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IE 423

Quality Engineering
Fall 2021
Course overview

3 Credits / 6 ECTS

Instructor : Könül Bayramoğlu Kavlak

E-mail :

Assistant : Orkun Irsoy

E-mail :

Office hours: We can be very flexible as far as Zoom meetings are also concerned this
semester. If you want to arrange a time to talk through Zoom, please reach out via email so
this can be arranged. The instructor will respond to email as quickly as possible, no later than
24 hours after the email has been sent.

IE 256 (Statistics for Industrial Engineers) or equivalents.

Class Meeting Days / Times

This course will be delivered in a hybrid-asynchronous format. Part of it will be delivered
online (through Zoom), and the other part will be conducted in the classroom, with social
distancing guidelines applied.

•Tuesdays 3.00 - 4.50 p.m. (CLASSROOM NH 401)

•Thursdays 3.00 - 4.50 p.m. (ONLINE)

Important announcements, course materials, homework problems, computing references,

and other information about the class will be posted on the course website
Course Description
This course covers the fundamental methods of quality engineering. The major emphasis is on the
statistical tools of quality engineering systems. In addition, quality excellence models, cost models,
quality audit programs, and quality information systems will be discussed. Actual case studies from
industry will supplement the lectures.

Textbook(s) / other required material

Montgomery, Douglas C., Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc, Seventh Edition, 2014.

Course objectives (and program outcomes)

This course aims to equip students with the necessary statistical methods and problem solving
techniques to improve product and service quality. By the completion of the course, the
students will be able to:
• Understand the key notions of quality and the voice of the customer to improve product
and service quality continuously
• Use the statistical process control methodology, specifically Shewhart Control Charts and
the other tools for monitoring and improving the production and service processes
• Carry out process capability and measurement system capability studies
• Conduct offline quality control studies, namely understand how to design and analyze
engineering experiments
• Understand how to design and use acceptance-sampling plans.

Considering these objectives, this course mainly addresses the following student outcomes
of the industrial engineering undergraduate program;
• Student Outcome (a): An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and
• Student Outcome (b): An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze
and interpret data
• Student Outcome (e): An ability to identify, model, formulate and solve industrial
engineering problems
• Student Outcome (k): An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for industrial engineering practice.

Topics covered
1. General Introduction to Quality Improvement
2. Probability Distributions and Statistical Inference
3. Statistical Process Control: Basic Principles and Techniques
4. Control Charts for Variables
5. Control Charts for Attributes
6. CUSUM and EWMA Charts
7. Capability Analysis
8. Statistical Process Control for Short Production Runs
9. Multivariate Statistical Process Control
10. Experimental Design
a. Basic Concepts
b. Two-Level Factorial Designs
11. Acceptance Sampling Techniques

Homework : 20%
Quizzes: 20%
Midterm: 25%
Final: 35%

This course has one online midterm exam and one in-class final examination (if possible).
Exact time and date of midterm and final exam will be announced later.

There will be weekly quizzes. These will be administered online, through Moodle. There
will be a sufficiently large time window, but once you begin taking the quiz there will be a
time limit for you to complete it.

There will be approximately biweekly homework assignments posted on the course

website. For each assignment, a precise time will be specified on the due date. Students
must show all work for all homework problems; do NOT just write the final answer.

Late assignments
Assignment solutions will be posted shortly after submission. No late assignments will be
accepted without prior permission or formal documentation.

Student participation requirements

Students are expected to attend every class and remain in class for the duration of the session
when it is safe to do so in accordance with university guidance regarding COVID-19
( Failure to attend class or arriving late may impact your
ability to achieve course objectives which could affect your course grade. An absence,
excused or unexcused, does not relieve a student of any course requirement. Regular class
attendance is a student’s obligation, as is a responsibility for all the work of class meetings,
including tests and written tasks. Any unexcused absence or excessive tardiness may result in
a loss of participation points.

Recording in the Classroom:

Electronic video, image capture, and/or audio recording is not permitted during class,
whether conducted in person or online, unless the student obtains permission from the
instructor. If permission is granted, any distribution of the recording is prohibited.
Academic integrity policies for this online course
• You must complete the quizzes, midterm and final exams yourself, without any
external help or communication.
• You may discuss homework assignments with other students enrolled in IE 423
this semester. However, you may not directly copy another student’s work,
including computer code and output. Use of written solutions to homework
questions that are prepared by someone else is prohibited.

Course technology
For help with your password, university e-mail, Zoom, or any other technology issues,
questions, or requests, visit

This syllabus should be taken as a fairly reliable guide for the course content. However,
we reserve the right to change the methods of grading and/or assessment if necessary.
Any changes will be communicated to you through official course announcements.

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