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It was raining really hard one afternoon and I am sitting at the cafeteria of our school.

I saw this young

man; we are just the same age. I realize I've never seen such sadness inside a person’s eye before. Such
an emptiness that I could never imagine where it came from. His wearing our uniform. His hand is totally
shaking. He stares at nothing and he is about to cry. My chin is rested on my palm and I watch him
intently. Sighing, he sits up and drops his newly bought coffee into the trash and walks off. I'm so lost
within my own wonder that I pick up my things and slowly follow him, not wanting to be noticed quit
yet. He puts his hands in his pockets and stares into rain, as if waiting for someone to come running
down from heaven to see him. To hold him. My eyes find his right hand and I spot a card, and realization
comes to me. I feel sad for this stranger, I ask him what’s wrong and he told me that one of his subjects
failed. I constantly tapping his shoulder to show that I am here, he is the breadwinner of the family and
his mom always pressured him. I told him “There is no success without failure”. I am

I don’t have a lot but I have enough

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