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Adventures Amidst the Stars

Created by G. Michael Truran. 0. an Introduction 4
Illustrations by Oliver Schirmacher & Charles Assumptions 5
I. a New Beginning 6
Special Thanks To: Brian Binh, Litza Bronwyn,
Aaron Burkett, Craig Duffy, Alice Mortalis, Creating a Galaxy 6
Charles Simon, Tanner Yea.
World Questions 7
Laser-Ritter is © 2020 by G. Michael Truran and
Bad Quail Games. This is an ashcan preview of the 2. Playing Laser-Ritter 8
game; you may make and distribute copies for
playtest and review purposes. All other rights The Conversation 8
Characteristics 8
If you play or read Laser-Ritter, please give
feedback by email at or on The Action Roll 10
Twitter @Bad_Quail.
(Mis)Fortune 11
Fonts used are:
Heroic Wagers 12
Blue Angel by Creative Media Lab.
Spotlight Order 14
Bodoni Antiqua by URW Type Foundry.
Zones 14
Bodoni URW by URW Type Foundry.
Range Bands 14

Weapons 15

Armor Resist 15

Downtime & Recovery 16

Saga Tokens & XP 18

2 Laser-Ritter
3. Forging a Laser-Ritter 20
Origins 21

Lifepaths 22

Callings 23

Wrapping Up 23

the Freebooter 24
the Scoundrel 26
the Mystic 28
the Counselor 32
4. Armor, Weapons, and Kit 34
Armor 36

Weapons 38

Kit 40

5. Adversaries 42
The Threat Slate 43

Hegemony Peacekeepers 44

Scum 48

Appendix A: Inspirations 52

Contents 3
0. an Introduction
In brief, Laser-Ritter . . . . About the Layout
is a serial-inspired space fantasy adventure game. The text has been laid out according to a technique
for recreating the page composition of early printed
has no canon, but makes some base assumptions. books. The resulting margins are pleasing to the eye,
and leave space for personal annotation.
features collaborative world-building.
Laser-Ritter has an intentionally light system,
Laser-Ritter is an analog adventure game about leaving room for tweaks and additions to the rules.
swashbuckling heroes journeying among endless The generous margins give you room to write in your
stars to embrace their destiny. There are rendezvous own house rules, clarifications, and other details you
in hazy tap rooms, chases across distant moons, and find necessary or useful.
showdowns with the forces of galactic evil. We play to
find out how our Laser-Ritters follow their passions
and face their pasts to triumph over adversity. (Anti)Canon
Laser-Ritter is played in 2 to 4 hour sessions Laser-Ritter has no canon setting, but it makes
called “episodes.” Episodes can be self-contained some assumptions about the technology and
adventures, or part of a longer narrative called a material culture accessible to the Laser-Ritters and
“saga.” During an episode, one player will take on has a “session 0” procedure that helps the table
the role of the Galaxy Master or GM and the other create its own starting situation and galaxy of
players will adopt the personas of Laser-Ritters, star- adventure. Very broadly, Laser-Ritter is intended
faring adventurers and heroes. The GM describes to recreate the feeling of sci-fi adventure serials like
the world around the Laser-Ritters and portrays the Star Wars. We’re especially interested in recreating
supporting characters and antagonists they the wonder of imagining into the unanswered
encounter during their adventures. The other questions left in the fruitful void of throwaway
players describe how their Laser-Ritters answer the dialogue, loose exposition, and visually striking
call to adventure, responding to the world, events, props, costumes, and animatronics.
and personalities the GM describes.

4 Laser-Ritter
Assumptions Human-Cyborg Relations
Except where they conflict with the details you and Artificial lifeforms exist for the convenience of their
your group invent for your own galaxy of adventure, organic masters. Whether clunky robots, uncanny
assume that the following details are true. androids, or vat-grown clones, these facsimile
servants are near ubiquitous on metropolitan worlds
and not uncommon elsewhere.
Galactic Hegemony
A galaxy-spanning hegemony exerts its rule from the A Cosmopolitan Cosmos
industrial and “civilized” core of known space.
Every year they reach farther outward, sowing chaos Humans and their artificial servants are not the only
and destruction in the name of “order,” ever hungry sapients in the galaxy. The variety of intelligent life
for new resources to feed to its war machine. that dwells among the stars is near limitless.
Attempts to catalog all sapient species are futile.
This evil empire is opposed by a scrappy resistance There will always be more diversity of culture and
of political idealists and frontier guerrillas. form than can be committed to record.

For the most part, sapient aliens have anatomies,

Interstellar Travel languages, and cultures conducive to living among
humans and each other. The hegemony and other
Interstellar travel is relatively swift and common. It interstellar polities generally include individuals of
is not especially unheard of for private citizens to many diverse species among their citizens.
own their own spaceships. Only the most remote
frontier worlds lack regular contact with the rest of
the space-faring galaxy. Sad Devotion to an Old Religion
When the darkness of the hegemony descended, it
Lasers, Swords, & Plastic Armor seemed to snuff out the beacon of enlightenment.
An ancient religion of justice and wisdom was
Weapons of varying complexity and sophistication crushed to dust, and exists now only in the hazy
are in wide use. The minions of the galactic recollection of legends and fairy tales.
hegemony commonly outfit themselves with
advanced laser-locks and marboplast shell armor. Rumors say that this old way is not quite so dead,
Outlaws, rebels, and criminal scum make do with and that a few practitioners remain of its mysterious
jagg knives and coilguns. wisdoms and sorcerous arts.

an Introduction 5
I. a New Beginning
Gather yourself and four companions in a place Each participant should have one sheet of paper
quiet enough to hear each other and private enough with a prompt written on it. Follow these steps:
that you won’t be interrupted. Make sure you have:
1. Each participant writes a name for their thing.
Pencils and scrap paper for everyone. Come up with something evocative like “Terra
Silens” or “the Time Drought.”
A Calling booklet for each Laser-Ritter.
2. Pass your papers to the participant to your left and
Two ten-sided Action Dice of a matching color. receive a new sheet from the participant to your
right. Write one sentence about your new thing’s
One ten-sided Chance Die in a distinct color. history or background.

Some six-sided dice for random tables. 3. Continue until each paper has four sentences of
background material.

Creating a Galaxy 4. Discuss how the details you all invented combine
together into a starting situation.
Once we’ve gathered to play, we’ll create our galaxy
of adventure and an exciting scenario to spark our If you haven’t decided who among you will be the
imaginations. Write each of the following prompts GM, decide this now.
on a separate piece of paper:
The GM should guide the rest of the players through
A recent event. creating their Laser-Ritters using the procedures on
page 20. As you create your Laser-Ritter, keep the
A spaceship. starting situation in mind and think about their
stakes in it. Laser-Ritters are daring space
A planet. adventurers driven by passion and destiny; bold
characters who have some say in changing the fate of
An important figure. the galaxy, whether they mean to or not. Make sure
they have a reason, personal or professional, to put
An ancient institution. their neck on the line.

6 Laser-Ritter
World Questions What does it take to destroy a planet? Do
you need a state-of-the-art battle station with a giant
The following questions don’t necessarily have to do laser cannon? Or does every world live in fear of
with the starting situation but can help your group being glassed by any renegade space captain who
flesh out your galaxy of adventure. Answer the ones goes to the trouble to divert an asteroid? What world-
that come up while you’re making your starting ending threats are most planets prepared for?
scenario and rolling characters. Leave the rest
unanswered until it’s relevant to play. As much as we What form does money take? Are transactions
can, we want to leave a fruitful void to imagine our conducted purely through an electronic debit
adventures into, so try not to fill up that space with system, or is physical currency still in circulation?
detail that might never be used except to quash other What sort of physical artifacts might be commonly
ideas during play. used as stores of value? Does anyone but the
hegemony circulate or regulate currency?
How does interstellar travel work? Do
spaceships travel faster than light? Do they cruise Is there a galactic lingua franca? Or, are
through secret passages that access a labyrinth of there tens of thousands of languages spoken in the
tunnels through real-space? Does the hegemony galaxy with no common bridge? Are automatic
maintain a network of artificial wormholes? Does translators widely available, or are most spacers
interstellar travel require ships to travel only by polyglots?
“safe” routes; if so, who maps and controls them?
Does the hegemony have rivals? Is there an
Who are the galactic hegemony? Are they an interstellar warlord fighting them for territory? Or, a
autocracy in the thrall of a single dictator? An vast criminal conspiracy that effectively dominates a
oligarchy governed by fat cat profiteers? Or maybe a sector of space? Perhaps the last bastion of galactic
bureaucratic meritocracy where the standards for democracy making their glorious last stand?
judging “merit” are purposefully stacked against a
non-citizen out-group?

Keep in mind: what makes the hegemony evil? Why

must they be resisted and overthrown? If you think
you wouldn’t find the regime so bad, step back and
examine why. Evil empires aren’t miserable for
everyone. Even if it doesn’t seem bad for you,
consider: who would suffer under their rule?

a New Beginning 7
2. Playing Laser-Ritter
This chapter first details the various characteristics
that make up a Laser-Ritter and then goes over how
we apply those characteristics to resolve play. Before Laser-Ritters have the following vital characteristics:
we delve too deeply into rules and mechanics, Action Modifiers, Vitality Points, Saga tokens, a
however, lets cover some basic basics. Pathos Track, and Relationships.

The Conversation Action Modifiers

Play of Laser-Ritter is conducted in conversation. Laser-Ritters have four Action Modifiers, which they
add to the dice when they act. Action Modifiers are
The GM will tell the Laser-Ritters about the world rated from -1 to 6, though no Laser-Ritter will start
around them: the situation they’re in, what planet play with a value higher than 4 or lower than 0.
they’re on, what their senses tell them about their
surroundings, and what else they know about what’s Power (POW). Strength and physical presence.
going on. Roll Power to use hand weapons, perform feats of
strength, and resist being pushed around.
Then, the Laser-Ritters tell the GM what they do:
how they address the challenges around them with Agility (AGI). A character’s reflexes and hand-eye
their ingenuity and what they have at their disposal. coordination. Roll Agility to fire a laser pistol, sneak
When their intent is unclear or when more past adversaries, and avoid projectiles.
information is needed, the GM asks questions and
guides the conversation to find out. Wisdom (WIS). A character’s harmony and
discerning judgment. Roll Wisdom to reveal hidden
When the Laser-Ritter’s actions might result in a truths, exercise prudence, and spout mysticism.
dramatic complication, or when we’re not sure if
they can succeed or not, we turn to the dice and the Savvy (SAV). A character’s sense of charm and
procedures of play to help us decide what happens. fashion. Roll Savvy to win new friends, lie
The GM is the ultimate arbiter of the rules, but convincingly, or talk your way out of trouble.
everyone at the table has some say in how they get

8 Laser-Ritter
Vitality Points The Pathos Track
A Laser-Ritter’s Vitality is how much punishment Pathos is a Laser-Ritter’s gradual accumulation of
they can take before being disabled by their trauma. scars, worry, and trauma; the gnawing entropy of the
universe pulling ever closer.
All Laser-Ritters have 12 Vitality Points.
Laser-Ritters have a 10-segment Pathos Track. Once
Laser-Ritters lose Vitality when they’re subject to it fills up, the Laser-Ritter is vulnerable to shuffling
Harm from adversaries and environmental hazards. off their mortal coil. Until then, they’ll always have a
way out of peril.
When a Laser-Ritter is reduced to 0 Vitality, they’re
incapacitated in a way appropriate to the scene; Laser-Ritters fill a segment of Pathos whenever they
usually paralyzed by shock or knocked unconscious. drop to 0 Vitality.

Once per Action Roll, Laser-Ritters can voluntarily

Saga Tokens fill a segment of Pathos to re-roll a single die.

Saga tokens represent a Laser-Ritter’s heroic Some effects may cause a Laser-Ritter to make a
potential. Depending on how deeply your group leans Pathos Check. To do so, they roll 1d10 and compare
into the implied mysticism of the game, you might the result to their Pathos Track. If the result is
think of Saga as luck, fate, the will of the demiurge, greater than their marked segments, they gain 1
or energy bestowed by leylines of gnostic power. Pathos. If the result is equal to or less than their
marked segments, nothing happens.
Laser-Ritters can spend Saga in the followings ways:

1 Saga: gain a Fortune to any Action Roll. Relationships

1 Saga: receive a blow for a companion; defend A Laser-Ritter’s Relationships describe their feelings
against a consequence on their behalf. about their companions. A Laser-Ritter can be your
Comrade, Crush, Curiosity, Grudge, Inspiration,
2 Saga: prevent a lethal consequence while their Rival, or Ward. Relationships can be one-sided; you
Pathos track is full, and exit the scene. and your companions may not feel the same way
about each other!
Laser-Ritters earn Saga by pursuing their passions,
facing their destiny, and developing their Laser-Ritters express and develop their Relationships
relationships. See page 18 to learn more. to earn Saga Tokens.

Playing Laser-Ritter 9
The Action Roll Degree of Success & Failure
When a Laser-Ritter attempts an action that could Sometimes we care about how well we succeed or
possibly fail and may result in dramatic how disastrously we fail.
complications, they make an Action Roll about it by
following these steps: A roll’s Degree of Success (DoS) is equal to the
result minus the Threshold Number.
1. The Laser-Ritter declares what they hope to
accomplish and what they’re doing to bring it A roll’s Degree of Failure (DoF) is equal to the
about. They choose an Action Modifier they’d Threshold Number minus the result.
like to roll; the GM may offer an alternative.
Only successful Action Rolls have a DoS and only
2. The GM sets the Threshold Number (TN) the unsuccessful Action Rolls have a DoF.
Laser-Ritter will roll against; if they’re acting on
a character or creature this will be one of the
target’s Trait values. If they’re acting on Violence, Danger, & Harm
something else, the GM uses the following
guidelines to set the TN: When a Laser-Ritter does violence, they
make an Action Roll against their target. On a
Simple 10 | Moderate 12 | Hard 14 | Daunting 16 success, the target takes Harm equal to the DoS.

3. The GM and Laser-Ritters determine if the Actions that are especially risky, such as meddling
actor has any Fortune or Misfortune on the roll with a live electrical device or making a perilous
by interrogating the fiction, making Wagers, and leap, might Harm the actor on a failure. For these
spending Saga tokens. actions, the actor takes harm equal to the DoF.

4. The actor rolls 2d10 and sums the result with Harm reduces the target’s Vitality. If a
their Action Modifier. Laser-Ritter or one of their adversaries drops to 0
Vitality, they are incapacitated. Laser-Ritters are not
If the result is greater than the TN, they killed outright unless their Pathos track is already
succeed and accomplish their intent to the degree filled up. Adversaries and supporting characters may
it is possible perish if appropriate to the material and dramatic
circumstances of the scene.
If the result is equal to or lower than the TN,
they fail and circumstances change to put a new
obstacle or complication before them.

10 Laser-Ritter
Defending (Mis)Fortune
When Laser-Ritters are acted on by their adversaries During their adventures Laser-Ritters will run into
and we are unsure of the result, they make an Action situations where their position, equipment, or luck
Roll, with a slight addendum. The Laser-Ritter’s goal gives them some advantage or disadvantage over
when they defend is always to avoid Harm or some their opposition. When this is the case, they make
other influence from the adversary acting on them. Action Rolls with Fortune or Misfortune.
Without a Stunt or a Special Ability, Laser-Ritters
can’t accomplish any proactive tasks while defending. Fortune. When a Laser-Ritter makes an Action
Roll with Fortune, they roll their Action Dice with
the Chance Die and add the two highest results
Ritter versus Ritter together with their Action Modifier.

The focus of Laser-Ritter is not conflict between Misfortune. When a Laser-Ritter makes an Action
our heroes, but the events of play may still unfold to Roll with Misfortune, they roll their Action Dice
put them at odds with each other. When our Laser- with the Chance Die and add the two lowest results
Ritters come to an impasse, follow these procedures. together with their Action Modifier.

1. Both Laser-Ritters will state how they’re acting on Fortune and Misfortune cancel out on a 1-for-1 basis.
each other and what they want the other to do.
The GM will lead the conversation to determine
what results or compromises are possible. Adjudicating (Mis)Fortune
2. The GM will determine which Laser-Ritter is the Ask the following questions when judging whether
active participant and which is being acted on. an Action Roll receives Fortune or Misfortune. Give
a Fortune or Misfortune for each as appropriate.
3. The acting Laser-Ritter will make an Action Roll
against a TN equal to 10 + their target’s relevant Does the Laser-Ritter possess special skill or
Action Modifier. insight—or are they particularly ill prepared—for
the task?
If the acting Laser-Ritter succeeds, they get their
way. If they fail, their opponent gets their way. Is the Laser-Ritter in an advantageous—or
disadvantageous—position to complete the task?
If the DoF is 0, find a compromise somewhere
between both parties’ demands. Are the Laser-Ritter’s tools particularly effective—
or ineffective—against their target?

Playing Laser-Ritter 11
Heroic Wagers Imposing Peril
Gambles and Stunts are special maneuvers that When a Laser-Ritter has Misfortune to an Action
Laser-Ritters can attempt to gain and manipulate Roll, the GM may declare a Peril—an additional
Fortune. Perils are dire consequences that they consequence or complication of the action that may
might face while subject to Misfortune. All depend come about.
on the result of the Chance Die.
The Peril consequence shouldn’t be so dire that it
invalidates an action’s success. It should be an
Taking a Gamble additional cost. If a Laser-Ritter tries to duck behind
a marboplast column to avoid laser fire, for instance,
A Laser-Ritter can wager something not already at the Peril should not be “additional laser burns
stake to gain Fortune on an Action Roll. This wager (Harm).” Instead, it might be “a vital piece of Kit
could be something concrete—like an object in the gets tagged by a laser, mark a segment of its
Laser-Ritter’s possession—or abstract—such as a Condition.”
supporting character’s patience or trust.
Whether the roll is successful or not, if the Chance
Whatever the wager, it must make sense in the Die is the highest result, the Laser-Ritter suffers the
fiction. If it’s a possession, it could be something Peril’s consequence.
used directly in the task that’s at risk of being
damaged or misplaced during the action. If it’s If the Chance Die is one of the lower, kept results,
abstract, it must make sense that the loss of the the Laser-Ritter avoids the Peril’s consequence even
stakes follow from the outcome of the action. if the overall action failed.

If the Chance Die is one of the kept results, even if Once a Peril has been defined, a Laser-Ritter cannot
the roll failed, the wager is safe. avoid it. They must make the Action Roll and no
longer have the option to spend Saga tokens to gain
If, however, the Chance Die is the lowest result, the Fortune.
wager is lost and the stakes are forfeit.

Be careful that your wager isn’t more precious than

the outcome of your action. No mechanism in play,
aside from the good nature of your fellow players,
prevents you from making a foolish wager.

12 Laser-Ritter
Stakes & Perilous Consequences Pulling a Stunt
Here are some examples of what might befall Laser- Any time a Laser-Ritter has Fortune on an Action
Ritters who get the worst of a Gamble or Peril. Roll they may pull a Stunt. When a Laser-Ritter pulls
a Stunt, they try to accomplish a secondary task
Broken or Used Up Kit. If the wager is lost or along with their main intent. They could try to drive
the Peril comes to pass, one of the Laser-Ritter’s an opponent back a few paces while assailing them
possessions, likely a piece of Kit used in the action, with a jagg knife, steal a gendarme’s badge while
takes meaningful wear, or is broken or used up. All wrestling them to the ground, or pique a prince’s
pieces of Kit have a three-segment use/condition interest while bluffing through their entourage.
track. Mark 1 segment.
Whether the roll is successful or not, if the Chance
Harm. If the wager is lost or the Peril comes to Die is one of the kept results, the Laser-Ritter pulls
pass, the Laser-Ritter takes Harm equal to the DoF off their Stunt and accomplishes their additional
or, if the action was still successful, the difference intent.
between the highest and lowest die results.
If the Chance Die is the lowest result, the Laser-
Declining Position. If the wager is lost or the Ritter doesn’t get their additional intent, whether or
Peril comes to pass, the Laser-Ritter winds up in a not the Action Roll was successful.
disadvantageous position. They could be knocked off
their feet, get pushed out of (or into) optimal knifing Gamble-Stunts. Laser-Ritters are daring folk.
range, lose the high ground to an opponent, or have They can try to pull a Stunt whenever they have
a weapon, tool, or important possession knocked out Fortune, including when that Fortune is gained from
of their grasp. Whatever the case, they’ll likely suffer making a Gamble.
(continued) Misfortune until they take action to get
themselves in a better spot.
Breaking Ties
On Gambles and Stunts, if the Chance die is tied
with an Action Die for the lowest result, count it as
higher if the Action Roll is successful and as lower if
the Action Roll is a failure. For Peril, if the Chance
die is tied for the highest result, count it as lower if
the Action Roll is successful and as higher if the
Action Roll is a failure.

Playing Laser-Ritter 13
Spotlight Order Zones
By default Laser-Ritter doesn’t keep track of During combat scenes it can be beneficial to take a
initiative or turn-order; the flow of conversation moment to sketch out the area of conflict in terms
dicates when our heroes and their opponents act. of Zones. A Zone is a discrete area of the battlefield
However, if your group has trouble passing the defined by one or more features. These features help
spotlight, you can adopt the following procedures for the table talk about Fortune and Misfortune that
scenes of intense drama or conflict. emerge from the environment, and the spacial
relationship between Zones helps judge range.
First, the GM makes a list of the Laser-Ritters and
the other supporting characters and adversaries
participating in the scene whose actions might Range Bands
impact the conflict.
When we talk about the relative positions between
Then, determine which participant acts first. This is Laser-Ritters and their opponents, we use the
usually whoever’s actions precipitated the conflict or following Range Bands.
incited the drama. If there’s some doubt as to who
should act first, make an Action Roll about it. Opponents in Close Range are in the same
Zone. In descriptive terms, within a few meters.
While a Laser-Ritter has the spotlight, they can make
one major Action Roll and take one minor action Opponents in Short Range are in adjacent
that sets up or builds context for their major action. Zones. In descriptive terms, 5 to 10 meters away.
Minor actions might include drawing or readying a
weapon or tool or moving a short distance. If a Opponents in Medium Range are 2 or 3 Zones
minor action would, itself, receive serious disruption away. In descriptive terms, 11 to 30 meters away.
or opposition from an adversary, it’s probably
actually the major action. Opponents in Long Range are 4 or more
Zones away. In descriptive terms, 31 to 100
If the Laser-Ritter’s Action Roll is successful, they meters away.
pass the spotlight to a participant of their choice. If
their Action Roll fails, the spotlight passes to a Opponents in Extreme Range are “visible,”
participant of the GM’s choice. but off the Zone map. In descriptive terms, 101
meters to a couple kilometers away.
Once a participant has acted, they may not have the
spotlight again until each other participant has acted
once. We call this cycle of spotlight a “round.”

14 Laser-Ritter
Weapons Optimal Range
Weapons in Laser-Ritter deal one of three types Every weapon has an Optimal Range listed as Close,
of damage: Hand, Ballistic, and Laser. None of these Short, Medium, Long, or Extreme. Melee weapons
damage types inherently do more Harm than the cannot target opponents outside their Optimal
others, but each acts on Armor a little differently. Range and suffer 1 Misfortune when they target
opponents closer than their Optimal Range. Ranged
Hand damage is mainly dealt by muscle-powered weapons suffer no penalties for targeting opponents
melee weapons such as Jagg Knives and riot batons. closer than their Optimal Range, but suffer 1
Misfortune for each band their target is beyond.
Hand damage is the most easily resisted by Armor. Certain ranged weapons cannot target Close
Only clothing and the lightest weaves are opponents at all.
meaningfully vulnerable to hand weapons.

Ballistic damage is mainly dealt by chemical and Armor Resist

magnet-powered missile weapons such as
slugthrowers and coilguns. Although, some hand If a Laser-Ritter is wearing armor when they receive
weapons, such as gravity knuckles, also do Ballistic Harm, the armor has a chance to completely negate
damage. the hit. To determine if the hit is negated, the target
rolls a single Action Die. If the result is equal to or
The heavy Marboplast Shells worn by hegemony greater than the incoming Harm from the attack, it
shock troops are especially resilient to Ballistic is completely canceled out.
Whether the Harm is canceled or not, mark 1
Laser damage is mainly dealt by directed energy segment on the Armor’s condition track.
weapons such as Las-Locks and Las-Dragons.
Although, some hand weapons, such as Icon Blades, Especially thick, sturdy, or well-made suits of armor
also do Laser damage. may confer a +1 to +3 modifier to Armor Resist rolls.

Laser weapons burn through most common varieties

of armor. Only rare and costly Mirror Shells, Müt-
Lite Raiment, and environmentally sealed Void
Skins can stand up to lancing laser fire.

Playing Laser-Ritter 15
Downtime & Recovery Repair or Re-Supply. The Laser-Ritter picks
either all of their Supply Track Kit or one piece of
There are two kinds of Downtime in Laser-Ritter: Condition Track Kit. They clear all marked segments
of Supply/Condition for those items.
A Breather is a moment of peace and safety
during an episode of adventure when the heroes Revitalize. The Laser-Ritter rests or receives
have a chance to gather info, seek out resources, and medical attention to recover Vitality.
lick their wounds.
If they’re just resting, roll 2d10 and recover
An Intermission is the period of recuperation and Vitality equal to the lower result.
off-screen action between adventures.
If they’re getting basic first aid, roll 1d10 and
recover Vitality equal to the result.
Taking a Breather
If they’re getting hospital-grade care, roll 2d10
During a Breather, each Laser-Ritter may attempt and recover Vitality equal to the higher result.
one Downtime Action.
Socialize. The Laser-Ritter names a willing
After the first round of the Breather, each Laser- companion and frames a dramatic scene with them
Ritter may continue taking Downtime. Before each to discuss the recent events of their adventure, the
extra Action, the Laser-Ritter makes a Pathos Check. machinations of galactic politics, or their personal
If the check fails, something happens to disrupt the relationships to one-another.
peace and the breather ends for all Laser-Ritters.
After the scene is resolved, both participants may
Acquire. The Laser-Ritter attempts to get clear 1d6 segments of Pathos and change their
something—whether a piece of Kit, a word of vital Relationship tag with each other.
intelligence, or passage off-world—to aid in their
mission.They tell the GM what they’re looking for A Laser-Ritter can wind up in multiple scenes of this
and how they’re going about getting it, and make an nature. For every scene after their first, they roll 2d6
Action Roll about it. On a success, they acquire what and take the lower result when clearing Pathos. If
they set out to get. On a failure, they don’t or the act they used their own Downtime Action to frame the
of acquisition creates a serious consequence. scene, they always clear 1d6 Pathos as normal.

If the Laser-Ritter is acquiring Kit, they may replace This only uses a Downtime Action for the Laser-
a piece of Iconic Kit if they roll with a DoS of 5+. Ritter who initiates the exchange.

16 Laser-Ritter
Taking an Intermission Then, to discover what each Laser-Ritter has been up
to in the mean time, take the following steps
Intermissions occur after our heroes accomplish a together:
major goal, resolving the immediate conflict of their
situation. During an Intermission, the Laser-Ritters 1. Each player takes a piece of scratch paper and
go on their own adventures before being thrust again writes a one sentence prompt for the player to
into peril together. their left. Something like “the bounty hunters
catch up with you above the azure Moon.” Keep
In the fiction, an Intermission might only cover a few in mind what you know about their background
days, or it might encompass weeks, months, years, or and the sorts of problems or situations that might
even a decade. Decide as a group how much time showcase their skill set or personality. If the GM
passes between your adventures together. is to your left, write something about the events
going on elsewhere in the galaxy that you want to
During an Intermission, each Laser-Ritter takes all learn about.
of the following steps to recover and re-supply:
2. Pass the prompt to the left and write a short
1. Recover ALL Vitality. summary of an adventure your Laser-Ritter goes
on based on the prompt you receive from the
2. Clear ALL marked segments of Pathos. player to your right. The GM will write something
about the hegemony, the resistance, or other
3. Clear ALL marked segments of Condition and aspects of the greater galaxy highlighted by the
Supply on intact Kit. Also fully replenish broken player to their right.
or used up Iconic Kit.
3. Everyone read your brief adventure and work
4. Optionally, erase the Iconic mark from one piece together to see how they can mesh together to
of Kit and fill it in on another. Tell the group why create a new situation.
your new Iconic Kit is important to your Laser-
Ritter. If it is especially expensive or illegal, what 4. Jump back in to a galaxy of adventure!
new resources have they acquired to keep it
topped off or in good shape?

Playing Laser-Ritter 17
Saga Tokens & XP Taking Advances
At the end of an Episode—a single session of play— Each Calling has five common Advances and six
each player goes through a short questionnaire to unique Advances to choose from. The common
determine how many Saga Tokens they earned. Each Advances are:
Calling has its own unique questions recorded later
in this book and on the front page of each Calling [Plus Action Modifier] x3. Take +1 to a specific
Booklet. Except where noted, each question can Action Modifier.
earn a Saga Token once per session.
Each Calling has this Advance for three different
Each Calling Booklet has a 9-segment XP Track on its Action Modifiers, each with a unique name.
front page. It looks like this:
Adaptable. Take -1 to one Action Modifier and +1
to another.

This Advance can drop an Action Modifier to -1 or

raise it to +6.

Whenever a Laser-Ritter spends a Saga Token, they Cross-Training. Take a unique Advance from
mark a segment of this track, starting with the another Calling, not one of its common Advances.
leftmost segment.
Cross-trained Advances do not normally grant
access to another Calling’s Special. The exception
is the Mystic. Cross-training into Mystic can grant
access to a single Magic Power.

When all segments of the track are marked, clear it

and immediately take one Advance.

18 Laser-Ritter
Playing Laser-Ritter 19
3. Forging a Laser-Ritter
Laser-Ritters are the titular heroes of the game. The Character Discovery
following statements are true of all Laser-Ritters to
varying degrees. It’s the job of each player to discover To find your Laser-Ritter, follow these steps.
and actualize how they apply to their Laser-Ritter.
It’s the job of the GM to lead the conversation of play 1. Randomly determine your Origin by rolling on the
into situations where the Laser-Ritters can embody table on page 21 Write a short detail about it and
these principles through their actions. record the Action Modifier bonuses it grants.

Laser-Ritters are people of action. When 2. Randomly determine your Lifepath by rolling on
others are paralyzed by indecision, they leap into the table on page 22 Write a short detail about it
action, trusting their skills and destiny to triumph and record the Action Modifier bonuses it grants.
over opposition.
3. Choose a Calling from the following list; there
Laser-Ritters are heroes of the commons. may only be one Laser-Ritter of each Calling.
Laser-Ritters inspire the citizens of the galaxy to
have hope that the evil hegemony will be defeated. a. Freebooter—a warrior clad in rugged armor.
Whether champions of justice or scoundrels with a
heart of gold, they’re on the side of the angels. b. Scoundrel—a stellar rogue and wanderer.

Laser-Ritters have a reason to care. When c. Mystic—a devotee of esoteric wisdom.

our opening credits roll our Laser-Ritters are already
involved. Whether they have strong convictions or d. Counselor—an expert negotiator and leader.
are committed to the situation by an accident of fate
or desperation, quitting is not an option. Record the Action Modifier bonus it grants,
choose an Advance from its list, and decide on
one of its Kit load outs.

4. Choose your Laser-Ritter’s name, look, pronouns,

gender and other details. Decide if they’re human
or an alien, what kind of costume they wear, and
so on. Introduce them to the rest of the table.

20 Laser-Ritter
Origins Frontier. Your Laser-Ritter comes from the very
edge of “civilized” space; a place connected to the
A Laser-Ritter’s Origin is the beginning of wider galaxy, but without many of its comforts. Were
their story. It’s their home world; how they spend they a settler or a native of their world?
their childhood. If they’re an alien or artificial
lifeform, it is likely to be expressed in their Origin. Verdant. Your Laser-Ritter comes from a wild or
agrarian world covered more in lush vegetation and
Origins increase 2 Action Modifiers by 1. farmland than by urban sprawl. Is your world a
Additionally, invent a short detail to describe your breadbasket or cut off from the galactic community?
Laser-Ritter’s experience of their Origin. Something
like “immaculate junkyard slave” or “born of the Industrial. Your Laser-Ritter comes from a people
painted aristocracy.” used to hard labor in factories and workhouses. Do
your people own their labor or are they subjugated
Keep your Origin in mind as you play. If you by a ruling class or the conquering hegemony?
feel like it might give you some insight, advantage, or
hidden information in the moment, tell the GM so Void. Your Laser-Ritter was born among the stars.
and they will work with you to determine what From a young age, they’ve known the empty expanse.
knowledge or Fortune you might gain. Were your folk spacers by choice or profession, or
were they vagrants without their own world?
To determine your Origin, Roll 1d6 and
consult the table below. Core. Your Laser-Ritter comes from the core of
“civilized” space; a privileged world benefiting from
1d6 Origin Action Mod. the galactic hegemony. What accident of fate stole
you away from the comfort of the Core?
1 Frontier POW & AGI
Temple. Your Laser-Ritter grew up surrounded by
2 Verdant POW & WIS ancient wisdom. Whether a novice in a remote
monastery or the student of a dead civilization, you
3 Industrial POW & SAV come from a more meditative background than most
others. Is your wisdom sanctioned by the hegemony?
4 Void AGI & WIS

5 Core AGI & SAV

6 Temple WIS & SAV

Forging a Laser-Ritter 21
Lifepaths War. Your Lifepath is defined by violent conflict or
military service. Were your people suppressed by the
A Laser-Ritter’s Lifepath is their life hegemony, or were you conscripted into the ranks of
before adventure. It’s their former career or a their faceless legions?
defining life event. Their Lifepath is the foundation
of their skills and perspective. Exploration. Your Lifepath is defined by facing
the unknown. Perhaps you were you marooned on
Lifepaths increase 2 Action Modifiers by 1. an uncharted world, or the first colonist on a frontier
Additionally, invent a short detail to describe your planet. What mark did the unknown leave on you?
Laser-Ritter’s experience of their Lifepath.
Something like “hegemony legion deserter” or Labor. Your Lifepath is defined by service to
“backwater stunt pilot.” industry. Were you a quiet cog in the hegemony’s
engine of war, or did you try to organize your fellows
Keep your Lifepath in mind as you play. If in bondage against your overseers?
you feel like it might give you some insight, advantage,
or hidden information in the moment, tell the GM so Flight. Your Lifepath was defined by yearning for
and they will work with you to determine what the endless stars. Whether a cadet at the hegemony’s
knowledge or Fortune you might gain. premier flight academy or a frontier bushwhacker,
your first love was a pilot’s seat. Do you fly in service
To determine your Lifepath, Roll 1d6 and to a higher cause, or to escape your earthly cares?
consult the table below.
Crime. Your Lifepath was defined by a certain lack
1d6 Lifepath Action Mod. of respect for the established order. Were you forced
to break the hegemony’s peace to survive or were you
1 War POW & AGI a thrill-seeker in it for the rush?

2 Exploration POW & WIS Privilege. Your Lifepath was defined by wealth
and culture. You were a hereditary noble, a captain
3 Labor POW & SAV of industry, or some other functionary
unaccustomed to hardship. Did you take your
4 Flight AGI & WIS privilege for granted, or did you feel an obligation to
use your influence for good?
5 Crime AGI & SAV

6 Privilege WIS & SAV

22 Laser-Ritter
Callings Wrapping Up
A Laser-Ritter’s Calling is the sort of hero Reflect back on your Origin, Lifepath, and Calling.
they are. It’s the skills they’ve cultivated to answer What kind of story do they tell? Does it seem like a
the call to adventure. Their Calling is how the galaxy smooth progression or, has your life already featured
will remember them once their saga is concluded. extreme changes in fortune? Consider how your
Laser-Ritter’s views, attitudes, and approaches might
Callings increase one Action Modifier by 2. be informed by the full course of their journey so far.
Write a short detail about the heroic or calamitous
moment that ended your Lifepath and thrust you
into adventure. Something like “liberated by Defining Relationships
partisans” or “betrayed by the Bleak Herald.”
Go around the table and talk about the details you
Callings grant Special Abilities. You’ll start wrote for your Origin and Lifepath, what your
play with a Special that is pre-determined and you’ll Calling is, and how you think your character fits into
pick another from a list of Advances. the situation your group has created. As everyone
introduces their character, decide how your Laser-
Callings give your starting Kit load out. Ritter feels about them and write it down in the
Choose from one of three load outs determined by Relationship section of your character booklet.
your Calling, each implying something about your Check in with their player; they might not be
Laser-Ritter’s past. interested in an adversarial or romantic dynamic.
The Relationships are:
Keep your Calling in mind as you play.
Consider the moment when you heard the call to Comrade—a trusted friend and boon companion.
adventure and think always on how it informs your
response to the moment’s challenges. Crush—a romantic interest or flirty friend.

Choose your Calling from these options: Curiosity—someone to keep your eye on.

Page 24 for the Freebooter. Grudge—the enemy of my enemy; not yet a friend.

Page 26 for the Scoundrel. Inspiration—a leader or role-model.

Page 28 for the Mystic. Rival—someone you must work to surpass.

Page 32 for the Counselor. Ward—someone who must survive.

Forging a Laser-Ritter 23
the Freebooter
The warrior clad in iconic armor. Freebooter Saga Triggers
The strong arm of frontier law. These are your triggers for earning Saga Tokens at
the end of each session.
The loyal companion and bodyguard.
I addressed a challenge with direct action or
The Freebooter is defined by their Power—both their protected a teammate.
physical strength and their projection of cool
confidence, particularly as embodied by their I learned something new about the hegemony’s
distinctive battle armor. They can be a fierce, berserk military power and allies.
presence in a fight, or a cool shoulder to depend on
in a crisis. I expressed the bonds, shared goals, and personal
conflicts with my fellow Laser-Ritters.

Becoming a Freebooter
Freebooter Kit
Upon choosing Freebooter as your Laser-Ritter’s
Calling: Starting Freebooters pick one of these load outs.

Increase their Power Action Modifier by 2. Hegemony Deserter. Marboplast Shell (p.
31), Las-Lock (p. 33), Re-Breather Mask (p. 34).
Write a short detail about the heroic or
calamitous moment that led you to your Calling. Resistance Champion. Marboplast Shell (p.
31), Grav Stave (p. 32), Coil Pistol (p. 33),
Read over your Calling Special and pick one Howling Bike (p. 35), Ascension Kit (p. 35).
Advance to start with.
Sanctioned Hunter. Action Suit (p. 31), Jagg
Pick one of the Freebooter Kit load outs. Knife (p. 32), Coil Rifle (p. 33), Credentials—
Hunter Collective (p. 34), Jump Module (p. 35).

24 Laser-Ritter
Freebooter Special
Storied Armor. When you defeat a noteworthy
opponent, incorporate a mark of their prowess into
your look. When you face off against those who knew
the reputation of your defeated foe, gain a Fortune
on rolls to terrify or impress them.

Freebooter Advances
Into the Breach. When you act to stand against
injustice or impossible odds, you may Gamble a Saga
Token to gain Fortune instead of spending it outright.

Dreadnought. When you roll a successful Armor

Resist, your Armor does not mark Condition.

Living Weapon. When you strike with a Melee

Weapon, spend 1 Saga Token to target all adversaries
in your Zone.

Second Skin. The bulk of your armor never gives

you Misfortune when you run, jump, climb, swim, or

Steadfast Bastion. You do not need to spend a

Saga Token to take a blow on behalf of an ally or

Marboplast Wall. When you make an Armor

Resist roll, roll both Action Dice and keep the higher

Forging a Laser-Ritter 25
the Scoundrel
The smuggler on the run from the law. Scoundrel Saga Triggers
The pirate living on the edge of space. These are your triggers for earning Saga Tokens at
the end of each session.
The rebel with a righteous cause.
I addressed a challenge with daring stunts or lead
The Scoundrel is defined by their Agility—the my friends past danger.
coordination, reflexes, and “luck” required to stay
one step ahead of calamity. They can be a nimble I learned something new about the fringes of the
skirmisher, a plucky rogue, or a fearsome sniper. galaxy.

I expressed the bonds, shared goals, and

Becoming a Scoundrel personal conflicts with my fellow Laser-Ritters.

Upon choosing Scoundrel as your Laser-Ritter’s

Calling: Scoundrel Kit
Increase their Agility Action Modifier by 2. Starting Scoundrels pick one of these load outs.

Write a short detail about the heroic or Operative. Quilted Jumpsuit (p. 30), Grav
calamitous moment that led you to your Calling. Knuckles (p. 32), Kinetic Sling (p. 33), Fire
Bombs (p. 33), Override Blade (p. 34), Shimmer
Read over your Calling Special and pick one Cloak (p. 34).
Advance to start with.
Pirate. Action Suit (p. 31), Jagg Glaive (p. 32),
Pick one of the Scoundrel Kit load outs. Coil Pistol (p. 33), Dowsing Slate (p. 34), Cutting
Torch (p. 34).

Smuggler. Clothes (p. 30), Las-Dragon (p. 33),

Lockbreaker’s Kit (p. 34), Pedi-Truck or
Slipstream Chariot (p. 35).

26 Laser-Ritter
Scoundrel Special
Star-Wise. When you arrive at a new locale,
declare something useful about it you learned from
your last visit and roll vs TN 12. On a failure,
things have changed.

Scoundrel Advances
Return Fire. When you successfully defend
against an attack, spend 1 Saga Token to strike back
and deal Harm to the offending adversary equal to
your DoS.

Evasive Action. When you rapidly or stealthily

act to bypass obstacles or hazards, you may Gamble
a Saga Token to gain Fortune instead of spending it

Shoot First. If there’s ever any question as to who

acts first in a conflict, the answer is you.

Opportunist. When you act with stealth or guile

to get into position to strike, you may add the DoS
to the Harm you inflict on the successful follow up

Vanish. When you successfully defend, you may

immediately withdraw to an adjacent Zone.

One Last Shot. You do not suffer Misfortune

when the Supply of your ammo or battery is reduced
to 1 clear segment.

Forging a Laser-Ritter 27
the Mystic
A guardian of peace and justice. Mystic Saga Triggers
A student of otherworldly truth. These are your triggers for earning Saga Tokens at
the end of each session.
A traveler seeking to rekindle a dead faith.
I addressed a challenge with occult power or
The Mystic is defined by their Wisdom—both their imparted esoteric wisdom.
intuitive sense of truth and their attunement to the
world of magic. They can be a placid sage dispensing I learned something new about the downfall of
occult wisdom, or a fearsome champion charging my mystic tradition.
headlong into conflict.
I expressed the bonds, shared goals, and
personal conflicts with my fellow Laser-Ritters.
Becoming a Mystic
Upon choosing Mystic as your Laser-Ritter’s Calling: Mystic Kit
Increase their Wisdom Action Modifier by 2. Starting Mystics pick one of these load outs.

Write a short detail about the heroic or Ascetic. Clothes (p. 30), Grav Stave (p. 32),
calamitous moment that led you to your Calling. Fusion Lamp (p. 34).

Read over your Calling Special and pick one Peacekeeper. Clothes (p. 30), Icon Blade (p.
Magic Power and one Advance to start with. 32), Med-Doc Kit (p. 35).

Pick one of the Mystic Kit load outs. Seeker. Clothes (p. 30), Coil Rifle (p. 33),
Ascension Kit (p. 35).

28 Laser-Ritter
Mystic Special
Ancient Magic. You can call on your mystic
tradition’s magic powers. Pick 1 to start with. Gain a
new Power whenever you take an Advance marked
with . A list of Magic Powers and how to use them
can be found on the following page.

Mystic Advances
Ray-Bender . Requires Raydancing. You can use
Raydancing to defend against Laser Lances. When
you do, ignore any Misfortune from your Armor.

Shadow Fist . Requires Shadow Hand. You can

wield your telekinetic power as a Ballistic Weapon
with Medium Range.

Far Being . Requires Far Seeing. While you are

Far Seeing, spend 1 Saga Token to manifest a
physical projection of yourself that can act as if you
were present.

Magus . When you call on your magic, you may

Gamble a Saga Token to gain Fortune instead of
spending it outright.

Such Thing as Luck . When you use Pathos to

re-roll a die, don’t mark the track if your roll fails

Mystic Phantom . When you act to lay low and

conceal your mystic nature, take 1 Fortune to your
Action Roll.

Forging a Laser-Ritter 29
Magic Powers A List of Magic Powers
Mystics possess otherworldly abilities that seem like Aura Sense. You can focus your attention to
magic. These powers may stem from natural psychic divine the present emotional state of a single subject
abilities, the study and application of an esoteric in your sight.
philosophy, or a pact with a disembodied
intelligence that dwells in the void of space. That’s Far Seeing. You can focus to cast your attention to
up to you and the rest of the table to determine a distant locale, perceiving events as if you were
during play. present. Other practitioners of mystic arts may
detect your presence.
Rather than describe the parameters of each Power
in excruciating detail, they’re described fairly simply. Midas Mind. Cause a sapient biological to believe
It’s up to the Mystic to work out how they’ll be useful a small object you hold has immense value.
in the same way any other character must figure out
how to use their strength, mobility, judgment, or Psychometry. By touch, you can glean information
charm. When a Power needs a specific game effect, from the psychic residue left on objects including the
it’s the realm of a Mystic Advance. identity and mental state of past owners, and
emotionally charged moments in the object’s history.
Just as any other action, using a Power only requires
a roll when there’s a risk and interesting Raydancing. You can bend light in your
consequences for failure. When a Power does immediate vicinity to create minor visual illusions or
require an Action Roll, we always roll with Wisdom. become temporarily invisible.

Failing a roll to use a Power results in one of the Shadow Hand. You can use your will to project
following consequences, chosen by the Mystic: telekinetic force that can lift small objects, flip
switches, and perform other simple tasks.
The Power is taxed and unusable until the Mystic
has time to rest and recover. Whispers. You can project messages into the
minds of willing subjects. The more intimate your
The Mystic marks Pathos. connection to them, the further you can
The GM may offer alternative consequences that fit
the context of the scene, but the Mystic may always
choose to tax the Power or mark Pathos instead.

30 Laser-Ritter
Forging a Laser-Ritter 31
the Counselor
The last officer of a defunct army. Counselor Saga Triggers
The mastermind of a resistance cell. These are your triggers for earning Saga Tokens at
the end of each session.
The remnant of the world before the hegemony.
I addressed a challenge with authority or forged
The Counselor is defined by their Savvy—their new connections or alliances.
personal magnetism and air of dignity. They can be
a tactician, a master spy, or a washed up diplomat I learned something new about galactic
calling on the last of their favors and privilege. civilization before the hegemony’s rise.

I expressed the bonds, shared goals, and

Becoming a Counselor personal conflicts with my fellow Laser-Ritters.

Upon choosing Counselor as your Laser-Ritter’s

Calling: Counselor Kit
Increase their Savvy Action Modifier by 2. Starting Counselors pick one of these load outs.

Write a short detail about the heroic or Officer. Quilted Jumpsuit (p. 32), Las-Dragon
calamitous moment that led you to your Calling. (p. 35), Credentials—Military Officer’s (p. 36).

Read over your Calling Special and pick one Spy. Clothes (p. 32), Jagg Knife (p. 34), Coil
Advance to start with. Pistol (p. 35), Override Blade (p. 36), False
Identity (p. 36).
Pick one of the Counselor Kit load outs.
Syndic. Clothes (p. 32), Holo Recorder (p. 36),
Credentials—Diplomatic (p. 36).

32 Laser-Ritter
Counselor Special
Diplomatic Contacts. When you arrive at a new
locale, declare who still honors your position. If they
give you aid, it may put them in the hegemony’s

Counselor Advances
Recognition. When you defend yourself against
an agent of the hegemony, you may Gamble a Saga
Token to gain Fortune instead of spending it

Keystone. When an ally takes a blow on your

behalf, they take 1 Fortune to their defense roll.

Diplomatic Instincts. When you ask any player

(including the GM) if their character is deceiving
you, they must answer truthfully: “yes” or “no”.

Gambit. When an ally takes a blow on your behalf,

you may immediately withdraw 1 Zone.

Connected. When you requisition new equipment

in a locale where you have a diplomatic contact, take
1 Fortune.

Good Counsel. When a companion acts on your

advice, hand them a Saga Token to Gamble with. If
the wager is won, take your token back.

Forging a Laser-Ritter 33
4. Armor, Weapons, and Kit
A Laser-Ritter’s Kit is their stuff; the armor, Iconic Kit
weapons, tools, and supplies they rely on during
their adventures. The Kit a Laser-Ritter receives from their Calling is
marked as Iconic. These pieces of gear are vital to a
Laser-Ritter’s capabilities. Laser-Ritters can call on
Use & Wear their resources and training to easily repair or
replace them when they break or are used up.
All pieces of Kit have a three-segment Condition or
Supply Track, depending on whether it’s the sort of Iconic Kit can be upgraded and replaced at the
thing that breaks, like armor or most hand weapons, group’s discretion. Typically when at least two of the
or whether it’s the sort of thing that gets used up, following conditions are met:
like ammunition, batteries, or medicine.
The new Kit completely replaces a piece of Iconic
Jagg Knife equipment, such as a new suit of Armor.

condition / supply The maintenance or fabrication of the Kit is

within the Laser-Ritter’s established skill set.
These segments are marked as the consequence of a
Gamble or Peril, and sometimes to activate a special The Laser-Ritters have a line of supply to any
ability or power unique to the Kit. Mark segments potentially rare or costly replacement parts.
with a single diagonal line.

Jagg Knife Repair & Re-Supply

condition / supply During a Breather (see page 16) Laser-Ritters might
have the opportunity to repair or replenish their Kit.
Once two segments of the track have been filled, the Iconic Kit can be restored in this way even if it’s
Kit is barely holding together or dwindling away. broken or completely used up.
Action Rolls made that depend on the Kit suffer a
level of Misfortune until it is repaired or replenished. Iconic and remaining Kit fully replenish during the
Intermissions between adventures (see page 17)

34 Laser-Ritter
Getting New Kit Counting Guilders
During a Breather (see page 16) Laser-Ritters might We do not count individual units of currency in
steal weapons from hegemony vaults, barter for Laser-Ritter. Our heroes have whatever resources
supplies on distant smuggler moons, or apply their they need to afford food and accommodations except
own ingenious craft to forge new tools. Whatever the when dramatically interesting for them not to.
activity, when a Laser-Ritter wants a new piece of
Kit, they’ll tell the GM what they want and how When needed we can treat exceptional treasure or
they’re trying to get it. The GM will tell them if it is paydays as pieces of Kit with Supply, and lines of
possible to acquire the thing and either say how they credit or funding from a galactic institution as Kit
get it, or lead the player through making an Action with Condition. These Kit could then be used as
Roll about it. collateral when Gambling on rolls to acquire new
equipment, or as justification for trying to acquire
The GM should set the TN for the roll based on the Kit that would otherwise be out of reach.
cost or scarcity of the item in question. Something
common or disposable likely has a low TN, while
costly or restricted items will have a higher TN.
Fortune and Misfortune should be informed by
external factors in acquisition, such as connections
to black markets, access to funds and lines of credit,
and the presence of rival buyers in the market.

Of course, Laser-Ritters can always take Kit off their

defeated opponents. However, this Kit will be in
whatever state of Condition or Supply the previous
owner left it in, including wear and tear from the
recent conflict.

Armor, Weapons, & Kit 35

Armor Light Armor
From the hardened Marboplast Shell worn by Relatively light weight and mobile protection. These
hegemony foot soldiers to the light-drinking Müt- outfits do not interfere with movement and are
Lite Raiment favored by the pirates of Terra Silens, unlikely to draw the attention of hegemony security.
Laser-Ritters depend on their armor and outfit to get

them through their dangerous adventures.

vs hand vs ballistic vs laser resist

Aegis & Vulnerability N/A
Each piece of Armor has a baseline level of Fortune
or Misfortune it confers on Laser-Ritters when they
rely on it to defend against different forms of attack. Everyday clothing, while potentially fashionable,
This is indicated in the character booklet by filling provides no protection against any sort of weapon.
upward pointing diamonds for Fortune, and

Quilted Jumpsuit
downward pointing diamonds for Misfortune.

Armor: Marboplast Shell

vs hand vs ballistic vs laser resist

vs hand vs ballistic vs laser resist +0

These thick quilted coveralls are the favorite garb of
smugglers, pirates, and other spacers.

Armor Resist Rare or custom variants include:

When a Laser-Ritter wearing Armor receives Harm, Corp-Sec Weave. 1 Fortune vs Hand. No
the armor has a chance to completely negate the hit. Misfortune vs Kinetic.
Mark 1 segment of the Armor’s Condition track, roll
a single Action Die, and add the Armor’s Resist Müt-Lite Raiment. No Misfortune vs Laser. May
Modifier to the result. If it is equal to or greater than grant Fortune when sneaking through shadows.
the incoming Harm, it is completely negated.
Void Skin. No Misfortune vs Hand or Laser.
“N/A” means an armor does not have Resist. Vacuum sealed with 12 hours of atmosphere.

36 Laser-Ritter
Heavy Armor
Marboplast Shell
Rugged protection composed, at least in part, of vs hand vs ballistic vs laser resist
rigid plates of a ceramic called Marboplast. These
Armors stand out as military-grade and are
guaranteed to draw attention.

Action Suit
Death-masked suits composed of overlapping plates
of rigid Marboplast. The bleached white shine of
vs hand vs ballistic vs laser resist Shell Armor is the hallmark of hegemony shock
troops. When Shell armor is used by private forces,
it is almost always painted over with personal or
institutional colors to avoid the ire of the hegemony
and their enemies.
Heavy duty coveralls reinforced with small plates of
Marboplast. Action Suits are commonly worn by Rare or custom variants include:
search and rescue teams, civilian security forces, and
the hegemony’s conscripted infantry. Doom Shell. 2 Fortune vs Ballistic. +3 Resist
Rare or custom variants include:
Mirror Shell. 1 Fortune vs Laser. May grant
Armored Void Skin. No Misfortune vs Laser. fortune to endure especially warm environments.
Vacuum sealed with 24 hours of atmosphere.
Power Shell. 2 Fortune vs Ballistic. 1 Fortune
Ballistic Suit. 1 Fortune vs Ballistic. 1 Misfortune to to rolls that rely on brute strength.
rolls to endure especially warm environments.
Void Shell. No Misfortune vs Laser. Vacuum
Scrap Mail. 2 Fortune vs Hand. 1 Misfortune vs sealed with 72 hours of atmosphere.
Ballistic. Exceptionally noisy and bulky.

Armor, Weapons, & Kit 37

Weapons Melee Weapons
A discrete and concealable Jagg Knife. A Coilgun Melee Weapons use the Condition Track.
humming with magnetic power. A Las-Dragon
lancing through the thickest armor. A Laser-Ritter’s Name Damage O. Range
weapon is a trusted companion.
Jagg Knife Hand Close

Damage Type Jagg Glaive Hand Short

Weapons in Laser-Ritter inflict one of three types Grav Knuckles Ballistic Close
of damage: Hand, Ballistic, or Laser. The type of
damage dictates how the Weapon interacts with Grav Stave Ballistic Short
Armor. Namely, what Fortune or Misfortune attacks
against that Armor may have. Icon Blade Laser Close

Icon Lash Laser Short

Optimal Range
Every Weapon has an Optimal Range—the Range Jagg Blades are sharp weapons fit with acoustic
Band at which it is most effective. resonators that vibrate at cutting frequencies. These
blades are standard across the space-faring galaxy,
Melee Weapons cannot target opponents beyond their used by hegemony regulars and pirates alike.
Optimal Range, and suffer a Misfortune when
targeting opponents closer than their Optimal Range. Gravity Weapons are bludgeoning implements
designed to dynamically change their mass as they’re
Ranged Weapons suffer no Misfortune for targeting swung or thrust towards opponents, delivering more
opponents closer than their Optimal Range, though force than should be physically possible. The fist-
some cannot target opponents in Close Range. loading knuckle varieties are popular with
Ranged Weapons can target opponents outside their smugglers and pirates, while staves are favored by
Optimal Range, but suffer 1 Misfortune for every the bodyguards of hegemony VIPs.
band their target exceeds their Optimal Range.
Icon Blades and Lashes are artifacts of a dead
Range Bands and Zones are discussed in more detail religion. Their cutting edge is composed of pure
on page 14. thought—the very idea of sharpness. These weapons
are exceedingly rare and outlawed in the hegemony.

38 Laser-Ritter
Ranged Weapons Grenades & Explosives
Ranged Weapons use the Condition Track, but These weapons can be thrown out to their Optimal
requires ammunition with a Supply Track. The Range and attack all targets within their target Zone.
Weapon does not work if either track is filled. They can also be fired from Kinetic Slings, using
that weapon’s Optimal Range and otherwise having
Name Damage O. Range the same effect.

Kinetic Sling Hand* Medium Grenades use the Supply Track.

Coil Pistol Ballistic Short Name Damage O. Range

Coil Rifle Ballistic Medium Fire Bomb Hand Short*

Las-Dragon Laser Medium Acoustic Grenade Ballistic Short*

Las-Lock Laser Long Thermal Mine Laser Short*

Kinetic Slings use the same technology found in Fire Bombs are incendiary weapons designed to
Gravity Knuckles to hurl small objects. While shock and distract opponents by lighting them on
relatively ineffective using improvised ammunition, fire. Most forms of combat armor are coated with
they can be used in conjunction with grenades to flame retardant chemicals specifically to counter
deliver a variety of payloads at great distances. these easily improvised grenades.

Coilguns use magnets to hurl metal projectiles at Acoustic Grenades come in many varieties.
super-sonic velocities. By virtue of being cheap and Some utilize concussive force to cause lethal internal
easy to manufacture, these are the most common injury. Others are tuned to simply debilitate their
weapons in the space-faring galaxy. Hegemony troops targets with pain and vertigo.
are outfitted expressly to protect against them.
Thermal Mines flood their vicinity with extreme
Laser Lances fire beams of concentrated light heat, using plasma or microwaves to cook their
that burn through almost any material. While not targets where they stand.
illegal or restricted by the hegemony, These weapons
are expensive and difficult to maintain, and so are
only widely used by hegemony shock troopers.

Armor, Weapons, & Kit 39

Kit Tools
The other tools, supplies, and accessories used by Gadgets that make a Laser-Ritter’s tasks a little bit
Laser-Ritters are their Kit. They include things like easier. Tools have Condition Tracks.
Hand Comms, Dowsing Slates, and Re-Breathers.
Credentials. Documents and a badge marking the
wearer as a (former) member of a galactic
Electronics organization. Could be a diplomatic corps, military
force, bounty hunter’s collective, or some other
Hand-held devices and gadgets. Most have internal interest group. Are they sanctioned by the
power sources and are easily re-charged. They tend hegemony, or an independent body?
to be fairly fragile and have Condition Tracks.
Cutting Torch. A plasma torch that can slowly cut
Dowsing Slate. A thin slab of black glass that through most non-capital starship hulls. Can be
lights up and points towards the closest source of powered by either a Las-Battery or a Fuel Cell.
water. They can be reprogrammed to point towards
other resources and life-forms. False Identity. A convincing counterfeit hegemony
identity card able to fool routine inspection.
Fusion Lamp. A hand-held device that harnesses
a fusion power-cell to shed bright light and serve as Lockbreaker’s Kit. A set of tools for bypassing
a re-charging hub for other electronics. Prone to mechanical locks including picks, files, and a prybar.
hazardous meltdowns.
Mecher’s Toolbox. A metal cylinder jam-packed
Hand Comm. A long distance audio receiver and with spanners and other gadgets for making repairs
transmitter. They can broadcast on public airwaves and adjustments to all sorts of equipment including
or be networked to communicate through a relay— vehicles, high-tech weapons, and starships.
usually the comm system of a starship. Can receive
but not transmit holographic messages. Re-Breather Mask. A face mask that protects the
wearer’s eyes, nose, and mouth. A character wearing
Holo Recorder. A trio of hovering camera drones a Re-Breather Mask can filter out smoke and poison,
for capturing three dimensional images to a local but still requires atmosphere.
data reservoir.
Shimmer Cloak. A hooded cloak or long coat
Override Blade. A thin data card loaded with woven with an attention-scattering micro-pattern.
malicious software used to get quick, illicit access to When connected to a Las-Battery, it can eat 1
protected computer consoles. segment of Supply to become momentarily invisible.

40 Laser-Ritter
Vehicles Consumables
Terrestrial vehicles for traversing land, air, and sea. Ammunition, batteries, fuel cells, and other
Vehicles have Condition Tracks, but require a Fuel important things that are used up. Consumables
Cell to operate. have Supply Tracks.

Howling Bike. A hovering jet engine with a saddle Ascension Kit. A harness fit with climbing spikes,
seat and handlebars. Howling Bikes are fast, liquid rope, pulleys, and a grapple spike that can be
dangerous, and loud. They’re common, and almost thrown or launched from a coilgun or kinetic sling.
necessary, on densely populated, vertically oriented Used to aid in the ascension of walls, cliffs, and other
city worlds. vertical obstacles.

Jump Module. An anti-gravity harness, jet pack, Atmo Cannister. A canister of pressurized,
or pair of rocket boots. Can be used to make brief breathable atmosphere. Used to replenish Void Skin
jumps without necessarily consuming fuel Supply. reservoirs or to link to a Re-Breather to convert it
Hovering or otherwise remaining airborne always into a makeshift vacuum mask.
consumes at least one segment of fuel Supply.
Coil Slugs. A case of magnetized metal slugs or
Pedi-Truck. A six-legged, open-top land vehicle flechettes designed to be fired from a Coilgun.
that can fit one driver and up to 5 passengers. Pedi-
Trucks can traverse relatively flat, open terrain as Fuel Cell. A thermos-size battery for powering all
rapidly as a wheeled vehicle and is only marginally sorts of terrestrial vehicles.
slowed by obstacles and rough terrain.
Las-Battery. Small battery packs that slot into
Slipstream Chariot. A high speed boat- Las-Dragons, Las-Locks, and other Laser Lances.
submersible. Requires a pilot and co-pilot and can
seat six additional passengers. Med-Doc Kit. A baggy stuffed with laser-scalpels,
tubes of bio-sutures, and common antitoxins,
painkillers, and other medications.

Ration Packs. Vacuum-sealed packs of

nutritionally complete food substances. Cheap
Ration Packs are bars of cold, vat-processed protein.
Luxury Ration Packs are fancy meals with built in
heating elements.

Armor, Weapons, & Kit 41

5. Adversaries
Adversaries are our Laser-Ritter’s opponents. The Adversarial Traits
supporting characters that fill the role of antagonist,
whether canon fodder or mastermind, rival or Adversaries have four Traits, each rated from 10 to 16.
nemesis. Not every supporting character needs to be These are used as Threshold Numbers when the
written up to this detail, and Adversaries are simple Laser-Ritters act against them. These Traits are:
enough that they can be improvised pretty quickly.
We’ve provided some examples in this chapter to get Menace is an Adversary’s physical prowess and
you started. staying power. Roll against Menace when the
action depends on overcoming the Adversary’s
raw toughness, strength, or grit.
Running Adversaries
Skill is an Adversary’s coordination and reflex.
Adversaries do not make Action Rolls. When they act Roll against Skill when the action depends on
on the Laser-Ritters, our heroes roll to defend defeating an Adversary’s reaction time or evading
against or resist them. Rolls made to assail or protect their precise or swift efforts.
against Adversaries derive their Threshold Number
from the Adversary’s Traits. Gnosis is an Adversary’s intuition and occult
receptivity. Roll against Gnosis when the action
Each Adversary’s entry will give a breakdown of their depends on defeating an Adversary’s good
usual priorities and tactics in a conflict that will help judgment or resisting their magical talents.
you decide what they do. These are, of course,
general and subject to change with the context of a Clout is an Adversary’s social standing and
conflict and their individual personality established authority. Roll against Clout when the action
during play. depends on overcoming the Adversary’s sense of
duty or tearing down their confidence.
While Adversaries hold the spotlight as described in
the procedures on page 14, they can do the same Sometimes a Laser-Ritter will want to roll against a
sorts of things as Laser-Ritters except, they do not Trait that seems less likely than another. It is the
make Action Rolls but instead force the Laser-Ritters GM’s final call, but they could defer to the Laser-
to roll. Ritter’s preference, at the cost of a Misfortune.

42 Laser-Ritter
The Threat Slate
An Adversary’s Threat Slate is quick display of all their relevant features for a conflict including their Trait
scores and all their Kit and other modes of violent force. It’s not a substitution for a holistic understanding of
their capabilities, tactics, and outlook, but it’ll do for quick reference.

Hegemony Shock-Trooper An Adversary’s Name. It

could describe the kind of
The Adversary’s Traits. MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT Adversary they are or be a
Use these to determine the personal name if they’re
TN of rolls made against
12 14 10 12 unique or important.

The adversary’s Armor. Adversaries have Harm

The diamonds represent
MARBOPLAST SHELL HP Points (HP) instead of
how effective the armor is vs hand vs Ballistic vs laser Vitality. Harm inflicted by
against Hand, Ballistic, Laser-Ritter’s reduces an
and Laser weapons. 6 Adversary’s HP. When
their HP reaches 0 or less,
the Adversary is defeated.
Adversary’s have Kit, like LAS-LOCK | LONG
Laser-Ritters do. Weapons | A LASER RIFLE | LASER condition
will list their Optimal
Range and damage type. ACOUSTIC GRENADES | SHORT When Adversary Kit has
Other Kit will list the | CONCUSSIVE BOMBS | BALLISTIC supply Supply, mark it when it’s
scale on which they work used. Condition is
and what they’re used for. RE-BREATHER MASK | PERSONAL marked only as a result of
| FILTERS SMOKE & TOXIC GAS condition the Laser-Ritter’s actions.

Adversary’s have Kit aside Other Kit: Rank & Company Insignia,
from what’s useful in a scrap. Dowsing Slate, Squad Comms,
They may be important in Environment Appropriate Survival Gear.
other situations!

Adversaries 43
Hegemony Hegemony Shock-Trooper
The gendarmerie of the hegemony keeps the galaxy
pacified at laser point. On the galactic rim, their 12 14 10 12
dread Shock-Troopers spearhead invasions and
occupations of as yet unaffiliated worlds. Deep
within hegemony territory secret police and other MARBOPLAST SHELL HP
internal security forces ensure their citizens stay
obedient and productive. vs hand vs ballistic vs laser

The elite commandos of the hegemony’s army. LAS-LOCK | LONG
Shock-Troopers wade into battle armed with cutting | A LASER RIFLE | LASER condition
laser lances and armored in the sturdiest shell. Their
doctrine relies on overwhelming force and the ACOUSTIC GRENADES | SHORT
confidence that no backwater militia can counter | CONCUSSIVE BOMBS | BALLISTIC supply
their armaments.
Shock-Troopers hit the first obvious enemy in front | FILTERS SMOKE & TOXIC GAS condition
of them and wade into melee incautiously. When
they encounter stiff opposition, they’ll try to box Other Kit: Rank & Company Insignia,
them in and bombard them with grenades. In the Dowsing Slate, Squad Comms,
rare instance they run into resistance armed with Environment Appropriate Survival Gear,
shell-melting laser weapons, they’ll try to fall back in High Calorie Rations.
disarray. Their greatest weakness is their over
confidence and reliance on brute force tactics.

44 Laser-Ritter
Hegemony Conscripts The rank and file of the hegemony’s armed forces
MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT are conscripts harvested from densely populated
industrial world and the re-educated survivors of
recent conquests. Where Shock-Troopers are the
10 12 10 11 spear head of the hegemony, Conscripts are the
shaft. While Shock-Troopers lead the way in seizing
new territory, Conscripts follow closely, mopping up
ACTION SUIT HP and holding ground.
vs hand vs ballistic vs laser
Conscripts are incredibly skittish opponents. They’ll
3 stay as far away from direct engagement as possible
while peppering their opponents with laser fire. If
they meet heavy resistance without backup nearby,
LAS-LOCK | LONG or an officer to keep them in line, they’ll bolt. When
| A LASER RIFLE | LASER cornered they can fix bayonets, but they’ll likely
surrender if given a chance.
| A WICKED EDGE | HAND condition



Other Kit: Rank & Company Insignia, Squad

Comms, Poor Quality Rations, A Memento
From Home.

Adversaries 45
Deputy Commanders
An officer of the hegemony trusted with the Hegemony Deputy Commander
command of 30 to 60 Conscripts or a dozen or so MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT
Shock-Troopers. The primary role of a Deputy-
Commander is to oversee the execution of orders
from on high and to ensure the continued obedience 12 13 12 14
of conscripts. They are not, however, immune to
ambition. It is not unheard of for a Deputy
Commander to go off mission if they think it will ACTION SUIT HP
advance their career. vs hand vs ballistic vs laser

When deployed alongside Shock-Troopers, Deputy 6

Commanders tend to hang back and let their
subordinates lead the way, providing tactical advice
and moral support. LAS-DRAGON | MEDIUM
| A LASER PISTOL | LASER condition
When deployed with Conscripts, Deputy
Commanders often find it necessary to take point, GRAV KNUCKLES | CLOSE
leading the charge in the hopes of inspiring their | PACKS A PUNCH | BALLISTIC condition
troops. A few however, develop the habit of leading
from behind and using the threat of summary RE-BREATHER MASK | PERSONAL
execution by Las-Dragon to motivate. | FILTERS SMOKE & TOXIC GAS condition
However they’re deployed, Deputy Commanders Other Kit: Rank & Company Insignia,
tend to be true believers in the hegemony; or, at Dowsing Slate, Squad Comms,
least, opportunists who use their military to advance Environment Appropriate Survival Gear,
their position, wealth, or prestige. As such, they can Luxury Rations, Sealed Orders.
be especially committed and tenacious foes.

46 Laser-Ritter
Hegemony Praetorian An elite bodyguard and agent of the hegemony’s
MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT ruling class. While Praetorians are most often found
deep in the galactic core, they are sometimes
deployed to oversee especially sensitive operations or
14 13 12 13 as a sign of favor to an up and coming officer.

Praetorians are frighteningly intelligent opponents.

MIRROR SHELL HP They’ll single out soft targets to eliminate quickly
vs hand vs ballistic vs laser and, given their standing and reputation, their
subordinates are usually eager to follow their lead.
12 When obviously outmatched, Praetorians will
sacrifice their subordinates to secure their escape.
What’s more, their subordinates will go to the block
GRAV STAVE | SHORT eagerly, whether from fear of the Praetorian or
| A TECH BLUDGEON | BALLISTIC regard for their position.

| A LASER PISTOL | LASER condition



Other Kit: Hegemonic Sanction, Override

Blade, Private Comms, Environment
Appropriate Survival Gear, High Calorie
Rations, Encrypted Orders.

Adversaries 47
Scum Junkworld Howlers
Independent spacers, scattered dissidents and
guerrillas, organized criminals. To the hegemony, MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT
they’re all “scum.” These Adversaries do not
represent a unified organization. They are disparate, 12 13 10 10
non-hegemony actors that the Laser-Ritters might
run afoul of.
Junkworld Howlers vs hand vs ballistic vs laser

These rowdy warriors rule the skies of neglected 4

industrial hubs and terrorize the underbelly of the
galaxy’s core jewels. Mounted on perilous, saddle-
seated hover craft, Howlers do what they must to JAGG GLAIVE | SHORT
keep flying another day. | A LONG SHARPNESS | HAND condition
Howlers don’t engage in battle without a clear COIL PISTOL | SHORT
objective. When they clash with Laser-Ritters, it’s | MAGNETIC HANDGUN | BALLISTIC condition
usually because they’re after the same prize.
Deprived of a reason to keep scrapping, they’ll ride HOWLING BIKE | PERSONAL
off into the sunset rather than battle to the end. | A JET-POWERED HOVER-BIKE condition
When they can, Howlers will use their bikes to full Other Kit: Cutting Torch, Ascension Kit,
effect, zipping around the battlefield to outmaneuver Hand Comm, Enough Spare Scratch for a
their opponents. Their bikes are their most prized Night on the Town.
possessions, and they’ll likely retreat before they risk
losing the freedom of the skies.

48 Laser-Ritter
Ship-Jackers Pirates who wait in the dark void to avail themselves
MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT of passing ships. They may have connections to a
wrecker who can sell them off for spare parts, harbor
ambitions of amassing an outlaw fleet, or just be
12 12 12 10 looking for an unwilling ride back to a settled world.

Ship-Jackers avoid direct confrontation. Instead,

VOID SKIN HP they’ll employ all manner of subterfuge and trickery
vs hand vs ballistic vs laser to try and separate their marks from their ships.
They’re especially fond of sabotaging life support
3 and relying on their own Void Skins to survive as
their marks slowly succumb to hypoxia and the cold.

JAGG KNIFE | CLOSE Some Ship-Jackers have ships of their own or

| A TREMBLING SHIV | HAND arrange pickups in case of jobs gone bad. In these
instances, they’ll usually not stick around to slug it
COIL PISTOL | SHORT out if the tables turn. If they’re stranded and
| MAGNETIC HANDGUN | BALLISTIC desperate, however, they may find fighting to the
death preferable to the cold embrace of space.
Other Kit: Cutting Torch, Mecher’s Tools,
Spare Atmo, Hand Comm, (Fake?) S.O.S.

Adversaries 49
Sanctioned Hunter
Before the hegemony united the galactic core, Sanctioned Hunter
Hunters kept the peace between systems. When MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT
criminals sought to escape justice by skipping
worlds, Hunters tracked them down for a bounty.
Today, the Hunter’s Collective still sanctions new 13 14 13 11
members, but the honor and glory of the past is long
dead. Contemporary Hunters work as hired killers as
often as they serve interstellar law. MÜT-LITE RAIMENT HP
vs hand vs ballistic vs laser
Some Hunters follow archaic codes of honor and
sportsmanship, but just as many are completely 8

Hunters are clever and tenacious opponents. They’ll GRAV KNUCKLES | CLOSE
try and snipe Laser-Ritter’s from cover, lead them | PACKS A PUNCH | BALLISTIC condition
into traps and ambushes, or make common cause
with other Adversaries to take them down. The COIL RIFLE | MEDIUM
moment the odds look bad, a Hunter will fall back to | MAGNETIC LONGGUN | BALLISTIC condition
lick their wounds and plan another attack.

Other Kit: Credentials—Hunter Sanction,

Dowsing Slate, Holo Recorder, Ascension
Kit, A List of Death Marks.

50 Laser-Ritter
Mystic Exile
Mystic Exile When the hegemony rose to power, they suppressed
MENACE SKILL GNOSIS CLOUT an ancient mystery religion. Now, little remains of
their teachings save artifacts in private collections
and a few scattered survivors. The Exile is such a
15 13 15 12 survivor.

Every Exile is different. Some still cling to their old

QUILTED JUMPSUIT HP traditions and seek out students to inherit their
vs hand vs ballistic vs laser teachings and commitments. Others have fallen to
cynicism and now use their abilities to further their
10 own ends, or else commit their efforts to erasing all
evidence that their tradition existed.






Other Kit: Fusion Lamp, False Identity,

Ascension Kit, Environment Appropriate
Survival Gear, Ancient Religious Texts.

Special—Powers: the Mystic Exile has two Magic

Powers that have a Pathos Track instead of Condition
or Supply. If it fits the fiction, Exiles can mark
Pathos on a Power to Resist incoming Harm using
the Armor Resist rules on page 15.

Adversaries 51
Appendix A: Inspirations
Ludography Related Media
The following games, listed in alphabetical order, Laser-Ritter was inspired by the following pieces
were influential to the design of Laser-Ritter. of media, especially as the questions they left
unanswered worked on our young imagination.
6e by Jared Sinclair. The layout and
presentation of Callings are inspired by the class A New Hope (1977) by George Lucas.
playbooks in this fantasy adventure game.
The Empire Strikes Back (1980) by Irvin
Airlock by Chad Walker. The Relationship Kershner, Leigh Brackett, Lawrence Kasdan, and
framework is borrowed from this cinematic space George Lucas.
adventure game.
Return of the Jedi (1983) by Richard
Dungeon Crawl Classics by Joseph Marquand, Lawrence Kasdan, and George Lucas.
Goodman. The Stunt mechanic is inspired by
this classic-yet-weird dungeon crawler. The Three Musketeers (1993) by Stephen
Herek, Alexandre Dumans, and David Loughery,
Five Torches Deep by Ben Dutter. The
elegance of this dungeon crawler’s layout was a Treasure Planet (2002) by Ron Clements,
great inspiration. John Musker, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rob
Edwards, Ted Elliott, and Terry Rossio.
Tunnel Goons by Nate Treme. Many lessons
learned hacking this minimalist adventure game
were applied in development.

52 Laser-Ritter

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