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One day the God Pachacamac lifted the Andean Ñusta, the princess, to the highest part of

heaven we call it hanan pacha, and said: “I will give you this vessel of water so that from the
sky you can water the fields of earth. Obedient to the commands of god she watered the
Empire’s fields every day.

She had a younger brother who was happy, playful, and mischievous. One morning he woke
up and thought: “I’m going to go visit my sister and play a trick on her.”

One he was in the sky he saw her watering the fields of earth and peacefully said: “Let me
borrow your water vessel. I want to make the waterfall with force.” His sister refused and he
continued to insist. He wanted to get the big water jar no matter how and decided to take it
from his sister’s hands. In a the struggle water splashed out violently.

This caused a heavy storm and made the farmers and sheepherders flee to seek refuge in
mountain caves. Sometimes even worse things would happen. Since the brother was filled
with mischief, he made the jar break and the pieces fall down the mountain slopes where
they caused sparks and sounded heavily. This made lightning and thunder. As a result, the
Ñusta cried disconsolately. “Oh my pot!”

The God Pachacamac, on seeing her sorrow, consoled the princess and said: “I will give you
another pot but you will have to win it this time.”

The Ñusta responded, “I will think of the most pure and white things, the purest and whitest
imaginable”. As a result, a fine, white snow fell on the Andes. On seeing this the God
Pachacamac said, “beautiful work. You have won your vessel again. Here take it.

” With much gratitude the Ñusta continued to water the earth with loving care. In this way
he father sun sent his child the rainbow to stretch over it like a bridge from horizon to
horizon and it was a demonstration of motive of much joy.

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