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Unconditional Love

By: Althea Veronica M. Alap

“A mother knows what her child gone through even if she didn’t see it”

With this short yet eloquent quotation, the whole content of this narrative summarizes it all. In
this ever-changing and crazy world, there is always one person that knows how to brighten up my cloudy
day. In this judgemental world where I used to be seen as an ugly sin, there is always one person that
makes me realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And in this distressing environment where I
used to experience consecutive years of a bleeding heart, there is always one person that heals every
wound with her magical embrace. She is my first love, my first teacher and my first friend, my mother.

“A Ballad of a Mother’s Heart” which was the piece I’ve read is my favorite poem and the first
piece of writing that tore my heart and cried my eyes out. It is just a simple poetry yet a meaning one and
worthwhile to read. In the poem, there were three characters. The boy, the maiden and a mother. Every
character plays a vital role in revealing the essence of the ballad. The first is the boy who is a persistent,
daring and at the same time inconsiderate and impatient young man. He proved that “People get blinded
with Love”. Because of his persistence and desire that at the nick of time the maiden whom he loves so
true will finally answer him, he became careless and inconsiderate with his actions. He was blinded by
her love on the maiden that he is courting for a long time that boost his courage in risking anything and
everything for the sake of his love. Despite the malevolent request of the maiden that he should bring the
heart of his mother for her to finally hear her respond on his love, the boy was drowned in the words of
his beloved and was a victim of love. He granted the wish of her maiden so true and just realize that he’s
wrong when his mother is already dead. The maiden on the other hand who is a fraud, sham and took
advantage on the unending love of the boy simply shows that in this world, there are people who will gain
benefit on you and took advantage on you for their own sake. There are instances where you will meet a
person that will hardly accept you despite your efforts. And the mother on the ballad proves that a
mother’s love is unconditional. For the sake of her child, she will give and risk anything.

The ballad all started with a boy who was desiring for a maiden’s heart. Out of
wondering and sort of impatience, the boy asked her what made her think deeply and too long for
her to accept him. The maiden told him that he needs to prove something for her to believe that
the love of the boy is more than the words he utters. She asked him to take his mother’s heart and
so he did. He took his mother’s heart and as he ran the way back to his beloved, he slipped. As
he groaned in pain he heard a voice comforting him from all apart, it’s not from his lips but from
her mother’s heart.

It was such a vivid narration of the story as every detail adds on the meaning of the piece.
A conflict arose from the boy and himself. It was an internal conflict where he was carried away
by his desire of his beloved’s heart that lead him to commit an unnecessary deed. Because of his
emotions, he intentional killed his mother without any tear.
The author also gave a detailed description of the setting. The time was evident and was clearly
indicated “The night was dark, For the moon was young, And the Stars were asleep and rare, The clouds
were thick, Yet Youth went out, To see his Maiden fair”. In the first stanza the line the Stars were asleep
and rare,
The clouds were thick implies that the stars are not out and the clouds were thick which means it is about
to rain. Another graphical description of the setting was evident in this line. “ He run unmindful of the
rain. But his feet slipped, and he fell down, and loud, he groaned with pain!” Moreover, the poem is also
rich in literary devices that adds the spice in delivering the message of the piece. Likewise, the line “He
opened her breast and took her heart! But he did not shed a tear.” Where the boy took his mother’s heart
without a tear shows his desire and persistence in risking his mother life just for her beloved. Without a
tear, he intentional killed his mother as it is the only way to prove to his love his sincerity. The Mother’s
heart on the other hand is the core symbol of the whole ballad. On the part of the maiden, she used it as a
test for the boy. A choice on whether or not he will choose to follow the maiden or rather unfollow the
maiden’s request which is a sign that his mother is far more important. On the part of the mother, it is the
symbol of unconditional love. Even to the extent that her life will be risked, she will still choose the
happiness of her child. Additionally, the line “He run unmindful of the rain.
But his feet slipped, And he fell down, And loud, he groaned with pain!” represents realization of the boy.
As he slipped that was the only moment that be realized and remembered what he had done. It was used
by the author to give the boy a moment to reflect and discern. Lastly, in the line. And then, he heard a
voice! Not from his lips, But all apart! "Get up" it said. "Were you hurt, Child?" it was used by the author
to summon the boy that he’s mother was already dead. Regret overflown on the boy as he heard the voice
of her mother that still manage to show her presence with voice to make her feel that despite the move he
committed, she still loves him!

A mother's unconditional love can't be replaced. Everything may change but it is the love of
our mother that never change. It proved that a mother will sacrifice and risk everything even her own life
just to satisfy the blank space and just to grant even the worst request of her child. Although, we as child
hurt her badly, by words, actions and even a simple absence on her especial day, she just breath deeply
and her sadness and pain will eventually vanish. When she’s sleeping, she will think whether you’re
comfy in your bed. When she’s eating, she will think if you already ate your meal. When she’s at the
grocery, she will include your favorite chocolate despite the bill. That’s how she loves her child! A
Ballad of a Mother’s Heart also wanted to leave a mark about the importance of thinking twice before we
act. It wanted to emphasize that one wrong move can change our life forever. In terms of love, it wanted
to leave a message that it’s true that love conquers all, in a good or bad way. Do you know the one wrong
thing we all do when we fall in love? WE EXPECT and it just ruins everything. Do not rush yourself for
love because as you rush and too impatient in waiting, pain and a heavy heart will come right after. So be
patient, everything comes in the right time! All in all, always remember: A mother is she who can take
the place of all others but whose place no one else can take!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Oriental Mindoro
Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro




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