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Project Title: Support of Production

Description of PR: Portable Digital Chart Integrator for reading Circular Charts

Gas measurement section plays an important role in Production Operations
department where sale gas volumes of Customers is calculated. Based on
measured volume and energy, commercial invoice is finalized and accordingly
revenue streams are generated.

Orifice Metering System includes meter runs and Barton chart recorders has
been utilized for measuring gas volume of Customers and wells at Mari gas field
for last five decades. Currently parameters of charts such as differential
pressure, static pressure and flowing temperature are read by dedicated chart
integrator Operators and put these values in AGA-3 calculation sheet/ Kelton
Software for calculation of gas volume.

Customer Custody Sale Meters are installed at CMF-I & II for calculation of
accurate gas volumes for invoicing purpose. Similarly, wellsite flow recorders are
installed at each well for calculation of gas volume contribution in the system. For
calculating parameters from these daily / weekly charts, currently there is only 1x
chart integrator in Mari gas field purchased in 2012, which is being utilized at gas
measurement section for wellsite charts integration. Currently 19 x daily
Customers charts, 127 x weekly wellsites charts (~500 charts monthly) and 30 x
Kalabagh charts are read on regular basis.

With increase of Customers and number of wells, an additional portable digital

chart integrator complying with AGA – 3 standard is essentially required to
increase efficiency and capacity of reading charts.

Approval Required:

Management Approval is solicited for the purchase of Portable Digital Chart

Integrator for amounting US$


Flag – A: Working of Cost

Flag – B: Vendor’s Quotation
Flag – C: PR Checklist

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