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Assumptions of the Study

 An Assumptions is a realistic expectation which is something that we believe to be true.
 However, no adequate evidence exists to support this belief
 In other words, an assumption is an act of faith which does not have empirical evidence to

 Assumptions are statements that are taken for granted or are considered true, even through
they have not been scientifically tested.
 Assumptions are principles those are accepted as being true based on logic or reasons, but
without proof or verification.

Uses of Assumptions in research:

 Research is built upon assumptions since a foundation is needed to move forward. One must
assume something to discover something
 Assumptions listed in research paper may be good sources of the research topics
 Assumptions provide basis to conduct of the research study.
 Tested assumptions through research studies expand the professional body of knowledge.

Examples of Assumptions:
 People are aware of the experiences that most affect their life choices
 Stress should be avoided
 Health is the priority for most of the people

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