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Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF



1. Open the BPC client and use user train-## to plan costs in Analysis for Office
for Cost Center IBPF_CC##.

Field Name Value

User: * train-##
Password: * initial
Cost Center IBPF_CC##.
Result for Current Year Total Plan 100000
Water - Current Year Plan 200
Result - Current Year Plan 90000


© SAP SE AC110 EX-222

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Open the BPC client and use user train-## to plan costs in Analysis
Task 1
for Office for Cost Center IBPF_CC##.

Step Action

(1) Double-click on BPC.

Step Action

(2) Enter train-## in the User: * box.

(3) Enter initial in the Password: * box.

(4) Click Log On.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-223

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(5) Click My Activities.

Step Action

(6) Click Planning and Repo....

Step Action

(7) Click Initialize Plan.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-224

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(8) Click Set Work Status.

Step Action

(9) Click Cost Center Search Help .

© SAP SE AC110 EX-225

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(10) Click IBPF_CC##.

(11) Click OK.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-226

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(12) Click Category Search Help .

© SAP SE AC110 EX-227

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(13) Click PLAN 01.

(14) Click OK.

Step Action

(15) Click New Status - In Process.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-228

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Do not close the BPC window, open MS Excel. You need to make a setting to show the
planning group.

Step Action

(16) Click OK.

Step Action

(17) Click File Tab.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-229

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(18) Click Settings.

Step Action

(19) Click the Advanced Settings tab to select it.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-230

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(20) Select the Show Planning Group check box.

(21) Click OK .

Step Action

Click the Exit menu item to execute it.

Step Action

© SAP SE AC110 EX-231

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(23) Click Analysis for Office.

Step Action

(24) Click Cost Center Planning on Periods.

Step Action

(25) Click Open.

Step Action

(26) Click OK.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-232

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(27) Enter 100000 in the Result for Current Year Total Plan box.

(28) Click Recalculate.

Step Action

(29) Enter 200 in the Water - Current Year Plan box.

(30) Click Recalculate.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-233

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(31) Click the cell you filled.

(32) Click the Analysis tab to select it.

(33) Click Lock Cells .

(34) Enter 90000 in the Result - Current Year Plan box.

(35) Click Recalculate.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-234

Exercise 17: Plan costs using IBPF

Step Action

(36) Click Water - Current Year Plan.

(37) Click Unlock Cells .

(38) Click Clear Plan.

Step Action

(39) Click Copy Actual to Plan.

(40) Click Save.

Step Action

(41) Click Exit.

© SAP SE AC110 EX-235

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