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Table No: 2.

Number of Respondents based on Age.

Age Respondents Percentage

18-25 Years 35 67.3

26-35 Years 9 17.3

36-45 Years 4 7.7

46-55 Years 3 5.8

Above 56 Years 1 1.9

Total 100 100

From the above table, it is interpreted that 67.3% of the respondent belongs to the 18-
25 years age category, 17.3% of the respondent belongs to the 26-35 years age category,
7.7% of the respondent belongs to 36-45years age category, 5.8% of the respondent belongs
to 46-55 years age category and also 1.9% of the respondents belongs to above 56 years age
Chart No:2.2

Number of Respondents based on Age.

Number of Respondents based on Profession

Profession Respondents Percentage

Students 39 75
Employees 10 19.2
Entrepreneurs 3 5.8
Total 52 100

From the above table it is interpreted that 75% of the respondents are students,
19.2%of the respondents are employees, 5.8% of the respondents are entrepreneurs.
Number of Respondents based on Profession.

Number of Respondents based on BMW users

BMW User Respondents Percentage

Yes 21 59.6
No 31 40.4
Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 59.6% respondents are using BMW, 40.4% of
the respondents are not using BMW.

Chart No:2.4

Number of Respondents based on BMW users

Number of Respondents likes BMW brand
Particular Respondents Percentage
Yes 44 84.6%
No 8 15.4%
Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 84.6% respondents likes BMW brand,
15.4% respondents don’t not like BMW brand.

Chart No:2.5

Number of Respondents likes BMW brand


Number of Respondents who consider BMW for a long drive.

Particular Respondents Percentage

Yes 42 80.8%
No 10 19.2%
Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 80.8% respondents consider BMW and
19.2% respondents don’t consider BMW for a long drive.

Chart No:2.6

Number of Respondents who consider BMW for a long drive.

Table No:2.7

Number of Respondents based on their preference for BMW car models   

Car Models Respondents Percentage
BMW x5 14 26.9
BMW 3 series 20 38.5
BMW Z4 13 25
BMW series 8 4 7.7
7 series 1 1.9
Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 26.9% of the respondents prefer BMW x5,
38.5% of the respondents prefer BMW 3 series, 25% of the respondents prefer BMW Z4,
7.7% of the respondents prefer BMW series 8, 1.9% of the respondents prefer 7 series.

Chart No:2.7
Number of Respondents based on their preference for BMW car models    

Table No:2.8

Number of Respondents based on their preferred colour for BMW cars

Colours Respondents Percentage

Alpine White 17 32.7

Black sapphire Metallic 24 46.2

Sunset Orange Metallic 9 17.3

Portimao Blue 2 3.8

Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 32.7% of the respondents prefer Alpine White,
46.2% of the respondents prefer Black sapphire Metallic, 17.3% of the respondents prefer
Sunset Orange Metallic and 3.8% of the respondents prefer Portimao Blue.

Chart No:2.8

Number of Respondents based on their preferred colour for BMW cars

Table No:2.9

Number of Respondents based their preferred engine model for BMW cars.
Engine Models Respondents Percentage

BMW M10 13 25

BMW M43 21 40.4

BMW M52 12 23.1

BMW M30 6 11.5

Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 25% of the respondents prefer BMW M10
Engine, 40.4% of the respondents prefer BMW M43 Engine, 23.1% of the respondents prefer
BMW M52 Engine and 11.5% of the respondents prefer BMW M30 Engine.

Chart No:2.9

Number of Respondents based their preferred engine model for BMW cars.
Table No:2.10

Number of Respondents based on their evaluation of overall quality of BMW cars.

Opinion Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 27 51.9
Agree 16 30.8
Neutral 6 11.5
Disagree 2 3.8
Strongly Disagree 1 1.9
Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 51.9% of the respondents strongly agree,
30.8% of the respondents agree, 11.5% of the respondents stays neutral, 3.8% of the
respondents disagree and 1.9% of the respondents strongly disagree with the overall quality
of BMW cars.

Chart No:2.10

Number of Respondents based on their evaluation of overall quality of BMW cars.

Table No:2.11
Number of Respondents based on their experience with the quality of performance of
BMW cars.

Opinion Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 22 42.3
Agree 16 30.8
Neutral 10 19.2
Disagree 3 5.8
Strongly Disagree 1 1.9
Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 42.3% of the respondents strongly agree,
30.8% of the respondents agree, 19.2% of the respondents stays neutral, 5.8% of the
respondents disagree and 1.9% of the respondents strongly disagree with the quality of
performance of BMW cars.

Chart No:2.11

Number of Respondents based on their experience with the quality of performance of

BMW cars.
Table No:2.12

Number of Respondents based on the awareness of BMW brand.

Particular Respondents Percentage

Yes 43 82.7%

No 9 17.3%

Total 52 100

From the above table, it is interpreted that 82.7% of the respondents were aware of the BMW
brand and 17.3% of the respondents were not aware of the BMW brand.

Chart No:2.12

Number of Respondents based on the awareness of BMW brand.

Table No:2.13

Number of Respondents based on their opinion about advertising promotion and sales
promotion of BMW cars.
Opinion Respondents Percentage
Excellent 25 48.1
Very good 16 30.8
Good 9 17.3
Average 1 1.9
Bad 1 1.9
Total 52 100

From the above table, it is interpreted that 48.1% of the thinks excellent, 30.8% of
the respondents thinks very good, 17.3% of the respondents thinks good, 1.9% of the
respondents thinks average and 1.9% of the respondents thinks bad about advertising
promotion and sales promotion of BMW cars.

Chart No:2.13

Number of Respondents based on their opinion about advertising promotion and sales
promotion of BMW cars.
Table No:2.14

Number of Respondents based on their satisfaction with the pricing of BMW cars.
Opinion Respondents Percentage

Satisfied 25 48.1

The price is too low 11 21.2

The price is too high 16 30.8

Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 48.1% of the respondents are satisfied with the
price, 21.2% of the respondents thinks the price is too low and 30.8% of the respondents
thinks the price is too high.
Chart No:2.14

Number of Respondents based on their satisfaction with the pricing of BMW cars.

Table No:2.15
Number of Respondents based on their BMW ownership.

Particular Respondents Percentage

Yes 30 57.7

No 22 42.3

Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 57.7% of the respondents own BMW car,
42.3% of the respondents don’t own BMW car.

Chart No:2.15
Number of Respondents based on their BMW ownership.

Table No:2.16
Number of Respondents based on their satisfaction with fuel consumption of BMW

Particular Respondents Percentage

Yes 34 65.4

No 18 34.6

Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 65.4% of the respondents are satisfied, 34.6%
of the respondents are not satisfied with the fuel consumption of BMW cars.

Chart No:2.16
Number of Respondents based on their satisfaction with fuel consumption of BMW
Table No:2.17

Number of Respondents based their overall feeling towards the BMW Company as a

Particular Respondents Percentage

Positive 32 61.5

Negative 10 19.2

Neutral 7 13.5

Others 3 5.8

Total 52 100

From above table, it is interpreted that 61.5% of the respondents feel positive, 19.2%
of the respondents feel negative, 13.5% of the respondents feel neutral ab and 5.8% of the
respondents have other feelings towards the BMW Company as a whole.
Chart No:2.17

Number of Respondents based their overall feeling towards the BMW Company as a

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