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B1+ Name:

for Schools


Task 1 Task 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of these Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
words and phrases. 16 You might / may borrow books from the library for a
maximum of three weeks.
coach ​ community ​ fall out 
with ​
get away from ​get on with ​rival ​role model 17 If you feel hot, you shouldn’t / ought to go outside
for a while.
1 Some men tried to rob us last night, but we were able to 18 You needn’t / can’t do the washing up. I’ll put it in
them. the dishwasher.
2 The new has done a good job with the team. 19 They don’t have to / mustn’t tell Pippa about the party.
They’re winning matches for the first time! It’s going to be a surprise.
3 Ivy’s main is several years older than her, 20 We couldn’t / had better not leave too late. We’ve got
but she still hopes to beat him. a long journey ahead of us.
4 Gabby Douglas is a for a lot of children who 21 The students shouldn’t / weren’t allowed to leave during
dream of being gymnasts. lunch when I was at school.
5 I hope we don’t each other. I really enjoy 22 These shopping bags are quite heavy. Should / Would
her company. you help me, please?
6 My auntie has done a lot of work to help her  . 23 I mustn’t / don’t need to get up early tomorrow. I can stay
She believes it’s important to help your neighbours. in bed all day if I want to!
7 I don’t Sammy very well. We’re always 24 You shouldn’t have lent / shouldn’t lend Laura your
arguing about something. umbrella. She left it on the bus.

7 9

Task 2 Task 2
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these
8 Jamie’s brilliant surfing. He’s won lots words and phrases.
of competitions.
can’t ​could ​may  not ​must ​should ​shouldn’t
9 I’m addicted those old series of X-Files.
They’re amazing.
25 Vera be very outgoing because she’s always
10 Marc’s fed up the other children being making new friends.
mean to him.
26 If you take this medicine, you feel better in a
11 He’s really proud his baby sister. few days. It works really well.
He tells everyone about her.
27 Tracy be quite aggressive as a child, but she’s
12 You seem quite stressed the test. much nicer nowadays.
Try to relax and not worry so much.
28 That be Sanjay over there. He’s on holiday
13 I’m quite keen this denim jacket. with his parents.
Do you like it?
29 We be going the right way. I’m not sure if
14 My dad’s curry was popular everyone at I’ve understood the directions correctly.
the party.
30 I just want to finish this email. It’s only a quick one so I 
15 I’m hopeless this game. I can’t get past be long.
the first level.

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B1+ Name:
for Schools


Task 1
Complete the second sentence so that that is has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.
31 It’s a pity that you didn’t ask me to help you with your project.
You me to help you with your project.
32 There were no tickets left so we couldn’t see the concert.
There were no tickets left so we the concert.
33 It can’t be easy to go and live in another country.
It to go and live in another country.
34 Jumping on the sofa is not a good idea. Mum will get really annoyed with us.
We on the sofa. Mum will get really annoyed with us.
35 Children under twelve can’t go into the swimming pool without an adult.
Children under twelve go into the swimming pool without an adult.
36 You are not obliged to show your passport to anyone when you travel inside the UK.
You your passport to anyone when you travel inside the UK.


Task 2
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

My cousin, Max, and I were the same age so we spent a lot of time together when we were growing up.
We were both (37) about the world around us so we had lots of adventures in the woods CURIOSITY
near our house. We used to climb trees and catch insects and we used to come home really dirty.

As we got older, I became more serious about school and I used to work hard. My parents were
(38) for me to get good marks at school and I wanted to please them. Max’s parents ANXIETY
were more relaxed than mine though and he was a lot more (39) than me. He didn’t DEPEND
seem to worry about school and he often spent time on his own in the woods. My parents used to say
that Max was (40) , but he never did anything wrong. He just didn’t work very hard. OBEDIENT
I often felt jealous of Max, but it seemed sensible to concentrate on my studies.

After university, I started looking for a job, but it was (41) to find anything that I was POSSIBLE
enthusiastic about. After months of searching for jobs, I started to lose my (42) . I realised PATIENT
that I could never work in some big office. I told Max about my problem and he looked at me with a big
smile on his face. He said he would hate it and that he couldn’t imagine anything more (43) PLEASE
than sitting at a desk all day. That was when I realised that I had to find a job working outdoors. I made
the (44) to train to be a gardener and, thanks to Max, I can spend all my time outside. DECISIVE

8 Total: 50

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