Generation 2: Ancestors of Jose Protacio Rizal

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Let us, of course, begin this blog with the family tree of Jose Rizal, the national

hero of the Philippines.  Please note that the narrative below is software-generated.

Ancestors of
Jose Protacio Rizal
1. Jose Protacio  Rizal , born 19 Jun 1861 in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines; died
30 Dec 1896 in Bagumbayan, Luneta, Philippines, son of 2. Francisco Mercado  and
3. Teodora Alonzo .
Generation 2
2. Francisco2 Mercado , born in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines; died in Calamba,
Laguna, Philippines, son of 4. Juan Mercado  and 5. Cirila Alejandra (—) .  He
married 3. Teodora Alonzo , daughter of 6. Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo  and 7. Brigida
de Quintos .
Children of Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonzo were as follows:

1          i           Jose Protacio1 Rizal , born 19 Jun 1861 in Calamba, Laguna,

Philippines; died 30 Dec 1896 in Bagumbayan, Luneta, Philippines.
Generation 3
4. Juan3 Mercado , son of 8. Francisco Mercado  and 9. Bernarda Monicha .  He
married in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines 5. Cirila Alejandra (—) , daughter of 10.
Siong-co (—) .
Children of Juan Mercado and Cirila Alejandra (—) were as follows:

i           Gavino2 Mercado .
ii          Potenciana2 Mercado .
iii         Leoncio2 Mercado .
iv         Fausto2 Mercado .
v          Barcelisa2 Mercado .  She married Hermenegildo Austria .
vi         Gabriel2 Mercado .
vii        Julian2 Mercado .
viii       Gregorio Fernando2 Mercado .
ix         Casimiro2 Mercado .
x          Petrona2 Mercado .  She married Gregorio Neri .
xi         Tomasa2 Mercado .  She married F. de Guzman .
xii        Cornelia2 Mercado .
2          xiii       Francisco2 Mercado , born in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines; died in
Calamba, Laguna, Philippines.  He married Teodora Alonzo , daughter of Lorenzo
Alberto Alonzo  and Brigida de Quintos .
6. Lorenzo Alberto3 Alonzo , born 1790; died 1854, son of 11. Cipriano Alonzo
and 12. Maria Florentina .  He married 7. Brigida de Quintos , died 1856 in
Calamba, Laguna, Philippines, daughter of 13. Manuel de Quintos  and 14. Regina
Ochoa .
Other events for Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo
Occupation: Gobernadorcillo,  Biñan, Laguna, Philippines (1824).

Children of Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo and Brigida de Quintos were as follows:

i           Narcisa2 Alonzo .  She married Santiago Muger .

3          ii          Teodora2 Alonzo .  She married Francisco Mercado , born in
Biñan, Laguna, Philippines; died in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines, son of Juan
Mercado  and Cirila Alejandra (—) .
iii         Gregorio2 Alonzo .
iv         Manuel2 Alonzo .
v          Jose Alberto2 Alonzo .
Generation 4
8. Francisco4 Mercado , born 1731 in Binan, Laguna, Philippines, son of 15.
Domingo Lam-co  and 16. Ines de la Rosa (—) .  He married on 26 May 1771 in
Calamba, Laguna, Philippines 9. Bernarda Monicha , born in Biñan, Laguna,
Children of Francisco Mercado and Bernarda Monicha were as follows:

4          i           Juan3 Mercado .  He married in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines Cirila

Alejandra (—) , daughter of Siong-co (—) .
ii          Clemente3 Mercado .
10. Siong-co4 (—) .  He married unknown.
Children of Siong-co (—) were as follows:

5          i           Cirila Alejandra3 (—) .  She married in Biñan, Laguna,

PhilippinesJuan Mercado , son of Francisco Mercado  and Bernarda Monicha .
11. Cipriano4 Alonzo , died 1805 in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines, son of 17. Gregorio
Alonzo .  He married 12. Maria Florentina , born 1771; died 1817, daughter of 18.
Mariano Alejandro  and 19. (—) Florentina .
Children of Cipriano Alonzo and Maria Florentina were as follows:

6          i           Lorenzo Alberto3 Alonzo , born 1790; died 1854.  He

marriedBrigida de Quintos , died 1856 in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines, daughter
of Manuel de Quintos  and Regina Ochoa . Other events: Occupation:
Gobernadorcillo,  Biñan, Laguna, Philippines (1824).
ii          Isabel3 Alonzo .
13. Manuel4 de Quintos , son of 20. Manuel de Quintos .  He married
14. ReginaOchoa , daughter of 21. Mariquita Ochoa .
Children of Manuel de Quintos and Regina Ochoa were as follows:

7          i           Brigida3 de Quintos , died 1856 in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines. 

She married Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo , born 1790; died 1854, son of Cipriano
Alonzo  and Maria Florentina .
Generation 5
15. Domingo5 Lam-co , son of 22. Siang-co Cua  and 23. Zun-nio (—) .  He
married 16. Ines de la Rosa (—) , daughter of 24. Agustin Chinco  and 25. Jacinta
Rafaela (—) .
Children of Domingo Lam-co and Ines de la Rosa (—) were as follows:

8          i           Francisco4 Mercado , born 1731 in Binan, Laguna, Philippines. 

He married on 26 May 1771 in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines Bernarda Monicha ,
born in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines.
ii          Josepha Didnio4 (—) , born 1741 in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines; died 1741
in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines.
17. Gregorio5 Alonzo , died 1794.  He married unknown.
Children of Gregorio Alonzo were as follows:

11        i           Cipriano4 Alonzo , died 1805 in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines.  He

married Maria Florentina , born 1771; died 1817, daughter of Mariano Alejandro
and (—) Florentina .
18. Mariano5 Alejandro , born in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines; died in Biñan,
Laguna, Philippines.  He married 19. (—) Florentina , born in Baliwag, Bulacan,
Philippines; died in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines.
Children of Mariano Alejandro and (—) Florentina were as follows:

12        i           Maria4 Florentina , born 1771; died 1817.  She

married CiprianoAlonzo , died 1805 in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines, son of Gregorio
Alonzo .
20. Manuel5 de Quintos , born in Pangasinan, Philippines.  He married unknown.
Children of Manuel de Quintos were as follows:
13        i           Manuel4 de Quintos .  He married Regina Ochoa , daughter of
Mariquita Ochoa .
21. Mariquita5 Ochoa , daughter of 26. Estanislao Manuel Ochoa .  She married
Children of Mariquita Ochoa were as follows:

14        i           Regina4 Ochoa .  She married Manuel de Quintos , son of

Manuel de Quintos .
Generation 6
22. Siang-co6 Cua , son of 27. Zhang Ly Cua .  He married 23. Zun-nio (—) .
Children of Siang-co Cua and Zun-nio (—) were as follows:

15        i           Domingo5 Lam-co .  He married Ines de la Rosa (—) , daughter

of Agustin Chinco  and Jacinta Rafaela (—) .
24. Agustin6 Chinco , son of 28. Chin-co Chinco  and 29. Zun-nio (—) .  He
married 25. Jacinta Rafaela (—) .
Children of Agustin Chinco and Jacinta Rafaela (—) were as follows:

i           Magdalena Vergara5 (—) .
ii          Josepha5 (—) .
iii         Cristoval de la Trinidad5 (—) .
iv         Juan Batista5 (—) .
v          Francisco Hong-Sun5 (—) .
16        vi         Ines de la Rosa5 (—) .  She married Domingo Lam-co , son of
Siang-co Cua  and Zun-nio (—) .
26. Estanislao Manuel6 Ochoa , son of 30. Policarpio Ochoa .  He married
Children of Estanislao Manuel Ochoa were as follows:

21        i           Mariquita5 Ochoa .  She married unknown.

Generation 7
27. Zhang Ly7 Cua , son of 31. Cong You Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Zhang Ly Cua were as follows:

22        i           Siang-co6 Cua .  He married Zun-nio (—) .

28. Chin-co7 Chinco .  He married 29. Zun-nio (—) .
Children of Chin-co Chinco and Zun-nio (—) were as follows:
24        i           Agustin6 Chinco .  He married Jacinta Rafaela (—) .
30. Policarpio7 Ochoa .  He married unknown.
Children of Policarpio Ochoa were as follows:

26        i           Estanislao Manuel6 Ochoa .  He married unknown.

Generation 8
31. Cong You8 Cua , son of 32. Cai Jing Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Cong You Cua were as follows:

27        i           Zhang Ly7 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 9
32. Cai Jing9 Cua , son of 33. He Fu Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Cai Jing Cua were as follows:

31        i           Cong You8 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 10
33. He Fu10 Cua , son of 34. Bai Xia Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of He Fu Cua were as follows:

32        i           Cai Jing9 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 11
34. Bai Xia11 Cua , son of 35. Ting Zuo Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Bai Xia Cua were as follows:

33        i           He Fu10 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 12
35. Ting Zuo12 Cua , son of 36. Zhong Guo Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Ting Zuo Cua were as follows:

34        i           Bai Xia11 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 13
36. Zhong Guo13 Cua , son of 37. Hong Gong Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Zhong Guo Cua were as follows:

35        i           Ting Zuo12 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 14
37. Hong Gong14 Cua , son of 38. Men Gong Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Hong Gong Cua were as follows:
36        i           Zhong Guo13 Cua .  He married unknown.
Generation 15
38. Men Gong15 Cua , son of 39. Zong Xian Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Men Gong Cua were as follows:

37        i           Hong Gong14 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 16
39. Zong Xian16 Cua , son of 40. Wan Ching Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Zong Xian Cua were as follows:

38        i           Men Gong15 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 17
40. Wan Ching17 Cua , son of 41. Szu Gong Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Wan Ching Cua were as follows:

39        i           Zong Xian16 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 18
41. Szu Gong18 Cua , son of 42. Song Lo Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Szu Gong Cua were as follows:

40        i           Wan Ching17 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 19
42. Song Lo19 Cua , son of 43. Zhi Gong Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Song Lo Cua were as follows:

41        i           Szu Gong18 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 20
43. Zhi Gong20 Cua , son of 44. Yun Cong Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Zhi Gong Cua were as follows:

42        i           Song Lo19 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 21
44. Yun Cong21 Cua , son of 45. Nian Chi Zhi Zheng Cua .  He married unknown.
Children of Yun Cong Cua were as follows:

43        i           Zhi Gong20 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 22
45. Nian Chi Zhi Zheng22 Cua , son of 46. Shan Weng Cua .  He married
Children of Nian Chi Zhi Zheng Cua were as follows:

44        i           Yun Cong21 Cua .  He married unknown.

Generation 23
46. Shan Weng23 Cua.  He married unknown.
Children of Shan Weng Cua were as follows:

45        i           Nian Chi Zhi Zheng22 Cua .  He married unknown.

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