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Practice 1: Do the tasks below.

Task 1: The phrases in the list are alternative ways of describing proportions. Divide the
list into four groups that each has similar meanings.

three quarters almost half one third 75 per cent one in three nearly half 26 per cent
48 per cent about one in four 33 per cent three out of four just under one half just over a
quarter close to one half



Task 2: These adjective-noun collocations can also be used to describe proportions. Write the
adjectives next to the correct meaning in the table. Can you add more to the list?

the vast majority a tiny minority a massive 85 per cent a modest twelve per cent a hefty
85 per cent a mere twelve per cent the overwhelming majority

Very big

Very big (used before numbers)

Very small

Not very big (used before numbers)

Practice 2: Study the following table and complete the following description with the
phrases given the box below. Then highlight words or phrases for incorporating and
commenting on data.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table shows the number of mobile phones sold in millions for a period of six years.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
You should write at least 150 words.

Nokia Ericsson Samsung Motorola Apple

2006 345 74 117 210
2007 436 102 154 165 2.3
2008 475 95 202 108 12
2009 442 57 238 59 24

2010 463 42 282 39 42

2011 422 33 330 40 89
2012 335 28 396.5 28 135.8

a. achieving only 28 million sales each

b. from a previous high of 475 million
c. before leveling out and decreasing far less dramatically from 2010 where they were at
42 million
d. with a total of 335 million
e. rising rapidly from 2006 to 2008 before dropping in 2009

The table provides information on how many mobile phones were sold by five different brands
from 2006 to 2012. Overall, some mobile phone brands increased their sales while the others lost
their popularity over the period.

Nokia had a higher number of sales than Apple at the end of the period
(1) . However, this was a marked drop (2)
in 2008. Nokia’s sales were slightly erratic in general, (3) ,

then repeating the cycle by improving to 463 million in 2010 before slipping downwards to its
final result in 2012.

Meanwhile, the other two brands, Motorola and Ericsson, followed a more persistently downward
pattern. Both suffered the lowest number of sales overall, (4)
in 2012. Ericson’s sales dropped rapidly from the
highest point of 102 million in 2007, (5) .

Overall, Samsung and Apple improved their sales, Motorola and Ericson showed dramatic drops
and Nokia had a mixed performance with a negative trend at the end of the period.

Practice 3: Read the report and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below provides information on the sales of mobile phones worldwide in
2005 and 2006.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
You should write at least 150 words.

Worldwide mobile phone sales in 2005 and 2006 (% share of market)

Company 2005 % Market Share 2006 % Market Share
Nokia 32.5 35
Motorola 17.7 21.1
Samsung 12.7 11.8
Sony Ericson 6.3 7.4
L.G 6.7 6.3
BenQ Mobile 4.9 2.4
Others 19.2 16.2
Totals 100 100


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