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Assalamualaikum Ms.

Kuna, I will read the text of the pattern of organization

1. Cloning Technology

            Background information: in 1997,a lamb born in scotland became instant celebrity. An

exact duplicate of her six-year-old mother, Dolly was the first animal cloned from the cells of an
adult. Other animals had previously been cloned from the cells of embryos, but Dolly was the
first animal to come from an adult.Her birth represented a giant step in cloning Technology.

The cloning of Dolly involved several steps. First, cells that had previously been taken from
Dolly's mother were starved for five days, which caused them to stop dividing. This Interruption
of the cells' divison cycle made it easier for them to reprogram themselves to start growing a new
organism. After five days, the nuclei of these cell were removed and transferred into an
unfertilized sheep egg, from which  the natural nucleus had previously been removed. in the next
step. the egg was grown in the laboratory for a period of time. Then the egg was implanted into a
different sheep, where it grew normally. When the sheep finally gave birth, the lamb was an
exact genetic copy, or clone, of the sheep that had provided the transferred nucleus,not of the
sheep that provided the egg.

This type of text is chronological order because it contains dates in the text. can be seen in
the first paragraph is Background information: in 1997,a lamb born in scotland became
instant celebrity.
An exact duplicate of her six-year-old mother, Dolly was the first animal cloned from the
cells of an adult.

2. Both Superman and Batman are heroes, but only one is truly a superhero, and taking into
account their upbringing, motives, and criminal targets, that is Batman. Upbringing was not
gentle for either. Superman came from Krypton, a planet that was about to self-destruct. His
parents sent him as a baby on a spaceship to Earth. There he would be adopted by an ordinary
farm family. His adoptive parents named him Clark Kent and reared him well. In the same
generation, far away in Gotham, Bruce Wayne, the future Batman, was born to a contented,
wealthy family. Tragically, his parents were killed in his presence during a mugging. He
inherited the family wealth and was raised by his kindly butler. Those very different
backgrounds provided Superman and Batman with powerful but different motives for fighting
crime. Superman was programmed in his space capsule to know about the forces of good and
evil on Earth and to fight the bad people. Unlike Superman, Batman learned from experience.
Both have gone on to fight many bad people, but each one has a special enemy. For Superman, it
is Lex Luthor, who has studied Superman and knows all about him, even his outstanding
weakness—the mineral Kryptonite. For Batman, it is the Joker, who, as a wicked teenager, was
the mugger-murderer of his parents. Many spectacular battles have ensued for both crime
fighters, and one has reached the top in his profession. Superman offers overwhelming physical
strength against crime, but Batman displays cunning and base passion. As he strikes fear in the
hearts of the wicked, he’s not just winning; he is getting even. Most people would cheer
Superman on. However, they would identify more with Batman, and he is the superhero. 

This type of text is COMPARISON AND CONTRAST because the text contains
similarities and comparisons. can be seen in the first paragraph is Both Superman and
Batman are heroes, but only one is truly a superhero, and taking into account their
upbringing, motives, and criminal targets, that is Batman.

3. Deforestation is a serious problem because forests and trees aren’t just pretty to look at, they do an
important job making the
earth’s environment suitable for life. They clean the air, store
water, preserve soil, and provide homes for animals. In the past fifty years, more than half of the
world’s rain forests have been destroyed. Today, the forests
of the world are being cut down at a rate of fifty acres every minute! Scientists say that if
deforestation continues, the world’s climate
may change, floods may become more common, and animals will die.One solution to the
problem of deforestation is to use less paper. If you use less paper,fewer trees will be cut for
paper making. How can you use less paper? One answer is to reduce yourpaper use by using both
sides of the paper when you photocopy, write a letter, or write a paper forschool. A second
answer is to reuse old paper when you can, rather than using a new sheet of paper.The backs of
old envelopes are perfect for shopping lists or phone messages, and when you write arough draft
of an essay, write it on the back of something else. A final answer is to recycle usedpaper
products instead of throwing them away. Most schools, offices, and neighborhoods havesome
kind of recycling center. If you follow the three Rs-reduce, reuse, and recycle-you can help
save the world’s forests.

This type of text is problem solution because the text contains problems then there is a
point of completion. can be seen in the first paragraph shows there is a problem
“Deforestation is a serious problem because forests and trees aren’t just pretty to look at, they do an
important job making the
earth’s environment suitable for life”. and at the last of the paragraph there is a solution
for solving the problem “solution to the problem of deforestation is to use less paper. If you
use less paper,fewer trees will be cut for paper making.”

4. Paragraph Cause and Effect 1

Smoking is very dangerous for your health. First smoking can cause lung disease. This is
because the smoke from nicotine is actually toxic into the human lungs while we know that lung
function itself is a respiratory filter. This can cause chronic respiratory problems Secondly,
smoking can cause cancer, more than 60 chemicals contained in cigarettes are carcinogens or
cause cancer, which is very harmful to the human body, and the third one can also cause other
diseases such as; heart, stoke, hypertension, diabetes, wrinkled skin, and pregnancy / fetal
disorders. Therefore, nowadayssmoking has begun to be appealed to be reduced .

This type of text is cause and effect. can be seen in the first paragraph contains the cause
Smoking is very dangerous for your health. because the smoke from nicotine is actually
toxic into the human lungs while we know that lung function itself is a respiratory filter .
and at the last of the paragraph have the impact of the cause “This can cause chronic
respiratory problems Secondly, smoking can cause cancer, more than 60 chemicals
contained in cigarettes are carcinogens or cause cancer, which is very harmful to the
human body.”

5. At the Library of junior high school 01 Bengkulu

I visited the library of junior high school 01 Bengkulu some weeks ago. The visit was
interesting. First, I asked the librarian about the book that I needed. Then, she showed me a shelf
on which I could find the book. However, I still could not discover it. I had her help me. She got
the book for me.  

Afterwards, she explained how to borrow the book. I thanked her. Finally, my new friends
bought lunch for me.

This type of text is sequence because the text contains steps that purpose to instructions or
direction. can be seen in the first to the last paragraph shows the words steps such as first,
then, afterwards, and finaly.

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