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Internet Users Safety: An Assessment of Cyber Vulnerability and Risk

Factors During Pandemic

Quantitative Research (Evaluation Research)




Mr. Rommel G. Soriano

Practical Research II Adviser


2020 - 2021


I. Background of the Study

The internet is the number one source that people of all ages turn to. It

has created a visible effect on the improvement of people’s lifestyle communication,

healthcare services, bills and payments, and purchases, but this progress has a

corresponding downside. The start of 2020 marked the beginning of the so called

COVID-19 pandemic which struck the whole world. Wherein, as people stay in their

respective homes, keeping themselves busy by browsing the internet and surfing on

different social media platforms have become an open source of cyber security threats,

risks and vulnerabilities.

Cyber security is defined as a collection of risk management approaches, rules

and regulations, principles, and technologies that can be a safeguard to cyber

environment and assets. Considered as internet vulnerability; negligence, poor

management practices, poor network security and faulty defenses are the reasons why

commoners are more likely to be victimized by cyber security attacks. Nevertheless, a

complete cyber security protocol does not guarantee an all over safety considering the

prominent organizations that were attacked as well. One of which is the World Health

Organization (WHO), they stated that cyber-attacks against their organization have a

fivefold increase. Wherein, lots of scammers impersonate the organization that targets
and encourage the public to make donations to the account of WHO to fight this COVID-

19, which turns out to be fake. According to National Crime Agency, people need to be

alert specially in this time of pandemic because there are instances of COVID-19

themed application or malicious websites and email/voice phishing attacks that aims to

steal or hack personal and financial information.

The pandemic has greatly contributed to the prevalence of cyber issues and

malicious practices all over the internet, such as data breaches. It has been a great

threat to many, especially during this time when almost all of our work is found online.

Technology may have been a silver lining during the pandemic because of how simple

and quick digital transactions and communication benefit individuals, but not until data

and security are taken over by cybercriminals in various ways. According to

INTERPOL’s report, in one four-month period, January to April, some 907,000 spam

messages, 737 incidents related to malware and 48,000 malicious URLs- all related to

COVID-19- were detected. The circumstance is taken advantage of by criminals,

resulting in a significant effect not just on individuals but also on major corporations. As

people become more reliant on technology, cyber-attacks are more dangerous and

vulnerable. Now that cybercriminals continue to carry out their operations and progress

their attacks, the potential of vulnerability has increased even higher.

Over the years, the quick advancement of technology has been significantly

revolutionary. In almost all facets of our economy, entertainment and even in education,

these technological advances influence and benefit us. People prefer to respond to

these changes and utilize them especially to education now that there is a presence of

pandemic. But together with this advancements are the consequences it brings to its
users. In the Philippines, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has provided public advisory

services in response to emerging safety threats that are associated with online classes

in the midst of the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic. Although video

conferencing services such as google meet and zoom meetings open door to new

possibilities that promote access to education, the use of information and

communication technology in online classrooms can pose many security risks. Those

safety threats include loss of confidentiality, accessibility and credibility of computer

data, as well as vulnerability of students to hostile strangers and harmful material online.

While the risk of being targeted will remain, users and employers can be supported by

some mitigating steps. Thus, it is recommended that students or internet users in

general to be extremely careful about possible threats in the cyber world and practice

good cyber security and enhance their knowledge in this time of pandemic.

Complacency should not be tolerated when engaging in some activities in the

internet world. Cybercrime, cybersecurity threats, cyberattacks, and so on are already a

thing ever since the advent of the technology, which seems to get a lot worse as the

internet grows and develops. With that being said, it is somehow expected that at least

most of the users are now aware of those said risks. Which means they may already

have come to their senses that being cautious not only on the outside world is a must.

But then again, no matter how careful a person is, a mistake can be unexpectedly done

and crime still tends to occur. Not to mention that even those who are working in big

fields are being victimized such as hospitals, especially at this time of a pandemic.

Access to a patient’s medical records is a gold mine for cybercriminals, since, it

often contains some important information such as date of birth, insurance and health
provider information, as well as genetic and health data – information that cannot be

easily altered, unlike the situation of a credit card being stolen. For hackers, this

information is particularly lucrative because the health information of a patient can be

sold on the dark web for 10-20 times more than the amount of credit card information or

even their social security number. Leak of this information can also undermine the

physician-patient relationship.

Considering modernization, the world continues to develop and the society

becomes more reliant to technology. People tend to establish a give-and-take

relationship to their gadgets, and as they keep at the pace of being dependent on

technology, we cannot deny the fact that vulnerability to cybercrime has also increased.

No one is guaranteed to a 100% safe cyberspace as these threats are machines made

by people to attack other machines also operated by people. However, following the

safety netiquettes will lessen one’s vulnerability.

II. Statement of the Problem

The study aims to evaluate the safety of internet users in General Trias, Cavite

in terms of resource management practices, network security and software defenses

Specifically, the study will attempt to answer the following questions:

1. What is the cybersecurity assessment score of internet users in barangay Pasong

Camachile I and Pasong Camachile II in terms of:

a.) Resource management practices

b.) Network Security

c.) Software defenses

2. Is the conceptual model effective in determining the level of cybersecurity of the

internet users?
III. Significance of the Study

In today's time where all online users are accumulated at one place, the internet,

assessing the risks present in this space is very beneficial both on online users and

organizations that maintains cyber security. This study will help in providing information

for certain organizations like FBI in securing a healthy internet surfing experience for all.

With this, internet safety will be served on netizens for there has been an evaluation

done for them to follow and be guided in their future internet experience. With the help

of the assessment score, the conceptual model will determine the level of cyber security

of every internet users.

It will benefit the school community, entrepreneurial groups, government online

service staffs, and remote employees by making sure that they are protected on any

device which they utilize in able to undertake initiatives, services and projects online.

Thus, conducting this study will raise awareness, preventing the entrance to malicious

sites and software that may bring harm and even greater damage to online community if

no prompt security responses will be done.

This study will be focused on making a conceptual model that will help in

assessing the risk and safety of internet users. It will be beneficial to everyone that uses

the internet to help them keep safe and prevent malicious intents such as identity theft,

account hacking, and etc. This study's overall benefit will be focused on keeping internet

users safe from risks and will provide information about the risks that the internet has.
The study would also aid the communities, the government, and the Department

of Cybersecurity in providing ideas to solve our problems using technology and

IV. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The principal objective of this study is to assess the cybersecurity and construct

a conceptual model for assessing the risk and safety of internet users in the city of

General Trias, Cavite. This includes resource management practices, network security,

and software defenses. It focuses on the evaluation of the safety of internet users due

to the emerging threats of cybersecurity in the municipality. This study will only focus

and be conducted in Barangay Pasong Camachile I and Barangay Pasong Camachile

II, General Trias on November 2020 until June 2021.

V. Conceptual Framework

The procedure, by which the evaluation research is constructed in the framework

presented in Figure 1. It is guided by the Input, Process, and Output (IPO) Model.

Input Process Output

* Collection of
* Determine
eligible population
*Capturing and
(Definition of
processing * Conceptual
responses Model and
*Applying evaluation results
Statistical for enhancement
treatments of Cybersecurity
Research Design
Results from the
respondents and

Figure 1 showing the Conceptual Framework of Internet Users Safety: An Assessment

of Cyber Vulnerability and Risk Factors During Pandemic

VI. Definition of Terms

For a clearer understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the
context of this research:
Assessment score. is a piece of detailed information wherein the examinee’s
responses to the items of an assessment being measured conveys the average
performance or knowledge of participants.
Conceptual model. a presentation of a model or a system, containing a set of
concepts that is used to help the readers to understand and simulate the subject or
Cyber-attacks. an attempt launched by cybercriminals which is meant to hack,
destroy and damage a certain computer network or system.
Cyber security. the protection of computer networks and system against the
theft, cybercriminals and unauthorized use of electronic data.
Cyber security protocol. are protocols, measures, plans or actions that aims to
keep the system/network and organization safe from threats, risks, malicious attacks
and data breaches.
Cyberspace. cyberspace is a time-dependent set of interconnected information
systems and the human users that interact with these systems.
Data breaches. an incident wherein information is stolen or taken from a system
without the knowledge or authorization of the system's owner. the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the
Internet protocol suite to communicate between networks and devices.
Malicious websites. is a site that attempts to install malware (a general term for
anything that will disrupt computer operation, gather your personal information or, in a
worst-case scenario, gain total access to your machine) onto your device.
Network security. any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a
computer, server, client, or computer network.
Risks. is the probability of exposure or loss resulting from a cyber-attack or data
breach on your organization.
Scammer. a person who commits fraud or participates in a dishonest scheme.
Technology. the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of
human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human
Threat. a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile
action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
Vulnerability. the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being
attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
- is a weakness or flaw in software, hardware, or organizational processes,
which when compromised by a threat, can result in a security breach


Cyberspace has become the primary tool for manipulation during this time of the
pandemic. Hackers take this opportunity to take advantage of people’s lack of
intelligence and awareness about cyber vulnerabilities. Compared to the two countries
that the Philippines are being considered as an ally to or a friendly neighbor, the US and
China are a threat to the Philippines when it comes to cyber powers. The country has
been the prime target of hackers with its countless hacking incidents over the years.
The Philippines’ capability to deter cyber espionage activities or be proactive in one is
still lacking, and today’s geopolitical climate presents a very challenging situation for the
Philippines, most especially if put alongside China in both issues of maritime dispute
and cybersecurity, (Castillo, 2020). As the Philippines ranked 4th with the highest
number of online threats in 2019 globally, it made the country at risk in data privacy,
security, and other information involving banks and government for possible hacking in
this situation where people rely most on technology. A call for good education and
training initiatives that can enhance cyber-intelligence is necessary. This is to help the
country improve IT infrastructure systems and deter potential cyber-attacks.

Most infrastructures today rely on cybersecurity to protect their privacy and to

address risks that can be harmful in the near future. Conceptual models exist to provide
guidance and to detail the assessment done in order to create a strategy. Risk
management frameworks can be utilized to improve cyber policies and cybersecurity
practices, and it is supported by the model that is called “PRISM” (Lamarca, 2020).
Identifying risks and threats provides a lot of information in order to establish a better
scheme to provide maximum cyber protection. Through the years there have been
models internationally and locally and it has proven its importance in aiding many
infrastructures. Known vulnerabilities will be examined and these models aims to close
these gaps to mitigate impacts of attacks.
Cyber-attacks flourished because they are much cheaper, convenient and less
risky than physical attacks (Jaccard & Nepal, 2014). This proves that it is really
necessary for people to monitor and to assess their state of cybersecurity because in
this modern world, one simple leak will let so many people access your personal data. A
data leak is like a wildfire that can’t be controlled easily. Assessing early and effectively
through the use of assessment and conceptual models can protect your privacy from
threats and future risks.

There is a drastic increase of people being exposed to the cyber world,

particularly people using web applications. Yet several of this web-based software has
their own vulnerabilities towards complex cyber-attacks and risks. It is necessary to
protect these web applications from online threats, which is why web application
security activities are crucial for providing a vulnerability assessment and penetration
testing or VAPT. Vulnerability assessment is a method through which it identifies
security vulnerabilities in web applications. However, penetration testing determines and
detect whether the web applications used are harmed by an unusual and malicious
activity (Malekar, V. & Ghode, S. 2020). Several websites have been engaged to
hacking. These hackers were actively involved in hacking websites, leaking data
information elsewhere that could lead to theft of sensitive data. Vulnerability
assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) open-source tools are effective in
identifying online vulnerabilities and securing web applications from online threats.
These online attackers prefer to keep a close eye on the weaknesses of the website
and used these as an opportunity to gain an authorized access to the system. That is
why security testing of web applications must always be considered to avoid
experiencing risks online. Because these security testing tools help to find gaps and
loopholes in order for web applications to ensure that data are always protected. With
these, the safety of internet users in the cyber world will be guarantee through having
an effective, strong software defenses.

Technology had become the most powerful tool nowadays as it cater

different purposes that people can take advantage of. Specifically, internet and
computer use become a platform for both students and youth in active learning
experiences. But, in every internet and computer usage, there will always be a threat
and vulnerability that comes along if the user will not have a full awareness and internet
security. (Yilmaz, et al., 2016) Wherein, from the study collected on 2029 students
studying in Bartin Province, Turkey, majority of the Turkish students are exposed to
internet risks and threats since they are not aware of some computer security. To put it
simply, email accounts are the most targeted by the hackers which the Turkish students
failed to protect since 43.90% of them still save their accounts even it is hacked.
However, there are some results showing that 58.00% of the students has the ability to
block messages from the sender they didn’t know and 57.90% of the students has the
capability to change their privacy settings which considered a great safety in terms of
social network security. But, on the later part, many of the students are still under
threats due to the lack of awareness, wrong software installation and protection
methods. With this being said, internet and computer cannot guarantee the safety of
internet users as there will always be dangers such as spam, virus, malwares, hackers,
and so on that the students are defenseless with.

The internet has already become a tool not just for entertainment but also for
academic use. In this modern time, people become more dependent of this technology
and utilize it up to its extent. Especially in Philippine educational institutions, both private
and supported by the government, they utilize cyberspace for their school portals that
includes private information about their student and the school itself. However, despite
the frequent use of the cyberspace, there is still a great need to educate and assess the
level of awareness in most Filipinos about online safety, especially when the internet is
being used for academic purposes. (Natonton, 2018) This is because, from the study
that is conducted on selected educational institutions in Butuan City, 40% of the
accumulated respondents agreed that they have experienced online threats. Mostly,
they acquire these viruses from PDF or DOC files that they have downloaded from the
internet, which has a malware embedding, and non- detectable file extensions.

In addition to this, throughout the time from year 2012, Educational Institutions in
the Philippines has experienced various online threats in their school portals. Wherein,
on April 24, 2020, University of the Philippines had their website hacked, leaving
China’s map on their page. Aside from this, Ateneo de Manila’s school website was
hacked on the year 2014 and Polytechnic University of the Philippines was also hacked
on July 19, 2018. All these schools are well known universities in the Philippines.
However, their organization still experienced cyber threats that could also harm the
private information of their students. Thus, this timeline of online attacks on educational
institutions in the Philippines proves the importance of evaluating and assessing the
risks of cyber-attacks, as well as the promotion of cybersecurity awareness, and the
upgrade of software defenses against these online threats.

Uncertainty, ambiguity, and anything in between are filling the whole society, and
it seems like everything throughout this whole existence is so unpredictable, yet
humans have been able to withstand and carry on with their lives. However, no matter
how smart and tough a person can be, an issue or problem that is relentlessly
transpiring should always be properly addressed and action must be taken
instantaneously. Sometimes the one who has the full trust of others is also the one who
has malicious intent. The same goes by with personal computers or any digital devices
within everybody’s houses, where it might be fun and comfortable to use but there are
so many possible threats that are circling on it, especially on the internet. (Thompson,
et al., 2017) In fact, according to a study that was previously conducted, personal
computer users are said to be susceptible to information security threats, since they
have to make independent decisions on how to defend themselves, not to mention that
they only have a little bit of knowledge regarding technology and its implications. Even
so, personal computer users remain under-represented in terms of security research
studies, particularly for mobile device use. Which then come into their minds to address
the research discrepancy by evaluating data from 629 home computer and mobile
device users to enhance awareness on security behavior in both cases. Jumping right
through the results, it reveals that perceived vulnerability, self-efficacy, response cost,
descriptive norms, and psychological ownership have mostly affected the personal
computing security intentions and behavior for both home computer and mobile device
users. However, perceived severity was only found to play a role in mobile device
security behavior due to connectedness, and neither response efficacy nor subjective
norm affected security intentions for either type of user. Either way, self-complacency
should not be tolerated all the time, for it might be the reason to lose something that
could be very important in the near future. As the owner and user of any particular
thing, specifically digital devices, be considerate and responsible enough to prevent
from being victimized by such internet threats.

Our society is constantly advancing especially when it comes to technological

advances and because of that we are getting more and more dependent on technology
on most things. Because of being dependent on technology, most of our personal files
and data are being stored mostly on computers and other gadgets because we are
thinking that no one can see or access those files and it is safe in our online storage
and gadgets. But in reality, most of us are not safe from cyber-crimes and because our
technology is constantly evolving our vulnerability to cybercrimes are increasing.

According to the article “Cyber Security Risks in a Pandemic”, cybersecurity

threats are expected to cost the world US $6 trillion a year by 2021, doubling from US
$3 trillion dollars in 2015. These threats are particularly concerning for the healthcare
industry. Since 2016, Cyber Crimes have been constantly growing especially in
healthcare industries than financial industries which results in health security breaches
which is why there is a need to improve software defenses and network security in the
area. Cyber criminals are more active especially nowadays when we are having a
pandemic like COVID-19 because more people are scared that makes them more
susceptible to be a victim of scamming. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), the number of cyberattacks launched has increased five-fold during the
COVID-19 pandemic. This just shows that most of us are not aware of the fact that
there are so many risks in using the internet. That is why cybersecurity is important and
we must always assess the risks that we might have been facing through using the

Assessing network security and improving software defenses against these cyber
criminals will greatly help us in protecting not only ourselves but also others that might
also get attacked through the internet. We may still be vulnerable to cyber-attacks but it
is still important to know the risks for us to prevent such cyber-crimes from happening
to all of us.
Cyberspace has become an indispensable domain for state interaction.
Governments have, therefore, made use of cyberspace for power projection, the
protection of critical national infrastructure, and the exertion of political influence over
other actors in the international system (Domingo, 2016). The following relevant related
literature has addressed the vulnerability of cyber security and the risks following it, and
has tried to give suggestions on how to solve the problem by giving emphasis on ICT
(Information and Communication Technologies) and thus strengthening securities by
having better malware scanners, password securities, etc. The following literature is
comparable to this research by how it addresses the numerous risks of the vulnerability
of cyber security and tries to find ways on how to battle it.

It seems like cyber security has been hiding in the shadow of overrated and
famous issues since then. In 1970, threats to the internet world begun revolving all
around the globe. It did exist, together with its malicious constituents, harming every
internet of thing that belongs to those who are ignorant to this alarming and fast-pacing
issue. However, cyber threats are still out of sight. The neglect of cyber security is
causing a higher risk of network infringement and the rise of malicious software. At that
point in the history of Information Communication technology (ICT), serious threats of
computer viruses captured a larger scale of attention to many and the invention of the
first anti-virus software began to make a great noise.

Abomhara once mentioned that the Internet of Things or the IOT devices are
intensely raging its influence but the IOT Services turned out to be prevalent. That is
why security research and practices is garnering a wholesome investment from the
authorities and private sectors. While most people are hardly endeavoring physical
safety, cyber security has left the top most priority. With timely high-profile threats,
things are becoming more visible. Serious training and undertaking on cyber security
practices is at hand. In fact, the transparency of physical security may be clearer than
the virtual, the fundamentals of network and computer have a more sensitively vital
functions in every active organization. Therefore, it happened that the cyber security is
not just a shadow to any issue but a serious subject matter that has a worst effect
amount if not provided with special force and intervention. (Hendrix, M., Al-Sherbaz, A.,
et al., 2016)

As a developing country, technology has been continuously progressing in the

Philippines. In 2018, Omorog stated in her study that there is a 50% increase on the
number of internet users in the Philippines from 2014-2017. It was found out that 94.4%
of these users access internet at home while 38.9% access internet anywhere it is
available. The vulnerability of these users has decreased as they have already taken
security practices into action such as: a) using default or pre-installed security and
antivirus system, b) installing firewall, and c) installing anti-phishing software. While
most of the cyber-attack victims are clueless individuals, educational institutions are not
guaranteed to safety either. In the province of Agusan del Norte, Philippines, the cyber
security awareness of private and public educational institutions is assessed with the
following categories: a) Virus attack experience (41% from private institutions had, none
from public institutions), b) Presence of cyber security unit (46% of the private
institutions have, 50% of the public institutions have it under other department), and c)
Source of security information (53% from private institution learned from conferences,
50% from public institutions learned from conferences and regulatory requirements).
However, despite the improvement on cyber security awareness, educational
institutions must have further studies to enhance cyber threat preparedness (Natonton,

The procedures employed in this research investigation is presented in this

I. Research Design
The research design that the researcher used was the evaluation research
design wherein two groups: Barangay Pasong Camachile I and Pasong Camachile II
with randomized proponents will be subjected to evaluation using the survey to infer

II. Methods

A. Creating Survey

In creating the survey, google forms platform was utilized in order to provide

more efficient data gathering and because it is an online platform where in it’s easier to

access respondents. The Researcher used a systematic data collection approach to

evaluate the respondent’s cybersecurity level in terms of: Resource management

practices, Network Security and Software defenses.

III. Statistical Method in the Analysis of the Result

1.) PERCENTAGE. The statistical treatment of data used to determine the percentage

of acquiring the most common criteria.

Formula: P=

Where P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Number of Respondents

2.) MEAN. The mean (or average) of a set data values is the sum of all of the data

values divided by the number of data values.

Formula: Mean =

Where x = Raw Score

N = Total Number of Respondents

3.) ANOVA. It is a statistical test which analyses variance. It is helpful in making

comparison of two or more means which enables a researcher to draw various results

and predictions about two or more sets of data.


F = represents as ANOVA Coefficient

MST = represents as mean sum of squares due to treatment

4.) T-TEST to compare two dependent samples/ matched-pairs design experiments.


Where: μ X −μY =0

D= mean of the differences between pairs of subjects

S D = standard deviation of the differences between sample pairs of subjects

N= number of pairs

This statistical tool was used to compare the numerical data obtained from the

experimental and control group after the application of treatment in a specific number of


5.) FIVE-POINT LIKERT SCALE. It is the most widely used approach to scaling

respondents in survey research, such that the term is often used interchangeably with

rating scale, or more accurately the Likert-type scale, even though the two are not


Table 2.0 shows the Five-Point Likert Scale used for evaluation
Score Remark
5 Confident
4 Satisfied
3 Neutral
2 Dissatisfied
1 No confidence

This chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted the gathered data to achieve

the research objectives.

Participant Barangay Overall Score

1 Pasong Camachile I Confident
2 Pasong Camachile II Confident
3 Pasong Camachile I Neutral
4 Pasong Camachile II Confident
5 Pasong Camachile I Dissatisfied
6 Pasong Camachile I Satisfied
7 Pasong Camachile I Satisfied
8 Pasong Camachile I Satisfied
9 Pasong Camachile I Satisfied
10 Pasong Camachile II Satisfied
11 Pasong Camachile I Neutral
12 Pasong Camachile I Confident
13 Pasong Camachile I Confident
14 Pasong Camachile II Dissatisfied
15 Pasong Camachile I Satisfied
16 Pasong Camachile I Satisfied
17 Pasong Camachile II Satisfied
18 Pasong Camachile I Neutral
19 Pasong Camachile I Confident
20 Pasong Camachile I Satisfied

1 - No Confidence 2- Dissatisfied 3 - Neutral 4 - Satisfied 5 - Confident

Figure 1.1 Participant’s Confidence Score

In this table, the researchers can see the level of confidence. As perceived by the
table, the 20 participants have been evaluated. Most of the participants have been
scored satisfied.
Figure 1.2 Score Based on Software Defenses, Security Practices and Network
Security of 20 Participants
Figure 1.2 showed the overall rating of 20 participants who have been evaluated
through the survey in terms of software defenses, security practices, and network
This study is conducted to evaluate the cybersecurity status of people in
Barangay Pasong Camachile I and Barangay Pasong Camachile II. The researcher
chose these barangays to provide a representative sample.

The program evaluation was able to evaluate and assess the cybersecurity
status of different respondents coming from these two barangays. The results shows
that respondents are confident about their cybersecurity and have been graded a high
level in terms of network security, resource management practice and software
defenses. With these results and data, it will be beneficial for many people because it
will provide them knowledge on what do they need to change or what do they need to

The model of evaluation have been proven effective and this just shows that the
cybersecurity rating of these barangays are high.

The researcher would like to recommend to future researchers that changes in

the evaluation program can be adjusted in order to achieve a more efficient and
strategic data gathering. Future researchers can further innovate this research and
make it a more reliable model of evaluation through some adjustments like manipulating
the variables and constructing more specific questions.

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