I. Answer The Questions Below by Crossing A, B, C or D!: Mid Term Test I IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020 SLB Budi Asih Gombong

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas : VII / SMPLB B
Hari / Tanggal :

I. Answer the questions below by crossing a, b, c or d!

1. Number ….
a. one c. three
b. two d. four

2. Number ….
a. four c. six
b. five d. seven

3. Number ….
a. sixteen c. eighteen
b. seventeen d. nineteen

4. Number ….
a. fifteen c. nineteen
b. eighteen d. twenty

5. Number ….
a. eleven c. thirteen
b. twelve d. forteen
6. She is a ….
a. uncle c. mother
b. brother d. father
7. He is a ….
a. father c. grandmother
b. grandfather d. sister

8. Daughter is ….
a. anak perempuan c. paman
b. anak laki-laki d. bibi
9. Brother is ….
a. saudara perempuan c. saudara laki-laki
b. sepupu d. anak laki-laki
10. My family is ….
a. father, mother, and children c. brother and sister
b. grandfather and grandmother d. daughter and son

11. It is a ….
a. mosque c. hospital
b. market d. school

12. That is a ….
a. factory c. office
b. port d. market

13. The students are studying in the ….

a. house c. office
b. school d. factory
14. I feel bore, I go to the ….
a. hotel c. tourist object
b. hospital d. school

15. What is it? It is an ….

a. lion c. giraffe
b. tiger d. elephant

16. It is a ….
a. goat c. bird
b. cow d. fish

17. This is a ….
a. fish c. bird
b. duck d. hen
18. Buffalo is ….
a. sapi c. kerbau
b. kambing d. gajah

19. That is a ….
a. bus c. mini bus
b. truck d. car

20. What is it? It is a ….

a. ship c. car
b. plane d. bicycle

II. Matching (Menjodohkan/Memasangkan!)

1. Good Morning a. Senin
2. Bedroom b. Alamat
3. Address c. Guru
4. Teacher d. Selamat Pagi
5. Monday e. Kamar Tidur

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