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Cyrel Jay L.

Grade 11 STEM 1B
September 19, 2020

This world is full of mystery. There are things that we humans cannot understand. Sometimes we
jumped to conclusion to gratify our uncertainties. There are many questions that bother us because there are no
studies yet that prove the exact answer.

For me, I have so many doubts and reservations of what really life is. Why do people suffer from
diseases, natural and man-made calamities? We are afraid of death. It came into my mind on this question, “Is
there life after death.” Biblical ideas tell us that when a person dies, he/she will face God’s judgment whether
he/she will be in heaven or in hell. But this thoughts are rejected by individual that who didn’t believe in God.

The question about life after death is one of the examples of universal question since people didn’t
have any proof that there is life after death. This question gives me a realization that we strengthen our
relationship and trust in God. It is really worth asking for because it measures our fate and trust in our Almighty
Father since death is inevitable.

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