Rochael Ann Reyes & Charles Barde

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1. In what areas in the way of life of the Filipinos did science contribute to
nation building during the Pre-Spanish Philippines.
- Planting crops in which provides them food in able to prevent hunger in the
community. Taking care of the animals to make their life longer also to breed
them to increase the livestock and foods. Food production in which the raw
ingredients will be process to edible food products. Explaining over and over
again on the movements of our heavenly bodies and predicting on what weather
and climates will be have. Lastly the plants that serves as a medicine for sick

2. In what areas in the way of life of the Filipinos did technology contribute to
nation building during the Pre-Spanish Philippines?
- It helps us to build house in which we will live there to rest to prevent getting wet
during rains and to prevent wild animals. Irrigations in the plant crops to prevent
dryness of plant food and prevent them to death. Developing tools in able to have
a durability in tools and stuffs. In Musical instruments it serves before until now
as an entertainment and it uses in all occasions. In Metal Age Influence they
discover gold and silver in which it serves for them in fashion, trading and
3. What were the contributions of the following in building our nation? 3.1) Spaniards; 2)
Galleon Trade; 3) Americans; and 4) The New Republic.
- In the spanish era they taught us to be more advance especially on the means of
science. Nowadays, these cultures adopted by the Filipinos are still working and
contributing to the people. Filipinos also became modenized mostly using
indigenous materials and medicine and also science were introduced in formal
colleges and universities. The galleon trade was used by the spaniards to sell
spices, porcelain, ivory, processes silk cloth and other valuable commodities. Also
because of Galleon trade the Philippines becamw one of the centers of the global
trade in South East Asia. Americans contributed facilities mostly Health facilities,
they also established infrastructures like woods, bridges, and streets and also thay
taught Filipinos proper hygiene and cleanliness, though americans helped us in all
these. They also destroyed it in world war II which it became difficult for them to
rebuilt itself.
4. In meeting the ASEAN 2015 goals, the Philippine Government, particularly DOST and
the National Research Center of the Philippines (NRCP), clustered government policies.
Make an evaluation of these clustered policies by choosing, from each cluster, the most
important and most relevant policy. Explain, in not more than five sentences, the reasons
for your choice.
- Biological sciences, agriculture and forestry, for me the most relevant because it
is important to conserve our indegenous people and to give importance our
cultures and also it is important to have knowledge about bio science by
preserving our environment.

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