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Project Charter

Project Number:

Project Name:

Current Phase:


Executive Sponsor:

Project Sponsor:

Project Leader:

Prepared by:
Date Issued

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Document Review/Revision History

As information is added to this template ensure you save it under a different version number and that you identify what changed in the
table below. Add rows as required.
Version Date Author/Editor Comments

 Green italics text is instructional information on how to use this form. Please remove as you complete the sections.
 To help with readability please keep information you add to the sections of this document clear and concise (not too wordy). Use
bulleted form where possible.

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Table of Contents
To update the table of contents, right-click anywhere on the table of contents and choose Update Field and then choose Update
entire table.

Document Review/Revision History....................................................................................................2

1.0 Project Charter Purpose............................................................................................................4
2.0 Project Definition The Project Leader should work with the Project Sponsor to fill in the
sections of the Project Definition........................................................................................................4
2.1 Corporate Project Purpose..................................................................................................................4
2.2 Corporate Objectives........................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Project Outcomes................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Tolerances.......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Project Parameters.....................................................................................................................4
3.1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1.1 Project Scope Includes................................................................................................................4
3.1.2 Project Scope Does Not Include................................................................................................4
3.2 Schedule............................................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Budget................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.0 Project Strategy..........................................................................................................................5
5.0 Project Conditions......................................................................................................................5
5.1 Assumptions........................................................................................................................................ 6
5.2 Constraints.......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Dependencies..................................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Risks................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.0 Organizational Impact................................................................................................................6
6.1 Stakeholder Analysis........................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Project Organizational Structure (reporting relationships)....................................................................7
7.0 Approvals....................................................................................................................................7

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1.0 Project Charter Purpose

The project charter defines the scope, objectives, and overall approach for the work to be completed. It is a critical
element for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and assessing the project. It should be the single point of
reference on the project for project goals and objectives, scope, organization, estimates, work plan, and budget.
In addition, it serves as a contract between the Project Team and the Project Sponsors, stating what will be
delivered according to the budget, time constraints, risks, resources, and standards agreed upon for the project.

2.0 Project Definition The Project Leader should work with the Project Sponsor to fill in the sections of the Project

2.1 Corporate Project Purpose

To exist, the project must have an organization purpose which is in line with organizational priorities. That purpose as well as
the rationale for proceeding should be outlined in this section. This information should be described in a business case
document if one exists.

2.2 Corporate Objectives

Project objectives should be clearly defined statements that communicate what we are trying to achieve through this project.
Objectives can be viewed as the response to identified problems or be identified hospital objectives. Objectives in this section
are the Organizational Objectives of the initiative.

2.3 Project Outcomes

Describe the project outcomes that will define when our project is complete…how will we know when we are done? These
should be specific outcomes/objectives of the project that can be measured once the project is complete.

2.4 Tolerances
This section will identify for the project the order of importance to be applied to the triple constraint (Time/Cost/Scope) for
planning and decision making. Use the table below to identify the priority for the three parameters (only one can be Priority 1,
one can be Priority 2 and one can be Priority 3) and to describe its tolerance.
Cannot have more than Describe Tolerance
Parameter one X in a column…ie.
can not have two 1’s
1 2 3
Time eg. project musts be completed by fiscal year end.

Cost eg. project musts be completed within agreed grant.

eg. given the tight timeline to deliver and tight budget the scope of the deliverable may
Scope be narrowed to ensure completion on time and to budget. Any changes to scope must
use the proper change control procedure.

3.0 Project Parameters

3.1 Scope
This section will define the boarders of the product or project delivery through a series of is/does, is not/does not statements.
3.1.1 Project Scope Includes
Describe what deliverables are in scope of this project…things being delivered.

3.1.2 Project Scope Does Not Include

Describe what deliverables are out of scope of this project…things not being delivered.

3.2 Schedule

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Fill out the table below for the major project deliverables. Add more rows as required. Class of estimate describes how solid
the estimate is at this time based on what the project team knows (Class D – Feasibility +100/-10%; C-Requirements Def’n
+50/-10%; B-Conceptual Design +25/-10%; A-Detailed Design +10/-10%).
Date Estimate Class of Estimate
# Project Milestone (YYYY/MM/DD) Deliverable(s) Included (A/B/C/D)

3.3 Budget

3.3.1 Budget Allocation

Enter the budget allocation that was assigned to this initiative during the annual planning process. The estimate at this point
was most likely a Class Z – Best Guess. Ensure you indicate the class of estimate in brackets beside the number.

3.3.2 Budget Baseline

Using the table below outline any costs associated with the delivery of this project. If necessary use the comments column to
further describe the cost. If costs span more than one fiscal year please outline this by adding dollar columns for each year. .
Class of estimate describes how solid the estimate is at this time based on what the project team knows (Class D – Feasibility
+100/-10%; C-Requirements Def’n +50/-10%; B-Conceptual Design +25/-10%; A-Detailed Design +10/-10%).
Dollars Comment Class of Estimate
Staff (contract or backfill)
Staff (contract or backfill)

4.0 Project Strategy

This section should describe how you are going to execute this project. It should outline the approach or steps you are taking
to deliver this project. If you are delivering in phases outline the strategy of each phase and what will be accomplished in each
phase. This section should also take into account training and roll out strategy.

5.0 Project Conditions

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5.1 Assumptions
Outline the high level assumptions that you took into consideration when providing the information for section 3 Project
Parameters and section 4 Project Strategy. The early stages of this project should perform activities that will clarify these

5.2 Constraints
Outline the high-level project constraints (eg. people, technology, budget, physical location etc.)

5.3 Dependencies
Outline the external prerequisites or co-requisites that this project, or components of this project, are dependent on. Add
additional rows if needed.
Dependent Project/Work Name and Dependency Type Potential Risks or Issues
Project/Work Manager (describe how these are linked)

5.4 Risks
Use the table below to outline the known project risks. It is mandatory to describe an action to prevent/manage risk for
anything that is high probability/high impact…or…med probability/high impact… or…high probability/med impact.
(High/Med/Low Impact
# Risk ) (High/Med/Low) Action to Prevent/Manage Risk

6.0 Organizational Impact

6.1 Stakeholder Analysis
Use the table below to list the project stakeholders and their role in the project. Some examples of project roles are…
Sponsor, Steering Committee Member, Stakeholder Group member, Project team member, Subject Matter Expert, External
Vendor, etc. Add additional rows if required.
Stakeholder (name and title) Interest/Stake Project Role/Involvement

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Stakeholder (name and title) Interest/Stake Project Role/Involvement

6.2 Project Organizational Structure (reporting relationships)

Use the following hierarchy to outline the project organizational structure. Modify where needed.

Executive Project Sponsor

Name, Title

Project Sponsor
Name, Title

Project Steering Committee Members

Names, Titles

Project Team
Core Project Team Adhoc Project Team Members
Project Leader Name, Title Name, Project Role
Name, Project Role Name, Project Role
Name, Project Role

Project Stakeholder Members

Name, Title

7.0 Approvals
Add additional rows if needed
Name, Project Role Signature Date

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