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Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

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Full Length Article

Numerical calculation with detailed chemistry on ammonia co-firing in a T

coal-fired boiler: Effect of ammonia co-firing ratio on NO emissions
Sakiko Ishihara , Juwei Zhang, Takamasa Ito

Combustion Group, Technology & Integration, IHI Corporation, 1, Shin-nakahara-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-8501, Japan


Keywords: NH3 co-firing in a commercial 1000 MWe pulverized coal-fired boiler has been considered for reducing CO2
Coal emissions. However, the abundance of fuel-N in NH3 co-firing may cause an increase in NO emissions. The effects
Ammonia of the NH3 co-firing ratio on NO emissions in a commercial boiler are studied through a zero-dimensional
Co-firing numerical calculation with detailed chemistry. A simplified boiler system is composed of a burner zone, an over-
fire zone, and two downstream zones. A network of perfectly stirred reactors is used to determine NO emissions
in flue gas. The NH3 co-firing ratio is varied from 0 to 80%. NH3 is injected into the flame zone, which is part of
the burner zone. As a result of calculation, amount of CO2 emission decreases as an increase in the NH3 co-firing
ratio. Since the location where NH3 reacts shifts to the downstream side with an increase in the co-firing ratio,
the peak of NO also tends to transfer to the downstream side. Nevertheless, NH3 is almost completely dissociated
in the burner zone and unburned NH3 emissions are approximately zero independent of the co-firing ratio.
Within the range of 20–60%, NO emissions increase monotonically with the co-firing ratio. However, at 80% co-
firing, the NO emission decreases from the value attained at 60% co-firing. With a co-firing ratio higher than
40%, reactions of rich NH3 chemistry, which are characteristic in rich and low-temperature NH3 flame become
effective. Due to these reactions, fuel(NH3)–NO production tends to decrease in the location where NH3 reacts.

1. Introduction increases because of its usage as a hydrogen carrier, and some fuel
incentives by the government in order to meet the gap between “supply
To control global warming, it is of utmost importance to reduce price” and “demand price” [5], cost of NH3 decreases further and,
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in various fields globally. In particular, consequently, NH3 will be generally used also as a fuel. Until then,
there is considerable scope for reducing CO2 emissions from coal-fired combustion characteristics of NH3 are required to be investigated.
boilers in thermal power plants, which generate more CO2 emissions NH3 co-firing with coal in pulverized coal-fired boilers has been
than any other means of power generation. Various methods have been studied in a national program in Japan, entitled “Cross-ministerial
proposed to achieve this, such as oxy-fuel combustion [1], carbon Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP): Energy carriers” [3,6].
capture and storage [2], and co-firing with carbon-free fuels. In this project, Yamamoto et al. [7] investigated NH3 co-firing in a coal
To reduce CO2 emissions during continuing using conventional in- combustion facility by using a horizontal test furnace with a single
dustrial facilities, such as pulverized coal-fired boilers, as a partial burner. By performing NH3 injection at various locations in the furnace,
substitute fuel for coal, ammonia (NH3) has received more attention NO emissions were found to be affected by the injection position, and
recently. NH3 is expected to act as a hydrogen carrier with high volu- the values of minimal NO emissions were comparable to those in the
metric hydrogen density. As NH3 itself is combustible without requiring coal-fired case. It was supposed that NH3 acted as both a reducing agent
a hydrogen extraction process [2–4], NH3 is supposed to have a high and a fuel for effective heat release.
potential as a fuel in thermal power plants where NH3 has already been Furthermore, in the SIP project, the IHI Corporation successfully
used as a fertilizer and a denitrification agent. As the production performed coal NH3 co-firing of three-dimensional (3D) numerical si-
technology of NH3 is mature, the initial and operating costs of its usage mulations [8,9], a zero-dimensional (0D) simulation [10] and experi-
are expected to be relatively low compared to those of other hydrogen ments using a 10 MWth facility [11,12]. Zhang et al. performed a 3D
carriers and carbon-free fuels. In future, when yield of NH3 much computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation [8] for the 10 MWth

Abbreviations: MZ, mixing zone; FZ, flame zone; PFZ, post-flame zone; RDZ, reduction zone; OF, zone/OFZ over-fire zone; DZ, Downstream zone

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ishihara2302@ihi-g.com (S. Ishihara).

Received 12 December 2019; Received in revised form 26 March 2020; Accepted 28 March 2020
Available online 13 April 2020
0016-2361/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

facility test [12]. The simulation results were found to be in good NO is reduced through reactions with hydrocarbon radicals or hetero-
agreement with the experimental results. NH3 co-firing resulted in geneous reactions with soot or char, it has been strongly required to
lower CO2 emissions, flame temperature, and heat flux to the walls, and include soot or char in the reaction model. Hashemi et al. improved the
higher unburned carbon in ash. However, improvement of NO model reaction model to involve a detailed description of the gas-phase
which was used in the calculation was suggested. As for the 10 MWth chemistry, together with a simplified description of gas–solid reactions
facility test [12], NO emissions were suggested to be reduced in com- including soot and char. They also developed models in which the
parison with the case of coal firing by controlling operating conditions, soot + NO or char + NO reaction was disabled, and compared the
such as the air ratio or velocity of NH3 injection. Additionally, as the calculation results of N conversion ratio among three model types
unburned NH3 emissions in the experiments were almost zero, the (original, disabled soot + NO, and disabled char + NO). As a result, the
supplied NH3 could be almost completely consumed. Thus, NH3 co- models without the soot + NO or char + NO effect overestimated the
firing with pulverized coal in a commercial boiler may be safely con- experimental results as compared to the case with the original model
ducted. involving these effects. Thus, heterogeneous reactions, namely reac-
Furthermore, Zhang et al. studied the effects of NH3 co-firing ratio tions of NO with soot and char, were found to be important for the
by 3D numerical simulation [9]. As a result of varying NH3 co-firing modeling predictions of NO emissions.
ratio from 0% to 80%, amount of NO emission was found to become the In this reaction model, soot and char are determined to be C166 and
largest with 10% co-firing, and with more co-firing ratio it decreased C412N5, respectively. The soot reaction subset of the present model
with an increase of the ratio. Unburned NH3 in emission gas increased includes the Nagle and Strickland–Constable oxidation mechanism for
sharply especially with more than 40% of the co-firing ratio. As the co- reaction with O2 [17]. The reaction of soot with NO is expressed as
firing ratio increases, the high-velocity NH3 jet penetrated the internal soot + NO 0.9940soot + 0.5N2 + CO (R13)
recirculation zone of flame. Consequently, more amounts of unburned
NH3 emission were obtained, and simultaneously NO emissions de- The oxidation reaction of char is expressed as
creased by the DeNOx effect of NH3. char + 208.5O2 412CO + 5NO (R14)
Results of 3D CFD simulations of a furnace in pulverized coal-fired
boilers have also been studied thoroughly [13,14]. Although such si- As for these reactions, parameters of the rate coefficient were
mulations are efficient and useful, and can solve thermal and fluid maintained the same as those determined by Hashemi et al. Pre-ex-
dynamics problems, they yield a high computational burden, including ponential factor A, index β and activation energy Ea are shown in
long calculation times and high financial costs. Furthermore, as for Table 1. The NO reduction by char is expressed as
chemical reactions, global reactions are typically used for avoiding char + NO char + 0.5N2 + 0.5O2 (R15)
heavy computational burden. For this reason, 3D CFD simulations are
not suitable for studying the effects of detailed chemical reactions. 0D Among the parameters of rate coefficient of (R15), the activation
numerical simulation, however, can focus on solving detailed chemical energy and multiplier of temperature were also kept the same as those
reactions rather than thermal and fluid dynamics aspects. Computa- determined by Hashemi et al. However, the pre-exponential factor was
tional burdens are much less than 3D simulations; e.g. calculation time adjusted such that the calculation results of NO emissions would reach
is about several seconds, and high spec computers are not exactly re- the same level as that obtained from the target commercial boiler.
quired. Result of verification is shown in Section 2.5.
The authors studied the effects of NH3 co-firing in a commercial
1000 MWe pulverized coal-fired boiler with 0D numerical simulations 2.2. Chemical reactor network of coal-fired boiler
with detailed chemistry [10]. This study can be said to be the first at-
tempt of 0D simulation of a commercial pulverized coal-fired boiler In the present study, 0D calculations are conducted using the che-
which uses a reactor network. A commercial coal-fired boiler was mical reaction software ANSYS Chemkin-Pro [18] which can solve
simplified as a reactor network using perfectly stirred reactors (PSRs), complex chemical kinetics problems. The target boiler is a commercial
and compositions of emissions with various NH3 injection positions 1000 MWe pulverized coal-fired boiler. This boiler, used in a com-
were studied. As a result, in the case of NH3 injection into flame zone, mercial thermal power plant, is a very complex facility, comprising tens
amount of NO emission was found to be lower than the case of coal of burners and several heat exchangers. Therefore, in this simulation,
firing. Since temperature in flame zone is relatively high which is the structure of the boiler is simplified and divided into four parts, as
higher than 2000 K, supplied NH3 is dissociated and converted into NO shown in Fig. 1; a burner zone (BZ), an over-fire zone (OF zone), and
prior to char oxidation. Thus, there exists more abundance of NO de- downstream zones 1 (DZ1) and 2 (DZ2). Each zone comprises one or
rived from supplied NH3 and more amount of left char compared to the more PSRs in Chemkin-Pro, and thus, the boiler is expressed as a reactor
case of coal-firing. Generated NO is reduced by char, and effect of re- network. As PSRs are utilized, the time required for mixing in each
duction of NO by char becomes greater. As a result, lower NO emission reactor is estimated to be zero due to its infinite mixing rate.
compared to the case of coal firing was obtained. Details about the Such reactor networks are commonly used to simulate the mixing
reactor network and 0D simulation are explained mainly in Section 2.2, and flow characteristics of a gas turbine combustor [19]. Recently, the
Section 2.3 and Section 2.4. In the present study, using the reactor DME/air jet diffusion flame for DME-fueled industrial boilers [20] and
network representing a coal-fired boiler, the effects of the NH3 co-firing pulverized coal jet flames [21] have been studied using chemical re-
ratio are studied with detailed chemical reactions. actor networks. Nevertheless, the simulation of a commercial pulver-
ized coal-fired boiler using a reactor network has never been conducted.
2. Numerical simulation Thus, this study can be considered to be the first attempt of such a

2.1. Detailed chemical reaction model Table 1

Original reaction parameters in the chemical reaction model. Rate constants are
expressed as k = ATβexp(−Ea/RT) with units of calories, cm3, mole and second.
In this study, the chemical reaction model proposed by Hashemi
et al. [15] was used. This model is originally based on earlier reported No. Reaction A β Ea
works on reburning with coal [16]. They modified it and developed a
(R13) soot + NO → 0.9940soot + 0.5 N2 + CO 2.41E+12 0.5 29,808
chemical “engineering” model for the simulation of NOx formation and
(R14) char + 208.5O2 → 412CO + 5NO 3.45E+11 0.0 29,800
reduction in the combustion zone during coal combustion. So far, the (R15) char + NO → char + 0.5 N2 + 0.5O2 2.36E+7 0.0 26,690
modeling studies on NOx have largely been limited to gaseous fuels. As

S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

Table 2
Coal analysis.
wt% (air-dried)

Proximate analysis Moisture 1.6

Volatile matter 54.8
Fixed carbon 30.9
Ash 12.6
Ultimate analysis C 87.6
H 5.1
S 0
N 2.9
O 4.4

Table 3
Input data of mass composition of coal (char + vola-
Mass fraction of coal

Char (C412N5) 0.35

Soot (C166) 0.46
CH4 0.0053
C2H2 0.039
H2 0.043
CO 0.032
CO2 0.013
H2O 0.019
Fig. 1. Reactor network representing a pulverized coal-fired boiler with NH3 HCN 0.027
co-firing. MZ: mixing zone, FZ: flame zone, RCZ: recirculation zone, PFZ: post- NH3 0.0019
flame zone, RDZ: reduction zone, OF Air: over-fire air. Q1-Q4: Local heat ab- N2 0.011
sorption in each zone. Total 1.0

simulation. Because of the large size of the commercial boiler, the re- flash distillation analogy to explain the devolatilization of various coal
sidence time of the particles or gas in the facility is in the order of a few types. The calculation results of secondary pyrolysis are utilized as the
seconds. As this is several orders longer than the characteristic time of input data in this study. The input data of the mass composition of coal
the chemical reactions, the effects of the chemical reactions can be (char + volatile) is listed in Table 3.
independently studied from those of the gas fluid dynamics. The air injected into the mixing zone indicates the transportation air
of coal, while the combustion air acts as the oxidant. The combustion
2.3. Initial conditions air is preheated to less than 600 K. In the mixing zone, air and coal are
supplied and mixed with 15% of the recirculated gas as shown in Fig. 1.
In the reactor network, the burner zone, where many burners are The mixed gas is ignited, and chemical reactions occur in the flame
installed and burner flames interact with each other, is simplified si- zone with 30% combustion air and the remaining recirculated gas. The
milar to a single burner, referred to as an IHI swirl burner [22], illu- rest of the combustion air and 80% of the gas from the flame zone are
strated in Fig. 2. The burner zone comprises the mixing, recirculation, mixed in the post-flame zone. The reacted gas enters the reduction zone
flame, post-flame, and reduction zones. and then the over-fire zone. The proportions of gas distribution in the
The coal supplied to the mixing zone depicts the integration of burner zone are decided based on the results of previous 3D CFD si-
volatile and char. The proximate and ultimate analyses of coal are mulations [8,9,13].
shown in Table 2. From this information, input data of volatile and char In the case of NH3 co-firing, NH3 is supplied into the flame zone in
for the present study are obtained using the calculation model FLAS- the burner zone in this simulation. According to our previous study
HCHAIN [23]. FLASHCHAIN is a polymer chemical model for coal [10], NH3 injection into the flame zone results in lower NO emissions
which includes a four-step reaction mechanism, chain statistics, and the compared to the case of coal firing. This indicates that NH3 co-firing in
a zone with high temperature can lead to a relatively low amount of NO
Similar to conventional pulverized coal-fired boilers, in this study,
staged combustion, i.e., over-fire air, is injected into the over-fire zone
Combustion air (Fig. 1). The staged air ratio, as defined below, is 0.40.

Staged air ratio = OF air/(Air to mixing zone + Combustion air +OF air)
In addition, the excess air ratio of the boiler is 1.1. The staged and
excess air ratios are determined from the operating conditions in the
target commercial boiler.
The gas from the over-fire zone flows into downstream zone 1, and
Pulverized coal then into downstream zone 2. The reacted gas in downstream zone 2 is
regarded as the flue gas of the boiler and is the target for the NO
Internal recirculating flow emission evaluation. The residence time of the gas in each zone of this
boiler network is estimated according to the results of the previous CFD
Fig. 2. Schematic image of an IHI swirl burner. simulation [13]. The total residence time, i.e., the time from the burner

S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

zone to downstream zone 2, is ~2–3 s. The unit of CO and NO in the ordinate is ppm, dry and the unit of UC is
In the case of NH3 co-firing, the co-firing ratio is determined to be wt%. The normalized CO and UC emissions are 0.11 and 0.81, re-
based on a lower heating value of NH3. The co-firing ratio of NH3 is spectively. It is found that the calculation result of CO emission is re-
varied from 0% to 80% in steps of 20%. Here, 0% indicates the case of quired to be adjusted by changing reaction parameters. The calculation
coal firing. The results of NO emissions are compared between the cases result of UC is in almost good agreement with that obtained from the
with various co-firing ratios, to study the effects of NH3 co-firing ratio target boiler. The normalized calculation result of NO emission is 0.96.
on NO emissions. As a result of adjusting as mentioned in Section 2.1, the amount of NO
The amount of input calorie in the case of NH3 co-firing is set to be emission is in good agreement with that obtained from the target boiler.
the same as that in the coal-fired case. The amount of heat absorbed In order to supplementarily verify the validity and applicability of
from each zone in the boiler is accounted by Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 (Fig. 1). the present study, simulation results are compared to the experimental
In the burner zone, it is assumed that the heat absorption (Q1) occurs results obtained by using a small-scale facility. The experimental results
only in the reduction zone, while the other zones are thermally in- with the 10 MWth facility [12] is utilized for verification of 3D simu-
sulated. In the case of coal firing, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 are determined lation in the reference [9]. The facility is a furnace with the IHI swirl
from the heat fluxes measured at the target commercial boiler. The burner illustrated in Fig. 2. Gas temperature, gas compositions at fur-
walls of the target commercial boiler comprise water-cooled walls, nace exit including O2, CO2, CO, NOx and NH3 are measured con-
which are composed of water pipes inside which steam flows. Fur- tinuously and fly ash is sampled to measure the UC content. More de-
thermore, ash is generally attached on the water pipes. Therefore, ra- tails are seen in the reference [9].
diation heat from the burner flame transfers through the ash and the With 20% co-firing ratio, 0.40 of the staged air ratio and 1.1 of the
wall of the water pipe to the steam. At downstream zone 2, the boiler excess air ratio, experimental results and 0D simulation results of the
walls do not face the burner flame. Thermal radiation is much lower gas compositions in the flue gas are shown in Table 5. As a result of the
than that in the other zones, so that effect of thermal radiation is ne- 0D simulation, amount of O2 emission is in good agreement with the
glected, as presented in Table 4. experimental result. Amount of unburned NH3 emission is almost zero
As for obtaining heat fluxes in the case of NH3 co-firing, the tem- in the flue gas and amount of CO2 emission decreases in 20% by 20%
perature of the steam inside the water pipes and thickness of ash de- NH3 co-firing, similar to the experimental results. In addition, amount
posited on them are assumed to be the same as those in the coal-fired of CO emission decreases and amount of UC increases similar to the
case in each zone. The heat flux at each zone corresponds to the tem- experimental results. The amounts of changes are larger in the 0D si-
perature in each zone. Using the calculation result of the gas tem- mulation than those of the experiment. Thus, 0D simulation tends to
perature, the amount of heat absorption in each zone is obtained in the overestimate the effects of NH3 co-firing on CO and UC emissions.
case of NH3 co-firing. As a result of the adjusting, 223 ppm of the simulation result of NO
is different from 101 ppm of the experimental result in the case of coal
2.4. Simulation approach firing. The amount of NO emission increases by NH3 co-firing in the
experiment, while it decreases in the 0D simulation. In the case of NH3
In this simulation, at first, the case of coal firing is calculated. co-firing, a flame existing with more distance from the burner throat
Compositions such as those of coal and air, the volume of each zone, was observed in the experiment [12]. Furthermore, as a result of varied
residence time, and amount of heat absorption are used as input data injection velocity of NH3, larger NO emissions were obtained with
for the calculation. As a result, the reaction gas composition and tem- higher speed of NH3 injection in the experiments. The 3D simulation
perature at the outlet of each zone are obtained. shows that unburned NH3 reaches downstream side of the furnace with
Then, the cases of NH3 co-firing are calculated with the same order more increase in injection velocity of NH3 [9]. Therefore, it is estimated
of the case of coal firing. As mentioned in Section 2.3, the temperature that fuel(NH3)–NO produced at the downstream side are discharged as
of steam inside the water pipes and thickness of ash deposited on the emissions and NO emission increases more than that in the case of coal
water pipes are assumed to be the same as those in the coal-fired case. firing in the experiment. However, in the 0D simulation, the effects of
With an arbitrary amount of heat absorption, gas temperature in the fluid dynamics are neglected. NH3 supplied to the burner zone is con-
case of NH3 co-firing in each zone is calculated through a numerical sumed instantly prior to char oxidation, since rate of dissociation of
simulation. The temperature in each zone can be calculated in advance NH3 is larger than that of char oxidation [10]. As a result of NH3
by using simple equations of thermal conduction and radiation with an consumption, fuel(NH3)–NO production and NO reduction by char near
arbitrary amount of heat absorption (heat flux). Thus, when the same the burner, NO concentration at outlet of the burner zone becomes
temperature as indicated in the result of the simple calculation is ob- lower than that in the case of coal firing. NO concentration keeps lower
tained through numerical simulation, the amount of heat absorption in until the downstream, so that lower NO emission is obtained.
the case of NH3 co-firing in each zone is determined. Overall, it can be said that the calculation results of emissions in the
0D simulation are almost in good agreement with emissions obtained
from the target commercial boiler and with the experimental results.
2.5. Verification of the 0D simulation Since distributions of unburned NH3, NO and char in a furnace affect
NO emissions, it is required to be looked precisely their concentrations
Calculation results of CO, unburned carbon in ash (UC) and NO in each zone in the reaction network.
emissions in the 0D simulation are compared to the emissions obtained
from the commercial target boiler for verification. Here, UC is defined 3. Results
as char/(ash + char) based on the mass flow. As shown in Fig. 3, they
are normalized by those obtained from the target commercial boiler. Fig. 4 depicts the calculation result of NH3 emissions for NH3 co-
firing ratio. The NH3 emissions are shown as lower than 0.005 ppm
Table 4 independent of the NH3 co-firing ratio. These are sufficiently small and
Effect of radiation in reactor network.
estimated to be similar order of calculation errors. Thus, it is found that
Burner zone Included the NH3 supplied into the boiler is almost completely burned.
The results of the normalized CO2, CO and NO emissions and UC are
Over-fire zone Included
depicted in Fig. 5. The ordinates indicate normalized concentrations by
Downstream zone 1 Included
Downstream zone 2 Neglected emissions in the case of coal firing. CO2 emissions decrease with an
increase in the co-firing ratio, as expected; for instance, CO2 emissions

S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

Fig. 3. Verification of simulation result of CO, UC and NO emission. Unit of CO: ppm, dry. Unit of UC: wt%. Unit of NO: ppm, dry.

Table 5
Comparisons between the experimental results using a small-scale facility and
simulated results at furnace exit. Note that the simulation is for 1000 MWe
commercial boiler.
Coal firing 20% NH3 co-firing
Experiment Simulation Experiment Simulation
O2 (vol%, dry) 2.5 2.8 2.6 2.8
NH3 (ppm, 6%O2) 0 0 0.4 0
CO2 (vol%, 6%O2) 13.2 13.2 10.6 10.8
CO (ppm, 6%O2) 15 28 13 17
UC (wt%) 3.0 2.3 3.6 3.7
NO (ppm, 6%O2) 101 223 136 116

Fig. 4. Effect of the NH3 co-firing ratio on NH3 emissions.

Fig. 5. Effect of the NH3 co-firing ratio on normalized CO2, CO, NO and un-
in the case of 20% co-firing decrease by 20% compared to that in the burned carbon in ash (UC) emissions. The ordinates show concentrations nor-
malized by those in the case of coal-firing. Subscript 0: the case of 0% NH3 co-
coal-fired case.
firing, i.e. coal firing.
CO emissions also decrease with an increase in the NH3 co-firing
ratio, since the amount of coal is reduced. Furthermore, the water gas
shift reaction, expressed as below, may be affected. NO emissions. Especially, with more than 40% of the co-firing ratio, the
3D simulation shows that the high-velocity NH3 jet penetrated the in-
H2 O+ CO H2 + CO2 (2) ternal recirculation zone of flame. More amounts of unburned NH3
reach the downstream side, so that NO emissions decrease by the
In the case of NH3 co-firing, H2O concentration increases in the DeNOx effect of NH3. On the other hand, 0D simulation neglects the
burned gases. Therefore, CO can react with H2O more easily, and thus, effects of fluid dynamics and the effect of injection velocity is not
the amount of CO emissions might be decreased. considered.
As for NO, in the case of 20% co-firing, NO emission becomes less The normalized concentration of UC increases with the co-firing
than that in the case of coal firing. Nevertheless, with an increased ratio (Fig. 5). Carbon, which is supposed to become CO, can be emitted
injection of NH3, NO emissions increase compared to the case of coal as UC. Fig. 6 shows the normalized amount of char residue in each zone.
firing. For co-firing ratios in the range of 20–60%, NO emissions in- The ordinate indicates the amount of char normalized by the input
crease monotonically with an increase in the co-firing ratio. However, amount of char. Most of supplied char is consumed in the over-fire zone
in the case of 80% co-firing, they decrease and reach the same level as independent of the co-firing ratio including the coal-fired case. Never-
that in the case of 40% co-firing. This trend of NO emissions for the NH3 theless, as an increase in the co-firing ratio, the amount of char residue
co-firing ratio is different from the results of 3D simulation [9]. As at the outlet of the burner zone (in reduction zone) tends to increase;
mentioned in Section 1 and Section 2.5, injection velocity of NH3 affects

S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

that is, the amount of char consumption in the burner zone tends to
decrease. In the case of coal firing, the amount of char decreases to 55%
in the post-flame zone and is maintained in the reduction zone. On the
other hand, the amount of char residue increases to 71% in 20% co-
firing. With more NH3 injection, the amount of char residue further
increases to 89–93%. Char consumption corresponds to the char oxi-
dation shown in reaction (R14) in this simulation. Fig. 7 shows the
normalized O2 concentrations in each zone. The ordinate indicates
normalized O2 concentration by O2 emission in the case of coal firing.
With NH3 injection, O2 concentrations in the post-flame zone decrease
to less than half of that in the coal-fired case. Therefore, in the case of
NH3 co-firing, more amounts of O2 are consumed despite the decrease
in char consumption and, consequently, O2 is used not only for char
oxidation but also for NH3 reactions in the burner zone. As a result, char
consumption is inhibited because of lack of O2 in the burner zone and
UC emission increases, as shown in Fig. 5.

4. Effects of co-firing ratio on NO concentrations

4.1. Location where NH3 reacts

In the present study, thermal-NO, char-NO, and fuel(NH3)–NO are

investigated as sources of NO produced in the reactor network. NO
derived from volatile compounds is neglected because of its small
Figure 8 shows changes in NO concentration at different co-firing
Fig. 6. Effect of the NH3 co-firing ratio on normalized amount of char residue in
ratios in each zone. The ordinate indicates NO concentration normal-
each zone. The ordinate shows amount of char normalized by the input amount
ized by NO emission in the case of coal firing. In the case of coal firing,
of char. MZ mixing zone; FZ flame zone; PFZ post-flame zone; RDZ reduction
zone; OF zone/OFZ over-fire zone; DZ Downstream zone. the peak of NO concentration is obtained in the flame zone. Since char
is hardly consumed here (Fig. 6), and the temperature is above 2000 K
(Fig. 9), the peak of NO in the case of coal firing is found to be caused
by thermal-NO, and not by char-NO.
With an increase in the co-firing ratio, the peak of NO tends to

Fig. 7. Normalized O2 concentrations in each zone for NH3 co-firing ratio.

Subscript 0: the case of 0% NH3 co-firing, i.e. coal firing. MZ mixing zone; FZ
flame zone; PFZ post-flame zone; RDZ reduction zone; OF zone/OFZ over-fire Fig. 8. Change of NO concentration in each zone for NH3 co-firing ratio. The
zone; DZ Downstream zone. ordinate shows NO concentration normalized by NO emission in the case of coal
firing. Subscript 0: indicates the case of 0% NH3 co-firing, i.e. coal firing. MZ
mixing zone; FZ flame zone; PFZ post-flame zone; RDZ reduction zone; OF
zone/OFZ over-fire zone; DZ Downstream zone.

S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

Fig. 9. Temperature in each zone for NH3 co-firing ratio. MZ mixing zone; FZ
flame zone; PFZ post-flame zone; RDZ reduction zone; OF zone/OFZ over-fire
zone; DZ Downstream zone.
Fig. 10. Change of NH3 concentration in each zone for NH3 co-firing ratio.
Values in parentheses indicate ratios of NH3 residue to input amount of NH3.
MZ mixing zone; FZ flame zone; PFZ post-flame zone; RDZ reduction zone; OF
zone/OFZ over-fire zone; DZ Downstream zone.
transfer to the downstream side, as shown in Fig. 8. In the case of 20%
co-firing, the peak of NO concentration is obtained in the flame zone
similar to that in the case of coal firing. However, NO peaks are ob-
served in the post-flame zone in cases of 40% and 60% co-firing. In 80%
co-firing, although a small peak is observed in the post-flame zone, the
maximum concentration is obtained in the over-fire zone. This trend is
caused by a shift of the location where NH3 reactions occur with an
increase in the amount of NH3 injection. In the cases with considerable
NH3 supply, NH3 reactions cannot be completed in the flame zone and
effects of the reactions can be observed in subsequent zones. Therefore,
the zones where the most amount of NH3 is consumed in the reactor
network with each co-firing ratio are focused on.
The change in NH3 concentration in each zone is shown in Fig. 10.
The values in parentheses indicate ratios of NH3 residue to input
amount of NH3. With less than 60% co-firing ratio, most of the supplied
NH3 is reacted in the flame zone. At 20%, 40%, and 60% co-firing ra-
tios, the remaining NH3 amounts are 0.5%, 10% and 33% to input
Fig. 11. Rate of production (ROP) of NH3 where most of supplied NH3 is
amount of NH3, respectively. They decrease further in the post-flame
consumed. (In the cases of 20%, 40%, 60% co-firing: flame zone, in the case of
zone, where NH3 is almost completely consumed. For instance, the
80% co-firing: post-flame zone) FZ flame zone; PFZ post-flame zone.
remaining NH3 becomes 0.03% in 60% co-firing in the post-flame zone.
Nevertheless, at 80% co-firing, NH3 hardly reacts in the flame zone.
As shown in Fig. 10, 99% of the input NH3 remains. The temperature 4.2. NH3 reaction
shown in Fig. 9 is 380 K. In addition, as shown in Fig. 7, the O2 con-
centration in the flame zone is considerably higher than that in the Fig. 11 depicts the results in terms of rate of production (ROP) of
other cases. Therefore, combustion reactions do not occur in the flame NH3 at positions where most of the supplied NH3 is reacted at each co-
zone. In the post-flame zone, the remaining NH3 becomes 0.8% of the firing ratio, as mentioned in Section 4.1. Namely, at 20%, 40%, and
total amount of supplied NH3 (Fig. 10). Most of the supplied NH3 at 60% co-firing, ROP in the flame zone is demonstrated. At 80% co-firing,
80% co-firing is found to be reacted in the post-flame zone. ROP in the post-flame zone is illustrated. A positive ROP suggests
Independent of the co-firing ratio, it is found that most of the sup- production, while a negative ROP indicates consumption.
plied NH3 is consumed in the burner zone, namely until the reduction At 20% and 80% co-firing, reactions (R394) and (R396) are found to
zone. The results of char residue shown in Fig. 6 indicate that the be dominant, and indicate NH3 dissociation. Reaction numbers are
amounts of char consumption decrease in the burner zone due to rapid coincident to the numbers defined in the original reaction model [15].
NH3 reactions with an increase in NH3 co-firing ratio. It can be said that NH3 + H NH2 + H2 (R394)
char oxidation is inhibited by NH3 reactions. As mentioned in Section 3,
this can result in an increase in UC in the case of NH3 co-firing. NH3 + OH NH2 + H2 O (R396)

S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

On the other hand, at 40% and 60% co-firing, reaction (R395) be- NH3 is greater than that of char oxidation. Therefore, the supplied NH3
comes also effective in addition to reactions (R394) and (R396). is dissociated and converted into NO prior to char oxidation. In the
subsequent post-flame zone, the remaining NH3 is dissociated similar to
NH3 + O NH2 + OH (R395)
that in the flame zone. As there exists considerable NO produced in the
Furthermore, the production of NH3 through reaction (R407) be- flame zone and post-flame zone, and more amounts of char residue
comes effective, although NH3 is hardly produced at 20% and 80% co- compared to the case of coal firing, the effect of NO reduction by char
firing. increases as compared to the case of coal firing in the post-flame zone.
Consequently, NO concentration becomes lower than that in the case of
NH2 + NH2 NH3 + NH (R407)
coal firing, and maintains this value till the downstream zone 2 (Fig. 8)
It is known that in a rich and low-temperature NH3 flame, NH3 [10].
becomes stable [3,24]. As shown in Fig. 9, at 20% (in flame zone) and At 80% co-firing, the small peak of NO concentration is obtained in
80% co-firing (in post-flame zone), temperatures are higher than the post-flame zone (Fig. 8). About 10% of input amount of char is
2000 K. On the other hand, at 40% and 60% co-firing, the temperature consumed (Fig. 6). The temperature is above 2000 K (Fig. 9). Fur-
in the flame zone is less than 1800 K. Compared to the case of coal thermore, most of the supplied NH3 is dissociated (Fig. 10). Thus, this
firing, temperatures decrease by 430 K and 570 K at 40% and 60% co- small peak of NO concentration may be caused by production of
firing, respectively. Therefore, in the case of 40% and 60% co-firing, thermal-NO, char-NO and fuel(NH3)–NO. However, as shown by the
NH3 production can be observed under NH3-rich and low-temperature dashed lines in Fig. 12, the reaction paths of N2 production from N or
conditions. NH with NHi (i = 0, 1, 2) are added in comparison with the 20% co-
Below, each reaction path of NH3 at 20% and 80% co-firing and firing. These reaction paths do not involve NO. Considered that the NO
40% and 60% co-firing is explained in Section 4.2.1 and Section 4.2.2, concentration in the post-flame zone is lower than those at other co-
respectively. firing ratios (Fig. 8) in spite of many amount of NH3 consumption
(Fig. 10), it is found that the reaction paths not involving NO become
significantly effective, and many amount of supplied NH3 is dissociated
4.2.1. Reaction paths of NH3 dissociation to N2 production (20% and 80%
and converted into N2, not through NO, but through reactions with NHi.
Consequently, NO production in the burner zone is inhibited, so that
Reaction paths related to NH3 dissociation at 20% and 80% co-firing
relatively low NO emission is obtained at 80% co-firing, although an
are shown in Fig. 12. As products of these reactions, H2, H2O, NO, and
increase in NO concentration in the over-fire zone is obtained by char-
N2 are found to be generated. NH2 produced by reactions (R394) and
NO and fuel(NH3)–NO derived from NH3 residue.
(R396) with H/OH becomes NH or HNO by reactions with H/OH again
and O, respectively. NH2 can also directly become N2 through a reac-
tion with N. NH and HNO are converted into N and NO with H/OH. Part 4.2.2. Reaction paths of NH3 dissociation to N2 production (40% and 60%
of NH can become HNO through reactions with OH/O2. Furthermore, N co-firing)
becomes NO through reactions with OH/O2. The reaction paths related to NH3 dissociation in the flame zone at
At 20% co-firing, the peak of NO concentration is obtained in the 40% and 60% co-firing are illustrated in Fig. 13. First, NH2 is produced
flame zone (Fig. 8). As char is hardly consumed (Fig. 6), the tempera- by reactions (R394), (R396), and (R395) also as shown in Fig. 11. Then,
ture is above 2000 K (Fig. 9), most of the supplied NH3 is dissociated NH2 becomes NH through reaction with H/OH, N2H2 with NH, NNH
(Fig. 10), and considerable NO is obtained in the flame zone. This NO is with NO, and directly N2 with N/NO. In addition, NH is converted into
fuel(NH3)–NO, derived from NH3 (Fig. 12), and thermal-NO. Because of N2H2, N, and N2 through reactions with NH2, H/OH, and N/NH, re-
the relatively high temperature in the flame zone, the reaction rate of spectively. N2H2 is transformed into NNH through reaction with H/NH/
NH2. N is converted into N2 through reaction with NO/NH2. NNH is
transformed into N2 with O2 or NNH dissociation. These reaction paths
are different from those in the cases of 20% and 80% co-firing, as shown

Fig. 12. Reaction paths relating to NH3 dissociation in flame zone (20% co-
firing) and post-flame zone (80% co-firing). Dashed lines indicate the paths Fig. 13. Reaction paths relating to NH3 dissociation in flame zone in 40% and
which are seen in the case of 80% co-firing. 60% co-firing.

S. Ishihara, et al. Fuel 274 (2020) 117742

in Fig. 12. Especially, NO is not included in these active reaction paths. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
Furthermore, intermediate species N2H2 and NNH become important. ence the work reported in this paper.
N2H2 and NNH are produced mainly by NHi combination reactions
(reactions of type NHi + NHi). NHi combination reactions are known to Acknowledgement
dominate kinetics of the rich NH3 flames and contribute to low NO
production [3,25]. At 80% co-firing, the added reaction paths shown in The present work was supported by the Cross-ministerial Strategic
Fig. 12 from N and NH to N2 are also NHi combination reactions. Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), “Energy Carrier” (Funding
Therefore, at 40% and 60% co-firing, low NO concentration in the agency: the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)).
flame zone compared to the cases of coal firing and 20% co-firing
(Fig. 8) is found to be a result of the effects of rich NH3 chemistry. References
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