Aisa Nur Aini - 23020120140135

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improved understanding of

diversify Strategies for

consumer confidence business Step One – assemble the
managing risk
HACCP team
Benefits of risk Step Three – identify the
increased productivity reduced costs
intended use(r)
and efficiency
pricing alternatives improved quality Step Two – describe
Preparatory steps
•Step Four – develop a the product
enhanced competitive
reduced litigation
process flow chart
Assess & Prioritize Risks Step Five – develop Standard
Identify Risks
Operational Procedures

Analyze Risks Monitor & Review

Risk management

Treat Risks methodology

financial risks
quality and yield

Communicate & Consult Establish Context markets and price

Sources human/personal

of risk and
the systematic application of management policies, food safety
legal and institutional uncertainty
procedures and practices to the tasks of identifying,

analysing,assessing, treating and monitoring risk commercial

liquidity technological obsolescence
phytosanitary supply
contractual performance
futures price
flat price

basis quality
age equity in the business
Traders risks storage
timing risks experience opportunity based ris

commodity spread legal specialisation/diversity of

stage of career Attitudes to risk Types of risk
freight legislative business
hazard based risk
documentation sovereign management vary
climate reliability
off-farm income streams
uncertainty based risk

personal attitudes

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