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Safety and Health Management System

Procedure No: OHS-PR-02-07
Document Control
ISO 45001 Clause 7.5

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1 Purpose .....................................................................................................................3
2 Scope .........................................................................................................................3
3 Definition and Acronyms ............................................................................................3
4 Responsibilities ..........................................................................................................4
5 Implementation Requirements ...................................................................................4
6 Performance Requirements .....................................................................................14
7 Reference Documents .............................................................................................14
8 Appendices ..............................................................................................................14

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1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for creating and maintaining
Health and Safety documentation for the Saudi Electricity Company Occupational
Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS).

2 Scope
This requirement applies to all approved Occupational Health and Safety
documentation that is used or introduced to the Saudi Electricity Company 5 Star
website or forms part of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System
(OHSMS). This documentation assists with the implementation of Work Place Health
and Safety requirements for Saudi Electricity Company and applies to the
organization and Its Subsidiaries

3 Definition and Acronyms

Controlled Document: Any document for which distribution and status are required
to be kept current by the issuer to ensure that authorized holders or users have the
most up to date version available.
Document Control: The process established in this procedure to define controls
needed for the management of OHSMS documentation.
Document Owner: The person with authority to create, revise, archive, obsolete
and/or approve a document. This person should manage the create / edit / review /
approval process for the document.
OHSMS: The Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is the system of
OHS documents and resources to assist SEC in meeting its OHS legal requirements
OHS Document Controller: The OHS representative that is responsible for the
OHS document control requirements at organizational Level.
Master Copy: The electronic copy of a controlled document, which is approved by
the approval authority that is safeguarded against unintentional changes to its
content or formatting. Changes to a controlled document must be made on its master
Local Document: OHS documents that are created by a Business Line to meet the
specific local needs of that area e.g. Standard Operating Procedure for an area
specific Working at Heights.
Local Document Controller: The administrator / representative person nominated
that is responsible for the OHS document control requirements and database with
responsibility to ensure correct formatting and structure of the document for
Procedure: Specified way to carry out an activity or a process.
Organization: For the purpose of this procedure, the company, its subsidiary
,business lines, sectors, departments, divisions, operational units, contractors,
enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether
incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration

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are referred to as Organization.
Record: Records function as evidence of activities.
SEC: Saudi Electricity Company.
Note: The words “shall” and “must” in this procedure indicate mandatory
requirements. The word “should” indicates a preferred approach.

4 Responsibilities
4.1 Each Subsidiary, Business Line, Department and Division, shall develop and
implement a Document Management System that accomplishes the requirements
of this procedure.
4.2 Position(s) shall be assigned by the Business Line, Department and Division, in
accordance with Procedure OHS-PR-02-01 Leadership, Responsibility and
4.3 Roles and responsibilities of all other positions/functions that are responsible to
support implementation of this Procedure shall be clearly identified, documented
and communicated.
4.4 A Document Controller / Administrator shall be assigned for this standard.

5 Implementation Requirements
5.1 OHS Documentation and Records Management

5.1.1 SEC organizations shall identify which OHS documents and records are to
be maintained by the OHS Documentation Control system and which
documents and records is to be controlled by other documents and records
control systems (e.g., for Quality system, Mechanical Integrity, etc.).
5.1.2 OHSMS Documentation
A list of all OHS Documentation and Records shall be established and
maintained should include as a minimum.
 Applicable OHS legislation.
 OHS policy, objectives and targets.
 OHS Management System, Standards and Procedure.
 Emergency Preparedness, Response Plans and drills.
 OHS Permits and Licenses issued by regulatory authorities.
 Policies containing OHS commitments.
 OHS Monitoring data (e.g. hazardous material, waste shipment notes
and waste contractor licenses, etc.).
 Health surveillance results.

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 Calibration and maintenance records of measuring and test equipment.
 Records of workplace inspections.
 Records of audits, management reviews and corrective actions.
 Records of completed Job Safe Procedure/Analysis, Risk Assessments,
Fire Risk Assessments and Planned Job Observations.
 Procedures and work instructions for OHS critical activities.
 Completed Work and lockout / Tag out permits
 List of registered plant, equipment, lifting gear and tools inspections.
 Register and records of inspection and testing of electrical and
equipment integrity.
 Facility and plant maintenance and integrity.
 Supplier and Contractor information.
 Register and inspection records of process and emergency / fire
response equipment.
 OHS Training, Induction and competency records.
 OHS communication and consultation media and records.
 Minutes of local OHS committee meetings.
 Issue and maintenance of PPE.
 Hazard, impacts, near miss and incident reports.
 OHS Accidents, Incidents, Impacts, Non-Conformance, Corrective
Actions and Preventative Actions reports.
 Evidence of contractor induction, competency (trade or academic
references), Loss Prevention Plan and OHS compliance.
 Information related to process and other chemicals (MSDS) etc.
 Master Record Index of OHS System Documentation
5.1.3 OHS Documentation and Records shall be compiled, kept up-to-date, made
available and accessible to all concerned personnel. Documentation
maintained in electronic files shall be made available as hard copies to
personnel that have no access to computers.
5.1.4 All records shall be maintained and stored in an orderly manner, protected
from damage and loss for the duration as specified in Appendix, readily
identifiable, retrievable, and legible, will include the date of any and all
revisions, and be made available upon request.
5.1.5 Review and approval of documents shall be conducted by personnel with
appropriate functional abilities and responsibility prior to use.
5.1.6 Records shall be maintained by the Document Controller. In coordination
with Department Manager they shall identify in the List of Records the

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responsibility of maintenance, and retention period of records.
5.1.7 OHS Documents and Information must exist in languages understandable to
the affected employees, contractors and other interested parties.
5.1.8 The “Document Control” Process Flow illustrated Figure 1 below should be
followed for all OHS document requirements.

Figure 1 Document Control” Process Flow

5.2 OHSMS Documentation Structure

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The Saudi Electricity Company OHS Management System is structured to meet
the obligations outlined in the OHS Commitments. All documentation shall meet
and support the requirements maintained within the higher level documents.
Figure 1 below, illustrates the OHSMS Documentation Hierarchy.

Level 1

SEC OHS Policy

Level 2
& Vision




Level 4



Figure 9: SEC OHS Document Hierarchy

Figure 1: OHSMS Documentation Hierarchy

5.3 Document Controller

5.3.1 Document Author shall create the document consistent with OHS Corporate
formats and content:
 All procedures should use the size 14 fonts for main headings and size
12 for sub-headings and 11.5 for all other font. The format is Arial and
the text color of the body text should be black.
 Left justification for English and Right for Arabic should be used for all
body text throughout deliverable documents as it is easier to read and
Line Spacing is 1.
 Page set up is A4 size, margins(inches)-left 1’, top-0.8’,bottom and right
– 0.7’).
 The Purpose (section 1) should be a brief, clear sentence that states
what the policy or procedure is intended to define, establish or describe

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 The scope (section 2) should be made up of brief, clear statements that
o The organizations the document applies to.
o The OHS management System risks, elements, process, or work
that will be affected by the document.
5.3.2 Definitions (section 3) should contain terms, words, and acronyms that users
may not be familiar with or that may have a specific meaning as used in the
policy or procedure.
5.3.3 Responsibilities (section 4) should contain brief statements of levels of
responsibility to implement and/or maintain this procedure if applicable.
5.3.4 Implementation Requirements (section 5) should describe the key steps of a
process and identify the responsibility for each step and identify any key
interactions with other processes if applicable.
The 'process flow' diagrammatic approach is a preferred format for
procedures, though not all procedures will be suitable for this format (e.g.
this document).
5.3.5 Performance Measure (section 6) should list those few measures from the
standards that are indicators of how the policy or procedure being
implemented is measured.
5.3.6 Reference Documents (section 7) should refer to documents that support or
supply information about the topic discussed in the policy or procedure, e.g.
OHS Manual, ISO standards.
5.3.7 Appendices (section 8) should contain attachments that provide detailed
information about the policy or procedure, guidelines to be used, examples,
best practices, forms, checklists etc.
5.3.8 If a section is not used, the word 'None' should be put in the empty section.
5.3.9 Number listed items only when the numbers are meaningful or when there
are more than one level of listed items. Otherwise, use a bullet point for
each listed item.
5.3.10 Update the 'Revision Status’ (change information) table, ensuring key
changes are captured and revision numbers are correctly applied.
5.3.11 Submit the document for review when further input is required, or submit
the document for approval when all input has been received and accounted
for and the document is ready for release
5.3.12 Document Controller shall ensure the document meets this standard for
format, content and has appropriate approvers.

5.4 Document Approvers

Document Approvers shall:
5.4.1 Approve or re-submit the document in a timely manner.
5.4.2 Champion the implementation of the document within his area of

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5.5 Document Name and Numbering

All controlled documents will be labelled with a unique number that follows the
standardized numbering convention of:
OHS - Document Type – Department - Sequential Number
The OHS prefix is constant. Every OHS document number will start with OHS.

5.5.1 Document Type

Table 1 below lists the acronyms for each OHS where applicable.

Document Type Acronym

Manual MAN
Policy PO
Procedure PR
Safe Work Procedures SWP
Work Instruction WI
Guidelines GL
Form F

5.5.2 Numbering
OHS document numbers provide the organization with a way to uniquely
identify a document and categorize it within a particular function and to
provide a common documentation language across multiple entities, e.g.:
OHS-PR-02-01, where: OHS is the prefix signifying an OHS document.
OHS-PR-02 where '02' signifies the department or function that 'owns' the
document, e.g.:
(01) Executive Leadership
(02) Occupational Health and Safety
(03) Human Resources
(04) Facilities Services
(05) Power Generation
(06) National Grid SA
(07) Distribution and Customer Services
(08) Procurement / Materials Management / Contracting
(09) Projects Development
(10) Transportation
(11) Planning & Performance Monitoring

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(12) Corporate Communications & PR
(13) Finance
(14) Quality
NOTE: The departments or functions that are not applicable to this SEC
OHSMS are not listed here.
A new document in the OHSMS will be given the next consecutive number.
This must be taken from the document control register that is managed by
the OHS Document Controller and recorded on the document control

5.6 Document Issue Number

5.6.1 All OHS documents, when published the first time after approval from
Document Controller shall be allocated Version Number 1 and Revision
Number 0. Further whenever revisions occur to the manual the revisions will
be reflected in the Revision History and for the procedures the revisions will
be reflected in the first page of each procedure with incremental numbers
from 0. Each revision will be approved by the relevant personnel based on
the document.
5.6.2 All new or changed documents shall be by a formal document issue register
as per Form OHS-PR-02-07-F03 Document Issue Register.

5.7 Document Control Register

5.7.1 The Document Control Register is the record of the controlled documents,
draft documents under construction and proposed documents managed by
the OHS Unit.

5.6.2 The Document Control Register shall be maintained to ensure it remains

up-to-date at all times. Refer to Form OHS-PR-02-07-F02 Master List of
Documents template.

5.8 Document Review

5.8.1 Existing documents require regular review to ensure currency with external
and internal requirements.
5.8.2 All documents created for the OHSMS must include a cyclic review date to
trigger a review of the document for relevance, effectiveness and currency.
Refer to the OHS Document Matrix for the cyclic review periods for each
OHSMS document type.
5.8.3 Document review dates must be recorded in the document control register.
Each month, the OHS Document Controller will review the document control
register to determine which OHS documents are due for review.
5.8.4 Once it is determined that a review is required for whatever reason, the
document will be assigned to a member of safety and Loss Prevention
Development Division to undertake the review process. Allocation and the

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reason for the review must be recorded in the document control register.

5.9 Document Changes

5.9.1 If a change to a controlled document is required, the changes must be
made using a duplicate of the master copy. All changes must clearly mark
and must be approved through the Change / New Document OHS-PR-02-
07-F04 Change / New Document Form. This ensures:
 Changes are made to the most recent version of the controlled
 Amendments are clearly identified to highlight the changes between the
new and the superseded version.
5.9.2 All major amendments that are made to controlled documents must be
reviewed, consulted on and approved.

5.10 Draft Documents

5.10.1 All planned OHSMS documents must be clearly identified as draft until
approved by the approval authority.
5.10.2 All draft documents must include a watermark to distinguish it as the most
recent version of a draft document for example the words ‘DRAFT V1’.
5.10.3 Only the OHS Document Controller can remove the watermark as part of
the final check once the document is approved and prior publishing.

5.11 Consultation
5.11.1 Any new OHSMS document or existing OHSMS document that has
undergone major amendment shall be distributed for consultation with
stakeholder and users (if it’s required) prior to its finalization.
5.11.2 Evidence of consultation must be documented through meeting minutes or

5.12 Quality Checking

5.12.1 Prior to submitting the new or amended document to the approval authority,
it is imperative that the document must be checked over to ensure errors in
the text and formatting are corrected. Items to be checked should include,
but not limited to:
 hyperlinks are active;
 spelling and grammar;
 formatting is as per template requirements;
 numbered headings are consecutive;

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 headers and footers are correct;
 page sizing and orientation is correct;
 tables and figures are numbered correctly (if applicable); and
 ‘draft’ watermarks are removed.

5.13 Implementation and Communication of Revised or New Documents

5.13.1 Controlled Documents
The following documents shall be regarded as SEC corporate controlled
OHS documents:
 Corporate OHS and Policy;
 Corporate OHS Systems Manual;
 Corporate OHS 26 Standards; and
 Corporate OHS Life Saving Rules;
5.13.2 Version Control
Document versions shall be tracked and recorded on the controlled
Once a new controlled document has been approved or changes to an
existing document have been approved, the document must be assigned a
version number.
The first version of an approved document will be version 1. Changes to an
approved document will increase in whole numbers.
5.13.3 Obsolete Controlled Documents
Obsolete controlled documents are those which are no longer required,
have been replaced or superseded as determined by the needs of the
5.13.4 Obsolete documents shall be removed from points of issue and use and
appropriately archived to prevent unintended use or destroyed were
5.13.5 Documents must be archived in appropriate data bases, electronic or hard
copy or destroyed and document control register updated.
5.13.6 Communication
Communication of all new OHSMS documents or OHSMS documents that
have undergone major amendment shall be communicated in accordance
with the requirements of procedure OHS-PR-02-02 Communication and

5.13.7 Training

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All employees and contractors associated with the new document shall
receive training of the requirement of the document.

5.14 Document and Records retention

5.14.1 Master copy of each OHS Documentation shall be maintained and the
location of the master copy shall be specified.

5.14.2 OHSMS records shall be maintained in accordance with the record

minimum retention times of Three (3) years.

5.14.3 Medical records shall be maintained as per Saudi Regulatory and Legal

5.15 External Documents

SEC does not edit external OHS Documents. Their origin can be Suppliers,
Customers, Government or Other. These types of documents can be manuals,
Procedures, Instructions, Lists and Forms. Such external documents shall be
filed in a master folder within the corresponding department and controlled by
the Department Manager.

5.16 OHS Document Matrix

The document matrix Table 2 below outlines the document management

process for the control of OHSMS documents.

Table 2 - OHS Document Matrix

Authority Approval Responsible Management Cyclic Publish Archive
Authority Unit of Review Review Location location
Cycle Period
CEO & Document Every 2 Webpage
OHS Policy Policy ISD OHS Website
Executive Control years Available
Register externally
OHS Manual Document OHS
Executive Document Every 2 Webpage
Guideline, Management ISD OHS Website
VP, ISD Control years Available
Instruction Overview
Register internally
OHS 32 Document Executive Document Every 2 Webpage
ISD OHS Website
Standards Management VP, ISD Control years Available
Guidelines Register internally
OHS Business Line OHS via OHS
OHS/Busine Website
OHS Document Policy (publishing) Document Every 2
ss Line
Procedure Management Sponsor and (review Control years
Guidelines cycle) Register
OHS Forms, OHS OHS via OHS
Every 2
Templates, Document Executive Document Webpage
ISD OHS years, If
Checklists Management VP, ISD Control Available
and Posters Guideline Register internally

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Local Business Line
Document (publishing)

OHS Local
Nominated Local
Document Document
Local OHS Local Business Line Every 2 webpages /
Business Line Controller via
Documents Document (publishing years shared drive
Management Document
Owner Available
Guideline Control
Nominated Every 2
Local years / or
OHS Risk & Business Document new Business
Documents Business Line
Fire & Line Controller via projects / Line
Assessment of (publishing
Assessments Leaders Document facilities Webpage
Control /sites/
Register incidents
Health Medical Senior Classified/at
surveillance Surveillance Medical Human discretion of
Surveillance Indefinitely MEDICAL
results Assessment Practitione Recourses medical
Guidelines r practitioner

6 Performance Requirements

6.1 Standard OHS-STD-02-01 Document Control.

7 Reference Documents
7.1 OHS-MAN-02-01-2018 OHSMS Manual.
7.2 OHS-STD-02-01 Standards.
7.3 OHS-PR-02-01 Leadership, Responsibility and Accountability.
7.4 OHS-PR-02-02 Communication and Consultation.
7.5 ISO 45001-2018 OHSMS.
7.6 ISO 9001-2015 Quality MS.
7.5 OHS-MAN-02-07-F01 Document Control Register & Inspections.
 OHS-PR-02-07-F02 Master List of Documents.
 OHS-PR-02-07-F03 Document Issue Register.
 OHS-PR-02-07-F04 Change / New Document Form.

8 Appendices

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