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Answer the given questions. Write your answer on the space


1. Mathematical tools
2. software
3. social media analyst
4. mathematics for prediction
5. probability
6. astronomers
7. astrophysicist Brian Greene
8. 1916
9. Albert Einstein
10. Kipples
11. mathematics
12. reality
13. huge role
14. indespensable
15. organization

Exercise 1.1 “(Stock Knowledge)”

Answer the given questions:
1. Mike had a summer job packing sweets. Each pack should weigh 200 grams. Mike had to
make 15 packs of sweets. He check the weights, in grams, correct to the nearest gram.
Following are his measurements:
212 206 203 206 199 a. What is the highest measurements? 212
196 197 197 209 206 b. What is the lowest measurements? 191
198 191 196 206 207 c. What is the most frequent data? 206
d. calculate the VALUE of range. 212-191 = r =21
e. Find the Mean. = 201.93
2. A certain study found that the relationship between the students’ exam scores (y) and the
number of hours they spent studying (x) is given by the equation y= 10x + 45. Using this
information, what will be the estimated score of students who spent 4 hour studying?
given: X=4

y = 10x + 45
y = 10 (4) + 45
y + 40 + 45
y = 95

Therefore the estimated score of students who spent 4 hours in studying is 95

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