DP Unit 7

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In the determination of whether one triangle’s measurements can be used to deduce the other’s

measurement, I believe that is ideal to first determine the side that coincides with both triangles.

In my model, for instance, in my model, the triangle on the left is ⊿abc, whereas the right one is

⊿ABC. For this case, need to assume that the triangle ⊿abc is the triangle with smaller measurements in
whereas ⊿ABC is the triangle in question which we can accurately deduce its one side in
correspondence with the smaller triangle, ⊿abc.

Suppose the small measurements (of ⊿abc ) is known and only one corresponding side of ⊿ABC is
known with accuracy, we can prove the following:

⊿abc ≈⊿ABC

ab/AB = bc/BC = ac/AC

Suppose that we know the length of side 𝐴𝐵

AB/ab = k (which is the proportional constant), hence, in the configuring of this to make 𝑎𝑏 our
numerator, we conclude that: ab/AB = 1/k .

Hence; ab/AB = bc/BC = ac/AC = 1/k, making it so that if we multiply our denominators in this case by k
(BC * k = bc, and AC * k = ac). From this, we now not only know our ab, bc, and ac lengths, but now k, or
our proportional constant.
As it pertains to right triangles in trigonometry, we can review Chapter 7 of our textbook to determine
why a triangle with a hypotenuse measuring 1 represents right triangles. Based on the definition of
Pythagorean Identity in our textbook, “a corollary of the Pythagorean Theorem stating that the square
of the cosine of a given angle plus the square of the sine of that angle equals 1” (Abramson, 2017). In
mathematical format, this translates to: cos2t + sin2t = 1.

To picture this, we ca refer to Figure 2 in Chapter 7, where this replays the previous given identity
function towards a unit circle (Abramson, 2017).


Abramson, J. P. (2017). Algebra and trigonometry. Arizona State University. Retrieved from


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