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1. Fill in the gaps to complete the definitions of the words below.
Word Definition Examples
client A client of a professional person or • A solicitor and his client
• The company requires clients to pay
organization is a person that uses the
services or advice of a professional substantial fees in advance.
person or organization ……………..

colleague Your colleagues are the people that you • Female academics are still paid less than
work with, especially in a profession or a their male colleagues.
business ………… • In the corporate world, the best sources
…………………………………………………………... of business are your former colleagues.

employer Your employer is the person or • Employers who hire illegal workers
• The telephone company is the country's
organization that pays people to work for
them ……………………………….. largest employer.

parents Your parents are your • Children need their parents.
Father and mother……………………………….. • When you become a parent the things
………………………………………………………….. you once cared about seem to have less
siblings Your siblings are …  brother and sister • Some studies have found that children are
……………………………… more friendly to younger siblings of the
…………………………………………………………… same sex.
• Sibling rivalry often
• causes parents anxieties
spouse Someone’s spouse is …… a husband or • Husbands and wives do not have to pay
wife ……………………. any inheritance tax when their spouse
………………………………………………………….. dies.
Word Definition Examples
autonomous An autonomous person able to do things • They proudly declared themselves part
and make decisions without help from of a new autonomous province.
anyone else …………………….. • the liberal idea of the
…………………………………………………………… autonomous individual

consistent Someone who is consistent always • Becker has never been the most
consistent of players anyway.
behaves in the same way, or having the
same opinions, standards, etc. • his consistent support of free trade
…………………………………………….. • a consistent character with a major
thematic function
conventional Someone who is conventional … tending • a respectable married woman with
to follow what is done or considered conventional opinions
acceptable by society in general; normal • this close, fairly conventional
and ordinary, and perhaps not very English family
interesting ………..
co-operative If you say that someone is • The president said the visit would
/cooperative develop friendly and co-operative
co-operative, you mean that they ……..
relations between the two countries.
willing to act or work together • a contented and co-operative
…………………………………………………………… workforce
efficient If something or someone is efficient, • With today’s more efficient
contraception women can plan their
they are able to do something in a good,
careful and complete way with no waste of families and careers.
time, money or energy • Technological advances allow more
…………………………………. efficient use of labour.
…………………………………………………………… • an efficient way of testing
thousands of compounds
flexible Something or someone that is flexible is • more flexible arrangements to allow
access to services after normal working
able to ………… change to suit new
conditions or situations hours
……………………………………. • We encourage flexible working
idealistic If you describe someone as idealistic, • idealistic young people died for the cause.
you mean that they have a strong belief
in perfect standards and trying to achieve
them, even when this is not realistic
…………………………………………………………… • an over-simplistic and idealistic
vision of family dynamics
tolerant If you describe someone as tolerant, • They need to be tolerant of different
points of view.
you approve of the fact that they  able to
accept what other people say or do even • Other changes include more tolerant
if you do not agree with it ………. attitudes to unmarried couples having
vulnerable Someone who is vulnerable is … weak • Old people are particularly vulnerable
and easily hurt physically or emotionally members of our society.

2. Circle the words that you associate with family relationships. Underline the words
you associate with professional relationships.
a. client b. colleague c. parent d. spouse e. sibling f. employer

3. (Track 1) Listen to three speakers talking about people who have been important to
them. Indicate the person each speaker describes by writing a letter a - f from Exercise 1 in
each space.
1. …d……………………………………………
2. …f……………………………………………
3. ……c…………………………………………

4. (Track 1) Listen again and write down what you hear about each person.

1. ………

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..........

5. (Track 2) Listen to the extract and complete the definitions the speaker gives for the
words 1-6. Write one word in each space.

1. only children - ‘children without siblings ’

2. parental resources - ‘not just money, but also care and attention ’
3. tolerant - ‘able to accept differences ’
4. co-operative - ‘able to work effectively with others ’
5. autonomy - ‘ability to make their own decisions ’
6. unconventional - ‘not quite normal in social terms’


Part 2: Individual Long Turn

In this part, you will be given a task card (cue card) and asked to talk on a particular topic for
about 2 minutes. You have one minute to organize your mind and prepare yourself before
speaking at length, for 1-2 minutes. This part will last between 3-4 minutes. The examiner then
asks one or two rounding-off questions.

You belong to Band 5 if you

● Keep sentences coming slowly (without pauses), use repetition, and correct yourself
● Can use simple sentences easily, but complex sentences are difficult for you
● Can not say the same thing in a different way (rephrase) or use a synonym for a word
● Use grammatically correct simple sentences most of the time. It is rare that you use
more complex sentences and when you do, you make grammatical errors or it is difficult
to understand what you're saying.


1 Make notes and use them to help you organize your mind and ideas, remember what to say
and how to say.
2 You should provide answers to all of the questions in the cue card. To extend the answer to
each question, you can use the P.R.E.D method.
3 Do not memorize answers to prepare for the test. The interviewer has enough
experience to recognize that you are not speaking naturally and will change the subject
or give you a lower score.
4 Explain names or words which are in another language. For example, if you are asked to
speak about a festival, which involves using words in your language, say the words clearly
and give the meaning so the examiner can follow your expressions.
5 Try to make good sentences to make a good impression. For example, in part I, if you give
easy answers, the examiner can not be sure of your level whether you are Band 4 or maybe
band 5. But if you give good and specific answers with short explanations, the examiner will
think you could be Band 6 or even Band 7.
6 Keep a steady pace. Do not speak too fast or too slow.
7 Remember that you do not need to present true ideas or facts. Avoid words such as: I
have no idea. I don't know what to say, etc. Try to make up your own story related to the
topic and explain the connection. For example, if you are asked to talk about a foreign
country you have been to, but in fact you have never visited a foreign country before, try
to make your own story.
8 Use easy words and expressions if you are not very confident. Avoid using slang or very
informal language.


● Introduction:
− I’m going to describe...
− The … I would like to describe
− I'm going to talk about an …
● Fillers:
− Let me think... / Let me see…
− Well, ...
− You know, …
− Actually, ...
− I can’t quite remember the ...
− How shall I put it?
− I think ...
− I mean ...
− Basically, ...
− Anyway, ...
● Conclusion
− That's why the ... is such a … / That’s why it’s …
− So, it is … for those reasons.
− To sum up, …


1. You only have one minute to make notes on the topic for Part 2, so it is a good idea to
write down key words and phrases. Match the four points on the card with some
keywords that another student wrote down (a-d).
Describe a popular meal from your country that you like to eat. You should say:
what the meal is (1)

why it is popular in your country (2)

why you like it (3)

and say why you would recommend it to a visitor to your country. (4)

a. We love meat, traditional, lots of sheep!, proud of our cuisine

b. better in Turkey than UK, different types (Shawarma, doner, etc.), most famous street food
c. I'm busy => buy quickly, tasty, juicy, reminds me of beach holidays
d. lamb, slowly grilled, spices, garlic - serve with rice/ bread/ vegetables
(1) - ……….
(2) - ……….
(3) - ……….
(4) - ……….


In your notes, you should only write KEY WORDS or IDEAS, and these are often in the form
of nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.

2. Look at the notes above, spend one minute thinking how you will structure your talk
and practise presenting the information. Record yourself speaking.
3. Make notes for the question below.

Describe a family member who you spend the most time with. You should say:
Who this person is
What kind of person he/she is What you usually do together
And explain why you spend the most time with him/her.

Today I’m going to share with you a family member who I spend most
Who this person is of my time with, This is my mother

My mother is a best woman in the world and she is a nice and really
What kind of person kindhearted person that wants the best for me. She is also a
he/she is thoughtful and considerate person. When I was small, she usually took
care of my everything and give me best thing in the world. She always
care about my feeling whenever I need her , she is always there with
me and encourge me and give me useful advice

When I was young, my mother always taught me good lesson and

What you usually do helped me prepare my homework. She is a good chef so when we
together have free time, she will teach me to cook. besides We read books
together and watch tv,.. sometimes she takes me out to play and see
the world around us this is extremely wonderful

And explain why you I spend the most time with her because when I will feel good and safe,
spend the most time I will not feel scared and don’t have to think anything she became my
best friend. I can rely on her and trust her absolutely
with him/her.
. .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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