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Stakeholder theory-

Theory of Planned Behaviour states that attitude, subject norms, and perceived behavioural
control, together shape an individual's behavioural intentions and behaviours.

Principal-agent theory The principal–agent problem, in political science and economics (also

known as agency dilemma or the agency problem) occurs when one person or entity (the
"agent"), is able to make decisions and/or take actions on behalf of, or that impact, another
person or entity: the "principal"

Human relations theory Human relations theory: a school of organizational thought

which focuses on worker satisfaction, informal workplace organizations, and a
means of influencing employee productivity.

Rational bias theory In other words‚ rational bias theory suggests that the self-
interested decision maker will likely act in a manner that enhances his or her own
career position‚ or diminishes any threats to it.

Contingency theory (leadership) A contingency theory is an organizational theory that claims

that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions.
Instead, the optimal course of action is contingent upon the internal and external situation

Portfolio theory Modern portfolio theory (MPT) is a theory on how risk-averse

investors can construct portfolios to maximize expected return based on a given
level of market risk. 

Social Role theory Role theory is a concept in sociology and in social psychology that considers
most of everyday activity to be the acting-out of socially defined categories. Each role is a set of
rights, duties, expectations, norms, and behaviours that a person has to face and fulfil.

Deindividuation theory Deindividuation is a concept in social psychology that is generally

thought of as the loss of self-awareness in groups, although this is a matter of contention

‘Tragedy of the Commons’ The tragedy of the commons is a situation in a shared-resource

system where individual users, acting independently according to their own self-interest, behave
contrary to the common good of all users by depleting or spoiling the shared resource through
their collective action.

Human motivation theory McClelland's Human Motivation Theory states that every

person has one of three main driving motivators: the needs for achievement,
affiliation, or power. 

Attribution theory Humans are motivated to assign causes to their actions and behaviours. In
social psychology, attribution is the process by which individuals explain the causes of behaviour
and events. Models to explain this process are called attribution theory

Catastrophe theory catastrophe theory is a branch of bifurcation theory in the study of

dynamical systems; it is also a particular special case of more general singularity theory in
Spiral of Silence theory The spiral of silence theory is a political science and mass
communication theory proposed by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-
Neumann. It states that a social group or society might isolate or exclude members
due to the members' opinions. This stipulates that individuals have a fear of isolation

Group formation theory This group formation theory is the brainchild of Bruce
Tuckman. Tuckman suggested that for a group to develop into a successful team, it
will need to progress through four stages: Forming, Storming, Norming and

Social identity theory Social identity is the portion of an individual's self-concept derived from
perceived membership in a relevant social group
Social exchange theory Social exchange theory is a sociological and psychological theory that
studies the social behavior in the interaction of two parties that implement a cost-benefit analysis
to determine risks and benefits.

Emotional labour theory

Leader-member exchange theory The leader–member exchange theory is a relationship-based

approach to leadership that focuses on the two-way relationship between leaders and followers.

‘greedy bastards’ theory

Human ecology theory
Work-life balance theory
Conflict-consensus theory (in organisations)
Life-course theory

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