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Name: Phillip Jhon Lumod

Course: BSIT II

1. How can you convince the youth to be socially aware and socially responsible?

Self-awareness on a social-emotional level entails comprehending one's ideas, emotions, and

values and how these elements influence one's conduct. Additionally, the capacity to examine your

strengths and limitations objectively and realistically while preserving your confidence, passion,

and desire to progress is a component of this awareness.

Self-awareness is not easy to develop, even for adults, making teaching self-awareness to

youths intimidating. Instilling an honest view of themselves can help children respond openly and

sincerely to praises, comments, and criticism. Individuals will understand and embrace both their

positive and negative personality traits due to this feeling of self-awareness.

Identify your emotions youths must be able to articulate their feelings. Teens can better

manage their feelings if they understand the difference between frustration and anger by

identifying the connection between their feelings, ideas, and behaviors. Recognize your

advantages and disadvantages. A tremendous confidence booster is the capacity to perceive

oneself, acknowledge one's flaws, and appreciate qualities. Recognizing that it is acceptable to

confess they are incorrect or do not understand something enables them to progress. Accepting

aptitude boosts confidence as well.

2. What has been the greatest lesson that this pandemic has taught you concerning our topic about

social responsibility and volunteerism?

A new normal will develop due to the COVID-19 epidemic, with a heavy focus on social

responsibility. Currently available strategies for reducing transmission include:

• Remaining at home.

• Working from home.

• Avoid group gatherings.

• When outside, maintain a minimum distance of two meters from other people.

These measures will have a long-term impact on how we interact daily. I believe that the

present COVID-19 pandemic is preparing us for future antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains and

reducing the chance of another global pandemic. Perhaps in the long term, this will benefit

humanity. Being socially responsible requires us to all contribute and recognize that we can make

a difference. COVID-19, I believe, has underlined the need for social responsibility for both people

and community leaders.

Authorities were established infection prevention and control measures in workplaces and

schools to guarantee that sick persons remain at home while getting necessary financial assistance.

This outbreak serves as a sharp warning to prioritize our health. Our new social standards reflect

that. As a result of this current situation, we will develop a greater sense of respect and empathy

for one another. I am hopeful that our new norm will result in a more equitable world for

everybody. I see a future firmly rooted in social responsibility and an appreciation for each

individual's health and well-being.

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