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Write between 120 – 150 words. While patrolling an Afghan town, you saw a house
on fire. You have to write a report to your CO about the event. Include the following

 time and place of the event

 people involved / victims
 rescue operation
 (possible) causes of fire
 how the Polish unit can help the victims

TO: CO John Rambo
SUBJECT: A house on fire during the patrol
DATE: 23 December, 2016

The aim of this report is to describe an incident involving a fire at a house,
observed during the patrol on 20 December 2017.

My platoon had been patrolling the town of XYZ for two hours before we noticed a
house on fire located in the north district. There were about fifteen people on the
street who had to leave their flats due to the danger. 

There was a strong possibility that a woman and one child were trapped in the


To deal with the situation, my platoon secured the area, and I immediately

contacted the civilian emergency services.  The fire brigade appeared in ten minutes
and started fighting the fire. 

Unfortunately, the woman and the child inside that house could not be saved; they

were the only victims of that fire.

In conclusion, fires and other such unfortunate incidents can happen anytime. It is,
therefore, important for the patrolling unit to be trained and know how to deal
with this kind of situation to save lives and minimize casualties. 

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