. Someone is upset, "Meerah said and moved closer to her. "Hmmm....... let me
guess. You are not happy that your dad is getting married to someone else, aren't you? "

Amyrah turned and looked at her making Meerah smile. "Yes! I mean what's the need for him to
marry another woman when mom is there for him Meerah. If this henna ceremony is not my mom's
henna ceremony then I won't attend it no matter what everyone says. He tried to convince, grandma
tried too and if you are here to convince me to attend the stupid ceremony then I am very pleased
to let you know that I am not going to attend the ceremony, "she snarled and looked away.
"Amyrah, I am here to convince you to go down for the ceremony nor force to. But think about it
Amyrah, what will people say about you if they don't find you there to wish your dad and Somali. I
know you are hurt and very angry with you dad but what's your grandma and Somali's fault in all
this, tell me? "she cuffed her cheeks made her look her.

"Amyrah sometimes we have to let go of things that will never be together in the future. Amyrah, I
want you to listen to me to understand and not to answer. If your dad really loved your mom, he
would be getting married to her right now. I don't really know what happened between your dad
and mom that led to them going separate ways but all I can say is your dad loves you the most and
knows what's best for you. He has been doing everything to make sure you don't lack anything and
so you are happy. Just this once do something for him too Amyrah. Be daddy's little princess and
support him. What's say? Should I bring out your outfit for you or you will do it by yourself? "she

"That's your job to do not mine. I will wear a pink salwar suit, "she replied making Meerah grin


"Thank you for agreeing for this Somali. I know you must have had so many dreams about your
wedding but today because of me this dream are going to be shattered. A husband is suppose to get
married to a woman out of love not out of a deal. I hope you forgive me,"he held her hands and
looked at her face his eyes filled with guilt.

"Don't embarrass me Vivaan,"she smiled. "You have done so much for me in the past and I will
forever be indented to you. If doing this will be of very good help then I am more than willing to do
this. Just for you and your daughter. I am at all hurt by this but I am happy that finally I got the
chance to help you somehow. "

Vivaan smiled and hugged her. "Thank you Somali. You are indeed a good friend. Thank you so
much. "

"Enough now. We should head downstairs everyone must be waiting. "

"Of course,"he smiled and they left the study.


"Come dear sit down. We shall apply some henna and then we will all prepare for the tumeric
ceremony and celebrate this auspicious day, "Mrs. Khurana said. "Meerah bring the henna please. "

Meerah nodded and left to the kitchen and brought the henna. After the henna rituals, Somali was
taken to the room to get ready for the tumeric ceremony. Meerah was the one dressing her up.
"So what's your name? "Somali asked her with a smile.

"Meerah. My name is Meerah. "

"Meerah! That's a beautiful name for a pretty girl like you. So where are you from? "

"Birpur. I am sure you don't really know the village. "

"Yeah, I have never heard of it,"she nodded. "Do they teach you to do all this hair dressing back
there? "

"No ma'am. I learnt it from my mothers. My mother Dilshad and my aunt Rano. They are very
talented in this field. I simply learned how to do my hair by watching them do theirs. "

"Do they live here too? I would like to learn from them too. Well do they? "

Meerah's smile vanished when she said that.She was missing her home, her mother and her aunt.
She missed Rajji and everything they did together back at Birpur. Her eyes welled with tears, he tried
to blink them away but it was making it worse instead of making it better.

"Meerah? What happened? Did you hurt yourself? "Somali asked her when she saw the look on her

'N_nothing ma'am. Umm__I am kind of thirsty. I... I will go and drink some water,"she rushed out of
the room in tears.

She needed some air and that's what she will get. Down the hallway she dumped into one of the
servants and the bowl full of the tumeric paste stained her arms and sari but she was in a hurry to
even notice. When she got to the outside garden she sat on the swing chair and weeped her heart
out. She wanted to forget everything about Birpur but someway and the other her past found it's
way back to haunt her.She stayed like that for a couple of minutes til she heard some music playing
indicating that the tumeric ceremony has began. She wiped her tears and stood up to go back in. She
looked down at herself to find herself in a mess.

"I can't go in looking like this. I look like I have been attacked by a wild cat. I will go in through the
kitchen door then go change,"she said to herself and walked over to the kitchen.

She was about to go in when she heard a voice speaking inside.

"This tumeric paste will ruin her face instead of making her beautiful mom. I promise you that dad
will say no to getting married to Somali after she applies this tumeric paste. She will regret agreeing
to marry daddy. I will give her blemishes and she will never look at her face again. One of the
servants have already left with the tumeric. I have to go now or they will suspect something fishy if I
am not there. Bye for now mom. "

When the person left Meerah walked in and rushed over to the venue;the courtyard. Mrs. Khurana
had just finished applying some tumeric paste on Somali, Amyrah walked over to her and scooped
some much paste and smeared it on Somali's face arms. Everyone took turns afterwards, all of a
sudden some water was spread on Somali. Everyone gasped and turned around to see Meerah
holding a hosepipe shooting the water at Somali.

"What the hell! "she yelled and coughed as the water was getting into her mouth and nose with so
much force but that didn't stop Meerah is continued spreading the water on her til all the paste was
washed off.

"There! Now everything is okay,"she exclaimed and took in a deep breath. She was relieved .
"Thank God I came in time or else___. "

"Shut up you servant! "Somali cut her off."Look at what you did! You ruined my tumeric ceremony
and spoiled my dress! "

"No ma'am I was just ____. "

"Come with me! "Vivaan took her hand and led her inside. She pushed her against the wall and
stared right into her eyes. "Are you out of your mind or what!? How can you even do such a thing
dammit! You ruined someone's tumeric ceremony! You ruined my tumeric ceremony! "

"Sir, I didn't ruin anything. I sav___. "

"ENOUGH! "he roared at her and grabbed her arms. Meerah hissed in pain. "Don't you dare pull that
crap with me! You were there, I was there! Everyone was there and we all witnessed how you
spread water on Somali. You are nothing but a lowly human being! Are you one of those girls who
get obsessed with someone who don't even love you! Now I get it,"he sarcastically chuckled. "You
think just because I applied some stupid henna on your hand means I have developed some feelings
for you? "

Meerah stared back at him with tears in her eyes. "Sir, you got it all wrong. I would never think of
you in that way. I did what I did to__. "

"To ruin my day! Save it, I don't want to listen to your lies! You all come in looking so innocent at the
end you turn out to be shrewd and cunning. One should never trust women. "

"Your tears mean nothing to me. Don't you think that by crying I will forget everything, melt down
and listen to you. I knew you were trouble the day you came here. Your tears mean nothing me at
all. Now listen to me and listen good. You will stay away from me and Somali.Tomorrow is our
wedding day and I don't want you to pull any stunt tomorrow. You will not come to the wedding
tomorrow til Somali and I are married. Do I make myself clear? "

Meerah looked at the floor and nodded.

"Good, "he let her go and walked away.

"Did daddy hurt you Meerah? Is that why you are crying? What was the need to do that?"Amyrah
said applying some ointment on bruised arms. Meerah just looked at her studying her. "Stop staring
at me like that and answer me. You are scaring me truly. "

"Why? "Meerah asked her and tears came out her eyes.

"Why what Meerah? "

"If your dad scolded me today, if Somali hates me today Amyrah, know that it's all because of you. "

"What are you saying? What are you talking about Meerah? What did I do this time? "

"Wow Amyrah! Lying on someone's face is not at all a big thing for you. You mixed something in
Somali's tumeric paste so that she gets blemishes, am I right Amyrah? "

Amyrah froze looking at her. Meerah sadly smiled and shook her head. "I thought I explained things
to you Amyrah then why? Why did you do it Amyrah? Why! "

"Because I hate her! I hate Somali and I can never love her or accept her as my new mom! Daddy
belongs to my mom only! Do you understand! "

Meerah scoffed. "Your dad doesn't love your mom Amyrah! He doesn't love her and that's the truth
and you should accept it too! Accept it, understand it and be happy with it Amyrah!"

Amyrah gasped. "You are so horrible! Nooo! I will not let daddy marry that woman. If daddy scolded
you then you deserve it. You shouldn't have messed with my plan and don't you dare try ruining
them for me in the future if you want to keep your job! I thought you were my friend and friends
support each other! "

"You are right Amyrah, friends support each other but only at doing good things. You are bad and
wrong. You are doing bad and wrong to your dad and Somali Amyrah. And I will not support you in
this, that's my promise to you."

"What! It's either you're with me or not with me Meerah. "

"Amyrah some puzzles have no pieces for you to join them back together again. Your dad and mom
have lost those pieces so there's no way they can get back again. "

"I don't understand all that. I want to know if you will help me on this Meerah. If you say no to me
then you and I are over. Our whole friendship is over. "

Meerah moisten her lips. "You don't have to blackmail me Amyrah. I believe in the truth and the
right way of living so I am sorry I will not help you on this. You keep on planning and I will keep on
ruining your plans. I won't let you do anything wrong towards Somali. "

"This is it then. I hate you now. You and I are enemies til forever. We are no longer friends now leave
my room! "she dragged her out and shut the door on her face. Meerah stood there with tears in her

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★

Genre;melodrama and romance



(I hate you. I hate you for lying to me)

"So you're still on the idea of stopping me from making sure this wedding doesn't happen?"Amyrah
folded her arms staring at Meerah who was doing her hair. Meerah snorted and smiled.

"Amyrah, I don't understand why you are doing this,"Meerah began. "You love your dad and you
want him to be happy. "

Amyrah moisten her lips and took a deep breath.

"Stop trying to hide it, "Meerah looked at her tensed reaction on the mirror. "Unlike other people I
have the ability to look into your eyes and read your emotions. It hurts you more than it hurts your
dad when you see him in trouble all because of you. You want to stop causing him pain but because
of some reasons you can't stop. I don't understand why you keep on doing it. Why do you do it?
Could there be someone instigating you to do all this? "she asked thoughtfully.

"Just be quiet! You think you know me and understand me but you don't! Had that been true you
would have accepted my request and would be helping me in preventing daddy from getting
married to that Somali! You know what Meerah, you should go be that woman, apply her some
make up, cheer her up because after today she won't be able to face anyone and the world. I will
make sure this marriage doesn't happen. I promise you that, "she bursted out shoving Meerah in the

"Amyrah you're still a child but the works of your mind are sharp. This is not you, someone else is
forcing you to be this evil. Okay fine, do what you want to do but I won't let your plan succeeded,
mark my words. I promise you that as well, "Meerah said firmly. They shared a moment of intense
staring. A fierce staring contest. Amyrah blinked and looked away with tears in her eyes which
streamed down her cheeks. Meerah softened and made an attempt to console her but Amyrah
stopped her by stepping back with her hand held up see signaling stop.

"Don't come any closer. I don't want to cry but you made me cry! Whenever you talk like that my
heart warms up and I start thinking too much! I start thinking like you and I don't want to be like you
Meerah! What are you doing to me! Please Meerah just help me. Help me in stopping this wedding.
Help me Meerah please. "

"Princess, I can't do that. I can't get myself involved in all this Amyrah. My words affect you because
your meek heart know that it's nothing but the truth. Amyrah snap out of it, your mom has lost her
chance and___. "

"Leave! Just get out! I will do this on my own, I don't need you! Thank God daddy forbid you from
taking part in the wedding, I will be able to execute my plan without you there,"she smiled wiping
her tears and shut the door on her face.

"Amyrah what are you planning to do!? Amyrah open the door! Amyrah just open the door,"she
knocked on the door with her palms but Amyrah didn't listen to her pleas. "God please save this
wedding somehow. If sir doesn't get married today he will lose Amyrah and I know that will leave
him devasted. Please don't let anything bad happen today, please. "

Few Hours Later(in the bride dress room)

Meerah made her way with her head bowed down.

"Ms. Somali, I know that my behavior on your tumeric ceremony was quite embarrassing and rude
but believe me I had no evil intentions.I know you might not believe me, I can't tell you the reason I
did that. I don't want that person to get into trouble at all. I hope you believe me and forgive me
ma'am, "she folded her hands and looked up to see the room empty. She frowned with a
questionable look on her face. She looked around calling out to Somali but she never got her reply.
Her eyes fell on the piece of paper on the bed next to the bridal attire.

"A note? "Meerah opened it and read it.

Dear Vivaan

First I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. Thank you for
your financial support and training my little brother abroad to be a doctor. No amount of praises I
utter out would be enough to thank you for what you did for me. I know that this marriage with you
is what I can do to thank you for the favors you have done for me but I am sorry Vivaan I can't
continue with this lie. You are an attractive man and some day I will fall in love with you, I know it
and I can feel it. This marriage thing is fake but you and I will be living as husband and wife for the
world, I will never have you and I don't want that. I want you Vivaan, I want your love and I want
your heart which I know I will never have and I won't be able to live with that. I am sorry Vivaan but I
can't marry you. I just can't. Please forgive me Vivaan. Please forgive me if you can.

Meerah gasped looking at the letter then averted her eyes to the wedding attire. She left! She ran
away from her wedding! How could she do this to friend! How could she?

"Somali I hope__, "Mrs. Khurana came in to find Meerah standing there with her eyes wide open
and her jaw dropped. "Meerah you and here? Where's Somali? Is she in the bathroom? Let me go
check her, the auspicious time is about to relapse,"she smiled and went to the bathroom only to
come back with a worried expression.

"Meerah, where's Somali? She was changing and getting ready a minute ago. Where did she go?
"she asked but Meerah couldn't bring herself to talk back and Mrs. Khurana noticed this. "Meerah
what happened? Why are you quiet? "

She looked at her hands and saw the paper."What are you holding? Let me see,"she took the paper
and silently read it. "WHAT!"she exclaimed with shock and stumbled backwards. Meerah rushed
over and held her.

"Ma'am are you alright? Ma'am? "she made her sit down on the bed and brought her a glass of

"This can't be happening. Does she even know how much her decision is going to affect us? Meerah,
we are going to lose Amyrah! We are going to lose our Angel to that she-devil. Meerah, my grandson
will be heartbroken. Guests are waiting outside for the bride who has ran away! What will I tell
them? Forget about the guests, what will I tell Vivaan? What will he go through? I can't even imagine
it Meerah. Somali has killed us by doing this. Why did she do this? "she cried looking at Meerah who
also was in tears trying to console her. "Why? "

Meerah cleared her throat and narrated what she thought might have happened based on her facts
and evidences.

"What? How is that even possible? When did Amyrah turn out to be so__. "

"I don't believe she did this on her own ma'am. Someone surely must have helped her. But right now
we should focus on getting sir married. He has to get married today somehow. Ma'am this is your
task to do, arrange something that too soon. The auspicious hour is about to pass. "

Mrs. Khurana stood up and held Meerah's hands into hers. "Will you marry Vivaan? Will you save my
Vivaan from this heartbreak Meerah? "

"WHAT! NO! "Meerah shock her head and released her hands from her hands. "No. I can't do that. I
am sorry ma'am. I know how much this marriage mean to sir but I can't do this. I am sorry ma'am, I
just can't. "

Mrs. Khurana went downstairs with the bride with a smile plastered on her face. She led the bride to
the wedding diaz.

"Priest you may continue with the wedding rituals,"she said with a smile. The priests started
chanting the mantras, that too correctly, the right way he was suppose to do it.

"May the brother's sister come tie the knot,"the priest said.

"Priest my Vivaan is the only child. Is it okay if his daughter be the one to tie the knot for them?"Mrs.
Khurana asked and the priest approved. Amyrah went to the wedding diaz with a smile on her face.

**Finally mom and dad are getting married again and this time I get to witness it and even tie the
knot for them. May you two always be together forever and ever. **Her subconscious said as she
tied the knot then left. The bride and groom took the wedding rounds then sat down again.

"May the groom put the wedding chain on the bride's neck. Vivaan nodded and picked it from the
veneration platter and looked at *Somali*. He smiled and put it around her neck.

"May the groom apply the vermilion on the bride's forehead,"the priest instructed and Vivaan
scooped some vermillion with his thumb and index finger, he slightest lifted the veil and applied the
vermilion on the forehead.

"The marriage has been solemnized!"the priest declared and everyone applauded.

"Vivaan! You bastard! "someone shouted and everyone turned around and at the entrance stood
Tanveer on a bridal attire.

"Mom!? "Amyrah exclaimed looking at her. "What is she doing here when she's suppose to be sitting
next to daddy? Wait aminute. If she's standing there then who is under the veil?"she asked herself
and slowly turned around and looked at her dad and *new mom* and gulped down. "This is big
trouble. When did she come back? I saw her leaving from here. "

"How dare you double cross me? We had a deal Vivaan! "Tanveer shouted at his face.

"The deal was for me to get married but it didn't specify that the bride has to be you in anyway
Tanveer. Raizda take her out of here, "he ordered and the bodyguards grabbed her away.

"This is not over Vivaan! Tanveer doesn't know defeat! I will be back and I will make you pay for
doing this to me! I will ruin you Vivaan, I will!"she screamed as they took her away.

"God, what catastrophe is this? "Amyrah asked herself. "If daddy didn't get married to mom as per
our plan then whose the bride? I am sure that after scaring the life out of her Somali ran away and
won't have dared to come back then who dared to take mom's place? "

"Dear you may now reveal the bride for everyone to see, "the priest said with a smile and Vivaan
nodded and bent down. He slowly lifted the veil and he received the shock of his life. His eyes
widened, not believing what he was seeing. He took a step back.
"No way! "Amyrah gasped with her hands on her mouth.

was immediately asked to leave and the house was empty in no second. Vivaan grabbed her arm and
pulled her up on her feet dragging her to the living room.

"You! You! How dare you! "he shook her tightened the grip on her forearms. "How dare you take
Somali's place at the wedding alter!And where's Somali? Where did you take her? Answer me! "

"S_sir, s_she l_left. I don't k_know w_where___."

"Don't you lie to me! Where did you get the courage to do this! Do you have any idea what you just
did Meerah! "he roared at her. "God dammit you made me get married to you. You fucking betrayed
me and my family! You somehow made Somali run away and then took her place. Who could have
imagined that behind this innocent face of yours lays an ambitious and cunning woman. You are just
eighteen but your mind shows the opposite."

"Sir, listen to me at least. Just hear me out. Believe me I didn't do ___. "

"SHUT UP! "he yelled more making Meerah jolted up in fear. He was scaring her. He is an angry
person but Meerah by the moment didn't remember seeing him this angry. He looked like a wild
beast ready to kill anyone.

"Just be quiet! "he pointed his finger at her. "Don't say anything further. Now tell me where's
Somali? Where is she? "

Meerah shook her head into no and let the tears flow.

"Talk to me Meerah or you won't like what I will do to you! "

"Stop it Vivaan! "his grandma interrupted."That's not a way to talk to your wife. "

"She's not my wife mom! She's not okay. I can't believe you are even considering this a marriage, "he
released Meerah. "She's a cheat mom. We took pity on her and gave her a job and what did she do
in return she cheated us.She came in looking all decent and innocent but she had evil intentions. I
had told you that I didn't like her but you didn't listen mom. Now look at the fruits of your ignorance.
She wanted to get married to a rich man, she was tired of her old and poor life. She was in die need
of a rich husband and she found herself one when she got here. VK;the king of stock market and
starting plotting. She finally managed to get married to me by deceit! "

"Shut up Vivaan! Do you have any idea of what you are saying? Stop insulting the poor girl this
minute and listen to me. "

"Poor girl? Mom is not poor. She's only pretending to be poor and innocent. You know what mom, I
can't take this anymore. I am going to look for Somali,"he took off his garlands and dropped them on
the floor."I can't deal with her right now, "she said and walked away with the car keys.
"You are a liar! "Amyrah said standing in front of her. "Liar! Liar pants on fire! "she shoved her and
Meerah stumbled backwards. "You had said you are not any of the types of women I listed but you
were lying to me! I was a fool to believe in you in the first place! Mom was right, you wanted only
one thing and the was to get married to my daddy! I trusted you Meerah! I did! I should have known
that the reason you refused to help me was because you had your own plans. Hi ohene ome
on+233544142683 to get more stories from unlimited story platform, sweet and nice story room,
fresh stories kingdom, house of story room .I don't even know what to call you anymore. You don't
fit in any of the lists I have because you are worser than I thought! "

"Amyrah listen to me dear, "Meerah sobbed looking at her. "I didn't want to do this but___. "

"Save it! You are going to lie once again but this time I won't believe you like before,"she closed her
eyes and tears rolled out of her sockets. "I hate you Meerah! I hate everything about you. I hate you.
I hate you for lying to me. I hate you for making me believe in you and trust you. I hate you! I don't
ever want to see your face again. I hate you, "she said and ran upstairs to her room.

Meerah sat on the couch and let her pain out in the form of sobs. Mrs. Khurana patted her shoulder.

"They will come around dear. "

"Why? Why did you do this to me? You should have let me tell them the truth. I am just eighteen I
have a lot to accomplish in life but you robbed that away from me in just one night. I respected you
but you took a painful advantage of that respect ma'am. You have used me. Now my husband hates
me and my only friend hates me too. I have lost everything in trust one night. "

"Dear listen to ____. "

"Please ma'am I am very tired. I am tired of this. You forced me to start a battle I can't continue with.
Don't blame when I collapse on the way. This was never my battle nor life. You forced all this on me.
I am tired and I would like to rest. "

Mrs. Khurana nodded and led her to Vivaan's room. Meerah took her shower and made her way
back to the room and stared at the decorations. Her eyes welled with tears looking at them and sat
on the edge of the bed.

Vivaan made his way into the room to sleeo after his fruitless search. He let out a huff and made his
way to the bathroom. When he came out he proceeded to the bed only to trip on something and fell

"What the hell! "he shouted and looked up to see Meerah sleeping on the couch with her leg
hanging over the floor. He frowned and stood up.

"Meerah! Meerah wake up! "

She woke up startled with sleep in her eyes. She yawned.

"What are you doing in my room? "

"Ma'am brought me here. I tried to tell her that you won't like it but she wasn't ready to listen. She
said ____. "

"You have started lying again! Dammit she's my mother we are talking about here! "he snorted and
grabbed her arm making her stand up on her feet. He dragged her to the sliding doors leading to the
outside pool next to his room and pushed her outside. "Listen to me and listen good. You and I are
not friends, we were never friends so forget about us being husband and wife because I will never
accept you as my wife. Do me a favor and stay away from me. This is where you will be sleeping
from now on, you brought this on yourself,"he threw a pillow to her and a blanket then shut the
door on her face. Meerah stood there with tears in her eyes.

"But I am afraid of the dark, "she muttered and looked around holding the pillows against her chest.
She made her way to the vast space near the pool and some light and made her bedding then
cuddled her pillow to help her sleep with some help of a lullaby her aunt used to sing for her to put
her to sleep.

To Be Continued

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★



(Different..... There's a difference)

Vivaan was woken up by the sound of the clock by his side. He groaned and shut it up.

"What the hell is this doing here? I don't remember buying a lousy clock to wake me up in the
morning. Could it be Meerah? Yes it has to be her. Meerah! "he raised his head towards the bed to
find it empty and all made up.

"Where did she go so early in the morning? He looked at his wrist watch.

"Oh shit! "he cursed running towards the bathroom and took a quick shower. When he came out his
suit was already taken out for him and he quickly put it on.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and change. "

He heard a voice and went over to the sliding door leading to the outside pool and a small garden.
There she was wearing a black and orange shirt with black workout pants and sneakers.
Her hair was tied into a ponytail with headsets in her ears. She was doing some workouts and she
looked so adorable. He silently watched her as she tried to do some pushups but will always fall back
to the ground on her tummy.

"This is not working, "she grumbled to herself and stood up dusting her clothes. "I wonder how sir
does it. I will try something else,"she took a deep breath joining her hands together and lifted one
leg. "Balance Meerah. Balance. Mom used to say this is simple but it's harder than I thought.
Balance? Oooohh! "she exclaimed as she made a fall towards the pool and before she could fall in,
strong hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her back on her two feet.

She knew who it was. She knew it. She felt him, she could sense him. She has always been able to do
that since the first time she met him. His scent was unique and very, very nose blowing. If there's
anything like that. His touch was driving her crazy and he wasn't willing to let go of her either. His
hold was intact. She tried to wiggle out but he kept her on the ground and pressed her back against
his chest.

"Meerah stop doing that,"his voice was warm making her legs become weak. His breath was so
warm against her skin making her gasp silently. Her heart began to beat faster. It was running
marathons. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

"To be balanced really needs you to concentrate Meerah. Your mind, body and soul should be
focused and you will get it. Your mom is right, balance is a simple thing,"he joined her hands once
again. "Just breath and focus Meerah. "

She continued to take in and out deep breaths and lifted her leg once again and this time she didn't
stagger about, she remained still like a rock. Vivaan let go of her out straighten hands and moved
back watching her as she changed her legs and her position. She straighten one arm sideways and
lifted her right leg out sideways too. A smile crept on her face as she slowly opened her eyes and
continued with her yoga.

After she was done she turned around and almost fell when she bumped into Vivaan.

"Seriously! I thought you have left. Aren't you late for work? "

"It doesnt matter. Nobody will question me. "

The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. "You sound like a control freak. "

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Vivaan bit the inside of his mouth to prevent a
chuckle that wanted to come out. He raised his eyebrow in amusement and nodded his head.

"Oh, I exercise control in all things Meerah. Besides immense power is acquired by assuring yourself
in your secret reveries that you were born to control things,"he said, his voice soft.

"And do you feel you have immense power?"she asked with a raised and questionable eyebrow.
"I employ over forty thousand people Meerah. That gives me a certain sense of responsibility_power
in your own words. "

Meerah's mouth dropped open. "Don't you have a board to answer to? "

"I own many companies. I don't have a stupid board to answer to. "

"Just how rich are you? "

He smirked and walked closer to her. Meerah gulped down and turned her face away from his
boring and intense gaze. It was making her feel goosebumps. This feeling had to stop. She hates you
Meerah and you shouldn't think of him in such a way.

"Meerah, I am very rich. Very, very rich,"he said softly.

"I will go take a shower now,"she said and ran towards the door but Vivaan wasn't ready to let her
go. He blocked her path.

"Hey! "Meerah exclaimed and looked at him.

"Last night you set up an alarm near my ear to wake me up and it disturbed my sleep. Meerah
you___. "

"Sir, I know what I did was wrong but then again you were sleeping like a log. "

"What? "

"Yes sir,"she pouted her lips and nodded. Vivaan found the scene cute. "I don't know what you did
that you had to stay awake all night. Then I saw that you treated my wound so thank you so much
but no one can stay awake just for a small wound like mine. I tried waking you up but you were far
away. The clock was the only option I had. I'm sorry sir if I have annoyed. "

"Meerah shut up,"he said and she shut her lips."I am not mad. You did the right thing. If it wasn't for
the clock I won't have woken up for work today. So thank you,"he stated. Meerah blinked staring at

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sir you just thanked me which is something weird and strange,"she replied.

"There's nothing strange Ina what I said and wasn't done talking yet,"he snapped. "The clock is nosy
just like you. Make sure you change it."

Meerah raised her hand. "Hold on a minute. My clock was perfect enough to wake up a guy like you
and you think it's nosy. Wow! I have never seen anyone so grateful before. Better go take my
shower,"she moved to the other side and ran to the room. Vivaan stood there smiling.

"Today for the first time you spoke to me without stuttering. I used to think I scare the hell out of
you that's why you were talking in that manner but today you proved me wrong. All this is
happening isn't suppose to happen, I am suppose to be yelling at you, calling you names but no. I
couldn't bring myself to do it today. I don't know what I feel for you Meerah but I know it's not love.
It can't be love, not when sometimes I want to throw you out of this house. "
>>>Fast Forward>>>

"Mom, some of my clients will be coming over for some dinner. I couldn't book a hotel hall for the
event so I thought of bringing it over at home. My PA will be here this evening to set everything
perfect for the party,"Vivaan told his mom.

"Why your PA? Do you think Meerah is not good enough to make preparations for the party?"his
grandma asked. He sighed and looked at her.

"Mom, Meerah can't handle Amyrah let alone this house. HHow can she handle a dinner party? I am
sorry but I trust my PA better. I got to go mom. See you tonight,"he gave her a peck and left.



Param came by and started on with the party preparations. Meerah also offered to help him with a
few decorations. The lights, the curtains and everything.

"What's going on here? "Amyrah came downstairs to find everything looking beautiful and perfect.

"Amyrah, I told you right. Your dad is bringing some guests over. Param have you checked the
cutlery? I asked Khushi to put them in the dish washer,"Meerah asked glancing at him. Param smiled
and adjusted his glasses. "No ma'am I haven't. I will go check after ordering the food. "

"Umm__Meerah how important is this client? I mean what importance does he hold for
dad?"Amyrah asked.

"I don't know,"she shrugged. "But from what Param told me, this man is very important to sir. Your
dad is into a very important deal with him. They have to marge their companies that's why this party
has to be the best. If anything goes wrong, your dad will incure a huge loss,"Meerah explained to her
and left to do something with Param.

"Thank you so much Meerah for your information. You have given me something to hurt dad with
and I won't be blamed for anything,"she smiled and went to the kitchen. The dish washer was on, so
she switched it off, opened it and put some fork to block it then closed it again and turned it on once

She made her way to the lights and cut some wires off and all the lights were turned off. She even
ruined the curtains and the table cloths.

"How did this happen?"Param exclaimed in horror looking at the broken cutleries. Meerah came
rushing into the kitchen and saw the same thing.
"This? Param sir brought this cutlery for events like this and this aren't ordinary cutlery. They're a
very expensive Param and we won't be able to find any of their kind anywhere in Mumbai.Will we
have to think of something Param,"Meerah bit her lip.

"Sir, ma'am we have another problem,"one of the servants said panting. Param and Meerah looked
at each other and went back to the hall.


"Ma'am we can think of something if we stay alive. Sir will surely kill me this time. Ma'am we only
have an hour before the guests arrive."

"Param you and I are equal players in this game. We are going to die anyway. Where will we find
something close looking like the cutlery. Anyway he will find out that it is fake. "

"I just got a message that the food is here. At least the food is good,"Param made his way to the
door and met eyes with the delivery guy.

"Sir the food you ordered is here,"the guy said with a smile.

"Please bring it in,"Param instructed. The men brought in the food and left.

"Indian cuisine? Did you order indian cuisine for such an event Param? "Meerah asked him.

"What? No I ordered international food cuisines. Thailand and Italian. I didn't order any Indian food.
Oh my god my life and career are over for real! "

"All this is not a coincidence. How can everything suddenly go wrong? First the cutlery, then the hall
preparations and now the food. It's obvious someone doesn't want this dinner go as planned but
who is it? "Meerah asked herself and bent down to look inside the dishwasher and she found the
spoon. "Someone blocked the machine that's why all the cutlery broke while inside and the same
person ruined the table cloths and cut off the decoration lights. But who is it? "she sighed cracking
her head til her eyes fell on Amyrah who was walking upstairs to her room her eyes fixed on her

"Amyrah? "she gasped and she flashed back to when Amyrah asked her something regarding the
dinner party and that's when she was able to join the pieces.

"God! What am I going to do with this girl? How can she think of ruining his own dad? I will deal with
her later, I should fix this problem first,"she looked at Param. "Param sir, we still have forty-five
minutes for sir to come back, it should be enough to fix this problem,"she said.

"Forty-five minutes? Ma'am I worked for two hours for this and you think forty-five minutes is
enough! "
"Param you're wasting time arguing with me. Umm__you listen to what I said and do it just like I
have instructed,"she mutely tells him the plan. Param nods and leaves.

Meerah took off the lights and the table cloths with the help of the servants. She hand stitched the
me covering the torn parts then set up the table. Param came in with small clay lamps and pots.
Meerah hand decorated them.She used cotton wool and sweet smelling oil for the lamps. When she
was done, only a minute was remaining. Vivaan's car parked by.

"Param sir, you should go welcome them,"Meerah smiled at him. "Hey don't be nervous. Everything
will work out just fine."

"Meerah, "someone called behind them and they both turned. Mrs. Khurana made her way to her.

"You really managed the problem in such a short period of time. Thank you dear,"she cupped her
face and smiled. Meerah smiled back.

"This dinner party means a lot to Vivaan so I had to save it somehow,"she replied.

"Here I brought this sari for you. I know Vivaan asked you to erm__wear the western attire but you
are uncomfortable with it. I thought it was nice of me to buy this for you to wear for the party. You
should go change. Go. "

Meerah brightly smiled. "Thank you ma'am,"she ran upstairs to the room to change her attire.

Back downstairs Vivaan walked into the house with the clients and were welcomed by Param and his
grandma as well as Amyrah.

"Mr. Gupta he is my mom, my daughter and my PA;Param, "he introduced.

"It's indeed to meet a family of a renowned and reputed man like you Mr. Khurana. We are yet to
meet your wife. Where's she? She's nowhere to be seen,"Mr. Verma added.

"You will get to meet her. For now we should come inside and sit for dinner,"Mrs. Khurana stated.
Everyone nodded and walked in. Vivaan looked at the decorations. It was nothing to what he told
Param. It was different. So different. Instead of a professional atmosphere and tension, it created a
warm atmosphere filled with love.

"Wow! "Mr. Verma and Mr. Gupta exclaimed in awe. "This is amazing. We have been to many dinner
parties but we have never been to a dinner party like this one. "

"You mean you like it? "Amyrah asked in disbelief.

"Yes child, "Mr. Gupta smiled.

"We should all go to the dining table, "Paran said and directed them.

The waiters came by to serve the food. Meerah came down wearing the yellow sari Mrs. Khurana
gave to her. Everyone turned and looked at her. She smiled and made her way towards them.
"Greetings,"she folded her hands and slightly bowed her head. Mr. Gupta smiled and greeted her
back so as Mr. Verma.

"Your wife is indeed beautiful Mr. Khurana but she's a little traditional. I mean the sari and jewelry,
"Mr. Verma said making Vivaan fuel up with anger.

"Mr. Verma there's nothing wrong with this attire. Many girls have forgotten their own culture. I am
surprised there's still one who values the traditional clothes,"Mr. Gupta stated.

"Fair enough but I thought a man Mr. Khurana would go for a girl who is erm__modern. "

"Sorry for the offense Mr. Verma but I am who I am and I won't change myself for anyone. I love
myself just the way I am and nothing you say will make me think otherwise. Whether I am too
traditional and culture or too modern that shouldn't be any of your business. You are here as a guest
so be one and behave like one.I am sorry if I have offended you in anyway Mr. Verma. "

"So the thing can talk? Do you have any idea who I am? Do you have any idea what importance I
hold in your husband's company."

"I am well equipped. I know who you are but you know something Mr. Verma I am not scared of you
or whatsoever. Just because you have power and money it doesn't mean step your feet on those
who don't have what you have. We are all different from each other, we have different views and
perspectives but we are all human beings. And yes I am not a thing. I am as human as you are. "

Mr. Verma smiled and applauded. "You are different. Different, there's a difference between you
and all the women I have come across. They all would allow me to insult them, they would cry just
because they can't stand against me but you have baffled me. For the first time I am impressed by a
woman. Mr. Khurana she's one in a million. She's for keeps."

Vivaan forced a smile and nodded his gaze not leaving Meerah's.


"I asked you to wear the dres I bought for you then why didn't you wear it dammit! "he shouted at
her. Meerah flinched.

"Because I.... I didn't feel comfortable in the dress sir. "

"Then you shouldn't have come to the party at all. Do you how embrassing it was for me to see him
saying all that to you! "

"Enough Vivaan! I have had enough of you,"his grandma turned him over so that he could look at
him. "All this girl has been doing is protecting you, all that she has been doing is save you from the
heartbreak of losing Amyrah!"

"I wasn't going to lose Amyrah mom because I was getting married to Somali! "

"Somali?! "
"She won't have married you at all Vivaan. If Meerah didn't sit at the wedding dias in replace of
Somali you would have been unmarried today and you would have lost Amyrah to Tanveer for good!

"What do you mean mom? "he looked at her confused.

"Somali the woman you trusted with your life, the woman you considered your friend actually
ditched you when you needed her the most Vivaan. She left ten minutes befor the wedding. She ran
away from her own wedding. And she just left a simple note. A simple and stupid note! She left you
Vivaan! Meerah didn't cheat you I did! She begged me not to force her into getting married to you.
She pleade with me not to make her do it but I was selfish! I didn't want to lose Amyrah or you dear.

"Meerah never wanted to marry you. She tried to convince me that it was wrong but I still forced her
Vivaan. I emotionally blackmailed her and made her swear on Amyrah not to say a word to you
about the marriage. I had thought you would accept her with time but you didn't. Seeing her hurt
like that because of you made me feel guilty knowing she didn't do anything wrong. "

Vivaan looked at Meerah who was in tears. He clenched his fists in anger and regret. He darn knew
it, he kne she was innocent but his mind didn't want to admit it. Now here It is. What do he do now?

"Meerah I ___. "

She didn't let him finish, she ran upstairs crying.

"Meerah! Meerah! Wait! Meerah! "he ran after her and caught up with her. He pulled her into a
hug, Meerah gasped with shock.

"Thank you Meerah. Thank you so much. And I am, I... I am sorry, "he breathed out and looked at
her. "I am sorry Meerah. I'm really sorry. I didn't know ___God I just wish__"

"Sir, I have never cheated anyone in my life before and I would never think of doing that also but you
accused me of something so serious. Forgiveness is something I would do easily but the fact that
insulted me and called me names makes it hard for me. I am sorry sir but I cannot forgive you, "she
pushed him away and ran to their room.

"I am sorry Meerah. I will make it up to you I promise. I'm just an idiot! "


[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★

Genre;melodrama and romance



(Stop trying to please me)

Meerah woke up with a start feeling all fresh and awesome. She yawned and stretched her arms and
legs. She looked up at the skies and said a silent prayer. She walked back into the room, Vivaan was
already up and taking a shower.

She took out some clothes for him and a watch. This is quite interesting. He got annoyed with her,
he made her sleep outside in the dark and cold.

But here she is arranging everything for him just like a good wife. She made her way to Amyrah's
room and she found her still sleeping. She made her way to her and gently stroke her back. Amyrah
rolled over and groaned.

"Let me sleep for a while, I am very tired Meerah. Just give me ten minutes okay?"she replied still

Meerah smiled and bent down over her ear.

"If you don't wake up now you are going to be late for school. So you have to wake up princess, "she
whispered in her ear.

She yawned and slowly opened her eyes to look into hers.

"Why? Why Meerah? "she asked making Meerah look at her with a confused look.

"Why did you betray me? Why did you cheat me and broke my trust? I trusted you Meerah so much.
You made me believe in you but you turned out to be the different avatar of yourself!Why did you
get married to my dad? "

Meerah knelt down before her. "Amyrah sometimes things don't happen the way we want them to
be. Trust me as much as this is hard on you, its hard on me too. "

"You are a liar! That's what you are! Mom was right girls like you are good at brain washing people!
You tried to make you like you. Meerah do you have any idea how having a new mom terrifies me
like so bad. Mom says a new mom will hate me and take my place in daddy's heart and life. "

Meerah held her hands. "Princess look at me, do I look like I would ever hurt you? Amyrah, I can
never hurt you in any way believe me. I would never replace you in your dad's life and heart. You will
always remain his princess. "

"Liar! Liar pants on fire. You are a liar! I should have known that you wanted daddy the day I asked
you to help me stop his marriage with that stupid, rude and egoistic woman! You have always
wanted him because if you didn't you won't have the guts to get married to my dad.I was a fool
before but you opened my eyes and I will never believe you ever!I want you to leave from here and
never come back. If my mom and dad are not together today its all because of you Meerah. "She
stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door.

"I know you hate me now but I will not leave from this house til I reveal that this woman you're
really to fight the world for is nothing but a selfish woman. She's only using you to get what she
wants but how will I do that? The goddess will surely make a way. "



"Do you want me to help you with that?"Meerah asked looking at her while she was trying to pack it
into a bun.

"No thanks! I am capable of doing it myself. I don't need you! "she snapped at her while Meerah just
looked at her. After a few minutes of attempting she let out a growl making Meerah crack a smile.

"Why are you smiling because I don't see anything funny. This is your job! You are my nanny and you
have to help me. "

"I thought you said you can do it yourself. "

"Ugh! Forget what I told you okay. Just forget it and come help me! "

"No, "she shook her head leaning on the door frame. Amyrah stared at her shocked and her jaw

"What did you just say? "she asked.

"No, "she replied. "I am not going to do it Amyrah. You don't get to tell me what to do."

Amyrah scoffed and folded her arms. "You are nothing to me. You are just a nanny and you will
forever be a nanny. You might be married to my dad but you are still going to be a nanny to me.
Everyone get to do whatever I want and they don't get to refuse. "

Meerah pouted her lips and nodded. "You're right I am your nanny and I will forever be your nanny
but honey you don't get to tell me what to do. And the reason why I said no was because you didn't
ask for my help nicely and politely. You do it yourself honey. "

"You will pay this Meerah. You really shouldn't try to upset me. You are my enemy now. Both you
and dad will regret what you did to me,"Amyrah said with squinted eyes. "He got married to you
instead of mom, and that's his mistake then you. You married my dad and that was your worst
mistake ever. "

"Amyrah you should know better not to challenge me. You want me to leave from this house right?
Fine I will go but not so soon. Get ready, breakfast is waiting for you. "
"Here are your pancakes with chocolate syrup and your favorite coffee,"Meerah smiled as she
presented the food to her. "Eat up time is not on your side. "

Vivaan came downstairs wearing the suit she took out for him.

"Good morning princess, "he gave her a weak smile and completely ignored Meerah who was
standing there.

"What's good about this morning when I had to look at your face? "Amyrah grumbled.

"Amyrah don't ruin my morning. I am in no mood to fight with you this morning. "

"I shouldn't ruin your morning?! Oh my gosh! You have ruined my life forever by getting married to
this nanny! "

"You talk of morning when you have already ruined my life! Why should that bother you because
you never really cared about me and want I want. Everything you have been doing is to satisfy
yourself. You got married to my nanny. My nanny. What has happened to Mr. No dating my
employees? "

"Amyrah! "

"Daddy! "she shouted back and stood up. "Wow you have really changed after getting married to my
nanny. You never used to yell at me and today for the first time you yelled at me that too because of
my nanny. I don't want to stay here with you. I don't want to live with you anymore because you
don't love me at all. "

"Amyrah just stop. Your dad loves____. "

"Shut up! You stay out of this, "Amyrah cut her off. "You are the course of all this. I won't here for
long. I am going to leave from here and go be with mom. I can't stand any of you. Everyone is a liar
and I hate you all,"she spoke and left the breakfast table running away.

Vivaan took a deep breath and glared at Meerah who was biting her lip.

"If I lose my daughter to that woman, I will never forgive you. You have ruined my life. You have
ruined everything,"he said and walked away.

Mrs. Khurana came downstairs to have her breakfast to find Meerah standing there.

"Meerah what happened? Why are you crying?And where's everyone? "she asked.

"Wow! How can you ask me such a question when you know the answer. Why did you do this to me
ma'am. I respected you but you took advantage of that. I am just eighteen but I am married to a man
who hates me. His daughter hates me too. All this happening is not my fault nor Amyrah's or
Vivaans. You are the one to be blamed for this ma'am. If all three lives are destroyed then it's your
fault,"she said and walked away.
~~ ~~

"Everyone must be angry with me because I am married to the big boss,"Meerah said looking at
Khushi who had her head down.

"But why Meerah? We are just shocked and not ready to believe that an innocent girl like you can do
something so cunning , "Khushi stated.

"I know Khushi. But believe me I would never do something like that. I really like sir but I would
never think of him that way. "

"But still you got married to him Meerah. "

"That's because I have no choice Khushi. I wish I had but I had no other option___. "

She narrated the whole story to Khushi who was utterly shocked to the core.

"But ma'am is a very nice person. She can't even hurt a fly then how could she__, "she trailed off.

"That's what I thought Khushi. I respected her and in return she broke me. She used me for her own
selfish gain. I used to think she's nice until she revealed her true self to me. I have no one. My
husband hates me and someone who is suppose to be my daughter hates me too. I have no one and
I don't understand what to do."

Khushi gave her a side hug and wiped her tears.

"Don't cry Meerah. Whatever happened was destined to happen. There must be a reason for you to
be in sir's life. I believe everything will be fine one day. "

"Thank you Khushi. "

"Don't mention it. "


Meerah made her way to Amyrah's room to give her some night milk she used to prepare for her
before all the drama started.

She opened the door, only to have herself drowned with water. She was wet from head to toe.

"That's nothing Meerah. This is just the beginnings . You, yourself will leave from this house. I hate
you so much. I hate you. I hate you Meerah! "she shoved her. Meerah staggered backwards and the
glass she was holding fell from her hand and mistakenly stepped on the pieces. She hissed in pain.
"Leave from here! Just get out of my room. Just leave I can't stand you, "Amyrah pushed her outside
and shut the door. Meerah let the tears fall and knocked on the door.

"Amyrah please listen to me. I admit okay. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have married your dad. Believe me I
would never do this intentionally.Please open the door Amyrah. Please let me explain. "

"Nooo! Just leave Meerah. I don't want to see you. Mom was right all along. Whenever she used to
say something against you I would defend you Meerah. But you? What did you do?You lied to me. "

"I didn't lie Amyrah. I wish I could tell you the truth but I can't. Just open the door and we will talk
like how we used to be. "

"Stop trying to please me because it won't work on me this time. Just go away. Leave from here. Just
go back where you are coming from. Stay away from my dad and I. Just go Meerah."

"Okay fine. I will leave you alone for some time."

"I said go away forever! Don't ever come back! "

Meerah leaped back to her room. Vivaan was sitting on the couch working on his laptops.

"The pillow and blankets are on the bed. You know what to do with them,"he said and looked up
from his laptop to her. When he saw her state he couldn't help himself but worry about her.

"What happened to you? "he asked her. Meerah just looked right into his eyes and didn't utter a
single word.

"Meerah, I am talking to you. What has happened to you? Why are you so drenched like this? "

"What do you want me to say? You hate me, Amyrah hates me. Everyone I know hates me.First my
own family, now the people I recently got close to. Nobody hated me back home, they all loved me
but in this city everyone hates me. And what did I do? I did nothing to be hated for. What I simply
did was save someone's life, "she replied still holding his gaze. "Nobody cares about me and what I
might be going through. Nobody cares. "

"What are you saying Meerah? You brought this on yourself. Listen I can't love okay and I never
wanted to get married either to Somali or Tanveer and most certainly not you. You are the one at
fault here, "he took a deep breath."Before you catch a cold you should go take a shower and wear
something warm. "

"I'm okay and what happens to me shouldn't be your problem but mine alone, "she leaped towards
the bed careful not to hurt her foot. Vivaan noticed and made her sit on the bed.

"What are you doing? "Meerah asked when he held her leg to see.

"How did you get hurt? "

"That shouldn't bother you. What I am going through is more than this pain. Just leave me alone,
"she released her foot from his hand and stood up. Vivaan let out a frustrated groan and picked her
"Hey put me down. Put me down I say Vivaan. What are you doing? "

He turned on the shower and got in with her. Meerah gasped when the warm water hit her skin and
a smile crept on her face. He didn't want to do it but still he did it. His heart was compelling him to
do it. It felt perfect, like it was meant to be. He cupped her nape and brought her closer to his body.
He closed his eyes when he felt her breath against his chest. He pressed her even more close. What
was he doing? This was wrong yet it felt right. What was happening to him? Why is her touch
sending chillings down his spine. This has never happened before. She cheated him, she betrayed
him and got herself married to him still his heart was joyous to have her in his arms.

Meerah looked at him. "I want to go home Vivaan. Take me back home. I can't stand this anymore.
The pain and torture is too much. I miss my mom and aunt. I miss Rajji too. And I miss eating my
favorite snack. Golgappas."

Vivaan stared into her red teary eyes which were looking tired and slowly closing up. Before he could
say anything Meerah fell into his arms. She was unconscious. He sighed tucking the strands of her
hair behind her ear.

He finished bandaging her foot and covered her with the blankets. He stared at her face and
caressed her cheek.

"What are you doing Vivaan? This isn't right but it seems fine. Never for once in my life I felt the
need to have a woman in my life but ever since you came into the picture my whole world revolves
around you. I admit it Meerah my heart isn't angrry with you and I don't even know why. My heart
wants to care for you and maybe love you but there's something preventing me to do so, "he softly
chuckled."All my life my heart and my mind used to work together but today they're at war with
each other. My mind say the other while my heart say the other. You cheated me, everyone saw it
but my heart isn't ready to believe you could do something like that. There's no way you could have
done this with no compulsion. "

"My heart believe you are so pure and innocent Meerah. You are meek and too good to be
true.While my mind is the opposite of everything. I dont know what to believe anymore. My feelings
are at war with each other. What have you done to me? I am going to go crazy because of you. I
can't hate you. It hurts me more than it hurts you whenever I leash out on you. I know it wrong but
still I do it. It maked me feel better and relieved from the frustrations but when it comes back it hit
very bad. It kills me, thats why I want to stay away from you at all times. I don't know what I am
feeling anymore Meerah,"he sighed and went over to the couch to continue his work.

[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: Sorry for the missing episode ( 16)

Genre:melodrama and romance



(I love you mom)

"I don't understand why daddy didn't believe me Meerah,"Amyrah said sitting cross legged on the
bed. "I told him everything, I confessed all my crimes to him and asked for forgiveness but he
doubted me today Meerah even after saying sorry. Why? "

Meerah sat next to her and gave her a side hug, slightly pulling her against her chest stroking her

"Amyrah, your dad might have forgiven you but he still doesn't trust you. Princess, you have done a
lot of bad things to your dad and those things hurt him so much that he lost trust you in you that you
can ever be a good girl. Tell me explain it to you with a story,"she smiled as she put her to bed and
gave her the glass of milk she came with. She laid on her side and put her hand around her little

"This is a story about a little boy and the foxes.Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived in a
small village near a hillside. These villagers lived with the fear of having to be eaten by foxes because
these foxes were troubling them a lot. One day this little boy went to the hillside as the pastures
there were abundant and very fresh. He took his father's lambs there to graze upon the grass. As he
was looking after the lambs he got an idea. A very bad idea. He ran down the hill shouting fox! Fox!
Help it's the foxes eating my father's lambs! "

"The villagers would leave their work, take their weapons to go fight the foxes but only to be
disappointed to find no fox there but the lambs grazing peacefully. The little boy would laugh at their
faces and say, "I was just joking. Wow! You should have seen the look on your faces, it was so funny!
". The villagers would leave with heavy hearts. This prank kept going on, it was just a funny way to
have fun for him. Then the day came, one dreadful day. While he was on the hillside the foxes came.
Five of them and they were all hungrily looking at the young fresh lambs and they wanted to devour
them at an instant. The little boy was so scared, he ran down the hill crying foxes! Foxes! But no one
paid heed to him because they thought he was pulling a fast one with them again. "

"He tried to explain but no one listened to him. The time the villagers listened it was too late, all his
father's lambs were gone. They had been eaten. All of them. The little boy cried out and no one
pitied him. The end,"Meerah looked at Amyrah whose eyes were plastered on her.

"The moral of the story is that one has to be honest and trustworthy when leaving with other
people. Amyrah the reason why your dad didn't believe you is because you kept lying to him, all the
times. Even when he asked you to speak the truth, you kept lying to him. He must have thought you
were lying even today. Princess, your dad is a good man and he loves you. And if you want your
daddy back you will have to win his trust once again and be his princess once again. "

"I am sorry Meerah, "Amyrah hugged her tightly."I am sorry for everything I did to you. You stood by
me everytime I did something wrong. You protected me and kept waiting for me. Please forgive me
Meerah. "

"Amyrah it's okay baby. I am not angry at you, I am just happy that you have finally realized your
mistakes and you want to make things right with everyone. "

Amyrah smiled and laid her head on her chest."Thanks Meerah,"she closed her eyes. "You know
Meerah you're so soft and you smell nice, just like a mom. "

"How is a mother suppose to smell?"Meerah asked her.

"I don't know but you smell like one. Meerah, will you sleep with me tonight? "

Meerah smiled and nodded tugging her more closer to herself.

°•° •°•

She was woken up sensing someone snuggling against her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked
around the room to find herself in Vivaan's room.

"Sir's bedroom? How did I get here? "she turned to her side to see Amyrah sleeping next to her. She
was the one snuggling against her. Meerah smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead after that she
walked over to the balcony and to her surprise Vivaan was sitting on one of the chairs outside.

"Sir you? "Meerah walked over to him.

"Good morning Meerah,"he smiled and motioned her to sit. "Surprised to find yourself in my room
while last night you slept in Amyrah's room? "

Meerah nodded looking everywhere but him.

"Care for some tea,"he gave her the cup and filled it with tea. "I am habituated to sleeping next to
someone now. I couldn't sleep at night so I carried the two of you to the room for us to sleep
together. "

"You carried the two of us? At one go sir? "

Vivaan softly chuckled and shook his head."What am I Goliath the giant to carry you two at one go?
No Meerah I took you one by one. "

"Ohhh right, "she nervously smiled and drank her tea.

"Meerah, I know I have treated you in a very bad way and I am sincerely sorry for doing that. I was
an idiot and maybe I am still an idiot but I just want to say that I am sorry. So very sorry,"he sighed
while Meerah kept looking at him.

"I just couldn't believe there could be someone like you. You are just too good to be true you know.
You are an angel Meerah and to be believe there could be an angel among humans I couldn't bring
myself to admit that you are an angel. "

"No sir I am not an angel. I am just me. "

"Yes you're an angel. My angel, "he held her hands. "Amyrah's angel. You are our angel Meerah. You
brought my daughter back to me and united us. Something no one was able to do for so many years.

"My Amyrah is a nice and sweet little girl now.When no one believed in her you believed in her. You
have proven that there's good in my daughter for that thank you so much Meerah."

"No need to thank me sir. I just did what I had to do and what I thought was right,"she said and
settled her cup on the table. "That's something my mom and aunt taught me. I should never hesitate
to do something right so I didn't hesitate to help unite you and Amyrah."

"Your mom and aunt? Where do they live? Do you have any family member living her in Mumbai? "

"No, I don't. I came here in search of my destiny. And my destiny brought me here to come help you
and your family. And now that it is done I might as well continue with my journey,"she stood up.

"What do you mean by continue with your journey? "Vivaan stood up with her.

Meerah smiled. "Sir, I had a huge fight with my family regarding something. They wanted me to get
married but I didn't want to so we ended up fighting over it and in the end I ran away from home to
live my life as Meerah. Fate brought me here for a purpose and that was to help you get united with
your daughter and I have done that. "

"Does that mean you want to leave now? "

"No one is mine here so why should I stay back sir? I have no one to call my own here so I might as
well go on with my walk to my destiny,"she smiled.

"B_but what if you don't find your destiny? Wh_what if what you are looking for is something you
are never going to get? Will you come back home? "

"I have no home sir. I was here as a guest and I will leave as a guest. "

"You can't just leave Meerah! What will happen to Amyrah? She just got to know you and she has
accepted you as well. Why do you want to go? "

"Because I wasn't meant to be here sir. My arrival here wasn't planned. I know this will break
Amyrah but I will make her understand. "

"And who will make me understand dammit!"

"Meerah, daddy what's going on here? Daddy why are you shouting at Meerah this time?"Amyrah
asked wiping her sleepy eyes.

"It's nothing Amyrah,"they both replied their eyes not leaving each other.

"Okay,"Amyrah yawned. "Hey today is Saturday! Meerah will you go shopping with me today and
daddy you're welcome to join us too. "

"I would love to spend some more time with you Amyrah so yes why not! I will surely go shopping
with you. "

"Daddy? "

"I will see,"he grumbled and looked away.

"Come baby. We should take a shower. "

"I will go to the rest room in the meanwhile you order something to eat okay? "Meerah said to
Amyrah who smiled and nodded.

"I hope you are not planning to run away from us with an excuse of going to the washroom,"Vivaan
whispered to her.

Meerah rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Sir if I have to leave I will leave the someway I entered your
house. I don't have to sneak about okay? I am going to the rest room to relief myself and not run
away. If you want wbe sure you can accompany me, don't you think? "

Vivaan looked at her and took her hands into his. "Meerah, I don't know what is wrong with me
lately but you please come back. Soon. "
"Yeah something is seriously wrong with you. Absolutely wrong with you,"she said nodding her
head. "Sir, I am just going to the rest room,"she said and left.

Few Minutes Later Meerah still hadn't come back.

"Daddy why don't you call her number? "Amyrah said.

"I would have but she left her phone here. I have told her many times to take her phone everywhere
she goes but she never listens. "

Amyrah cleared her throat. "Daddy if you love her, you should just admit it okay. "

Vivaan chuckled then looked up at his daughter to find her giving him a stern look.

"Wait what! You think I like her? "

"I never said that, "Amyrah shrugged. "If you love someone let that someone know or else it will be
too late. Daddy you care about her. If she goes away for a minute you get distressed. You are serious
sick and Meerah is the cure. "

Vivaan smiled while his phone reported a message. He felt his feet get cold while reading it.

"Daddy, what's going on? Why are you looking like that? What happened? Tell me daddy. "

"Amyrah I want you to do something for me,"Vivaan looked at her, fear, frustration and angry
written on his face which made Amyrah realize it was something serious.


"So you made it. I hope you didn't try to be smart with me, "Tanveer smiled at him and looked at
Amyrah standing by her father's side."Hello princess. It's good to meet you again. Aren't you going to
give mommy a hug?"

"Stop this nonsense Tanveer. Where's Meerah?Where's my wife! I have brought the money and the
passport. Now tell me where's she! "Vivaan hollered at her making her laugh.

"Your wife? The last time I checked you didn't consider her as your wife so why the sudden change?

"Because, "he paused and licked his lips. "Because I love her Tanveer. I love her. Tell me where
Meerah is! "

Tanveer snarled at him. "Because you love her so much you will lose one of them. You give me my
daughter and I will give you your wife,"she turned around and the lights were turned on behind her
revealing Meerah who was stuck in a water tank and she was trying to break it. A smile appeared on
her face when she saw Vivaan.

"You give me my child and you get your wife. If you want a baby make one with your wife. Amyrah's
my daughter. Mine and only mine! Now give me my daughter. "
Vivaan looked at Meerah who was shaking her head and saying somethings to him which he couldn't
make up but he knew she was trying to stop him from giving Amyrah to Tanveer.

"And what happened if I don't? "

"Well I have connected a pipe to the tank and slowly water will fill in and Meerah will drown right
before your eyes and you won't do anything to help her. Now give me the money and my daughter.

Vivaan gave her the bag and knelt down before Amyrah.

"No daddy! Don't do this to me. You had said we are here to rescue Meerah and not give me to
mom. Don't make her take me daddy. I don't want to stay with her but with you and Meerah."

"I am sorry princess. We have to do this to save Meerah. I am really sorry. I promise that I will find
you and bring you back home. "

"Did you see Amyrah? He doesn't love you. He chose you over a stranger. I had told you baby. Now
come to mommy. Come dear. "

Amyrah let go if her dad and went over to Tanveer who smiled evilly at Vivaan.

"Let Meerah go now! "

"I would have had you nicely asked me to,"she said and pressed the button on the remote and water
started filling the tank.

"Noooo! "Vivaan ran over to the water tank.

"What have you done mom?! "Amyrah pushed her off and ran towards the water tank that was
filling up too quickly. Vivaan tried to break the glass but it won't break.

"You two played me! It's no use Vivaan! The glass won't break so easily. I had told you it's either I
have my daughter or she dies. The two of you played me and now your precious Meerah will die. A
slow painful death and the two of you will watch her as she breathes her last. "

"You are very bad! I hate you! I hate you! How can there be someone like you in the world!"Amyrah
yelled at her.

"There can only be one me sweetie. Good luck in saving her, "she grabbed the bag of money and
passport and walked away.

"Daddy, the water! Meerah! "Amyrah bursted her small fists on the glass. Vivaan stared in horror as
the water covered Meerah's head drowning her.

"Do something daddy! She's going to die daddy. I don't want her die not before telling her that I love
her and that she's my mom. Daddy do something! She's drowning. Daddy! "Amyrah shook him
bringing him back to reality. Vivaan looked around the room and saw a metal rod nearby. He went
over to it to use it to break the glass.

He hit it and nothing happened. He did it again, again, again and again.
"Hit harder daddy! Oh my God! MOM! "Amyrah cried when Meerah's eyes closed and her hands
which she was using to break the glass fell down with no effort and when Vivaan saw this, his
adrenaline shot up and with one swing the glass broke and the water flow out and Meerah fell on his

"Mom! Mommy! Mom! "Amyrah patted her cheek but she didn't respond.

"No! No! Meerah you can't do this to me. Hey wake up. Meerah! "he pressed her chest but she just
laid there lifelessly. She wasn't breathing and she was cold.

"Daddy, let's take her to the hospital. Let's hurry daddy. "

❄ ❄ ❄

Meerah was immediately rushed over to the emergency unit when they got to the hospital.

"She will be alright, right daddy? "Amyrah asked sitting on his laps.

"I don't know princess. She wasn't breathing. She was cold. God please don't take her away from
me. Not now please don't do it. "

"Meerah told me that prayers done with no evil intentions are always heard. I don't want her to
leave us daddy, "she got up from his lap and ran over to the small temple in the hospital and folded
her hands before goddess Durga.

"You know her right Goddess. You know she's very nice right? I beg you please save my mom. Please
save her. I just got to know her please don't take her away already. Please save her. "


A few minutes later the doctor came out of the emergency room.

"Doctor how is she? "Vivaan asked.

"Mr. Khurana she's a good fighter. She chose to live, "the doctor smiled. "She's safe now and resting.

"Can we see her doctor? "Amyrah asked happily.

"Of course. "

She ran towards the ward and pushed the doors open. Meerah laid there sleeping. Amyrah ran over
to her and hugged her. "Thank God you're alright mom. I can't wait to see your reaction when I call
you mom. You scared us. Now you are safe, we are never going to let you go ever. "

Vivaan walked into the room and sat on the bed and held her hand. "Thank God you're fine Meerah.
I don't know what I could have done had you left us. "

"Ugh! You are so annoying Vivaan. "

Amyrah and Vivaan looked at her. She was awake.

"I had told you that I was going to the rest room, didn't I? Why would you think I would leave you.
You are never going to get rid of me just like that. "

Amyrah giggled and hugged her one more time. "I love you mom. You are the best in the world. I
love you mom. "

"Wait. What did you just call me? "Meerah looked at her shocked. Did she heard it right? Amyrah
called her mom!

"I love you mom. I love you so very much. "

Meerah smiled and tears welled into her eyes.

"Say it again. Call me mom again. Say it over and over again please, "she cupped her cheeks.

"Mom. Mom. I love you mom. I love you and dad has something else say to you too mom. "

Meerah looked at Vivaan who was smiling at her.

"Wh_what do you want to say to me? "

"I love you. I love you Meerah, "he replied.

"What? "

"I love you, "he smiled and bent down and gave her a kiss. Meerah closed her eyes wrapped her
hands around his neck.

This must be a dream. It's too good to be true, right?


[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★



(Father and daughter moments)

"What mom? You came all the way here to tell me that?! Mom do you even realize that you ruined
my recess time? "Amyrah said her eyes looking everywhere but her.

"Amyrah baby, you called me last night and I could make up from the tone of your voice that you
were worried about something. Princess I only came here to check up on you. "

"Mom, you could have done that after school by coming over to my house not here. Look at us we
are fighting over this issue now,"she rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Princess I am here to fight. You are the one being hyper and I am curious to know why. Amyrah
what's going on with you? I have noticed that since last night you didn't inform me about Meerah.
May I know why. "

"I forgot mom. I completely forgot to tell you about it, "she replied with clenched fists.

"You are lying to me, aren't you? You didn't forget, you just didn't want to tell me. Amyrah tell me
what's going on will you. Don't tell me you have gone soft towards that woman who stole your dad
from your mom. Amyrah she's not a good woman, she brain washed you again didn't she? Tell me
Amyrah! "she held onto her shoulders slightly shaking her.

Amyrah hissed in annoyanceand pulled herself from her grip.

"Enough mom! That's enough okay. If I chose not to tell you anything regarding Meerah and dad
then know it was my choice. No one asked me to do it neither dad or Meerah. I didn't tell you
because I knew it wasn't necessary okay,"she shouted back.

Tanveer looked at her shocked. What has happened to her all of a sudden? Why is she so angry at
her? Her eyes were restless and she could see through her.

She moisten her lips and plastered a smile."Princess we agreed on this, remember? "

"I remember everything. I remember each and every promise we made to each other mom but I
chose to break them. Nobody instigated me to do it. You always tell me that dad doesn't care about
me nor love me but when I come to think of it you only remember me when you want me to do
something for you! Do you really love me mom or you just love yourself? You are only good at
pointing my mistakes and reminding me of what I need to do all the time. "
"Princess what are you ___. "

"I am not a fool mom. I might be a kid but I am not stupid okay. I know love, I know true love and
feelings when I see them in someone's eyes. "

"Daddy was ready to get married to someone he didn't love just to keep me with him when you
wanted to take me away from him mom!That's love, his genuine and unconditional love for me. And
Meerah, she got married to daddy due to compulsion not because she wanted to.She's honest and
my heart kept telling me the same but your poisonous thoughts about her made me think
otherwise! "

Tanveer gasped with shock and took a step back. "How can you make such a conclusion Amyrah?
You don't know her and you are defending her! She stole your dad from me princess. She took him
away and you think I am the bad one. Wow Amyrah, what a great daughter you are! You are
choosing another woman over your own mom. Wow Amyrah! Wow! "

"Stop it mom. Stop trying to make me feel guilty because I won't feel guilty this time around. I am
only telling the truth. And regarding Meerah I am confident that she would never do any evil
towards anyone. You are right I don't know her but I do know she's a good person at heart. And
mom when it comes to stealing and taking Meerah didn't take daddy from you. She didn't because I
heard everything last night. I got to know the whole truth about her marriage to dad. She didn't
cheat anyone or stole anything from you. And come to think of it, this is always about you, it's never
about me, dad or us. It's always you all the time which makes me think if I am even in your plans of
life or I am just a toy to you? "Amyrah stared back at her. "If you really love me mom prove it to me.
Prove to me that you love me better than dad. Win me over and stop trying to blackmail me all the
time. "

The siren rang break them from their eye lock.

"Recession time is over. I better go to class. Goodbye mom and I love you,"she said and left.

"Oh my God! Dammit Vivaan! What have you done to my daughter? When did you turn her against
me? No this can't happen. Amyrah is the only means for me to get into that house. No I can't lose my
daughter over to the two of you! "

Meerah went to the school and picked Amyrah up.

"Hi, "Amyrah smiled at her and Meerah just nodded opening the door for her. She would be lying if
she say she wasn't shocked. She wasn't expecting her to greet her, that too with a smile! She never
used to do that.
"Vikrant please take a turn,"she instructed the driver.

"Where are we going? "Amyrah asked.

"I am taking you somewhere and I am positive that you will love it, "she smiled at her.

"Okay. "

The car parked in front of an orphanage by the name Little Angels and they got off.

"What are we doing here Meerah? "Amyrah asked looking up at her.

"What do you see Amyrah? "Meerah looked back at her for an answer.

"Erm__children of my age,"she replied."Playing and having fun with each other and yes with the
caretaker. "

"Who are this people? I mean kids. "

"They're orphans,"Amyrah replied with a shrug.

"And what does that word mean? "

"What's the point of all this questions Meerah?"

"Just answer my question Amyrah. "

"From what my teacher told me orphans are those kids who don't have a mom and dad henc they
live in a place called the orphanage. And are sometimes adopted to live with the foster parents. "

Meerah nodded at her. "Perfect answer. Amyrah these kids don't have anyone to call mom or dad,
they don't know what parental love is nor do they know the warmth of having a family but you do.
But you are playing with that love, you don't cherish it nor do you value it and one day you're going
to lose it. You have a dad and these kids don't but you don't acknowledge your dad at all. He loves
you but you don't see that. You have a family and these kids don't but you don't value your family.
Look at them they love their caretaker as if she's their mom. These kids don't have a mother or a
family but they know the value of these two things. Amyrah if these kids can love when they don't
have why can't you love when you have it all? "

"I am sure if you understand what I want to say to you but I just hope you get my messages that your
dad isn't a bad daddy. He would do anything for you just for your happiness even if it means
sacrificing his. I understand you love your mom but princess you have a dad too and he deserves
your love and trust as well. He yearns for his daughter, he yearns for you Amyrah. Try loving him
too,"she cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears. "I am not going to force you to do something you
don't want to do but this is the true nothing more and nothing less. Let's go home now,"she smiled
and took her hand. Amyrah looked back at the kids and a small sad smile spread on her face.

"I know what you did at the dinner party and I also know you are going to deny it but just you know I
know you better than anyone. I know how your brain works,"Meerah said.
"What's your point? "

"One day no one is going to believe in you. You will be telling the truth and no one will believe not
even your mom. You will plead and no one will listen your cries,"Meerah replied and got off the car.
Kindly hi kwaku ome on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters room for more stories.

"Mom will always believe me. She can never doubt me. She knows me Meerah and she will always
protect me from every harm,"she said to herself and walked into the house. She found her dad in
the living room working on his laptop. She brightly smiled and ran over to him. She jumped into his
arms not caring for the laptop.

"Hey princess, "Vivaan hugged her back and disengaged from the hug. "What happened? "

"Daddy,"she began and pecked his forehead."I love you daddy! I love you so much! I love you more
than you love me. You are the best daddy in the whole world! The best,"she hugged him again.
Vivaan was stunned so as his grandma. What has happened to her? She's always grumpy then why
all of a sudden she's warm towards them. Amyrah went over to her grandma.

"I love you too grandma. I love you too,"she kissed her cheeks and smiled at her.

"Princess why are you so happy? I mean you have changed,"Vivaan walked over to her and lifted her
up. "This is the other side of you I have always wanted to see. "

Amyrah looked at Meerah who was standing at the stairhead and smiling down at them. Vivaan
traced her eyes and looked up to see Meerah winking at Amyrah who winked back then glanced
back at him.

"It's nothing dad. It just that I was missing you and I wanted to tell you how much I love you and
appreciate your care and love for me. I love you daddy. Today is a very special. How about I go
change then you and I will have daughter and father moments? "

Vivaan nodded. "That sounds like a good idea,"he put her down and she ran to her room.


"Did you do it? "Vivaan asked her standing by the door frame. Meerah looked at him and shrugged.

"I simply took her from school and brought her home. I don't know what you are talking about."

Vivaan came over to her and took her hands into hers and kissed them. Meerah gasped.

"S... sir wh__what are you doing? "

"Thank you Meerah. Today I was able to so and time with my daughter all because of you. She told
me she loves me today and it's all because of you so thank you. "

"S_sir I didn't do anything. If Amyrah chose this path then it was her own choice. I didn't force her to
do__. "
"Meerah she was able to make this choice all because of you. I have no idea what you told her but
whatever it was it brought my daughter back to me. Meerah, Amyrah never used to admit making
mistakes but today she confessed everything. You knew it was her all along but you protected her.
She doesn't love you still you covered her mistakes all the time.Meerah I know I was an idiot for not
listening to you and your reasons and I am sorry for that. Please forgive me Meerah. "

"What are you doing sir? I am just your employee. You need not apologize to me. "

"Meerah that's not true. I need to apologize. Just say it. Say you forgive me please. "

Meerah smiled and nodded. "I am not angry or upset anymore. Sir, you only did what you did
because you were hurt and didn't know the truth. I understand sir. I have long forgiven you. Its okay
now. We're both okay, right? "

Vivaan smiled and pulle her into a hug."Thank you. "

Meera smiled and disengaged from the hug. "So we are friends? "she extended her hand for a shake.

"Friends? I can do that,"he shook her head. "And since we are friends we can sleep on the same bed.
You don't have to sleep on the floor anymore or outside. I will sleep at your feet and you will sleep at
my feet. Is that fair? "

"Hmmmmm, "Meerah nodded. Together they made the bed then went to sleep.

"Good night Meerah. "

"You too sir. "


[13/09, 10:59] +233 54 414 2683 ISHMAEL: ★




episode Eighteen.... 18
"Dad, have they found her yet? "Amyrah asked him as she entered his study room.

"Yes Vivaan,"his grandma added. "As long as Tanveer is at escape our Meerah's life is in danger. "

"Mom the police are looking for her. They haven't found her yet. Even I pray that they find her. "

Someone cleared their throat and they turned around to see Meerah. "So what are you people going
on about? "she asked smiling at them.

"Mom, actually we were talking about..... "

"Preparations of Diwali,"Vivaan interrupted her.

"Daddy! "Amyrah looked at him in disbelief. "It's no use because she's going to find it out anyway.
You all know she knows me like an open book. She will know the truth just by looking into my eyes. "

"Right,"Meerah glanced at Vivaan then her mom. "Mother what is going on? Vivaan, I know today is
Diwali and I am sure you want to distract me so that I don't get to know what you are hiding from
me. Will you tell me or should I find it out myself? "she crossed her arms and waited for him to say

Vivaan sighed and got up from his seat."Meerah, we were talking about Tanveer. She is still out
there. The police are one hundred percent sure that Tanveer didn't board a flight. She's still roaming
around. "

"And looking for me, "Meerah concluded and cupped Vivaan's cheek. "You think I would be scared to
know this or partrified to know this. No Vivaan you don't know me too well. I am not afraid of
Tanveer at all, I am just afraid she might hurt you, mother or Amyrah,"she smiled."I love you guys a
lot, truly. "

"As long as we are together she won't harm us, right grandma? "Amyrah went over to Meerah and
she took her into her arms and the four if them hugged.


"Listen Vishnu please go give this sherwani suit to sir. He is in the room getting ready. Tell him I sent
it for him okay, "Meerah said instructing the servants who nodded and left.

"Erm___Khushi is the food ready for the guests tonight. "

"Yes madam big boss. In fact Amyrah is the one taking care of that,"Khushi replied.

"Amyrah? "

"Yes. Who would have ever thought that the wicked brat is actually sweet in nature. I ams sorry to
say this because she's now your daughter but she was a little witch. "
Meerah smiled shaking her head. "Tell me about it again. "

"Hey! Hey why aren't you ready yet? "

"Ummm___sir is using the room and also I had to come check if everything is okay. Oh my God
where are the lights and the lamps. Khushi hurry up and get them now. "

"Yes, yes I will get everything but you go get dressed. Ma'am asked me to put the red sari for you in
the guest room. Go change and I will get busy with everything that is missing okay?"

Meerah nodded and went upstairs to the guest room.

She took a shower then went back into the room to wear her clothes. She was drying her hair when
she felt something. Her sixth sense triggered someone's presence in the room. She sharply turned
around but there was no one. She took a sigh of relief and put on her dress. She packed her hair into
a ponytail and wore some make up. She looked at the mirror to admire herself and for few final
touches. She could hear down that the party has started.

"Better hurry up, "she said to herself and turned to leave only to come to a halt staring at the figure
standing at the door.

"Who are you? "she asked trying to get a glimpse of the person.

"You are really alive. I thought I killed you but now you are fucking alive! "

"Tanveer! "Meerah's eyes widened.

"You are fucking alive, you bitch! But it's okay erm__I am here to finish the job. It's just you and I
now, in a guest room, far away from everyone who is down stairs. No one is going to hear your cries
now. "

"Why do you want to kill me so bad? Vivaan gave you money, what you have always wanted so why
are you back Tanveer. "

"I want Vivaan Meerah. Give me Vivaan. He is my husband and I love him. Ashok was right I never
loved Vivaan. I just wanted his money and wealth but seeing how he treats you and loves you, I
couldn't take it Meerah. He gave me money but that's not what I want now. I have realized my
mistakes and I want my family back. "

"You left them Tanveer. You left your husband to his boss, you forced him to divorce you when he
didn't want to. You never cared about him so why now? Vivaan is my husband and only mine. I won't
give up in him like you did okay. Just get out of my way, I have a function to attend to. "

"Do you know what they say? A man can get married for the second time if he divorces his wife or
when the wife dies. And since you don't want to divorce him, you will die. I will kill you with my
dagger. I will rip out your heart and bury it. "
"Really? "Meerah scoffed and walked towards her. "Here I am standing before you, with my chest
exposed to you, come on rip off my heart. Do it! "she urged her.

Tanveer growled and attacked her. Meerah did the foolish thing ever she used her arms to shield
herself and she ended getting her arms cut. Blood came out from the cuts and she cried out in pain.

"No one is going to come for your rescue. I made sure of that Meerah. I will enjoy seeing you die
right before my eyes. "

"You are a psychopath Tanveer. Just let it go! There's no way Vivaan would ever love you. "

Tanveer pounded at her again with the dagger raised up aiming to her chest. Meerah caught her
hand and they fell down and wrestled for the knife. Meerah wanted to take it from her hand while
Tanveer was struggling to pierce it on her chest. Meerah hit her wrist and the knife slipped from her
hold then gave her a tight slap.

"Aaah! Did you just slap me? "she asked and pushed Meerah off her who fell down on the floor then
went looking for the dagger. Meerah saw this as an opportunity to run away. She went for the door
and swung it open.

Never underestimate someone who is ready to kill.

"You can't run away from me. I will surely kill you today Meerah. I will make sure you die tonight!
"she threw the dagger on her back and Meerah fell down crying with pain as the dagger was now
stuck on her shoulder. It was in deep. Tanveer came over and took it off, turned her over to stab her
in the heart but Meerah stopped her and the two began to wrestle again.

"Just give up already! You are not going to make it dammit. You are hurt and weak. At some point
you will give up and let me do what I want to do. This is your fate! "

"No it's not! "Meerah kicked her off and stood up to run once again only for her leg to be caught and
the dagger was pinned on it.

"Aaaaaaah! "

"I told you, you can't run away from me Meerah. Your life is in my hands today. Do you understand
me? "she asked as she sat on top of her. Meerah was panting, the pain was so much and she was
bleeding too from all the cuts and stabs she made on her body.

"Give it up. No one is coming to save you from me this time around! "she yelled and stabbed her on
her tummy. Meerah's eyes widened and she gasped. The dagger was taken out again and put back at
a different spot. Meerah cried even more.

"Vivaan,"it came out in a whispered but Tanveer heard it.

"Yes Vivaan. He is mine and only mine. "

Meerah weakly smiled. "Tanveer you can kill me or maybe today is my last day alive but I won't let
you do this and get away with it. They will know who killed me and why. "

"And how are you going to do that huh? By coming back as a ghost or what? "

"Do you like falls? "

"Falls? What falls? "

"This fall! "Meerah rolled over and the two were thrown over the stairhead and they fell right in the
middle of the hall, on the table which shattered as they fell in top of it making everyone there gasp
with shock.

Tanveer coughed out blood and held her stomach. A very large piece of glass pierced through her
stomach. She looked over to Meerah who also had her dagger on her tummy and her face covered
with blood and a smile curved on her lips. She wanted to see Vivaan before she dies. Just once.

"MEERAH! "Tanveer heard him and his footsteps.

"MOM! "And her little girl. She slowly opened her eyes to see them running towards the lifeless
body laying next to her.

"I love you Vivaan. You too princess,"she said and took a deep breath. It was her last. She was gone.

"Meerah! Meerah! "Vivaan called her and his eyes went down to the dagger stuck on her tummy.
"God no! Meerah! Someone call an ambulance! "he yelled still trying to retrieve her. She was
stabbed, not only once but several times, her face was covered with blood and she wasn't breathing
at all. He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that she was.........

"Mom! Mommy! Mom wake up! Mom wake up! What has happened to you mom? Please wake up,
"Amyrah sat next to her calling out to her but she wasn't responding.

The ambulance came and Meerah was rushed over to the hospital and taken to the emergency

After some minutes the doctor's assistant came out.

"How is she? Please tell me how my wife is. "

"Nurse please arrange for type B+ in the blood bank, "the lady said over to the nurse and went back
into the room. After some time a nurse passed by them with the blood bag and into the emergency

The bulb was still red. Hours passed still no one came out. One hour, two hours, five hours. Finally
the light turned green. The doctor came out and looked into the eyes that had been crying for the
passed five hours.

"Doctor how is my wife? "Vivaan asked with a croaky voice.

The doctor sighed and put 'his hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Khurana we have tried our best to save
your wife but she didn't make it. We are very sorry Mr. Khurana. She lost a lot of blood and her body
reacted vigorously to the blood we gave her. She rejected the blood and she didn't make it. "

"What do you mean she rejected the blood doctor! "Vivaan held him by the collar. "It's your job,
your duty to make sure that she accepts each and everything treatment you administer to her. "

"We tried to save her but her body wasn't responding. She gave up long before reaching the
hospital. "

"God no! That's not possible! It's not possible doctor. That woman in there is my wife. My wife! "

"Mom,"Amyrah stood up from the chair and went into the emergency room. She found the nurses
still examining her. The heart monitor showed no lines and the oxygen mask was removed from her.

"Mom, "she whispered looking at her.

"Excuse me you're not allowed to be in there. Betty please take her out. "

"No please! Don't take me out. Just let me see her. She's my mom, "Amyrah pleaded.

"You are see her in the morgue. Please leave we need to take the body for autopsy."

"Please ma'am just let me see her just this once, "she folded her hands. "Had it been you in my place
won't you have done the same thing? "

The nurse sighed. "Alright go ahead. You only have five minutes. "

"That's more than enough. "

Amyrah walked over to her bed and stroke her head. "Mom, can you hear me? "she asked tears
streaming down her cheeks. "I know you can even though you are not inside this body anymore.
Mom, I love you and daddy loves you too. If it is possible please come back. Remember the day you
took me out to a downlow market and there you made me eat golgappas? I had told you they tasted
bad but in actuality they were very delicious that every single night I would order them from a
restaurant. Just to eat them. Remember the day you made me help Vikrant wash his car? We
became best friends from that day even Rohan is my friend. You taught me all the important things
in life by giving me life examples. "

"Mom, if I am a good person right now. It all because of you and your love for me. You said you love
me then why mom? Why did you choose to leave me? What do you want me to do now mom? Don't
you love me anymore? Look at me, my heart and eyes. They only want you. Mom, things are going
to change. I will have to wake myself up in the morning and make up my hair. People will bully me
and you won't be there to save me like you have always done. And breakfast I will have to eat it
alone just like the old days. No one will tug me to bed at night and tell me educative stories like you.
My life revolves around you and you have stopped the revolution. What will I do now? Dad is already
shattered and grandma is sick. Now I will have to take care of everyone like a big girl. Mom left dad
and he was shattered. He spent his days running away from life and engulfed himself in his work.
Now you are gone he will turn to be the worst. "
"I am going to be alone. You are gone. I will have no one to talk to, I will have no one to spend the
summer nights outside with. I will not have you sleeping with me and showering me with love. Mom,
I just met you and we were bonding but you broke that bond by leaving. People don't just leave like
this mom. We still have a lot to do mom. Is this the life you wanted for me. To be a mature person at
the age of eight years. Mom,"she held her hand."You are dead, that's what everyone is saying but I
want you come back. Please come back now. I know the dead don't come back but please come. I
want you mom! Please squeeze my hand, please mom. Squeeze my hand if you can help me. "

"Alright time up! You have to leave now,"the nurse said. Amyrah nodded and looked at Meerah's
dead body for the last time. She turned to walk away but something caught her hand. She stopped
and turned around. Meerah's hand was holding onto hers. The nurses gasped when the heart
monitor began to beep.

"Betty please call the doctor. And you stay here. This is a miracle, "she looked at Amyrah who had a
smile on her face.

•°• •°•

"We have been having her under observation for some time now and we believe she's good to go
home,"the doctor said with a smile. "We never thought something like this happen. But all in all
congratulations Mr. Khurana,"the doctor pat his shoulder. "You can sign the recharge papers when
you leave. "

"Thank you doctor, "he smiled at him and made his way to Meerah.

"Hi, "she smiled at him and sat up on the bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling? "he cupped her chin and brushed her cheek with his thumb and a tear
rolled out of his eye.

"Are you crying? "Meerah asked and Vivaan laid his head on her lap and wrapped his hand around
her waist.

"Meerah, you scared the hell out of me. I thought you were gone and never coming back. I thought
all hope was lost. God Meerah I am going to admit, I am afraid to lose you. I love you so much to lose
you. I love you. "

"I love you so much too Vivaan. Even I was afraid of leaving, I couldn't just go. Where's my baby girl?
"Meerah asked stroking his head.

"She's at school and I know she will be delighted to to find you waiting for her at home,"he sat up
and looked at her. "Don't ever think of leaving me ever again. "

"I won't, "she shook her head and hugged him.

❄ ❄ ❄

Vivaan opened the house door for her and she walked in.

"Welcome home! "Everyone echoed and flowers were showered upon her.

"Welcome home mom, "Amyrah presented a card to her.

"I thought you were at school. "

"Came home early to surprise you,"she replied.

Meerah smiled and read the card.

To the best mom in the world.

To the best woman in the world. My beautiful mom. You are wonderful and amazing mom. I just
want to say I love you and you deserve this

"What? "Meerah asked.

"This, "Amyrah gave her a trophy and on it the words "Best Mom" were written on it. Meerah
hugged her and gave her a kiss. After that everyone presented their gifts to her and wished her a
warn return.

"Daddy won't you give mom your gift. Everyone has given her theirs. You are the only one left. Oh
my gosh don't tell me you forgot about it. "

Vivaan smiled and turned around looking at the door which opened up. Meerah's eyes widened and
her jaw dropped.

"Mom! Aunt! Grandma! Rajji! "she exclaimed and ran over to them. "Aunt, "she looked at her.
"Mom, grandma, Rajji. You people here?! "

"Silly girl won't you give your aunt a hug? Dear, you made a mistake because you wanted to live your
life according to your own terms but dear your family is your family. Didn't you miss us even for
once? "

"Aunt I did, every single day but I had to___. ""

"Search for your destiny, "her mother finished for her and cupped her cheek. "Mimi I love you so
much and I am glad that you got us over. I was missing you so much and here I am standing before
my daughter. I love you dear,"her mother hugged her and Meerah hugged her back. After that she
hugged her aunt then her best friend who helped her run away.

She glanced at her grandma. "Grandma I am sorry for everything. "

"Yet you still roam the streets of Mumbai with no veil on? "she looked at her.
"I just wanted to live my life according to my own terms but believe me grandma I didn't do anything
wrong. "

"Oh really? But you got yourself married and we didn't even know about it. Anyway forget about
that, did you find what you were looking for? "

"My destiny, "Meerah looked at Amyrah and Vivaan. "Yes grandma I have. This is my destiny. They're
my life and I love them so much. I can't do anything without them. They're my destiny. "

Her grandma smiled at her and gave her a hug. "You have made me proud dear Meerah. I know I
was a little hard on you but I only wanted the best for you but it looks you got more than just the
best. I have a very handsome and responsible son in law. He understood you and your pain. He came
all the way from here to Birpur to convince us to forgive you and he brought us here just for you. If
possible forgive us dear. "

"I love you grandma. I love you so much. I am happy to have you here with me and everyone."

"And it was only possible because of son in law, "her mom stated.

"Erm___Meerah this is the time you go and hug him, "Rajji gave her a nudge.

She walked over to Vivaan and said, "I love you Vivaan. " And she kissed him and everyone

"I love you too Meerah, "he gave her a peck on the forehead and hugged her. "You are my life. The
love of my life. You enchanted me with your love. Love like yours is rare to find. I love you. "

"Family photograph! "Amyrah squeaked and gave the camera to Vishnu.

Everyone gathered together.

"Say cheese! "


The photo was taken. Everyone was happy once again. A happily ever after and a happy family

Truly real love is rare to find.


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