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By Javier Dapena
Dla Daria


1) Hello/Hi/What´s up
Priviet, hi / Zdrasvuitie, hello
2) Good bye/Bye/See you
Do svidaniya/páka bye/ uvidimsya see you
3) Good morning/afternoon/evening/night
Dobre jutra/dobre dzien/ dobre viecher/dobre noicie
4) How are you/how's it going?- I am good/bad/so-so/fine
Kak díla? Ja kharasó/bad adjective/ tak sebe )iebie / poidet / ya v pa ryadkke
5) Thank you/Thanks
(big balshoi) Spasiba
6) You are welcome/No worries-Don’t worry
Pazhalusta/Nie valnúisia-Nie wasznia (not important)

7) Please/Excuse me/ Sorry

Pazhalusta/Izvinite mienia/prasti
8) Yes/No/Of course
Da / Niet / Kaniechna

9) What/Where/When/Which/How/Who/How many-How much

Chto/Gdie/Kagdá/Chto-Kakói/Kak/Kto/Skolka (everywhere)

10) What is your name?/My name is…

Kak vas zavut? Mieniá zavut X

11) Where are you from?/Where do you live?

Ti Atkúda? Ya buit Ispani /// Gdie ti zivesh

12) What do you do (for a living)?/What is your profession?

Chto ti delaesh (like now) / Kiem Ve Raboteitse/ Kakava Vasha prafiessia Chto ti
delaesh (like now)
13) How much? / How much does it cost?
Skolka eta stoet?
14) How old are you? How long
Skolka tiebie let

15) What about your day?

Kak prashol dien
16) My /Your/Him-Her/Our/Your/Their
17) This-this one/That one/These-these ones/Those-those ones

18) Situation/ Circumstance / Topic-Matter/problem/Way/Fact/Part/Opportunity

Situatse/Abstallechestva/tiema-diela/prablema/sposab/fakt/Chest/ vazmoshnet
19) Opinion/Idea/Relation-Connection/Reality/Truth-Lie/Challange

20) Perspective/Appearance/Kind
Perspektiva/Vneshnost/Takuoi/faktar/Vazhne/mietad/stratiegia/ sliedstvieie
21) Or/And/But/With/in/For/To/Like
22) That/When/Then-So/Therefore-That´s why/what (lo que)

23) The more…more/According to/In order to/Since/In fact

Chiem…Tiem/Po slavám/Chtóbe/Tak ka/Pa faktu

24) Besides/Especially/Anyway/Instead of/in spite of

Toshe/Asóbiene/Vsie ravno/Vmiesta/Niesmátria
25) Reason(cs) /Option/ Like this/Joke/Sense/Doubt/The point-(question)-
Prichina/Variant/ Takuiu/Shutka/smesl/Samnienie/Vaprós-Delo Vtóm/atviet
1 Here / There

2 Near / Far

3 Before / Now / Right Now/ After

4 From / To / For / During

5 Since / Ago

6 Yesterday / Today / Tomorrow

7 Always / Never / Sometimes

8 Maybe / Surely

9 Too / Neither

10 Already / Still / While

11 Other / Same / Both

12 Only-Just / All / Nothing / Some / Any / Something/Nobody

13 If not/so/possible

14 More / Less

15 Next / Last/ Previous

16 Soon / Late

17 For example / Suddenly

18 Usually / Possible / impossible

19 Fortunetly / Unfortunetly

20 Better / Worse / The Best/ The worst

21 Above / Under

22 Inside / Out

23 Front / Behind

24 Up / Down

25 Next to / Around / Between

26 Without / With me-you

27 Too much/ Enough/ Half

28 Exactly / Mainly/ Logically

29 Of course/ No way / Don’t even

30 By the way / Certainly

1 Zdes / Tam
2 Blizko / Daleko
3 Do(time)Piered(people) /Siczaz(hj)e/ Priamo/ Poshlye
4 Z/B/IZ
Z monday Do Wednesday
B At six o clock
I am from India IZ
/ To / For / Vtechenie six hours.... (watching tv)
5 Z December / some years NAZAD
6 Vuczera / Sebódnia / Zavtra
7 Vsygda / Nikagda /Inogda
vremya ot vremeny
8 Vozmozhno-Mozhet/ koneshno
9 Takzhe-Tozhe / Tozhe (nie)
10 Uz(h-j)e / STILL: Vse eshe
YET: Eshe /INOGDA- Vto Vrime Kak

11 Druguoi / Takoyzhe
Identiczni / Oba
12 Tolka/ Vsuo / Niczebo / niekatarea / liubá / Nikto / chtóta
13 Jesli nie/Jesli Da/Jesli Vozmozhno
14 Boishe / Menshe
15 Sliedushy / Prosuei/ Predydyshii
16 Skora / Pozna

17 Na prímiar/ Vdrug-Unizapne
18 Abuechne / Kak Pravyla / Vazhmozno / NieVazhmozno
19 kschastiu / niekschastiu/Ksozheléniu (better)

20 Luucze / Huzhe / samii lutschii /same Huzhe

21 Vuishe / Nizhe
22 Vnutri / Snarushe
23 speredi / pozadí
24 vvierhu / vnizu
25 Riádom/ Vokrug/ Miezdhu
26 Biez / Somonói - STaboi
27 slishkam mnoga/ Dastateczna/ Polavina
28 Toczna/ Vuasnavnóm/Lagiczéskie
29 Kaniezcna/ Niet/ dazhe nie
30 Kstati / Kaniezcna
1 Good / Bad

2 Big (very) / Small (a little)

3 Beautiful (cute)/ Ugly

4 Smart (wise) / Stupid

5 Happy / Sad

6 Warm-Hot / Cold

7 Easy / Difficult-Hard

8 Fast-Quick / Slow

9 Strong / Weak

10 Clean / Dirty

11 New / Old

12 Rich / Poor

13 Sweet / Delicious

14 Angry / Calm

15 Funny / Boring

16 Simple / Complex

17 Expensive / Cheap

18 Clear / Dark

19 Full / Empty

20 Deep / Superficial

21 Friendly / Shy

22 Arrogant / Humble / Fair / Unfair

23 Skillful / Clumsy /rude / sensitive

24 Lazy / Active / Thirsty

25 Tired / Hardworking / Hungry

26 Generous / Selfish / Altruistic

27 Honest / Liar / Wet / Dry

28 True / False / Brave / Coward

29 Alone / Separate / Busy / Free/ Foreign

30 Crazy / Weird / Normal

1 Horosho / Ploha

2 Balshoi (ochen) / Malenki (niemnoga)

3 Krasivei (mily) / Urodlieviei

4 Umni (mudrei) / Rebyaeski-Guupi

5 Sczesliviei / grustni

6 Gariachi / Houodni

7 Lillko / Trudna

8 Buistra / Miedlena

9 Silnii / Slabei

10 Chistei / Gryazni

11 Novei / Stáre

12 Bagati / Biedni

13 Slavki / Vkuszni

14 Zloy / Tihi

15 Smieshnoi / Skuchni

16 Prastoi / Komplyks

17 Daragoi/ Dioshavai

18 Jasni-Chisty / Chobni

19 Polni / Pustoy

20 Gluboki / Povernosni

21 Komunikabelni / Shy

22 Snob-Vysokomerni / Skromni / Chesni / Niechesni

23 Umiéli/ Taporni /Gruby / chuvstvitelni

24 Linívei / Aktívnie

25 Ustavi / Trúzenik / Galodni

26 Vielikadushny/ Egoisticzni / Altruistichni

27 Chesni / Lzivi / Mokre / Sukruoi

28 Pravda / Asebka / jrabiei / Trus

29 Allim / Atielna / Zaniet /Svoboden/ inastranets

30 Sumashedshy / Dziwne-Stranni / Normalnie

1) Be 28) Feel 55) Hurt
2) Have 29) Wait 56) Help
3) Can 30) Use 57) Arrive
4) Go 31) Achieve 58) Stay
5) Like 32) Prefer 59) Come back
6) Want 33) Choose 60) Rain
7) Do 34) Come 61) Join/connect
8) Speak/Say/Talk/Tell 35) Mean 62) Kiss
9) Think/Acho… 36) Explain 63) Hug
10) Must/have to 37) Buy 64) Drive
11) See/Watch-Look 38) Meet 65) Win
12) Listen-Hear 39) Repeat 66) Lose
13) Read 40) Love 67) Turn on
14) Write 41) Forget 68) Turn off
15) Give 42) Remember 69) Open
16) Know 43) Take 70) Close
17) Ask 44) Put
18) Answer 45) Look for Skazal/liubit: mnie-
19) Study/Learn 46) Find
20) Teach 47) Cook
21) Try 48) Clean
Just: tolkochto
22) Work 49) Start
Be about to: Sobiráius
23) Eat 50) Finish
I guess: Ja polagáiu
24) Drink 51) Sleep
Implies: podrazumievaiet
25) Play 52) Miss
Leads to: eta privodit k
26) Live 53) Break eta

27) Need 54) Call I Understand: Paniadna

1) Buit 30) Ispólzovat 59) Viernutsa
2) Imiet 31) Dostat 60) idet dozd (noun)
3) Modllet 32) Predpochitát 61) Priseidinitsa
4) Idti 33) Vybirat 62) Tselovat
5) Nravitsya 34) Prihadit 63) Abnimat
6) Hotet 35) Oznachat 64) Vuadit
7) Delat 36) Abisnit 65) Pobiezhdat
8) Govarit/Skazal(past)eta 37) Pokúpat 66) Tiériet
9) Dumat 38) Vstrechat 67) Vkliúchit
10) Dolzhen 39) Povtarit 68) Vekliúchit
11) Videt/Smatret(TV) 40) Liubit 69) Atkrit
12) Slushet 41) Zabivat 70) Zakrít
13) Czitat 42) Zapomnit
14) Napisat 43) Brat Ja
15) Davat 44) Klast Ti
16) Znat 45) Iskát On-Ana
17) Sprasevat 46) Naytí Mi
18) Atvéchat 47) Gatovit Wi
19) Uczit sya 48) Czistit Ani
20) Uczit 49) Nachát --
21) Pytatsya 50) Zakonchit Hope (Nadeiús)
22) Rabotet 51) Spat Would like (ya bi hotel)
23) Yest 52) Skuchat Use: Abuichno
24) Pit 53) Slomat
25) Igrat 54) Zvanit
26) Zhit(xx) 55) Balit
27) Nuzdatsya 56) pomagat
28) Chuvstvovat 57) pribovát
29) Zhdat 58) astavatsa
1) Person/People/Group/Family/Father/Mother/Boy/Girl/Baby/Woman/Man/Kid/Children/Boyfriend/Gi
2) Brother/Sister/Granpa/Granma/Son/Daughter/Life/Health/Death/Sex/God/Demon/Heaven/Hell/Para
3) Uncle/Aunt/Cousin/Nephew/Niece(is)/grandson/granddaughter
4) Friend/Neighbor/Mate/King/Queen/Boss/Employee/Director/President/Major
5) Nature/Animal/Dog/Cat/Cow/Monkey/Mouse/Mosquito/Fly/Spider/Dust/Bird/Fish
6) Tree/Flower/Plant/Garden/Park/Grass/Air/Sky/Sun/Moon/Star/Cloud/Storm/Weather
7) House/Kitchen/Room/Bathroom/Living room/Bed/Wall/Ceiling(ilin)/Door/Window
8) Table/Chair/Trush/Stairs/Wardrove/Towel/Soap/Sofa/Furniture
9) Swimming pool/pan(e)/casserole/blanket/pillow(e)/Cushion/tap/Fridge/TV
10) Food/Fork/Spoon/Knife/Cutlery/Dish/Glass/Fruit/Banana/Apple/Orange/taste
11) Tomato/Potato/Onion/Garlic/Sauce(o)/Meat/Bread/Rice/Eggs/Salt(o)/Sugar/Fire/Light/Soda/Cookies
12) Milk/Beer/Water/Tea/Coffee/Juice/Alcohol/Paper/Drunk/Drink/Dessert/lunch/dinner/Ice cream
13) Money/Shop/Supermarket/Church/Bar/Museum/Park/Library/Cinema/Stadium/Hotel/Bank
14) City/Village/Country/Road/Path/Traffic/Jam/Traffic lights/Street/Address
15) Place/Space/School/University/Company/Office/Building/Neighborhood/Party/Birthday/Pattern
16) Job/interview/experience/client/salary/Teacher/Student/Civil servant/Lawyer/Police/Waiter-
17) Salesman/Artist/Musician(ien)/guitar/drum/piano/Instrument/Tool/Actor/Clerk/Recepcionist/Driver/
18) Spain/Portugal/Italy/France/England/Germany/Poland/Europe/Asia/Russia/India/China/America/plan
19) Car/Motorcycle/Bycicle/Bus/Train/Tran/Vehicle/Van/Truck/Speed/Gasoline/Wheel/Station/Tran
20) Boat-Ship/Plane/Helicopter/Lu(Ba)ggage/Backpack/Briefcase/Wallet/Driving license/Identify
21) Thing/Book/Notebook/Box/Bag/pen/computer/Laptop/Key/Mobile/Headphones/Music/Movie/Photo
/SongStick/Stone/Glass/Tobacco/Cable/Charger/Plugin/Game/Level/Remote control/Match
22) Head/Face/Hair/Eyes/Noise/Mouth/Teeth/Smile/Ear/Pigtail(coleta)/ /Snot(moco)/Neck/Heart/Soul
23) Body/Arm/Hand/Finger/Nails/Bones/Muscles/Shoulder/Elbow/Knee/Leg/Feet/Toes(ous)/Ankle/Ass/C
24) Clothes/Shirt/TShirt/Dress/Pants/Shoes/Sneakers/FlipFlops/Beach/Sea/River/Wave/Sand/Swimsuit/Bi
25) Skirt/Underwear/Suit/Uniform/Hat/Glasses/Mustache/Beard/White/Black/Blue/Red/Yellow/Orange/
1) Chieloviek / Lyudi / Gruppa / Sem'ya / Atets / Mat' / Mal'chik / Devochka / Rebenak / Zhienshchina / Muzhchina /
Riebienak / Deti/ Druzhok / Padruga / Muzh / Zhena / Svad'ba / Odinokiy / Lyubov'
2) Brat / Sestra / Babushka / Babushka / Syn / Doch' / Zhizn' / Zdorov'ye / Smert' / Seks / Bog / Demon / Nebesa / Ad / Ray /
Svoboda / Tyur'ma / Khozyain / Gost
3) dyadya / tetya / dvoyurodnyy brat / plemyannik / plemyannitsa / vnuk / vnuchka
4) Drug / Sosed / Pomoshchnik / Korol' / Koroleva / Nachalnik/ Sotrudnik / Direktor / Prezident / Mayor
5) Priroda / Zhevótnee/ Sobaka / Kot / Karova / Obez'yana / Mysh' / Komar / Mukha / Pauk / Pyl' / Ptitsa / Ryba
6) Derevo / Tsvetok / Rasteniye / Sad / Park / Trava / Vozdukh / Nebo / Solntse / Luna / Zvezda / Oblako / Burya / Pogoda
7) Dom / Kukhnya / Komnata / Vannaya / Gostinaya / Krovat' / Stena / Potolok (ilin) / Dver' / Okno
8) Stol / stul / Trush / lestnitsa / Wardrove / polotentse / mylo / divan / mebel'
9) Basseyn / skovoroda (ye) / zapekanka / odeyalo / podushka (ye) / podushka / kran / kholodil'nik / televizor
10) Yeda / Vilka / Lozhka / Nozh / Stolovyye pribory / Blyudo / Stakan / Frukty / Banan / Yabloko / Apel'sin / vkus
11) Pomidor / Kartofel' / Luk / Chesnok / Sous (o) / Myaso / Khleb / Ris / Yaytsa / Sol' (o) / Sakhar / Ogon' / Svet / Soda /
12) Moloko / pivo / voda / chay / kofe / sok / alkogol' / bumaga / alkogol' / napitki / desert / obed / uzhin / morozhenoye
13) Den'gi / Magazin / Supermarket / Tserkov' / Bar / Muzey / Park / Biblioteka / Kinoteatr / Stadion / Otel' / Bank
14) Gorod / Derevnya / Strana / Doroga / Put' / Probki / Probka / Svetofory / Ulitsa / Adres
15) Mesto / prostranstvo / shkola / universitet / kompaniya / ofis / zdaniye / rayon / vecherinka / den' rozhdeniya / uzor
16) Rabota / sobesedovaniye / opyt / kliyent / zarplata / uchitel' / student / gosudarstvennyy sluzhashchiy / yurist / politsiya
/ ofitsiantka / biznesmen-predprinimatel' (do nachala)
17) Prodavets / Khudozhnik / Muzykant (ien) / gitara / baraban / pianino / instrument / instrument / akter / klerk /
priyemnik / voditel' / pensioner / voyennyy / armiya / oruzhiye / promyshlennost'
18) Ispaniya / Portugaliya / Italiya / Frantsiya / Angliya / Germaniya / Pol'sha / Yevropa / Aziya / Rossiya / Indiya / Kitay /
Amerika / planeta / mir / vselennaya / inoplanetyanin (ski) (ka-kaia)
19) Avtomobil' / Mototsikl / Velosiped / Avtobus / Poyezd / Tranzit / Transportnoye sredstvo / Furgon / Gruzovik / Skorost' /
Benzin / Koleso / Stantsiya / Tranzitnaya ostanovka /
20) Lodka-korabl' / Samolet / Vertolet / Lu (Ba) gagazh / Ryukzak / Portfel' / Koshelek / Voditel'skoye udostovereniye /
Udostovereniye lichnosti / Pasport
21) Veshch' / Kniga / Bloknot / Korobka / Sumka / Ruchka / Komp'yuter / Noutbuk / Klyuch / Mobil'nyy telefon / Naushniki /
Muzyka / Fil'm / Foto / SongStick / Kamen' / Steklo / Tabak / Kabel' / Zaryadnoye ustroystvo / Plagin / Igra / Uroven' / Pul't
distantsionnogo upravleniya /Sootvetstvovat'
22) Golova / Litso / Volosy / Glaza / Shum / Rot / Zuby / Ulybka / Ukho / Kosichka (coleta) / / Sopli (moco) / Sheya /
Serdtse / Dusha
23) Telo / Ruka / Ruka / Palets / Nogti / Kosti / Myshtsy / Plecho / Lokot' / Koleno / Noga / Stupni / Pal'tsy (ous) / Lodyzhka /
Zadnitsa / Grud' / Spina / Zheludok
24) Odezhda / Rubashka / Futbolka / Plat'ye / Bryuki / Obuv' / Krossovki / V'yetnamki / Plyazh / More / Reka / Volna / Pesok
/ Kupal'nik / Bikini / Kurtka / Pal'to / Perchatki
25) Yubka / nizhneye bel'ye / kostyum / uniforma / shlyapa / ochki / usy / boroda / belyy / chernyy / siniy / krasnyy / zheltyy
/ oranzhevyy / zelenyy / korichnevyy / seryy / fioletovyy / rozovyy / tsveta / galstuk
1) Nightmare/Horror

2) Lawlessness (Desorden)

3): Not really (Que no hombre… sí a medias…)

4) Come on!

5) Interest with envy

6) Kisses (to finnish a conversation)

7) I agree

8) Obviosly

9) No, the opposite

10) you are crazy

11) Do you want…

12) Won´t you give me a hint?

13) Surprise (with despair-desesperacion)

14) Brake!-Stop(I am not understanding)

15) (Ready)

16) (I am wrong)

17) (I am right)

18) (Help)

19) (Perfect)

20) (Welcome)

21) Congratulations

22) (unbelievable)

23) (Cheers)

24) (have fun)

25) Watch out!

26) That happens

27) It is for free

28) That´s my fault

29) I am aware

30) I am in a hurry

31) Deal

32) Good look

1)Kásmar / Usac


3)Da niet:





8)Samó-sabói rasunítsa:

9)Niet nabarot:

10)Tesúma sashal:

11)Te budzies:

12)Venie Padskáshietie


14)Tarmazit: Brake!-Stop

15) Gatóv

16) Ya nie prav

17) Te prav

18) Pómosh!

19) Atlichna

20) Dabró pazalóbach

21) Pozdraviéu

22) Niéverrallatne

23) Vashe sdaróvie

24) Viesielítsa

25) Astarózna!

26) That happens:

27) It is for free

28) That’s my fault

29) Ja vKursie

30) Ja spéshu

31) Imietdiela

32) Udáchi

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