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Name: Cyrel Jay L. Rosalita Section: STEM 2B


Answer each question directly with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Answer also the follow up question
briefly but concisely (Limit to one sentence only; 20 points).

1. Does the text state or answer a

question, issue, or problem? Yes
If yes, what question, issue, or The issue about the reports of flu-like
problem does it state? symptoms after COVID-19 vaccination

2. Does it provide facts? Yes

The symptoms are expected and do not
change the benefit-risk balance of COVID-
If yes, what facts does it provide? 19 vaccines.

3. Does it provide a credible source? Yes

If yes, what source does it mention?

4. Does it use accurate and precise
language? Yes
5. Is it objective? Yes
6. Is it personal? No
7. Is it biased? No
8. Is the text an academic text? Yes

9. If yes, what type of academic text?

If no, what makes it not?

10. What structure does the text follow? Three-part essay structure


Limit answer to one sentence only for each item. And then, summarize the text in a
short but concise paragraph (20 points).

Introduction 11. Flu-like symptoms following the COVID-19 vaccination are

(Thesis Statement only) to be expected and do not change the benefit-risk balance,
according to the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine
Safety (GACVS) COVID-19 Subcommittee safety review of
the vaccine.
Body (Main Idea 1) 12. A review of the WHO global Individual Case Safety
Reports database, Vigibase, has found no significant
differences between flu-like symptoms after vaccination
with different vaccines and those for SARS-COV-2
vaccine inactivated (Vero cell; CZ02) [Sinovac).

(Main Idea 2) 13. The side effects of the vaccine COVID-19 can be mild to
moderate and transient, and they are more common in
younger vaccine recipients (under the age of 55 years)
compared with older people.
Conclusion According to the COVID-19 Subcommittee, flu-like symptoms
may be expected as immune responses following vaccinations
For those who are using only their phones to encode and may be having difficulty formatting, you may present your
answers in numerical order (Numbers 1-16). “Answer Only” is okay.

Name: Section:

in general, and recommends that people should be informed of

the potential for flu-like symptoms prior to COVID-19
vaccination, and says that transient symptoms after a first dose
of these vaccines should not prevent administration of the
second dose.

Recommendation 15. The committee recommends that reports of suspected

adverse events should be collected and reviewed
continuously as COVID-19 vaccines are introduced.


In one short paragraph, 16.

summarize the text. Use
your outline as guide.

For those who are using only their phones to encode and may be having difficulty formatting, you may present your
answers in numerical order (Numbers 1-16). “Answer Only” is okay.

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