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Submitted by

Under the guidance of


in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of




CHENNAI- 600048

Certified that this dissertation report KINETIC ARCHITECTURE is the

bonafide work of J.INAYATH ALI (RRN: 150101601049) who carried out the

dissertation work under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of

my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other

thesis report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was

conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.




Associate Professor Professor & Dean

Crescent School of Architecture Crescent School of Architecture

B.S. Abdur Rahman University B.S. Abdur Rahman University
Vandalur, Chennai – 600 048 Vandalur, Chennai – 600 048

Although immense changes occurred in the Indian

built environment, given products didn't consider
occupants' changing needs and activities as well as
changing environmental conditions. The research aimed to
present non-traditional solutions in order to create
environments able to respond, adapt and interact in
motional behaviours.
Upon the belief that the fundamental knowledge
of Kinetic Architecture can better assist architects to
acquaint the need to enroll motion in the built
environment; the dissertation first presents different
definitions for the term Kinetic Architecture. It describes
different trends to apply kineticism in the architectural
environment accompanied with explanatory examples.
The technological achievement in different divisions of
engineering such as structural, mechanical and materials
engineering as well as information and communication
technologies has an enormous effect on kinetic design.
As a result, the second part of the dissertation is
dedicated to kinetic design process defining its main
elements from structural innovation and materials
advancement to embedded computation and at last
adaptive architecture.
The research carries on an analytical study by
highlighting fifteen architectural project adapting
kineticism. The study is based on the different elements
affecting the kinetic design process. The evaluating
criteria include the way and reason for involving
kineticism as well as the effect it has upon the indoor
environment and the visual quality.
Finally, the dissertation ends with concluding the effect
of using kineticism in the architectural field. And, it suggests
some systems to be applied to the Indian environment.
Recommendations for further studies are represented to
enrich applying the theory.
1. What is Kinetic Architecture
A. Background
B. Research Aims and Objectives
C. Motivation and Research importance
D. Research methodology
1.1 Kinetic trends in Architectural environment
2. Kinetic design
2.1 Kinetic design key elements
2.1.1 Structural innovation and material advancement
2.1.2 Embedded computation
2.1.3 Adaptable architecture
3. Kinetic building analysis
3.1.1 Institut du Monde Arabe General information Kineticism in the building Kinetic design key element
3.1.2 Gucklhupf General information Kineticism in the building Kinetic design key element
3.1.3 The Naked building General information Kineticism in the building Kinetic design key element
3.1.4 The Leaf Chapel General information Kineticism in the building Kinetic design key element
3.1.5 QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Centre “Mangnolia
Stadium” General information Kineticism in the building Kinetic design key element
3.1.6 Cherokee Studios Lofts General information Kineticism in the building Kinetic design key element
3.1.7 The World Trade Center Transportation Hub General information Kineticism in the building Kinetic design key element
3.1.8 Dynamic Tower
3.2 Analysis
3.2.1 Structural systems and used materials
3.2.2 Kinetic elements and reason for motion
3.2.3 Relation between Structural System and used material
3.2.4 Kinetic systems effect on buildings’ visual quality
What is Kinetic Architecture?


Research Aims and Objectives

Kinetic Trends in Architectural Environments

Kinetic Design Key Elements


Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement

Embedded Computation

Adaptable Architecture

Kinetic Building's Analysis

Institut du Monde Arabe


The Naked House


The Leaf Chapel


The Olimpic Tennis Center "Magic Box"

Cherokee Studios Lofts

The World Trade Center Transportation Hub

Dynamic Tower

Conclusion & Recommendations

1. What is Kinetic Architecture?

The term "Kinetic" is an adjective that refers to everything produced by

movement. The term "Architecture" is a noun that refers to the design or style of a
building . When combined together, the term "Kinetic Architecture" refers to the
design of buildings that are produced by movement. It has been stated that, "If
a building could mediate our needs and the environment outside: its demand on
physical resources could be slashed. If it could transform to facilitate multi-
uses; its function would be optimized. If a building could adapt to our desires:
It would shape our experience . The previous statement emphasizes the
importance of kinetics in architecture and how it could be used.

To conclude all definitions listed above, "Kinetic Architecture" can refer to

buildings or building components that act in respond to surrounding changes
whether changes are indoor and/or outdoor and whether they are forced by
environmental factors and/or human ever-changing demands.

Since early ages, architecture has been static. A building is as good as its
structure could last. Although the first former definition for the term Kinetic
Architecture was in 1970, there are many evidence that kinetics has also been
historically used in building components; such as opening shutters and movable
bridges since long time ago. However, it had to wait for further advanced
technology before evolving into a higher state. By the beginning of the twentieth
century many kinetic attempts in buildings began to appear. Kinetic designs were
not only used as means to regulate sunlight, maximize space or vary the view, but
also they were developed to articulate new artistic, political and philosophical
ideas. Many theorists such as expressionist and constructivist designed many
untraditional forms emphasizing experience and motion while articulating symbolic

A progress in the architectural field can be achieved through addressing

kinetic structures as part of a whole rather than independently or singularly.
Kinetics in buildings may include pragmatic or humanistic purposes or even both.
The Indian environment is valuable to apply kinetic architecture as it is blessed with a prestigious
location, moderate weather as well as availability of different sources for renewable energy.
Applying kineticism to the Egyptian built environment will help presenting new era in the
architectural field.

A.1. Research Problem:

The built environments in India are usually not adaptable to their users changing
needs. In addition, they are not creating environmental solutions that benefit from
the natural resources that the Indian environment is blessed with, such as solar
energy, natural ventilation and land availability. This research attempts to
understand how kinetic systems can be applied to architectural environments in order
to provide solutions to the pressing needs for sustainability, energy saving and the
rising fuel prices.

A.2. Research Hypodissertation:

Kinetic Architecture could provide a creative and effective solution to environmental problems
in both developed and developing countries.


The research aims at providing non-traditional solutions for applying sustainability using
kineticism. This will be achieved through evaluating kinetic architectural trends as well as comparing
different uses of kineticism within the architectural field.

In order to achieve the above mentioned aim, the objectives of this research are to:

i. consolidate definitions, history, and the different trends used in

architectural environments.
ii. highlight the fundamental kinetic key elements that affect the design process.
iii. analyze different examples in order to intrigue architects to the
enormous transformation kinetic architecture promises.
iv. explore different opportunities to apply "Kinetic Architecture" in our environment.


This research is held out to introduce a new architectural approach, i.e. "kinetic
architecture". Also, it covers the area of using kinetics in architectural environments whether they
were living, work, entertainment or public environments. Kinetics when used in the field of
architecture can be a part of a building or the building as a whole depending on how and why it is
being used .

New technologies will have a role in developing kinetic architecture, such as new
materials (nano materials and those being used in maritime, aviation and space sciences).
Computation and sensor technologies will help determining and locating changes that happen
within buildings' environment then responding to that change.

The research is primarily about introducing an architectural theory, its definitions,
ways, means and design elements. The adopted methods to achieve this purpose
include a literature review as well as analysis of several buildings prototypes. In addition,
this research adopts a framework for qualitative analysis based on different factors
that includes theoretical design elements along with other elements. It was taken
into consideration when selecting architectural projects for the analytical study that they
present uses as well as kineticism.


As a result of all advanced technologies and capabilities available in the
present time, the use of kinetics in architecture can be extended far beyond what
has been possible previously. Progress in the architectural field can be
accomplished when addressing kinetic structures as a part of a whole rather than
independently or singularly.

Pragmatic adaptability of employed kinetics is varying from full mobility to

interior reconfiguration, and is used in buildings that are efficient in form,
lightweight, and inherently flexible with respect to contexts and purposes' diversity.

Kinetics is divided into two categories: pragmatic and humanistic. On one hand,
pragmatic applications concerned with solving problems, optimizing solutions, and
implying space efficiency, shelter, security, transportation, safety, and economics. On
the other hand, humanistic are concerned with the physical and psychological
effect of the architectural environments' changes upon their users . Kinetic trends
in architectural environments are dissected into four categories addressing the
pragmatic or humanistic considerations, or both.
Kinetic trends in architectural environments currently address pragmatic or
humanistic conditions or even both, and are divided into four categories:

i. Spatial optimization systems

ii. Multi-function design
iii. Contextual adaptability
iv. Mobility
"Kinetic Design Key Elements" will cover the main three principles in
kinetic design which are structural innovation and materials advancement,
embedded computation, and at last adaptable architecture. Each of these principles
will be explained separately, listing its main points and supporting it with

2.1. Kinetic Design Key Elements

To go through intelligent kinetic design in architecture, some general
mechanical and technological principles should be mentioned and explained.
These principles are divided into three general categories which are: structural
innovation and materials advancement, embedded computation, and recently
adaptable architecture.

2.1.1. Structural Innovation and Materials Advancement

In developing kinetic systems, dealing with structures should not be
independently but rather as a part of the whole system. For best structural
solutions, ways and means are highly considered. The ways of kinetic structural
solutions may include folding, sliding, expanding, and transforming in both size
and shape, among others. While the means of kinetic structural solutions may
include pneumatic, chemical, magnetic, natural or mechanical means .

As a result of recent technological innovation, manufacturing technologies

have evolved to the degree where creating intelligent kinetic architectural
solutions became effective and feasible. These kinetic systems depend upon
advanced computer control technology as well as high quality manufactured
kinetic parts. New materials may include ceramics, polymers and gels, fabrics,
metal compounds and composites, nano materials, and plastics, which can help
creating highly intelligent responsive kinetic systems. Developing materials
technology helped in facilitating creative solutions not only for kinetic structural systems
but also for membrane systems, tensegrity systems, as well as thermal and
acoustic systems.
Kinetic Structures Typologies

Kinetic structures are classified into three main categories, which are
embedded, deployable, and dynamic kinetic structures .

Diagram shows kinetic structures typologies .

a. Embedded Kinetic Structures

The main function is controlling the architectural system as a whole in response to

changing factors such as environmental changes especially seismic and wind
conditions. Embedded kinetic structures are the most developed of the three
categories and are always coupled with computational control.

The Muscles Tower is an example of embedded kinetic structures that could

be installed in a larger architectural whole. The project was the winner of the
MIT's first mini-skyscraper competition in 2006 . The Muscles Tower is a 35 feet
skyscraper consisting of an articulated spine controlled by a series of pneumatic
muscles that allow the structure to bend in different directions by twisting the
jointed core. When the muscles are not active, the tower's rigid core keeps the
entire structure straight. By activating several muscles one could cause the tower to

curve making it appear to bow. In a full-scale tower, such systems could help
stabilize the structure against changing forces such as wind and earthquakes .
b. Dynamic Kinetic Structures

"Dynamic kinetic structures exist within a larger architectural whole but act independently
with respect to control of the larger context" . Dynamic systems are the most commonly used of
the three listed categories. They include small architectural elements as well as large ones,
such as doors, windows, movable partitions, furniture, and ceilings. As they act
independently, it is quite common to have dynamic kinetic systems within a building that has
an embedded kinetic system as well. They are becoming increasingly automated and intelligent
as a result of the technological innovation nowadays.

Dynamic kinetic systems are sub-categorized into:

i. Mobile systems: are those that could be physically moved within an

architectural space to different locations.
ii. Transformable systems: are those capable of changing shape to take on
a different spatial configuration and can be used for space-saving or
utilitarian needs.
iii. Incremental kinetic systems: are those that can be added to or
subtracted from a building like LEGO pieces .

The Flare-façade system is a modular dynamic system that can be

installed on building's façades or any wall surface. This system creates a
living skin allowing the building to express, communicate and interact with its
environments . The Flare-façade system consists of a number of tiltable

metal flake bodies. These units are controlled by computer to form any kind
surface animation. Sensor systems inside and outside the building communicate
the buildings activity directly to the Flare-system which acts as the building
lateral line. Each of the units reflects the bright sky or sunlight when in vertical
standby position. On the other hand, when it is tilted downwards, its face is
shaded from the sky light and appears darker .

The Kuwait Pavilion for the Expo 92 in Seville, Spain, by Santiago Calatrava is an
example of dynamic kinetic structures (Figure 27). The structure's roof reflects the organic
shapes of palm fronds that can be moved to reflect the weather or time of a day. Sketches
drawn by Calatrava showed two hands coming closer to each other then folding together as

in prayer creating a rare theme of offering hands and linking of fingers .

2.1.2. Embedded Computation

As Guy Nordenson mentioned, "A kinetic environment without the computation is like
a body without a brain – incapable of moving". In this statement, computation is the brain
that can control the required change and motion. Users and inhabitants of architectural
space can have environments that change and adapt according to information gathered by
means of computation and sensing technologies. This is the importance of kinetics as well as
embedded computation.

The importance of embedded computation is not only for the ability to sense change
in the environment but also for its ability to control the response to this change.
Embedded computation is the combination of computational processors and information
gatherers such as sensors, cameras, and microphones. Trends in Embedded Computation

Creating networks of information and computers is the trigger behind the

development of computational devices. The wireless architectural world is
becoming cheap, effective, and standardized. Architectural projects that involve
embedded computation range from being purely pragmatic environmentally responsive
to adaptive intelligence that understands human behaviors.
2.1.3. Adaptable Architecture
Kinetic architecture is built on both embedded computation (intelligence)
and the physical counterpart (structural engineering and kinetics), which satisfies
adaptation within human and environmental interaction. The combination of these
two areas will make it possible for any environment to reconfigure itself, to
automate physical change, to respond, react, adapt, and interact. Adaptability is
defined as the flexibility of space to face changing demands on the system.
Adaptability in built projects was either embedded in the logic of the creation of a
system such as manually adjustable modular panels and structure systems by
Fuller, or embedded in the logic of the kinematics such as manually adjustable
awnings and domes by Calatrava and Hoberman.

Past kinetic projects were adaptable although they relied on their user to
manually change the size, color, shape, or location of an object that made up the
space in respect to the new demands. The difference between those past kinetic
projects and new ones is that in new projects spaces are being interactive with
their ability to sense information from the users or the environment and then
adapt themselves. Adaptable architecture may range from interior organizational
disposition to external environmental mediation to complete structure
transformability/transformation. Adaptable architecture is divided into four
categories which are living, working, entertainment, and public environments.
Kinetic Design Key
Structural Innovation
Embedded Adaptable Architecture
& Materials
Ways: Active Living
folding, Control Environment
sliding, Research s
Ways & expanding,
Means or
of transforming
Trends in
Structura Means: Adaptiv
pneumati e
l Computatio
c, Control
Solution chemical, n
s magnetic,
natural or
Communicatio Adaptive
Single Working
Variable- Environment
man Control ts s
Levels of - man
Control Control
Kinetic Mechanis
e Automatic
structures ms
Typologie Multivariable
s Heuristi
Direct Control Entertainment
In-Direct Environments
Typologies Responsive In-

of Direct Control
Ubiquitous Public
responsive In- Environments
Direct Control
Responsive In-
Direct Control
In kinetic design key elements are presented from structural innovation and
materials advancement to embedded computation as well as adaptive
architecture. In order to understand the different aspects of kinetic buildings, this
is to analyze and evaluate different kinetic buildings. This evaluation will end up
with a comparative analysis aiming at providing explanations on the different factors
affecting the use of kineticism in buildings in their specific environments.
3.1.1. Institut du Monde Arabe:

An external view for Institut du Monde Arabe (WikiArquitectura, 2010). General Information:

a. Completion Year: Construction completed in 1987.

b. Architect: The project is designed by Jean Nouvel.

c. Building Cost: 47,500,000 USD (52,000,000 Euro)


d. Introduction:

Institut du Monde Arabe (Figure 33) is built in Paris, France. It is conceived

as one of the new architectural landmarks of the capital. Situated in the center of
the capital the building provides a meeting place for the two cultures which have
produced it: France and twenty Arab countries. It provides a place for continuing
artistic, technical and scientific exchange between two old civilizations which
have continuously enriched each other.

In 1981 a site was selected for Institut du Monde Arabe. The site was
allocated at the 15th arondissement, on rue de la Federation near the Boulevard
Grenelle, located in a residential district not far from the Eiffel Tower. The
residents of that

neighborhood protested against building on a site that was used as a sports

area. A first project had been prepared for that site for Institut du Monde Arabe
and was designed by architect Henry Bernard.

Later a new site was selected at the 5th arondissement. Culturally and
historically the new site had a higher value located on the oldest part of Paris and
facing Notre-Dame. To encourage new architects a competition was held for a
new project cancelling the old one and seven architects were invited. A pre-
selection was made by an Evaluation Committee and the final selection was by
the President Mitterand. The winning project was designed by Jean Nouvel
(Yucel, 1989).

e. Location:

The Institut du Monde Arabe is situated at the historical heart of Paris, France. The
building site is surrounded by the Seine and St. Bernard quay on the north while facing l'Ile St.
Louis and la Cite the old settlement of Lutece.

a. Concept:

In the Institut du Monde Arabe, Jean Nouvel used Mashrabiya units to represent the Arabic culture. Mashrabiya
is a type of a window cover that consists of combinations of backdrop of cut wood and latticework
patterns . Mashrabiya characterized the Islamic architecture of the Middle Ages and was popular in many
Islamic countries such as Egypt and Iraq. The architect combined the need for sun shading with a
"Mashrabiya" pattern and the idea of a light controlling diaphragm in a camera lens . This resulted in a
gigantic Islamic pierced screen, which makes this modern high- tech building a permanent reference to
traditional Islamic architecture .

b. Building Components:

The usable floor area was estimated to cover 13000 m2 and the whole built-
up area 20000 m2, to be consisted of:

 The Museum of Arab Art and Civilization (permanent and temporary

exhibition space).
 The Library, Documentation Centre and Actualities Hall.
 The Auditorium and Conference Hall.
 The High Council Hall and related offices.
 Hall.
 Restaurant and Cafeteria.
 Public services.
 Other administrative, technical and service spaces including the
parking area. Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

The mashrabiya diaphragms (Figure 36 a) were influenced by the

orientation and are aiming at aesthetic and connotative architectural expressions
rather than solutions to climatic constraints in a high-tech air-conditioned building
context. The flat southern facade is composed of 240 squares panels, reproducing
vertically the horizontal pattern of the parvis. Constituted of 16320 kinetic
modules, these diaphragms consist of lozenges, squares, hexagons, circles and
combination of them whose reflection matches the mosaic patterns on the
Institut's floors. Each kinetic panel consists of one large diaphragm in the center,
surrounded by sixteen medium sized diaphragms and fifty-five small diaphragms
(Figure 36 b,c).

(a) (b) (c)

(a) A view for a group of the mashrabiya diaphragms while functioning

. (b) A detail of the medium sized diaphragm . (c) A detail of small diaphragms .

An external view for the flat southern façade of Institut du Monde Arabe shows the
"Mashrabiya Diaphragms" that were used .
b. Reason for Motion:

The mashrabiya unites are functioning as diaphragms of a camera shutter.

These metallic irises filter the sunlight through the glazed surface, allowing 10%
to 30% of the light to be kept .

10%-30% of Daylight

A diagram showing reason for installing mashrabiya diaphragms on the southern façade . Kinetic Design Key Elements:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

a.1. Structural Systems:

The structural system is a steel frame with different spans

according to the general shape of the building. Steel columns,
beams, trusses and secondary supporting elements for the curtain-
wall facades were used.

a.2. Used Materials:

Stainless steel, aluminum, tempered glass, plastics, marble

and finally the mashrabiya diaphragms.
b. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

The kinetic southern façade of the institute is considered as a computer output device.
All of the mashrabiya diaphragms are linked together and controlled by photo-voltaic cells
that close or open them depending on the intensity of sunlight on that part of the façade. Users
of the building can't interfere and/or control the diaphragms to change settings in their environment.

c. Adaptive Architecture:

This building is used as a cultural center that aims to introduce the

Arab culture with all its rich historic and temporary dimensions, which creates an
entertainment environment. Kinetic elements were installed in the building's southern
façade in order to control light inside it. Those kinetic elements have the shape of
"mashrabiya" which is an architectural element used in traditional Islamic
architecture that are presented in a modern way that mixes history, tradition with
science and technology. Although the kinetic façade doesn't interact with the building's
users, it yet has an indirect educational benefit. Indoor Environment Quality:

The stuff works in the building feels that transparent walls make privacy impossible.
They feel enclosed in a small space with very low ceiling. All of them, librarians,
museum keepers, and staff officers alike, feel they need more room for their
projects. Although it appears large in photography, in fact, the building is small n
size. Visitors and architects alike expect it to be larger than it actually is. Building Visual Quality:

High technology is what holds the IMA together. The volumns are simple, giving
forth a message of restraint, a restraint based on understated wealth. It is in the rich
quality of its materials and its finish that the building shines. Glass shines, and the
surfaces of aluminium shine. These shiny new qualities pervade the entire building,
projecting a cool and perfect exterior façade.
3.1.2. GucklHupf

An external view for GucklHupf while being opened ). General Information:

a. Completion Year: The GucklHupf was completed in 1993.

b. Architect: Building was designed by Hans Peter Wörndl.

c. Building Cost: No information available.

d. Introduction:

The building's name is related to the neighboring Guglhupfberg. The

Gucklhupf (Figure 38) is a walk-in sculpture an exploration of architecture and art.
It was built to mark "The Festival of the Regions" on a private lake property on
Lake Mondsee. The theme of the festival was "The Stranger".
e. Location:

The GucklHupf was built on 1500 m2 of private grounds. The structure is surrounded by
nature, at the Mondsee in Innerschwand / Upper Austria. Under public pressure the building
is now removed from the site.

f. Concept:

As the theme of "The Festival of the Regions" was "The Stranger", the architect tried
to create a relation between strangers and intimacy, relaxation and exercise as well as living
and traveling. As a result, the out coming building was a structure that does not tend toward
an absolutely final state but allows a progressive deviation from its initial state of
stereometric object. The building is used by its owners during the six week long summer
opening as a contemplative space, stage for small performances, music pieces and poetry
readings with clear reference to the Arcadian myth. It is also being used as a house on the lake
or as a temporary shelter during the rest of the year, while in winter it is transformed into a
storage place for boats "boat-house".

Building Components:

The building consists of 2 floors. By moving the individual cube by half the
storey height results in the interior of 4 different levels and a terrace on the roof .
For the development of the upper floors a ladder was installed. The building is 7m
height and the enclosed space is of 4m x 6m x 7m.

The GucklHupf plans where the red colored rectangular is the main area while the other
parts are those being opened, slided or folded .

The GucklHupf section where the red color indicates the accurate area when the structure is
closed. Also this section shows the four different levels inside the structure . Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

The movable wood panels creating the GucklHupf can be rotated, pulled,
tilted and folded. These wooden panels act as a wrapping that can be peeled away
or pulled up to open and close the space according to its users desires.

b. Reason for Motion:

The GucklHupf movable panels create a multi-purpose structure. The

structure is used as a lake house that can hold different activities from being a
shelter in summer days to a contemplative space with a small stage or even as

storage in winter days when closed . Also, the movable panels helped the users to
control views and the amount of light according to their needs and desires. This
transformation creates a communicative interior-exterior space object that
provides a shaded, ventilated, temporary location in the landscape while
controlling the level of connectivity with the nature and landscape around. Kinetic Design Key Elements:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

a.1. Structural Systems:

The building was constructed in frame construction, a frame

construction consisting of a linear structural skeleton of squared
timber and an outer cladding stabilizing the support frame is

a.2. Used Materials:

Plywood, wood, aluminum, glass and silk screen printing.

b. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

All moving parts of the GucklHupf are being controlled through an automated
system that is comprised of automatic devices and retracing panels. This system
is connected to the structure through dowels, flaps and stainless steel cables.

c. Adaptive Architecture:

The GucklHupf is a multi-purpose private property that creates an

experimental living environment. The building is being used all year long, while its
uses vary from being a lake house to a performances stage and storage. Indoor Environment Quality:

When inside the structure, the user has the ability to edit and frame views of
the surrounding landscape. The user has a control over their relationship with the
surrounding landscape, while hiding within the protection of the small, contorting structure. Building Visual Quality:

The Guklhupf guides the eyes and the movements of its inhabitants as
everyone is free to choose a visual sequence and the number of openings,
generating an intimate or visually permeable space. Externally, the facade re-
creates the interior losing its role of wrapping skin. The structure creates a
continuous relationship with its surrounding landscape as well as its users. The
GucklHupf is in harmony with its surrounding even when not in use and close.
The structure when closed looks like a large wooden box that was erected in the
landscape. But once one begins to open the many wooden panels that can rotate in
different directions, pull, tilt and fold: There are ramps, doors, windows, terraces
and hatches.
3.1.3. The Naked House

An external view for the Naked House . General Information:

a. Completion Year: Building was completed in 2000.

b. Architect: Design is by Shigeru Ban.

c. Building Cost: The owners of the house wanted to spend only

250 million yen, or about $225.000 which was
a challenge for the architect.

d. Introduction:

The client didn't want the family to live separated each in his/her own room,
so Shigeru Ban was asked to create a communal space with the ability to find
privacy when needed.
e. Location:

The house is located in rural Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan. The house site is
surrounded by rice fields with greenhouses by the river Shingashi.

f. Concept:

Working within the concept of different generations of one family are integrating
their lives, Shigeru Ban came up with a translucent shed-like structure containing a single
common space in which private areas were reduced to a minimum and the house
was naked of partitions. The open-plan and neutral space of the shed can be
organized and transformed as needed.

g. Building Components:

The building consists of a simple, rectangular, shed-like space of two storey

high and four cubicle mobile room units . The internal main space is bordered on one
side by the kitchen, the bathroom and the wardrobes which are the only
permanent installations in the house and are separated from the open space with
a half-height wall or white curtains , while on the other side it is bordered by a
translucent and opaque wall. Four movable cardboard boxes form the family's private
accommodation (Jeska, 2008).

(a) (b)
(a) A 3D modeling for the Naked House showing the rectangular open space, the permanent
installations as well as the movable rooms (boxes) .

(b) An interior view for the half-height wall separating the wardrobes as well as the
bathroom from the rest of the open space . Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

In the Naked House, the cubical room units can be moved about on wheels
to any location. The rooms can be moved around in different configurations. The
character of the home's space can be dramatically reconfigured in a moment by
moving the rooms around to create barriers or openings .

(a) (b)
Interior views of the Naked House.

(a) A view for mobile units when attached to each other. (b) A view for mobile units arranged

b. Reason for Motion:

Kineticism was involved in the design in order to provide flexibility. Using movable rooms
allowed residents to control privacy level as well as activities taking place within these
rooms. These rooms can be grouped together or stay separated and the family can choose
whether to sit inside or on the top, outside these rooms or in the main space. Also, they
can be moved around the open spaced or moved to the outside . Kinetic Design Key Elements:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

a.1. Structural System:

The design of the structure was basic with its double-height

rectangular shell. The shell is made of wooden frame with
corrugated plastic panels affixed to it .

a.2. Used Materials:

While the exterior walls are made of corrugated fiber-

reinforced plastic panels, the interior is lined with nylon attached
with Velcro strips. Clear plastic bags filled with polyethylene foam
are used for insulation . The mobile units are made of paper
honeycomb panels on timber frames
(a) (b)

(a) A section through the main double height open space . (b) An isometric for the Naked
House showing different layer of the building's skin as well as different components.
b. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

The mobile room unites were manually moved around the house or pushed
to the garden. No embedded computation systems were installed.

c. Adaptive Architecture:

Although the house itself is a living environment, the four mobile units create
portable living environments within the main space. Those mobile living environments
does not only may have different uses such as being a gathering place, sleeping
place, playing place or even a garden shed, but also they may differ in size
according to whether they are separately used or some/all of them gathered together .

(a) (b)

(a) Different arrangements for the mobile room units (b) A close view for the moveable units . Indoor Environment Quality:

The interior is lit by a soft, diffuse light filtering throw the translucent walls adding
a sense of spaciousness. Sliding doors provided on two sides of each unit can be
closed, left open or even totally removed depending on the level of privacy
needed and level of visual connection with the surroundings desired . Building Visual Quality:

The translucent walls for the naked house merge the indoor with the
greenery of the surroundings. Also, the lack of an opaque wall exposes occupants
throughout the house. As a result, any kind of movement inside is visible from the
exterior of the building providing limited privacy on the inside and from without .
3.1.4. The Leaf Chapel:

An exterior view for the Leaf Chapel glowing at night General Information:

a. Completion Year: Construction completed in 2004.

b. Architect: Design is by Klein Dytham Architecture.

c. Building Cost: No information available.

d. Introduction:

Soaring naves, mysterious lighting, and bold murals have always played a
great role in church architecture. Klien-Dytham Architecture has taken this
strategy into the 21st century, using its own form of stagecraft to add drama to a
small wedding chapel in the Japanese Alps. The chapel needed to have its own
identity and at least the semblance of spirituality. But because people of many
different faiths would get married there, it needed an ecumenical design with no
iconography associated with any particular religion or sect.

e. Location:
The Leaf chapel sits within the grounds of the Risonare hotel resort in
Kobuchizawa, a refreshingly green setting with beautiful views to the southern
Japanese Alps in Kobuchizawa, Japan.

f. Concept:

Given an attractive garden setting, the architects decided to make nature an

important theme of their design. At first, the architects thought of making both
leaves creating the chapel out of glass, but soon realized a backdrop offering
views of the rolling garden would prove distracting to guests during the wedding
ceremony. As a result, one leaf was developed as a veil, a perforated metal
surface that would allow light in but block views .

This notion was translated into built form that climactic moment of every
wedding. When the ceremony reaches its end and the groom lifts the bride's veil,
a curving wall slides up and out of the way. Arranged in a looping ivy pattern set
into the 11 ton moving wall, 4700 polycarbonate lenses project light into a nylon
scrim stretched 10 inches from the wall's inside surface.

g. Building Components:

This building consists of the chapel main space, a storage room and an entrance corridor
Bride’s entrance.

A plan drawing for the Leaf Chapel showing the components creating the chapel
which are the chapel great hall, corridor and storage . Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

Kineticism was installed in the chapel to turn one of its walls into a moving
element. As the wedding reaches its end, the glass leaf is being lifted.

(a) (b)

(a) The Leaf Chapel when in the closed state. (b) The Leaf Chapel when in the
opened state by the end of the wedding ceremony,

a. Reason for Motion:

Kineticism was applied to the design in order to achieve a conceptual aim

by following the wedding ceremony. The disappearing wall not only offers a theatrical
way of ending the ceremony, but also serves the more prosaic function of quickly
ushering guests out of the chapel and into the garden to celebrate. With everyone out of
the chapel, the steel veil closes allowing workers to prepare for the next wedding. Kinetic Design Key Elements:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

a.1. Structural System:

The chapel was designed as a light weight steel structure so

it can ride out earthquakes. A concrete basement provides space
for radiant heating and cooling that is blown into the sanctuary.
a.2. Used Materials:

Interior: Black granite was used for the flooring, stained

black pine for the walls, and black wood pews. Clear acrylic
backrests on the pews encase translucent green flowers that seem
to dance when sunlight hits them .

Exterior: One leaf made of glass with delicate lace pattern . The
other one is made of steel – quarter inch thick steel panels welded

together and attached to a tubular steel frame.

(a) (b)

(a) An interior view showing the black granite used for flooring as well as the black wooden
pews with clear acrylic backrest . (b) A detail for the lace patterns on the movable leaf .

a. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

Two hydraulic rams (one at each end) lift the steel veil as if it is a roll up
garage door.

b. Adaptive Architecture:

This chapel creates public environment. Kineticism was installed on its wall
to take place within the ceremony and declares the end of the event by
announcing the couple as married. Indoor Environment Quality:

Although the design of the chapel isolates it from the surrounding, it opens
up to the landscape when the event reaches its end. Also, the patterns on the
movable wall help filtering light adding move spiritual effect to the hall. Building Visual Quality:

The chapel was pushed 12 feet into the ground and was tucked into a
sloping site in order to minimize its visual impact on the garden when viewed

from the nearby hotel rooms.

(a) (b)

a) A section drawing through the Leaf Chapel showing how the chapel was tucked
into the ground . (b) An exterior view for the Leaf Chapel featuring the sloping site where the
chapel was located .
3.1.5. QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Centre "Magnolia Stadium"

The Shanghai QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Centre. General Information:

a. Completion Year: Construction was completed in 2005.

b. Architect: This Stadium is designed by Mitsuru Senda +

Environment Design Institute.

c. Building cost: Construction cost about 200 million $.

d. Introduction:

The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Construction and Administration

requested international bids in 2003, for building the stadium. The winning bid
was submitted by Japanese architect Mitsuru Senda and his company
Environment Design Institute. The Shanghai QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Center is
planned to be an international sport event center.
e. Location:

The stadium is located in Minhang District, Shanghai, China.

f. Concept:

The architect was inspired by the national flower of Shanghai, the magnolia.
As magnolia blossoms are known with their ability to open and close their petals
in response to weather condition as well as season, the stadium was designed to
respond to weather conditions by acting like a flower allowing it to open and
close its roof . The roof enables the stadium to host both indoor and outdoor tennis

A view for the stadium while its roof petals are open presenting a flower

Building Components

The tennis centre covers a total area of 338,836 square meters, of which 85,000 square

meters are made up of structures. The Center has a parking with capacity of 993 parking

spaces. It has four floors, for a total height of 40 m above ground level.
The center has a 15,000-seat center court, a 6,000-seat court, and 20 indoor courts

and 22 outdoor courts. There is also a tennis activity center, tennis club, and a players’

lounge . The stadium includes journalist working area, organizer working area, foreign

integration office, VIP reception as well as different rest areas .

A plan showing different components and seating area for QiZhong Forest Sports City
Tennis Centre . Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

The Shanghai QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Centre has a dynamic
roof. The roof of the main stadium consists of eight moveable petals that can be
opened and closed .

(a) (b)
a) A drawing for the stadium roof while in a close state. (b) A drawing for the stadium roof
while in an open state.

b. Reason for Motion:

As the weather in Shanghai varies between much rains and strong sun, a
roof system for the stadium was necessary. The dynamic roof system is installed
in order to respond to changing weather conditions. When the weather is sunny,
the roof petals are opened providing sunshades all around the stadium. On the
other hand, when the weather is rainy, roof petals are set to close. Also, this
dynamic roof system is used to control the internal temperature of the stadium.
When the roof petals are opened, they help drawing cool air from the outside
down to the seating area. On the other hand, when the petals are closed, the
stadium is kept warm by re-circulating the warm air the rises and ducting it back
to under the seats . Kinetic Design Key Element:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

Structural System:

The tension ring structure was used for the stadium that
creates strong and reliable Colosseum-
shape . Each of the moveable petals is a steel cantilever
structure system. Each petal was constructed on the ground before
hand and tested, then raised to the roof. This system allows the
structure of the stadium as well as the dynamic roof to resist bad
weather conditions, strong wind and typhoons.

Used Materials:

Steel, glass and aluminum were used in the stadium, while

15050 m2 of aluminum sheets were used for the construction of
the moveable roof petals.

b. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

Although the moveable roof is extremely simple, the movement system is

the first time in the world to be used . Each of the eight moveable roof petals moves
and turns around on one fulcrum, all at the same time. Under each petal, a round
truss with an inverted triangle section is located supporting the petal. Each moveable
petal can move by one fulcrum and three rails. This mechanical system allows the

roof to be opened in 8 minutes .

(a) (b)
(a) A close view for the roof petals while they are closed. (b) A close view for the roof petals
while they are being opened.
c. Adaptive Architecture:

This Sports center creates an entertainment environment. Kineticism was

used as roof elements that allow the structure to respond to different conditions,
control indoor environment and host other international indoor sports events such
as basketball, volleyball, ping pong, or gymnastics. Indoor Environment Quality:

The design of the stadium added a sense of unity between players and
spectators. Also, the dynamic roof created a comfortable environment for both
players and spectators. Moreover, this dynamic roof makes it possible to host
different events and activities. Building Visual Quality:

The kinetic roof petals of the QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Centre
don't only create a landmark for Shanghai, but they also create an efficient
building altogether. At night, when the tennis center is lighted up, it glows and
radiates light in all directions.
3.1.6. Cherokee Studios Lofts

An external view for the Cherokee Studios Lofts General Information:

a. Completion Year: The project was completed in 2010.

b. Architect: Design is by Pugh + Scarpa Architects.

c. Building Cost: No information available.

d. Introduction:

The Cherokee Lofts is the first "green" Leadership in Energy and

Environmental Design (LEED) Certified mixed-use, market rated multi- family
building per the U.S. Green Building Council certification system in Southern
California, making it the most advanced as well as distinctive of its kind in Los
Angeles. The design of the mixed-use development did not only meet the goals of
a green building, but also enabled the building to be more environmentally
sensitive as well as aesthetically appealing.
e. Location:

The project is in Los Angeles, California, USA.

f. Concept:

The British artist Patrick Hughes painting series "Prospectivity" was the inspiration for
the Cherokee Lofts building as these painting appear to be ever changing and physically
moving while being viewed. The project is located in a tight site that allows no space for
storm-water infiltration and requires open space. The storm water infiltrated under the
public sidewalk on the right of the way resulting in a design that captures rain-water from
the city street creating an opportunity to landscape the front of the building rather than
having a barren concrete sidewalk with a couple of street trees. The building's top designed
to be a green roof deck not only to meet the open space requirements, but also to
reduce the heating and cooling loads of the building, reduce the heat-island effect as
well as capturing and filtering storm-water. The Cherokee Lofts building has an
operable screen that makes it look as if living.

Building Components:

The Cherokee Studios building is a 4 storey mixed-use housing

development that consists of 12 units , 2800 ft2 of commercial retail space on
the ground floor and one underground level for parking . There are 7 two-storey
town homes that are located 30 ft to 50 ft above street level. On the fourth
floor, 38 ft above street level, the living space for the town home is located. This
living space consists of a state-of-art kitchen, great room, bathroom and home
recording studio/office. Three units are tri-level and have 17 ft high ceiling with
mezzanine and open to the landscaped courtyard. The last two lofts are flats
with 10 ft high ceiling and open to the landscaped courtyard as well. All units
include 2 to 3 bathrooms and with 1 to 4 bedrooms .
Different residential units that vary from loft flats to tri-level units and tow-homes. Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

The design features an owner-controlled operable double façade system that

consists of perforated anodized aluminum panels .

Different views for the operable aluminum panels .

b. Reason for Motion:

The kinetic screen for the building aims to provide shade to cool the
building, reduce noise, enhance privacy and yet allows for marvelous views.
Also, the perforated screen helps controlling indoor daylight and maximizing the
natural ventilation efficiency even when closed .

A diagram showing reason for installing a kinetic skin. Kinetic Design Key Elements:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

a.1. Structural System:

The structure is a concrete skeleton.

a.2. Used Materials:

Materials such as formaldehyde-free fiberboard, concrete, natural stone,

and natural solid woods were used. Green Materials and Products are used

throughout that are recycled, renewable, and contain low or no VOC’s.

Perforated anodized aluminum panels are used for the operable skin.

a) Close view of the perforated anodized aluminum panels.

(b) Detailed view for the operable skin .

a. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

The building's screen is operated manually; a hand push will turn the
operable panels from completely closed to fully opened .

b. Adaptive Architecture:

This development is considered as a living environment although it has

some commercial spaces on the ground level. Kineticism is installed in the
building's façade allowing its residents to control the relation between the interior
and the surrounding environment. Indoor Environment Quality:

The location of the two-storey town home living space helped maximizing city
sky-line views and both daylight and energy efficiency. All interiors designed to be
eco-luxury with simple and modern lines while maintaining sustainability. The green
roof for the Cherokee Lofts was designed as a garden with two terraces providing a
pleasant place for its residents with breathtaking views. The perforated aluminum
panels used on the south facing wall adds an unexpected depth while creating a
sense of security for the residents by filtering the coming direct sunlight. Building Visual Quality:

Dividing the façade into small moving panels added motion to the building
by making it appear as if moving with pedestrians and cars .

A study showing the relation between solid and void through different stages starting from all
panels are close till reaching the stage when all panels are opened.
3.1.7. The World Trade Center Transportation Hub

A perspective for the exterior of The World Trade Center Transportation Hub . General Information:

a. Completion Year: The project is still under construction

(completion staled in 2014).

b. Architect: The hub is designed by Santiago Calatrava.

c. Building Cost: The project costs 3.8 billion USD.

d. Introduction:

The World Trade Center Transportation (WTC) Hub will not only add an architectural
beauty to downtown Manhattan, but it will also enhance the level of services . The
transportation hub is designed to accommodate 250000 pedestrians per day along
with tourists and visitors of the World Trade Center and Memorial. Through the hub
pedestrians will be able to access different directions as the hub is connected to
13 subway lines, Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) trains, Hudson River ferry
terminals as well as a possible direct rail link to John F. Kennedy (JFK) International
Airport. The design of the hub was first revealed to the public in 2004. Later in 2005
and 2008, the design was revised to meet security, engineering and feasibility

e. Location:

The hub is located close to the northeast corner of the WTC site at Church
and Fulton Streets (between Towers 2 and 3).

f. Concept:

Santiago Calatrava got inspired by the gesture of a child releasing

a dove into the sky . The hub entrance, the Oculus, consists of 300 steel
pieces that features two 150 ft high wings located over a body built of two
sets of glass and steel arches that are over 30 ft tall and weights between
10-25 tons for each. As the architect considered the light an important
material involved in the design adding a welcome spirit to the interior,
sunlight can go down way into the interior of the building to the rail
platforms that are 60 ft below street level through the roof's ribbed glass
and steel arches. In 2008, in order to reduce construction costs, the
design of the steel wings was changed to a non-retractable.

(a) (b)

(a) A sketch for a child releasing a dove into the sky which is the inspiration of
the designed building . (b) An exterior perspective for the WTC Transportation
Hub appears as a flying bird .
g. Building Components:

The new WTC Transportation Hub will include:

 A multi-storey central transit hall designed in the style of Grand

Central Terminal, incorporating a lower concourse, an upper
(balcony) concourse, a public waiting area, and first-class retail
 Enhanced permanent PATH facilities and services incorporating three
full-service extended 10-car platforms, as well as an additional
platform to accommodate service needs and five tracks.
 An integrated network of underground pedestrian connections
from the lower and upper concourses, which will lead to
adjoining New York City Transit subway stations and the
proposed MTA Fulton Street Transit Center through the Dey
Street Corridor. Pedestrians also will be able to access locations
on and around the WTC site, including the five WTC office towers,
the Memorial and Museum, Hudson River ferry terminals, the
World Financial Center, PATH trains, 13 subway lines, and the
proposed JFK rail link.
 Retail facilities of approximately 200,000 ft 2 within the transit
hub and the pedestrian concourses accommodating a variety of
restaurants and stores.

A section for the WTC Transportation Hub Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

In the original design, the steel ribs with glass panels between them creating
the ceiling of the hub were meant to open to 45 ft wide before being reduced to 30 ft
wide and changing the ceiling design into fixed later in 2008.

(a) (b)

Section drawing showing the steel ribs that were supposed to move as well as the
lightening system. (b) Interior prespective views for the main hall while the top is closed and
opened .

b. Reason for Motion:

The retractable glass and steel roof was planned to cover the freestanding
grand pavilion which was going to open each year on the anniversary of the
September 11th attacks in which a hanging American flag recovered from the
ruins of the Twin Towers was going to be featured. Also, it was planned to be
used to maximize natural light inside the hub. Kinetic Design Key Elements:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

a.1. Structural System:

The structure is a freestanding steel farm work.

a.2. Used Materials:

Steel, glass and concrete are used.

b. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

The design of the transportation hub features advanced controlling,

monitoring, security and signal systems. Those systems include closed-circuit
television (CCTV) systems, physical intrusion protection, chemical, biological
and radiological security. Also, platforms and mezzanines are climate controlled.

The retractable wings were supposed to be automated, moved by hydraulic

motorized system that is connected to automatic control devices.

c. Adaptive Architecture:

A kinetic element was meant to be the building's wings allowing it to open

on September 11th, the building itself was to be a magnificent memorial for the
attack on the Twin Towers. The World Trade Center Transportation Hub creates a
public environment that allows its users to access different directions and means
of transportation as well as hosting commercial spaces. Indoor Environment Quality:

The underground concourse, mezzanine and platform levels were designed to be

free of vertical columns to maximize the sense of light, movement and openness.
Opening the roof to allow sunlight to flood the interior of the transportation hub is
an unusual strategy for a New York subway station. Sustainable design principles
are applied to the project from energy efficient systems, indoor environmental
quality, life-cycle costs and impacts, material resource and conservation, to enhance
the interior and exterior building quality. Building Visual Quality:

The design of the World Trade Center Transportation Hub calls for a
soaring and a skeletal structure that is punctuated by white spires meant to
represent a bird in flight. Although the station appears transparent, it seems to be
protecting its users with the huge wings. The unusual style for the World Trade
Center Transportation Hub is not only enjoyable by its users or the moving by
pedestrians but also by the users of the towers above by looking down upon the
3.1.8. Dynamic Tower

A perspective for the Dynamic Tower . General Information:

a. Completion Year: The tower was originally scheduled to open in

2010. Although the construction of the tower did
not start until now, the architect insists that the
reason is due to delays in land approvals not in
financing and/or technical problems.
b. Architect: The tower is designed by Dynamic
Architecture Group.
c. Building Cost: The tower will cost approximately 700 million

d. Introduction:

David Fisher, the founder and chairman of Dynamic Architecture Group,

thinks that building construction and materials used in the architectural field
didn't develop since over 100 years ago when reinforced concrete was first used.
Buildings are designed and built to last for 50 years while in old ages they lasted longer
even for thousands of years. With means of construction and materials used in
buildings today to achieve good quality, they result in expensive buildings that are
unaffordable by many, slow to build and difficult to maintain. These buildings also
are not capable to stand natural catastrophes such as earth quakes, hurricanes, typhoons
or even strong winds, also adding errors done by humans such as malfunctioning
of plumping, gas or electrical systems. David Fisher searching for a mean to design
and construct buildings based on logic and engineering as well as being much
safer, feasible and environment friendly resulted in the "Dynamic Tower". The
Dynamic Tower is an industrial production making it the easiest to design and build
as all its floors look the same although they may host different uses. What adds the
fancy shape to the building is motion making it not only a building but a living machine.

e. Location:

The tower is planned to be located in Dubai, UAE.

f. Concept:

The architect aims to create a safer building that can last and resist for a
longer time by building the Dynamic Tower. The tower will be 420 m (1380 ft) tall.
It is designed to be self powered by sun and wind as well as being industrialized
making it sustainable and smart. There will be 79 wind turbine systems installed
horizontally in the gaps between each of the rotating floors . Also, photovoltaic
solar cells will be installed on the roof of each floor to produce solar energy . With
energy produced from 20% of each of the 80 roofs exposed to sun and light next to the
energy produced by wind turbines, the tower will be able not only to fulfill its needs of
energy but also to

supply 10 similar sized buildings with energy. As almost 90% of the tower will be
constructed in factory, the number of on-site workers will be reduces from almost
2000 to 90 .

a. Building Components:

The Dynamic Tower is made up of 80 pre-fabricated floors. The retail space

is located in the first lower 20 floors, while the hotel takes place in the next 15 floors.
The residential part of the tower is located in the top 45 floors, 35 floors are
dedicated for apartments while the top 10 floors are for luxurious villa-style apartments .
The residential space will range in size from 124 m2 (1330 ft2) for apartments to 1200

m2 (12900 ft2) for villas and all are with a parking space inside. Kineticism in the Building:

a. Kinetic Elements:

The Dynamic Tower consists of 80 floors that rotate creating the first
kinetic element in the tower, while the second element is the 79 wind turbines
located between each of those floors.

b. Reason for Motion:

While the tower's wind turbines produce energy, the floors may rotate to fulfill
their users' desires of changing views or to follow sun and light to produce energy. Kinetic Design Key Elements:

a. Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement:

a.1. Structural System:

Each of the tower floors will consist of 12 modules that will be

fully built in factory before arriving at the site. Those modules will
be assembled around the core base and then will be lifted up by
cranes and cables .

a.2. Used Materials:

The tower's units are made of steel, aluminum, carbon fiber

and other high quality modern materials. Natural and recyclable
materials including stone, marble, glass and wood are intended
for the interior finishing.

Drawing presenting the technical system will be used to construct the tower .
b. Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism:

It is planned to install the most advanced monitoring systems and

technologies to the Dynamic Tower. Tower residents and users will be able to
control rotation and other installed systems though out a voice-active mechanism.

c. Adaptive Architecture:

Although the tower hosts retail spaces, the Dynamic Tower is considered to
create living environment as the residential part (hotel, apartments and villas)
create 75% of the tower uses. Kineticism creates the tower itself because each of
its 80 floors separately revolves around the central core. Indoor Environment Quality:

The tower residents will be able to rotate the floors according to their
desire whether to choose their favorite view, follow the sun or even set it to
slowly rotate to enjoy all possible views. Using smart, recyclable and natural
materials as well as advanced technologies offers all tower users sustainable,
clean and safe environments to live and/or work within . With such
technologies it is possible to control all systems installed just by voice .

Drawings representing natural ventilation as well as sunlight filtering .

3.2.15 Building Visual Quality:

The tower will have a futuristic look. As the floor plans are triangular and they
separately move according to desire, the tower will continuously change its form
and shape in varies variety of configurations. According to the architect, the Dynamic
Tower will never look the same twice in its lifetime .

Different views for the Dynamic Tower while in motion .

QiZhong The World
Naked Cherokee Dynamic The Institut Forest Trade
House Studios Tower Leaf du Monde Sports Center

Chap Arabe City Transportati

el Tennis o
Center n Hub
General Information


Constructio To be

1993 2000 2010 n didn't start 2004 1987 2005 complete

yet d in 2014


Dynamic Calatrava
Hans Brooks Klein
Shigeru Architectur Jean Mitsuru
Peter + Dytham
Ban e Group Nouvel Senda
Wörndl Scarpa Architectu
225,000 700 million 47,500,000 200 million 3.8 billion



Mondsee, Saitama, California Kobuchiza Shanghai, New

Dubai, UAE Paris,
Austria Japan , USA wa, China York,
Japan USA

Moveable Aluminum Mashrabia

Building Building Leaf wall Roof petals Steel wings

boxes panels diaphragms

Kineticism in the Building

Whole Indoor Elevation Whole Façade

Walls Roof Roof
Structure element elements Structure elements
elements elements
Environme Environme
n tal – light nta l –
Reason for Motion

Environme Concept and

control, Desing
Fuctional – Functional Luxurious concept nta l – light environmental
reduce – light
creating – creating and light control
energy control and control
flexibile flexibile environme
consumpti adating to
spaces spaces n tal
o n and weather


Frame Frame Prefabricate

Structural Innovation &

Frame Frame tension ring Frame

Materials Advancement
Kinetic Design Key Elements

structure structure d structure

structure structure structure structure structure

Timber and Steel,

Used Materials

Wood, Glazed
paper aluminum Steel and aluminum, Steel and
glass and Aluminum aluminum
honeycom and glass steel, glass
panels carbon glass
Automatic Remote Computer Automatic device –
Manual control deivce Autom output device – Automated
device – Manual

control – Voice- ated device Automated system

Automate control
active system control – Automated system
d system



3.2 Analysis:

The selected projects are located in three continents; Europe, North-

America and Asia .Three of the selected projects are located in North-America where
all are located in the USA. The last four projects are located in Asia where two are
located in Japan, one is located in China and one is planned to be located in the Dubai,

The world map where the studied projects are located in Europe, North-America and Asia.

3.2.1. Structural Systems and Used Materials:

Different structural systems are used for kinetic buildings varying from frame
to concrete structures as well as tension ring and prefabricated structures. The
most common type used in the buildings analyzed is the frame structure with 46%
represented in 5 projects followed by concrete structure with 40% represented in
3 projects .





Frame Structure 46% Concrete Structure 40% Tension Ring Structure7% Prefabricated Structure7%

Structure systems used for analyzed buildings.

Many materials are used in kinetics installed on/in buildings. Sometimes only one material
is used, while on other times a combination of different materials are being used. Most
materials commonly used are characterized by light weight as well as flexibility like
aluminium, paper, stainless steel and fibers. Steel and aluminium are the most materials
commonly used combined with other materials like glass or some other smart materials such as
sensors .






Steel 60% Aluminium Glass 86% Wood 46% Paper 13% Smart Stainless Carbon
Steel 13% Fiber 7%
60% Materials

Share of materials used among the studied projects.

3.2.3. Kinetic Elements and Reasons for Motion:

Kinetics are being used in buildings by different ways. In buildings under study
kineticism is used in six different ways; as kinetic elevation elements, interior
elements, roof elements, kinetic walls, kinetic part of the structure itself or as the
building as a whole . Sometimes a building can adopt different types of kineticism.
The most common kineticism used in the buildings under study are kinetic elevation
and roof elements .

Institut du Monde Arabe The Naked House The Olympic Tennis Center
Kinetic Elevation Element Kinetic Interior Elements Kinetic Roof Elements

(a) (b) (c)

The Leaf Chapel The Sliding House The Dynamic Tower
Kinetic Walls Kinetic Structure Part Whole Kinetic Structure

(d) (e) (f)

Types of kineticism used in buildings under study, such as:

(a) Institut du Monde Arabe – 1987 .

(b) The Naked House – 2000 .

(c) The Olympic Tennis Center – 2009

(d) The Leaf Chapel – 2004 .

(e) The Sliding House – 2009 .

(f) The Dynamic Tower







Elevation Elements Walls 13% Structure Part Structure 13%

Roof Elements
Elements 26%
13% 13%

Ways kinetics were installed in buildings.

There are some reasons behind using kinetics in the sample studied. They
may vary from environmental reasons, design concepts, creating flexible spaces
and luxury . In some cases there are more than one reason for using kinetics. The
most common reason for using kinetics is controlling and filtering the incoming
light .

Institut du Monde GucklHupf Space Maison à Bordeaux The Naked House

Arabe People with Special Reduce Energy
Needs Accessibility Consumption
Light Control

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Maison à Bordeaux
People with Special
Needs Accessibility The Naked House
Institut du Reduce Energy
Monde Arabe Consumption
Space Flexibility
Light Control

Magnolia Stadium The Leaf Chapel Cherokee Studios The Dynamic Tower
Respond to Design Concept Lofts Luxury
Weather Changes
Natural Ventilation

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Magnolia Stadium
Reasons fortousing kinetics, such as: (a) Institut du Monde Arabe – 1987 . (b) GucklHupf –
Weather Changes
1993 . (c) Maison à Bordeaux – 1998 . (d) The Naked House – 2000 . (e)The Dynamic Stadium
Magnolia Tower –
2005 .(f) The Leaf Chapel – 2004.
The Leaf Chapel Cherokee Studios
Design Concept Lofts

Natural Ventilation
3.2.4. Relation between Structural System and Used Materials:

There is a relationship between the structure system and the materials used
across the buildings. When frame structures are used, materials such as steel,
wood and paper along with other smart materials were easily applied as the
structure itself is light weighted. When much heavier structures are used like
reinforced concrete structures and tension ring structure, aluminum is the most
used to add flexibility and smoothness to the system .
12.00% Aluminum
10.00% Glass

4.00% Smart
Frame Structure Concrete Structure Tension ring Prefabricated

structure Carbon Fiber

Relation between structure systems and materials share

3.2.5. Relation between Structural System and Used Kinetic Elements:

Using frames as a structure system made it easier to install different kinetic

systems in buildings that varied from elevation elements, interior elements, roof
elements, kinetic structure part and kinetic walls. Kinetic walls as well as kinetic
structure parts are the most used when structures are frames. Reinforced concrete
structures allow for limited flexibility when using kinetic systems. Kinetic elevation
elements as well as kinetic interior elements are the most common when structures are
concrete .
3.2.6. Relation between Building Environments and Used Kinetic Elements:

When kinetics were applied to living environments, they varied from kinetic elevation
elements, interior elements, kinetic walls to kinetic structure part as well as kinetic whole
buildings. Using kinetic roofs were most common with entertainment environments as well
as public environments .

………………………………………………… 25%


Elevation Elements
Interior Elements Roof
Elements Walls
Structure Part Whole

5% Structure

Living Environment
Work EnvironmentEntertainment Public Environment
Relation between the different architectural environments and ways kinetics are installed.
3.2.7. Kinetic Systems Effect on Buildings' Visual Quality:

Kinetic systems that are applied to the exterior of buildings helped

improving the buildings' visual quality. In the analyzed projects, kinetic systems
affected the visual quality by either allowing the building to hide and melt with its natural
surrounding environment such as the Dragspelhuset in Sweden or reflecting the
changeable daily patterns such as the Dynamic Tower to be built in Dubai, UAE .
Other kinetic systems presented cultural dimension such as the QiZhong Forest
Sports City Tennis Center in Shanghai with is kinetic roof appearing as a magnolia
blossom which is the national flower of Shanghai . Also, other kinetic systems
presented social dimensions such as the World Trade Center Transportation Hub
that acts as a 9/11 memorial .

QiZhong Forest Sports City

Dragspelhuset The Dynamic Tower The World Trade Center
Tennis Cente
Hide and Melt with the Reflect Changeable Daily Transportation Hub
Natural Surrounding Patterns Present Cultural Dimension Present Social Dimension

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Effect of using kinetic systems on buildings' visual quality. (a) Dragspelhuset – 2004 . (b)
The Dynamic Tower . (c) QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Center – 2005 . (d) The World
Trade Center Transportation Hub – 2014 .

According to different definitions for the term "Kinetic
Architecture" it can be described as a building or building parts
that act in response to surrounding changes that occur indoor
and/or outdoor whether they are caused by natural and/or
human factors. Based on the definition, kinetic design is based
on three main key elements:

1) structural innovation and materials advancement,

2) embedded computation, and

3) adaptable architecture.

The first key element in kinetic design – structural innovation

and materials advancement – represents the building and building
parts, while the second key element – embedded computation
– allows building to detect change and act according to it, thus
creating environments that are able to adapt and interact
representing the third key element which is adaptable
architecture. Based on different parts of this research, a
building analyses was carried out in order to understand the
different means and ways in which kineticism could be applied to
built environments. Selection of buildings was based on different
factors included completion year, building's use and type of
kineticism involved. The analysis criteria incorporated means and
reasons for including kineticism in the design as well as the effect
of using such kinetic solution on both the indoor environment
quality and the building visual quality. Based on this study the
following is concluded:

 When kinetic systems are installed in buildings, they

can be controlled by different means. Controlling kinetic
systems may range from simple means by manual
control to complicated automatic control. Automatic
control complexity can vary from just allowing users to
take a certain action by turning the system on and off to
more complicated pre-programmed automatic systems.
These systems can be fully automated while being
connected to a set of sensors and detectors to realize
any changes that occur allowing these kinetic systems
to respond according to pre-programmed settings in which
buildings' users can't interfere or change.

 some pre-programmed automated kinetic systems may be

set to allow users to interact with systems adding
changes and modifications even when connected to
sensors. Moreover, kineticism can be installed in
buildings without using any kind of embedded computation
and/or automated systems allowing buildings users to
manually fold, slide or even push different parts creating
the environments they desire.

 There are many ways where kineticism can be

used in the architectural field representing a
wide range of solutions. Kinetic systems can be
used as indoor elements ranging from small
elements such as furniture to larger elements
such as walls/partitions, floors and ceilings.
Kinetic systems can be used to create the
building's envelope represented by walls and
roof elements or even kinetic systems that can
be attached to the building's outer-skin.
Kineticism can appear as a part of the building's
structure or as the structure as a whole allowing
it to transform.

 There are many reasons to involve kineticism in

the architectural design. Kineticism can be used to
achieve environmental goals. Using kineticism can
achieve space efficiency by not only increasing
the indoor environment quality but also by
allowing it to transform in size and shape. Kinetic
systems can be used for conceptual reasons in
order to attract audience and represent cultural
as well as social dimensions.

As kinetic systems represents

untraditional solutions for different problems that
may face architects, applying such systems to
the Indian architectural environment will increase
its efficiency. Kinetic systems can be used in
the Indian environment in order to maximize the
use of renewable energy sources. Also, kinetic
systems will both improve and increase natural
light and ventilation efficiency as well as space
efficiency when installed to the Indian environment.

Although architecture has an influence on the environment it
creates, it is affected by different factors that include
technology, users and environment whether natural or built. In
order to improve the quality of the architectural environment,
kinetic architecture can be the solution to create environmental-
friendly, safe, organized, enjoyable and adaptable environments.
To achieve extremely useful results, architects should work in teams
to improve research with collaboration with specialists from different
fields. These fields may range from engineering such as information
technology, communications, mechanical and structural
engineering to social as well as environmental science.

Involving researchers from different fields of engineering

and science will result in improving and developing locally
designed kinetic systems. Locally designed kinetic systems will
act more efficiently in the Egyptian environment. These systems
will be designed using local materials and systems. They will
also be designed to meet different weather conditions such as
high temperatures, humidity and rain. Also, designing local
kinetic systems will consider the different Indian cultural
backgrounds for each region they will be applied to.

Planners should work hard in order to look for means and

ways to invent and implement ideas at the rate requested for
keeping up with the rest of the world. It is of great importance to
carry out researches in order to understand how kinetic
architecture will affect urban planning. Kinetic design will
provide planners with creative means for problem solving using
technological advancements that facilitate decision making and
collaboration between different interest groups during the
process. Whether it is the continuing influence of Internet or
new ways of using clean energy, a wide range of technological
innovations will help shape cities of the future. If urban planners
will consider events, activities and changes rather than buildings
and structures, they can provide greater comfort and safety for all

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