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A Time for Revolution (1700-1900)

2nd Competential Activity

French Revolution

It's been 6 months since you moved to Paris to fulfill your dream of working at the
Louvre museum. Next weekend, your parents are coming to visit you and you have
decided to be their private guide... but among so many treasures that the museum
keeps, what could be the best way to make them enjoy the visit?

It is done! You will choose some artworks through which you will explain what
happened during the French Revolution: its causes, its main events and its
consequences! Let's do it!

To help you with the writing of the text for the guided visit, select and use at
least 4 of the artworks given, with which you should summarize in broad
strokes, the French Revolution and its main causes, events and consequences!
Your text must have at least 250 words and a maximum of 300 words.

In order to memorize the text, you must record an audio, which you can listen to
while walking through the streets of the city of love (and the revolution!).
A Time for Revolution (1700-1900)

Okay mum and dad, as you know we are in the Louvre and I’m going to do a tourist guide.

Here we have the portrait of the king, his name is Louis XVI and he was the king until he had
been executed on January 21 of the year 1793. Louis had a wife called Maria Antonieta who
was also executed in the same year but in October. They were the king and queen of
France. They put taxes to the poor of the third estate for all the things and moreover only
one person could vote, being 98% of the population. The kings only want the best for them,
that is, they didn’t care about the others.

As we have this picture in front of us “The storming of the Bastille'', I will explain how the
French Revolution started. On July 14, 1789, some of the citizens of Paris, which had bad
living conditions due to the King, decided to attack the Bastille with some arms. The bastille
was a symbol of the absolute monarchy of Louis XVI, that was the reason to storm this.
Apart from this, they also make to finish the Ancien Regime.

We carry on walking and we can see this artwork, named Oath of the tennis court. This
meant a lot in the French Revolution, because the people of the 3rd state, in June 1789
decided to do a National Assembly, in which they demanded the king to treat them the same
as the others, same food, same taxes etc. So, all this they do on this tennis court.

Finishing the museum we can see this picture; “Execution at the Revolution Place '', that
although it was not how the French revolution ended, with this everything calmed down,
since the King Louis XVI and Maria Antonieta died. When they died, everything turned into a
dictatorship with Maximilien Robespierre, who wanted to execute people who did things
“bad”. Like this, a lot of people were executed.

By the way, the French Revolution finished in the year 1799, with the arrival of Napoleon

This is all, I hope you understand it all more or less good.

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