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Good morning everyone. This is teacher John, and welcome to my class.

Today I will discuss about Oral Communication, one of the most essential learning competences.

And that's what we're going to do for today's lesson.

Okay, before we start, I would like to ask you a question.

Can you imagine life without communication, can you live for a day without texting, chatting or
sending messages to your friend, love ones and parents?

I don’t think so.

There’s no doubt that communication play a vital role in human life. It does not only facilitate the
sharing of information but also helps develop relationship with others.

The importance of communication cannot be underestimated.

Let’s us first define what communication means,

Communication is the process of exchanging thoughts, ideas, feelings, information between and
among others, whether it's verbal or nonverbal, to achieve a particular goal or purpose.

Now, let us tackle the nature of communication. Number one,

Communication is a process.

When we see process is cyclical. It is like a cycle. It begins from one step to another

Second one communication occurs between two or more people.

The third one, communication can be expressed whether it's verbal, nonverbal or both verbal and
nonverbal at the same time.

So, in order for us to understand more, here are the elements of communication, we have this
speaker, we have message, the encoding, the channel, the decoding, receiver, feedback, context
and the last one is the barrier.

These elements will explain to us its mechanics and process.

This time let me explain to you the process of communication.

Do you know that the process of communication takes place or begins with the speaker, speaker
also known as the sender of the message or information? The speaker initiates the process of
communication with a specific or particular purpose.

The speaker encodes by converting messages into actions or words or other form wherein the
listener understand.

The message is simple the information, thoughts or ideas conveyed by the speaker into words or
in action.
After that the messages being transported through vehicle called the Channel. Channel in used as
medium of transmitting ideas or thoughts. Channel includes face to face conversation,
conferencing, telephone conversation, written communication, mass media, and so on.

Next in line is the Listener, also known as the receiver, the receiver decodes the message.
Decoding means, understanding, interpreting, the encoded message given or said by the sender or
the speaker. Listener or the Receiver, decodes the message he or she can now make response or
also known as feedback. Feedbacks or reactions, responses or any information provided by the
receiver it can present through different channels.

Have you ever tried having a hard time just to come up with a good communication? Yes, it
happens. Sometimes, misunderstanding happens, because of the presence of noise. This noise is
also known as barrier

Barriers are factors that affect the flow of communication.

We have two types of barriers it could be external or internal. When we say external, these are
happens outside it could be a sound of a dog, sound from the people around us and anything that
distract the flow of communication we call them external barrier or the internal barriers these
barriers happens in us since it is not visible, it is hard for us to control it could be feelings,
emotions, or anything that hinders it communication process.

The context is the environment where communication takes place. It is also the setting or the
situation process occurs.

So that’s it, I hope you were able to understand the process and nature of communication. Thank
you for listening, this is teacher John and see you again next time. Byee!

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