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Statistics Used in Current Nursing

Kathleen Zellner, MSN, RN, BC; Connie J. Boerst, MSN, RN, BC; and
Wil Tabb, PhD

Abstract of statistical analysis in nursing, which migrated from the

Undergraduate nursing research courses should empha- larger field of 19th-century biomedical research (Nightin-
size the statistics most commonly used in the nursing litera- gale, 1859).
ture to strengthen students’ and beginning researchers’ un- Nursing curricula include a component of statistical
derstanding of them. To determine the most commonly used methods as part of nursing research courses to enable stu-
statistics, we reviewed all quantitative research articles dents to understand current research and contribute to its
published in 13 nursing journals in 2000. The findings sup- ongoing discussion. Learning statistics can be a difficult
ported Beitz’s categorization of kinds of statistics. Ten pri- task for any student, and nursing students often struggle
mary statistics used in 80% of nursing research published with learning the concept and the transfer of their knowl-
in 2000 were identified. We recommend that the appropriate edge to nursing literature (Schuster & Ritchey, 1998). Such
use of those top 10 statistics be emphasized in undergradu- difficulty can often deter students from furthering their
ate nursing education and that the nursing profession con- nursing degree (Stranahan, 1995).
tinue to advocate for the use of methods (e.g., power analy- In developing statistics courses for undergraduate nurs-
sis, odds ratio) that may contribute to the advancement of ing students, it is important to consider how to teach sta-
nursing research. tistics, what statistics to teach, and what statistics are
common in the literature to provide students with a basic
comprehension of data that will enable them to interpret

dilemma faced by teachers of nursing research in un- statistical results. Therefore, it is important to identify the
dergraduate baccalaureate programs is identifying statistical tests and procedures needed to comprehend mod-
the key concepts that would be most meaningful to ern nursing research.
students as they enter professional practice. Statistics have Nursing journals frequently publish articles in which a
been an integral part of nursing practice and research since basic understanding of statistics is assumed for an educated
the beginning of modern nursing. Florence Nightingale’s reading of the research. To guide nursing instructors, we
innovative use of descriptive statistics and her use of the aimed in this research to identify the statistical tests used
now-famous radial graphs, sometimes called coxcombs, rep- most frequently in nursing research articles. We anticipate
resents an early and effective use of statistical analysis of that this information could then help faculty in emphasizing
data in nursing research. This marked the spread of the use the statistics nurse readers would most likely encounter.

Theoretical Framework
Received: October 1, 2004
Accepted: June 30, 2005 The teaching of statistics can be linked to the Conversa-
Ms. Zellner is Associate Professor and Ms. Boerst is Associate tion Theory of Gordon Pask (1975). His theory focused on the
Professor and Undergraduate Program Director, Bellin College of premise that “learning occurs through conversations about
Nursing, and Dr. Tabb is ad hoc professor, University of Wisconsin a subject matter which serve to make knowledge explicit”
Green Bay, Green Bay, Wisconsin. (Theory Into Practice Database, n.d., Overview Section, ¶1).
Address correspondence to Connie J. Boerst, MSN, RN, BC, As- Pask’s (1975) theory serves as a foundational component to
sociate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director, Bellin Col- student learning of statistics through the application of cog-
lege of Nursing, 725 South Webster Avenue, PO Box 23400, Green nitive learning. His methods of teaching relationships and
Bay, WI 54305-3400; e-mail: the use of problem-solving strategies facilitate an under-

February 2007, Vol. 46, No. 2 55

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