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No Words / Examples  Vietnamese Your sentences
Phrases (học thuộc) meaning (học
Meanings thuộc)
1. WEST (N) The sun rises in Mặt trời mọc ở  The west of the
Phía tây the east and sets đằng đông và country is
in the west. lặn ở đằng tây  especially popular
with tourists.

2. WESTERN The western Rìa phía tây  Economic growth

(ADJ) edge of the desert của sa mạc là in China's western
Thuộc phía tây  is home to many nhà của rất regions.
rare species of nhiều loại thực
plants. vật quý hiếm.
3. IMPRESS (V) I remember when Tôi nhớ khi còn  She impressed us
 Gây ấn tượng  I was a child being bé tôi bị ấn with both the depth
very impressed tượng bởi bao and range of her
with how many nhiêu đồ chơi knowledge.
toys she had. mà cô ấy có. 
4. IMPRESSION I didn't get much Tôi không thật  I must correct a
(N) of an impression sự ấn tượng với false impression
Ấn tượng  of the place chỗ đó vì trời tối that I gave you just
because it was khi tôi lái xe qua now.
dark when we đó.
drove through it.
5. IMPRESSIVE There are some Có một vài toà  The film is
(ADJ) very impressive nhà rất ấn technically
Thuộc ấn tượng  buildings in the tượng trong thị impressive, but
town. trấn. lacks real

6. REPLACE (V) Tourism has Du lịch đã thay  Williams has

Thay thế replaced thế nông nghiệp temporarily
agriculture as the trở thành ngành replaced Reed on
nation's main công nghiệp the first team.
industry. chính của đất
7. REPLACEMENT A lot of ex- Rất nhiều cựu  Complete
(N) athletes need vận động viên replacement of the
Sự thay thế  knee or hip cần phải thay roof tiles would be
replacements. thế đầu gối very expensive.
hoặc hông.
8. SUIT (V) A lot of corn is Rất nhiều ngô  He wore his one
Phù hợp  grown in this area được trồng ở good suit to the
- the soil seems to khu vực này, đất interview.
suit it very well. có vẻ phù hợp
với chúng.
9. SUITABLE (ADJ) The film is not Bộ phim không  These properties
Tính phù hợp  suitable for phù hợp với trẻ are considered
children. em. especially suitable
for older people.

10.SUITABILITY (N) Tests were done Những bài kiểm  There is no doubt
Sự phù hợp  to determine her tra được thực about her suitability
suitability for a hiện để xác định for the job.
transplant. sự phù hợp của
cô ấy với việc
ghép tạng.
11.ENDANGER (V) We must be Chúng ta phải  Taking these drugs
Gây nguy hiểm careful not to do cẩn thận không could seriously
anything that làm gì gây nguy endanger your
might endanger hiểm đến sự health.
the economic phục hồi của
recovery. nền kinh tế. 
12.ENDANGERED Social workers Những nhân  The sea turtle is
(ADJ) who look after viên xã hội làm an  endangered
Bị nguy hiểm  abused or việc với trẻ em species .
endangered đi bạo hành và
children often nguy hiểm
have stressful thường có
days at work. những ngày
căng thẳng ở
chỗ làm.
13.DANGER (N) Icy roads are a Đường đóng  On their journey
Sự nguy hiểm  danger to drivers. băng là mối across the desert
nguy hiểm cho they faced danger
lái xe. of all sorts.

14.DANGEROUS The men are Những gã đàn  This treatment is

(ADJ) armed and ông có vũ khí và extremely
Nguy hiểm  dangerous. nguy hiểm. dangerous for the

15.INVITE (V)  Candidates who Ứng cử viên  Let's invite them all
Mời gọi  are successful in thành công for dinner.
the written test will trong bài thi viết
be invited for an sẽ được gọi đến
interview. phỏng vấn. 
16.(UN) INVITING No one ever sits Không ai ngồi  The house, with its
(ADJ) there or walks hoặc đi qua đây boarded-up
(không) lôi cuốn  there, because vì chỗ đó không
they are so hề lôi cuốn chút windows, was
uninviting. nào. hardly inviting.

17.PUBLIC (N) We need to Chúng ta cần  Levels of waste

Cộng đồng  increase public tăng nhận thức from the factory
awareness of the của cộng đồng may be a danger
disease. về bệnh tật. to public health.

18.PUBLISH (V) The government Chính phủ công  Her last book was
Xuất bản/công publishes figures bố số liệu mỗi 6 published
bố every six months tháng về tỉ lệ posthumously in
showing how người thất 1948.
many people are nghiệp.
19.PUBLICITY (N)  The enormous Sự công khai  The company had
Sự công khai  publicity rộng rãi của vụ received bad
surrounding the việc khiến việc publicity over a
case will make it tổ chức một defective product.
very difficult to phiên toà công
hold a fair trial. bằng là rất khó
20.ORGANIZE (V) They organized a Họ sắp xếp  We also organize
Sắp xếp  meeting between cuộc họp giữa guided tours and
the teachers and giáo viên và học informal talks by
students. sinh. curators and

21.ORGANIZATION The article was Bài báo về  It's a research and

(N) about the những tổ chức advisory
Tổ chức  international aid hỗ trợ trên thế organization
organizations. giới. working to advance
women of colour in

22.ORGANIZED She's not a very Cô ấy không  There is a strong

(ADJ) organized person phải là người link between drugs
Ngăn nắp  and she always ngăn nắp và cô and organized
arrives late at ấy thường đến crime.
meetings. muộn trong các
cuộc họp.
23.PRODUCE (V) France produces Pháp sản xuất  These goods are
Sản xuất a great deal of nhiều rươu vang more efficiently
wine for export. xuất khẩu. produced in small

24.PRODUCTIVITY Studies show that Các cuộc nghiên  The strike took a
(N) if a working cứu chỉ ra rằng heavy toll in lost
Năng suất environment is môi trường làm productivity.
pleasant, việc dễ chịu sẽ
productivity tăng năng suất.
25.PRODUCTION We watched a Cô ấy xem một  The machine will
(N)  video showing the video về các go into full
Sự sản xuất various stages in bước sản xuất production in
the production of thuỷ tinh.  November 2019.

1. Học thuộc Vocab Notes. Đặt câu với những từ mới đã học. 
2. Làm phiếu HW Q2L8
3. Làm phiếu Q2L9 trên lớp
4. Dịch Reading (FORESTS) phiếu Q2L8 
5. Nộp vở lý thuyết

I. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence 
1. I’m sunburnt. I wish I hadn’t sunbathed / didn’t sunbathe for so long. 
2. I don’t feel well. I wish I could stay / stayed at home tomorrow.
3. I’m not a good swimmer, but I wish I could swim / would swim well.
4. I wish I had / have a puppy or a kitten!
5. I wish I could see / saw you tomorrow, but it’s impossible.
6. I wish Jim didn’t sit / doesn’t sit next to me. He’s so annoying! 
7. If only we had / would have some money we could take the bus.
8. I hope you enjoyed / enjoy yourselves at the dance tomorrow.
9. I wish I can / could speak English better!
10. I hope I’ll / I’d win the lottery!

II. You are going to read an article about a wrestler who became an author. Choose the
answer A, B, C or D which you think fits best according to the text. 
Pete Watson looks like the biggest, sweetest teddy bear you ever saw. It is only when he
opens his mouth that you notice the missing front teeth. Watson is a three-time world champion
wrestler turned author. He was adored by fans because he was different: while other wrestlers
were supreme athletes, he was just a hulk who knew how to take a hit. You could throw as
many chairs as you liked at Pete Watson, you could smack him repeatedly, but he wouldn’t go
After two autobiographies and a series of children’s stories, he has just written a brilliant
first novel: a work of immense power and subtlety, likely to gain a wide readership. At its
simplest, it is about a boy and his dad getting together after a lifetime apart, though there is far
more to it than that. Was he inspired by anyone he knew? The father, he says, is based on guys
he met on the road - wrestlers, friends of his, who appeared to be leading exciting lives, but
deep down were pretty miserable.
Watson does not come from traditional wrestling stock. He grew up in Long Island, New
York. His father was an athletics director with a PhD, his mother a physical education teacher
with two master’s degrees - one in literature, the other in Russian history. He was a big boy,
bullied for his size. One day his neighbour had a go at him, and for the first time Watson
realised he could use his weight and size instead of feeling awkward about it. It was a turning
At college, he did a degree in communication studies. Meanwhile, he was learning the
ropes of professional wrestling. Did his parents try to dissuade him? ‘No. They were just really
insistent that I finished college. I am pretty sure they thought I’d get hurt and quit wrestling.’ But
he didn’t.
He looks in remarkably good condition for someone who spent 20 years in the ring. His skin
is smooth and firm; there are few visible scars. ‘It’s amazing what retirement can do for you. I
looked really rough five years ago, and now I think I look a good deal younger,’ he says. People
are surprised by the softness of his handshake. ‘Yeah, that’s the wrestler’s handshake,’ he
Do you have to be a good actor to be a good wrestler? ‘I used to really resent the acting
label, but it is acting. When it’s really good, when you’re feeling it and letting that real emotion
fly, it comes closer to being real.’ What did his children think when they saw him getting hurt?
‘Well, they used to think I never got hurt because that’s what I told them. When they got old
enough to realise I did, they stopped enjoying it. That was, in part, what led to my decision to
get out.’
Nowadays, his time is dedicated to family and books - his next novel is about boy wrestlers
living on the same block, and he is also writing more children’s stories. He does not think this
life is so different from wrestling. ‘Wrestling is all about characters,’ he says. ‘So when my fans
hear I’ve written a novel, I don’t get the sense that they feel I’ve abandoned them.’
11. What impression do we get of Pete Watson’s skills as a wrestler?
A. He frequently lost because he was not very aggressive.
B. He was too gentle and friendly to be a good wrestler.
C. He was injured a lot because he didn’t fight back.
D. His speciality was letting his opponent hit him.
12. It is suggested that Watson’s first novel
A. is based on his own autobiography.
B. will be popular with those who liked his autobiographies.
C. will not only appeal to his fans.
D. is not much more than a simple story.
13. What does ‘traditional wrestling stock’ in the paragraph refer to?
A. Watson’s childhood
B. Watson’s family background
C. Watson’s educational background
D. Watson’s background in athletics
14. What did Watson’s parents feel about his interest in wrestling?
A. They were afraid he would get hurt.
B. They insisted that he should have proper training at college.
C. They wanted him to give up wrestling.
D. They thought he would abandon the sport quite soon.
15. How does Watson regard the idea that wrestling is like acting?
A. He resents the suggestion.
B. He thinks wrestlers aren’t good actors.
C. He has come to accept it.
D. He doesn’t think wrestling can compare to acting.
16. Watson’s present life is not so different from his past profession because
A. his work is still connected with characters.
B. he is writing about wrestling, his previous profession.
C. his family are still more important than anything else.
D. his fans still follow his career with interest.

Q2 - LESSON 9          Student’s name: Class: 8B

Corrector’s name:

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. chore B. character C. challenger D. choice
2.  A. through B. thought C. enormous D. taught
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words
3. A. journalese B. entertain C. Portuguese D. journalist
4.  A. container B. cafeteria C. northeast D. control
5. A. western B. official C. division D. upbeat

I. Choose the correct answer
6. It’s about time you ………. thinking about setting up your own business. 
A. start B. have started C. started D. to start
7. I’d really rather you ………. the kids drop bits of pizza all over my new sofa.
A. don’t let B. aren’t letting C. won’t let D. didn’t let
8. ………. anything particular in mind or are you just browsing?
A. Did you have B. Are you having C. Can you have D. Had you had
9. I wish Karen ………. that we’re not trying to interfere in her life.
A. understands C. has understood
B. would understand D. is going to understand
10. I’d have been able to say goodbye to Trish if only ………. to the airport in time.
A. I get B. I got C. I have got D. I had got
11. Don’t you sometimes wish you ……….  invisible?
A. could be B. would be C. will be D. are
12. Suppose we ………. we could go and live on another planet. Would you want to go?
A. to hear B. hearing C. heard D. having heard
13. Do you wish ………. an official complaint?
A. making B. to make C. you made D. you make
14. Adrian was ………. enough money to buy a new computer for the school. 
A. wishing to have raised C. hoping to have raised
B. wishing he will raise D. hoping he will raise
15. Don’t you wish we ………. the exam a week on Monday and not tomorrow? 
A. take B. will take C. would take D. were taking
II. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap
16. Although he was exhausted, Mike kept on climbing. fact
In ……… spite of the fact that……… he was exhausted, Mike kept on climbing.
17. Sally had been sure she would win the music competition. She came third, however.
Despite … having been sure she…… would win the music competition, Sally came third.
18. Doug wasn’t shortlisted for the job even though he had a great CV. spite
Doug wasn’t shortlisted for the job ……in spite of having…… a great CV.
19. Planes can still take off and land but ferries have been cancelled. whereas
Ferries have been cancelled, ……whereas planes are still……… able to take off and
20. Despite having got a good degree, Sandra couldn’t find a well-paid job. even
Sandra couldn’t find a well-paid job ………even that she had got……… a good degree.
21. Even though he’d been robbed twice, Red still enjoyed living in the city. having
Red still enjoyed living in the city ……in spite of having …… twice.
22. It’s a great film despite the plot being a little complicated. though
It’s a great film, ……though the plot is…… a little complicated.
23. Despite looking everywhere, the kids failed to find the tennis ball. although
The kids failed to find the tennis ball ……although they looked…… everywhere.
24. Pat really enjoyed the match even though she was beaten. of
In ……spite of being beaten………, Pat really enjoyed the match.
25. Despite their thorough investigation of the case, the police didn’t manage to catch the
culprit. investigated
Despite ……having investigated the case thoroughly ………  the police didn’t manage to
catch the culprit.

III. Write one word in each gap

with Sunny Magenta
(26)  ………Despite…….. the fact that I try to be as upbeat as possible in this column, I
have to say Milan has disappointed me. If only we (27) ……could………. possibly go back to the
glory days of fashion when skirts were short and pink was the new black. Pink is still in this year,
interestingly enough. (28) ……However………., it’s only being used in accessories such as
buckles, belts, braces and beads. Brown - the must-have color of the season - has never been
my favorite color, (29) ………although ………. I have to say that Belinda Steven’s all brown
paper beachwear was quite stunning. That’s in (30) ……spite……… of its complete
impracticality, of course. It really is (31) ………about………. time that haute couture entered the
real world just a tiny bit. I know it’s supposed to be more art than clothing, but suppose you
actually (32) …………made……. the mistake of buying a Diego Fernandez baseball cap made
of candle wax. That’s one walk in the sunshine and five thousand euros is dripping down your
face! Now, I’m not saying I wish I (33) ………had………. stayed back in dull and grey London -
the after-show parties were tremendous, as always. But I do hope that next season I (34)
…………will………. be able to report that the fashion world’s got a grip on itself once more, and
then - (35) ……………even………. though none of us will ever be able to afford any of the items
I describe in this column - at least we’ll have something to dream about once more.


I. Complete each sentence with a word from the box
conscienc death hand heart mood

tears temper thanks trouble voice

36. The children were happy because their teacher was in a good …………………………… 
36. …………………………… to Mr. Dawson, our car was repaired in time for our holiday.
36. Ruth was helpful, and went to a lot of …………………………… to make us comfortable.
36. Harry was leaning out of the window and shouting at the top of his
36. When Alice heard the bad news, she burst into ……………………………
36. Neil is a very kind person. His …………………………… is in the right place.
36. If you do something bad, it will be on your …………………………… for a long time.
36. I was really angry, and lost my ……………………………, and shouted at people.
36. We need some help. Could you give us a ……………………………?
36. The first time I saw a horror film, I was scared to ……………………………

II. Choose the best word to complete each sentence. 

46. After hours of walking across the desert they thought they saw an oasis, but they were
wrong. There was nothing there; it was only a ………….
A. ghost B. mirage C. trick D.
47. The boxer recovered, although he had been …………. for ten minutes after the fight. His
doctor has told him to give up fighting.
A. unconscious B. asleep C. stopped D.
48. Today’s football match has been …………. because of bad weather. They will play next
Thursday instead.
A. put away B. cancelled C. decided D.
49. If workers and bosses cannot agree, they sometimes bring in professionals from outside
to …………. in the dispute.
A. settle B. decide C. arbitrate D.
50. The soldiers …………. around the square in a perfect display of discipline, watched by
the President and his foreign guests.
A. walked B. marched C. strolled D. ran
51. The very idea of my sister being a thief is quite ………….! She is a qualified dentist, a
mother of three and a governor of a primary school.
A. risky B. dishonest C. futile D.
52. Heavy snow …………. the train for several hours.
A. cancelled B. hindered C. delayed D.
53. According to the weather …………., there will be more snow tomorrow.
A. program B. information C. forecast D.
54. I liked her. She gave me the …………. of being clever but modest, which is quite
A. impression B. thought C. idea D.
55. The …………. of the ship now lies under 300 meters of water, and we shall probably
never discover its secrets.
A. crash B. body C. corpse D.

III. Complete the sentences with the best preposition 

out at in on for of

56. After all that trouble, we’ve ended up the best …………………….…………… friends.
56. …………………….…………… the end of the day, it’s just a game. Don’t worry about it. 
56. …………………….…………… all I know, he might be a brilliant tennis player.
56. Great. They want us to do the job. We’re …………………….…………… business!
56. Keep …………………….…………… touch. Send me an e-mail now and again.
56. That’s it. I’m …………………….…………… here. See you guys later.
56. This program is completely …………………….…………… date. It doesn’t even work with
Windows 2000.
56. You’ve done brilliantly - …………………….…………… a beginner.
56. It’s no good phoning. You have to go there …………………….…………… person.

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given. 
65. It’s not a problem for Tom if he has to take the train to work. MIND
Tom ………………………………………………………………………….. the train to work.
66. Going to bed early has a big effect on how Leila feels the next morning. DIFFERENCE
If Leila goes to bed early, it
………………………………………………………………………….. how she feels the next
67. Last year I decided I wouldn’t eat fast food for lunch any more. GIVE
Last year I decided ………………………………………………………………………….. fast
food for lunch.
68. Melanie goes jogging and answers her important emails before breakfast. WELL
Melanie goes jogging ……………………………………………………………………… her
important emails before breakfast.
69. Clara says she doesn’t usually go out at the weekend. UNUSUAL
Clara says it ………………………………………………………………………….. go out at
the weekend.

You are going to read a magazine article in which four young people talk about how their
parents’ careers have influenced them. Choose from people A-D. The people may be
chosen more than once. 

Which person
thinks his or her parent’s job is boring? 70. …..
was discouraged from following the same profession?  71. …..
changed his or her mind about a future career? 72. …..
experienced pressure to follow the same profession?  73. …..
feels he or she has not been influenced in choosing a career?  74. …..
comes from a long line of people in this profession?  75. …..
thinks the profession in question offers few opportunities?  76. …..
is concerned his or her choice will cause an argument? 77. …..
thinks that success in his or her parent’s profession is 78. …..


How much are children influenced in their choice of profession by their parents’ jobs? We asked
four young people about their experience.

A. Graham Button
My dad is a self-employed builder, like his father and his grandfather, and that means he was
often out working in the evenings or at weekends when I was a child. I think he was proud of
doing a ‘real’ job, something with his hands, which is perhaps why he always tried to push me
into taking up the same profession. And of course he had his own business, which he wanted
me to continue after he retired. When I was in high school, I decided that I really didn’t want to
go into the family business, so at the moment I’m studying history. My father probably thinks I’m
going to become a partner in his firm after I graduate, so I do worry that we might have a big
fight about this sometime in the future.
B. Sue Smith
My mother’s a nuclear physicist, which sounds very exciting. The truth is it’s a pretty tough
profession. And I just don’t think it’s a very interesting job. Of course it’s important, but as far as
I can see, you spend most of the day at a desk doing hundreds of calculations, and then
checking and rechecking them. My mother did try to motivate me to take an interest in science
subjects when I was about 14 or 15, and I think she’d be secretly pleased if I wanted to be a
scientist, but she’s never put any sort of pressure on me. But I know she also thinks - as I do -
that there aren’t so many jobs available in pure research, which is what she does.
C. Barry Porter
When people find out my mother’s an actress, they always ask what Hollywood films she’s been
in, and I have to explain that she’s only ever worked in provincial theatres. She’s hardly ever
been on television, which is why not many people know her. That’s one of the problems with the
theatre: very few people get to the top of the profession, and you have to be extremely lucky just
to make a living from it. Actors often worry about where the next job’s coming from. Even if I had
any talent for acting, I’d be put off by that side of it. As you can gather, I really don’t think my
future is in the theatre, and in any case my mother has always tried to steer me away from
taking up the profession.
D. Ruth Lawrence
My father teaches math at high school, which definitely used to come in handy when we had a
math test the next day! I think in the back of his mind he expected me to be good at math
because he was always there to explain it. The truth is I’ve always been terrible at the subject.
He also used to tell me about the satisfaction you can get from teaching, and I do think he’s
right about that. I used to think I wanted to be a teacher, but then I began to think of the
disadvantages. The profession’s changed and these days teachers have to work a lot in the
holidays and prepare a lot at home. In the end I decided to go into accounting, and I don’t really
think my dad’s job affected my decision at all.

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