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Mandatory Teaching

In order to be signed off at the end of the year you must achieve 60 hours of teaching
attendance by month 10 ie the end of May (these are pre ARCP Covid requirements and
may change at some point during your training year).

• 30 hours minimum must be core mandatory and core non mandatory teaching. 6
hours of this 30 hours can be made up by e-learning from core Foundation e-learning
• 30 hours of non-core learning, such as other CPD verifiable events, departmental
teaching sessions etc,

What counts as core mandatory and non core mandatory teaching

Core Mandatory Teaching

• 2nd Monday of the month (JR/HGH) – 2.00-4.00pm = 2 hours

• 4th Wednesday of the month (JR/HGH) 2.00-4.00pm – 2 hours

o The teaching programme will start on 9 August 2021.

• Simulation Training = 6 hours

• Careers Workshops = 4 hours

You are required to attend the teaching outside of leave, nights etc.

Core Non-Mandatory Teaching

Whilst not mandatory, you are strongly encouraged to attend other teaching arranged by the
Foundation Educational Leads (FELs) Group with the support of the Education Centre. Topics
covered include ethics case-based discussion, public health medicine and inequality and
diversity in medicine

• Teaching is usually on a Friday from 12.30-1.30pm = 1 hour

There is also Case Based Discussion teaching:

• Wednesday 2.00pm – 3.00pm (Weekly Informative Case Based Discussion) teaching.
Please contact if you do not receive an invitation to join
and would like to do so.

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