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SEN 320

Human Computer Interaction

Lecture 2
Sabahuddin Waqar
Department of Computer Science
Bahria University, Islamabad

Human Computer Interaction

Interaction Design
1. What is Interaction Design?
2. Interaction Design
3. Goals of interaction design
4. What to design?
5. Understanding users’ needs
6. Activity
7. Interaction Design Process
8. Characteristics of ID
9. Understanding Users’ Needs
10. Usability
11. Usability Goals
12. Activity on Usability 15mins
13. Usability Criteria
14. The Ten-Minute Rule
15. Usability & User Experience
16. User Experience Goals
17. Windows Interface Evolution

Human Computer Interaction

What is Interaction Design?
Designing usable interactive products to support
people in their everyday and working lives.
Not only what, but also how, where & why of
user interaction

• How users interact with systems

• Use tools, machines, computers &
• Perform activities, tasks & jobs

Human Computer Interaction

Interaction Design
• Need to take into account:
• Who the users are
• What activities are being carried out
• Why the activities are being carried out
• Where & When the interaction is taking place
• How these activities are being carried out

• To optimise the users interactions

Human Computer Interaction

Goals of interaction design
• Develop usable products
• Usability means easy to learn, effective
to use and provide an enjoyable
• Involve users in the design process

Human Computer Interaction

What to design?
• Need to take into account:
• Who the users are
• What activities are being carried out
• Where the interaction is taking place

• Need to optimise the interactions users have with a product

• Such that they match the users activities and needs

Human Computer Interaction

Understanding users’ needs
• Need to take into account what people
are good and bad at

• Consider what might help people in the

way they currently do things

• Listen to what people want and get

them involved

• Use tried and tested user-based


Human Computer Interaction

• How does making a call differ when using a:
• Cell phone
• Public phone box?
• Consider the kinds of user, type of activity and context of use

Human Computer Interaction

Interaction Design Process

Human Computer Interaction

Characteristics of ID
1. User Involvement

2. Usability and User Experience Goals

3. Iteration

Human Computer Interaction

Understanding Users’ Needs
1. Listen to what people want and get them

2. Take into account what people are good

and bad at

3. Consider what might help people in the

way they currently do things

Human Computer Interaction

To design, develop and improve interactive systems so that users can
carry out their tasks:

• Effectively
• Efficiently
• enjoyably
• safely
• easily

Human Computer Interaction

Usability Goals
• Effective to use (effectiveness)
How good the system is at doing what it is
suppose to do?

• Efficient to use (efficiency)

How the system supports the user to perform
the task and sustain high level of productivity?

Human Computer Interaction

Usability Goals
• Enjoyable to use (engaging)
• Safe to use (safety)
Protecting the users from dangerous conditions
and undesirable situations
• Easy to learn (learnability)
• Easy to remember how to use


Human Computer Interaction

Activity on Usability
• List all the gadgets in your home.

• How many are regularly/frequently used?

Human Computer Interaction

• Mobile
• Hair dryer
• Washing machine
• Laptop
• Shaving
• Portable charging light
• Speakers
• Power bank
• Microwave
• Wrist watch
• Wireless mouse
• Printer
• Door bell
Usability Criteria
How good the product is?

How much time to learn a task?

How much time to complete a task?

How much performance is improved?

How often the system is used?

How many errors made to complete a task?

Human Computer Interaction

The Ten-Minute Rule
Proposed by Nielsen in 1980

New users should be able to learn to use the system in under 10 minutes.
If not, the system fails……..??????

How ???
Capitalize on user’s existing knowledge

When is this rule not appropriate????

Human Computer Interaction

Usability & User Experience

Human Computer Interaction

Usability & User Experience

Human Computer Interaction

User Experience Goals
To design interactive systems which are:
• Satisfying
• Enjoyable
• Helpful
• Motivating
• Entertaining
• Aesthetically pleasing
• Rewarding
• Emotionally fulfilling

Human Computer Interaction

• Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
• Apple
• Windows
• Amiga
• Digital Research, Inc. (DRI)
• Berkeley Softworks
• Red Hat Linux
Links to read

Human Computer Interaction

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