Direct Indirect Speech

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Direct Indirect Speech

Mengabarkan Perintah dan Permintaan

Saat kamu memberi perintah untuk seseorang, kamu menggunakan bentuk imperatif
dari sebuah kalimat, yaitu menggunakan kata kerja tanpa subjek. Contohnya,

• “Call me back later.”

• “Have a seat.”
• “Don’t do that!”

Untuk mengabarkan perintah tersebut, kita menggunakan ‘tell’ dan bentuk infinitive dari
kata kerjanya. Contohnya,

• You told me to call you back later.

• He told me to have a seat.
• She told us not to do that.

Umumnya, tense dalam kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech) "mundur" satu tingkat
dibandingkan dengan tense dalam kalimat langsung (direct speech):
She said, "I am tired." = She said that she was tired.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Present Tense Past Tense

"I always drink coffee", she said She said that she always drank coffee.

Present continuous Past continuous

"I am reading a book", he explained. He explained that he was reading a book

Simple past Past perfect

"Bill arrived on Saturday", he said. He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday.

Present perfect Past perfect

"I have been to Spain", he told me. He told me that he had been to Spain.

Future Past Future

"I will be in Geneva on Monday", he He said that he would be in Geneva on

said. Monday.


Subject Object

i Me

he Him

she Her

we Us

you you
they Them

It it

Present Tense – rutinitas (routine activity/habitual action)

They, We, I, You + Vo (e.g I eat, They eat…)

He, She, it + Vs (e.g He eats, She eats …)

Present Continuous – sedang berlangsung (at the moment, now, happening)

Tobe (is, am, are)

Is (he, she, it), am (I), are (they, we, you)

S + tobe + V-ing

I am eating

He is eating

They are eating

Past Tense - past , specific time

S + V2 (Regular -ed/Irregular – X)

I ate in the morning – lampau, specific time

Present Perfect – past, unspecific time

S + have/has + V3

Have – They, We, I, You

Has – He, she, it

I have eaten – lampau

Present Future – masa depan/masa datang – will

S + will + Vo

I will eat my lunch

Past Continuous – at the moment - past

S + Tobe (was, were) + V-ing

Was – I, he, she, it

Were – they, we, you

Ketika kemarin saya sedang mengajar, ada seseorang mengetuk pintu.

While I was teaching, someone knocked the door.

While he was writing a letter to his mom, his friend punched him.

Past perfect – sudah dilakukan, lampau

S + had + V3

I had finished my work. when my boss called me.

Past future- akan datang, lampau

S + would + Vo

He would join the competition if he was not sick.

Dia pergi ke Bontang (lampau)

He went to Bontang

Dia cerdas (present)

He tobe smart

He smart

Tobe – auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu), noun, adjective, adverb

I am lecturer - noun

She is pretty - adjective

They are in language lab. - adverb

Karena di kalimat tersebut tidak ada kata kerja.

Karena kata kerja itu menunjukkan waktu.

Bahasa inggris itu adalah Bahasa dimana kata kerja menunjukkan waktu.

Mereka duduk di depan kelas – they sit in front of the class.

Kelas Kata

Noun (kata benda) – see/listen/feel

Adjective (kata sifat) – menjelaskan kata benda

Verb (kata kerja) - activity

Adverb (kata keterangan) – tempat, waktu


1. He said, “I take my umbrella in the drawer”.

He said that he took his umbrella in the drawer.

2. She told me, “I will be here in 2 minutes”

She told me that he would be here in 2 minutes.

3. They explained, “We sing in the competition”

They explained they sang in the competition

4. My mom said, “I am cooking a new menu”

My mom said that she was cooking a new menu.

5. The policeman told us, “I have caught the thief”

The policeman told us that he had caught the thief.

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