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Name: Cyrel Jay L.

Rosalita Date: June 7, 2021

Section: 11 STEM 1B

Activity 5. Survival Kit Bag


The first 72 hours after a disaster is critical. Supply of water, food, electricity,
communication lines may not be available. In addition, access to public safety services,
rescue, clinics or hospitals may not be possible. Hence, individuals should be prepared
to be self-reliant and be able to survive for at least 3 days or 72 hours. Basic
emergency/disaster kit items are commonly found in households like flashlight, battery or
crank operated radio, food, water and blanket. The kit must be organized, easy to find
and easy to carry, and should be checked every 6 months to make sure the items are in
good condition.


1. Prepare essential items for a disaster kit in your household.

2. Make a checklist, organize these items and take a picture of these items.
3. Then put these items in a survival kit bag and take a picture of yourself with the
survival kit bag.

➢ Image 1. Checklist and picture of items
➢ Image 2. Your picture with the survival kit bag

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