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TOPIC 6: The Sexual Self under your arms and on your legs.

Many women remove this hair.

What is your sexual self?
 Skin – Your skin may become oilier.
- The Sexual Self pertains to your sexual development,
You may sweat more, producing
sexual health, sexual orientation, gender identity and
body odor, so it is important to wash
expression, and values around sexuality (Villafuerte,
regularly. You may get spots on
Quillope, Tunac, and Borja, 2018).
your face; this is completely natural
3 Sections of the Sexual Self:
and can be kept under control.
Sexual Development
 Menstruation – Your menstruation
- Life long process that starts at the moment of
cycle, or period, usually starts
between the ages of 9 and 14.
- Human beings are all sexual beings. Sexual
During puberty your ovaries begin
development takes place when humans are still inside
to release eggs. A layer of blood and
the womb of their mothers.
tissue builds up in the uterus. This
- Sex – is a biological component determined on the
tissue is not needed until you have
basis of primary sex characteristics.
children and is discharged once a
- Puberty – is the stage of development at which
individuals become sexually mature. (10-14 for girls,
 Breasts – In most girls, puberty
12-16 for boys)
starts with breast growth. It is not
o Puberty in Boys:
unusual for one breast to be larger
 Body size and voice – Arms, legs,
than the other. They will even out
hands, and feet may grow faster than
when they reach their final shape
the rest of your body. Your voice
and size. As your breasts develop
will get deeper.
you may need to wear a bra.
 Hair – Hair will appear under your
 Body Shape – Hips get wider. Waist
arms, legs, and face, and also above
gets smaller. You will put on weight
your penis. Some men also grow
– this is normal and there is no need
hair on their chest.
to diet.
 Skin – Skin may become oilier. You
- During the stage of puberty, your sexual behavior
may sweat more, producing body
begin to develop. Adolescent is where the phase of
odor, so it is important to wash
dating and courtship. Although it is fun, you must be
regularly. You may get spots on
highly cautious in considering the following: early
your face; this is completely natural
pregnancy, acquiring STDs, and early motivation to
and can be kept under control.
sexual activities.
 Penis – Your penis will get longer
- Have you ever wondered what is the most important
and ticker and your testicles will get
sex organ is? It is in the brain, most specifically the
larger. You will have erections due
hypothalamus which influences your sex hormones
to an increase in hormones.
that results to arousal.
Erections are when the penis gets
- What is the difference between how male and female
stiff and hard.
experience arousal?
 Sperm – Your body will begin to
o Males tend to think more of sex due to sexual
produce sperm. This means during
fantasies and desires and are most aroused
an erection you may also experience
with visual stimulus.
ejaculation. This when semen is
o Females on the other hand, tend to place more
released through the penis. This
emphasis on emotional closeness with a lover
may happen when you’re asleep.
or someone they seem to be attracted to. They
This is known as a wet dream.
experience greater arousal than usual –
 Body Shape – Your body will
before, after, or during their menstrual cycle.
change shape, and you will become
- Now what happens to your body when you engage to
taller, heavier, and broader.
sexual activity? According to William Master and
o Puberty in Girls:
Virginia Johnson, the human experiences four stages:
 Body Size – Arms, legs, hands, and
o Stage 1: Excitement – General characteristics
feet may grow faster than the rest of
of this excitement phase, which can last from
your body.
a few minutes to several hours, include the ff:
 Hair – Hair will start to grow in the
 Muscle tension increases
pubic region (the area between your
 Heart rate quickens and breathing is
legs). You may also notice hair
 Skin may become flushed (blotches functioning, and swelled, and erect
of redness appear on the chest and body parts return to their previous
back). size and color.
 Nipples become hardened or erect.  This phase is marked by a general
 Blood flow to the genitals increases, sense of well-being, enhanced
resulting in swelling of the woman’s intimacy and, often, fatigue.
clitoris and labia minora (inner lips),  Some women are capable of a rapid
and erection of the man’s penis. return to the orgasm phase with
 Vaginal lubrication begins. further sexual stimulation and may
 The woman’s breasts become fuller experience multiple orgasms.
and the vaginal walls begin to swell.  Men need recovery time after
 The man’s testicles swell, his orgasm, called a refractory period,
scrotum tightens, and he begins during which cannot reach orgasm
secreting a lubricating liquid. again. The duration of the refractory
o Stage 2: Plateau – General characteristics of period varies among men and
the plateau phase, which extends to the brink usually lengthens with advancing
of orgasm, include the following: age.
 The changes begun in phase 1 are Human Sexuality
intensified. - Sexuality is much more than a sexual feeling or sexual
 The vagina continues to swell from intercourse. It is an important part of who a person is
increased blood flow, and the and what they will become. It includes also the
vaginal wall turn a dark purple. feelings, thoughts, and behaviors associated with
 The woman’s clitoris becomes being male or female. Being attractive and being in
highly sensitive (may even be love as well as being in relationship that includes
painful to touch) and retracts under sexual intimacy, sensual and sexual activities.
the clitoral hood to avoid direct - Brain is primarily responsible to our bodily arousal.
stimulation from the penis. - Understanding the Chemistry of Lust, Love, and
 The man’s testicles are withdrawn Attachment
up into the scrotum. - According to the anthropologist Helen Fisher, there
 Breathing, heart rate, and blood are three stages of falling in love and for each stage, a
pressure continue to increase. different set of chemicals run the show.
 Muscle spasms may begin in the o Lust
feet, face, and hands.  Oestrogen + Testosterone
 Muscle tension increases.  These sex hormones, present in both
o Stage 3: Orgasm – The orgasm is the climax males and females, motivate
of the sexual response cycle. It is the shortest individuals to find a mate – being
phase and generally lasts only a few seconds. the main hormones responsible for
General characteristics of this phase include “sex drive”. Indeed, experiments
the following: have shown that altering levels of
 Involuntary muscle contractions these hormones has implications
begin. upon sexual desire.
 Blood pressure, heart rate, and  Marked by physical attraction.
breathing are at their highest rates,  You want to seduce and be seduced
with a rapid intake of oxygen. by your object of affection
 Muscles in the feet spasm.  Will not guarantee, however, that
 There is a sudden, forceful release the couple will fall in love in any
of sexual tension. lasting way.
 In women, the muscles of the vagina o Attraction
contract. The uterus also undergoes  This “infatuation” stage is driven
rhythmic contractions. mainly by dopamine and
 In men, rhythmic contraction of the norepinephrine (noradrenaline),
muscles at the base of the penis coupled with a decrease in serotonin
result in the ejaculation of semen. levels. This cocktail of chemicals
 A rash, or “sex flush” may appear causes increased alertness and
over the entire body. arousal of the body when somebody
o Stage 4: Resolution is attracted to another, inducing a
 During resolution, the body slowly feel-good reward pathway
returns to its normal level of associated with the person –
increasing the desire to spend more  It is present in blood,
time with them. vaginal secretions, semen,
 It is being in the state of love-struck and breast milk. HIV can
in which, it involves three main be spread through vaginal,
neurotransmitters: norepinephrine, oral, or anal sex without a
dopamine, and serotonin condom.
 It is one heck of a roller-coaster ride  This virus causes the
through your emotions, but it is body’s immune system to
what makes it as one of the most weaken or become
beautiful aspects of human life. deficient.
o Attachment  Many people living with
 Oxytocin + Vasopressin HIV look and feel healthy
 Long term attachment between two and do not think they are at
people involves the hormone risk for becoming sick or
oxytocin (known as the “love passing HIV to others.
hormone” or “cuddle chemical”)  Once infected with HIV,
and vasopressin. Concentrations of they are very mild
these in the body increase following symptoms or none at all
orgasm in both men and women –  After 5-10 years, the
the release of these hormones is body’s immune system
believed to be important factor in becomes too weak to fight
long term attraction and love. off infections – this
 Involves the desire to have lasting syndrome of having many
commitment with your significant infections at the same time
other. because of a weakened
- Risk Factors of Engaging in Genital Sex Behavior immune system is called
o Acquiring of Sexually Transmitted Diseases/ AIDS (Acquired Immune
Infections Deficiency Syndrome)
 They are passed through sexual  NO cure.
contact or genital – through vaginal o Teenage Pregnancy
intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex.  Effects and Risks
 Common Types of STDs (Curable):
 Education Interrupted
 Chlamydia
 Health Risks
 Gonorrhea o Obstetric Fistula
 Trichomoniasis  Maternal Mortality
 Genital warts  Premature Birth
 Pubic lice  Still Birth
 Scabies  Factors that need to keep in mind
 Syphilis  Financial
 Common Symptoms of STD  Biological
 Unusual discharge from  Emotional/Psychological
the vagina, penis, or anus - Having sex isn’t always a healthy choice. Impulsive
 Pain when peeing decisions can lead to lifelong problems; such as
 Lumps or skin growths disease or pregnancy.
around the genitals or anus Diversity of Human Sexuality
 Unusual vaginal bleeding - refers to the biological and - refers to the social and
 Itchy genitals or anus physiological differences cultural differences between
 Blisters and sores around between men and women. men and women.
the genitals or anus - has two main categories: - has two main categories:
 HIV-AIDS (Non – Curable) male and female. masculine and feminine.
 Human Immunodeficiency - sex remains the same - gender roles, expectations
regardless of time and may differ across time and
Virus (HIV) is a virus that
culture. culture.
causes AIDS (Acquired
- created by the reproduction
Immune Deficiency - gender distinctions are
needs, that is, biological
Syndrome). created by gender norms.
- Gender identity – is how you think about yourself. Asexual A person who is not interested in
Chemistry that composes you and how you interpret or does not desire sexual activity.
what it means. Pansexual People who are attracted to
o Woman, Genderqueer, Man others regardless of their sex or
- Gender expression – is how you demonstrate your gender.
gender (based in traditional gender roles) through the - There is preliminary empirical research that strongly
ways you act, dress, behave, and interact. suggests sexual orientation is not a choice. Just as the
o Feminine, Androgynous, Masculine majority of the heterosexual people do not choose to
- Biological sex – refers to the objectively measurable be attracted to the opposite sex, the large majority of
organs, hormones, and chromosomes. the LGBTQ+ people do not choose theirs. The only
o Female = vagina, ovaries, XX chromosomes; real choice that the LGBTQ+ community has to deal
Male = penis, testes, XY chromosomes; with is whether to be open about their orientation.
intersex = combination of the two
- Sexual orientation – is who you are physically, SHORT RECAP:
spiritually, and emotionally attracted to, based on their - The sexual self is an overview of your sexual
sex/gender in relation to your own. development especially in the transitional stage of
o Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual adolescence wherein your sexual awareness is awaken
Terms Definition and begin to manifest sexual behaviors that are
LGBTQ+ An umbrella term for a wide influenced by Biological Factors and Cognitive
spectrum of gender identities, Factors where your Brain is the most important sex
sexual orientations, and romantic organ that mainly controls the production of sex
orientations. hormones that affect how a person experience arousal
Lesbian Females who are exclusively in nature.
attracted to women. - The Chemistry explained as to what and how your
Gay Males who are exclusively neurotransmitters and hormones result you to
attracted to any other males. It experience Lust (testosterone and estrogen); Love
can also refer to anyone who is (norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin); and
attracted to his or her same Attraction (oxytocin and vasopressin). Though there is
gender. no definite answer as how love works. But as we
Bisexual Someone who is
mature we may experience strong emotional
sexually/romantically attracted
attachments to romantic partner and find it natural to
to both men and women.
Transgender An umbrella term for people who express their feelings within sexual relationship, thus
do not identify with the gender engaging such activities may have a permanent
assigned to them at birth. Trans consequence such as acquiring STD or early
woman is an identity label pregnancy, which is why we must be cautious and
adapted by male to female trans think before we act and follow our bodily desires.
people to signify that they - Lastly, we also talked about the Diversity of Human
identify themselves as women. A Sexuality opens a deeper understanding about your
trans man is an identity label Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression
adapted by female to male trans along with their various types where you will see a
people to signify that they wider scope of each concept which allows you to have
identify themselves as men. acknowledgement of who you really are in terms of
Transsexualism People who believe they were your sexuality and the different types of people.
born with the body of the other
gender. Transsexuals sometimes
seek sex-change operations.
Queer/ A useful term for those who are
Questioning questioning their identities and
are unsure about using more
specific terms, or those who do
not simply wish to label
themselves and prefer to use a
broader umbrella term.
Intersex People who are born with a mix
of male and female biological
traits that can make it hard for
doctors to assign them a male or
female sex.

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