Role of Skin and Gut Microbiota in The Pathogenesis of Psoriasis, An Inflammatory Skin Disease (1-7)

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Medicine in Microecology 4 (2020) 100016

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Role of skin and gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, an

inflammatory skin disease
Daniel K. Hsu a, Maxwell A. Fung a, Hung-Lin Chen b, *
Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, University of California-Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan


Keywords: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with epidermal keratinocyte hyperplasia and
Psoriasis epidermal immune cell over-activation. Compositions of both local skin and gut microbiome are linked to
Microbiota modulation of inflammation and disease severity in psoriasis. Owing to the situation that different bacteria may
elicit differential immune or inflammatory responses from epidermal immune cells and keratinocytes, and to-date
no single pathogen was highlighted to be responsible for psoriasis, disruption of homeostasis (dysbiosis) in the
original microbial ecosystems may create a disease-promoting environment, and as a whole may be a primary
causal factor. Several studies have provided evidence that the dominant IL-23/IL-17 pathogenesis pathway is
regulated by metabolites produced by gut and skin microbiota. This review summarizes the approaches
commonly used for functional characterization of the microbiome compositions associated with development of
clinical phenotypes of psoriasis. The underlying mechanisms by which microbiota modulate immune cells and
keratinocytes are also proposed.

1. Introduction infection and responds to antibiotic therapy [18,19]. However, antibi-

otics are atypical first-line therapies for psoriasis [20].
Psoriasis has been reported to affect 0.09%–11.4% of the general As the largest organ of the body, the skin provides a physical barrier
population worldwide [1]. It is among the most common chronic skin to injury and microbial insults. Keratinocytes and indigenous immune
inflammatory diseases associated with metabolic disorders, including cells play indispensable roles in cell renewal and antimicrobial function,
metabolic syndrome [2–4]. Psoriasis is characterized by epidermal ker- in general [21]. Epidermal keratinocytes secrete antimicrobial peptides
atinocyte hyperproliferation (associated with skin thickening) and [12,22,23], form tight junctions [24], and construct a physical barrier
inflammation (associated with skin redness) in the epidermis and dermis. [25] to control microbial infections through cornification [25–27].
Pruritus causes psychological stress in some patients. In addition, psori- Therefore, commensal bacteria may develop special mechanisms that
asis is associated with comorbidities such as obesity, hypertension, characterize their adaptation as microbiota. The microbial ecology of the
atherogenic dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel skin is mostly composed of bacteria from Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bac-
disease [2,5–9]. Therefore, psoriasis represents a substantial cumulative teroidetes, and Proteobacteria phyla. Skin from different body regions each
disease burden on patient quality of life, including psychological health. have their unique microbiome ecology [28] with differences associated
The etiology of psoriasis is multifactorial and involves the interplay of with variations in temperature, moisture, and pH value [29]. This pro-
genetic and environmental factors that exacerbate innate and adaptive vides a unique colonization environment which favors the survival of
immune responses [10–12]. Although the clinical manifestations of some bacteria over others. Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium spp. are
psoriasis are in the skin, associated inflammation develops throughout typically the most abundant bacteria in moist sites (such as axillary vault,
the body [13]. Psoriasis is considered a multifactorial condition, and antecubital fossa and inguinal crease), whereas sebaceous sites such as
current therapies include antibodies to key cytokines associated with this glabella, alar crease and external auditory canal are enriched with Pro-
disease, such as Interleukin-23 (IL-23) [14,15], Interleukin-17 (IL-17) pionibacterium spp., and dry sites such as volar forearm and buttock are
[15,16], and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) [17]. One form of enriched with some Gram-negative bacilli [25,29–32]. In lesional pso-
psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, is associated with bacterial upper respiratory riasis, unlike normal skin, microbial colonization is mostly confined to

* Corresponding author. Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

E-mail address: (H.-L. Chen).
Received 18 December 2019; Received in revised form 6 May 2020; Accepted 9 May 2020
Available online 20 May 2020
2590-0978/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
D.K. Hsu et al. Medicine in Microecology 4 (2020) 100016

Table 1
Summary of previous studies on changes in the skin microbiota of psoriasis patients.
Reference Samples Methods Bacteria enriched in psoriasis Bacteria decreased in

Gao et al., Samples collected from 6 patients, 19 Broad-range 16S rDNA PCR and Firmicutes and Streptococcus Actinobacteria and
2008 cutaneous samples (13 from diseased taxonomical assignment using Ribosomal Propionibacterium
skin and 6 from normal skin). Database Project II (RDP II).
Fahlen et al., Skin biopsies taken from 10 for pyrosequencing on the 454-FLX GS- Proteobacteria and Streptococci Actinobacteria,
2011 patientswith Psoriasis and 12 control 100 platformthe. Ribosomal Staphylococci and
subjectsfrom unmatched sites. databaseproject (RDP) sequence data were Propionibacteria
used for analysis.
Alekseyenko Psoriatic lesions (lesion Targeting 16 S rRNA gene V1–V3 Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium, Acidobacteria Gp4 and
et al., 2013 group).unaffected contralateral skin regionsfor pyrosequencing on the 454 Staphylococcus and Streptococcus Schlegelella
frompsoriatic patients (unaffected platform and RDP Classifier was used for
group), and similar skin loci in sequence analysis.
matched healthy controls (control
group) 51 matched triplets
Drago et al., Samples from three first cousin, two Targeting 16 S rRNA gene V2-4-8 and V3- Proteobacteria, Streptococcaceae, Firmicutes,
2015 lesional skin samples and two non- 6, 7–9 regions for sequecing use Ion Rhodobacteraceae, Staphylococcaceae,
lesional skin samples (for AD Torrent PGM platform. A Campylobacteraceaeand Moraxellaceae Propionibacteriaceae and
andpsoriatic subjects) were taken. curatedGreengenes databased was used Propionibacterium acnes
fortaxonomical analysis.
Assarsson Sample collected from 30 patients with Targeting 16 S rRNA gene V3–V4 for Psoriasis patients skin enrich Firmicutes and
et al., 2018 plaque type Psoriasis with indication MiSeq sequencing, and data was analyzed inConchiformibius, while nbUVB Staphylococcus
for nbUVB treatment by CLC Software map to Greengene treatement non-responders enrich in
V13⋅516 S rRNA sequencing (V1–V2) and Staphylococcus, Finegoldia, Anaerococcus,
Peptoniphilus, Gardnerella, Prevotella and
Langan et al., Swabs from lesional and nonlesional traditional culture combined with Firmicutes, Prevotella, Staphylococcu and Actinobacteria,
2019 skin from 23 patients and 20 healthy massspectrometry (MALDI-TOF). RDP Corynebacterium Anaerococcus and
controls Gold database version 9 and SILVA Propionibacterium
database(version 123) was used as
reference database.
Quan et al., Sample colleced from lesional Targeting 16 S rRNA gene V3–V4 Coryne bacterium, Brevun dimonas and Cutibacterium,
2019 andunaffected skin of 16 patients and regionand library were made and Micrococcus Streptococcus and
6 healthy controls sequenced by Miseq-system.RDP Classifier Deinococcus
was used for sequnce analysis. Targeting
16 S rRNA gene sequencing use
Fyhrquist Sample collected from healthy 454, and Greengene C. simulans and C. kroppenstedtii as well Corynebacterium spp.,
et al., 2019 controls(n ¼ 115), AD (n ¼ 82) and database.Metagenomic shotgun asFinegoldia, Neisseriaceae species and Lactobacilli, Burkholderia
PSO (n ¼ 119). sequencing use illumina HiSeq and Coryn e bacteria spp. and P. acnes
analyzed by MetaPhlan2 and humann2.

AD-atopic dermatitis; nbUVB-narrow band ultraviolet B; PSO-psoriasis.

the epidermis. In lesional psoriatic skin, pruritus-induced scratching can reported to produce short chain fatty acid (SCFA) that exert
cause wounding to the skin; therefore some bacteria (epidermal colo- anti-inflammatory functions [50,51]. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome
nizers and other bacteria) can be found in the deep dermis [33] or even may also exacerbate psoriasis, wherein the interactions of different
peripheral blood [34] where they readily encounter immune cells and bacterial populations in the skin and gut microbiome play key roles in the
elicit innate and adaptive inflammation [35]. This causes dysbiosis of pathogenesis of psoriasis. The aim of this review is to identify a link
skin microbiota as observed in a significantly reduced population of between the microbial ecology of the gut and skin, and their relevance to
Corynebacterium spp., Lactobacillus spp., Burkholderis spp., and Propioni- psoriasis.
bacterium acnes in lesional psoriatic skin compared with healthy skin
[36]. 2. Methods
The gut microbiome in psoriasis is also enriched in Firmicutes and
Actinobacteria spp [37,38]. Dysbiosis may cause changes in metabolite We searched NCBI PubMed for articles having both “psoriasis” and
production and elicit anti-microbial signaling, and these may affect im- “microbiome” as keywords. The search yielded 174 articles, including 81
mune cell activation through the IL-23/IL-17 signaling pathway through review articles. Selected articles on skin microbiome and gut microbiome
IL-22 and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) production, leading to keratinocyte analyses in psoriatic patients are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2,
hyperproliferation. Besides genetic predisposition, dietary and life-style respectively.
factors are known key regulators of gut microbiome homeostasis [39,
40]. Gut dysbiosis also promotes other inflammatory diseases such as
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [41], including Crohn disease [42]. In 2.1. Genetic and environmental factors involved in psoriasis pathogenesis
addition, in psoriatic patients who also have IBD, the severity of symp-
toms of psoriasis correlates with that of IBD [9,43–46]. Psoriatic patients Psoriasis is a complex disease in which genetic susceptibility loci and
have 3-fold higher risk of developing Crohn disease, and Crohn disease environmental factors contribute to the disease phenotype. In the past
patients have a 7-fold higher risk of developing psoriatic lesions, decade, several psoriasis susceptibility loci (PSORSs) were identified [10,
compared to heathy individuals [47]. This is mainly because pathogenic 52,53]. Genes and allele within the PSORS1 locus (human leukocyte
T helper type 17 (Th17) cells and Th17 cytokines are associated with antigen (HLA-Cw6) [54], alpha-helix coiled-coil rod homolog
these chronic inflammatory diseases [48]. Reduction in the numbers of (HCR*WWCC) haplotype [55] and HLA-associated S genes [56]) were
specific bacteria (Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Akkermansia mucini- also discovered. Furthermore, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-C12, HLA-DQAT, and
phila) have been reported in psoriasis [46,49], and these bacteria are endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1), which are responsible
for antigen presentation and processing, were also identified as

D.K. Hsu et al. Medicine in Microecology 4 (2020) 100016

contributory. In addition to these factors, the following are all involved in fragment amplicon, and mass-spectrometry, data of different studies can
the pathogenesis of psoriasis: Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-ƘB) signaling, only be partially integrated [30,31,36,70–77]. Metagenomic shotgun
Janus kinases (JAKs) signaling, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) sequencing is an advanced and very informative sequencing technology
signaling, T cell regulation, interleukin 23–interleukin 17 (IL-23-IL-17) but also expensive; therefore, more limited cost-effective sequencing of
signaling, disruption of epithelial barrier function, and dysregulated 16 S rRNA V1-3 and/or V3–V4 regions are commonly used for micro-
apoptosis and autophagy, [10,57,58]. Environmental risk factors biome analyses. Some studies have suggested that V1–V3 is more
including ultraviolet exposure [59], medications, including [anti- appropriate for cutaneous microbiome profiling; however, V4 and V3–V4
proliferative agents (imiquimod), antivirals and antidepressants amplicons are suitable for fecal microbiome analysis. Apart from
(lithium), antihypertensives (beta-blockers) and TNF-α] [60,61], smok- sequencing technologies, the use of appropriate databases for the map-
ing [62], obesity [63] and alcohol intake [64], as well as stress [62] and ping of phylogenetic information is also critical. To that end, we sum-
infection [65], combine with the genetic burden to initiate and exacer- marize different studies and the associated technologies for psoriasis in
bate epidermal inflammation [11]. The innate immune response plays a Table 1.
critical role in an imiquimod (IMQ)-induced psoriasis mouse model [66]. In psoriasis, the relative abundance of Streptococcus pyogenes increases
The activation of TLR-7 by IMQ triggers IL-23 secretion from conven- in swabs compared with healthy controls and non-lesional skin [76,77].
tional dendritic cells (DCs). In addition, IMQ directly induces M protein of Streptococcus has sequence homology with the 50-kDa type I
interleukin-36 alpha (IL-36α) expression in bone-marrow derived Lang- keratin, suggesting that streptococcal super antigen-induced T cells
erhans cells, and in granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor target skin-specific antigens through molecular mimicry, which leads to
(GM–CSF)–induced DCs. IL-36α then acts on bone-marrow derived chronic inflammation [78,79]. Dysbiosis is commonly observed in the
Langerhans cells and keratinocytes to produce IL-23, interleukin 1 beta skin of psoriasis patients. Yan et al. reviewed the analysis of changes in
(IL-1β), C–C Motif Chemokine Ligand 20 (CCL20), and C-X-C Motif microbiome alpha-diversity [73]. A large cohort study reported 75 pso-
Chemokine Ligand 1, 2 (CXCL1 and CXCL2). Apart from IMQ, IL-36α can riasis cases (both lesional and non-lesional) and 124 controls in analyses
be induced in DCs by other microorganism ligands such as the β-glucan of skin swab microbiomes [31,73]. Significant decreases in richness and
from Candida albicans, suggesting that dysbiosis of the skin microbiome Shannon-index were reported in lesional samples compared with
may cause a psoriasis-like (psoriasiform) dermatitis [66]. In humans, the non-lesional and control samples. This study also included a longitudinal
critical cellular and molecular pathways in lesional psoriatic skin are analysis (17 psoriasis patients and 15 controls) that examined micro-
orchestrated by the activation of dermal DCs, which secrete IL-23 to biome changes in systematic therapies (i.e. methotrexate and TNF-α in-
promote IL-17 production by gamma delta (γδ) T cells and type 3 innate hibitors). At 12 weeks after systematic therapy, the richness and
lymphoid cells (ILC3), but not αβ T cells (Fig. 1). IL-17 then stimulates Shannon-index declined for both lesional and non-lesional samples, but
keratinocytes to produce chemokines such as CXCL1, CXCL2, CCL20, at 36 weeks, only the richness and Shannon-index of the control samples
interleukin 6 (IL-6), and interleukin 8 (IL-8), causing leukocyte infiltra- returned to the baseline, suggesting an interplay between the immune
tion. The ILC3 can respond to stimulating cytokines including IL-1β, system and microbiome ecology. In addition, anti-microbial substances
interleukin 18 (IL-18) and IL-23 by secreting IL-22 and IL-17 [67], which are secreted in the lesional site, and hence, lesional skin lacks adequate
stimulate keratinocyte hyperproliferation. Topical imiquimod applica- environmental support for microbiota colonization. Fyhrquist et al.
tion or intradermal IL-23 injection can induce skin inflammation and conducted a microbiome analysis of skin swabs in 115 healthy volunteers
psoriasiform plaques in a mouse psoriasis model. However, (HV), 82 atopic dermatitis (AD), and 119 psoriasis (PSO) subjects using
antibiotic-treated or germ-free mice failed to establish chronic skin 16 S rRNA V3–V4 sequencing platform and whole genome sequencing.
inflammation and exhibited reduced psoriasiform plaque formation [68]. They found that some bacterial distributions showed significant differ-
This suggests that the microbiome on lesional skin, and possibly other ential changes even after adjusting for confounding factors (e.g. Cory-
niches, play important roles in the triggering of prolonged inflammation nebacterium kroppenstedii was associated with age, Staphylococcus aureus
and the establishment of psoriasis. Recently, CD109, a glycoprotein with anatomical location, and Lactobacillus sp. with gender), [36]. In
expressed in keratinocytes, was found to suppress murine psoriasiform lesional psoriasis, the abundance of Corynebacterium simulans, Coryne-
dermatitis [69], occurring through regulation of the infiltration of γδT bacterium kroppenstedii, Finegoldia spp., and Neisseria spp. increased;
cells, and thus impact of IL23/17 signaling; a potential involvement of however, that of Lactobacilli, Burkholderia spp. and Propionibacterium
TGFβ in skin homeostasis may also exist. Keratinocytes, which are pri- acnes decreased, compared with that in healthy skin. Other studies also
marily responsible for the formation of the skin barrier, are known to reported that the abundance of Corynebacterium is associated with the
produce several antimicrobial peptides and proteins that assist in the severity of local lesions [70]; the abundance of Corynebacterium and
maintenance of the normal microbial ecosystem. Dysbiosis of the Staphylococcus significantly correlated with the psoriasis area severity
microbiome commonly occurs in skin diseases including atopic derma- index (PASI) scores. A co-occurrence relationship analysis reported that
titis and psoriasis. Therefore, the normal skin microbiome contains both among 24 microbes identified for psoriasis classification, 16 species
beneficial and harmful microbes, which regulate resident immune cells showed significant correlation as determined by an operational tax-
and keratinocytes, and these cells actively participate in the development onomical unit (OTUs) correlation analysis tool, SparCC [36]. Coryne-
of inflammation. bacterium simulans and Corynebacterium kroppenstedii displayed positive
correlation with Streptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, Anae-
2.2. Dysbiosis of the skin microbiome in psoriasis rococcus spp., Neisseria spp., and Rothia dentocariosa. This suggests that
the microbiome ecosystem of psoriasis contains communities of both
In a previous study, the sampling procedure for cutaneous micro- pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria with potential mutualism. In
biome analysis (i.e., swab vs scrape vs biopsies) using matched controls addition, several studies have suggested that a single taxonomy is unable
(i.e., healthy individual vs non-lesional sites from patients) was noted to to discriminate psoriasis from healthy skin. The loss of homeostasis and
be more challenging compared to sampling the fecal microbiome [33]. the presence of specific bacterial genera such as Cutibacterium, Strepto-
The most abundant microbial phyla in the skin swabs were Firmicutes, coccus, Deinococcus, Actinobacteria, Staphylococci, Propionibacteria, Anae-
Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria. It is worthy of note that the order rococcus, and Corynebacterium spp. also contribute to psoriasis.
Clostriadales and Bacteroides were more enriched in biopsy samples Corynebacterium spp. are negatively associated with the interferon
compared to swab samples. signaling pathway, and this may lead to changes in its symbiotic
In addition, due to the different analytic technologies available, for microbiome, contributing to the pathogenesis of psoriasis [34,36,70–73,
example, species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cultured- 77], (Fig. 1).
bacterial PCR, 16 S rRNA gene full length PCR and 16 S rRNA gene

D.K. Hsu et al.
Table 2
Summary of previous studies on gut microbiota changes in psoriasis patients.
Reference Samples Methods Bacteria enriched in psoriasis Bacteria decreased in psoriasis

Scheret al. Fecal samples from PsA (n ¼ 16), Patients with Targeting 16 S rRNA gene V1–V2 regionfor Bocteroidetes Akkermansia, Ruminococcus, Akkermansia,
2015 Psoriasis of the skin(n ¼ 15), and healthy, matched sequencing by 454 pyrosequencing method Coprococcus
control subjects (n ¼ 17). species and Coprobacillus
Tan et al., 2018 Healthy controls (n ¼ 14) and patients with vulgaris Targeting 16 S rRNA gene V4 region for sequencing Bocteroidaceae, Enterococcaceae, Akkermansia muciniphila, Verrucomicrobia,
Psoriasis (n ¼ 14) wererecruited. and analyze using RibosomalDatabase Project (RDP) Enterococcus, Bacteroides andClostridium Jenericutes, Mollicutes,
Naive Bayesian Classifier v.2.2. citroniae Verrucomicrobiae,Verrucomicrobiaes and
Codoner et al., 52 patients and over 300 healthyindividuals extracted The V3–V4 of the bacterial 16s rRNA genewas Streptococcus, Bifidobocterium, Bacteroides
2018 from the humanmicrobiome project(http://hmp amplified and sequenced with aMiSeq lllumina Akkermansia, Akkermonsia spp and Platform and analyzedusing NCBI 16s rRNA Faecalibacterium
Chen et al., Psoriasis (n ¼ 32) and age-, gender- and body mass Targeting 16S rRNA gene V3-V4 region for Firmicutes, Ruminococcus and Megasphaera Bacteroides
2018 index (BMI)-matched non-psoriasis subjects (n ¼ 64). sequencing by lllumina MiSeq 2000 platform and
analyze using Greengenes 13.5 database.
Shapiro et al., psoriasis subjects (n ¼ 64)Fecal samples from 24 platform and analyze using Greengenes13_5 Firmicutes, Blautia, Faecalibacterium,Ruminococcus, Lachnospira, Collinsella, Sutterella and

2019 Psoriaticpatients and 22 Control participants databaseThe V4 region of the bacterial 16 S Prevotella,Coprococcus, Bifidobacterium, Dorea and Actinomyces
rRNAgene was amplifiedand sequenced using the Christensenella
lllumina MiSeq platform and analyzed using
Hidalgo- The faecal microbiota of 19 patientswith Psoriasis and Ion 16STMMetagenomics Kit targeting the V2–V3 Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bifidobacteriaceae, Bacteroidaceae, Barnesiellaceae,
Cantabrana 20 healthy individuals from the same hypervariable regions, and sequence wasmapped to Coriobacteriaceae, Lachnospiraceae,Clostridiales Prevotellaceae, Tannerellaceae,
et al., 2019 geographiclocation. SILVA database vl32 99. Family XIII, Eggerthellaceae,Peptostreptococcaceae, Burkholderiaceae, Rikenellaceae,
Ruminococcaceae andE rysipelotrichaceae Lactobacillaceae, Streptococcaceae,
Desulfovibrionaceae, Veillonellaceae,
Marinifilaceae, Victivallaceae and
Huang et al., 35 Psoriasis patients in this study.Among them, 16 The V4 and V5 regions of the bacterial 16 S ribosomal Bacteroidetes, Bacillus, Bacteroides,Sutterella, Firmicutes, Thermus, Streptococcus, Rothia,
2019 were diagnosed with Psoriasis vulgaris (VUL), eight RNA gene were amplifiedand sequenced by lllumina Lactococcus, Lachnospiraceae_ UCG004,Lachnospira, Granulicatella, Gordonibacter,
withPsoriasis pustulosa (PUS), seven withPsoriasis MiSeqplatform. Mitochondria_norank,Cyanobacteria_noran and Allobaculumand Carnobacterium
arthropathica (ART), and fourwith erythroderma Parabacteroides B1:F40D35B2:FB1:F40
psoriaticum (DER).

Medicine in Microecology 4 (2020) 100016

PsA-psoriatic arthritis.
D.K. Hsu et al. Medicine in Microecology 4 (2020) 100016

Fig. 1. Pathogenesis of psoriasis and interactions of the immune system, keratinocytes, and skin microbiome. In humans, dysbiosis of the microbiome ecosystem may
trigger the activation of conventional dendritic cells (cDC) in the dermis to secrete IL-23 ①. IL-23 consequently promotes γδ T cells and Th17 cells to produce IL-17 ②.
In addition, type 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) can respond to stimulating cytokines including IL-1β, IL-18 and IL-23, and secrete IL-17, IL-22 and IFN-γ to act on
keratinocytes ③. IL-17 stimulates keratinocytes to produce chemokines such as CXCL1, CXCL2, CXL20, IL-6, and IL-8, resulting in leukocyte infiltration ④. Infiltrated
leukocytes can further produce IL-1β and IL-18 to stimulate ILC3 cells to produce more IL-22, IL-22 thus promoting keratinocyte hyperproliferation ⑤. During skin
inflammation, hyperproliferating keratinocytes can produce more antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) such as S100 calcium-binding protein (S100A), cathelicidin anti-
microbial peptides LL-37 and beta defensin (β-defensin). The effect of these antimicrobial peptides on the microbiome at the lesional site remains to be investigated.
However, the dysbiosis of the skin microbiome in lesional skin has been characterized by several studies that identified the enrichment of Streptococcus pyogenes,
Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Corynebacterium simulans, Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii, Finegoldia, and Neisseria spp. These
bacteria may create a proinflammatory environment that promotes the development of psoriasis through keratinocytes and resident immune cells.

2.3. Dysbiosis of gut microbiome in psoriasis psoriasis; however, some studies also found an enrichment of Bacter-
oidetes and a decrease of Actinobacteria in the gut of psoriasis subjects
Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with psoriasis, as well as other (Table 2). At the species level, psoriasis has an increased abundance of
diseases (e.g., metabolic syndrome, abdominal obesity, hypertension, Ruminococcus gnavus, Dorea formicigenerans, and Collinsella aerofaciens
type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), [82]. Surprisingly, Akkermansia spp. and Faecalibacterium increased in a
and typically involves an impaired gut epithelial barrier [39–42]. Apart cohort of psoriasis patients [80]. Other studies demonstrated the deple-
from that, a dysfunction of gut microbiome function including activation tion of Akkermansia muciniphila and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in psori-
of regulatory T cells, bacterial chemotaxis, and carbohydrate transport asis patients [49,83], which has also been reported in IBD and Crohn
have been predicted to be associated with an increase in the Firmicu- disease patients [42,49,84]. This discrepancy between studies again
tes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio (F/B ratio) and loss of some bacterial genera indicated the importance of using standard methods for sample collec-
(Ruminococcus and Megasphaera) [38]. In a human microbiome project tion, DNA extraction, sequence library preparation, and/or data analysis.
involving 52 psoriasis patients and 300 healthy controls, Codoner et al. Increased abundance of A. muciniphila causes reduced body weight and
reported that microbiome diversity was higher in psoriasis patients than gut barrier dysfunction [85]. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is a butyrate
in the healthy controls [80]. The study of Scher et al. demonstrated that producer that fuels enterocytes and has an anti-inflammatory function
in a small cohort of samples (16 psoriatic arthritis (PsA), 15 psoriasis [86,87]. All these reports suggest that gut microbiome homeostasis is
(PSO), and 17 controls), the microbiome of the PSO group was less important for the maintenance of epithelial barrier integrity. The
diverse than that of the controls [81]. The discrepancy in diversity be- dysfunction of the gut barrier is associated with increased blood intes-
tween these two studies may have resulted from differences in sample tinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) and bacterial DNA levels [34,
collection, DNA extraction, sequence library preparation, and/or data 88]. This evidence suggests that the regulation of gut microbes could
analyses. In general, at the plylum level, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria as have a potential ameliorating effect on skin inflammation by regulating
well as the Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio (F/B ratio) increases in the systemic immune system [34,89–91].

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