MM6 Manual Ver 194 Rev1 04

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Switchgear & Instrumentation

motor manager 6
User Guide

Issue Date: September 2010

Firmware Version: 194.8

Document Revision 1.04

motor manager 6
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MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 4 of 222

1 Getting Started .......................................................................................................... 12

1.1 About this User Guide ................................................................................................. 12
1.2 How to Use this User Guide ........................................................................................ 12
1.3 Application Notes ........................................................................................................ 13
2 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Product Components................................................................................................... 15
3 Specifications ............................................................................................................ 17
3.1 Main Module I/O .......................................................................................................... 17
3.1.1 Display and Control Module (DCM) ................................................................................ 17
3.1.2 Starter Control Module (SCM)......................................................................................... 17
3.1.3 Protection and Metering Module (PMM) ......................................................................... 19
3.1.4 Power Consumption Figures ........................................................................................... 20
3.1.5 Values Calculated by SCM & PMM ................................................................................ 21
3.2 CT Modules ................................................................................................................. 22
3.2.1 CT Block (3 phase) ......................................................................................................... 22
3.3 Mechanical .................................................................................................................. 23
3.3.1 Environment .................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.2 Electrical Emissions and Immunity ................................................................................. 24
3.3.3 Unit Weights .................................................................................................................... 24
4 Product Code Details ................................................................................................ 25

5 Installation ................................................................................................................. 26
5.1 Dimension Details ....................................................................................................... 26
5.1.1 SCM ................................................................................................................................ 26
5.1.2 DCM ................................................................................................................................ 26
5.1.3 OCM ................................................................................................................................ 27
5.1.4 PMM ................................................................................................................................ 27
5.1.5 CTM................................................................................................................................. 28
5.1.6 EXM (Expansion modules).............................................................................................. 28
5.1.7 CBCT............................................................................................................................... 29
5.1.8 CBCT Interposing CT ...................................................................................................... 30
5.1.9 CT Block (3-phase) ......................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Mounting ..................................................................................................................... 32
5.2.1 DIN Rail Mounting ........................................................................................................... 33
5.3 Mechanical Assembly.................................................................................................. 34
5.3.1 Fitting DCM to Chassis ................................................................................................... 34
5.3.2 Fitting DCM to SCM ........................................................................................................ 36
5.3.3 Fitting SCM to PMM ........................................................................................................ 37
5.3.4 Fitting CT Module to PMM .............................................................................................. 38
5.3.5 Removing CT Module from PMM .................................................................................... 39
5.3.6 Removing SCM from PMM ............................................................................................. 41
5.3.7 Removing DCM from SCM.............................................................................................. 42

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5.3.8 Removing DCM from Chassis .........................................................................................43
5.3.9 Expansion Modules .........................................................................................................44
5.4 Electrical Connections ................................................................................................. 45
5.4.1 SCM .................................................................................................................................45
5.4.2 PMM ................................................................................................................................48
5.4.3 DCM and OCM ................................................................................................................51
5.4.4 PT-CTM - PASS THROUGH CT MODULE ....................................................................52
5.4.5 1A-CTM - 1 AMP CT MODULE .......................................................................................53
5.4.6 CBCT Interposing CT ......................................................................................................54
5.4.7 RTD Module ....................................................................................................................55
5.4.8 MODULE EXPANSION PORT CONNECTIONS ............................................................57
5.4.9 Earthing ...........................................................................................................................57
5.4.10 CT / VT ............................................................................................................................58
5.4.11 Cables .............................................................................................................................58
6 Display Module and GUI Navigation ..........................................................................60
6.1 Windows ..................................................................................................................... 61
6.1.1 Main viewing window .......................................................................................................61
6.1.2 Softkey window................................................................................................................61
6.1.3 Control mode & Login level window ................................................................................61
6.1.4 Zoom and Default Page ..................................................................................................61
6.2 Fixed control keys ....................................................................................................... 62
6.3 Softkeys ...................................................................................................................... 62
6.3.1 Top Softkey .....................................................................................................................63
6.3.2 Bottom Softkey ................................................................................................................63
6.3.3 LEDs ................................................................................................................................64
6.4 Menu Structure............................................................................................................ 65
6.5 Data Menu .................................................................................................................. 66
6.5.1 Digital ...............................................................................................................................66
6.5.2 Analogue .........................................................................................................................66
6.5.3 Error Messages ...............................................................................................................67
6.6 Settings Menu ............................................................................................................. 68
6.6.1 Changing Setpoints .........................................................................................................69
7 Data Menu .................................................................................................................72
7.1 DT1: MOTOR STATUS ............................................................................................... 73
7.1.1 Motor State ......................................................................................................................73
7.1.2 Active Trip........................................................................................................................74
7.1.3 Active Alarm ....................................................................................................................74
7.1.4 Motor Load ......................................................................................................................75
7.1.5 Thermal Capacity ............................................................................................................75
7.1.6 Active control Modes .......................................................................................................76
7.1.7 Unavailable Cause ..........................................................................................................76
7.1.8 Last Event........................................................................................................................77
7.1.9 Time to Reset ..................................................................................................................77
7.1.10 Time to Trip .....................................................................................................................78
7.1.11 Acceleration Time ............................................................................................................79
7.2 DT2: CURRENT .......................................................................................................... 80
7.2.1 I1, I2, I3 and Average Current .........................................................................................80
7.2.2 Imbalance ........................................................................................................................81
7.2.3 Residual EF Current ........................................................................................................81
7.2.4 CBCT EF Current ............................................................................................................82
7.2.5 Peak Inrush .....................................................................................................................82

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7.2.6 Pretrip I1, I2, I3 Ph and Res EF Current ......................................................................... 83
7.2.7 Pretrip CBCT EF ............................................................................................................. 83
7.3 DT3: VOLTAGE .......................................................................................................... 84
7.3.1 Control Supply (Scaled) .................................................................................................. 84
7.3.2 Control Supply ................................................................................................................. 85
7.3.3 Control Supply Frequency............................................................................................... 85
7.3.4 Phase Voltages ............................................................................................................... 86
7.3.5 Line Voltages .................................................................................................................. 86
7.3.6 Imbalance ........................................................................................................................ 87
7.3.7 Motor Frequency ............................................................................................................. 87
7.4 DT4: POWER .............................................................................................................. 88
7.4.1 3Ph Total Real Power ..................................................................................................... 88
7.4.2 3Ph Total Apparent Power .............................................................................................. 89
7.4.3 Power Factor ................................................................................................................... 89
7.5 DT5: DIGITAL INPUTS ............................................................................................... 90
7.6 DT6: RELAY OUTPUTS.............................................................................................. 90
7.7 DT7: TEMPERATURE ................................................................................................ 91
7.7.1 Thermistor Resistance .................................................................................................... 91
7.7.2 SCM Internal Temp ......................................................................................................... 91
7.7.3 DCM Internal Temp ......................................................................................................... 92
7.8 DT8: RT MODULES .................................................................................................... 93
7.8.1 RTD 1 – 24 Temperatures .............................................................................................. 93
7.9 DT9: AIM MODULES (Future) ..................................................................................... 94
8 Settings Menu ........................................................................................................... 95
8.1.1 ST1.1: COMMUNICATIONS ........................................................................................... 96
8.1.2 ST1.2: DIGITAL INPUTS ................................................................................................ 97
8.1.3 ST1.3: RELAY OUTPUTS............................................................................................. 101
8.1.4 ST1.4: CT INPUTS ........................................................................................................ 104
8.1.5 ST1.5: VT INPUTS ........................................................................................................ 106
8.1.6 ST1.6: RT MODULES ................................................................................................... 108
8.1.7 ST1.7: DEVICENET ...................................................................................................... 109
8.1.8 ST1.8: PROFIBUS ........................................................................................................ 110
8.2 ST2: MOTOR DATA .................................................................................................. 111
8.3 ST3: PROTECTION .................................................................................................. 115
8.3.1 ST3.1: THERMAL ......................................................................................................... 116
8.3.2 ST3.2: MECHANICAL ................................................................................................... 122
8.3.3 ST3.3: ELECTRICAL .................................................................................................... 124
8.3.4 ST3.4: TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................... 128
8.4 ST4: CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 130
8.4.1 ST4.1: PROCESS ......................................................................................................... 131
8.4.2 ST4.2: START/STOP .................................................................................................... 133
8.4.3 ST4.3: U/V RESTART ................................................................................................... 138

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8.5 ST5: FACTORY ........................................................................................................ 140
9 Diagnostics Menu ....................................................................................................146
9.1 DG1: ALARMS .......................................................................................................... 147
9.2 DG2: TRIPS .............................................................................................................. 148
9.3 DG3: UNAVAILABLE CAUSE ................................................................................... 149
9.4 DG4: EVENT HISTORY ............................................................................................ 150
9.5 DG5: TIMERS & COUNTERS ................................................................................... 151
9.6 DG6: WAVEFORM VIEW .......................................................................................... 155
9.7 DG7: FACTORY........................................................................................................ 156
10 Control Menu ...........................................................................................................157
10.1 Changing Location of Control .................................................................................... 157
11 Flash Messages ......................................................................................................158

12 Operator Control Module (OCM) .............................................................................163

12.1 Buttons ...................................................................................................................... 163
12.2 LEDs ......................................................................................................................... 164
13 Modbus Communications ........................................................................................165

14 DeviceNet Communications ....................................................................................166

14.1 I/O Connections (Polled Data) ................................................................................... 166
14.2 Explicit Messaging Connections ................................................................................ 166
14.3 DeviceNet Network Status......................................................................................... 166
14.4 DeviceNet IO/Explicit Connection Status ................................................................... 167
14.5 Automatic Device Replacement (ADR) ...................................................................... 167
15 Profibus Communications ........................................................................................168
15.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................. 168
15.2 Cyclic Data ................................................................................................................ 168
15.2.1 Commands from PLC ....................................................................................................168
15.2.2 Command Definitions ....................................................................................................169
15.2.3 Status to PLC ................................................................................................................169
15.2.4 Status Definitions ..........................................................................................................169
15.3 Acyclic Data .............................................................................................................. 170
15.4 Advanced Profibus Functions .................................................................................... 170
16 Testing Procedures .................................................................................................171
16.1 Secondary Injection Testing ...................................................................................... 171
16.1.1 Current Only ..................................................................................................................171
16.1.2 Voltage Only ..................................................................................................................171
16.1.3 Current and Voltage ......................................................................................................171

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17 Flash Card Upload Procedure ................................................................................. 172

18 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 173

Appendix 1: Example MM6/Motor Setups. ...................................................................... 175

Appendix 2: Settings Table .............................................................................................. 177

Page ST1: I/O SET-UP ...................................................................................................... 177
Page ST2: MOTOR DATA.................................................................................................. 178
Page ST3: PROTECTION .................................................................................................. 179
Page ST4: CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 180
Appendix 3: Abbreviations/Glossary ................................................................................ 181

Appendix 4: Modbus Address Map .................................................................................. 184

Appendix 5: Format Codes .............................................................................................. 210

Appendix 6: DeviceNet Polled Data Example .................................................................. 218

Index ................................................................................................................................ 220

List of Figures
Figure 1 SCM Dimension details ...................................................................................................................26
Figure 2 DCM Dimension details ...................................................................................................................26
Figure 3 OCM Dimension details ..................................................................................................................27
Figure 4 PMM Dimension details ..................................................................................................................27
Figure 5 CTM Dimension details ...................................................................................................................28
Figure 6 EXM (AIM/DIM/RTM) Dimension details .........................................................................................28
Figure 7 CBCT Dimension details .................................................................................................................29
Figure 8 CB ICT Dimension details ...............................................................................................................30
Figure 9 CT Block (3-phase) Dimension details ............................................................................................31
Figure 10 Door cut-out dimension details .......................................................................................................32
Figure 11 DIN Rail adaptor .............................................................................................................................33
Figure 12 SCM Connection details .................................................................................................................45
Figure 13 VT Module connection options (simplified) ....................................................................................48
Figure 14 PMM Star Connection details .........................................................................................................48
Figure 15 PMM Delta Connection Details ......................................................................................................49
Figure 16 DCM and OCM Connection details ................................................................................................51
Figure 17 Pass Through CTM Connection details (S1 side shown) ..............................................................52
Figure 18 Pass Through CTM Connection diagram (simplified) ....................................................................52
Figure 19 1 Amp CTM Connection details .....................................................................................................53
Figure 20 1 Amp CTM Motor Connections (simplified) ..................................................................................53
Figure 21 RTM Module Connection Details ...................................................................................................55
Figure 22 RTM Module Field Wiring Details ...................................................................................................55
Figure 23 Module Expansion Port Connection details (simplified) .................................................................57
Figure 24 Typical Electrical Schematic for SCM, PMM & CT Module ...........................................................59
Figure 25 Front view of MM6 DCM ................................................................................................................60
Figure 26 Example Softkeys...........................................................................................................................62
Figure 27 Main screen with menu/screen selection options ..........................................................................65

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Figure 28 Digital Display Example ................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 29 Analogue Display Example ........................................................................................................... 66
Figure 30 Under Range Indication ................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 31 Over Range Indication .................................................................................................................. 67
Figure 32 Settings menu tree ........................................................................................................................ 68
Figure 33 Numeric data entry ........................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 34 Alphanumeric data entry ............................................................................................................... 71
Figure 35 Example of Options page .............................................................................................................. 71
Figure 36 Data menu tree .............................................................................................................................. 72
Figure 37 DT1: Motor Status Data ................................................................................................................. 73
Figure 38 Acceleration Time Curve ............................................................................................................... 79
Figure 39 DT2: Current Data ......................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 40 DT3: Voltage Data ......................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 41 DT4: Power Data ........................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 42 DT5: Digital Inputs Data ................................................................................................................ 90
Figure 43 DT6: Relay Outputs Data .............................................................................................................. 90
Figure 44 DT7: Temperature Data ................................................................................................................ 91
Figure 45 DT8: RT Modules Data .................................................................................................................. 93
Figure 46 DT8.1 RTD Temperatures ............................................................................................................. 93
Figure 47 DT9: AIM Modules Data ................................................................................................................ 94
Figure 48 ST1: I/O Setup menu tree ............................................................................................................. 95
Figure 49 ST1.1: Communications Settings .................................................................................................. 96
Figure 50 ST1.2: Digital Inputs Settings ........................................................................................................ 97
Figure 51 ST1.3: Relay Outputs Settings .................................................................................................... 101
Figure 52 ST1.4: CT Inputs Settings ........................................................................................................... 104
Figure 53 ST1.5: VT Inputs Settings ........................................................................................................... 106
Figure 54 ST1.6: RT Modules Settings ....................................................................................................... 108
Figure 55 ST1.7: DeviceNet Settings .......................................................................................................... 109
Figure 56 ST1.8: Profibus Settings .............................................................................................................. 110
Figure 57 ST2: Motor Data Settings ............................................................................................................ 111
Figure 58 ST2: Motor Data menu tree ......................................................................................................... 111
Figure 59 ST3: Protection Settings .............................................................................................................. 115
Figure 60 ST3: Protection menu tree .......................................................................................................... 115
Figure 61 ST3.1: Thermal Settings .............................................................................................................. 116
Figure 62 MM6 Thermal Protection Curves ................................................................................................. 120
Figure 63 ST3.2: Mechanical Settings ......................................................................................................... 122
Figure 64 ST3.3: Electrical Settings ............................................................................................................ 124
Figure 65 ST3.4: Temperature Settings ...................................................................................................... 128
Figure 66 ST4: Control Settings .................................................................................................................. 130
Figure 67 ST4: Control menu tree ............................................................................................................... 130
Figure 68 ST4.1: Process Settings .............................................................................................................. 131
Figure 69 ST4.2: Start/Stop Settings ........................................................................................................... 133
Figure 70 ST4.3: U/V Restart Settings ........................................................................................................ 138
Figure 71 ST5: Factory Settings .................................................................................................................. 140
Figure 72 ST5: Factory menu tree ............................................................................................................... 140
Figure 73 DG: Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................... 146
Figure 74 DG: Diagnostics menu tree ......................................................................................................... 146
Figure 75 DG1: Alarms Diagnostics ............................................................................................................ 147
Figure 76 DG1: Alarms menu tree ............................................................................................................... 147
Figure 77 DG2: Trips Diagnostics................................................................................................................ 148
Figure 78 DG2: Trips menu tree .................................................................................................................. 148
Figure 79 DG3: Unavailable Cause Diagnostics ......................................................................................... 149
Figure 80 DG3: Unavailable Cause menu tree ............................................................................................ 149
Figure 81 DG4: Event History ...................................................................................................................... 150

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Figure 82 DG5: Timers and Counters ..........................................................................................................151
Figure 83 DG5: Timers & Counters menu tree ............................................................................................151
Figure 84 DG6: Waveform Diagnostics ........................................................................................................155
Figure 85 DG7: Factory Diagnostics ............................................................................................................156
Figure 86 DG7: Factory menu tree ...............................................................................................................156
Figure 87 Flash message banner .................................................................................................................158
Figure 88 OCM .............................................................................................................................................163
Figure 89 Modules used in „Example 2‟ ......................................................................................................176

List of Tables
Table 1 Product Components List .................................................................................................................16
Table 2 SCM I/O Specifications ....................................................................................................................17
Table 3 PMM I/O Specifications ....................................................................................................................19
Table 4 Power Consumption Figures ............................................................................................................20
Table 5 Calculated values .............................................................................................................................21
Table 6 Environmental Characteristics ..........................................................................................................23
Table 7 Emissions and Immunity Characteristics .........................................................................................24
Table 8 Unit Weights .....................................................................................................................................24
Table 9 Hardware product code details .........................................................................................................25
Table 10 Starter Type I/O Configuration .......................................................................................................114

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1 Getting Started
This User Guide does not purport to cover every detail of the installation and operation of the Motor
Manager 6 (MM6). Requests for further guidance or information on this or any other product should
be directed to Switchgear & Instrumentation Ltd.

The Motor Manager 6 is manufactured in accordance with IEC standards. Switchgear &
Instrumentation Ltd cannot provide any assurances that this product will comply with the wide variety
of local codes, regulations or ordinances that apply in different areas of the world.

1.1 About this User Guide

This user guide provides user and installation instructions for the S&I MM6.

The purpose of this user guide is to familiarize the user and maintenance personnel with the basic
capabilities of the MM6. Only proven safe installation techniques are covered in this user guide.

This user guide was not prepared for inexperienced maintenance personnel. It is not intended to
constitute a training program or to provide sufficient background for personnel, not experienced with
this type of electrical system, to install the system described in this user guide.

The end user is responsible for ensuring that no persons should be authorised to install or carry out
maintenance work on the system without having read this user guide.

All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this user guide in any form whatsoever without the
written permission of S&I is forbidden. Additional copies can be obtained from the After Sales
Services Dept. of S&I, Bradford, United Kingdom. The information contained within this user guide is
confidential and cannot be transferred to a third party without the written consent of S&I.

All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this user guide. However should
any errors be detected, S&I would greatly appreciate being informed of them.

The above notwithstanding S&I can assume no responsibility for any errors in this user guide or the
consequences thereof.

The policy of S&I is one of progressive improvement in design, construction and operation. Systems
and equipment referred to in this user guide are subject to changes in keeping with this policy. The
manufacturer, therefore, reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice.

1.2 How to Use this User Guide

This user guide is arranged and subdivided to provide useful information with a minimum of searching.

The key to easy reference is the Table of Contents. Every subject, in the Table of Contents, is listed
with a reference number and the page on which the item can be found. Each subject is numbered by
Chapter, Paragraph and Sub-paragraph, for example:

“4" - Chapter number.

“1" - Main paragraph topic.
“2" - Breakdown of Main paragraph topic.
The page number, along with the number of pages in this user guide, is located in the outside corner
of each page.

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For convenience, all illustrations and tables are numbered in sequential order.

Familiarity with the Table of Contents will facilitate locating particular information easily.

Personnel responsible for the system should review all of the Table of Contents for future reference
and an overall understanding of the user guide. Then read the user guide and study the illustrations

1.3 Application Notes

Motor Manager 6 Warranty
Switchgear & Instrumentation Ltd warrant the Motor Manager 6 against defects in material or workmanship
under normal use for a period of 18 months from the date of shipment from our premises.

In the event of a failure arising during the warranty, Switchgear & Instrumentation Ltd will undertake to repair
or replace the Motor Manager 6 at our option, provided always that it is found to be defective and has been
returned to our premises in Bradford at your cost. The warranty obligations of Switchgear & Instrumentation
Ltd will not extend to defects caused by wrong or negligent operation, accident, overloading, unsuitable
operating conditions, or by failure of the End User to comply with any instruction given by Switchgear &
Instrumentation Ltd with regard to its operation or installation.

Switchgear & Instrumentation Ltd is not liable under any circumstances for special, economic, financial,
indirect or consequential damages (including loss of profit, loss of use, loss of production, loss of contracts)
or for expenses sustained as a result of a Motor Manager 6 malfunction or incorrect application.

Safety at Work.
The voltages present in certain parts of the MM6 are capable of inflicting a severe electric shock and may be
lethal. It is the responsibility of the owner and / or the End User to ensure that the installation of the MM6
system and the way in which it is operated and maintained complies with the requirements of the Health and
Safety at Work Act in the United Kingdom, and with other applicable legislation and regulations and codes of
practice in the UK or elsewhere.

The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate or incorrect
installation of the equipment.

System Usage
The MM6 System must only be used for its intended purpose: to provide control, protection and monitoring of
electric motors.

If additional training is required then contact S&I or their designated agent.

Type of operating environment

The intended operating environment is limited to being housed within an electrical enclosure that is suitable
for protecting the equipment. The enclosure must also prevent access except by trained and authorised

General Operating Requirements

Users must have electrical experience and be able to interpret control circuit diagrams.

Minimum age (years). Eighteen (18), or minimum permissible age required by End User‟s national law.

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2 Introduction
2.1 Overview
The S&I Motor Manager 6 (MM6) is an intelligent relay used to monitor a three-phase motor and provide
control, protection and fast communications. The device provides motor data (measured and calculated) in
text message format on a colour Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).

Several configurations of modules are possible to facilitate a variety of functionalities from entry level (SCM +
conventional overload) to a complete control, protection and monitoring package with colour display

The modules are interconnected via CAN bus, which provides a high-speed link for exchanging information
between modules.

All modules are designed to operate in an ambient air temperature of –5 DegC to +75 DegC, relative
humidity 95% non-condensing.

The SCM is the data concentrator providing sufficient digital I/O for starter control in addition to an EIA485
Modbus RTU serial port for external communications. Optional ports are available for DeviceNet or Profibus
DP in addition to the standard EIA485 Modbus RTU interface.

Time synchronization is provided via the Modbus serial interface to a resolution of 1mS. This value is used
for event time stamping and storage in the historical log.

The SCM provides optional under voltage restart and control for DOL, DOLR, Two-speed, Star Delta, VSD,
Soft Starters and pulsed devices such as latched contactors.

The OCM and DIM are expansion modules typically used to replace push buttons and relays whilst utilising
electronic or conventional protection.

The DCM is based around a colour LCD graphical user interface that allows the user to monitor, control and
configure the Motor Manager 6.

The PMM is a standalone measurement and control module that samples CT/VT inputs and uses thermal
modelling techniques to provide accurate motor protection.

The SCM, OCM and DCM have inbuilt temperature sensors so the starter and switchroom temperatures can
be monitored.

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2.2 Product Components

See next page for list of individual parts.

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Item No. Item Description
1 DCM Display and Control Module
2 OCM Operator Control Module – Alternative to DCM
3 N/A OCM Gasket
4 N/A Starter Chassis with OCM cut-out
5 N/A DCM Gasket
6 N/A Starter Chassis with DCM cut-out
7 DIN Rail adaptor (optional mounting arrangement)
8 PMM Protection & Metering Module
DIM Digital Input/Output Module Maximum expansion modules allowed = PMM +
3 additional modules
RTM RTD Module
AIM Analogue Module
9 Current Transformer (CT) Block (3-phase)
10 Phoenix connector - connects CT Block to 1 Amp CTM via 2.5mm cable. Cable
available in pre-made lengths of 70mm, 255mm and 400mm)
11 1A-CTM 1 Amp CT Module (connects to PMM).
12 PT-CTM „Pass through‟ CTM (connects to PMM).
13 Core Balance CT (CBCT)
14 RJ12 CAN bus Cable (short or long available)
15 SCM Starter Control Module

Table 1 Product Components List

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3 Specifications
3.1 Main Module I/O
3.1.1 Display and Control Module (DCM)
The Display Module derives its supply from the CAN peripheral bus and provides a Graphical User Interface
(GUI), control keys and LEDs plus a dial for menu navigation and item selection.

3.1.2 Starter Control Module (SCM)

This module is the core element of the MM6 and is the primary power source and data store for the product.
I/O is as follows:

Item Description Qty Min Nominal Max Isolation /

(Continuous) Protection
Digital Inputs AC or DC 8 60Vac 110Vac 300Vac 2.5kV (1min)
configurable 230Vac Galvanic
inputs for
connection of
field and control 85Vdc 110Vdc 424Vdc
Output Relays 2 x N/O 3 100mA N/A See graph on next 2.5kV (1min)
1 x C/O page Galvanic
CBCT (option) 2000:1 Earth 1 0.125mA N/A 7.5mA 2.5kV (1min)
Fault CT input (15A earth fault Galvanic
VT (option) Voltage 1 25 110/115 300Vac 2.5kV (1min)
measurement Vac Galvanic
Expansion Port CAN bus 1M 1 18Vdc 29Vdc 600mA Over current
DC/DC isolation
Power Supply Switchmode 1 60Vac 110Vac 300Vac 2.5kV (1min)
Power Supply 230Vac Galvanic
(50mS ride - 85Vdc 110Vdc 424Vdc
Operating Temp Ambient air 1 -5DegC +75 DegC Alarm, Trip

Storage Temp Ambient air -40Degc 90 DegC

Serial Port 2 Wire HDX 1 9600 115200 115200 baud 2.5kV (1min)
EIA485 Modbus Galvanic
RTU Slave
DeviceNet (option) DeviceNet 1 125k 500k 500k 2.5kV (1min)
Comms Galvanic
Profibus (option) Profibus 1 9.6k 1.5M 1.5M 2.5kV (1min)
Comms Galvanic

Table 2 SCM I/O Specifications

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Maximum operating power – SCM Relay 1 & 2

Maximum operating power – SCM Relay 3 and PMM Relay 1

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3.1.3 Protection and Metering Module (PMM)
The PMM is a standalone current and voltage protection module for the MM6. It monitors current and
voltage and uses this data to calculate information required to protect the motor.

There are 2 PMM types; one for star configuration and one for delta configuration. The star PMM can be
connected in either the star or delta configuration and the delta PMM can only be configured in the delta
configuration (see section 5.4.2 for details).

The relay output can be wired in series with the contactor output on the SCM as a backup trip mechanism in
the unlikely event of a CAN bus fault.

An optional NTC/PTC Thermistor input is provided.

Item Description Qty Minimum Maximum Isolation / Burden

(Continuous) Protection

CT Input Input for 3 0.5A (PT CTM) 15A (PT CTM) 2.5kV (1 min) 1.84mVA (PT CTM)
16A (1A CTM)
Transformer 0.2 A (1A CTM) Galvanic 188uVA (1A CTM)
VT Input Input for

Star Config. 3 50Vac 550Vac 2.5kV (1 min) < 1mVA

Delta Config. 3 50Vac 760Vac Galvanic

Output Single pole 1 100mA See graph on 2.5kV (1 min)

Relay Changeover previous page
relay Galvanic

Thermistor NTC or PTC 1 0.1 30k ohms 2.5kV (1 min)

(option) Galvanic

Table 3 PMM I/O Specifications

The Star PMM features 3 individually isolated VT inputs where each 'L' & 'N' group is isolated from all other
inputs. The Delta PMM has 3 inputs that are internally connected and these 3 inputs are isolated from the
other inputs but not from each other.

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3.1.4 Power Consumption Figures

Item Power Consumption

Display and Control Module (DCM) 2.5W
Starter Control Module (SCM) 6.5W
Digital Input Module 0.5W per input energised
Protection and Metering Module (PMM) 4W
RTD Module 5W

Table 4 Power Consumption Figures

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3.1.5 Values Calculated by SCM & PMM
The following values are calculated from the measured values monitored by the SCM & PMM:
Value Calculated by Accuracy § Resolution
Control Supply Voltage (V) SCM +/- 2% 1V
Control Supply Frequency (Hz) SCM +/- 2% 0.1 Hz
Voltage V1n (V) PMM +/- 2% 1V
Voltage V2n (V) PMM +/- 2% 1V
Voltage V3n (V) PMM +/- 2% 1V
Voltage V12 (V) PMM +/- 2% 1V
Voltage V23 (V) PMM +/- 2% 1V
Voltage V31 (V) PMM +/- 2% 1V
Average Line Voltage (V) PMM +/- 2% 1V
Frequency (Hz) PMM +/- 1% 0.1 Hz
Voltage Imbalance (%) PMM +/- 2% 1%
Current I1 (A) PMM +/- 2% 0.01A
Current I2 (A) PMM +/- 2% 0.01A
Current I3 (A) PMM +/- 2% 0.01A
Average Current (A) PMM +/- 2% 0.01A
Phase Current Imbalance (%) PMM +/- 2% 1%
Peak Inrush A PMM +/- 2% 0.01A
Thermal Capacity PMM +/- 2% 1%
EF Current (CBCT) SCM +/- 2% 0.01A
EF Current (Residual) PMM +/- 2% 0.01A
3 Real Power (kW) PMM +/- 4% 0.1kW
3 Apparent Power (kVA) PMM +/- 4% 0.1 kVA
3 Energy Used (kW Hours) PMM +/- 4% 1 kW hour
3 Average Power Factor PMM +/- 2% 0.01
Motor Load (%) PMM +/- 2% 1%
Acceleration Time (mS) PMM +/- 100mS 10mS
Time to Trip PMM +/- 1s 1s
Starter Temperature (DegC) SCM / DCM +/- 2% of value 1 DegC
§ Accuracy % ranges are % of either actual or nominal value, whichever is the greater.
Table 5 Calculated values

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3.2 CT Modules
The interface to the primary conductors is via a 3 phase CT Module, which provides a signal conditioning
interface and isolation. This interface can be quickly disconnected from the PMM module so the electronics
can be exchanged with minimal disruption to chassis wiring.

Two CT Modules are provided:

1. The PT-CTM allows the primary conductors to pass-through three
embedded CTs when the FLC is =>0.5A and =<15A.

Ratio: 15 / 0.026 A
Burden: 1.84 mVA
Class: 5P8

2. The 1A-CTM provides 3 x 1A inputs for external CTs to be used

when the rated FLC of the motor is >15A. Standard encapsulated
blocks are available for this purpose (see CT Block below).

Ratio: 1 / 0.0083 A
Burden: 188 μVA
Class: 10P25

3.2.1 CT Block (3 phase)

The 3-phase CT block is fitted to starters with rated Full Load Current
greater than 15A and up to 120A.

Ratios of 30/1, 60/1 and 120/1 are available and are connected to the
1A-CTM using a pre-made cable.

Above 120A FLC standard foot mounted CTs are used. Individual S1
and S2 CT secondary connections per phase are connected, via
2.5mm cable, to the 1A CTM Phoenix terminals (see above and Figure
20 on page 53).

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 22 of 222
3.3 Mechanical
3.3.1 Environment

Key Characteristics Min Max Units

Ambient Temperature (1) Operational
Change of Temperature EN60068-2-14 -5 +70 C
Damp Heat Cyclic (RH 95%) EN60068-2-30 +25 +70 C
Cold EN60068-2-1 -40 C
Dry Heat EN60068-2-2 +90 C
Mechanical Operational
Vibration EN60255-21-1 1 Class
Shock EN60255-21-2 1 Class
Non Operational
Vibration EN60255-21-1 1 Class
Shock EN60255-21-2 1 Class
Bump EN60255-21-2 1 Class
Conditions Protected SCM, PMM, DIM, AIM, RTM EN60529 IP20
Against By Enclosure DCM, OCM EN60529 IP54
1 Ambient Temperature denotes the temperature of the air surrounding the casing of the unit.

Table 6 Environmental Characteristics

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 23 of 222
3.3.2 Electrical Emissions and Immunity
Directives 2004/108/EC The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
Emissions IEC 61000-6-4:2001 EMC Generic emission standard – Industrial Environments
Immunity IEC 61000-6-2:2001 EMC Generic immunity standard –Industrial Environments

Key Characteristics Min Max Description

Insulation IEC60255-5 2.5kV Category III
Emissions Radiated IEC60255-25 30MHz 1000MHz Class A
Conducted IEC60255-25 0.15MHz 30MHz Class A
Immunity Electrostatic Discharge IEC61000-4-2 6 kV Contact Level 3
IEC60255-22-2 8 kV Air
Radiated RF IEC61000-4-3 80MHz 1000MHz Level 3
IEC60255-22-3 10 V/m
Electrical Fast IEC61000-4-4 0.5kV 4kV Level 4
Surge IEC61000-4-5 0.5kV 2kV Level 3
Conducted RF IEC61000-4-6 0.15MHz 80MHz Level 3
IEC60255-22-6 10V
Power Frequency IEC61000-4-8 30 A/m Level 4
Magnetic Field
Pulse Magnetic Field IEC61000-4-9 300 A/m Level 4
Voltage Dips & IEC61000-4-11 0% 70% 0.5 > 50s
Harmonic Content AC IEC61000-2-4 Class 3
Power Supplies
Harmonics and Inter- IEC61000-4-13 Class 3

Table 7 Emissions and Immunity Characteristics

3.3.3 Unit Weights

Unit Weight Unit Weight
SCM 0.45 kg CTM 0.1 kg
DCM 0.29 kg EXM 0.29 kg
OCM 0.13 kg CT Block (3-phase) 1.0 kg
PMM 0.26 kg

Table 8 Unit Weights

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4 Product Code Details
The Motor Manager 6 variants are shown in the following table:
MM6 Product family
Starter Control Module
Control SCM 3 Relay outputs, 8 Digital
inputs, 2 wire EIA485 Modbus
RTU slave
CBCT input for Earth Fault
protection and VT Input for UV
EV Restart functionality
DeviceNet communications
DN interface
PB Profibus interface
Display and Control Module
DCM (Colour LCD, control and LED
Display indication)

OCM Operator Control Module

(Control and LED indication)
Protection and Metering
3 VT input, 1 Changeover
relay, CTM connection
PMM Delta VT connection (760Vac
DL max)
Star VT connection (550Vac
ST max)
DIN Din Rail Mount
TH Thermistor input
CTM CT Module
Pass through option
CT PT (0.5A<FLC<=15A)
1A input for direct
(FLC<=0.5A) or connection of
1A remote CTs (FLC>15A)

Table 9 Hardware product code details

MM6-SCM-OCM Entry level MM6 using separate thermal O/L, no UV Restart, no E/F protection
MM6-SCM-EV-OCM Entry level MM6 using separate thermal O/L, inc. UV Restart and E/F
MM6-SCM-EV-DCM-PMM-DL-CTM-1A: FLC <= 0.5A or FLC > 15A: Delta VT
MM6-SCM-EV-DCM-PMM-ST-CTM-PT: 0.5A < FLC <= 15A: Star VT
MM6-SCM-EV-DCM-PMM-ST-TH-CTM-1A: FLC <= 0.5A or FLC > 15A: Star VT Including Thermistor
MM6-SCM-EV-DCM-PMM-DL-DIN-TH-CTM-PT: 0.5A < FLC <= 15A: Delta VT Inc DIN Rail mount & Thermistor

Optional modules
DIM - Digital I/O Module 8 x Digital inputs, 6 x Output relay
RTM - RTD Module 8 x PT100 inputs
AIM - Analogue I/O Module 1 x 4/20mA input, 1 x 4/20mA output

Please note that it is only possible to connect 1 of each type of expansion module to a single MM6.

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5 Installation
5.1 Dimension Details
5.1.1 SCM
25 mm
116 mm plugs 88 mm

Figure 1 SCM Dimension details

5.1.2 DCM
43 mm


153 mm

122 mm 30 mm

150 mm

Figure 2 DCM Dimension details

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 26 of 222
5.1.3 OCM


79 mm

70 mm 29 mm

77 mm

Figure 3 OCM Dimension details

5.1.4 PMM
65 mm Space
for CTs

60 mm 25 mm Space 88 mm
for plugs


Figure 4 PMM Dimension details

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 27 of 222
5.1.5 CTM

54 mm

40 mm 48 mm


„Pass through‟ CTM 1 Amp CTM

Figure 5 CTM Dimension details

5.1.6 EXM (Expansion modules)

60 mm 25 mm Space 88 mm
for plugs

Figure 6 EXM (AIM/DIM/RTM) Dimension details

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5.1.7 CBCT

Figure 7 CBCT Dimension details

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 29 of 222
5.1.8 CBCT Interposing CT

Model No: 1201

B= 72mm
C= 30mm
D= 70mm

Figure 8 CB ICT Dimension details

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5.1.9 CT Block (3-phase)

Figure 9 CT Block (3-phase) Dimension details

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5.2 Mounting
The MM6 can be mounted in any orientation; however, it is designed to operate in the horizontal position
with the SCM RJ12 connector at the top i.e. the orientation obtained when a directly connected, door
mounted, DCM has the operator keypad to the right. If any other orientation is required please contact S&I.

An unobstructed clearance of at least 25 mm is required at the rear of the SCM for cable connections. This
required clearance increases to 65 mm at the rear of the PMM to allow CT modules to be fitted.

The Display & Control Module (DCM) or Operator Control Module (OCM) is installed through the
compartment door or chassis front. If mounted on a hinged door ensure that cables cannot be trapped in the
lip or seal of the door.

Where the SCM is to be attached directly to a DCM or OCM through a cut-out in a plate, the plate material
thickness must be 2mm (+0.3mm, -0.0mm) for the gasket to seal correctly. Tolerances to be +/-0.5mm
except where otherwise stated.

1. The mounting cut-outs are shown below.

122 mm 70 mm


Figure 10 Door cut-out dimension details
2. Ensure that all burrs/sharp edges are removed from the cut-out.

3. Before inserting the DCM or OCM into the cut-out ensure the gasket is correctly fitted to the rear of
the DCM / OCM.

4. If the SCM is to be mounted directly on the rear of the DCM or OCM then push this into position
making sure that the internal plug and socket are correctly aligned.

5. Connect the required electrical cables/supplies; refer to 5.4.

For further assembly instructions, please refer to Section 5.3 Mechanical Assembly and 5.4 Electrical

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5.2.1 DIN Rail Mounting
The SCM, PMM & EXM modules can be fitted to a DIN rail by fitting the DIN rail adaptor to the backplate.
The backplate must be carefully removed from the module, ensuring that the circuit boards within the module
are not dislodged. Attach the adaptor to the backplate and refit the backplate to the module.

Adaptor fitted to Adaptor fitted to

PMM or EXM backplate SCM backplate

Figure 11 DIN Rail adaptor

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5.3 Mechanical Assembly
5.3.1 Fitting DCM to Chassis

1 2

Fit DCM gasket if not already present. Locate DCM in aperture in chassis Push DCM into aperture and ensure that all four clips are clicked onto
front. metalwork

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 34 of 222

DCM should sit flush with metalwork and be retained securely

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 35 of 222
5.3.2 Fitting DCM to SCM
1 2


Align SCM hooks with holes on rear of DCM Insert bottom hooks first, then close the gap at the top, observing that the
connector between the SCM and DCM is aligned correctly



Inspect all four hooks for correct insertion and ensure that the two units are firmly attached.

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5.3.3 Fitting SCM to PMM

1 2




Align PMM guides in SCM slots and slide PMM down the side of the OCM Ensure that the base of the two units are flush

Ensure that the PMM retaining clip is located in the SCM slots. See detail.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 37 of 222
5.3.4 Fitting CT Module to PMM

CT Module
1 2 CT Module 3





Align CT Module guides in PMM slots and slide CT Ensure clip is located in grooves in PMM case to Tighten CT Module retaining screw to secure it
Module onto rear of PMM retain. Ensure CT Module-PMM connector is aligned to PMM. Screw head must be flush with step
with PMM PCB Note: When PT-CTM used, screw head must
be flush with case and NOT step.

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5.3.5 Removing CT Module from PMM

1 2



Loosen and remove CT Module retaining screw Pull the PMM retaining clip away from the CT Module and hold.

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Then slide PMM away from CT Module until they are separated

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5.3.6 Removing SCM from PMM

1 2 PMM



Pull the PMM retaining clip away from the SCM body and hold. Then slide PMM away from SCM until they are separated

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 41 of 222
5.3.7 Removing DCM from SCM

1 2 3


Whilst pressure is applied to the top SCM retaining The top of the SCM should separate from the DCM Once all four hooks are free, remove the SCM from
hooks (as shown), apply pressure to the rear of the as shown. the DCM.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 42 of 222
5.3.8 Removing DCM from Chassis
1 2

Push down the top two DCM retaining clips to release the top of the DCM from
the chassis metalwork.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 43 of 222
3 4

Release the bottom 2 DCM clips from the chassis metalwork Remove the DCM from the chassis

5.3.9 Expansion Modules

These are fitted and removed using the same method as described in the SCM to PMM fitting and removal instructions. Please refer to Section 5.3.3 and Section
5.3.6 for further information.

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5.4 Electrical Connections
5.4.1 SCM
MODBUS RTU Expansion Port RJ12
DeviceNet / CBCT Input EIA485 Port (for connection to PMM or Remote DCM),
Profibus Port (2000:1) refer to Figure 23
(Profibus shown,
DeviceNet is a
green connector

VT Input
Figure 12 SCM Connection details
Power Supply

8 Digital Inputs
(plus neutral return) Output Relays 1 – 3

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 45 of 222 SCM Connector Details

Connector Diagram Terminal Description Comments

Power Supply N L L Live 60 – 300V AC

Use a 2 way, N Neutral 85 - 424V DC

7.62mm pitch

VT Input N L L Live 60 – 300V AC

Use a 2 way, N Neutral

7.62mm pitch

Digital Inputs IP6
IP1 IP1 Input 1 If AC, must be
IP8 IP7 IP2 Input 2 connected to the same
Use a 9 way, IP3 Input 3 phase as the VT input
5.08mm pitch IP4 Input 4
Combi IP5 Input 5 All Inputs N/O
Connector IP6 Input 6
IP7 Input 7
IP8 Input 8
RET Return

Output Relays R1A N/O

Relay 1
Relay 2
Use a 7 way, Relay 3 R1B Common
5.08mm pitch
Combi R2A N/O
R2B Common


R3B Common



MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 46 of 222
Modbus A +ve (Red)
Comms 0 The Modbus
B -ve (Black) connection is 2 Wire
Use a 3 way, EIA485 Half Duplex
3.5mm pitch 0 Screen
Mini Combi

DeviceNet Grey Red +24V

Comms Blue Red
Grey CAN High
Use a 5 way,
3.5mm pitch White Screen
Mini Combi (Drain)
Connector Blue CAN Low

Black 0V

Profibus B A
Use a 5 way,
3.5mm pitch
Mini Combi

CBCT Input S2 S1 S1 Input

Use a 2 way, S2 Input

5.08mm pitch
Connector Connection Notes

 The VT Input and Digital inputs to be the same phase where AC is used.
 Output Relays 1 & 2 are normally used for contactors and Relay 3 for signalling. However, with DOL
starters only Output Relay 1 is required and Relay 2 may be used for signalling. Reserved Inputs

 Input #1 is reserved for the contactor feedback.

 If the starter is set to DOLR, Two Speed or Star Delta then Input #2 is also reserved for the second
contactor feedback.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 47 of 222
5.4.2 PMM
VT Input cabling options are as follows:

Star Delta
VT1 Delta

Figure 13 VT Module connection options (simplified)

The unit is connected as depicted in the following sections: Star Connection

Expansion Port (IN)

RJ12 (for connection
to SCM), refer to
Figure 23 VT3 (L3)

Expansion Port (OUT)

RJ12 (for connection to VT2 (L2)
additional modules),
refer to Figure 23
VT1 (L1)
Watchdog relay

CT Module port
Thermistor Input

Figure 14 PMM Star Connection details

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 48 of 222 Delta Connection

Expansion Port (IN)

RJ12 (for connection
to SCM), refer to
Figure 23
VT3 (L3)

Expansion Port (OUT)

RJ12 (for connection to VT2 (L2)
additional modules),
refer to Figure 23
VT1 (L1)
Watchdog relay

CT Module port
Thermistor Input

Figure 15 PMM Delta Connection Details

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 49 of 222 PMM Connector Details

Connector Diagram Terminal Description Comments

Watchdog Relay P1B P1C P1A N/O This can be connected in

P1A series with the contactor coil
Use a 3 way, P1B Common to ensure trip delay is
5.08mm pitch minimised. The relay is
Combi Connector P1C N/C energised when
communications to the SCM
is healthy and no trip is

Thermistor - S Shield This is connected to the

+ thermistor embedded in the
Use a 3 way, + +ve Lead motor windings.
3.5mm pitch Mini
Combi Connector - -ve Lead

Voltage Inputs L L Live Voltage Inputs are rated up to

(Star) N 550V AC
N Neutral
Use a 2 way,
7.62mm pitch
Combi Connector

Voltage Inputs VT3 L1 Voltage Inputs are rated up to

(Delta) VT1 760V AC


MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 50 of 222
5.4.3 DCM and OCM
Note: Connections on the rear of the OCM and DCM are identical.

SCM Direct

Expansion Port
RJ12 (connects via
cable to the
Expansion Port of
the SCM/PMM),
refer to Figure 23 on
page 57

Figure 16 DCM and OCM Connection details

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 51 of 222

L3 cable hole

L2 cable hole

Connection to CT Module
Port of PMM
L1 cable hole

Figure 17 Pass Through CTM Connection details (S1 side shown)

Connection Notes:

The L1/L2/L3 cables, inserted through the CT holes, must match the phase of the PMM VT inputs
1/2/3 otherwise the kW calculation will be incorrect.


CTM 0.5A<FLC<=15A

Figure 18 Pass Through CTM Connection diagram (simplified)

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 52 of 222
5.4.5 1A-CTM - 1 AMP CT MODULE
The 1 Amp CT module is used if the motor FLC is ≤ 0.5 Amp or > 15 Amps, refer to Figure 20.

L3 cable connection – S2

L3 cable connection – S1

L2 cable connection – S2

L2 cable connection – S1

L1 cable connection – S2 Connection to CT Module

Port of PMM
L1 cable connection – S1

Figure 19 1 Amp CTM Connection details

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

L2 Motor
FLC <= 0.5A Motor

FLC > 15A

Figure 20 1 Amp CTM Motor Connections (simplified)

Connection Notes:

The L1/L2/L3 cables, connected to the CT Module, must match the phase of the PMM VT inputs 1/2/3
otherwise the kW calculation will be incorrect.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 53 of 222
5.4.6 CBCT Interposing CT

This interposing CT is used where the Earth Fault Protection is required to be >15A. Secondary of the
conventional CBCT must be 1A.

3 Conventional CBCT
(1A secondary)


P1 S1

S2 CBCT input

To Load

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 54 of 222
5.4.7 RTD Module
The picture below shows the rear of the RTM and names the individual connectors.

Expansion Port (IN) RJ12

(for connection to SCM) RTD connector A

Expansion Port (OUT) RJ12

(Connects to additional modules)

RTD connector B

Figure 21 RTM Module Connection Details

The diagram below shows the recommended wiring arrangement for the RTM and associated RTD
elements. Note that all cabling is made using shielded cable and that the shield of each cable is brought to a
clean (preferably instrument) earth star point adjacent to the RTM unit.
Field Cabling Switchgear Cabling

RTD Channel 1 -

RTD Channel 2 -

RTD Channel 3 -

RTD Channel 4 -

RTD Channel 5 -

RTD Channel 6 -

RTD Channel 7 -

RTD Channel 8 -

Figure 22 RTM Module Field Wiring Details

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 55 of 222 RTM Connector Details
Connector Diagram Terminal Description

RTD Connector A Channel 1 + +ve

Channel 2
Use a 3.5mm pitch Channel 3 - -ve
Combi Connector Channel 4
C Common

c -
c -
c -
c -

RTD Connector B Channel 5 + +ve

Channel 6
Use a 3.5mm pitch Channel 7 - -ve
Combi Connector Channel 8
C Common

c -
c -
c -
c - PT100 Sensor

Wire the PT100 RTD sensors to the connectors as shown in the diagram below.

RTD i/p – channel 7

RTD i/p – channel 8 -


Value Calculated by Accuracy Resolution

Temperature using PT100 sensor RTM +/- 2ºC 0.1ºC

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 56 of 222
The simplified diagram below shows the connections from the SCM to PMM and Expansion module. It also
shows the connection if the DCM or OCM are remote mounted.

SCM PMM Module
Exp Exp Exp
Port (IN) (IN)
Exp Exp

Cable not required if DCM /

OCM is close coupled to

Figure 23 Module Expansion Port Connection details (simplified)

Please note that it is only possible to connect 1 of each type of expansion module to a single MM6.

5.4.9 Earthing
The earthing arrangements outlined below should be followed for optimum performance:

1. All earth points in a chassis should be connected to a single stud

2. All earth cables should be as short as possible

3. The metalwork that the MM6 DCM is installed into must be securely earthed. We recommend the
use of a braid.

The following is recommended for the communications wiring:

1. The serial link screen should only be earthed at one point in the entire installation. Extra care
should be taken to avoid multiple earth points when extension tiers are added to existing

2. The MM6 shield terminal must be connected to the cable screen.

3. The screen must be continuous, even through junction boxes. Care must be taken to ensure it is
only earthed at the common point. Bare wires must be kept to a minimum length and screen wire
should be sheathed.

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5.4.10 CT / VT
Correct polarity is essential otherwise the power readings will be incorrect.

5.4.11 Cables
Note: All cables must have ferrules fitted and only one cable per terminal is preferred to reduce PCB stress. Mechanical Stress

Care must be taken to avoid the circuit board being put under stress due to over tight looms. Although the
unit will initially operate, experience has shown the connectors will work loose and the PCB may develop
miniature cracks and fail prematurely.

The wiring loom should be located above the MM6 so it doesn‟t strain the PCBs, however, ensure sufficient
space is left so access to the clips is possible. Power and Control cables

Power and control cables should be segregated from each other to avoid cross talk and must not run parallel
to each other for long distances. Obviously this is not always possible, however, they must not be placed in
the same trunking or tie-wrapped together.

When routing power cables inside the chassis or cabinet, keep them as short as possible and position them
as close to the reference ground (starter walls) as possible to limit air borne noise transmission.

Do not allow power cables to touch the MM6 plastic case.

Control cables should be minimum 0.5mm sq and maximum 2.5mm sq. Serial link cabling

Serial link cabling internal to panel must be Belden 3105A or EIA485 equivalent with characteristic
impedance of 120 ohms.

Serial link cabling external to panel must be armoured Belden 3105A or EIA485 equivalent with
characteristic impedance of 120 ohms.

Serial link cabling must not run parallel to any control or power cable and should be earthed outside the

The screen for the whole of an individual serial link must be continuous and only earthed in one place (see
Particular care must be taken to avoid knicking the inner core insulation when stripping the outer insulation
and screen from comms cable. This is a common cause of comms reliability problems. Expansion Modules

The expansion modules are connected via a pre-made CAN bus cable. Please note that only one expansion
module of each type can be used with one MM6 up to a total of 3 modules. Analogue I/O / RTD

Always match the cable type inside the MCC with the field cabling to avoid impedance matching problems
and do not route close to power or control cables.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 58 of 222
Figure 24 Typical Electrical Schematic for SCM, PMM & CT Module

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6 Display Module and GUI Navigation
The Display Module (DCM) Graphical User Interface (GUI) is presented on a 320x240 pixilated colour
display and split into three distinct areas as shown below:

Main viewing window Softkey window ‘Home’ (fixed function

(used to indicate Softkeys control key)
(allowing the user to
monitor and configure current soft keys
the MM6) function)


LEDs (4 off) Login level Control Mode ‘Esc’ & Stop

(0-3) window (Auto / (fixed function
Manual indication) control keys)

Figure 25 Front view of MM6 DCM

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 60 of 222
6.1 Windows
6.1.1 Main viewing window
The main viewing window allows the user to monitor and configure the MM6 and associated ancillary
equipment. On power up the system will display the main screen, this allows access to the: DATA;

6.1.2 Softkey window

The softkey window is a multi-function display that informs the user what function will be activated when the
associated key is pressed (refer to Softkeys), such as start forward, reverse, reset trip etc.

6.1.3 Control mode & Login level window

The upper part of the Control mode window informs the user which point, or points, of control is/are currently
available. The lower part of the window shows the current login level (0-3) and the padlock icon. This
padlock icon indicates setpoint editing is inhibited (login level 0). When the padlock is replaced by a key
(login level 1-3) the setpoints can be edited. If no key is pressed for 5 minutes the user is logged out and the
login level reverts to 0. “T” indicates that the drive is in Test Mode.

6.1.4 Zoom and Default Page

If the rotary selector is pressed whilst on a data page item that is displayed in percent, amps, volts or hertz
the item is then zoomed in on and occupies the whole of the display area. This zoomed in view can be exited
by pressing the ESC or HOME keys.

Any DCM that experiences a period of inactivity for ten minutes or more will automatically display a zoomed
in item, this is known as the “Default Page”. Initially this page is configured to display the Motor Load. To set
a new Default Page, zoom into the item as detailed above, log into level 1 or greater, and press the rotary
selector – a Flash message should appear on the display informing the user that a new Default Page has
been set.

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6.2 Fixed control keys
Key Function
The HOME key returns the user to the main screen with the DATA index selected.
The ESC key is used to escape from a menu or to abort a setpoint change.
This button is used to stop the drive. Note: This is not latched, but the MM6 can be
configured to trip when this button is pressed
The rotary selector is used to navigate the menu structure. Counter-
Rotary Selector clockwise/Clockwise rotation corresponds to up/down on menus and data forms.
When the end of the selector is pressed the currently highlighted option is selected.

6.3 Softkeys
The Softkeys are multi-function keys displayed at the right hand side of the screen, as shown in Figure 25.
The function of each button will depend upon the currently selected mode and state of the MM6 e.g. if the
drive is tripped then the function of the top softkey is “Reset”. If the trip is lockout trip the function of the
bottom softkey is “Lockout Reset”. See below for full details of all the options for the softkeys depending on
the state of the feeder and the menus being viewed.

Please Note:
Following operation of the “Reset” or “Lockout Reset” keys, the normal function of the softkey is disabled for
1 second. This is to avoid the risk of multiple pushes of the softkey causing both a reset and a start.

The wording on the Softkey will be in white if the indicated function is available and in grey if the function is
not available e.g. START appears in grey if the drive is tripped because the start cannot be performed until
the trip has been reset.

Figure 26 Example Softkeys

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6.3.1 Top Softkey

Softkey Name Context Description

START This is visible any time none of the Press to start the motor.
below apply and Starter Type is

START FWD This is visible any time none of the Press to start the motor in a forward direction.
below apply and Starter Type is

START LOW This is visible any time none of the Press to start the motor at low speed.
below apply and Starter Type is Two

AUTO This is visible when the Control This sets the motor to Direct and / or Serial
screen is displayed control.

RESET This is visible when the motor is Press to reset a non-lockout trip condition

COARSE A numeric setpoint is being adjusted This is used to set the adjustment increment for
the Rotary selector. The range options are: x10,
(x10, x100 & x100 & x1000.
Initially the increment is set to 1. Pressing the
softkey once will set the increment to x10 and, as
the rotary selector is rotated, the value will be
adjusted in steps of 10 for each step of the
selector. Pressing the softkey twice will set the
increment to x100 and three times to x1000.

6.3.2 Bottom Softkey

Softkey Name Context Description

(blank) Does nothing

START REV This is visible any time none of the Press to start the motor in a reverse
below apply and Starter Type is DOLR direction.

START HIGH This is visible any time none of the Press to start the motor at high speed.
below apply and Starter Type is Two

MAN This is visible when the Control screen This sets the motor to Field and / or MCC
is displayed control.

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Softkey Name Context Description

LOCKOUT The drive is tripped and a Lockout Press to reset a lockout trip condition
RESET Reset is required (Earth Fault, Stalled Rotor or, in extreme
circumstances, Overload which has not
cooled down yet).

A Lockout Reset is always required after

clearing the cause of an Earth Fault or
Stalled Rotor trip.

It can also be used to reset an Overload

Trip before the motor has cooled, if
necessary, but there is then a danger of
damaging the motor as the mathematical
thermal capacity model will no longer agree
with the true condition of the motor. The
correct procedure is to wait until the motor
has cooled down and the Overload trip will
then reset using the normal Reset

FINE A numeric setpoint is being adjusted Press to set the Rotary selector increment to

6.3.3 LEDs
Four LEDs are incorporated into the lower front section of the DCM and these provide visual indication of
MM6/Motor state:

State Description
Running (Red / Green or flashing) Indicates that the motor is running (Set colour in Factory setup).

Stopped (Red or Green) Indicates that the motor is stopped (Set colour in Factory setup).

Alarm (Amber) Indicates the presence of an activated alarm. The cause of the alarm is
shown on the DT1: motor status and DG1: diagnostics pages.

Tripped (Amber or Flashing Indicates the presence of a “Trip” action taken by Motor Manager. The
Amber) cause of the trip is shown on the DT1: motor status and DG2:
diagnostics pages.

Abnormal situations
The running LED will flash if an abnormal running situation is present:
1. The contactor is closed but the Motor State is not Running (i.e. Stopped or Accelerating)

2. The contactor is open but the Motor Load % is greater than the minimum cut off.

The minimum cut-off for the above comparison defaults to 5%, but can be changed in the factory set-up ST5
PMM Acceleration Level. This value is also used by the PMM to decide when to start timing the acceleration

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6.4 Menu Structure
The DCM menu structure is displayed on the main screen and is divided into four sections, three of which
have sub menus for the user to navigate as shown below.





Figure 27 Main screen with menu/screen selection options

To access a menu or the control screen turn the Rotary selector to highlight the appropriate index icon and
then press the Rotary selector to display the menu/screen.

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6.5 Data Menu
The Data menu allows the user to interrogate the MM6. This allows the user to see data such as: current
status, active alarms and trips, the state of its digital inputs, the Event History etc.

The user can select between a digital and analogue view in order to display the available data. This is a
selection that can be made in ST5: Factory by setting Default Page Type to either Digital or Analogue. The
following sections detail the information displayed in each view.

6.5.1 Digital
The digital view of actual I1 current shown below simply displays the actual current.

Figure 28 Digital Display Example

6.5.2 Analogue
The analogue view of actual I1 current displays the actual current in the bottom right hand corner of the
screen. In addition to this, information colour coding is used to indicate alarm and trip ranges that relate to
setpoint values previously configured by the user. The colour codes are as follows:

Yellow = Alarm Range

Green = Normal Operating Range
Red = Trip Range

Load Increase Alarm

Normal Operating

Stalled Rotor Trip

Under Current Alarm

Under Current Trip

Figure 29 Analogue Display Example

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6.5.3 Error Messages
The following screens indicate that there is a problem with the data being displayed.

U/R indicates that the value is Under Range, which means that it is below the minimum value that can be
displayed on the simulated analogue display as per the device configuration.

Figure 30 Under Range Indication

O/R indicates that the value is Over Range, which means that it is above the maximum value that can be
displayed on the simulated analogue display as per the device configuration.

Figure 31 Over Range Indication

ERR (displayed similarly to the above error messages) indicates that the MM6 has experienced difficulties
calculating an accurate figure to be displayed on the analogue display. If this problem is witnessed, please
make a note of the error, the page on which occurs and contact S&I.

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6.6 Settings Menu
The Settings menu allows the user to configure the MM6. The user must enter a password, or energise the
Setpoint Input (if configured), before the Motor Manager will allow setpoints to be changed,. Please refer to
Sections 6.6.1 and 8.1.2.

Figure 32 Settings menu tree

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6.6.1 Changing Setpoints
Some setpoints are only applicable if other setpoints are set to specific values e.g. „High Speed FLC‟ only
applies if the „Starter Type‟ is set to „Two Speed‟. In these cases the dependent setpoints will not be visible
on the MM6 display until the independent setpoint is set to the appropriate value. It is therefore necessary to
set the „Starter Type‟ setpoint before making other settings in this section. Logging In

The MM6 will not allow the operator to change any setpoint values without first „logging in‟, or energising the
Setpoint Input. If the operator attempts to change a setpoint without authority the message „Ln Access
Required‟ (where „n‟ is the access level required to make the change being attempted) will flash at the
bottom of the main display window. The setpoint input is an option within the Digital Inputs page. Please
refer to Section 8.1.2 for further information.

To log in navigate to the “Factory” page (ST5) in the settings menu. Using the rotary selector, select the
“Password Entry” item and enter the correct password for the required level of access. Alternatively, press
and hold the rotary selector for 5 seconds from any setpoint screen and this will take the user directly to the
“Password Entry” item.

The following login levels are provided:

Access Available Functions Default Password

0 No setpoint access or lockout reset is permitted. No login necessary
1 Setpoint Access via the DCM is permitted. 11
2 Lockout reset via the DCM is permitted. 12
3 Factory setpoint access via the DCM is permitted. 13

1. Each login level enables access to the functions associated with the selected level and all lower

2. The Lockout reset hard wired digital input is permitted to operate irrespective of the login level. If
used, this should be connected via a key switch.

3. Setpoints can be modified via the serial port at any time. However, the drive will be stopped if the
change affects the starter type.

4. If a test mode input is configured, Level 1 access is granted when the input is closed. The access
level defaults to 1, but can be changed in the factory page (ST5).

5. If no key is pressed for 5 minutes, the user is logged out. To logout immediately, enter a password
of „0‟
Passwords are the responsibility of the user and should be changed and carefully recorded for use
in safety/process critical applications.

To select a setpoint for editing, move through the menu structure until the required setpoint is highlighted
and then press the end of the rotary selector.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 69 of 222 Numeric Setpoints

When an entry is a numeric value, and it is selected for editing, then the dial window is displayed, the user
then enters a new value by turning the Rotary selector. The new value is displayed in the centre of the dial.
When the value shown agrees with the required setting, press the Rotary selector and the new value will
come into effect immediately. If the number in the display has been changed, but the Rotary selector has
not been pressed on the end to store the setpoint, and it is realised that a change is not appropriate, press
the Esc button to return to the menu without changing the setpoint.

Figure 33 Numeric data entry

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 70 of 222 Alpha-Numeric Setpoints

When an entry is alphanumeric and it is selected for editing then the text entry window is displayed. This
permits a name of up to 20 characters to be entered. Use the Rotary selector to move the green arrow to
the required text character entry box then press the selector and the box will be highlighted. Use the Rotary
selector to scroll through all the available characters, once the required character is found then press the
selector to enter it. Repeat as necessary along the twenty boxes. If the text in the display has been
changed, but the rotary selector as not been pressed on the end to store the setpoint, and it is realised that a
change is not appropriate, press the Esc button to return to the menu without changing the setpoint.

Once the name has been entered then move the green arrow to the box at the right hand end of the line,
and press the Rotary selector. The page will revert back to the previously displayed page with the new

Figure 34 Alphanumeric data entry Selecting Options

When an entry is an option chosen from a list, and it is selected for editing, then the list of possible settings
will be displayed. These options could be disabled/enabled, a range of fixed values etc. Use the Rotary
selector to highlight the required option; then press the Rotary selector and the page will revert back to the
previously displayed page with the new setting. Press the Esc button instead of pressing the rotary selector
to return to the menu without changing the setpoint.

Figure 35 Example of Options page

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7 Data Menu
The Data menu allows the user to view the various data windows which display measured and calculated
values from the motor and MM6.

Figure 36 Data menu tree

In the data menu, when a numeric value is selected, pressing the Rotary selector will display the highlighted
value in large text. This is referred to as a “Zoom” display. Press ESC to revert back to the previous menu.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 72 of 222

Figure 37 DT1: Motor Status Data

The screen as detailed in Figure 37 DT1: Motor Status Data details an overview of the current motor status
data. By scrolling down and selecting the individual values, it is possible to see more detailed information for
each value. This information is shown in the sections that follow:

7.1.1 Motor State

This is determined by the SCM and based on the status of the output relay and feedback from the contactor.
The “Running” text will be qualified by a suffix depending on the starter type. “Changeover” is displayed if
the SCM is timing a transfer or post contactor delay for a relay, such as High to Low speed.

Stopped, Accelerating, Running, Forward, Reverse, Low, High, Star Delta, Stopping, Changeover

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7.1.2 Active Trip

This displays the active trip or the trip pending a reset. The Diagnostics menu may be accessed to ascertain
more details of the trip condition.

Welded Contactor, Fuse Fail Protection, Open Control Circuit, CBCT Earth Fault, Comms Fail, External
Stop, External Start 1, External Start 2, Direct Stop, Field Stop, MCC Stop, Serial Stop, VSD Fail To Start,
VSD Fail To Stop, VSD Fault, SCM Diagnostic, DCM Diagnostic, SCM Internal temp, DCM Internal temp,
OCM Internal Temp, Interlock A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H, PMM Lost Comms, RTM 1, RTM 2, RTM 3, Profibus Link
Fail, DNet Comms Fail, Under Current, Under Power, Thermal Overload, Stalled Rotor, Current Imbalance,
Voltage Imbalance, Under Voltage, Over Voltage, Residual Earth Fault, Thermistor, PMM Diagnostic,
Acceleration, Thermistor Open Circuit, Thermistor Short Circuit

7.1.3 Active Alarm

This displays the active alarm. The Diagnostics menu may be accessed to ascertain more details of the
alarm condition.

Welded Contactor, Open Control Circuit, CBCT Earth Fault, MB Comms Fail, External Stop, Ext Start 1, Ext
Start 2, Direct Stop, Field Stop, MCC Stop, Serial Stop, VSD Fail To Start, VSD Fail to Stop, VSD Fault,
SCM Diagnostic, DCM Diagnostic, SCM Internal temp, DCM Internal temp, OCM Internal temp, Interlock
A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H, PMM Lost Comms, RTM 1, RTM 2, RTM 3, Profibus Link Fail, DNet Comms Fail, Under
Current, Under Power, Thermal Overload, Stalled Rotor, Load Increase, Current Imbalance, Voltage
Imbalance, Under Voltage, Over Voltage, Residual Earth Fault, Thermistor, PMM Diagnostic, Acceleration,
Thermistor Open Circuit, Thermistor Short Circuit

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7.1.4 Motor Load

Load Increased
Normal Operating Alarm Level

Stall Trip Level

Motor Load is expressed as a percentage of the Full Load Current setpoint. For example, if a motor has a
FLC Setpoint of 200A and is running at 160A then the Motor Load is (160/200)*100 = 80%.

0 – 1000%
7.1.5 Thermal Capacity

Thermal Overload
Normal Operating Alarm Level

Trip – Fixed at

A means of measuring the cumulative heating effect in a motor as a percentage of its maximum. This value
is based on the I t history, the cooling time setpoints and overload curve selected.

0 – 125%

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7.1.6 Active control Modes

Indicates which points of control are available. For example, if „F‟ is displayed then a field start input would
be actioned if closed.

Note. All stops can be individually configured to operate in any control mode or to respect the current
mode. See setpoints page ST4.2 for more details.

S = Serial, M = MCC, F = Field, D = DIRECT

7.1.7 Unavailable Cause

This displays the current unavailable cause.

No Unavailable Cause, No Feedback, No Starter Configuration, Invalid Input, Tripped, Welded Contactor,
Direct Stop, Field Stop, MCC Stop, Interlock A Stop, Interlock B Stop, Interlock C Stop, Interlock D Stop,
Interlock E Stop, Interlock F Stop, Interlock G Stop, Interlock H Stop, 2-wire FS Open, 2-wire DS Open,
Under Voltage, U/V Inhibit, Start Timer Inhibit, Diagnostic Condition, Thermal Inhibit, Serial Inhibit

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7.1.8 Last Event

This displays the last (most recent) event. Please refer to Section 9.4 Event History

7.1.9 Time to Reset

This value is calculated by the MM6 following an O/L trip and defines the period to wait before the O/L can
be safely reset without risk of damaging the motor when restarted.

0 – 65535 Sec

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7.1.10 Time to Trip

This value is calculated while the motor is in an overload condition (i.e. AvAmps > FLC * PickUpLevel) and
indicates the time left before the motor will be tripped on thermal overload. Once an overload trip has
occurred it cannot be reset using a normal trip reset until it is safe to do so. During a normal start the Motor
Manager records the amount of thermal capacity used to get through the start. If „Minimise reset‟ is
enabled, it inhibits a normal trip reset until the thermal capacity used has fallen below 100 - (Last start
thermal capacity * 1.05), otherwise the thermal capacity must fall below the steady state value before a trip
reset can be performed. It is possible, however, for an authorized technician to execute a lockout reset
which overrides the inhibit mechanism by resetting the thermal capacity to zero. This facility should be
used with caution because the thermal register will no longer be synchronised with the motor winding

0 – 65535 Sec

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7.1.11 Acceleration Time

The actual time elapsed, during a start, from the time when the current first exceeds the cut-off level to the
time when (having exceeded the FLC during the inrush) the current then falls below the FLC.

600% FLC

100% FLC

5% FLC
0% FLC
Acceleration Time

Figure 38 Acceleration Time Curve

0 – 6553.5 Sec

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 79 of 222

Figure 39 DT2: Current Data

The screen as detailed in Figure 39 DT2: Current Data details an overview of the measured currents and
actual values calculated from the current drawn by the motor. By scrolling down and selecting the individual
values, it is possible to see more detailed information for each value. This information is shown in the
sections that follow.

Note: All voltage and current values are calculated using the true RMS method.

7.2.1 I1, I2, I3 and Average Current

Normal Operating
Range Load Increased
Alarm Level

Under Current
Alarm Level Stall Trip
Under Current
Trip Level
RMS Phase or average current display.

0 – 8000.00 Amps

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7.2.2 Imbalance

Imbalance Trip
Imbalance Level
Alarm Level

Normal Operating

Indicates the imbalance between the phase currents.

0 – 100%

7.2.3 Residual EF Current

Residual EF
Alarm Level

Residual EF
Normal Operating
Trip Level

This is the RMS of the residual vector sum of the 3–phase currents as measured by the PMM residual
current circuit.

0 – 8000.00 Amps

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7.2.4 CBCT EF Current


Normal Operating

RMS current measured by the CBCT input on the SCM.

0 – 15.10 Amps

7.2.5 Peak Inrush

The maximum average RMS phase current measured during the last start.

0 – 8000.00 Amps

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7.2.6 Pretrip I1, I2, I3 Ph and Res EF Current

The last RMS readings obtained from the current measurement inputs immediately before a trip occurred.

0 – 8000.00 Amps

7.2.7 Pretrip CBCT EF

The last RMS reading obtained from the current measurement inputs immediately before a trip occurred.

0 – 15.00 Amps

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Figure 40 DT3: Voltage Data

The screen as detailed in Figure 40 DT3: Voltage Data details an overview of the measured and calculated
actual values relating to motor voltage. By scrolling down and selecting the individual values, it is possible to
see more detailed information for each value. This information is shown in the sections that follow.

Note: All voltage and current values are calculated using the true RMS method.

7.3.1 Control Supply (Scaled)

Under Voltage Normal Operating

Pickup Level Range

Under Voltage
Dropout Level

The RMS voltage at the SCM VT input scaled according to the „Control Supply‟ connection type.

0 – 13800V

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7.3.2 Control Supply

Pickup Level Normal
Operating Range

Under Voltage
Dropout Level

The RMS voltage at the SCM VT input.

0 - 300V

7.3.3 Control Supply Frequency

The control supply frequency is calculated from the raw waveform once per cycle using the SCM VT input.

0 – 65.0 Hz

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7.3.4 Phase Voltages
Normal Operating
Range Over Voltage
Alarm Level
Under Voltage
Alarm Level

Over Voltage
Under Voltage Trip Level
Trip Level

V1n Voltage = The RMS phase voltage measured at the PMM VT1 input and Connection method.
V2n Voltage = The RMS phase voltage measured at the PMM VT2 input and Connection method.
V3n Voltage = The RMS phase voltage measured at the PMM VT3 input and Connection method.
Note. If the PMM VT connection is L-N then this is the measured value, if the VT connection is L-L this
value is calculated.

Average phase voltage = (V1n + V2n + V3n)/3

0 - 25,000 V

7.3.5 Line Voltages

Normal Operating
Range Over Voltage
Alarm Level
Under Voltage
Alarm Level

Over Voltage
Under Voltage Trip Level
Trip Level

V12 Voltage = This is the RMS line voltage measured at the PMM VT1 & VT2 inputs.
V23 Voltage = This is the RMS line voltage derived from the PMM VT2 & VT3 inputs.
V31 Voltage = This is the RMS line voltage derived from the PMM VT3 & VT1 inputs.
Average Line voltage = (V12 + V23 + V31)/3

Note. If the PMM VT connection is L-L then this is the measured value, if the VT connection is L-N this
value is calculated.

0 - 25,000 V

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7.3.6 Imbalance

Voltage Imbalance
Voltage Imbalance
Trip Level
Alarm Level

Normal Operating

Indicates the RMS voltage imbalance as measured through the PMM VT inputs

0 – 100%

7.3.7 Motor Frequency

Indicates the frequency of the line supply.

0 – 65.0 Hz

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7.4 DT4: POWER

Figure 41 DT4: Power Data

The screen as detailed in Figure 41 DT4: Power Data details an overview of the power measured by the
MM6. By scrolling down and selecting the individual values, it is possible to see more detailed information
for each value. This information is shown in the sections that follow.

7.4.1 3Ph Total Real Power

Normal Operating

Under Power Alarm


Under Power Trip


Instantaneous total real power as measured by the PMM.

0 – 42949672.95 kW

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7.4.2 3Ph Total Apparent Power

Displays the total apparent power as measured by the PMM.

0 – 42949672.95 kW
7.4.3 Power Factor

Ph1 Power Factor = Power Factor for Phase 1
Ph2 Power Factor = Power Factor for Phase 2
Ph3 Power Factor = Power Factor for Phase 3

3Ph Avg Power Factor = Average of 3 individual phase power factors

-1 to +1

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Figure 42 DT5: Digital Inputs Data

This page displays the user-assigned name of the input and the open/closed status of the 8 digital inputs
fitted to the SCM that are constantly monitored by the MM6. Inputs 9 – 16 are only active if the DIM module
is fitted.
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Input 1 – 16 Function as assigned to each input in Open/Closed

setpoints ST1.2.


Figure 43 DT6: Relay Outputs Data

This page displays the user-assigned name of the relay output and the energised/de-energised status of the
3 relay outputs controlled by the MM6.
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Relay 1 – 3 Function as assigned to each relay in Energised /

setpoints ST1.3. De-energised

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 90 of 222

Figure 44 DT7: Temperature Data

7.7.1 Thermistor Resistance

Thermistor Alarm
Thermistor Trip

Normal Operating

Resistance of Thermistor in PMM

0 – 65535 Ohms
7.7.2 SCM Internal Temp
Over Temperature
Alarm Level

Over Temperature
Normal Operating Trip Level

Internal Temperature measured in the SCM

0 – 6553.5 DegC

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7.7.3 DCM Internal Temp

Over Temperature
Alarm Level
Over Temperature
Trip Level

Normal Operating

Internal Temperature measured in the DCM

0 – 6553.5 DegC

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 92 of 222

Figure 45 DT8: RT Modules Data

Figure 46 DT8.1 RTD Temperatures

7.8.1 RTD 1 – 24 Temperatures

Normal Operating
Alarm Level Hi

Alarm Level Lo
Trip Level Hi

Trip Level Lo

Displays the measured temperature of the selected RTD input connected to the RTM
0 – 6553.5 DegC

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7.9 DT9: AIM MODULES (Future)

Figure 47 DT9: AIM Modules Data

Menu Item Description Range/Options

DT9.1 AIM1 Displays the analogue input and output The values are scaled in
values in AIM1. accordance with the
settings in setpoints

DT9.2 AIM2 As above for AIM2 As above for AIM 2

DT9.3 AIM3 As above for AIM3 As above for AIM 3

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8 Settings Menu

Figure 48 ST1: I/O Setup menu tree

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Figure 49 ST1.1: Communications Settings

This page is used to set-up the EIA485 serial port.

Menu Item Description Range/Options

Comms Address This defines the serial port comms address. OFF,1 – 255
Modbus documentation often refers to this as
Default: OFF
the RTU number

Comms Protocol This defines the serial port comms protocol Modbus Std
Modbus Ehd
Modbus Std = Modbus RTU
Default: Modbus Std
Modbus Ehd = Modbus RTU + Serial No

Comms Baud This defines the serial port comms baud 9600
rate when Modbus or Modbus Ehd is used. 19200
Note MM6 in both Modbus modes uses 8 38400
data bits, no parity, one stop bit. 57600
Default: 115200

Comms Alarm Delay If configured, an alarm will be generated if a OFF,5-255 Sec

message is not received within the specified
Default: OFF
time period

Comms Trip Delay If configured, a trip will be generated if a OFF,5-255 Sec

message is not received within the specified
Default: OFF
time period

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Figure 50 ST1.2: Digital Inputs Settings

This page assigns each of the eight contact inputs to a particular function.

Each input may be assigned one function and that function can only be assigned once. Start Input functions
are provided for each type of starter. Hence, „START‟ is used for DOL starters „START
FORWARD/REVERSE‟ and „START LOW/HIGH‟ are assigned to DOLR and 2-speed starters respectively.
When inputs are assigned to a Process Interlock function, each can be individually „named‟ e.g. „Low Flow‟,
„Low Level‟ etc. and the operation of the Interlock can be separately configured.

Note: Inputs 1 and 2 will be assigned automatically when the starter type is selected (see Table 10 Starter
Type I/O Configuration). It is therefore strongly recommended that inputs 1 and 2 are not used for any
function other than contactor feedback.

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Menu Item Description Range/Options

Digital Input 1 - 8 This defines the use assigned to this digital Not assigned
input. Field Stop
Direct Stop
Trip Reset
Lockout Reset
Test Mode
Serial Permissive
Field Permissive
Direct Permissive
MCC Permissive
Direct Start 1 *
Direct Start 2 *
Field Start 1 *
Field Start 2 *
Relay 1 Status
Relay 2 Status
Relay 1 Inhibit
Note: Process interlocks have a 0.5 second Relay 2 Inhibit
delay between operation of the interlock and Auto/Man
its associated function being actioned by the Setpoint Input
MM6 Process Itlk A to H

Default: Not Assigned

AC Inputs Set to enabled if any of the inputs are Enabled / Disabled

connected to AC
Default: Enabled
Set to disabled if all the inputs are connected
to DC inputs.

* When starter type is any of the following, refer to Table 10 Starter Type I/O Configuration.

DOLR Start 1 = FWD contactor

Start 2 = REV contactor
Two Speed Start 1 = Low speed contactor,
Start 2 = High speed contactor

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Each of the digital inputs can be configured to one of the following pre-assigned functions. The functions
invoke special event sequences in the Motor Manager 6 and some also affect the point of control algorithm.

Function Description

Normal trip reset For connection of a door mounted trip reset button, if required. Active when

Lockout trip reset For connection of a lockout reset key switch, if required. Active when

This input can be used to reset a Stalled Rotor Trip or an Earth Fault Trip.
It can also be used to reset the Thermal Capacity to 0% following a Thermal
trip. Only authorised individuals should use this reset function.

Test Mode Test mode is a multi-function input. Active when closed

If configured and closed it allows the contactor circuit to be exercised

without incrementing the statistics.

If the login level assigned to „Test Mode Access Level‟ in the factory
setpoints page is non-zero, closing the test input also permits access from
the DCM as though that level password had been entered. A “T” is shown
in the Control Mode Menu and in the login level window on the DCM.

Setpoint Input Permits setpoints to be changed. Active when closed.

Serial Permissive When this input is closed, start commands received on the serial link will be

Direct Permissive When this input is closed, hardwired direct start inputs (normally from a PLC
or DCS) will be actioned.

Field Permissive When this input is closed, hardwired field start inputs (normally from a field
control station) will be actioned.

MCC Permissive When this input is closed, softkey control will be actioned from the DCM.

Direct Start 1 or 2 A start request from a PLC or other hardwired device. An additional setpoint
specifies 2 or 3 wire control. The control mode must be Auto for a Direct
Start command to be actioned. Active when closed.

Direct Stop A stop request from a PLC. Active when open.

Field Start 1 or 2 A start request from a pushbutton in the field. An additional setpoint
specifies 2 or 3 wire control. The control mode must be Manual for a Field
Start to be actioned. Active when closed.

Field Stop For connection of a process STOP button. Active when open.

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Function Description
Relay 1 Feedback
Must be defined if an output relay is assigned to contactor control. This is
automatically configured on input 1 and (if necessary) input 2 when the
Relay 2 Feedback
starter type is selected (See Table 10 Starter Type I/O Configuration).
Active when closed.
Relay 1 Inhibit
Allows an input to inhibit operation of a relay. This is normally used for
Relay 2 Inhibit direction inhibit on conveying systems. Active when closed.

Process Intlk (A-H) Allows configurable process interlocks for flow switch or pressure switch or
similar inputs. Configurable to be active either open or closed.

Auto / Man When closed Auto control mode is selected. Serial and Direct starts are
available depending on permissive inputs and the configuration of the unit.

When open Manual control mode is selected. Field and MCC starts are
available depending on permissive inputs and the configuration of the unit.

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Figure 51 ST1.3: Relay Outputs Settings

This page assigns the relay outputs to a particular function.
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Relay 2 or 3 Set- This defines the use of the output relay. Not Assigned /
up Programmable
Default: Not Assigned

Relay 2 or 3 This defines the actual function of output Relay 2 or Not Assigned
Function 3 when the Relay 2 / 3 Set-up has been set to Available
Programmable. Avail : Auto
Avail : Auto-Serial
Avail : Auto-Direct
Avail : Manual
Avail : Man MCC
Avail : Man Field
Specific Trip
Specific Alarm
Follow Input
Acc KWh Pulse
Default: Not Assigned

Parameter 1 This is used to configure further functionality if 0-65535

function is set to Tripped, Alarmed, Specific Trip,
Specific Alarm, Follow Input, Pre-Contactor, Post- Default: 0
Contactor or Acc KWh Pulse. See Relay Output
Assignments for more details.

Parameter 2 This is used to configure further functionality if 0-65535

function is configured to Specific Trip, Specific Alarm,
Pre-Contactor or Post-Contactor. See Relay Output Default: 0
Assignments for more details.

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Relay 1 is always automatically assigned by the MM6 and is not available for user configuration
Relay 2 is available for user configuration if the starter configuration only requires one relay (e.g. DOL).
Relay 3 is always available for user configuration.

Please refer to Table 10 Starter Type I/O Configuration for further information regarding automatically
assigned outputs.

Function Description

The output relay will operate when the drive is available to be started from any
location of control

The output relay will operate when the drive is available to be started in Auto,
Avail : Auto
either via serial communications or by direct (PLC) control.

The output relay will operate when the drive is available to be started in Auto, via
Avail : Auto-Serial
serial communications.

The output relay will operate when the drive is available to be started in Auto, via
Avail : Auto-Direct
direct (PLC) communications.

Avail : Manual The output relay will operate when the drive is available to be started in manual.

The output relay will operate when the drive is available to be started in manual,
Avail : Man MCC
via pushbuttons at the MCC.

The output relay will operate when the drive is available to be started in manual,
Avail : Man Field
via pushbuttons in the field.

The output relay will operate when the drive is in the tripped condition.

When this function is configured, Parameter 1 can be configured for failsafe

operation. When Parameter 1 is set to „1‟, the operation is "fail safe" (i.e. the
output relay within the MM6 is normally energised and de-energises when the
condition is present.)

The output relay will operate when the drive is in the alarm condition.

When this function is configured, Parameter 1 can be configured for failsafe

operation. When Parameter 1 is set to „1‟, the operation is "fail safe" (i.e. the
output relay within the MM6 is normally energised and de-energises when the
condition is present.)

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 102 of 222
The output relay will operate when a specific trip has occurred. Parameter 1
needs to be configured with a numerical value that is associated with the
required trip. A full list of these is given in Appendix 5: Format Codes. Please
refer to Format Codes F2 and F3.
Specific Trip
When this function is configured, Parameter 2 can be configured for failsafe
operation. When Parameter 2 is set to „1‟, the operation is "fail safe" (i.e. the
output relay within the MM6 is normally energised and de-energises when the
condition is present.)

The output relay will operate when a specific alarm has occurred. Parameter 1
needs to be configured with a numerical value that is associated with the
required alarm. A full list of these is given in Appendix 5: Format Codes. Please
refer to Format Codes F2 and F3.
Specific Alarm
When this function is configured, Parameter 2 can be configured for failsafe
operation. When Parameter 2 is set to „1‟, the operation is "fail safe" (i.e. the
output relay within the MM6 is normally energised and de-energises when the
condition is present.)

The output relay will operate when a specified digital input is energised.
Follow Input Parameter 1 needs to be configured with a numerical value that is associated
with the required input.

The output relay will be energised for a pre-configured time (set in Parameter 1)
before the contactor relay is energised.
If Parameter 2 is set to zero, the output relay is opened when the contactor relay
is energised. If set to non-zero, the output relay will remain closed until a stop
command is actioned.

The output relay will be energised following a pre-configured time (set in

Parameter 1) after the contactor relay is energised.

Post-Contactor If Parameter 2 is set to zero, the output relay remains closed until a stop
command is actioned. If set to non-zero, it defines the time to remain closed
before opening (Pulse time). If a stop command is actioned during the pulse
time, the output relay will open even though the pulse time has not expired.

The output relay is pulsed when the KWHrs value exceeds a pre-configured
Acc KWh Pulse value (set in Parameter 1). These values are detailed in Appendix 5: Format
Codes. Please refer to Format Codes F43.

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8.1.4 ST1.4: CT INPUTS
This page contains the settings that affect the operation of the CT inputs:

Figure 52 ST1.4: CT Inputs Settings

Menu Item Description Range/Options

SCM EF CBCT Input This defines whether the CBCT Earth Fault
measurement input is disabled, a 2000:1 2000:1
CBCT is used or an interposing CT has been
fitted. Interposing CT
Default: 2000:1

SCM CBCT Primary This specifies the CT primary value if using 1 – 650A
the EF Interposing CT.
Default: 1
Secondary is fixed at 1A

PMM Residual Input This defines whether the Residual EF Input is Enabled / Disabled
Default: Disabled

PMM CT Connection Specifies whether the Pass-through or 1A Pass through CTM /

CTM is being used. 1A CTM
Default: Pass thru
If the 1A CTM is used with external CTs the
primary must be specified and the secondary
must be 1A.

If the 1A CTM is directly connected to the

primary cables a CT Primary & Secondary
setting of 1A must be used.

1. PMM Amps Cutoff will be automatically
updated to default values when the PMM CT
Connection type is changed.

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PMM CT Primary This specifies the CT primary value if using 1 – 1000A
external CTs.
Default: 1

PMM CT Secondary This specifies the CT Secondary value if 1 - 5A

using external CTs.
Default: 1

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8.1.5 ST1.5: VT INPUTS

Figure 53 ST1.5: VT Inputs Settings

This page defines the VT inputs.

Menu Item Description Range/Options

SCM VT Input This defines the type of supply connection Direct L-N
to the SCM VT input. External VT
Default: Direct L-N
Direct connection Phase to Neutral
or through a Voltage Transformer

SCM Supply Input This defines the control Supply Input type AC / DC
to the SCM
Default: AC

SCM VT Primary This defines the SCM VT primary voltage. 220 – 25000 Volts
Default: 415

SCM VT Secondary This defines the SCM VT secondary 110 – 300 Volts
Default: 110

PMM VT Connection This defines the type of supply connection Direct : L-L
for the PMM. Direct : L-N
VT : L-L
Note: L-N options not available when VT : L-N
connected in Delta configuration.
Default: Direct L-N

PMM VT Primary This defines the PMM VT primary voltage. 220 – 25000 Volts
Default: 415

PMM VT Secondary This defines the PMM VT secondary 50 – 300 Volts

Default: 110

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1a. The Star PMM VT input must not exceed 550Vac RMS.
1b. The Delta PMM VT input must not exceed 760Vac RMS.
2. The SCM VT input must not exceed 300Vac RMS.
3. Remember to set the Nominal Motor Voltage (ST2).

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8.1.6 ST1.6: RT MODULES
The Motor Manager 6 can support up to 3 Resistance Temperature Modules (RTMs) and each RTM has 8
configurable RTD inputs. The examples below are for RTM 1, RTD input 1; the same list of setpoints exists
for RTD inputs 2 through to 8.

Figure 54 ST1.6: RT Modules Settings

Menu Item Description Range/Options

RTD 1 Setup This defines whether RTD input 1 is to be Enabled / Disabled

Default: Disabled
RTD 1 Alarm Level Lo This defines the lowest safe temperature OFF, 1 – 250 DegC
value below which the alarm is activated.
Default: OFF
RTD 1 Alarm Level Hi This defines the highest safe temperature OFF, 1 – 250 DegC
value above which the alarm is activated.
Default: OFF
RTD 1 Alarm delay This defines the time delay period for 5 – 60 Sec
which the measured temperature must be
Default: 10
outside the safe limits before an alarm is
RTD 1 Trip Level Lo This defines the lowest safe temperature OFF, 1 – 250 DegC
operating value below which the MM6 will
Default: OFF
trip the motor.
RTD 1 Trip Level Hi This defines the highest safe temperature OFF, 1 – 250 DegC
operating value above which the MM6 will
Default: OFF
trip the motor.
RTD 1 Trip delay This defines the time period required 5 – 60 Sec
outside the set safe zone before a trip is
Default: 10

This setpoint is only visible when the corresponding RTD Setup setpoint is enabled

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8.1.7 ST1.7: DEVICENET

Figure 55 ST1.7: DeviceNet Settings

Menu Item Description Range/Options

MAC ID This defines the address of the DeviceNet

card on the Network
Baud Rate This defines the DeviceNet comms baud

DNet Reset This resets the DeviceNet Card

DNet Fail Alarm Timeout If configured, an alarm will be generated if OFF, 5 – 255 Sec
the DNet network status is not online, or if
Default: 5
both DNet IO/Explicit connections are non-
existent for longer than the timeout period.

DNet Fail Trip Timeout If configured, a trip will be generated if the OFF, 5 – 255 Sec
Dnet network status is not online, or if both
Default: OFF
Dnet IO/Explicit connections are non-
existent for longer than the timeout period.

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8.1.8 ST1.8: PROFIBUS

Figure 56 ST1.8: Profibus Settings

Menu Item Description Range/Options

OFF, 1 - 126
Profibus Address This defines the address of the Profibus
card on the Network

Profibus Alarm Delay If configured, an alarm will be generated if OFF, 5 – 255 Sec
the Profibus communications link fails for
Default: OFF
longer than the configured time.

Profibus Trip Delay If configured, a trip will be generated if the OFF, 5 – 255 Sec
Profibus communications link fails for
Default: OFF
longer than the configured time.

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Figure 57 ST2: Motor Data Settings

The ST2 Settings Motor Data menu allows the user to configure the data for the motor connected to the

The Motor Manager uses data from the motor rating plate and measured average phase current to create an
accurate thermal model of the motor. In addition to this information, the user also needs to select an
overload curve that trips the drive in less time than the maximum stalled rotor time from cold at its stalled
rotor current and assign a „pick up level‟ for the function to become active.

The following section defines each of the setpoints in more detail.

The full load current is taken from the motor rating plate and is the maximum rated current at which the motor
can operate continuously without overheating. If the Motor has two speeds then enter a FLC for each speed
once the starter has been configured for “Two Speed”.

Figure 58 ST2: Motor Data menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 111 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Motor Name This is used to store a name for the motor. 20 Alpha-numeric
Default: NAME

Starter Type The starter type automatically configures the relay None
output and digital inputs to match. Additional DOL
setpoints must be setup for each type. See Table 10 DOLR
Starter Type I/O Configuration. Two Speed
Star Delta
When set to NONE you can manually setup the VSD
Motor Manager for non-standard use such as a Circuit Breaker
remote IO unit.
Default: None

Full Load Current This defines the full load current taken from the 0.00 – 1000.00
motor rating plate. Amps
Default: 0.10
High Speed FLC This defines the high-speed full load current taken 0.00 – 1000.00
from the motor rating plate. Amps
Default: 0.10

Changeover Current Defines the motor load level below which a Star 1 – 500 %FLC
Delta drive makes the transition from Star to Delta
Default: 100%
Changeover Time Defines the maximum time that a Star Delta starter 1 – 65535 Sec
will wait for the current to fall to the level set in the
Default: 1
previous setpoint before the transition from Star to
Delta. If the time expires the transition takes place
irrespective of the current.

Relay 1 Feedback The time allowed for the contactor status input to 200 – 65535 mS
Time close, following a „START‟ command.
Default: 200
„OPEN CONTROL CIRCUIT’ alarm is generated if
the input fails to close within this time. This is also
the maximum time allowed for the contactor status
input to open following a „STOP‟ command, before a
„WELDED CONTACTOR’ alarm is generated.

Note: This setting does not appear when the Motor

Type is set to Circuit Breaker. Instead see Pulse

This setpoint is only visible when the starter type is set to „Two Speed‟
This setpoint is only visible when the starter type is set to „Star Delta‟

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Menu Item Description Range/Options

Relay 1 Post Delay When this relay opens, the post delay defines the 0 – 65535 mS
time to inhibit closure of Relay 2.
Default: 0
Usually used to provide a changeover time during a
forward / reverse direction change.

Relay 1 Pulse Time The maximum time the output contact will be closed 200 – 65535 mS
in an attempt to perform a close operation on the
circuit breaker. Default: 200

Note: This setting only appears when the Motor

Type is set to Circuit Breaker

Relay 2 Feedback As Relay 1: Feedback time 200 – 65535 mS

Default: 200
Relay 2 Post Delay When this relay opens, the post delay defines the 0 – 65535 mS
time to inhibit closure of Relay 1.
Default: 0
Usually used to provide a changeover time during
a reverse / forward direction change or high – low
speed transfer

Relay 2 Pulse Time As Relay 1 Pulse Time 200 – 65535 mS

Default: 200

Nominal Motor Voltage This defines the nominal motor voltage rating 110 – 12000 Volts
taken from the switchboard rating plate.
Default: 415

Nominal Frequency This defines the system supply frequency. 50 / 60 Hz

Default: 50

Motor Rating This defines the kW rating taken from the motor 0 – 690000.00 kW
rating plate (Used for Under Power protection).
Default: 1.00

Motor Rating High This defines the High Speed kW rating taken from 0 – 690000.00 kW
Speed the motor rating plate (Used for Under Power
Default: 1.00

Max Starts Per Period This defines the maximum number of motor starts OFF, 1 – 100
allowed in each period of time (see below)
Default: OFF

Where, in the case of an earth fault, the let-through current of the primary protection device (fuses or MCCB) exceeds the breaking
capacity of the contactor; the earth fault protection must be delayed to allow the primary protection device to operate.

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Menu Item Description Range/Options

Max Start Period This defines the period of time in which the 60 – 18000 Sec
maximum number of start commands can be
issued. Default: 60

Start Interval The minimum interval which must pass between OFF, 1 – 3600 Sec
successive start operations
Default: OFF

Configuration of Starter Type

When a starter type other than „none‟ is selected the Motor Manager automatically assigns the output relays
and digital inputs as shown in the table. The shaded boxes are free for programmable features such as

Starter Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Input #1 Input #2


DOL Start Contactor


DOLR Start Forward Start Forward contactor Reverse contactor

Reverse feedback feedback

Two Speed Start Low Start High Low speed High speed
contactor contactor
feedback feedback

Star Delta Star Delta Star contactor Delta contactor

feedback feedback


VSD (Future)

Circuit Breaker Close coil Open coil Breaker N/O

(Trip coil) feedback (ANSI
switchgear device
function number

Table 10 Starter Type I/O Configuration

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Figure 59 ST3: Protection Settings

These menus/windows are used to define motor protection.

Figure 60 ST3: Protection menu tree

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8.3.1 ST3.1: THERMAL

Figure 61 ST3.1: Thermal Settings

Thermal protection is achieved by implementation of a „thermal model‟ for the motor concerned. For any
given motor its various ratings are used to establish, at any point in time, how much capacity it has left to
absorb the heating effects caused in its windings by the fluctuating currents passing through it. A „thermal
register‟ is kept inside the Motor Manager which indicates accurately the percentage of the thermal capacity
of the motor which has been used up; meaning that at 0% the motor is „cold‟ and the actual temperature
would be at an ambient for its normal working environment i.e. room temperature. As the motor starts,
current flows through the windings and the highest phase current (V194.5 onwards) is used as a measure of
the electrically produced heating effects generated inside its housing: heating being related to the square of
the current. Ultimately a thermal capacity register reading of 100% indicates that the motor has reached the
maximum allowable heat input it can sustain, is about to suffer damage and will be tripped.

Various factors are required to properly model the motor characteristics, for instance the Hot : Cold ratio
which can be calculated from the given ratings and indicates ratio of the motors‟ hot and cold stall withstand
times. Standard protection curves have also been programmed into the Motor Manager to help with
calculations relating to the time left to trip based on the progress of any currents measured above Full Load,
and the amount of thermal capacity left to absorb the inherent unwanted heating effects caused by
overloading. Certain other parameters such as cooling times for a particular motor are used as listed in the
table below to complete a workable program for the thermal model.

The following settings page defines the thermal characteristics for the motor and these characteristics are
specific to the particular motor being used. The data required to make these settings can be obtained from
the motor manufacturer‟s data sheets or the motor manufacturer‟s technical support facility. It must be noted
that protection is definite time once motor load exceeds 800% FLC as shown on the MM6 Thermal
Protection Curves. This means that once the overload exceeds 800%, the trip time of the thermal protection
remains constant (as detailed in Figure 62)

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Menu Item Description Range/Options

Curve Multiplier A multiple of the standard in-built protection 1.0 – 15.0

curve (Refer to on page 120).
Default: 1.0

Pick Up Level Defines a level at which the thermal model 1.00 – 2.00 x FLC
switches between normal running and
Default: 1.05
overload states.

Hot/Cold Ratio Determined by the ratio of the stall time 1 – 99%

when hot against the stall time when cold,
Default: 75
and used to express the available thermal
capacity when the motor is running at 100%
FLC at its rated running temperature.

Cooling Time Stopped The time taken for the motor, which is 1- 1000 Min
stopped, to cool from 100% to 0% thermal
Default: 30
capacity used.

Cooling Time Running The time taken for the motor, which is 1- 1000 Min
running, to cool from 100% thermal capacity
Default: 15
used to its steady state thermal capacity.

Heating Time The time taken from a cold start for the 1- 255 Min
motor to reach the steady state thermal
Default: 5
capacity while running at Full Load Current.

Minimise Reset Time When enabled, allows a normal trip reset to Enabled/Disabled
be performed when the thermal capacity has
Default: Disabled
reached a level where a start can be
performed without tripping the drive. When
disabled it will not be possible to restart the
motor until the thermal capacity used has
fallen below the normal running level.

Auto Overload Reset When enabled, an overload trip will be Enabled/Disabled

automatically cleared when the Thermal
Default: Disabled
Capacity has reached a level that will permit
the motor to be restarted without overheating
the motor. When disabled it will be
necessary to perform a reset operation at the
Motor Manager before the motor can be

Load Increase Alarm Level A multiple of FLC at which the Load OFF, 0.10 – 2.00 x
Increase alarm is generated. This alarm can FLC
be used as an early indicator for a future
Default: 1.01

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Menu Item Description Range/Options

Thermal OL Alarm Level This is the percentage setting for the thermal OFF, 50 – 100%
capacity used above which an alarm
Default: 80
condition is initiated.
The “Thermal OL Alarm Level” is intended as
a warning signal. The thermal overload trip
will always occur at a thermal capacity of
Thermal OL Start Inhibit This defines whether the Motor Manager will Yes / No
inhibit the motor from starting if the motor
Default: No
would be likely to trip on thermal overload,
based on the thermal capacity already used
and the thermal capacity required to get
through the previous start.

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Thermal Protection Operating Times
There is one standard protection curve, however it is possible to select a multiplier from 1.0 to 15.0 in steps of 0.1 to match the curve to your motor characteristic.
The body of the table contains trip times in seconds.
Curve Multiplier
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1.05 853.80 1707.50 2561.50 3415.30 4268.90 5123.00 5977.30 6830.60 7683.40 8536.10 9389.70 10245.90 11098.80 11954.60 12804.10
1.10 416.80 833.50 1250.20 1666.90 2083.80 2500.60 2917.20 3333.90 3750.90 4167.50 4584.00 5001.30 5417.10 5834.30 6252.00
1.20 198.90 397.90 596.80 795.70 994.60 1193.50 1392.50 1591.30 1790.40 1989.30 2188.20 2387.20 2586.00 2785.10 2983.70
1.30 126.90 253.70 380.60 507.40 634.30 761.20 888.10 1014.90 1141.70 1268.60 1395.50 1522.30 1649.20 1776.00 1902.90
1.40 91.20 182.40 273.60 364.80 456.00 547.20 638.30 729.50 820.70 911.90 1003.10 1094.30 1185.50 1276.70 1367.90
1.50 70.00 140.10 210.10 280.20 350.20 420.20 490.30 560.30 630.40 700.40 770.40 840.50 910.50 980.60 1050.60
1.75 42.50 84.90 127.40 169.80 212.30 254.70 297.20 339.70 382.10 424.60 467.00 509.50 551.90 594.40 636.80
2.00 29.20 58.40 87.60 116.80 146.00 175.20 204.40 233.50 262.70 291.90 321.10 350.30 379.50 408.70 437.90
2.25 21.60 43.10 64.70 86.20 107.80 129.40 150.90 172.50 194.00 215.60 237.20 258.70 280.30 301.80 323.40
2.50 16.70 33.40 50.10 66.70 83.40 100.10 116.80 133.50 150.20 166.90 183.50 200.20 216.90 233.60 250.30
2.75 13.30 26.70 40.00 53.40 66.70 80.10 93.40 106.80 120.10 133.50 146.80 160.20 173.50 186.90 200.20
3.00 11.00 21.90 32.90 43.80 54.80 65.70 76.70 87.60 98.60 109.50 120.50 131.40 142.40 153.30 164.30
3.50 7.80 15.60 23.40 31.20 38.90 46.70 54.50 62.30 70.10 77.90 85.70 93.50 101.30 109.00 116.80
4.00 5.80 11.70 17.50 23.40 29.20 35.10 40.90 46.70 52.60 58.40 64.30 70.10 76.00 81.80 87.60
4.50 4.60 9.10 13.70 18.20 22.80 27.30 31.90 36.40 41.00 45.50 50.10 54.60 59.20 63.70 68.30
5.00 3.70 7.30 11.00 14.60 18.30 21.90 25.60 29.20 32.90 36.50 40.20 43.80 47.50 51.10 54.80
5.50 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 42.00 45.00
6.00 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.10 32.60 35.10 37.60
6.50 2.10 4.30 6.40 8.50 10.60 12.80 14.90 17.00 19.10 21.30 23.40 25.50 27.60 29.80 31.90
7.00 1.80 3.70 5.50 7.30 9.10 11.00 12.80 14.60 16.40 18.30 20.10 21.90 23.70 25.60 27.40
7.50 1.60 3.20 4.80 6.30 7.90 9.50 11.10 12.70 14.30 15.90 17.50 19.00 20.60 22.20 23.80
8.00 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.30 9.70 11.10 12.50 13.90 15.30 16.70 18.10 19.50 20.90
8.50 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.30 9.70 11.10 12.50 13.90 15.30 16.70 18.10 19.50 20.90
9.00 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.30 9.70 11.10 12.50 13.90 15.30 16.70 18.10 19.50 20.90
9.50 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.30 9.70 11.10 12.50 13.90 15.30 16.70 18.10 19.50 20.90
10.00 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.30 9.70 11.10 12.50 13.90 15.30 16.70 18.10 19.50 20.90

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 0.01 Page 119 of 222
MM6 Thermal Protection curves


Time to Trip (seconds)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 10
x FLC parameter

Figure 62 MM6 Thermal Protection Curves

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 0.01 Page 120 of 222
Refer to the motor manufacturer‟s data relating to the specific motor type being used. Use „Stalled Rotor
Current‟ (as a multiple of rated FLC) and the „Permissible Stall Time from Cold‟ (in seconds) to determine
from either the graph or the table (both will give the same answer) the appropriate curve multiplier.
„Appropriate‟ means the selected curve multiplier will trip the drive after a time, which is no longer than the
manufacturer‟s permitted stall time from cold. For particularly critical cases it is possible to select curve
numbers with 1 place of decimals; but be aware that the interpolation between the published curve
multipliers is non-linear.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 121 of 222

Figure 63 ST3.2: Mechanical Settings

Mechanical protection is designed to trip the motor before it causes physical damage to the equipment
connected to it as a result of mechanical or process failures.

This page defines those protection values.

Menu Item Description Range/Options

ACC Time Alarm The acceleration time is measured each time OFF, 0.1-300.0 Sec
the motor is started, from the time when the
Default: OFF
motor load first exceeds 5% to the point
where the current falls below 100% FLC.
See Figure 38 Acceleration Time Curve.

An alarm is created should the measured

acceleration time exceed the value stored in
this setpoint.

ACC Time Trip As above, except a trip is generated if the OFF, 0.1-300.0 Sec
time is exceeded.
Default: OFF
Note: DT1: Motor Status / Acceleration Time
can be used as a guide for setting this

Stalled Trip Level The Stalled Rotor level is a multiple of FLC OFF, 1.1–5.0 x FLC
that will be exceeded if the rotor stalls. This
Default: 4.5
setpoint should be less than the
manufacturer‟s quoted stalled rotor current.

A stalled rotor trip requires a „Lock Out‟

reset by an authorised user.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 122 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Stalled Trip Delay The delay period after the current first 0.1-25.5 Sec
exceeds the „Stalled Trip Level‟ before the
Default: 0.1
trip will occur. To be of real benefit this must
be less than the manufacturer‟s quoted
permissible stall time from hot, otherwise the
drive is likely to trip on overload.

U/P Alarm Level The underpower level is specified as a OFF, 1 – 100% MR

percent of Motor Rating as set in ST2:
Default: OFF

U/P Alarm Delay The period for which the under power 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the
Default: 0.1
alarm will occur.

U/P Trip Level The underpower level is specified as a OFF, 1 – 100% MR

percent of Motor Rating as set in ST2:
Default: OFF

U/P Trip Delay The period for which the under power 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the trip
Default: 0.1
will occur.

U/P Inhibit Level The MM6 will not give an under power OFF, 1 – 100% MR
condition if the measured power is below this
Default: OFF

U/C Alarm Level The undercurrent level is a % of FLC below OFF, 1-100 % FLC
which the current will not fall in normal
Default: OFF

U/C Alarm Delay The period for which the under current 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the
Default: 0.1
alarm will occur.

U/C Trip Level As for undercurrent Alarm but the motor will OFF, 1-100 % FLC
be tripped if drawing less current than
Default: OFF

U/C Trip Delay The period for which the undercurrent 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the trip
Default: 0.1
will occur.

U/C Inhibit Level The MM6 will not give an undercurrent OFF, 1 - 100% FLC
condition if the current falls below this value.
Default: OFF

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 123 of 222

Figure 64 ST3.3: Electrical Settings

Voltage faults are generated as a result of exceeding a specified percentage deviation from the Nominal
Motor Voltage calculated within the PMM from the VT inputs. Earth fault current is either measured via the
CBCT input on the SCM or residual CT circuit in the PMM. An Earth Fault trip requires a „Lockout Reset‟ by
an authorised user. The nominal motor voltage is set within ST2: MOTOR DATA.

This page defines the electrical protection values.

Menu Item Description Range/Options

Fuse Fail Protection If enabled, when the lowest phase or line Enabled/Disabled
voltage falls below 20% of the Nominal Motor
Default: Disabled
Voltage Setpoint for 1 second or if the
current falls below the PMM Acc threshold in
any phase for 1 second when the motor is
running, a trip will be actioned.

U/V Alarm Level The voltage level below which the MM6 will OFF, 30 – 95% NMV
activate the alarm delay timer.
Default: OFF

U/V Alarm Delay The time period for which the under voltage 1.0 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the
Default: 1.0
alarm is generated.

U/V Trip Level The voltage level below which the MM6 will OFF, 30 – 95% NMV
activate the trip delay timer.
Default: OFF

U/V Trip Delay The time period for which the under voltage 1.0 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the trip
Default: 1.0
is generated.

O/V Alarm Level The voltage level above which the MM6 will OFF, 105 – 200%
activate the alarm delay timer NMV
Default: OFF

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 124 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

O/V Alarm Delay The time period for which the over voltage 1.0 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the
Default: 1.0
alarm is generated

O/V Trip Level The voltage level above which the MM6 will OFF, 105–200% NMV
activate the trip delay timer
Default: OFF

O/V Trip Delay The time period for which the over voltage 1.0 – 25.5 Sec
condition must be maintained before the trip
Default: 1.0
is generated.

CBCT EF Alarm Level This is the amount of CBCT measured EF OFF, 0.10 – 650.00 A
current above which an alarm will be
Default: OFF


This is the maximum range for this setpoint.

A 2000:1 CBCT measures up to 15A so if
this setting is higher than that then the
protection function is not enabled. Also, if an
interposing CBCT is used, this setpoint
should not be greater that the CBCT Primary
current in order that the protection function

CBCT EF Alarm Delay This is the time period for which the earth 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
fault condition must be maintained before an
Default: 0.1
alarm will be raised for a CBCT EF

CBCT EF Trip Level This is the level of CBCT measured EF OFF, 0.10 – 650.00 A
current above which a trip will be produced.
Default: OFF

This is the maximum range for this setpoint.

A 2000:1 CBCT measures up to 15A so if
this setting is higher than that then the
protection function is not enabled. Also, if an
interposing CBCT is used, this setpoint
should not be greater that the CBCT Primary
current in order that the protection function

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 125 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options
CBCT EF Trip Delay This is the time period for which the earth 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
fault condition must be maintained before a
Default: 0.1
trip will be produced for a CBCT EF

Res EF Alarm Level This is the level of residual earth fault OFF, 10 – 100% FLC
current above which an alarm will be
Default: OFF

Res EF Alarm Delay This is the time period for which the earth 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
fault condition must be maintained before an
Default: 0.1
alarm will be raised for a Residual EF

Res EF Trip Level This is the level of residual earth fault current OFF, 10 – 100% FLC
above which a trip will be produced.
Default: OFF
Res EF Trip Delay This is the time period for which the earth 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
fault condition must be maintained before a
Default: 0.1
trip will be produced for a Residual EF

Startup EF Period This is the period of time the MM6 uses the 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
startup E/F settings after motor startup is
Default: OFF
initiated. When this time expires the normal
running earth fault setpoints will be used.

St Resid EF Alrm Lvl This is the level of earth fault above which OFF, 10 – 100% FLC
an alarm will be raised if the situation occurs
during the startup period. Default: OFF

St Resid EF Trip Lvl This is the level of earth fault above which a OFF, 10 – 100% FLC
trip will be raised if the situation occurs
during the startup period. Default: OFF
Curr Imb Alarm Level This is the level of phase current imbalance OFF, 5 – 100% FLC
above which an alarm will be raised.
Default: 15

IMPORTANT: For starters equipped with contactors (not circuit breakers) do not set the earth fault trip
delay to less than the operating time of the primary over-current protection device (fuses or MCCB).
Otherwise in the event of a short circuit to earth the Motor Manager will try to open the contactor while the
current is in excess of the rated breaking capacity of the contactor, resulting in damage to the contactor.
Current Imbalance is calculated as follows:

If Iav ≥ Iflc: %Imbalance = (Imax – Iav) x 100% Iav = Average Phase Current
Iav Iflc = Full Load Current
If Iav < Iflc: %Imbalance = (Imax – Iav) x 100% Imax = Maximum Phase Current

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 126 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Curr Imb Alarm Delay This is the time period for which the current 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
imbalance condition must be maintained
Default: 0.3
before an alarm will be raised.

Curr Imb Trip Level7 This is the level of phase current imbalance OFF, 5 – 100% FLC
above which a trip will be produced.
Default: 30

Curr Imb Trip Delay This is the time period for which the current 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
imbalance condition must be maintained
Default: 0.3
before a trip will be produced.

Volt Imb Alarm Level This is the level of phase voltage imbalance OFF, 10 – 100% NMV
above which an alarm will be raised.
Default: OFF

Volt Imb Alarm Delay This is the time period for which the voltage 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
imbalance condition must be maintained
Default: 0.1
before an alarm will be raised

Volt Imb Trip Level This is the level of phase voltage imbalance OFF, 10 – 100% NMV
above which a trip will be produced.
Default: OFF

Volt Imb Trip Delay This is the time period for which the voltage 0.1 – 25.5 Sec
imbalance condition must be maintained
Default: 0.1
before a trip will be raised

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 127 of 222

Figure 65 ST3.4: Temperature Settings

Menu Item Description Range/Options

Thermistor Setup Sets the Thermistor temperature Coefficient OFF, NTC, PTC
Default: OFF

Thermistor Alarm Lvl The resistance value at which an alarm is OFF, 100 – 30000 
Default: OFF

Thermistor Alarm Delay This is the time period for which the 1.0 – 60.0 Sec
thermistor must indicate a higher (PTC) or
Default: 1.0
lower (NTC) resistance than the Thermistor
Alarm Lvl setpoint before an alarm will be

Thermistor Trip Lvl The resistance value at which a trip is OFF, 100 – 30000 
Default: OFF

Thermistor Trip Delay This is the time period for which the 1.0 – 60.0 Sec
thermistor must indicate a higher (PTC) or
Default: 1.0
lower (NTC) resistance than the Thermistor
Trip Lvl setpoint before a trip will be

Thermistor Cable Fault The action the system will take if the cable to Disabled, Alarm, Trip
the thermistor is faulty.
Default: Disabled

Resistance readings of:

<60 Ohms = Short Circuit

>40 KOhms = Open Circuit

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 128 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

SCM Internal Temp Offset This is a correction factor for the SCM OFF, 0.1 – 25.5
Internal Temperature. If configured, this DegC
setpoint is subtracted from the actual
temperature recorded by the SCM. Default: OFF
Alarms and Trips are operated from the
corrected temperature.

SCM Temp Alarm Level Set this value, in Degrees C, to the desired OFF, 1.0 – 85.0
alarm level DegC
Default: 75

SCM Temp Alarm Delay This is the time period for which an SCM 5 - 600 Sec
temperature in excess of SCM Temp Alarm
Default: 5
Level must persist before an alarm will be

SCM Temp Trip Level Set this value, in Degrees C, to the desired OFF, 1.0 – 85.0
trip level DegC
Default: OFF

SCM Temp Trip Delay This is the time period for which an SCM 5 – 600 Sec
temperature in excess of SCM Temp Trip
Default: 5
Level must persist before a trip will be raised

DCM Internal Temp Offset This is a correction factor for the DCM OFF, 0.1 – 25.5
Internal Temperature. If configured, this DegC
setpoint is subtracted from the actual
temperature recorded by the DCM. Default: OFF
Alarms and Trips are operated from the
corrected temperature.

DCM Temp Alarm Level Set this value, in Degrees C, to the desired OFF, 1.0 – 85.0
alarm level DegC
Default: 75

DCM Temp Alarm Delay This is the time period for which a DCM 5 - 600 Sec
temperature in excess of DCM Temp Alarm
Default: 5
Level must persist before an alarm will be

DCM Temp Trip Level Set this value, in Degrees C, to the desired OFF, 1.0 – 85.0
trip level DegC
Default: OFF

DCM Temp Trip Delay This is the time period for which a DCM 5 – 600 Sec
temperature in excess of DCM Temp Trip
Default: 5
Level must persist before a trip will be raised

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 129 of 222

Figure 66 ST4: Control Settings

The Settings menu allows the user to configure I/O setup and motor control within the MM6.

Figure 67 ST4: Control menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 130 of 222
8.4.1 ST4.1: PROCESS

Figure 68 ST4.1: Process Settings

This menu is used when a digital input is set for „Process Interlock‟ and defines the behaviour when the input
is unhealthy during start-up or changes to the unhealthy state while the Motor is running.

The Motor Manager 6 has 8 Process Interlock functions identified by the letters A through to H. They all
offer the same facilities but operate completely independently of each other. The examples below are for
Process Interlock A. The same list of setpoints exists for B through to H.

This feature is used when field sensors, such as flow, pressure or limit switches are wired directly into the
MM6 with the benefits of reduced wiring to the DCS, and independent process protection.

Each interlock can be configured and named as described in the following table:

Menu Item Description Range/Options

Process Intlock A Name This is the name that is assigned to each 20 character
individual interlock. It is also the text that is alphanumeric text
displayed when the interlock function is
Default: Process Int A

Process Intlock A Healthy This defines whether the interlock is Open / Closed
recognised as being in a „healthy‟ state when
Default: Closed
closed or open.

Process Intlock A SO The length of time that the interlock status will 0 – 255 Sec
(Startup Override) not be acted upon during the starting
Default: 0
(accelerating phase) of motor operation.

The timing starts when the contactor is closed

and current greater than PMM acceleration
level is seen to flow.

The timing ends once the elapsed time is

greater than the setpoint or the motor
changes to the running state (current less
than thermal model pickup)

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 131 of 222
If the time is set to 0, the interlock is active
throughout the acceleration phase.

Process Intlock A RO The length of time that the interlock status will 0 – 255 Sec
(Running Override) not be acted upon during the running phase
Default: 0
of motor operation.

The timing starts when the contactor is closed

and current is seen to fall below the thermal
model pick up level. (i.e. transition to running
from accelerating)

The timing ends once the elapsed time is

greater than the setpoint

If the time is set to 0, the interlock is active

throughout the running phase.

Process Intlock A Mode Defines whether a “STOP” or “TRIP” is STOP, TRIP, MONITOR
generated if the interlock is in the unhealthy
Default: STOP
state for 1 second and neither override is
active. When set to monitor no action is
taken but the status of the input is updated.

Process Intlock A Alarm If enabled an alarm is generated when the Enabled / Disabled
interlock is unhealthy.
Default: Disabled

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 132 of 222
8.4.2 ST4.2: START/STOP

Figure 69 ST4.2: Start/Stop Settings

Control Mode Description

There are two modes of control (Auto and Manual), split into four points of control:

Control Mode Description

Serial Control
Commands via the MODBUS/DeviceNet/Profibus Interface.
Direct Control
Hardwired control from a PLC or DCS.
MCC Control
Operator control from the DCM.
Field Control
Operator control from a field station.

The following table is an example of how the MM6 can be configured to allow Serial Control.

Serial Control Enabled Disabled

Auto / Manual keys Disabled or Auto Manual Auto or Manual
Serial Permissive Not configured A N N
Closed A N N
Open N N N


A Serial start command will be actioned

N Serial start commands will not be actioned

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 133 of 222

1. Serial Control Actioned means a Serial Start will be acted on by the MM6 providing the drive is
available (i.e. Starter configured, Not tripped etc.)

2. The Serial Stop command is controlled by a further setpoint called “Serial Stop Follow LOC” (ST4.2).
If enabled, the Serial Stop will be ignored by the MM6 if Serial Control isn‟t Actioned (see above

3. Direct control mode works in a similar way to the Serial example above but conditioned by Direct
Permissive instead of Serial Permissive.

4. MCC and Field control modes work in a similar way to the Serial example above except than they
are only actioned when Manual is selected and each is conditioned by its own permissive input

This section defines what action will be taken when a motor control command is received:
1. Contact inputs assigned to a „START‟ command are configured to energise one or more of the Motor
Manager‟s output relays. The configuration has the option of using this command in either „2-wire‟ or
„3-wire‟ mode.

2. When 2-wire operation is selected, the motor will run for as long as the start input contact is closed
and will stop when the start input contact is opened. When 3-wire operation is selected, momentary
closure of the relevant start input contact will cause the motor to start and to remain running until the
Motor Manager receives a “STOP” command, or the contactor is de-energised by external hard-
wired devices, e.g. an “Emergency Stop” push-button.
3. When a stop is configured as „Unlatched‟ the drive is stopped and the action recorded in the event
history. While the stop condition persists (stop input open or button held pressed) the drive will
remain unavailable. When the stop condition is removed the drive will be available to start without
any further action.

4. When a stop is configured as „Latched‟ the drive is stopped, the Tripped LED is illuminated and the
action recorded in the event history. Before the drive can be started again the stop condition must
be removed and a reset operation performed to clear the trip condition, either from the MM6 DCM /
OCM or via the serial link or by closing an input assigned the „Trip Reset‟ function.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 134 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Direct Control This enables/disables Direct control Disabled / Enabled

commands. When enabled Direct starts will
Default: Disabled
only operate when Auto control mode is

Field Control This enables/disables Field control Disabled / Enabled

commands. When enabled Field starts will
Default: Disabled
only operate when Manual control mode is

MCC Control This enables/disables MCC control Disabled / Enabled

commands. When enabled MCC starts will
Default: Disabled
only operate when Manual control mode is

Serial Control This enables/disables Serial control Disabled / Enabled

commands. When enabled Serial starts will
Default: Disabled
only operate when Auto control mode is

External Stop Mode This defines the system‟s response when an Latched / Unlatched
External Stop condition occurs. If set to
Default: Unlatched
latched then a reset will be required before
the drive can be started again after using this

Direct Stop Mode This defines the system‟s response when Latched / Unlatched
the Direct Stop input opens. If set to latched
Default: Unlatched
then a reset will be required before the drive
can be started again after using this stop.

Field Stop Mode This defines the system‟s response when the Latched / Unlatched
Field Stop input opens. If set to latched then
Default: Unlatched
a reset will be required before the drive can
be started again after using this stop.

MCC Stop Mode This defines the system‟s response when Latched / Unlatched
the Stop button on the MM6 faceplate is
Default: Unlatched
pressed. If set to latched then a reset will
be required before the drive can be started
again after using this stop.

Serial Stop Mode This defines the system‟s response when a Latched / Unlatched
stop command is received via the serial link.
Default: Unlatched
If set to latched then a reset will be required
before the drive can be started again after
using this stop.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 135 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options
Direct Stop Follow LOC If enabled the Direct Stop is only actioned if Disabled / Enabled
the Direct control mode is active.
Default: Disabled
If disabled the Direct Stop is always actioned
Field Stop Follow LOC If enabled a Field Stop is only actioned if the Disabled / Enabled
Field control mode is active.
Default: Disabled
If disabled the Field Stop is always actioned
MCC Stop Follow LOC If enabled the DCM Stop is only actioned if Disabled / Enabled
the MCC control mode is active.
Default: Disabled
If disabled the DCM Stop is always actioned
Serial Stop Follow LOC If enabled a Serial Stop is only actioned if the Disabled / Enabled
Serial control mode is active.
Default: Disabled
If disabled a Serial Stop is always actioned

Field Start 1 Mode Determines whether a maintained (2 wire) or 3 Wire / 2 Wire

fleeting (3 wire) contact is required to start
Default: 3 wire
(and run) the drive under Field control.

Field Start 2 Mode Determines whether a maintained (2 wire) or 3 Wire / 2 Wire

fleeting (3 wire) contact is required to start
Default: 3 wire
(and run) the drive under Field control.

Direct Start 1 Mode Determines whether a maintained (2 wire) or 3 Wire / 2 Wire

fleeting (3 wire) contact is required to start
Default: 3 wire
(and run) the drive under Direct control.

Direct Start 2 Mode Determines whether a maintained (2 wire) or 3 Wire / 2 Wire

fleeting (3 wire) contact is required to start
(and run) the drive under Direct control. Default: 3 wire

Field Start 1 Trigger This setpoint determines whether a start is Edge/Level

edge or level triggered. If set to level, a start
will be issued when the start command is Default: Edge
present. If set to edge, the MM6 must detect
the rising transition from there being no
command to a command being present.

Field Start 2 Trigger This setpoint determines whether a start is Edge/Level

edge or level triggered. If set to level, a start
will be issued when the start command is Default: Edge
present. If set to edge, the MM6 must detect
the rising transition from there being no
command to a command being present.

LOC means Location Of Control

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 136 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Direct Start 1 Trigger This setpoint determines whether a start is Edge/Level

edge or level triggered. If set to level, a start
will be issued when the start command is Default: Edge
present. If set to edge, the MM6 must detect
the transition rising from there being no
command to a command being present.

Direct Start 2 Trigger This setpoint determines whether a start is Edge/Level

edge or level triggered. If set to level, a start
will be issued when the start command is Default: Edge
present. If set to edge, the MM6 must detect
the transition rising from there being no
command to a command being present.

Serial Inhibit This setpoint allows the MM6 to be Serially Disabled / Enabled
inhibited from starting, by rendering the drive
Default: Disabled
Unavailable (cause: Serial Inhibit).
Once enabled, the Inhibit can only be
removed by either disabling the setpoint or
by removing the inhibit via the comms.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 137 of 222
8.4.3 ST4.3: U/V RESTART

Figure 70 ST4.3: U/V Restart Settings

This feature allows the Motor Manager to restart motors that were running at the time of power supply failure,
subject to the following options:

a/ that the power loss be totally ignored. If the voltage dip was sufficient for the contactor to drop out
the motor will remain stopped. If the contactor did not drop out the motor will continue to run.
b/ that the motor be stopped and re-accelerated.

The Power Loss Time (PLT) is taken from the point at which the supply falls below the dropout threshold to
the point when it is restored to the pick up level.

The U/V inhibit timing function also operates even if the drive was not running at the time of power failure, to
ensure that the DCS or operator cannot run a drive out of restart sequence.

Drives will be restarted in their previous mode provided that this is the logical action in the circumstances; for
example, where the starter type being used was a DOLR and the drive dropped out in Reverse it would start
again in Reverse; the same would occur in a Two Speed drive, for example, if it dropped out on High it would
return on High. However, for certain starters it would be inappropriate to follow such a policy and therefore a
Star-Delta would always start on Star after an undervoltage.

If a second voltage dip of a time shorter than the “Immediate re-closure PLT” occurs within 1 second of a first
immediate re-closure, the second immediate re-closure will not occur but the MM6 will operate as though a
delayed re-closure is required.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 138 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Under Voltage Function This enables the UV restart facility No Action

Stop & Restart
Stop No Restart
Default: No Action

Under Voltage Dropout The % of nominal supply voltage at which the 50 – 100%
MM6 SCM opens its output relay to force
Default: 50
open the contactor

Under Voltage Pickup The % of nominal supply voltage at which the 75 – 110%
MM6 SCM regards the supply as having
Default: 75
been restored to a healthy state.

Immediate PL Time If the actual PLT (Power Loss Time) is less 100 – 500 mS
than or equal to this time then the
Default: 100
appropriate output relays will be re-energised
immediately on power restoration.

Delayed PL1 Time If the PLT is longer than the immediate OFF, 0.5 – 600.0 Sec
restart PL but less than or equal to this time
Default: 0.5
then the appropriate output relays will be re-
energised after PL1 Delay Period

Delayed PL2 Time If the PLT is longer than the Delayed PL1 OFF, 0.5 – 1800.0
Time but less than or equal to this time then Sec
the appropriate output relays will be re-
Default: 0.5
energised after delay PL2 Delay Period.
This feature is usually applied to essential
drives that are required to be re-started on
restoration of emergency generated

PL1 Delay Period The period of time before an automatic 0.1 – 300.0 Sec
restart will occur, after the supply voltage is
Default: 0.1
restored to the pick-up nominal voltage or
higher. Applies if IPLT<PLT<=PL1T.

PL2 Delay Period The period of time before an automatic 0.1 – 300.0 Sec
restart will occur, after the supply voltage is
Default: 0.1
restored to the pick-up nominal voltage or
higher. Applies if PL1T<PLT<=PL2T.

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Figure 71 ST5: Factory Settings

This page contains the Factory settings. Access level 3 is required to make any changes in ST5.

Figure 72 ST5: Factory menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 140 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Password Entry This window is used to enter the numeric 0 – 65535

password for selecting a login level (0-3). The
Default: 0
dial selector will be displayed. If an incorrect
number is entered then the login level will
default to the lowest (0).

Password 1 This window is used to edit the numeric 0 - 65535

password for login level 1 and is only available if
Default: 11
login level 3 is active. The dial selector will be
displayed showing the existing value.

Password 2 This window is used to edit the numeric 0 - 65535

password for login level 2 and is only available
Default: 12
if login level 3 is active. The dial selector will
be displayed showing the existing value.

Password 3 This window is used to edit the numeric 0 – 65535

password for login level 3 and is only available if
Default: 13
login level 3 is active. The dial selector will be
displayed showing the existing value.

Login Mode Test Mode: If TM is allocated to an input and Default

closed, access will be granted to the level Test Mode
specified in the following setpoint. Setpoint Input
TM or SP Input
Setpoint Input: If SPI allocated to an input and Comms Only
closed, access will be granted at level 1. This is
Default: Default
the default

TM or SP input: A combination of the above

Comms Only: In this mode login via the DCM is

disabled and access to the MM6 setpoints can
only be obtained through EWS

Test Mode Access Level Determines the access level granted when in 0-3
Test Mode
Default: 1

Auto/Manual Keys This is used to define whether the Auto/Manual Disabled / Enabled
softkeys are available.
Default: Disabled

Dial Clicks per Step This option is used to define the resolution of 1 - 10
the rotary selector. 9
Default: 1

In version 191.0 the default was 2.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 141 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Diag Lost Module This defines the response taken by the system if Disabled
Comms the connection to a module is lost. Log
Alarm and Log
Trip and Log
Default: Disabled

Lo Lvl Diagnostic Setup This defines the response taken by the system Disabled
on the detection of a diagnostic condition. Log
Diagnostic conditions of this type alert the Trip
system of irregular behaviour. If displayed, Alarm and Log
please contact S&I for further advice. Trip and Log

Default: Log

Interlocks in Test Mode This defines whether the system uses Interlocks Enabled / Disabled
in the Test Mode. If the starter is outside the
Default: Enabled
MCC disabling the interlock inputs saves having
to make temporary connections to allow the
starter to be tested.

PMM Acceleration Level This is the ML% the PMM uses to decide if the 1 – 100% FLC
motor is accelerating. Below this value the PMM
Default: 5
assumes the motor is stopped

PMM Acceleration If configured, forces the drive state to running OFF, 1 – 3600 Sec
Timeout after the timer has expired. For use with loads
Default: OFF
which do not exhibit an inrush in excess of FLC
when the contactor closes.

PMM Comms Protection The action that the PMM will take if the SCM No Protection
fails to communicate to the PMM for a period of Alarm
time. Alarm and Trip
Default: Alarm

PMM Volts Cut off This is the voltage level at which the Motor OFF, 1 – 50 Volts
Manager registers a value, anything below is
Default: OFF
displayed as 0 volts

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 142 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

PMM Amps Cut off This is the current level at which the Motor OFF, 0.01 – 5.00
Manager registers a value, anything below is Amps
displayed as 0 amps.
Default: PT-CTM
0.50, 1A-CTM 0.2
NOTE: This setpoint parameter is automatically
updated to one of the two default values when
the PMM CT Connection type (ST1.4: CT
Inputs) is changed. I.E. If PMM CT Connection
type is changed from PT-CTM to 1A-CTM, the
PMM Amps Cutoff is automatically updated to

PMM Residual Cut off This is the residual phase current level at which OFF, 0.01 – 100.00
the Motor Manager registers a value, anything Amps
below is displayed as 0 amps.
Default: 0.20

SCM VT Card Fitted Set if the VT card is fitted into the SCM. Yes / No
Default: Yes
Note: This will always be „Yes‟ unless the card
has not been fitted (non-standard

SCM CBCT Cut off This is the CBCT current level at which the OFF, 0.01 – 1.00
Motor manager registers a value, anything Amps
below is displayed as 0 amps.
Default: 0.10

Backlight auto off time This is the period (in seconds) for the LCD 5.0 – 6553.5 Sec
backlight to remain on. A setting of OFF causes
Default: 300
the backlight to remain permanently on.

Trip LED Flash This option is used to select whether the Trip Disabled / Enabled
LED will flash or be in a steady state when a trip
Default: Disabled
has occurred.

Run/Stop LED Colour This option is used to select whether the Disabled / Enabled
RUN/STOP LEDs will swap colours. If this is
Default: Disabled
enabled then the STOPPED LED will be green
when the motor has stopped and the
RUNNING LED will be red when the motor is
running. When disabled the Running LED is
green and the Stopped LED will be red.

CAN Indicator This green indicator, when enabled, is displayed Disabled / Enabled
in the top right hand corner of the screen to
Default: Disabled
denote that the DCM is communicating correctly
with the SCM.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 143 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

COMM indicator This is a software indicator located in the top Disabled / Enabled
right hand corner of the DCM (to the left of the
Default: Disabled
CAN Indicator).

When enabled the Indicator follows the

MODBUS Comms Status (DG7) as follows:
Comms Ok : Green
Comms Timeout : Orange
Comms Failed : Red
Default Page Type This is used to set the type of display (Digital or Digital
analogue) for the default data window. Analogue
Default: Digital

Clock Hours Used to set the internal time (hours) 0 - 23

Default: 0

Clock Minutes Used to set the internal time (minutes) 0 - 59

Default: 0

Clock Day Used to set the internal day 1 – 31

Default: 1

Clock Month Used to set the internal month 1 – 12

Default: 1

Clock Year Used to set the internal year 2000 – 2099

Default: 2000

PMM zero cross lock This defines whether the internal measurement Lock to all
type timing of the PMM will synchronise to voltage Lock to VT only
inputs, current inputs or either. Lock to CT only
Default: Lock to all

Zero cross lost lock The number of lost cycles before the PMM 2 – 100
cycles searches for another channel to lock onto.
Default: 10
Clear Timers This is used to clear all the cumulative timers. No/Yes
Default: No

The setpoints which clear timers and counters are „one shot‟ operations i.e. when the value is changed to
“Yes” and then stored, the appropriate accumulation is cleared and the setpoint reset to “No”. They will
never display the value Yes for any significant period of time.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 144 of 222
Menu Item Description Range/Options

Clear PreTrip Values This is used to clear the PreTrip values which Yes / No
are stored when the drive trips
Default: No
Clear Counters This is used to clear all the counters. No/Yes
Default: No
Clear Energy Used This is used to clear the energy used No/Yes
Default: No

Reset To Factory This is used to reset all setpoints to the factory Yes / No
Defaults defaults. Set this to „Yes‟ to reset all setpoint
Default: No

Auto contrast enabled If enabled, the DCM changes the display Disabled/Enabled
contrast according to the internal temperature
Default: Disabled

Note: Not required for TFT type display

Data card options S&I use only OFF

Save setpoints
Default: OFF

Digital IP De-Bounce This defines the number of Digital IP for each 2–8
cycle. S&I use only
Default: 4

Digital IP max errors This defines the maximum number of IP errors 1 - 16

that can be received before the system
Default: 10
responds. S&I use only

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 145 of 222
9 Diagnostics Menu

Figure 73 DG: Diagnostics

The Diagnostics menu allows the user to view current/previous alarms/trips encountered during the
operation of the MM6 and the motor waveform.

Figure 74 DG: Diagnostics menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 146 of 222

Figure 75 DG1: Alarms Diagnostics

This page contains a list of alarms and their current status. Refer to the settings or motor conditions to
ascertain why the alarm is active.

Figure 76 DG1: Alarms menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 147 of 222
9.2 DG2: TRIPS

Figure 77 DG2: Trips Diagnostics

This page contains a list of trips and their current status. Refer to the settings or motor conditions to
ascertain why the trip is active.

Figure 78 DG2: Trips menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 148 of 222

Figure 79 DG3: Unavailable Cause Diagnostics

This page contains a list of unavailable causes and their current status. It is used for diagnostic purposes

Figure 80 DG3: Unavailable Cause menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 149 of 222

Figure 81 DG4: Event History

The Event history contains the last 64 events and is displayed in two columns. The left column shows the
event date stamp (Day/Month) and the event time stamp (HH:MM:SS). The date and time is either
configured from ST5: Factory or synchronised by the communications system. The right hand column details
the actual event.

User events are classified in two groups:

1. Control events

These consist of Start and Stop entries prefixed by D(Direct), F(Field), M(MCC) or S(Serial) to
indicate the source of the command. For example:

F-Start-1 A Field Start-1 has been actioned

D-Stop A Direct Stop has been actioned
F-Start-1 – Denied A Field Start-1 has been requested but denied because the
control mode was not available at that time.

2. Alarm / Trip events

These consist of alarm and trip entries prefixed by AA(Alarm Active), AC(Alarm Cleared),
TA(Trip Active) and TC(Trip Cleared). For example:

AA : Load Inc A load increase alarm has become active

AC : Load inc A load increase alarm has cleared
TA : Overload An overload trip has become active
TC : Overload An overload trip has cleared

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Figure 82 DG5: Timers and Counters

This page contains a list of timers & counters and their status.

Figure 83 DG5: Timers & Counters menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 151 of 222
Menu Item Description

Thermal Cpcty Last St This is the thermal capacity used during the last start of the motor.

Energy Used This is the accumulated power since „Clear Energy Used‟ was last set to

Total Running Time This is the total cumulative running time of the motor since „Clear
Timers‟ was last set to Yes.

Session Running Time This is the length of time the motor has run since the last start. The
timer is set to zero when the motor is restarted.

Total Stopped Time This is the total cumulative stopped time of the motor since „Clear
Timers‟ was last set to Yes.

No of Start A This is the number of starts on contactor 1 since „Clear Counters‟ was
last set to Yes.

No of Start B This is the number of starts on contactor 2 since „Clear Counters‟ was
last set to Yes.

Total No of Trips This is the total number of all types of trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

No of CBCT EF Trips This is the total number of CBCT Earth Fault trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

No of Resid EF Trips This is the total number of Residual Earth Fault trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Acceleration Trip Count This is the total number of Acceleration trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Undr Current Trip Count This is the total number of Under Current trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Undr Power Trip Count This is the total number of Under Power trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Serial Trip Count This is the total number of Serial Stop trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Direct Trip Count This is the total number of Direct Stop trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

MCC Trip Count This is the total number of times that the STOP button on the MM6 has
been pressed whilst configured to trip since „Clear Counters‟ was last set
to Yes.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 152 of 222
Menu Item Description

Field Trip Count This is the total number of Field Stop trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Extrnal Stop Trip Count This is the total number of External Stop trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Stalled Rotor Trip Count This is the total number of Stalled Rotor trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Comms Fail Trip Count This is the total number of Comms Fail trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int A Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock A trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int B Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock B trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int C Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock C trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int D Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock D trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int E Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock E trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int F Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock F trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int G Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock G trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Process Int H Trip Count This is the total number of Process Interlock H trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Thermal OL Trip Count This is the total number of Thermal overload trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Current Imb Trip Count This is the total number of Current imbalance trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Under Voltage Trip Count This is the total number of Under voltage trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Over Voltage Trip Count This is the total number of Over voltage trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

SCM Temp Trip Count This is the total number of SCM Temperature trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 153 of 222
Menu Item Description

DCM Temp Trip Count This is the total number of DCM Temperature trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Thermistor Trip Count This is the total number of Thermistor trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Voltage Imb Trip Count This is the total number of Voltage imbalance trips that have occurred
since „Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Dnet Fail Trip Count This is the total number of Devicenet Fail trips that have occurred since
„Clear Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

Energy Accum (Pulse O/P) This is the total number of times the configured output relay has been
pulsed due to Energy Accumulation exceeding the setpoint since „Clear
Counters‟ was last set to Yes.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 154 of 222
Waveforms can be triggered from the DCM and/or S&I Engineering Workstation. These are stored, together
with scale factors and timestamps, in the SCM ready for display on the DCM or uploading to the PC.

The EWS package is able to upload the waveform buffers directly or via CMAC. The waveform capture can
be reviewed using Fourier analysis to extract the harmonic components.

Access level 1 or higher is required to enable waveform capture to operate.

Figure 84 DG6: Waveform Diagnostics

To use the Waveform view:

1. To select a waveform to view use the Rotary dial to select the required channel (these are
displayed at the bottom of the screen: I1, I2, I3, IR, V1, V2, V3).

2. Press the CAPTURE softkey.

3. Press the CHANNEL softkey and the legend changes to CURSOR.

4. Press the CURSOR softkey and use the Rotary dial to move through the waveform; the actual
measured value is displayed above the waveform.

5. Pressing the CURSOR softkey again will change the legend to CHANNEL and allow another
channel to be selected.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 155 of 222

Figure 85 DG7: Factory Diagnostics

This page contains factory values/settings and is to be used by S&I personnel.

Figure 86 DG7: Factory menu tree

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 156 of 222
10 Control Menu

Auto Manual
Direct Serial Field MCC

When the Control Menu is selected, a small table is displayed. This indicates to the user the mode of control
that the drive is currently in. This is done by highlighting the appropriate areas of the table e.g. if the drive is
available for control via the MCC, then “Manual” and “MCC” is highlighted. If the drive is available for control
via the serial communications link, then “Auto” and “Serial” is highlighted .

10.1 Changing Location of Control

When the Auto/Manual keys are enabled, swapping between Auto and Manual control is achieved using the
softkeys. If the Auto/Manual keys are disabled then it is not possible to change the location of control via the
DCM and the Control Menu will only display the current location of control as detailed above.

If one of the digital inputs is configured for Auto/Manual and the Auto/Manual keys are enabled, then the
digital input takes precedence. This means that any use of the softkeys for this purpose will not be actioned
and a flash message will display “Auto/Manual Keys Overridden”.

If one or more of the digital inputs are configured as control permissives (e.g. Field Permissive, Serial
Permissive etc.) and the Auto/Manual keys are enabled, then the digital inputs take precedence. This
means that switching between Auto and Manual using the Auto/Manual keys will operate normally, but the
required location of control will not become active until the associated permissive is satisfied.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 157 of 222
11 Flash Messages
Flash messages are effectively information panels that inform the user of important events, such as Alarms.
These panels are displayed in a banner at the bottom of the screen for a pre-set time (5 seconds) except
where the message includes a decrementing seconds counter that will remain on screen until the timer
reaches zero. After the appropriate delay they clear, leaving the user back on the previously opened screen.
The flash message can be deliberately cleared from the display by pressing the ESC key. The presence of
the flash message does not prevent normal operation of the window / menu navigation procedures.

Flash message

Figure 87 Flash message banner

Message Description

An attempt is being made to start the motor but cannot be

2 Wire Field Inhibit
executed because a hardwired start input assigned as 2 wire is
2 Wire Direct Inhibit

ADC: Cannot Inject Sample System Error. See Troubleshooting Section

Displayed if the Auto or Manual soft key is pressed and the

Auto/Manual Keys Disabled Auto/Manual softkeys have been disabled, this is set in ST5:

Refer to ST1.2.Displayed if Auto or Manual softkeys are

Auto/Manual Keys Overridden pressed when the Location of Control is being forced by the
state of one or more inputs which have „Permissive‟ functions.

CAN: Stuff Error CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Form Error CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Acknowledge Error CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Bit 1 Error CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Bit 0 Error CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: CRC Error CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 158 of 222
Message Description

CAN: Warning Level Exceeded CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Bus Off CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Receive Buffer Full CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Data Lost CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: No Transmit Channels CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section


CAN: RX Overrun Warning CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Invalid Node Configuration CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Invalid Baud Rate CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Invalid TX Channel CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section


CAN: Invalid RX Channel CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section


CAN: Invalid Object Setup CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN: Invalid Group ID CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN SCM: Failed to Transmit CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section


CAN SCM: Invalid Module Type CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN SCM: Invalid Slot Number CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CAN SCM: Registration Failed – CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

0 Serial Number

CAN SCM: No Available CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

Registration Slots

CAN SCM: Module Already CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section


CAN SCM: Module not in CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

Registered List

CAN SCM: Previous Module Not CANBus Error. See Troubleshooting Section

CFG: Defaults Restored The setpoints have been set back their default values.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 159 of 222
Message Description

This message is displayed to indicate that a default page has

Default Page Set
been selected.

DCM: Null Pointer System Error: See Troubleshooting Section

Delayed Start Relay 1
This message is displayed when a Pre-Operation contactor
Delayed Start Relay 2 delay is being timed before the indicated relay will operate.

This message is displayed when a direct control input (e.g. PLC

Direct Control Disabled hardwired start) is closed and direct control is disabled e.g.
when the Motor Manager 6 is in Manual control mode.
DRV: Start A Inhibited
An attempt is being made to start the motor but cannot be
DRV: Start B Inhibited executed because an input assigned as a Start Inhibit is closed.

An attempt is being made to change the drive type, but the

DRV: Configuration Conflict current configuration of the digital inputs and/or relay outputs
will not allow it.

This message is displayed when a Field start is requested and

Field Control Disabled Field control is disabled e.g. when the Motor Manager 6 is in
Auto control mode.

Key Disabled An attempt has been made to use a key that has been disabled.

An attempt has been made to set a default page without being

L1 required to set Default Page
logged in at access level L1.

L1 Access Required The current login level will not allow access to change the
L3 Access Required setpoints.

A request has been made to start the motor when the „Lock out‟
Lockout Still Active
condition is still active.

The login mode has been configured to be the default (press

Login Mode set to Default
and hold the rotary selector for 5 seconds).

The login mode has been configured to operate when the drive
Login Mode set to Test Mode
is in test mode.

The login mode has been configured to operate when the

Login Mode set to Setpoint Input
configured input is made.

Login : Prohibited by Input The setpoint control input is inhibiting access.


An attempt has been made to perform a Lockout Reset, but the

Login: Invalid Access Level
user is not logged in at the appropriate level.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 160 of 222
Message Description

The configured limit on the number of starts per period has

Max Start Inhibit been reached. Wait for the number of seconds indicated, then
try again.

This message is displayed when an MCC start is requested and

MCC Control Disabled MCC control is disabled e.g. when the Motor Manager 6 is in
Auto control mode.

MCSA: Disabled The MCSA function has been disabled

MCSA: Enabled The MCSA function has been enabled

MCSA: Unsupported The hardware version does not support MCSA functionality.

An attempt is being made to start the motor and is not being

Motor Unavailable
executed because the motor is unavailable.

This message is displayed when the Diagnostics page DG1 is

No Active Alarm
accessed and there are no alarms currently active.

This message is displayed when the Diagnostics page DG2 is

No Active Trip
accessed and there are no trips currently active.

This message is displayed when the Diagnostics page DG3 is

No Unavailable Cause
accessed and the drive is not currently unavailable.

No Visible Items Software Error. Contact S&I.

No CAN Network CANBUS Error. See Troubleshooting Section

Displayed when user accesses the inputs page and no inputs

No Input Assigned
have yet been configured.

NVM: Invalid EEPROM Cache ID System Error. See Troubleshooting Section

Post Contactor Energise A post contactor timer is running and the configured relay will
Post Contactor De-Energise operate when the timer expires.

Pre Contactor Start A A pre-contactor timer is running and the appropriate relay will
Pre Contactor Start B be energised when the timer expires.

The motor is tripped and cannot be reset using a normal Reset

operation. See Lockout Reset in section 6.3.2 Bottom Softkey
Reset Failed - Lockout Active
If the Cause of Trip is „Overload‟ then wait for the „Time to
Reset‟ period then try again.

RLY: Invalid Follow Input Output relay has been configured to follow an invalid input.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 161 of 222
Message Description

This message is displayed when a Serial start is requested and

Serial Control Disabled serial control is disabled e.g. when the Motor Manager 6 is in
Manual control mode.

An attempt has been made to use a softkey that has not been
Softkey Not Assigned

The configured time interval between starts has not yet elapsed
Start Interval Inhibit since the last start. Wait for the number of seconds indicated,
then try again.

There is a conflict in the location of control, for example;

attempting to stop the motor using the MCC Stop button when
Stop Inhibited by LOC
the MCC Stop Follow LOC feature is enabled and the MM6 is in

Timers Cleared Displayed in response to use of the corresponding Clear

Counters Cleared setpoint in ST5: Factory, as confirmation that the action has
Energy Used Cleared been performed. These setpoints automatically revert to No
PreTrip Values Cleared whenever they are set to Yes.

A trip condition is still active and the requested operation cannot

Trip Still Active be performed. Either wait for the trip to clear or investigate the

UV D-Restart Relay 1 The delayed restart timer is running following a power supply
interruption. When the timer expires the motor will start under
UV D-Restart Relay 2 control of relay 1 or 2 as indicated.

The under voltage delay timer is running following a power

UV Inhibit
supply interruption. The motor will not automatically restart.

UV I-Restart Relay 1 An immediate restart has been executed following a power

UV I-Restart Relay 2 supply interruption.

The measured ac control supply is below the configured pickup

UV Pickup
voltage after a power supply interruption.

Waveform Capture Started Rapid data acquisition is in progress for waveform capture.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 162 of 222
12 Operator Control Module (OCM)
This module is an alternative to the DCM and connects to the SCM.

Figure 88 OCM

12.1 Buttons
Function Description
This is used to start a motor and the action will depend upon the drive type.

DOL or Star Delta Motor is started.

DOLR Motor is started in forward direction.

Two Speed. Motor is started at low speed.

This is used to start a motor and the action will depend upon the drive type.

DOL or Star Delta N/A

DOLR Motor is started in reverse direction.

Two Speed. Motor is started at high speed.

AUTO sets the motor to Direct and/or Serial control. MAN sets the motor to Field and/or
MCC control.

RESET Clears a non-lockout trip condition.

RED STOP This stops the motor.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 163 of 222
12.2 LEDs
Eight LEDs are incorporated into the lower front of the OCM and these provide visual indication of
MM6/Motor state:

Function Description
Running (Red or Green)
Indicates that the motor is running.
Stopped (Red or Green) Indicates that the motor is stopped.
Alarm (Amber) Indicates the presence of one or more active alarms.
Tripped (Amber or Flashing Amber) Indicates presence of a “Trip” action taken by Motor Manager.
Auto Indicates that the drive is in Auto mode.
Man Indicates that the drive is in Manual mode.
Available Indicates that the drive is available.
Comms Indicates that the communications between the OCM and SCM is

Abnormal situations

The running LED will flash if an abnormal running situation is present:

1. The contactor is closed but the Motor Load% is less than the minimum cut off.

2. The contactor is open but the Motor Load% is greater than the minimum cut off.

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 164 of 222
13 Modbus Communications
MODBUS protocol is a messaging structure, widely used to establish master-slave communications between
intelligent devices. A MODBUS message sent from a master to a slave (e.g. CMAC to MM or DCS to
CMAC) contains the address of the slave, the “command” (or function code e.g. “read register” or “write
register”), the data and a checksum (LRC or CRC). The basic structure of a MODBUS frame is shown


There are two types of MODBUS protocol and they are as follows:
 ASCII transmission mode: Each eight-bit byte in a message is sent as 2 ASCII characters.
 RTU transmission mode: Each eight-bit byte in a message is sent as two four-bit hexadecimal

Motor Manager 6 utilises MODBUS RTU and there are many function codes available when using this
protocol. Function codes determine the type of data that you can read or write when using certain
addresses. The following table shows the relationship between the MODBUS function codes and the
address range for the data types that are used by the MM6.
Address MODBUS Function Code Read FC/ Description
Ranges Write FC
40001- Read Holding Registers 03 Reads the binary contents of holding
49999 registers in the slave
30001- Read Input Registers 04 Read signed integer values
00001- Force Single Coil 05 Write commands (e.g. start and stop)
40001- Preset Single Register 06 Presets a value into a single holding
49999 register. This can then be broadcast to
all attached slaves
Read Exception Status 07 Reads the status of 8 Exception Status
coils within the slave controller
Bit 0 – Alarm
Bit 1 – Trip
Bit 2 – Watchdog
Bit 3 – Auto
Bit 4 – Relay 1
Bit 5 – Relay 2
Bit 6 – Relay 3
Bit 7 – Available Serial
40001- Preset Multiple Registers 16 Presets values into a sequence of
49999 holding registers. These values can
then be broadcast to all attached slaves

1. The MM6 is always a slave device
2. The response time to a master message is minimized to optimise bus usage.
3. The Modbus task will ignore non-significant characters, such as null, that appear on the bus.
4. If the Motor Manager 6 is not polled by an external master (e.g. CMAC) for a defined period it can be
configured to trip or indicate an alarm.
5. Serial control mode must be enabled before control commands will be actioned.

Please refer to Appendix 4 for the full Modbus Address Map.

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14 DeviceNet Communications
DeviceNet protocol is a messaging structure, widely used to establish master-slave communications
between intelligent devices. DeviceNet is an open network standard and is transmitted using CAN bus.

The MM6 utilisation of the DeviceNet protocol supports two types of connection that can be established
between the MM6 and another DeviceNet Master.

 I/O connections (Polled Data) - providing dedicated, special purpose communication paths
between the producing application and one or more consuming applications for the purpose of
moving application specific data. This is often referred to as implicit messaging.

 Explicit messaging connections- Provide generic multi-purpose communications paths between

two devices. These connections often are referred to as messaging connections. Explicit messages
provide the typical request/response oriented network communications.

14.1 I/O Connections (Polled Data)

I/O data is mapped directly into the DeviceNet master I/O data table, and is therefore constantly polled. This
data is kept to a minimum to ensure the data transfer is kept as efficient as possible.

Input data is 42 bytes total in length and Output data is 3 bytes total in length.

Please refer to Appendix 6: DeviceNet Polled Data Example for an example of how to poll for this data from
a ControlLogix PLC.

14.2 Explicit Messaging Connections

There are a total of 571 parameters available for explicit messaging. A devicenet compliant .eds file can be
requested from S&I that details the data available through explicit messaging.

The naming convention for the data file is as follows:

Vendor ID: 4 Hex Digits Switchgear And Instrumentation, (03CD)

Product Type: 4 Hex Digits Generic, (0000)
Product Code: 4 Hex Digits Motor Manager 6, (002E)
Major Revision: 2 Hex Digits Revision 1, (01)
Minor Revision: 2 Hex Digits Revision 1. (01)

14.3 DeviceNet Network Status

This value represents the slave‟s status on the network. The states in which the unit may be are as follows:
State Description
On Line The unit is running on the Network correctly
Reset OOB The unit is in its Out of Box Reset state
Init OOB The unit is in its Out Of Box Initialisation State
Reset Normal The unit is in its normal reset state
Init Normal The unit is in its normal initialization state
DupMAC Check The unit is in its Duplicate MAC ID check state
NR Fault The unit is in a None Recoverable fault state – and will require a reset to
interact with the Network again.

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14.4 DeviceNet IO/Explicit Connection Status
These two values indicate the state of the relevant connection. The states in which the unit may be in are as

State Description
Non Exist The Connection does not exist
Configuring The Connection is currently being configured
Wait for CID The Connection is waiting for its connection ID
Established The Connection has been established
Timed Out The Connection has timed out
Deferred The Connection has been deferred

14.5 Automatic Device Replacement (ADR)

Motor Manager 6 supports Automatic Device Replacement; supported features are Configuration Recovery
(CR) and Auto-Address Recovery (AAR). When using the CR feature the ADR memory space of the
DeviceNet master must be taken into account, each MM6 will use approximately 5368 bytes of ADR
memory; this would limit CR functionality to 12 devices on an Allen Bradley ControlLogix DeviceNet card.

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15 Profibus Communications
Profibus protocol is a messaging structure, widely used to establish master-slave communications between
intelligent devices. The MM6 is a Profibus DPv1 slave capable of cyclic and acyclic data messages at rates
of up to 1.5MBaud.

15.1 Definitions
Class 1 Master The Profibus master that is exchanging cyclic data with the slave. The class 1
master can also access data via acyclic accesses; typically a PLC.
Class 2 Master A Class 2 Master can read and write data via acyclic messages. It can even read the
cyclic outputs and inputs but cannot write to a slave‟s cyclic outputs; typically a PC.
Cyclic Data The inputs and outputs that are continuously updated by a Class 1 Master. The
contents of the cyclic data are defined by a profile selected from the GSD file when
the link is configured in the Class 1 Master.
Acyclic Data A larger data map of available data. Data is accessed via a Slot and Offset number.
Each number is 0 to 255 giving 65536 addresses of accessible data. All data and
addresses defined in the MM6 Modbus data map are available.

15.2 Cyclic Data

Cyclic data is the data that is continuously updated by the Profibus master. The size of the data read and
written is fixed when the link is configured. The choice of read and write data is defined by “Profiles” defined
in the GSD file provided for MM6.

The MM6 cyclic data profiles are defined by the Profibus Low Voltage Switchgear Guidelines. The following
table summarises the data and commands available via cyclic data exchange. The guidelines define 2
profiles (1 and 2). Profile 2 is the same as profile 1 but with more data sent from the PLC. Data sent to the
PLC in profile 2 is the same as profile 1.

Profiles 3 to 5 are not defined by the LVS Guidelines but provide some flexibility in defining the amount of
data transferred. The less data that is transferred by each address the quicker the control loop will operate.

15.2.1 Commands from PLC

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Profile
Not Trip Not Not Not
0 Start A Stop Start B 1,2,3,4,5
Used Reset Used Used Used
Capture Lockout Serial Not
1 Energy Not Used Not Used Not Used 1,2, 4,5
Channel Reset Inhibit Used
Not Not Not Not Not Clear Clear Clr Event
2 2, 5
Used Used Used Used Used Counters Timers Counter

Not Not Not Not Not

3 Not Used Not Used Not Used 2
Used Used Used Used Used

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15.2.2 Command Definitions
Term Meaning
Start A The Start A command sent from the PLC is only actioned when it changes from 0 to 1 if
the Stop bit is not set.
Stop If set stops the motor from starting.
Start B The Start B command sent from the PLC is only actioned when it changes from 0 to 1 if
the Stop bit is not set.
Capture Channel A change from 0 to 1 will trigger this action.
Lockout Reset A change from 0 to 1 will trigger this action.
Serial Inhibit While set the motor is prevented from started.
Clear Energy Data A change from 0 to 1 will trigger this action.
Clear Counters A change from 0 to 1 will trigger this action.
Clear Timers A change from 0 to 1 will trigger this action.
Clear Event Counter A change from 0 to 1 will trigger this action.

15.2.3 Status to PLC

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Profile
Auto Lock Out Overload Running Running
0 Warning Fault Stopped 1,2,3,4,5
Mode Time Warning A B

Not Not
1 Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used 1,2 4,5
Used Used`

2 Motor Phase Current as percentage of Set Current Is (MSB) 1,2 4,5

3 Motor Phase Current as percentage of Set Current Is (LSB) 1,2 4,5

15.2.4 Status Definitions

Term Meaning
Warning There is an alarm present.
Fault There is a trip present.
Auto Mode Set when the motor is available for control by the serial link.
Lock Out Time Set when the motor is currently locked out
Overload Warning Set when there is an Overload Warning.
Running A Running in forward or low speed.
Running B Running in reverse or high speed.
Motor Phase Current The motor load current as a percentage.

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15.3 Acyclic Data
Profibus allows single message access to a much larger data map via acyclic messages. The Profibus
Specification refers to these messages as DS Read and DS Write messages. Class 1 and Class 2 Profibus
masters can access the acyclic data map. Profibus uses a Slot and Offset number to specify the acyclic data
access point. MM6 combines the Slot and Offset to calculate the Modbus address. I.e. Modbus Address =
Slot * 256 + Index.

The Modbus map is defined elsewhere but effectively has inputs from address 30001, outputs from address
40001 and command bits at addresses 2 to 12. Profibus Slot 0 is reserved for diagnostic information so the
Modbus command bits have been combined into a single word with bits 1 to 16 at address 40000. e.g. the
command bit at address 2 can be set by writing to address 40000 with data 0x0002; command bit 12 is set
with address 40000 set to 0x0800. Bits can be combined so data 0x080A will set bits 2, 4 and 12.

To access address 40000 (0x9C40), you must write to slot 156 (0x9C) and index 64 (0x40). As some
systems may be limited to the number of slots that can be accesses the following mapping is implemented in
addition to the Modbus mapping above.
 Slots 1 to 3 are mapped to Modbus Address 30000 (NB. Data starts at address 30001).
 Slots 4 to 6 are mapped to Modbus Address 40000.
 Slot 7 is mapped to Modbus Address 31000. (NB. Data starts at address 31001).
 Slots 8 and 9 are mapped to Modbus Address 32000. (NB. Data starts at address 32001).

In Summary:

Modbus Hex Direct Additional Actions

Address Address Slot / Offset Slot / Offset
30001 0x7531 117, 49 1, 1 Read CDT
31001 0x7919 121, 25 7, 1 Read first of Waveform data
32001 0x7D01 125, 1 8, 1 Read first high speed buffer data
40000 0x9C40 156, 64 4, 0 Write Command bits in bits 1 to 16
40001 0x9C41 156, 65 4, 1 Read/Write first set point

15.4 Advanced Profibus Functions

MM6 supports the following Profibus functions:
 Freeze, Unfreeze. These commands freeze the inputs to allow a snapshot across several units to
be read before unfreezing the inputs.
 Sync, Unsync. These commands allow the outputs to several units to be sent and buffered and then
released to the application when the Unsync command is sent. For example, to start 10 motors at
the same time, send the Sync command, then send the 10 start commands. When the Unsync
command is issued the 10 motors will start together.
 Clear. When the Class 1 master enters an error condition (e,g when the PLC is halted), the master
can broadcast a clear command. This is actioned by MM6 as a link lost alarm/trip.
 Information and Maintenance Data is available from MM6 and can be modified by the appropriate
third party tools.

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16 Testing Procedures
16.1 Secondary Injection Testing
Each unit is passed through a functional test and calibration rig at the factory to ensure the current and
voltage measurements are within specification and all the digital inputs and relay outputs are working
correctly. To test the functionality of the unit once installed, follow the procedures below:

16.1.1 Current Only

1. Set “PMM zero cross lock type” to “Lock to CT Only” in the settings menu ST5: Factory
2. Inject current at 50%, 100% and 300% of nominal.
3. Check that the values on the MM6 display are within tolerance. This tolerance is 2% plus the
tolerance of the measuring equipment.

16.1.2 Voltage Only

1. Set “PMM zero cross lock type” to “Lock to VT Only” in the settings menu ST5: Factory
2. If using a synthesised signal source e.g. a Freja 300, ensure that voltage inputs are connected to
voltage channels and not mains power.
3. Inject Voltage at nominal value and at 50% of nominal.
4. Check that the values displayed on the MM6 display are within tolerance. This tolerance is 2% plus
the tolerance of the measuring equipment.

16.1.3 Current and Voltage

1. Set “PMM zero cross lock type” to “Lock to All” in the settings menu ST5: Factory.
2. Ensure that the power source is the same for both voltage and current.
3. Inject current and voltage as described above.
4. Check that the values on the MM6 display are within tolerance. This tolerance is 2% plus the
tolerance of the measuring equipment.


Dielectric strength testing and flash testing is performed in full in the factory. These tests are not to be
performed on site.

If some form of high voltage testing is required on associated equipment, ensure the MM6 is fully
disconnected prior to testing.

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17 Flash Card Upload Procedure

1. Save a copy of current settings for MM6 to be updated.

2. Ensure MM6 is powered off.

3. Insert Flash Card into appropriate slot in the top of the SCM.

4. Power MM6 on.

5. Upload will start immediately and the LED on the Flash Card will be green flashing.

6. After a few minutes the on screen instructions will state that the upload is complete.

7. Power down the MM6

8. Remove the Flash Card

9. Power the MM6 back up.

10. MM6 is now ready for use. Please check that the settings are correctly configured as some firmware
updates can cause settings to reset to their default values.

Please note that if any messages in RED appear, a note should be made of the message, the upload
process re-tried and if the problem persists, S&I should be informed.

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18 Troubleshooting
Problem Description Troubleshooting Procedures
1. Can't login to unit  Check unit displays control voltage and control voltage frequency measurements (DT3). If not
displayed, measure voltage at rear of unit
 Check SCM VT is connected
 Check “SCM VT Card Fitted “ = “Yes” (ST5)
2. All digital inputs not working  Check unit displays control voltage and control voltage frequency measurements (DT3). If not
displayed, measure voltage at rear of unit
 Check SCM VT is connected
 Check “SCM VT Card Fitted “ = “Yes” (ST5)
 Check that the neutral is correctly connected to the digital input connector on the unit from the
3. Power measurement displaying  Check that each individual power factor measurement is displayed correctly (DT4)
incorrectly  Check the VT connection type is correct for the wiring topology (ST1.5)
 Check that all 3 phase (or line) voltages are present and displaying correctly (DT3)
 Check that all 3 currents are present and displaying correctly (DT2)
 If any of the above are incorrect, check all connectors are pushed all the way in and take
measurements at the rear of the unit.
 Check that phases are connected in the correct orientation and manner
4. Drive won‟t start  Check drive is available – The unavailable cause is in DT1
 Check relevant start is enabled in control menu (ST4.2)
 Examine Control screen (Blue switch from home screen) – is the relevant control source
 Observe any messages on the DCM screen when attempting to start the drive.
 Examine the event history (DG4) for further clues as to the reason for lack of operation.

Note : the DeviceNet interface is considered to be “Serial” control. Therefore serial control must be
enabled to use DeviceNet control functionality.
5. No current displayed.  Check that the CT Module is attached correctly to the PMM
(particularly during secondary  Check that the “PMM zero cross lock type” setting is set to either “lock to all” or “lock to CT only”
injection testing)  Check that the PMM is connected - “PMM Status” in DG7 should not read “No PMM”.

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6. Current displayed when none  Check that the CT Module is attached correctly to the PMM.
flowing.  Check that the cut off values are set correctly:
If a PT-CTM is fitted the “PMM Amps Cut-off” (ST5) should be set to 0.5A
If a 1A-CTM is fitted the “PMM Amps Cut-off” (ST5) should be set to 0.2A
7. CAN errors reported on the DCM  Ensure that the CAN cables between the MM6 modules are plugged from [EXP out] to [EXP in]
“No Can Network” connectors. See section 5.3.7 of this manual for connection details
“Can Stuff Error”  Check that the CAN cables are in good condition. Replace if necessary
8. Modbus Comms Problems  Check Comms address, Baud rate and protocol is correct. The protocol is normally set to
“Modbus Std”
 Check communications wiring polarity.
 Check that screen is connected all the way through and grounded at one point only
 Test communications using a single connection between MM6 and EWS
9. System Error  Cycle the system power
 If the problem persists, reset the unit to default settings and reconfigure the unit
 If the problem persists, contact S&I

Please contact S&I if the problem still persists.

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Appendix 1: Example MM6/Motor Setups.
The following outlines two examples of MM6/Motor set-up.

Example 1
Motor/Starter type: DOL, 15A FLC

Modules used: DCM, SCM, PMM & 3-phase „Pass-through‟ CTM.

Control options: Field Start

Field Stop
Serial control
A/M Selection on DCM

Setting sequence:

ST5: FACTORY Password Entry : Set to Level 3 then
press ESC.

ST2: MOTOR DATA Starter Type: Set to DOL.

Motor Name: Enter motor name
Full Load Current: Set to 15A then
press ESC.
ST1: I/O SETUP ST1.2: DIGITAL INPUTS Input 3: Set to Field Start 1.
Input 4: Set to Field Stop then press

ST3: PROTECTION ST3.1: THERMAL Curve Multiplier : As appropriate to

the motor frame size then press
ST4: CONTROL ST4.2 START / STOP Field Control: Set to Enabled
Serial Control: Set to Enabled then
press ESC.

ST5: FACTORY Auto/Manual Keys: Set to Enabled

then press ESC.

Example 2
This example is based upon the „Typical electrical schematic‟ shown in Figure 24 Typical Electrical Schematic for
SCM, PMM & CT Module; refer to this diagram for reference.

Motor/Starter type: DOL, 15A FLC

Modules used: DCM, SCM, PMM & 3-phase „Pass-through‟ CTM (see Figure 89).
Control options: Direct Start
Field Start
MCC Start
A/M Selection by switch

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 175 of 222
Figure 89 Modules used in ‘Example 2’
Setting sequence:

ST5: FACTORY Password Entry : Set to Level 3 then press

ST2: MOTOR DATA Starter Type: Set to DOL.

Motor Name: Enter motor name
Full Load Current: Set to 15A then press ESC.
ST1: I/O SETUP ST1.2: DIGITAL INPUTS Input 2: Set to Lockout Reset
Input 3: Set to Setpoint Input.
Input 4: Set to Auto/Man.
Input 5: Set to Direct Start 1.
Input 6: Set to Field Start 1.
Input 7: Set to MCC Permissive.
Input 8: Process Itlk (A) then press ESC.
ST3: PROTECTION ST3.1: THERMAL Curve Multiplier : As appropriate to the motor
frame size then press ESC.
ST4: CONTROL ST4.2 START / STOP Field Control: Set to Enabled
MCC Control: Set to Enabled
Direct Control: Set to Enabled then press ESC.

ST5: FACTORY Auto/Manual Keys: Set to Disabled then press


The basic operation is as follows:

When the selector switch is in the PLANT position, the Field Start button can be used. When the selector
is in the PLC position the control mode changes to direct (because IP# Auto/Man is closed). If the upper
float is closed, the motor will start until the lower float is reached (IP#8). If the selector is in the MCC
position, MCC Permissive is closed and IP#4 opens (MAN) and the control mode changes to MCC. The
DCM softkey 1 (Start) is now active.

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Appendix 2: Settings Table
Page ST1: I/O SET-UP
Comms Address
Comms Protocol
Comms Baud
Alarm Delay Sec
Trip Delay Sec
Input #1
Input #2
Input #3
Input #4
Input #5
Input #6
Input #7
Input #8
AC Inputs
Relay 1 Setup Contactor * PMM VT Connection
Relay 1 Function PMM VT Primary V
Relay 2 Setup PMM VT Secondary V
Relay 2 Function
Relay 2 Parameter 1
Relay 2 Parameter 2
Relay 3 Setup
Relay 3 Function
Relay 3 Parameter 1
Relay 3 Parameter 2
PMM Residual Input
PMM CT Connection
PMM CT Primary A
PMM CT Secondary A
SCM VT Input
SCM Supply Input
SCM VT Primary V
SCM VT Secondary V

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Motor Name
Starter Type
Full Load Current A
High Speed FLC A
Changeover Current %
Changeover Time S
Relay 1 Feedback Time mS
Relay 1 Post Delay Sec
Relay 1 Pulse Time mS
Relay 2 Feedback Time mS
Relay 2 Post Delay S
Relay 2 Pulse Time mS
Nominal Motor Voltage V
Nominal Frequency Hz
Motor Rating KW
Motor Rating High Speed KW
Max Starts Per Period
Start Interval S

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 178 of 222
ST3.1 THERMAL CBCT Earth Fault Trip Delay Sec
Curve Multiplier Residual Earth Fault Alarm Level A
Pick Up Level x FLC Residual Earth Fault Alarm Delay Sec
Hot / Cold Curve Ratio Residual Earth Fault Trip Level %FLC
Cooling Time Stopped Min Residual Earth Fault Trip Delay Sec
Cooling Time Running Min Startup Earth Fault Period S
Heating Time Min Startup Residual Earth Fault Alarm Level %
Minimise Reset Time Startup Residual Earth Fault Trip Level %
Auto Overload Reset Current Imbalance Alarm Level %
Load Increase Alarm Level x FLC Current Imbalance Alarm Delay Sec
Thermal O/L Alarm % Current Imbalance Trip Level %
Thermal O/L Start Inhibit Current Imbalance Trip Delay Sec
ST3.2 MECHANICAL Voltage Imbalance Alarm Level %
Acceleration Time Alarm Sec Voltage Imbalance Alarm Delay Sec
Acceleration Time Trip Sec Voltage Imbalance Trip Level %
Stalled Trip Level x FLC Voltage Imbalance Trip Delay Sec
Stalled Trip Delay Sec ST3.4 TEMPERATURE
Under Power Alarm Level %MR Thermistor Setup
Under Power Alarm Delay Sec Thermistor Alarm Level Ohms
Under Power Trip Level %MR Thermistor Alarm Delay Sec
Under Power Trip Delay Sec Thermistor Trip Level Ohms
Under Power Inhibit Level %MR Thermistor Trip Delay Sec
Under Current Alarm Level %FLC Thermistor Cable Fault
Under Current Alarm Delay Sec SCM Internal Temp Offset DegC
Under Current Trip Level %FLC SCM Internal Temp Alarm Level DegC
Under Current Trip Delay Sec SCM Internal Temp Alarm Delay Sec
Under Current Inhibit Level %FLC SCM Internal Temp Trip Level DegC
ST3.3 ELECTRICAL SCM Internal Temp Trip Delay Sec
Fuse Fail Protection DCM Internal Temp Offset DegC
Under Voltage Alarm Level %NMV DCM Internal Temp Alarm Level DegC
Under Voltage Alarm Delay Sec DCM Internal Temp Alarm Delay Sec
Under Voltage Trip Level %NMV DCM Internal Temp Trip Level DegC
Under Voltage Trip Delay Sec DCM Internal Temp Trip Delay Sec
Over Voltage Alarm Level %NMV
Over Voltage Alarm Delay Sec
Over Voltage Trip Level %NMV
Over Voltage Trip Delay Sec
CBCT Earth Fault Alarm Level A
CBCT Earth Fault Alarm Delay Sec
CBCT Earth Fault Trip Level A

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ST4.1 PROCESS Process Interlock H Mode
Process Interlock A Name Process Interlock H Alarm
Process Interlock A Healthy ST4.2 START / STOP
Process Interlock A Startup O/R Sec Direct Control
Process Interlock A Running O/R Sec Field Control
Process Interlock A Mode MCC Control
Process Interlock A Alarm Serial Control
Process Interlock B Name External Stop Mode
Process Interlock B Healthy Direct Stop Mode
Process Interlock B Startup O/R Sec Field Stop Mode
Process Interlock B Running O/R Sec MCC Stop Mode
Process Interlock B Mode Serial Stop Mode
Process Interlock B Alarm Direct Stop Follow Location Of Control
Process Interlock C Name Field Stop Follow Location Of Control
Process Interlock C Healthy MCC Stop Follow Location Of Control
Process Interlock C Startup O/R Sec Serial Stop Follow Location Of Control
Process Interlock C Running O/R Sec Field Start 1 Mode
Process Interlock C Mode Field Start 2 Mode
Process Interlock C Alarm Direct Start 1 Mode
Process Interlock D Name Direct Start 2 Mode
Process Interlock D Healthy Field Start 1 Trigger
Process Interlock D Startup O/R Sec Field Start 2 Trigger
Process Interlock D Running O/R Sec Direct Start 1 Trigger
Process Interlock D Mode Direct Start 2 Trigger
Process Interlock D Alarm Serial Inhibit
Process Interlock E Name ST4.3 U/V RESTART
Process Interlock E Healthy Under Voltage Function
Process Interlock E Startup O/R Sec Under Voltage Dropout %
Process Interlock E Running O/R Sec Under Voltage Pickup %
Process Interlock E Mode Immediate Power Loss Time mS
Process Interlock E Alarm Delayed Power Loss 1 Time Sec
Process Interlock F Name Delayed Power Loss 2 Time Sec
Process Interlock F Healthy Power Loss 1 Delay Period Sec
Process Interlock F Startup O/R Sec Power Loss 2 Delay Period Sec
Process Interlock F Running O/R Sec
Process Interlock F Mode
Process Interlock F Alarm
Process Interlock G Name
Process Interlock G Healthy
Process Interlock G Startup O/R Sec
Process Interlock G Running O/R Sec
Process Interlock G Mode
Process Interlock G Alarm
Process Interlock H Name
Process Interlock H Healthy
Process Interlock H Startup O/R Sec
Process Interlock H Running O/R Sec

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Appendix 3: Abbreviations/Glossary
2 wire - A hardwired start signal, which is active only for as long as the signal is present.
When the signal is removed the drive stops e.g. a jog switch.
3 wire - A hardwired start signal, which is latched by the Motor Manager. Only fleeting
closure is required to start the drive e.g. a conventional start push-button. A
separate stop circuit is required to tell the Motor Manager when to stop.

A - Amperes.
AC - Alternating current.
ACC - Acceleration.
AIM - Analogue I/O Module
Alarm - A warning that one of the measured or calculated values falls outside the limits
specified by the setpoints. The drive continues to operate normally. Motor
Manager alarms do not require, and do not respond to, any form of reset
operation. The alarm will clear when the Motor Manager finds that the cause
of the alarm is no longer present.
Available - All detectable conditions are correct for the MM6 to be able to act on a start

Baud rate - The speed of a serial data communication link.

C/O - Change over (form C)

Comms - Communications (serial)
CT - Current Transformer.
CBCT - Core Balance Current Transformer.
CMAC - Communications Management And Control system (see separate manual)
CTM - CT Module

DCM - Display and Control module.

DC - Direct current.
DIM - Digital I/O Module
DOL - Direct On Line
DOLR - Direct On Line Reversing
DS - Direct stop

EF - Earth fault.
ESC - The escape key on the display module
EWS - Engineering Workstation – a Windows software application for interrogating Motor
Managers over the serial link
EXM - General term for Expansion Modules including DIM, AIM, RTM.
External Stop - Something outside the Motor Manager has de-energised the contactor e.g. an
emergency stop button in the contactor coil circuit.

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FLC - Full load current.

FS - Field stop

GUI - Graphical User Interface.

HDX - Half Duplex

I/O - Input/Output

LCD - Liquid crystal display

LOC - Location of Control

MB - Modbus
MCC - Motor Control Centre
ML - Motor Load.
Modbus Std - Standard Modbus RTU protocol
Modbus Ehd - Enhanced Modbus RTU protocol in which each message carries the serial number
of the RTU device, as well as the RTU number, to enhance system integrity
(S&I proprietary implementation)

N/C - Normally closed (form B)

N/O - Normally open (form A)
NMV - Nominal Motor Voltage.
NTC - Negative Temperature Coefficient (thermistor)

O/V - Over voltage.

O/L - Overload. (thermal)
OCM - Operator Control Module

PD - Power down
PLT - Power Loss Time.
PMM - Protection and Metering Module.
Protocol - A set of rules that govern how information is to be exchanged between systems.
PT - Pass through (CT module)
PTC - Positive Temperature Coefficient (thermistor)

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Relay - either an electro-mechanical device which operates an output contact or a

protection device such as MM6
RMS - Root Mean Square, the standard way of measuring AC values
RO - Running Override (on Process Interlocks)
RTM - Resistance Temperature device (RTD) Module
RTU - Remote Terminal Unit

SCM - Starter Control Module

SO - Start-up Override (on Process Interlocks)

Trip - The protective action taken by the Motor Manager when measured or calculated
values fall outside the operating limits defined by the setpoints. When in a
tripped state the Motor Manager will not action any start request from any
source. The drive can only be returned to normal operation by executing a
reset command.
TU - Termination Unit used to connect the serial communication cables from each
EIA485 connected device back to the CMAC or other central location.

U/C - Under current.

U/P - Under power.
U/V - Under voltage.
Unavailable - If a start request is received the MM6 will not be able to act on it. The reason is
shown in „DG3: Unavailable Cause‟

V - Volts
Vac - Volts alternating current
Vdc - Volts direct current
VSD - Variable speed drive.
VT - Voltage transformer.

W - Watts. Measurement of power; power is equal to VOLTS times AMPS.

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Appendix 4: Modbus Address Map
Please refer to Appendix 5 for further information regarding format codes.

Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range

Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
Trip Reset - - 2 - 0 2 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Lockout Reset - - 3 - 0 3 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Stop - - 4 - 0 4 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Start A - - 5 - 0 5 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Start B - - 6 - 0 6 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Serial Inhibit - - 7 - 0 7 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clear Event Counter - - 8 - 0 8 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clear Timers - - 9 - 0 9 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clear Counters - - 10 - 0 10 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clear Energy - - 11 - 0 11 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Capture Request - - 12 - 0 12 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - 1 NONE

Actual Values
DT1: Motor Status
Motor Status Word F42 30010 - 117 58 - - 1 10 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Motor State Word F1 30011 - 117 59 - - 1 11 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Active Alarm Word F2 30016 - 117 64 - - 1 16 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Active Trip Word F3 30017 - 117 65 - - 1 17 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Unavailable Cause Word F4 30018 - 117 66 - - 1 18 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Last Event Word - 30019 - 117 67 - - 1 19 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Active Control Modes Word F5 30020 - 117 68 - - 1 20 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Motor Load Word - 30022 - 117 70 - - 1 22 - - - 0 10000 - - 1 %
Thermal Capacity Word - 30023 - 117 71 - - 1 23 - - - 0 125 - - 1 %
Time to Trip Word - 30024 - 117 72 - - 1 24 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 Secs
Time to Reset Word - 30048 - 117 96 - - 1 48 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 Secs
Acceleration Time Word - 30049 - 117 97 - - 1 49 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Secs

DT2: Current
I1 Current Long Word - 30030 30031 117 78 117 79 1 30 1 31 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
I2 Current Long Word - 30032 30033 117 80 117 81 1 32 1 33 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
I3 Current Long Word - 30034 30035 117 82 117 83 1 34 1 35 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
Average Current Long Word - 30036 30037 117 84 117 85 1 36 1 37 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
Imbalance Word - 30042 - 117 90 - - 1 42 - - - 0 100 - - 1 %
Residual EF Current Long Word - 30043 30044 117 91 117 92 1 43 1 44 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
CBCT EF Current Word - 30045 - 117 93 - - 1 45 - - - 0 65010 - - 0.01 A
Peak Inrush Long Word - 30046 30047 117 94 117 95 1 46 1 47 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
PreTrip I1 Ph Long Word - 30102 30103 117 150 117 151 1 102 1 103 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
PreTrip I2 Ph Long Word - 30104 30105 117 152 117 153 1 104 1 105 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
PreTrip I3 Ph Long Word - 30106 30107 117 154 117 155 1 106 1 107 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
PreTrip Res EF Current Long Word - 30108 30109 117 156 117 157 1 108 1 109 - 0 800000 - - 0.01 A
PreTrip CBCT EF Word - 30110 - 117 158 - - 1 110 - - - 0 65000 - - 0.01 A

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DT3: Voltage
Control Supply (Scaled) Word - 30050 - 117 98 - - 1 50 - - - 0 13800 - - 1 V
Control Supply Word - 30051 - 117 99 - - 1 51 - - - 0 13800 - - 1 V
Control Supply Freq Word - 30052 - 117 100 - - 1 52 - - - 0 650 - - 0.1 Hz
V1n Voltage Word - 30053 - 117 101 - - 1 53 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
V2n Voltage Word - 30054 - 117 102 - - 1 54 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
V3n Voltage Word - 30055 - 117 103 - - 1 55 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
Average Phase Volts Word - 30056 - 117 104 - - 1 56 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
V12 Voltage Word - 30057 - 117 105 - - 1 57 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
V23 Voltage Word - 30058 - 117 106 - - 1 58 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
V31 Voltage Word - 30059 - 117 107 - - 1 59 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
Average Line Volts Word - 30060 - 117 108 - - 1 60 - - - 0 25000 - - 1 V
Imbalance Word - 30061 - 117 109 - - 1 61 - - - 0 100 - - 1 %
Motor Frequency Word - 30062 - 117 110 - - 1 62 - - - 0 650 - - 0.1 Hz

DT4: Power
3Ph Total Real Pwr Long Word - 30065 30066 117 113 117 114 1 65 1 66 - 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 0.01 kW
3Ph Total App Pwr Long Word - 30067 30068 117 115 117 116 1 67 1 68 - 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 0.01 kVA
3Ph Avg Pwr Factor Word - 30069 - 117 117 - - 1 69 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.01 NONE
Ph1 Pwr Factor Word - 30210 - 118 2 - - 1 210 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.01 NONE
Ph2 Pwr Factor Word - 30211 - 118 3 - - 1 211 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.01 NONE
Ph3 Pwr Factor Word - 30212 - 118 4 - - 1 212 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.01 NONE

DT5: Digital Inputs F24

Input 1 Word - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Input 2 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 1 1 NONE
Input 3 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 2 1 NONE
Input 4 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 3 1 NONE
Input 5 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 4 1 NONE
Input 6 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 5 1 NONE
Input 7 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 6 1 NONE
Input 8 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 7 1 NONE
Input 9 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 8 1 NONE
Input 10 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 9 1 NONE
Input 11 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 10 1 NONE
Input 12 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 11 1 NONE
Input 13 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 12 1 NONE
Input 14 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 13 1 NONE
Input 15 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 14 1 NONE
Input 16 - - 30012 - 117 60 - - 1 12 - - - - - - 15 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DT6: Relay Outputs F7
Relay 1 Word - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Relay 2 - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 1 1 NONE
Relay 3 - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 2 1 NONE
DIM Output 0: - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 3 1 NONE
DIM Output 1: - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 4 1 NONE
DIM Output 2: - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 5 1 NONE
DIM Output 3: - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 6 1 NONE
DIM Output 4: - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 7 1 NONE
DIM Output 5: - - 30014 - 117 62 - - 1 14 - - - - - - 8 1 NONE

DT7: Temperature
Thermistor Resistance Word - 30025 - 117 73 - - 1 25 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 Ohms
SCM Internal Temp Word - 30074 - 117 122 - - 1 74 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
DCM Internal Temp Word - 30075 - 117 123 - - 1 75 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C

DT8: RT Modules
RTD 1 Temp Word - 30559 - 119 95 - - 3 47 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 2 Temp Word - 30560 - 119 96 - - 3 48 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 3 Temp Word - 30561 - 119 97 - - 3 49 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 4 Temp Word - 30562 - 119 98 - - 3 50 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 5 Temp Word - 30563 - 119 99 - - 3 51 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 6 Temp Word - 30564 - 119 100 - - 3 52 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 7 Temp Word - 30565 - 119 101 - - 3 53 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 8 Temp Word - 30566 - 119 102 - - 3 54 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 9 Temp Word - 30567 - 119 103 - - 3 55 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 10 Temp Word - 30568 - 119 104 - - 3 56 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 11 Temp Word - 30569 - 119 105 - - 3 57 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 12 Temp Word - 30570 - 119 106 - - 3 58 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 13 Temp Word - 30571 - 119 107 - - 3 59 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 14 Temp Word - 30572 - 119 108 - - 3 60 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 15 Temp Word - 30573 - 119 109 - - 3 61 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 16 Temp Word - 30574 - 119 110 - - 3 62 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 17 Temp Word - 30575 - 119 111 - - 3 63 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 18 Temp Word - 30576 - 119 112 - - 3 64 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 19 Temp Word - 30577 - 119 113 - - 3 65 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 20 Temp Word - 30578 - 119 114 - - 3 66 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 21 Temp Word - 30579 - 119 115 - - 3 67 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 22 Temp Word - 30580 - 119 116 - - 3 68 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 23 Temp Word - 30581 - 119 117 - - 3 69 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C
RTD 24 Temp Word - 30582 - 119 118 - - 3 70 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 0.1 Deg C

DT9: AIM Modules

AIM 1 4 -20mA Input Word - 30591 - 119 127 - - 3 79 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
AIM 2 4 -20mA Input Word - 30592 - 119 128 - - 3 80 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
AIM 3 4 -20mA Input Word - 30593 - 119 129 - - 3 81 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
AIM 1 4 -20mA Output Word - 30594 - 119 130 - - 3 82 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
AIM 2 4 -20mA Output Word - 30595 - 119 131 - - 3 83 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
AIM 3 4 -20mA Output Word - 30596 - 119 132 - - 3 84 - - - 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max

Please note that where Data Type "String" is used, 1 character = 1 byte
ST1: I/O Setup
ST1.1: Communications
Comms Address Word - 40001 - 156 65 - - 4 1 - - Y 1 255 1 - 1 NONE
Comms Protocol Word F8 40002 - 156 66 - - 4 2 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Comms Baud Word F9 40003 - 156 67 - - 4 3 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Comms Alarm Delay Word - 40004 - 156 68 - - 4 4 - - Y 5 0x00FF 5 - 1 Secs
Comms Trip Delay Word - 40005 - 156 69 - - 4 5 - - Y 5 0x00FF 5 - 1 Secs

ST1.2: Digital Inputs F6

Digital Input 1 Word - 40062 - 156 126 - - 4 62 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Digital Input 2 Word - 40063 - 156 127 - - 4 63 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Digital Input 3 Word - 40064 - 156 128 - - 4 64 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Digital Input 4 Word - 40065 - 156 129 - - 4 65 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Digital Input 5 Word - 40066 - 156 130 - - 4 66 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Digital Input 6 Word - 40067 - 156 131 - - 4 67 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Digital Input 7 Word - 40068 - 156 132 - - 4 68 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Digital Input 8 Word - 40069 - 156 133 - - 4 69 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
AC Inputs Word - 40094 - 156 158 - - 4 94 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE

ST1.3: Relay Outputs

Relay1 Setup Word F10 40112 - 156 176 - - 4 112 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Relay1 Function Word F11 40113 - 156 177 - - 4 113 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Relay1 Parameter 1 Word - 40114 - 156 178 - - 4 114 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Relay1 Parameter 2 Word - 40115 - 156 179 - - 4 115 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Relay2 Setup Word F10 40116 - 156 180 - - 4 116 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Relay2 Function Word F11 40117 - 156 181 - - 4 117 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Relay2 Parameter 1 Word - 40118 - 156 182 - - 4 118 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Relay2 Parameter 2 Word - 40119 - 156 183 - - 4 119 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Relay3 Setup Word F10 40120 - 156 184 - - 4 120 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Relay3 Function Word F11 40121 - 156 185 - - 4 121 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Relay3 Parameter 1 Word - 40122 - 156 186 - - 4 122 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Relay3 Parameter 2 Word - 40123 - 156 187 - - 4 123 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE

ST1.4: CT Inputs
SCM EF CBCT Input Word F12 40045 - 156 109 - - 4 45 - - N 0 2 - - 1 NONE
SCM CBCT Primary Word - 40046 - 156 110 - - 4 46 - - N 1 650 1 - 1 Amps
PMM Residual Input Word F13 40051 - 156 115 - - 4 51 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
PMM CT Connection Word F14 40052 - 156 116 - - 4 52 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
PMM CT Primary Word - 40053 - 156 117 - - 4 53 - - N 1 1000 1 - 1 NONE
PMM CT Secondary Word - 40054 - 156 118 - - 4 54 - - N 1 5 1 - 1 NONE

ST1.5: VT Inputs
SCM VT Input Word F15 40041 - 156 105 - - 4 41 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
SCM Supply Input Word F16 40042 - 156 106 - - 4 42 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
SCM VT Primary Word - 40043 - 156 107 - - 4 43 - - N 220 25000 1 - 1 NONE
SCM VT Secondary Word - 40044 - 156 108 - - 4 44 - - N 110 300 1 - 1 NONE
PMM VT Connection Word F17 40048 - 156 112 - - 4 48 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
PMM VT Primary Word - 40049 - 156 113 - - 4 49 - - N 220 25000 1 - 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Direct Additional Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max

ST1.6: RT Modules
RTD 1 Setup Word F13 40548 - 158 100 - - 6 36 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 1 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40549 - 158 101 - - 6 37 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 1 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40550 - 158 102 - - 6 38 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 1 Alarm Delay Word - 40551 - 158 103 - - 6 39 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 1 Trip Level Lo Word - 40552 - 158 104 - - 6 40 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 1 Trip Level Hi Word - 40553 - 158 105 - - 6 41 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 1 Trip Delay Word - 40554 - 158 106 - - 6 42 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 2 Setup Word F13 40556 - 158 108 - - 6 44 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 2 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40557 - 158 109 - - 6 45 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 2 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40558 - 158 110 - - 6 46 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 2 Alarm Delay Word - 40559 - 158 111 - - 6 47 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 2 Trip Level Lo Word - 40560 - 158 112 - - 6 48 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 2 Trip Level Hi Word - 40561 - 158 113 - - 6 49 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 2 Trip Delay Word - 40562 - 158 114 - - 6 50 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 3 Setup Word F13 40564 - 158 116 - - 6 52 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 3 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40565 - 158 117 - - 6 53 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 3 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40566 - 158 118 - - 6 54 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 3 Alarm Delay Word - 40567 - 158 119 - - 6 55 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 3 Trip Level Lo Word - 40568 - 158 120 - - 6 56 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 3 Trip Level Hi Word - 40569 - 158 121 - - 6 57 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 3 Trip Delay Word - 40570 - 158 122 - - 6 58 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 4 Setup Word F13 40572 - 158 124 - - 6 60 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 4 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40573 - 158 125 - - 6 61 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 4 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40574 - 158 126 - - 6 62 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 4 Alarm Delay Word - 40575 - 158 127 - - 6 63 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 4 Trip Level Lo Word - 40576 - 158 128 - - 6 64 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 4 Trip Level Hi Word - 40577 - 158 129 - - 6 65 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 4 Trip Delay Word - 40578 - 158 130 - - 6 66 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 5 Setup Word F13 40580 - 158 132 - - 6 68 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 5 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40581 - 158 133 - - 6 69 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 5 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40582 - 158 134 - - 6 70 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 5 Alarm Delay Word - 40583 - 158 135 - - 6 71 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 5 Trip Level Lo Word - 40584 - 158 136 - - 6 72 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 5 Trip Level Hi Word - 40585 - 158 137 - - 6 73 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 5 Trip Delay Word - 40586 - 158 138 - - 6 74 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 6 Setup Word F13 40588 - 158 140 - - 6 76 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 6 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40589 - 158 141 - - 6 77 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 6 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40590 - 158 142 - - 6 78 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 6 Alarm Delay Word - 40591 - 158 143 - - 6 79 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 6 Trip Level Lo Word - 40592 - 158 144 - - 6 80 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 6 Trip Level Hi Word - 40593 - 158 145 - - 6 81 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 6 Trip Delay Word - 40594 - 158 146 - - 6 82 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST1.6: RT Modules Cont…
RTD 7 Setup Word F13 40596 - 158 148 - - 6 84 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 7 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40597 - 158 149 - - 6 85 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 7 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40598 - 158 150 - - 6 86 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 7 Alarm Delay Word - 40599 - 158 151 - - 6 87 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 7 Trip Level Lo Word - 40600 - 158 152 - - 6 88 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 7 Trip Level Hi Word - 40601 - 158 153 - - 6 89 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 7 Trip Delay Word - 40602 - 158 154 - - 6 90 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 8 Setup Word F13 40604 - 158 156 - - 6 92 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 8 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40605 - 158 157 - - 6 93 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 8 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40606 - 158 158 - - 6 94 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 8 Alarm Delay Word - 40607 - 158 159 - - 6 95 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 8 Trip Level Lo Word - 40608 - 158 160 - - 6 96 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 8 Trip Level Hi Word - 40609 - 158 161 - - 6 97 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 8 Trip Delay Word - 40610 - 158 162 - - 6 98 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 9 Setup Word F13 40612 - 158 164 - - 6 100 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 9 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40613 - 158 165 - - 6 101 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 9 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40614 - 158 166 - - 6 102 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 9 Alarm Delay Word - 40615 - 158 167 - - 6 103 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 9 Trip Level Lo Word - 40616 - 158 168 - - 6 104 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 9 Trip Level Hi Word - 40617 - 158 169 - - 6 105 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 9 Trip Delay Word - 40618 - 158 170 - - 6 106 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 10 Setup Word F13 40620 - 158 172 - - 6 108 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 10 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40621 - 158 173 - - 6 109 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 10 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40622 - 158 174 - - 6 110 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 10 Alarm Delay Word - 40623 - 158 175 - - 6 111 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 10 Trip Level Lo Word - 40624 - 158 176 - - 6 112 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 10 Trip Level Hi Word - 40625 - 158 177 - - 6 113 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 10 Trip Delay Word - 40626 - 158 178 - - 6 114 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 11 Setup Word F13 40628 - 158 180 - - 6 116 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 11 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40629 - 158 181 - - 6 117 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 11 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40630 - 158 182 - - 6 118 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 11 Alarm Delay Word - 40631 - 158 183 - - 6 119 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 11 Trip Level Lo Word - 40632 - 158 184 - - 6 120 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 11 Trip Level Hi Word - 40633 - 158 185 - - 6 121 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 11 Trip Delay Word - 40634 - 158 186 - - 6 122 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 12 Setup Word F13 40636 - 158 188 - - 6 124 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 12 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40637 - 158 189 - - 6 125 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 12 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40638 - 158 190 - - 6 126 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 12 Alarm Delay Word - 40639 - 158 191 - - 6 127 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 12 Trip Level Lo Word - 40640 - 158 192 - - 6 128 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 12 Trip Level Hi Word - 40641 - 158 193 - - 6 129 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 12 Trip Delay Word - 40642 - 158 194 - - 6 130 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST1.6: RT Modules Cont…
RTD 13 Setup Word F13 40644 - 158 196 - - 6 132 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 13 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40645 - 158 197 - - 6 133 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 13 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40646 - 158 198 - - 6 134 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 13 Alarm Delay Word - 40647 - 158 199 - - 6 135 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 13 Trip Level Lo Word - 40648 - 158 200 - - 6 136 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 13 Trip Level Hi Word - 40649 - 158 201 - - 6 137 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 13 Trip Delay Word - 40650 - 158 202 - - 6 138 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 14 Setup Word F13 40652 - 158 204 - - 6 140 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 14 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40653 - 158 205 - - 6 141 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 14 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40654 - 158 206 - - 6 142 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 14 Alarm Delay Word - 40655 - 158 207 - - 6 143 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 14 Trip Level Lo Word - 40656 - 158 208 - - 6 144 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 14 Trip Level Hi Word - 40657 - 158 209 - - 6 145 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 14 Trip Delay Word - 40658 - 158 210 - - 6 146 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 15 Setup Word F13 40660 - 158 212 - - 6 148 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 15 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40661 - 158 213 - - 6 149 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 15 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40662 - 158 214 - - 6 150 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 15 Alarm Delay Word - 40663 - 158 215 - - 6 151 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 15 Trip Level Lo Word - 40664 - 158 216 - - 6 152 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 15 Trip Level Hi Word - 40665 - 158 217 - - 6 153 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 15 Trip Delay Word - 40666 - 158 218 - - 6 154 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 16 Setup Word F13 40668 - 158 220 - - 6 156 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 16 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40669 - 158 221 - - 6 157 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 16 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40670 - 158 222 - - 6 158 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 16 Alarm Delay Word - 40671 - 158 223 - - 6 159 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 16 Trip Level Lo Word - 40672 - 158 224 - - 6 160 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 16 Trip Level Hi Word - 40673 - 158 225 - - 6 161 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 16 Trip Delay Word - 40674 - 158 226 - - 6 162 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 17 Setup Word F13 40676 - 158 228 - - 6 164 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 17 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40677 - 158 229 - - 6 165 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 17 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40678 - 158 230 - - 6 166 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 17 Alarm Delay Word - 40679 - 158 231 - - 6 167 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 17 Trip Level Lo Word - 40680 - 158 232 - - 6 168 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 17 Trip Level Hi Word - 40681 - 158 233 - - 6 169 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 17 Trip Delay Word - 40682 - 158 234 - - 6 170 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 18 Setup Word F13 40684 - 158 236 - - 6 172 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 18 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40685 - 158 237 - - 6 173 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 18 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40686 - 158 238 - - 6 174 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 18 Alarm Delay Word - 40687 - 158 239 - - 6 175 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 18 Trip Level Lo Word - 40688 - 158 240 - - 6 176 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 18 Trip Level Hi Word - 40689 - 158 241 - - 6 177 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 18 Trip Delay Word - 40690 - 158 242 - - 6 178 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 19 Setup Word F13 40692 - 158 244 - - 6 180 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 19 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40693 - 158 245 - - 6 181 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 19 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40694 - 158 246 - - 6 182 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 19 Alarm Delay Word - 40695 - 158 247 - - 6 183 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 19 Trip Level Lo Word - 40696 - 158 248 - - 6 184 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 19 Trip Level Hi Word - 40697 - 158 249 - - 6 185 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 19 Trip Delay Word - 40698 - 158 250 - - 6 186 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST1.6: RT Modules Cont…
RTD 20 Setup Word F13 40700 - 158 252 - - 6 188 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 20 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40701 - 158 253 - - 6 189 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 20 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40702 - 158 254 - - 6 190 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 20 Alarm Delay Word - 40703 - 158 255 - - 6 191 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 20Trip Level Lo Word - 40704 - 159 0 - - 6 192 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 20 Trip Level Hi Word - 40705 - 159 1 - - 6 193 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 20 Trip Delay Word - 40706 - 159 2 - - 6 194 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 21 Setup Word F13 40708 - 159 4 - - 6 196 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 21 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40709 - 159 5 - - 6 197 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 21 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40710 - 159 6 - - 6 198 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 21 Alarm Delay Word - 40711 - 159 7 - - 6 199 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 21 Trip Level Lo Word - 40712 - 159 8 - - 6 200 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 21 Trip Level Hi Word - 40713 - 159 9 - - 6 201 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 21 Trip Delay Word - 40714 - 159 10 - - 6 202 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 22 Setup Word F13 40716 - 159 12 - - 6 204 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 22 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40717 - 159 13 - - 6 205 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 22 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40718 - 159 14 - - 6 206 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 22 Alarm Delay Word - 40719 - 159 15 - - 6 207 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 22 Trip Level Lo Word - 40720 - 159 16 - - 6 208 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 22 Trip Level Hi Word - 40721 - 159 17 - - 6 209 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 22 Trip Delay Word - 40722 - 159 18 - - 6 210 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 23 Setup Word F13 40724 - 159 20 - - 6 212 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 23 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40725 - 159 21 - - 6 213 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 23 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40726 - 159 22 - - 6 214 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 23 Alarm Delay Word - 40727 - 159 23 - - 6 215 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 23 Trip Level Lo Word - 40728 - 159 24 - - 6 216 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 23 Trip Level Hi Word - 40729 - 159 25 - - 6 217 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 23 Trip Delay Word - 40730 - 159 26 - - 6 218 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 24 Setup Word F13 40732 - 159 28 - - 6 220 - - N 0 250 - - 1 NONE
RTD 24 Alarm Level Lo Word - 40733 - 159 29 - - 6 221 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 24 Alarm Level Hi Word - 40734 - 159 30 - - 6 222 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 24 Alarm Delay Word - 40735 - 159 31 - - 6 223 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs
RTD 24 Trip Level Lo Word - 40736 - 159 32 - - 6 224 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 24 Trip Level Hi Word - 40737 - 159 33 - - 6 225 - - Y 1 250 1 - 1 Deg C
RTD 24 Trip Delay Word - 40738 - 159 34 - - 6 226 - - N 5 60 1 - 1 Secs

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST1.7: DeviceNet
MAC ID Word - 40485 - 158 37 - - 5 229 - - N 0 64 1 - 1 NONE
Baud Rate Word F18 40486 - 158 38 - - 5 230 - - N 0 2 - - 1 NONE
DNet Reset Word F19 40487 - 158 39 - - 5 231 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Dnet Fail Alarm Timeout Word - 40488 - 158 40 - - 5 232 - - Y 5 255 5 - 1 Secs
Dnet Fail Trip Timeout Word - 40489 - 158 41 - - 5 233 - - Y 5 255 5 - 1 Secs

ST1.8: Profibus
Profibus Address Word - 40191 - 156 255 - - 4 191 - - Y 1 126 1 - 1 NONE
Profibus Alarm Delay Word - 40192 - 157 0 - - 4 192 - - Y 5 255 5 - 1 Secs
Profibus Trip Delay Word - 40193 - 157 1 - - 4 193 - - Y 5 255 5 - 1 Secs
ST2: Motor Data
Motor Name String - 40006 40015 156 70 156 79 4 6 4 15 N - - - - 1 NONE
Starter Type Word F20 40016 - 156 80 - - 4 16 - - N 0 6 - - 1 NONE
Full Load Current Long Word - 40017 40018 156 81 156 82 4 17 4 18 N 1 100000 1 - 0.01 A
High Speed FLC Long Word - 40019 40020 156 83 156 84 4 19 4 20 N 1 100000 1 - 0.01 A
Changeover Current Word - 40023 - 156 87 - - 4 23 - - N 1 500 1 - 1 % FLC
Changeover Time Word - 40024 - 156 88 - - 4 24 - - N 1 0xFFFF 1 - 1 Secs
Transition Time Word - 40025 - 156 89 - - 4 25 - - N 1 0xFFFF 1 - 1 mS
Relay1 Pulse Time Word - 40026 - 156 90 - - 4 26 - - N 200 0xFFFF 100 - 1 mS
Relay1 Feedback Time Word - 40027 - 156 91 - - 4 27 - - N 200 0xFFFF 100 - 1 mS
Relay1 Post Delay Word - 40028 - 156 92 - - 4 28 - - N 0 0xFFFF 100 - 1 mS
Relay2 Pulse Time Word - 40029 - 156 93 - - 4 29 - - N 200 0xFFFF 100 - 1 mS
Relay2 Feedback Time Word - 40030 - 156 94 - - 4 30 - - N 200 0xFFFF 100 - 1 mS
Relay2 Post Delay Word - 40031 - 156 95 - - 4 31 - - N 0 0xFFFF 100 - 1 mS
Nominal Motor Voltage Word - 40034 - 156 98 - - 4 34 - - N 110 12000 110 - 1 V
Nominal Frequency Word F21 40035 - 156 99 - - 4 35 - - N 0 1 - - 1 Hz
Motor Rating Long Word - 40036 40037 156 100 156 101 4 36 4 37 N 1 69000000 1 - 0.01 kW
Motor Rating High Speed Long Word - 40038 40039 156 102 156 103 4 38 4 39 N 1 69000000 1 - 0.01 kW
Start Interval Word - 40476 - 158 28 - - 5 220 - - Y 1 3600 1 - 1 Secs
Max Starts Per Period Word - 40210 - 157 18 - - 4 210 - - Y 1 100 1 - 1 NONE
Max Start Period Word - 40211 - 157 19 - - 4 211 - - N 60 18000 1 - 1 Secs

ST3: Protection
ST3.1: Thermal
Curve Multiplier Word - 40202 - 157 10 - - 4 202 - - N 10 150 1 - 0.1 NONE
Pick Up Level Word - 40203 - 157 11 - - 4 203 - - N 100 200 1 - 0.01 Multiple FLC
Hot/Cold Ratio Word - 40204 - 157 12 - - 4 204 - - N 1 99 1 - 1 %
Cooling Time Stopped Word - 40205 - 157 13 - - 4 205 - - N 1 1000 1 - 1 Mins
Cooling Time Running Word - 40206 - 157 14 - - 4 206 - - N 1 1000 1 - 1 Mins
Heating Time Word - 40207 - 157 15 - - 4 207 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 1 Mins
Minimise Reset Time Word F13 40208 - 157 16 - - 4 208 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Auto Overload Reset Word F13 40209 - 157 17 - - 4 209 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Load Incrse Alarm Level Word - 40212 - 157 20 - - 4 212 - - Y 1 200 1 - 0.01 Multiple FLC
Thermal OL Alarm Level Word - 40213 - 157 21 - - 4 213 - - Y 50 100 1 - 1 %
Thermal OL Start Inhibit Word F19 40475 - 158 27 - - 5 219 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST3.2: Mechanical
Acc Time Alarm Word - 40214 - 157 22 - - 4 214 - - Y 1 3000 1 - 0.1 Secs
Acc Time Trip Word - 40215 - 157 23 - - 4 215 - - Y 1 3000 1 - 0.1 Secs
Stalled Trip Level Word - 40216 - 157 24 - - 4 216 - - Y 11 50 1 - 0.1 Multiple FLC
Stalled Trip Delay Word - 40217 - 157 25 - - 4 217 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
U/P Alarm Level Word - 40218 - 157 26 - - 4 218 - - Y 1 100 1 - 1 % MR
U/P Alarm Delay Word - 40219 - 157 27 - - 4 219 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
U/P Trip Level Word - 40220 - 157 28 - - 4 220 - - Y 1 100 1 - 1 % MR
U/P Trip Delay Word - 40221 - 157 29 - - 4 221 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
U/P Inhibit Level Word - 40222 - 157 30 - - 4 222 - - Y 1 100 1 - 1 % MR
U/C Alrm Level Word - 40223 - 157 31 - - 4 223 - - Y 1 100 1 - 1 % FLC
U/C Alrm Delay Word - 40224 - 157 32 - - 4 224 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
U/C Trip Level Word - 40225 - 157 33 - - 4 225 - - Y 1 100 1 - 1 % FLC
U/C Trip Delay Word - 40226 - 157 34 - - 4 226 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
U/C Inhib Level Word - 40227 - 157 35 - - 4 227 - - Y 1 100 1 - 1 % FLC

ST3.3: Electrical
Fuse Fail Protection Word - 40201 - 157 9 - - 4 201 - - N 0 1 1 - 1 NONE
U/V Alrm Level Word - 40228 - 157 36 - - 4 228 - - Y 30 95 1 - 1 % NMV
U/V Alrm Delay Word - 40229 - 157 37 - - 4 229 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
U/V Trip Level Word - 40230 - 157 38 - - 4 230 - - Y 30 95 1 - 1 % NMV
U/V Trip Delay Word - 40231 - 157 39 - - 4 231 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
O/V Alarm Level Word - 40232 - 157 40 - - 4 232 - - Y 105 200 1 - 1 % NMV
O/V Alarm Delay Word - 40233 - 157 41 - - 4 233 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
O/V Trip Level Word - 40234 - 157 42 - - 4 234 - - Y 105 200 1 - 1 % NMV
O/V Trip Delay Word - 40235 - 157 43 - - 4 235 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
CBCT EF Alarm Level Word - 40236 - 157 44 - - 4 236 - - Y 1 65000 1 - 0.01 A
CBCT EF Alarm Delay Word - 40237 - 157 45 - - 4 237 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
CBCT EF Trip Level Word - 40238 - 157 46 - - 4 238 - - Y 1 65000 1 - 0.01 A
CBCT EF Trip Delay Word - 40239 - 157 47 - - 4 239 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
Res EF Alarm Level Word - 40240 - 157 48 - - 4 240 - - Y 10 100 1 - 1 % FLC
Res EF Alarm Delay Word - 40241 - 157 49 - - 4 241 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
Res EF Trip Level Word - 40242 - 157 50 - - 4 242 - - Y 10 100 1 - 1 % FLC
Res EF Trip Delay Word - 40243 - 157 51 - - 4 243 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
Startup EF Period Word - 40244 - 157 52 - - 4 244 - - Y 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
St Resid EF Alrm Lvl Word - 40245 - 157 53 - - 4 245 - - Y 10 100 1 - 1 % FLC
St Resid EF Alrm Dly Word - 40246 - 157 54 - - 4 246 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
St Resid EF Trip Lvl Word - 40247 - 157 55 - - 4 247 - - Y 10 100 1 - 1 % FLC
St Resid EF Trip Dly Word - 40248 - 157 56 - - 4 248 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
Curr Imb Alarm Level Word - 40249 - 157 57 - - 4 249 - - Y 5 100 1 - 1 %
Curr Imb Alarm Delay Word - 40250 - 157 58 - - 4 250 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
Curr Imb Trip Level Word - 40251 - 157 59 - - 4 251 - - Y 5 100 1 - 1 %
Curr Imb Trip Delay Word - 40252 - 157 60 - - 4 252 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
Volt Imb Alarm Level Word - 40253 - 157 61 - - 4 253 - - Y 10 100 1 - 1 %
Volt Imb Alarm Delay Word - 40254 - 157 62 - - 4 254 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs
Volt Imb Trip Level Word - 40255 - 157 63 - - 4 255 - - Y 10 100 1 - 1 %
Volt Imb Trip Delay Word - 40256 - 157 64 - - 5 0 - - N 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Secs

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max

ST3.4: Temperature
SCM Internal Temp Offset Word - 40257 - 157 65 - - 5 1 - - Y 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Deg C
SCM Temp Alarm Level Word - 40259 - 157 67 - - 5 3 - - Y 10 850 1 - 0.1 Deg C
SCM Temp Alarm Delay Word - 40260 - 157 68 - - 5 4 - - N 5 600 5 - 1 Secs
SCM Temp Trip Level Word - 40261 - 157 69 - - 5 5 - - Y 10 850 1 - 0.1 Deg C
SCM Temp Trip Delay Word - 40262 - 157 70 - - 5 6 - - N 5 600 5 - 1 Secs
DCM Internal Temp Offset Word - 40258 - 157 66 - - 5 2 - - Y 1 0x00FF 1 - 0.1 Deg C
DCM Temp Alarm Level Word - 40263 - 157 71 - - 5 7 - - Y 10 850 1 - 0.1 Deg C
DCM Temp Alarm Delay Word - 40264 - 157 72 - - 5 8 - - N 5 600 5 - 1 Secs
DCM Temp Trip Level Word - 40265 - 157 73 - - 5 9 - - Y 10 850 1 - 0.1 Deg C
DCM Temp Trip Delay Word - 40266 - 157 74 - - 5 10 - - N 5 600 5 - 1 Secs
Thermistor Setup Word F22 40267 - 157 75 - - 5 11 - - Y 0 2 - - 1 NONE
Thermistor Alarm Level Word - 40268 - 157 76 - - 5 12 - - Y 100 30000 1 - 1 Ohms
Thermistor Alarm Delay Word - 40269 - 157 77 - - 5 13 - - N 10 600 1 - 0.1 Secs
Thermistor Trip Level Word - 40270 - 157 78 - - 5 14 - - Y 100 30000 1 - 1 Ohms
Thermistor Trip Delay Word - 40271 - 157 79 - - 5 15 - - N 10 600 1 - 0.1 Secs
Thermistor Cable Fault Word F23 40484 - 158 36 - - 5 228 - - N 0 2 - - 1 NONE

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Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST4: Control
ST4.1: Process
Process Intlock A Name String - 40272 40281 157 80 157 89 5 16 5 25 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock A Healthy Word F24 40282 - 157 90 - - 5 26 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock A SO Word - 40283 - 157 91 - - 5 27 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock A RO Word - 40284 - 157 92 - - 5 28 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock A Mode Word F25 40285 - 157 93 - - 5 29 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock A Alrm Word F13 40286 - 157 94 - - 5 30 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock B Name String - 40287 40296 157 95 157 104 5 31 5 40 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock B Healthy Word F24 40297 - 157 105 - - 5 41 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock B SO Word - 40298 - 157 106 - - 5 42 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock B RO Word - 40299 - 157 107 - - 5 43 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock B Mode Word F25 40300 - 157 108 - - 5 44 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock B Alrm Word F13 40301 - 157 109 - - 5 45 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock C Name String - 40302 40311 157 110 157 119 5 46 5 55 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock C Healthy Word F24 40312 - 157 120 - - 5 56 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock C SO Word - 40313 - 157 121 - - 5 57 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock C RO Word - 40314 - 157 122 - - 5 58 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock C Mode Word F25 40315 - 157 123 - - 5 59 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock C Alarm Word F13 40316 - 157 124 - - 5 60 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock D Name String - 40317 40326 157 125 157 134 5 61 5 70 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock D Healthy Word F24 40327 - 157 135 - - 5 71 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock D SO Word - 40328 - 157 136 - - 5 72 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock D RO Word - 40329 - 157 137 - - 5 73 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock D Mode Word F25 40330 - 157 138 - - 5 74 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock D Alarm Word F13 40331 - 157 139 - - 5 75 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock E Name String - 40332 40341 157 140 157 149 5 76 5 85 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock E Healthy Word F24 40342 - 157 150 - - 5 86 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock E SO Word - 40343 - 157 151 - - 5 87 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock E RO Word - 40344 - 157 152 - - 5 88 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock E Mode Word F25 40345 - 157 153 - - 5 89 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock E Alarm Word F13 40346 - 157 154 - - 5 90 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock F Name String - 40347 40356 157 155 157 164 5 91 5 100 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock F Healthy Word F24 40357 - 157 165 - - 5 101 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock F SO Word - 40358 - 157 166 - - 5 102 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock F RO Word - 40359 - 157 167 - - 5 103 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock F Mode Word F25 40360 - 157 168 - - 5 104 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock F Alarm Word F13 40361 - 157 169 - - 5 105 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock G Name String - 40362 40371 157 170 157 179 5 106 5 115 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock G Healthy Word F24 40372 - 157 180 - - 5 116 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock G SO Word - 40373 - 157 181 - - 5 117 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock G RO Word - 40374 - 157 182 - - 5 118 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock G Mode Word F25 40375 - 157 183 - - 5 119 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock G Alarm Word F13 40376 - 157 184 - - 5 120 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock H Name String - 40377 40386 157 185 157 194 5 121 5 130 N 0 0 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock H Healthy Word F24 40387 - 157 195 - - 5 131 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock H SO Word - 40388 - 157 196 - - 5 132 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock H RO Word - 40389 - 157 197 - - 5 133 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 Secs
Process Intlock H Mode Word F25 40390 - 157 198 - - 5 134 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Process Intlock H Alarm Word F13 40391 - 157 199 - - 5 135 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
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Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST4.2: Start/Stop
Direct Control Word F13 40442 - 157 250 - - 5 186 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Field Control Word F13 40443 - 157 251 - - 5 187 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
MCC Control Word F13 40444 - 157 252 - - 5 188 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Serial Control Word F13 40445 - 157 253 - - 5 189 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
External Stop Mode Word F26 40446 - 157 254 - - 5 190 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Direct Stop Mode Word F26 40447 - 157 255 - - 5 191 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Field Stop Mode Word F26 40448 - 158 0 - - 5 192 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
MCC Stop Mode Word F26 40449 - 158 1 - - 5 193 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Serial Stop Mode Word F26 40450 - 158 2 - - 5 194 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Direct Stop Follow LOC Word F13 40451 - 158 3 - - 5 195 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Field Stop Follow LOC Word F13 40452 - 158 4 - - 5 196 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
MCC Stop Follow LOC Word F13 40453 - 158 5 - - 5 197 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Serial Stop Follow LOC Word F13 40454 - 158 6 - - 5 198 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Field Start 1 Mode Word F27 40455 - 158 7 - - 5 199 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Field Start 2 Mode Word F27 40456 - 158 8 - - 5 200 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Direct Start 1 Mode Word F27 40457 - 158 9 - - 5 201 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Direct Start 2 Mode Word F27 40458 - 158 10 - - 5 202 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Field Start 1 Trigger Word F28 40459 - 158 11 - - 5 203 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Field Start 2 Trigger Word F28 40460 - 158 12 - - 5 204 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Direct Start 1 Trigger Word F28 40461 - 158 13 - - 5 205 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Direct Start 2 Trigger Word F28 40462 - 158 14 - - 5 206 - - N 0 0x00FF - - 1 NONE
Serial Inhibit Word F13 40740 - 159 36 - - 6 228 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
ST4.3: U/V Restart
Under Voltage Function Word F13 40463 - 158 15 - - 5 207 - - N 0 3 - - 1 NONE
Under Voltage Dropout Word - 40464 - 158 16 - - 5 208 - - N 50 100 1 - 1 %
Under Voltage Pickup Word - 40465 - 158 17 - - 5 209 - - N 75 110 1 - 1 %
Immediate PL Time Word - 40466 - 158 18 - - 5 210 - - N 100 500 1 - 1 mS
Delayed PL 1 Time Word - 40467 - 158 19 - - 5 211 - - Y 5 6000 1 - 0.1 Secs
Delayed PL 2 Time Word - 40468 - 158 20 - - 5 212 - - Y 5 18000 1 - 0.1 Secs
PL 1 Delay Period Word - 40469 - 158 21 - - 5 213 - - N 1 3000 1 - 0.1 Secs
PL 2 Delay Period Word - 40470 - 158 22 - - 5 214 - - N 1 3000 1 - 0.1 Secs

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
ST5: Factory
Password Entry Word - 40492 - 158 44 - - 5 236 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Password 1 Word - 40493 - 158 45 - - 5 237 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Password 2 Word - 40494 - 158 46 - - 5 238 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Password 3 Word - 40495 - 158 47 - - 5 239 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Login Mode Word F29 40496 - 158 48 - - 5 240 - - N 0 4 - - 1 NONE
Test Mode Access Level Word - 40497 - 158 49 - - 5 241 - - N 0 3 - - 1 NONE
Auto/Manual Keys Word F13 40498 - 158 50 - - 5 242 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Trip LED Flash Word F13 40499 - 158 51 - - 5 243 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Run/Stop LED Colour Word F13 40500 - 158 52 - - 5 244 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
CAN Indicator Word F13 40501 - 158 53 - - 5 245 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
COMM Indicator Word F13 40502 - 158 54 - - 5 246 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
PMM Acceleration Level Word - 40503 - 158 55 - - 5 247 - - N 1 100 1 - 1 % FLC
PMM Acceleration Timeout Word - 40504 - 158 56 - - 5 248 - - Y 1 3600 1 - 1 Secs
PMM Comms Protection Word F30 40505 - 158 57 - - 5 249 - - N 0 2 - - 1 NONE
Default Page Type Word F31 40506 - 158 58 - - 5 250 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clear Timers Word F19 40508 - 158 60 - - 5 252 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clear Counters Word F19 40509 - 158 61 - - 5 253 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clear Energy Used Word F19 40510 - 158 62 - - 5 254 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Clock Hours Word - 40518 - 158 70 - - 6 6 - - N 0 23 - - 1 NONE
Clock Minutes Word - 40519 - 158 71 - - 6 7 - - N 0 59 - - 1 NONE
Clock Day Word - 40545 - 158 97 - - 6 33 - - N 1 31 - - 1 NONE
Clock Month Word - 40546 - 158 98 - - 6 34 - - N 1 12 - - 1 NONE
Clock Year Word - 40522 - 158 74 - - 6 10 - - N 2000 2099 - - 1 NONE
Lo Lvl Diagnostic Setup Word F32 40523 - 158 75 - - 6 11 - - N 0 5 - - 1 NONE
Backlight auto off time Word - 40524 - 158 76 - - 6 12 - - Y 50 65535 1 - 0.1 Secs
LCD Contrast (%) Word - 40525 - 158 77 - - 6 13 - - N 20 50 1 - 1 NONE
Dial Clicks per Step Word - 40526 - 158 78 - - 6 14 - - N 1 10 1 - 1 NONE
PMM Volts Cutoff Word - 40527 - 158 79 - - 6 15 - - Y 1 50 1 - 1 V
PMM Amps Cutoff Word - 40528 - 158 80 - - 6 16 - - Y 1 500 1 - 0.01 A
PMM Residual Cutoff Word - 40529 - 158 81 - - 6 17 - - Y 1 10000 1 - 0.01 A
SCM CBCT Cutoff Word - 40530 - 158 82 - - 6 18 - - Y 1 500 1 - 0.01 A
SCM VT Card Fitted Word F19 40531 - 158 83 - - 6 19 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Zero cross lost lock cycles Word - 40532 - 158 84 - - 6 20 - - N 2 100 1 - 1 NONE
PMM zero cross lock type Word F33 40533 - 158 85 - - 6 21 - - N 0 2 - - 1 NONE
Reset To Factory Defaults Word F19 40534 - 158 86 - - 6 22 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Auto Contrast Enabled Word F13 40538 - 158 90 - - 6 26 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Data card options Word F34 40539 - 158 91 - - 6 27 - - N 0 0xFF - - 1 NONE
Diag Lost Module Comms Word F32 40540 - 158 92 - - 6 28 - - N 0 5 - - 1 NONE
Clear PreTrip Values Word F19 40541 - 158 93 - - 6 29 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Interlocks in Test Mode Word F13 40542 - 158 94 - - 6 30 - - N 0 1 - - 1 NONE
Digital IP De-Bounce Word - 40543 - 158 95 - - 6 31 - - N 2 16 1 - 1 NONE
Digital IP max errors Word - 40544 - 158 96 - - 6 32 - - N 1 16 1 - 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG1: Alarms
None Word - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Welded Cont - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
Open Control Circuit - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
CBCT E/F - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
MB Comms Fail - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
External Stop - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
Ext Start 1 - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
Ext Start 2 - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Direct Stop - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Field Stop - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
MCC Stop - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Serial Stop - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
VSD FT Start - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
VSD FT Stop - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
VSD Fault - - 30082 - 117 130 - - 1 82 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
SCM Diag Word - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
DCM Diag - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
SCM Internal temp - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
DCM Internal temp - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
OCM Internal temp - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
Interlock A - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
Interlock B - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
Interlock C - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
Interlock D - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Interlock E - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Interlock F - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
Interlock G - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Interlock H - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30083 - 117 131 - - 1 83 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
RTM 1 Word - 30084 - 117 132 - - 1 84 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
RTM 2 - - 30084 - 117 132 - - 1 84 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
RTM 3 - - 30084 - 117 132 - - 1 84 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Profibus Link Fail - - 30084 - 117 132 - - 1 84 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30084 - 117 132 - - 1 84 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
Dnet Comms Fail - - 30084 - 117 132 - - 1 84 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
Under Current Word - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Under Power - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE

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Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG1: Alarms Cont…
Thermal Overload - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Stalled Rotor - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
Load Increase - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
Current Imbalance - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
Voltage Imbalance - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
Under Voltage - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
Over Voltage - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Residual Earth Fault - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Thermistor - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
PMM Diagnostic - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Acceleration - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
Thermistor OC - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
Thermistor SC - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30085 - 117 133 - - 1 85 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
RTD 1 Alarm Lo Word - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
RTD 2 Alarm Lo - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
RTD 3 Alarm Lo - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
RTD 4 Alarm Lo - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
RTD 5 Alarm Lo - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
RTD 6 Alarm Lo - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
RTD 7 Alarm Lo - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
RTD 8 Alarm Lo - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
RTD 1 Alarm Hi - - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
RTD 2 Alarm Hi - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
RTD 3 Alarm Hi - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
RTD 4 Alarm Hi - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
RTD 5 Alarm Hi - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
RTD 6 Alarm Hi - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
RTD 7 Alarm Hi - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
RTD 8 Alarm Hi - 30098 - 117 146 - - 1 98 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
Module Lost Comms Word 30587 - 119 123 - - 3 75 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Module Not Found - 30587 - 119 123 - - 3 75 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
SCM Stack Warning - 30587 - 119 123 - - 3 75 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
SCM CDT Trace - 30587 - 119 123 - - 3 75 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
SCM Trap Trace - 30587 - 119 123 - - 3 75 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
SCM Trip Trace - 30587 - 119 123 - - 3 75 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
PMM Stack Warning Word 30589 - 119 125 - - 3 77 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
PMM CDT Trace - 30589 - 119 125 - - 3 77 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
PMM Trap Trace - 30589 - 119 125 - - 3 77 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
PMM Trip Trace - 30589 - 119 125 - - 3 77 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE

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Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG2: Trips
None Word - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Open Control Circuit - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
CBCT Earth Fault - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
MB Comms Failure - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
External Stop - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
External Start Relay 1 - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
External Start Relay 2 - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Direct Stop - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Field Stop - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
MCC Stop - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Serial Stop - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
VSD Failed to Start - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
VSD Failed to Stop - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
VSD Fault - - 30086 - 117 134 - - 1 86 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
SCM Diagnostic Word - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
DCM Diagnostic - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
SCM Internal Temp - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
DCM Internal Temp - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
OCM Internal Temp - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
Interlock A - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
Interlock B - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
Interlock C - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
Interlock D - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Interlock E - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Interlock F - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
Interlock G - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Interlock H - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30087 - 117 135 - - 1 87 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
RTM1 Word - 30088 - 117 136 - - 1 88 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
RTM2 - - 30088 - 117 136 - - 1 88 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
RTM3 - - 30088 - 117 136 - - 1 88 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Under Current Word - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Under Power - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
Thermal Overload - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Stalled Rotor - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
Load Increase - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
Current Imbalance - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
Voltage Imbalance - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
Under Voltage - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG2: Trips Cont…
Over Voltage - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Residual Earth Fault - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Thermistor - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
PMM Diagnostic - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Acceleration - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
Thermistor OC - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
Thermistor SC - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30089 - 117 137 - - 1 89 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
RTD 1 Trip Lo Word - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
RTD 2 Trip Lo - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
RTD 3 Trip Lo - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
RTD 4 Trip Lo - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
RTD 5 Trip Lo - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
RTD 6 Trip Lo - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
RTD 7 Trip Lo - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
RTD 8 Trip Lo - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
RTD 1 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
RTD 2 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
RTD 3 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
RTD 4 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
RTD 5 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
RTD 6 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
RTD 7 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
RTD 8 Trip Hi - - 30092 - 117 140 - - 1 92 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
Module Lost Comms Word - 30588 - 119 124 - - 3 76 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
Module Not Found - - 30588 - 119 124 - - 3 76 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
SCM Stack Warning - - 30588 - 119 124 - - 3 76 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
SCM CDT Trace - - 30588 - 119 124 - - 3 76 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
SCM Trap Trace - - 30588 - 119 124 - - 3 76 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
SCM Trip Trace - - 30588 - 119 124 - - 3 76 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
PMM Stack Warning Word - 30590 - 119 126 - - 3 78 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
PMM CDT Trace - - 30590 - 119 126 - - 3 78 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
PMM Trap Trace - - 30590 - 119 126 - - 3 78 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
PMM Trip Trace - - 30590 - 119 126 - - 3 78 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG3: Unavailable Cause
None Word - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
No Feedback - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
No Starter Config - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Invalid Input - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
Tripped - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
Welded Cont - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
Direct Stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
Field Stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
MCC Stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Interlock A stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Interlock B stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
Interlock C stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Interlock D stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
Interlock E stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
Interlock F stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
Interlock G stop - - 30090 - 117 138 - - 1 90 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE
Interlock H stop Word - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE
2-wire FS Open - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 1 1 NONE
2-wire DS Open - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 2 1 NONE
Under voltage - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 3 1 NONE
U / V inhibit - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 4 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 5 1 NONE
Diag problem - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 6 1 NONE
Thermal Inhibit - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 7 1 NONE
Serial Inhibit - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 8 1 NONE
Max Start Inhibit - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 9 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 10 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 11 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 12 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 13 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 14 1 NONE
Reserved - - 30091 - 117 139 - - 1 91 - - N - - - 15 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Direct Additional Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Start End Start End Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG4: Event History
Event 0 Type Word F41 30217 - 118 9 - - 1 217 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 0 Time Stamp Long Word - 30218 30219 118 10 118 11 1 218 1 219 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 0 Date Stamp Word - 30220 - 118 12 - - 1 220 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 1 Type Word F41 30222 - 118 14 - - 1 222 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 1 Time Stamp Long Word - 30223 30224 118 15 118 16 1 223 1 224 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 1 Date Stamp Word - 30225 - 118 17 - - 1 225 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 2 Type Word F41 30227 - 118 19 - - 1 227 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 2 Time Stamp Long Word - 30228 30229 118 20 118 21 1 228 1 229 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 2 Date Stamp Word - 30230 - 118 22 - - 1 230 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 3 Type Word F41 30232 - 118 24 - - 1 232 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 3 Time Stamp Long Word - 30233 30234 118 25 118 26 1 233 1 234 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 3 Date Stamp Word - 30235 - 118 27 - - 1 235 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 4 Type Word F41 30237 - 118 29 - - 1 237 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 4 Time Stamp Long Word - 30238 30239 118 30 118 31 1 238 1 239 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 4 Date Stamp Word - 30240 - 118 32 - - 1 240 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 5 Type Word F41 30242 - 118 34 - - 1 242 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 5 Time Stamp Long Word - 30243 30244 118 35 118 36 1 243 1 244 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 5 Date Stamp Word - 30245 - 118 37 - - 1 245 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 6 Type Word F41 30247 - 118 39 - - 1 247 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 6 Time Stamp Long Word - 30248 30249 118 40 118 41 1 248 1 249 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 6 Date Stamp Word - 30250 - 118 42 - - 1 250 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 7 Type Word F41 30252 - 118 44 - - 1 252 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 7 Time Stamp Long Word - 30253 30254 118 45 118 46 1 253 1 254 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 7 Date Stamp Word - 30255 - 118 47 - - 1 255 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 8 Type Word F41 30257 - 118 49 - - 2 1 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 8 Time Stamp Long Word - 30258 30259 118 50 118 51 2 2 2 3 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 8 Date Stamp Word - 30260 - 118 52 - - 2 4 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 9 Type Word F41 30262 - 118 54 - - 2 6 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 9 Time Stamp Long Word - 30263 30264 118 55 118 56 2 7 2 8 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 9 Date Stamp Word - 30265 - 118 57 - - 2 9 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 10 Type Word F41 30267 - 118 59 - - 2 11 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 10 Time Stamp Long Word - 30268 30269 118 60 118 61 2 12 2 13 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 10 Date Stamp Word - 30270 - 118 62 - - 2 14 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 11 Type Word F41 30272 - 118 64 - - 2 16 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 11 Time Stamp Long Word - 30273 30274 118 65 118 66 2 17 2 18 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 11 Date Stamp Word - 30275 - 118 67 - - 2 19 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 12 Type Word F41 30277 - 118 69 - - 2 21 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 12 Time Stamp Long Word - 30278 30279 118 70 118 71 2 22 2 23 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 12 Date Stamp Word - 30280 - 118 72 - - 2 24 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 13 Type Word F41 30282 - 118 74 - - 2 26 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 13 Time Stamp Long Word - 30283 30284 118 75 118 76 2 27 2 28 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 13 Date Stamp Word - 30285 - 118 77 - - 2 29 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 14 Type Word F41 30287 - 118 79 - - 2 31 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 14 Time Stamp Long Word - 30288 30289 118 80 118 81 2 32 2 33 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 14 Date Stamp Word - 30290 - 118 82 - - 2 34 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 15 Type Word F41 30292 - 118 84 - - 2 36 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 15 Time Stamp Long Word - 30293 30294 118 85 118 86 2 37 2 38 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 15 Date Stamp Word - 30295 - 118 87 - - 2 39 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Can Be Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG4: Event History Cont…
Event 16 Type Word F41 30297 - 118 89 - - 2 41 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 16 Time Stamp Long Word - 30298 30299 118 90 118 91 2 42 2 43 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 16 Date Stamp Word - 30300 - 118 92 - - 2 44 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 17 Type Word F41 30302 - 118 94 - - 2 46 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 17 Time Stamp Long Word - 30303 30304 118 95 118 96 2 47 2 48 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 17 Date Stamp Word - 30305 - 118 97 - - 2 49 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 18 Type Word F41 30307 - 118 99 - - 2 51 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 18 Time Stamp Long Word - 30308 30309 118 100 118 101 2 52 2 53 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 18 Date Stamp Word - 30310 - 118 102 - - 2 54 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 19 Type Word F41 30312 - 118 104 - - 2 56 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 19 Time Stamp Long Word - 30313 30314 118 105 118 106 2 57 2 58 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 19 Date Stamp Word - 30315 - 118 107 - - 2 59 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 20 Type Word F41 30317 - 118 109 - - 2 61 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 20 Time Stamp Long Word - 30318 30319 118 110 118 111 2 62 2 63 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 20 Date Stamp Word - 30320 - 118 112 - - 2 64 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 21 Type Word F41 30322 - 118 114 - - 2 66 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 21 Time Stamp Long Word - 30323 30324 118 115 118 116 2 67 2 68 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 21 Date Stamp Word - 30325 - 118 117 - - 2 69 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 22 Type Word F41 30327 - 118 119 - - 2 71 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 22 Time Stamp Long Word - 30328 30329 118 120 118 121 2 72 2 73 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 22 Date Stamp Word - 30330 - 118 122 - - 2 74 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 23 Type Word F41 30332 - 118 124 - - 2 76 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 23 Time Stamp Long Word - 30333 30334 118 125 118 126 2 77 2 78 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 23 Date Stamp Word - 30335 - 118 127 - - 2 79 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 24 Type Word F41 30337 - 118 129 - - 2 81 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 24 Time Stamp Long Word - 30338 30339 118 130 118 131 2 82 2 83 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 24 Date Stamp Word - 30340 - 118 132 - - 2 84 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 25 Type Word F41 30342 - 118 134 - - 2 86 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 25 Time Stamp Long Word - 30343 30344 118 135 118 136 2 87 2 88 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 25 Date Stamp Word - 30345 - 118 137 - - 2 89 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 26 Type Word F41 30347 - 118 139 - - 2 91 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 26 Time Stamp Long Word - 30348 30349 118 140 118 141 2 92 2 93 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 26 Date Stamp Word - 30350 - 118 142 - - 2 94 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 27 Type Word F41 30352 - 118 144 - - 2 96 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 27 Time Stamp Long Word - 30353 30354 118 145 118 146 2 97 2 98 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 27 Date Stamp Word - 30355 - 118 147 - - 2 99 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 28 Type Word F41 30357 - 118 149 - - 2 101 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 28 Time Stamp Long Word - 30358 30359 118 150 118 151 2 102 2 103 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 28 Date Stamp Word - 30360 - 118 152 - - 2 104 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 29 Type Word F41 30362 - 118 154 - - 2 106 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 29 Time Stamp Long Word - 30363 30364 118 155 118 156 2 107 2 108 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 29 Date Stamp Word - 30365 - 118 157 - - 2 109 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Can Be Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG4: Event History Cont…
Event 30 Type Word F41 30367 - 118 159 - - 2 111 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 30 Time Stamp Long Word - 30368 30369 118 160 118 161 2 112 2 113 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 30 Date Stamp Word - 30370 - 118 162 - - 2 114 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 31 Type Word F41 30372 - 118 164 - - 2 116 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 31 Time Stamp Long Word - 30373 30374 118 165 118 166 2 117 2 118 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 31 Date Stamp Word - 30375 - 118 167 - - 2 119 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 32 Type Word F41 30377 - 118 169 - - 2 121 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 32 Time Stamp Long Word - 30378 30379 118 170 118 171 2 122 2 123 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 32 Date Stamp Word - 30380 - 118 172 - - 2 124 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 33 Type Word F41 30382 - 118 174 - - 2 126 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 33 Time Stamp Long Word - 30383 30384 118 175 118 176 2 127 2 128 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 33 Date Stamp Word - 30385 - 118 177 - - 2 129 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 34 Type Word F41 30387 - 118 179 - - 2 131 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 34 Time Stamp Long Word - 30388 30389 118 180 118 181 2 132 2 133 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 34 Date Stamp Word - 30390 - 118 182 - - 2 134 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 35 Type Word F41 30392 - 118 184 - - 2 136 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 35 Time Stamp Long Word - 30393 30394 118 185 118 186 2 137 2 138 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 35 Date Stamp Word - 30395 - 118 187 - - 2 139 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 36 Type Word F41 30397 - 118 189 - - 2 141 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 36 Time Stamp Long Word - 30398 30399 118 190 118 191 2 142 2 143 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 36 Date Stamp Word - 30400 - 118 192 - - 2 144 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 37 Type Word F41 30402 - 118 194 - - 2 146 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 37 Time Stamp Long Word - 30403 30404 118 195 118 196 2 147 2 148 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 37 Date Stamp Word - 30405 - 118 197 - - 2 149 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 38 Type Word F41 30407 - 118 199 - - 2 151 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 38Time Stamp Long Word - 30408 30409 118 200 118 201 2 152 2 153 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 38 Date Stamp Word - 30410 - 118 202 - - 2 154 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 39 Type Word F41 30412 - 118 204 - - 2 156 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 39 Time Stamp Long Word - 30413 30414 118 205 118 206 2 157 2 158 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 39 Date Stamp Word - 30415 - 118 207 - - 2 159 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 40 Type Word F41 30417 - 118 209 - - 2 161 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 40 Time Stamp Long Word - 30418 30419 118 210 118 211 2 162 2 163 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 40 Date Stamp Word - 30420 - 118 212 - - 2 164 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 41 Type Word F41 30422 - 118 214 - - 2 166 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 41 Time Stamp Long Word - 30423 30424 118 215 118 216 2 167 2 168 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 41 Date Stamp Word - 30425 - 118 217 - - 2 169 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 42 Type Word F41 30427 - 118 219 - - 2 171 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 42 Time Stamp Long Word - 30428 30429 118 220 118 221 2 172 2 173 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 42 Date Stamp Word - 30430 - 118 222 - - 2 174 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 43 Type Word F41 30432 - 118 224 - - 2 176 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 43 Time Stamp Long Word - 30433 30434 118 225 118 226 2 177 2 178 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 43 Date Stamp Word - 30435 - 118 227 - - 2 179 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 44 Type Word F41 30437 - 118 229 - - 2 181 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 44 Time Stamp Long Word - 30438 30439 118 230 118 231 2 182 2 183 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 44 Date Stamp Word - 30440 - 118 232 - - 2 184 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Can Be Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG4: Event History Cont…
Event 45 Type Word F41 30442 - 118 234 - - 2 186 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 45 Time Stamp Long Word - 30443 30444 118 235 118 236 2 187 2 188 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 45 Date Stamp Word - 30445 - 118 237 - - 2 189 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 46 Type Word F41 30447 - 118 239 - - 2 191 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 46 Time Stamp Long Word - 30448 30449 118 240 118 241 2 192 2 193 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 46 Date Stamp Word - 30450 - 118 242 - - 2 194 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 47 Type Word F41 30452 - 118 244 - - 2 196 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 47 Time Stamp Long Word - 30453 30454 118 245 118 246 2 197 2 198 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 47 Date Stamp Word - 30455 - 118 247 - - 2 199 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 48 Type Word F41 30457 - 118 249 - - 2 201 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 48 Time Stamp Long Word - 30458 30459 118 250 118 251 2 202 2 203 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 48 Date Stamp Word - 30460 - 118 252 - - 2 204 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 49 Type Word F41 30462 - 118 254 - - 2 206 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 49 Time Stamp Long Word - 30463 30464 118 255 119 0 2 207 2 208 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 49 Date Stamp Word - 30465 - 119 1 - - 2 209 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 50 Type Word F41 30467 - 119 3 - - 2 211 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 50 Time Stamp Long Word - 30468 30469 119 4 119 5 2 212 2 213 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 50 Date Stamp Word - 30470 - 119 6 - - 2 214 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 51 Type Word F41 30472 - 119 8 - - 2 216 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 51 Time Stamp Long Word - 30473 30474 119 9 119 10 2 217 2 218 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 51 Date Stamp Word - 30475 - 119 11 - - 2 219 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 52 Type Word F41 30477 - 119 13 - - 2 221 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 52 Time Stamp Long Word - 30478 30479 119 14 119 15 2 222 2 223 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 52 Date Stamp Word - 30480 - 119 16 - - 2 224 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 53 Type Word F41 30482 - 119 18 - - 2 226 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 53 Time Stamp Long Word - 30483 30484 119 19 119 20 2 227 2 228 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 53 Date Stamp Word - 30485 - 119 21 - - 2 229 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 54 Type Word F41 30487 - 119 23 - - 2 231 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 54 Time Stamp Long Word - 30488 30489 119 24 119 25 2 232 2 233 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 54 Date Stamp Word - 30490 - 119 26 - - 2 234 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 55 Type Word F41 30492 - 119 28 - - 2 236 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 55 Time Stamp Long Word - 30493 30493 119 29 119 29 2 237 2 237 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Can Be Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG4: Event History Cont…
Event 55 Date Stamp Word - 30494 - 119 30 - - 2 238 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 56 Type Word F41 30497 - 119 33 - - 2 241 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 56 Time Stamp Long Word - 30498 30499 119 34 119 35 2 242 2 243 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 56 Date Stamp Word - 30500 - 119 36 - - 2 244 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 57 Type Word F41 30502 - 119 38 - - 2 246 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 57 Time Stamp Long Word - 30503 30504 119 39 119 40 2 247 2 248 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 57 Date Stamp Word - 30505 - 119 41 - - 2 249 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 58 Type Word F41 30507 - 119 43 - - 2 251 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 58 Time Stamp Long Word - 30508 30509 119 44 119 45 2 252 2 253 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 58 Date Stamp Word - 30510 - 119 46 - - 2 254 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 59 Type Word F41 30512 - 119 48 - - 3 0 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 59 Time Stamp Long Word - 30513 30514 119 49 119 50 3 1 3 2 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 59 Date Stamp Word - 30515 - 119 51 - - 3 3 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 60 Type Word F41 30517 - 119 53 - - 3 5 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 60 Time Stamp Long Word - 30518 30519 119 54 119 55 3 6 3 7 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 60 Date Stamp Word - 30520 - 119 56 - - 3 8 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 61 Type Word F41 30522 - 119 58 - - 3 10 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 61 Time Stamp Long Word - 30523 30524 119 59 119 60 3 11 3 12 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 61 Date Stamp Word - 30525 - 119 61 - - 3 13 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 62 Type Word F41 30527 - 119 63 - - 3 15 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 62 Time Stamp Long Word - 30528 30529 119 64 119 65 3 16 3 17 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 62 Date Stamp Word - 30530 - 119 66 - - 3 18 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 63 Type Word F41 30532 - 119 68 - - 3 20 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 63 Time Stamp Long Word - 30533 30534 119 69 119 70 3 21 3 22 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Event 63 Date Stamp Word - 30535 - 119 71 - - 3 23 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE

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Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Scale Units
Format Direct Additional Can Be Value Position
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG5: Timers and Counters
Thermal Cpcty Last St Word - 30112 - 117 160 - - 1 112 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 %
Energy Used Long Word - 30113 30114 117 161 117 162 1 113 1 114 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 kW Hrs
Total Running Time Long Word - 30115 30116 117 163 117 164 1 115 1 116 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 Hrs
Session Running Time Long Word - 30117 30118 117 165 117 166 1 117 1 118 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 Hrs
Total Stopped Time Long Word - 30119 30120 117 167 117 168 1 119 1 120 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 Hrs
PD Offset Time Long Word - 30121 30122 117 169 117 170 1 121 1 122 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 mS
No of Start A Long Word - 30123 30124 117 171 117 172 1 123 1 124 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
No of Start B Long Word - 30125 30126 117 173 117 174 1 125 1 126 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Total No of Trips Word - 30127 - 117 175 - - 1 127 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
No of CBCT EF Trips Word - 30128 - 117 176 - - 1 128 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
No of Resid EF Trips Word - 30129 - 117 177 - - 1 129 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Acceleration Trip Count Word - 30130 - 117 178 - - 1 130 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Undr Current Trip Count Word - 30131 - 117 179 - - 1 131 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Undr Power Trip Count Word - 30132 - 117 180 - - 1 132 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Serial Trip Count Word - 30133 - 117 181 - - 1 133 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Direct Trip Count Word - 30134 - 117 182 - - 1 134 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
MCC Trip Count Word - 30135 - 117 183 - - 1 135 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Field Trip Count Word - 30136 - 117 184 - - 1 136 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Extrnl Stop Trip Count Word - 30137 - 117 185 - - 1 137 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Stalled Rotor Trip Count Word - 30139 - 117 187 - - 1 139 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Comms Fail Trip Count Word - 30140 - 117 188 - - 1 140 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int A Trip Count Word - 30141 - 117 189 - - 1 141 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int B Trip Count Word - 30142 - 117 190 - - 1 142 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int C Trip Count Word - 30143 - 117 191 - - 1 143 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int D Trip Count Word - 30144 - 117 192 - - 1 144 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int E Trip Count Word - 30145 - 117 193 - - 1 145 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int F Trip Count Word - 30146 - 117 194 - - 1 146 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int G Trip Count Word - 30147 - 117 195 - - 1 147 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Process Int H Trip Count Word - 30148 - 117 196 - - 1 148 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Thermal OL Trip Count Word - 30149 - 117 197 - - 1 149 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Current Imb Trip Count Word - 30150 - 117 198 - - 1 150 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Under Voltage Trip Count Word - 30151 - 117 199 - - 1 151 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Over Voltage Trip Count Word - 30152 - 117 200 - - 1 152 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
SCM Temp Trip Count Word - 30156 - 117 204 - - 1 156 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
DCM Temp Trip Count Word - 30157 - 117 205 - - 1 157 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
OCM Temp Trip Count Word - 30158 - 117 206 - - 1 158 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Thermistor Trip Count Word - 30159 - 117 207 - - 1 159 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Voltage Imb Trip Count Word - 30160 - 117 208 - - 1 160 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Powerdown Time Long Word - 30165 30166 117 213 117 214 1 165 1 166 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Dnet Fail Trip Count Word - 30167 - 117 215 - - 1 167 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Energy Accum (Pulse O/P) (KWHr) Long Word - 30178 30179 117 226 117 227 1 178 1 179 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE

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Modbus Address Profibus Address Data Range
Data Step Bit
MM6 Menu Description Data Type Direct Additional Scale Units
Format Value Position
Start End Start End Can Be
Start End Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset Slot Offset OFF? Min Max
DG7: Factory
Product Code Word - 30001 - 117 49 - - 1 1 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Serial Number Word - 30002 - 117 50 - - 1 2 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CDT Version Word - 30003 - 117 51 - - 1 3 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Core Version Word - 30004 - 117 52 - - 1 4 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Current Time Long Word - 30006 30007 117 54 117 55 1 6 1 7 N 0 0xFFFFFFFF - - 1 NONE
Current Date Word - 30008 - 117 56 - - 1 8 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Module Input Status Word - 30021 - 117 69 - - 1 21 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
MCC Control Request Word - 30073 - 117 121 - - 1 73 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Module Health Word - 30076 - 117 124 - - 1 76 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Active Modules Word - 30077 - 117 125 - - 1 77 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
PMM VT locked channel Word - 30078 - 117 126 - - 1 78 - - N 0 3 - - 1 NONE
PMM Status Word F35 30079 - 117 127 - - 1 79 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Bootloader Version Word - 30181 - 117 229 - - 1 181 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 0 Type Word F36 30182 - 117 230 - - 1 182 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 0 Serial Num Word - 30183 - 117 231 - - 1 183 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 0 State Word F37 30185 - 117 233 - - 1 185 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 1 Type Word F36 30186 - 117 234 - - 1 186 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 1 Serial Num Word - 30187 - 117 235 - - 1 187 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 1 State Word F37 30189 - 117 237 - - 1 189 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 2 Type Word F36 30190 - 117 238 - - 1 190 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 2 Serial Num Word - 30191 - 117 239 - - 1 191 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 2 State Word F37 30193 - 117 241 - - 1 193 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 3 Type Word F36 30194 - 117 242 - - 1 194 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 3 Serial Num Word - 30195 - 117 243 - - 1 195 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 3 State Word F37 30197 - 117 245 - - 1 197 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 4 Type Word F36 30198 - 117 246 - - 1 198 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 4 Serial Num Word - 30199 - 117 247 - - 1 199 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CAN Slot 4 State Word F37 30201 - 117 249 - - 1 201 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
Core Revision Word - 30555 - 119 91 - - 3 43 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
CDT Revision Word - 30556 - 119 92 - - 3 44 - - N 0 0xFFFF - - 1 NONE
DNET Actual Baud Rate Word F18 30597 - 119 133 - - 3 85 - - N 0 2 - 0 1 NONE
DNET Network Status Word F38 30598 - 119 134 - - 3 86 - - N 0 6 - 0 1 NONE
DNET IO Con Status Word F39 30599 - 119 135 - - 3 87 - - N 0 5 - 0 1 NONE
DNET Exp Con Status Word F39 30600 - 119 136 - - 3 88 - - N 0 5 - 0 1 NONE
MODBUS Comms Status Word F40 30603 - 119 139 - - 3 91 - - N 0 0xFFFF - 0 1 NONE

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 209 of 222
Appendix 5: Format Codes
Code Value Description Code Value Description
F1 Motor Status F2 Active Alarm Cont…
0 = Stopped 58 = Thermistor
1 = Change Over 59 = PMM Diagnostic
2 = Stopping 60 = Acceleration
3 = Accelerating 61 = Thermistor Open Circuit
4 = Running 62 = Thermistor Short Circuit
5 = Running Forward F3 Active Trip
6 = Running Reverse 0 = None
7 = Running Low 1 = Welded Contactor
8 = Running High 2 = Open Control Circuit
9 = Running Star 3 = Fuse Fail Protection
10 = Running Delta 4 = CBCT Earth Fault
F2 Active Alarm 5 = Comms Fail
0 = None 6 = External Stop
1 = Welded Contactor 7 = External Start 1
2 = Open Control Circuit 8 = External Start 2
4 = CBCT Earth Fault 9 = Direct Stop
5 = Comms Fail 10 = Field Stop
6 = External Stop 11 = MCC Stop
7 = External Start 1 12 = Serial Stop
8 = External Start 2 13 = VSD Fail To Start
9 = Direct Stop 14 = VSD Fail To Stop
10 = Field Stop 15 = VSD Fault
11 = MCC Stop 16 = SCM Diagnostic
12 = Serial Stop 17 = DCM Diagnostic
13 = VSD Fail To Start 18 = SCM Internal Temp
14 = VSD Fail To Stop 19 = DCM Internal Temp
15 = VSD Fault 20 = OCM Internal Temp
16 = SCM Diagnostic 21 = Interlock A
17 = DCM Diagnostic 22 = Interlock B
18 = SCM Internal Temp 23 = Interlock C
19 = DCM Internal Temp 24 = Interlock D
20 = OCM Internal Temp 25 = Interlock E
21 = Interlock A 26 = Interlock F
22 = Interlock B 27 = Interlock G
23 = Interlock C 28 = Interlock H
24 = Interlock D 31 = PMM Lost Comms
25 = Interlock E 32 = RTM1
26 = Interlock F 33 = RTM2
27 = Interlock G 34 = RTM3
28 = Interlock H 35 = Profibus Link Fail
31 = PMM Lost Comms 37 = Dnet Link Fail
32 = RTM1 48 = Under Current
33 = RTM2 49 = Under Power
34 = RTM3 50 = Thermal O/L
35 = Profibus Link Fail 51 = Stalled Rotor
37 = Dnet Link Fail 52 = Load Increase
48 = Under Current 53 = Current Imbalance
49 = Under Power 54 = Voltage Imbalance
50 = Thermal O/L 55 = Under Voltage
51 = Stalled Rotor 56 = Over Voltage
52 = Load Increase 57 = Residual Earth Fault
53 = Current Imbalance 58 = Thermistor
54 = Voltage Imbalance 59 = PMM Diagnostic
55 = Under Voltage 60 = Acceleration
56 = Over Voltage 61 = Thermistor Open Circuit
57 = Residual Earth Fault 62 = Thermistor Short Circuit

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Code Value Description Code Value Description
F4 Unavailable Cause F6 Digital Inputs Cont…
0 = None 11 = Direct Start 2
1 = No Feedback 12 = Field Start 1
2 = No Starter Configuration 13 = Field Start 2
3 = Invalid Input 14 = Relay 1 Status
4 = Tripped 15 = Relay 2 Status
5 = Welded Contactor 16 = Relay 1 Inhibit
6 = Direct Stop 17 = Relay 2 Inhibit
7 = Field Stop 18 = Auto/Man
8 = MCC Stop 19 = Setpoint Input
9 = Interlock A stop 20 = Process Itlk A
10 = Interlock B stop 21 = Process Itlk B
11 = Interlock C stop 22 = Process Itlk C
12 = Interlock D stop 23 = Process Itlk D
13 = Interlock E stop 24 = Process Itlk E
14 = Interlock F stop 25 = Process Itlk F
15 = Interlock G stop 26 = Process Itlk G
16 = Interlock H stop 27 = Process Itlk H
17 = 2-wire FS Open F7 Relay Outputs
18 = 2-wire DS Open 0 = De-Energised
19 = Under Voltage 1 = Energised
20 = U / V Inhibit F8 Comms Protocol
21 = Reserved 0 = Modbus Std
22 = Diagnostic Condition 1 = Modbus Ehd
23 = Thermal Inhibit F9 Modbus Baud Rate
24 = Serial Inhibit 0 = 9600
25 = Max Start/Start Interval Inhibit 1 = 19200
F5 Active Control Modes 2 = 38400
0 = None 3 = 57600
1 = Direct 4 = 115200
2 = Field
3 = Direct : Field F10 Output Relay Setup
4 = MCC 0 = Not Assigned
5 = Direct : MCC 1 = Programmable
6 = Field : MCC F11 Output Relay Function
7 = Direct : Field : MCC 0 = Not Assigned
8 = Serial 1 = Available
9 = Direct : Serial 2 = Avail Auto
10 = Field : Serial 3 = Avail Auto-Serial
11 = Direct : Field : Serial 4 = Avail Auto-Direct
12 = MCC : Serial 5 = Avail Manual
13 = Direct : MCC : Serial 6 = Avail Man-MCC
14 = Field : MCC : Serial 7 = Avail Man-Field
15 = Direct : Field : MCC : Serial 8 = Follow Input
F6 Digital Inputs 9 = Acc KWHr Pulse
0 = Not Assigned 10 = Tripped
1 = Field Stop 11 = Alarmed
2 = Direct Stop 12 = Specific Trip
3 = Trip Reset 13 = Specific Alarm
4 = Lockout Reset 14 = Follow Input
5 = Test Mode 15 = Pre-Contactor
6 = Serial Permissive 16 = Post-Contactor
7 = Field Permissive
8 = Direct Permissive
9 = MCC Permissive

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Code Value Description Code Value Description
F12 CBCT Input F27 Start Mode
0 = Disabled 0 = 3 Wire
1 = Ratio 2000:1 1 = 2 Wire
2 = Ratio 4000:1 F28 Start Trigger
F13 Enabled/Disabled Option 0 = Edge
0 = Disabled 1 = Level
1 = Enabled F29 Login Mode
F14 PMM CT Connection 0 = Default
0 = Pass thru CTM 1 = Test Mode
1 = 1A CTM 2 = Setpoint Input
F15 SCM VT Input 3 = TMode or SP INP
0 = Direct L-N 4 = Comms Only
1 = External VT F30 PMM Comms Protection
F16 SCM Supply Input 0 = No Protection
0 = AC 1 = Alarm
1 = DC 2 = Alarm and Trip
F17 PMM VT Connection F31 Default Page Type
0 = Direct : L-L 0 = Digital
1 = Direct : L-N 1 = Analogue
2 = VT : L-L F32 Diagnostic Setup
3 = VT : L-N 0 = Disabled
F18 DeviceNet Baud Rate 1 = Log
0 = 125K 2 = Alarm
1 = 250K 3 = Trip
2 = 500K 4 = Alarm and Log
F19 Yes/No Option 5 = Trip and Log
0 = No F33 PMM Zero Cross Lock Type
1 = Yes 0 = Lock to all
F20 Starter Type 1 = Lock to VT only
0 = None 2 = Lock to CT only
1 = DOL F34 Data Card Options
2 = DOLR 0 = Off
3 = Two Speed 1 = Read
4 = Star Delta 2 = Save setpoints
5 = VSD F35 PMM Status
6 = Circuit Breaker 0 = Stopped
F21 Nominal Frequency 1 = Accelerating
0 = 50Hz 2 = Running
1 = 60Hz 4 = Stopped:Closed
F22 Thermistor Setup 5 = Accel:Closed
0 = OFF 6 = Running:Closed
1 = NTC 8 = Stopped:Tripped
2 = PTC 9 = Accel:Tripped
F23 Thermistor Cable Fault 10 = Running:Tripped
0 = Disabled 16 = No PMM
1 = Alarm F36 CAN Slot Type
2 = Trip 0 = No Module
F24 Process Interlock Healthy 1 = PMM
0 = Open 2 = RTM
1 = Closed 4 = AIM
F25 Process Interlock Mode 8 = DIM
0 = Stop 16 = DCM
1 = Trip 32 = OCP
F26 Stop Mode
0 = Unlatched
1 = Latched

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Code Value Description Code Value Description
F37 CAN Slot State F41 Event Codes Cont…
0 = Ok 121 = CDT:Defaulted (CDT ver)
1 = !TX 122 = CDT:Defaulted (CDT rev)
2 = !RX 123 = CDT:Invalid Serial Inhibit Event
3 = !TX !RX 131 = Direct Control Disabled
4 = TO 132 = Field Control Disabled
5 = !TX TO 133 = MCC Control Disabled
6 = !RX TO 134 = Serial Control Disabled
7 = !TX !RX TO 135 = Auto/Manual Keys Disabled
F40 MODBUS Comms Status 136 = Auto/Manual Keys Overridden
MSG:Total module count exceeds
0 = Non Exist 234 = max
1 = Established 267 = PSU:Mains supply power failure
PSU:Internal +24V supply out of
2 = Timed Out 268 = range
PSU:External +24V supply out of
3 = Failed 269 = range
F41 Event Codes 270 = PSU:-5V supply out of range
18 = Cold Boot 286 = Direct Start 1 - Denied
19 = Warm Boot 287 = Direct Start 1
20 = Watchdog Timeout 288 = Direct Start 2 - Denied
21 = CAN: Stuff Error 289 = Direct Start 2
22 = CAN: Form Error 290 = Direct Stop - Denied
23 = CAN: Acknowledge Error 291 = Direct Stop
24 = CAN: Bit 1 Error 292 = Field Start 1 - Denied
25 = CAN: Bit 0 Error 293 = Field Start 1
26 = CAN: CRC Error 294 = Field Start 2 - Denied
27 = CAN: Warning level exceeded 295 = Field Start 2
28 = CAN: Bus off 296 = Field Stop - Denied
44 = DNET: Stuff Error 297 = Field Stop
45 = DNET: Form Error 298 = MCC Start 1 - Denied
46 = DNET: Acknowledge Error 299 = MCC Start 1
47 = DNET: Bit 1 Error 300 = MCC Start 2 - Denied
48 = DNET: Bit 0 Error 301 = MCC Start 2
49 = DNET: CRC Error 302 = MCC Stop - Denied
50 = DNET: Warning level exceeded 303 = MCC Stop
51 = DNET: Bus off 304 = Serial Start 1 - Denied
CAN SCM:Prev registered module
58 = not known 305 = Serial Start 1
CAN SCM:Msg received from
59 = unregistered module 306 = Serial Start 2 - Denied
91 = CDT:Value is out of range 307 = Serial Start 2
95 = CDT:Memory allocation failed 308 = Serial Stop - Denied
97 = CDT:Invalid event received 309 = Serial Stop
118 = CDT:Invalid IO area specifid 310 = 2 Wire Field Inhibit
119 = CDT:Defaulted (Model changed) 311 = 2 Wire Direct Inhibit
120 = CDT:Defaulted (FW version) 312 = Motor Unavailable
313 = DRV: Configuration Conflict

Code Value Description Code Value Description

F41 Event Codes Cont… F41 Event Codes Cont…
314 = Delayed Start Relay 1 371 = Login Mode set to Test Mode
315 = Delayed Start Relay 2 372 = Login Mode set to Setpoint Input

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317 = Pre Contactor Start B 375 Alarm Active: Open Control Circuit
318 = Post Contactor 1 Energise 377 Alarm Active: CBCT Earth Fault
319 = Post Contactor 2 Energise 378 Alarm Active: Comms Fail
320 = Post Contactor 3 Energise 379 Alarm Active: Ext Stop
321 = Post Contactor 1 De-Energise 380 Alarm Active: Ext Start 1
322 = Post Contactor 2 De-Energise 381 Alarm Active: Ext Start 2
323 = Post Contactor 3 De-Energise 382 Alarm Active: Direct Stop
324 = Trip Still Active 383 Alarm Active: Field Stop
325 = Reset Failed - Lockout Active 384 Alarm Active: MCC Stop
326 = Lockout Still Active 385 Alarm Active: Serial Stop
327 = Stop inhibited by LOC 386 Alarm Active: VSD Start Fail
328 = Active FLC Invalid 387 Alarm Active: VSD Stop Fail
329 = Update Failed: Drive Running 388 Alarm Active: VSD Fault
330 = DRV: Relay 1 Configured 389 Alarm Active: SCM Diag
331 = DRV: Relay 2 Configured 390 Alarm Active: DCM Diag
332 = DRV: Start A Inhibited 391 Alarm Active: SCM Temp
333 = DRV: Start B Inhibited 392 Alarm Active: DCM Temp
334 = DRV: Invalid Start Command 393 Alarm Active: OCM Temp
335 = Max Start Inhibit 394 Alarm Active: Interlock A
336 = Start Interval Inhibit 395 Alarm Active: Interlock B
337 = DRV: Max Start Mem Alloc Fail 396 Alarm Active: Interlock C
338 = DRV: Start Feedback Invalid 397 Alarm Active: Interlock D
339 = PROT: UP Invalid Setting 398 Alarm Active: Interlock E
340 = PROT: UP Invalid Event ID 399 Alarm Active: Interlock F
341 = RLY: Relay 1 is already configured 400 Alarm Active: Interlock G
342 = RLY: Relay 2 is already configured 401 Alarm Active: Interlock H
343 = RLY: Invalid Relay Reference 405 Alarm Active: RTM 1
344 = RLY: Invalid Follow Input 406 Alarm Active: RTM 2
345 = RLY: Param Out of Range 407 Alarm Active: RTM 3
346 = UV Inhibit 421 Alarm Active: Under Current
347 = UV Delayed Restart Relay 1 422 Alarm Active: Under Power
348 = UV Delayed Restart Relay 2 423 Alarm Active: Overload
349 = UV Immediate Restart Relay 1 424 Alarm Active: Stalled Rotor
350 = UV Immediate Restart Relay 2 425 Alarm Active: Load Increase
351 = UV Pickup 426 Alarm Active: % Current Imb
352 = Waveform Capture Started 427 Alarm Active: % Voltage Imb
353 = Timers Cleared 428 Alarm Active: Under Voltage
354 = Counters Cleared 429 Alarm Active: Over Voltage
355 = Energy Used Cleared 430 Alarm Active: Residual Earth Fault
356 = PreTrip Values Cleared 431 Alarm Active: Thermistor
364 = LOGIN: Prohibited by Input Control 432 Alarm Active: PMM Diagnostic
365 = LOGIN: Invalid Access Level 433 Alarm Active: Acceleration
Alarm Active: Thermistor Open
366 = LOGIN: No test mode configured 434 = Circuit
Alarm Active: Thermistor Short
367 = LOGIN: No setpoint input configured 435 = Circuit
368 = LOGIN: Inputs not configured 438 = Alarm Cleared: Welded Contactor

369 = LOGIN: Access Denied 439 = Alarm Cleared: Open Control Circuit
370 Login Mode set to Default 441 = Alarm Cleared: CBCT Earth Fault

Code Value Description Code Value Description

F41 Event Codes Cont… F41 Event Codes Cont…
442 = Alarm Cleared: Comms Fail 510 = Trip Active: Direct Stop
443 = Alarm Cleared: Ext Stop 511 = Trip Active: Field Stop

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445 = Alarm Cleared: Ext Start 2 513 = Trip Active: Serial Stop
446 = Alarm Cleared: Direct Stop 514 = Trip Active: VSD Start Fail
447 = Alarm Cleared: Field Stop 515 = Trip Active: VSD Stop Fail
448 = Alarm Cleared: MCC Stop 516 = Trip Active: VSD Fault
449 = Alarm Cleared: Serial Stop 517 = Trip Active: SCM diag
450 = Alarm Cleared: VSD Start Fail 518 = Trip Active: DCM diag
451 = Alarm Cleared: VSD Stop Fail 519 = Trip Active: SCM temp
452 = Alarm Cleared: VSD Fault 520 = Trip Active: DCM temp
453 = Alarm Cleared: SCM Diag 521 = Trip Active: OCM temp
454 = Alarm Cleared: DCM Diag 522 = Trip Active: Interlock A
455 = Alarm Cleared: SCM Temp 523 = Trip Active: Interlock B
456 = Alarm Cleared: DCM Temp 524 = Trip Active: Interlock C
457 = Alarm Cleared: OCM Temp 525 = Trip Active: Interlock D
458 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock A 526 = Trip Active: Interlock E
459 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock B 527 = Trip Active: Interlock F
460 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock C 528 = Trip Active: Interlock G
461 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock D 529 = Trip Active: Interlock H
462 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock E 530 = Trip Active: Trip Raise Invalid Trip
Trip Active: Trip Raise Set Active
463 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock F 531 = Invalid Trip
464 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock G 533 = Trip Active: RTM 1
465 = Alarm Cleared: Interlock H 534 = Trip Active: RTM 2
469 = Alarm Cleared: RTM 1 535 = Trip Active: RTM 3
470 = Alarm Cleared: RTM 2 549 = Trip Active: Under Current
471 = Alarm Cleared: RTM 3 550 = Trip Active: Under Power
485 = Alarm Cleared: Under Current 551 = Trip Active: Overload
486 = Alarm Cleared: Under Power 552 = Trip Active: Stalled Rotor
487 = Alarm Cleared: Overload 553 = Trip Active: Load Increase
488 = Alarm Cleared: Stalled Rotor 554 = Trip Active: % I Imbalance
489 = Alarm Cleared: Load Increase 555 = Trip Active: % V Imbalance
490 = Alarm Cleared: % I Imbalance 556 = Trip Active: Under Voltage
491 = Alarm Cleared: % V Imbalance 557 = Trip Active: Over Voltage
492 = Alarm Cleared: Under Voltage 558 = Trip Active: Residual Earth Fault
493 = Alarm Cleared: Over Voltage 559 = Trip Active: Thermistor
494 = Alarm Cleared: Residual Earth Fault 560 = Trip Active: PMM Diagnostic
495 = Alarm Cleared: Thermistor 561 = Trip Active: Acceleration
496 = Alarm Cleared: PMM Diagnostic 562 = Trip Active: Thermistor Open Circuit
497 = Alarm Cleared: Acceleration 563 = Trip Active: Thermistor Short Circuit
Alarm Cleared: Thermistor Open
498 = Circuit 564 = Trip Active: Trip General App Fault
Alarm Cleared: Thermistor Short
499 = Circuit 566 = Trip Cleared: Welded Contactor
502 = Trip Active: Welded Contactor 567 = Trip Cleared: Open Control Circuit
503 = Trip Active: Open Control Circuit 569 = Trip Cleared: CBCT Earth Fault
505 = Trip Active: CBCT Earth Fault 570 = Trip Cleared: Comms Failed
506 = Trip Active: Comms Fail 571 = Trip Cleared: Ext Stop
507 = Trip Active: Ext Stop 572 = Trip Cleared: Ext Start 1
508 = Trip Active: Ext Start 1 573 = Trip Cleared: Ext Start 2
509 = Trip Active: Ext Start 2 574 = Trip Cleared: Direct Stop

Code Value Description Code Value Description

F41 Event Codes Cont… F41 Event Codes Cont…
575 = Trip Cleared: Field Stop 662 = FMSG:Message ID out of range
576 = Trip Cleared: MCC Stop 663 = FMSG:Failed to add message

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578 = Trip Cleared: VSD Start Fail 665 = Default Page Set
579 = Trip Cleared: VSD Stop Fail 666 = MCSA:Sampling is active
580 = Trip Cleared: VSD Fault 667 = MCSA:Invalid sample count
581 = Trip Cleared: SCM diag 668 = MCSA:Invalid pointer
582 = Trip Cleared: DCM diag 669 = MCSA:Invalid capture channel
583 = Trip Cleared: SCM temp 670 = MCSA:Capture timeout
584 = Trip Cleared: DCM temp 671 = MCSA:Timeout waiting for abort
585 = Trip Cleared: OCM temp 672 = MCSA: Unsupported
586 = Trip Cleared: Interlock A 673 = Interlock A Open
587 = Trip Cleared: Interlock B 674 = Interlock B Open
588 = Trip Cleared: Interlock C 675 = Interlock C Open
589 = Trip Cleared: Interlock D 676 = Interlock D Open
590 = Trip Cleared: Interlock E 677 = Interlock E Open
591 = Trip Cleared: Interlock F 678 = Interlock F Open
592 = Trip Cleared: Interlock G 679 = Interlock G Open
593 = Trip Cleared: Interlock H 680 = Interlock H Open
594 = Trip Cleared: Trip Clear Invalid Trip 681 = Interlock A Closed
597 = Trip Cleared: RTM 1 682 = Interlock B Closed
598 = Trip Cleared: RTM 2 683 = Interlock C Closed
599 = Trip Cleared: RTM 3 684 = Interlock D Closed
613 = Trip Cleared: Under Current 685 = Interlock E Closed
614 = Trip Cleared: Under Power 686 = Interlock F Closed
615 = Trip Cleared: Overload 687 = Interlock G Closed
616 = Trip Cleared: Stalled Rotor 688 = Interlock H Closed
617 = Trip Cleared: Load Increase 689 = Interlock A Closed
618 = Trip Cleared: % I Imbalance 696 = RTM:Invalid group ID
619 = Trip Cleared: % V Imbalance 697 = RTM:Analogue switch init failed.
620 = Trip Cleared: Under Voltage 698 = RTM: ADC 1 init failed.
621 = Trip Cleared: Over Voltage 699 = RTM: ADC 2 init failed.
622 = Trip Cleared: Residual Earth Fault 700 = RTM: Invalid Channel Ref
623 = Trip Cleared: Thermistor 701 = RTM: Invalid CAN Group ID
624 = Trip Cleared: PMM Diagnostic 702 = RTM: Invalid Channel Pointer
625 = Trip Cleared: Acceleration 703 = DIAG:Invalid Diagnostic ID
626 = Trip Cleared: Themistor Open Circuit 704 = DIAG:Invalid Diagnostic Setup

627 = Trip Cleared: Thermistor Short Circuit 705 = SCM: Module lost comms
Trip Cleared: Trip Type Set Invalid
628 = Trip 706 = SCM: Previous module not found
651 = Softkey not assigned 707 = SCM: Stack Warning
652 = L1 Access Required 708 = SCM: CDT Trace
653 = L2 Access Required 709 = SCM: Trap Trace
654 = L3 Access Required
655 = Key Disabled
656 = No Input Assigned
657 = No Alarm Active
658 = No Active Trip
659 = No Unavailable Cause
660 = No Visible Items
661 = No CAN network

Code Bit Description Code Bit Description

F42 Motor Status F43 Acc KWh Pulse
0 = Alarm Status 0 = OFF
1 = Trip Status 1 = 1 kWh per pulse

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3 = Auto Control Active 3 = 100 kWh per pulse
4 = Aux 1 Status 4 = 1000 kWh per pulse
5 = Aux 2 Status
6 = Aux 3 Status
7 = Drive Available for Serial Control
8 = Lockout Trip Status
9 = Drive Running
10 = Test Mode Active
11 = Manual Control Active
12 = Drive Unavailable
13 = Binary representation of current login
14 = level, with 15 being MSB i.e. 100 = 1,
15 = 010 = 2 and 001 = 3

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Appendix 6: DeviceNet Polled Data Example
Data DeviceNet Byte
Data Description Bit Position ControlLogix Tag
Format Start End

Alarm Status - 0 - 0 Local:2:I.DATA[0].0
Trip Status - 0 - 1 Local:2:I.DATA[0].1
Reserved - 0 - 2 Local:2:I.DATA[0].2
Auto Control Active - 0 - 3 Local:2:I.DATA[0].3
Relay 1 Status - 0 - 4 Local:2:I.DATA[0].4
Relay 2 Status - 0 - 5 Local:2:I.DATA[0].5
Relay 3 Status - 0 - 6 Local:2:I.DATA[0].6
Drive is available for serial starts - 0 - 7 Local:2:I.DATA[0].7
Lockout Trip Status - 1 - 0 Local:2:I.DATA[0].8
Drive Is Running - 1 - 1 Local:2:I.DATA[0].9
Test Mode Is Active - 1 - 2 Local:2:I.DATA[0].10
Manual Control Active - 1 - 3 Local:2:I.DATA[0].11
Drive Unavailable - 1 - 4 Local:2:I.DATA[0].12
Binary Representation Of Access
Level - 1 - 5 Local:2:I.DATA[0].13
Binary Representation Of Access
Level - 1 - 6 Local:2:I.DATA[0].14
Binary Representation Of Access
Level - 1 - 7 Local:2:I.DATA[0].15
Motor State F1 2 3 0 Local:2:I.DATA[0].16
Digital Input 00 - 4 - 0 Local:2:I.DATA[1].0
Digital Input 01 - 4 - 1 Local:2:I.DATA[1].1
Digital Input 02 - 4 - 2 Local:2:I.DATA[1].2
Digital Input 03 - 4 - 3 Local:2:I.DATA[1].3
Digital Input 04 - 4 - 4 Local:2:I.DATA[1].4
Digital Input 05 - 4 - 5 Local:2:I.DATA[1].5
Digital Input 06 - 4 - 6 Local:2:I.DATA[1].6
Digital Input 07 - 4 - 7 Local:2:I.DATA[1].7
Digital Input 08 - 5 - 0 Local:2:I.DATA[1].8
Digital Input 09 - 5 - 1 Local:2:I.DATA[1].9
Digital Input 10 - 5 - 2 Local:2:I.DATA[1].10
Digital Input 11 - 5 - 3 Local:2:I.DATA[1].11
Digital Input 12 - 5 - 4 Local:2:I.DATA[1].12
Digital Input 13 - 5 - 5 Local:2:I.DATA[1].13
Digital Input 14 - 5 - 6 Local:2:I.DATA[1].14
Digital Input 15 - 5 - 7 Local:2:I.DATA[1].15
Relay 1 - 8 - 0 Local:2:I.DATA[2].0
Relay 2 - 8 - 1 Local:2:I.DATA[2].1
Relay 3 - 8 - 2 Local:2:I.DATA[2].2

MM6 User Guide For V194 Firmware Doc. Rev 1.04 Page 218 of 222
Data DeviceNet Byte
Data Description Bit Position ControlLogix Tag
Format Start End

Inputs Cont…
DIM Output 0: - 8 - 3 Local:2:I.DATA[2].3
DIM Output 1: - 8 - 4 Local:2:I.DATA[2].4
DIM Output 2: - 8 - 5 Local:2:I.DATA[2].5
DIM Output 3: - 8 - 6 Local:2:I.DATA[2].6
DIM Output 4: - 8 - 7 Local:2:I.DATA[2].7
DIM Output 5: - 9 - 0 Local:2:I.DATA[2].8
Active Alarm - 12 13 0 Local:2:I.DATA[3].0
Active Trip 14 15 0 Local:2:I.DATA[3].16
Active Unavailable Cause F7 16 17 0 Local:2:I.DATA[4].0
Last Event # - 18 19 0 Local:2:I.DATA[4].16
Active Control Point - 20 21 0 Local:2:I.DATA[5].0
Module Inputs Valid - 22 23 0 Local:2:I.DATA[5].16
Motor Load % - 24 25 0 Local:2:I.DATA[6].0
Thermal Capacity % - 26 27 0 Local:2:I.DATA[6].16
Time To Trip (Secs) - 28 29 0 Local:2:I.DATA[7].0
I1 Current (Amps) - 30 33 0 Local:2:I.DATA[7].16
I2 Current (Amps) - 34 37 0 Local:2:I.DATA[8].16
I3 Current (Amps) - 38 41 0 Local:2:I.DATA[9].16

TRIP RESET - 0 - 0 Local:2:O.Data[0].0
LOCKOUT RESET - 0 - 1 Local:2:O.Data[0].1
STOP - 0 - 2 Local:2:O.Data[0].2
START_A - 0 - 3 Local:2:O.Data[0].3
START_B - 0 - 4 Local:2:O.Data[0].4
SERIAL INHIBIT - 0 - 5 Local:2:O.Data[0].5
CLEAR TIMERS - 1 - 0 Local:2:O.Data[0].8
CLEAR COUNTERS - 1 - 1 Local:2:O.Data[0].9
CLEAR ENERGY DATA - 1 - 2 Local:2:O.Data[0].10
CAPTURE CHANNEL - 2 - 0 Local:2:O.Data[0].16

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Lockout. see Reset
Index Manual Control. see Auto/Manual
Control, 126
Acceleration, 20, 119, 138, 175 Data, 69
Access Level, 66 Diagnostics, 142
Auto/Manual Motor Data, 107
Control, 131, 156 Settings, 65
Selection, 60, 95, 97, 137, 154, 159 Reset, 60, 66, 75, 95, 96, 159
Communication, 14, 17, 55, 93, 129, 161, 178 Lockout, 61, 66, 96, 119, 157
Control Setpoints to Default, 141
Location, 129, 132 Safety, 13, 66
CT Modules, 16, 21, 50, 51, 139 Softkeys, 59, 60
Earth Fault, 17, 61, 148, 175 Starter Type, 110
Core Balance, 20, 28, 71, 101, 121, 122, 139, 148, Thermal Capacity, 20, 61, 75, 112, 114, 115, 148
175 Time to Trip, 20
CT, 16, 17, 28 Trip
Residual, 20, 71, 175 Reset, 75, 96, 114
Setpoints, 101, 122, 173 U/V Restart, 14, 114, 134, 135, 158
Startup, 123 Unavailable
Trip Delay, 122 Cause, 145
Trips, 148 Warranty, 13
Environment, 13, 14, 112
Events, 14, 19, 96, 122, 130, 146

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