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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Agusan del Sur
Marfil, Rosario, Agusan del Sur
SCHOOL ID NO: 304748


Name: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1) When someone reflects on his/her strengths and weaknesses and learns more about himself
or herself, it is said that the person undergoes a process called?
a) Self-reflection c) Self-motivation
b) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification

_____ 2) What do we call that process where a person understands himself/herself better through
learning new skills or overcoming bad habits?
a) Self-development c) Self-education
b) Self-discovery d) Self-reflection

_____ 3) John understands fully the benefits of building good relationships with his social environment
and the effects of man’s transgressions to his fellow beings. It is said that John;
a) develops effective human relations skills
b) develops social awareness
c) develops holistically
d) develops social responsibilities

_____ 4) Krystala, a Grade 11 TVL-Home Economics student, develops favorable relationships with
her peers and family members. In the context of development, she is said to have manifests;
a) behavioral Development c) social Development
b) physical Development d) psychological Development

_____ 5) Justine finds it difficult to concentrate and stay focused in his studies, loses the thread of
thoughts or conversations, confused because of the lockdown and cannot move freely and visit his
girlfriend in the neighboring city. Justine is said to manifests;
a) love sickness c) psychological trouble
b) emotional problem d) stress

6) Which of the following statements best describes stress among adolescents?

A) Enhanced Community Quarantine/General Community Quarantine
B) Academic work such as assignments and reading activities
C) Family conflict and financial problems
D) All of the above

7) The following are signs of behavioral changes due to stress among adolescents, except;
A) feeling sick (headaches, shoulder pain, stomach aches, etc.)
B) seeming nervous or anxious
C) withdrawing from friendship groups or activities
D) refusing to go to school

8) Finding it hard to concentrate and losing the thread of thoughts or conversations as well as making
trouble remembering things are signs of;
A) physical stress C) psychological stress
B) mental stress D) behavioral stress

9) The following are cognitive functions of the left brain, except;

A) analytical Thoughts and Detail-Oriented perceptions
B) verbal, Math and Science and Planning skills
C) ordered sequencing
D) emotional thoughts

10) It refers to a complex and ongoing process by which differing regions of the brain takes over the
functioning of specific behaviors and cognitive skills.
A) Brain lateralization C) Stress Management
B) Brain hemisphere D) Powers of the Mind

11) Which of the following statements best describes emotionally intelligent person?
A) A person who understands only his/her emotions.
B) A person who understands his own and other people’s emotions and feelings
C) A person who understands what other people need and want.
D) A person who understands that life is changing over time.

12) The following are basic Emotional Quotient skills of an individual, except;
A) noticing other’s fault and weaknesses
B) noticing that there are more intelligent people
C) noticing that many people have mental health issues
D) noticing and accurately labeling everyday feelings of people

13) Which of the following statements is correct?

A) A high IQ (Intelligent Quotients) can predict top test scores; a high EQ
(emotional quotients) can predict success in social and emotional situations.
B) A high IQ can predict emotional stability; a high EQ can predict social skills.
C) A high EQ can predict intellectual capacity; a high IQ can predict emotions.
D) A high EQ can predict social stability; a high IQ can predict physical prowess

14) Which of the following statements best describes managing one’s reactions in a given situation?
A) Reacting to emotions in a way that is disrespectful, intense and impulsive.
B) Knowing when, where, and how to express yourself.
C) Knowing what to say and how to behave around.
D) Reacting to emotions in a way that is respectful, sober and cool.

15) Being aware of one’s emotions means:

A) labels one’s emotions and feelings as good or bad
B) understands that a person unpredictable, emotions and feelings change.
C) understands that a person needs to work on its emotions.
D) helps manage emotions and understands how other people feel.

Instruction: TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write
_________16. Social and emotional maturity is intertwined because an adolescent’s peers are
affected by his/her emotional situations.
_________17. Peer pressure is the reason why teens modify their behavior, activities, etc. just to be
accepted in a group.
_________18. The role of family, especially parents in adolescent’s development is to guide them and
help them adapt to their changing needs.
_________19. The importance of family to an adolescent becomes less for they become more
independent as they grow older.
_________ 20. Adolescents can easily adapt to the changes in their lives by themselves for they are
more independent than before.
__________21. Mental illness is not caused by doing the wrong things. Doctors assume that
psychological state is caused by a combination of what occurs in one's body and what happens around
__________22. People with mental illnesses have a hard time dealing with their day to day
performance tasks.
__________23. There is no cure for having a mental illness.
__________24. People with mental illness are risky and violent.
__________25. Mental illness is identical with being mentally disabled (sometimes incorrectly referred
to as mental retardation).
__________26. Mental illness is a cognitive disability, which means it is a different journey with
different challenges. It is essential to treat all people with respect because you do not know how life is
like in their shoes.
__________27. It is common for all people sometimes to have and sometimes feel like they do not
know what to do. Nevertheless, it is good to talk to others and learn what works best for you.
__________28. Having a wound will not get better with just simple medication. It also takes time,
exercise, and hard work. Likewise, mental illness is the same. One needs patience, get help from
others, and talk about it. Then, you will start to feel better, too.
__________29. I cannot help a friend with a mental illness; only a doctor can.
__________30. All mental illnesses are unlike but being detected with one will not keep you from
being able to develop, learn how to take care of yourself, and get a good life like everybody else.

31. Basic building blocks of the nervous system

A. Amino Acid
B. Nerve Cells
C. Cell Body
D. Neurons

32. The cell parts that receive nervous system impulses

A. axons
B. dendrites
C. cell body
D. myelin sheath

33. The gap between neurons

A. synapse
B. myelin sheath
C. neuron
D. nerve cells

34. Opiate-like substance in the brain

A. Dopamine
B. Endorphin
C. Serotonin
D. Addictive cell

35. Chemicals that make it possible for neurons to communicate

A. Neurotransmitters
B. The Heart Organ
C. Hormones
D. Dopamine

36. Hormone closely associated with emotional excitement

A. Estrogen
B. Epinephrine
C. Dopamine
D. The glial cell

37. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. Cell Body
B. Myelin Sheath
C. Axon
D. Endorphine

38. The brain structure that regulates movement and balance

A. Hypothalamus
B. Pituitary gland
C. Cerebellum
D. Spinal Cord

39. A Latin word meaning “pertaining to the temples”, they are involved on processes of memory,
perception, emotion and language comprehension
A. Auditory Complex
B. Parietal Lobe
C. Spinal Cord
D. Temporal Lobe

40. The bridge that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.
A. Cerebral cortex
B. Myelin Sheath
C. Cerebellum
D. Corpus Callosum
41. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Brain Training is a popular notion nowadays.
b. Brain improvement and functions starts at earliest conception of the mother.
c. China has developed an idea of fast reading by flipping books.
d. Being negative about life is not a bad avenue for pessimist

42. This is an effect in which instructors often unknowingly expect more productive expectations in
certain individuals.
a. The Double Blinders Effect
b. The Rosenthal Effect
c. The Altruism Effect
d. The Blame Game

43. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Praying with your Family
b. Sleeping past Midnight
c. Junk Foods
d. Watching violent movies

44. Sleep well: _____ ; Meditate: _____.

a. 12:00 PM/Listening to rock songs
b. Up until 12 noon/Playing with your nieces/nephews
c. 8:00PM/listening classical music
d. 4:00 AM/ Praying the Rosary

45. Which of the following statement does not follow a good relationship?
a. Debbie and Jona are best friends. During the quarantine, they skipped past 9 in the evening
and went to a nearby friend to attend a slumber party.
b. Alan is very considerate to his friend Ruben, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he lends
his friend money at an interest rate of 10% after the pandemic.
c. Randy amends with his long time enemy, boss Charlie. He promised to be on time during
work and cooperate with his officemates. Charlie sees this as an opportunity to be with his
friend. So, he accepts Randy's apology as an act of consideration for his kind gesture.
d. In line with the department’s initiative to halt operation and cost-cutting their expenditures.
BMR Corporation, dismissed some of its employees, regardless of their performance and
conditions in life.

46. When you feel stressed about your school works and started acting inappropriately, what kind of
skills do we need to improve to manage our emotions?
A. Understanding how others feel and why
B. Managing emotional reactions
C. Emotions of adolescence
D. Choosing your mood

47. Your friend tried to open up matters about himself, but you ignored him and thinks he is just
overreacting. He told you are insensitive and do not want to be your friend anymore. What kind of skills
do you need to improve in managing emotions?
A. Managing your emotional reactions
B. Choosing your mood
C. Understanding how others feel and why
D. Being aware of your emotion

48. Many people feel confident when they?

A. Tell people to do something
B. Know how to do something
C. Forget to do something
D. Don’t want to do something

49. All of these are ways to manage emotions except?

B.Eat Junk foods
C.Distract yourself
D.Be grateful

50. Your friend told you she has suffered depression. What would you do?
A. Allow your friend to express her feelings and show support
B. Convince her to go out with some friends and get her mind out of it
C. Give her some time to herself
D. Spend time with her but avoid talking about her depression

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