Process Control Intro

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Process Control Introduction

The two main subjects of this process control course are process dynamics and process control.

Process dynamics refers to unsteady-state (or transient) process behavior (time-varying

behavior). Transient operation occurs during important situations such as start-ups and shutdowns,
unusual process disturbances, and planned transitions from one product grade to another.
Consequently, the first term of this course is concerned with process dynamics.

The second term of this course will focus on process control. Controlling the unsteady state
behavior and bring the system back to the steady–state is referred to process control. The primary
objective of process control is to maintain a process at the desired operating conditions, safely and
economically, while satisfying environmental and product quality requirements. The subject of process
control is concerned with how to achieve these goals.

Process: The conversion of feed materials to products using chemical and physical operations. There
are three broad categories of processes: continuous, batch, and semibatch. See the following figures.

Some Typical Continuous Processes

Some Typical Noncontinuous Processes

1.1 Process Control Terminology

• controlled variables (CV): these are the variables which quantify the performance or quality of the final
product, which are also called output variables.

• manipulated variables (MV): these input variables are adjusted dynamically to keep the controlled
variables at their set-points (SP).

• disturbance variables (DV): these are also called "load" variables and represent input variables that
can cause the controlled variables to deviate from their respective set points.

1.2 Control Systems

Control systems are used to maintain process conditions at their desired values by manipulating
certain process variables to adjust the variables of interest. For examples, automobile cruise control
system, hot water tank control system, home thermostat control system, etc.

• The ability to maintain the process variable at its desired value in spite of disturbances that might be
experienced (this is termed disturbance rejection), also called regulatory control or load change.
• The ability to move the process variable from one setting to a new desired setting (this is termed set
point tracking), also called servomechanism (or "servo") control.
• Closed-loop control system (Automatic mode) refers to the fact that the controller automatically acts
to return the controlled variable to its desired value.
• Open-loop control system (manual mode) would have the measurement signal disconnected from
the controller, and the controller output would have to be manually adjusted to change the value of the
controlled variable.
• Cascade Mode refers to the connection of 2 controllers: one as a master (at auto mode) and one as a
slave (at cascade mode).
• There are several types of conventional controllers such as on/off, P, PI, and PID.

Simplified blocks of process before control

1.2.1 Feedback Control:

• Distinguishing feature: measure the controlled variable

• It is important to make a distinction between negative feedback and positive feedback.
• Engineering Usage vs. Social Sciences
• Corrective action is taken regardless of the source of the disturbance.
• Reduces sensitivity of the controlled variable to disturbances and changes in the process (shown later).
• No corrective action occurs until after the disturbance has upset the process, that is, until after x differs from xsp.
• Very oscillatory responses, or even instability…

1.2.2 Feedforward Control:

• Distinguishing feature: measure a disturbance variable

• Correct for disturbance before it upsets the process.
• Must be able to measure the disturbance.
• No corrective action for unmeasured disturbances.
Simplified Feed forward and feedback block diagrams Generalized Feedback Control System

1.2.3 Feed forward-Feed backward Control System:

A block diagram of a feedforward–feedback control system

1.2.4 Illustrative Examples:
A. Blending System (Composition Control)

1. w1 is constant
2. x2 = constant = 1 (stream 2 is pure A)
3. Perfect mixing in the tank

Control Objective:
Keep x at a desired value (or “set point”) xsp, despite
variations in x1(t). Flow rate w2 can be adjusted for this

Blending system
• Controlled variable (or “output variable”): x
• Manipulated variable (or “input variable”): w2
• w1, w2 and w are mass flow rates • Disturbance variable (or “load variable”): x1
• x1, x2 and x are mass fractions of component A

A. Blending System (Composition Control) (Contd.)

Design Question:
What value of wlj 2 is required to have xlj = xSP ?

Overall balance:
0 = wlj 1 + wlj 2 − wlj (1)
Component A balance:
wlj 1 xlj 1 + wlj 2 xlj 2 − wlj xlj = 0 (2)
(The overbars denote nominal steady-state design values.)
At the design conditions, xlj = xSP . Substitute Eq. 1-2, xlj = xSP and xlj 2 = 1, then solve Eq. 2 for wlj 2 :
xSP −xlj 1
wlj 2 = wlj 1 (3)

Eqn. 3 is the design equation for the blending system.

If our assumptions are correct, then this value of wlj 2 will keep xlj at xSP . But what if conditions change?

Control Question:
Suppose that the inlet concentration x1 changes with time. How can we ensure that x remains at or near the set point xSP ?
As a specific example, if x1 > xlj 1 and w2 = wlj 2 , then x > xsp.
The following methods are some possible control strategies:

Method 1: Measure x and adjust w2 (Feed backward method)

• Intuitively, if x is too high, we should reduce w2;
• Manual control vs. automatic control
• Proportional feedback control law,
w2 t = wlj 2 + K c xSP − x t (4)
Kc is called the controller gain.
w2(t) and x(t) denote variables that change with time t.
The change in the flow rate, w2 t − wlj 2 , is proportional to the
deviation from the set point, xsp – x(t). Schematic diagram of control method1 (composition feedback
control) for blending system example

Block diagram of composition feedback control system for a stirred- tank

Method 2: Measure x1 and adjust w2 (Feed forward method)
• Thus, if x1 is greater than x1, we would decrease w2 so that w2  w2 ;
• One approach: Consider Eq. (3) and replace x1 and w2 with x1(t)
xSP −x1 t
w2 t = wlj 1 (5)

Because Eq. (3) applies only at steady state, it is not clear

how effective the control law in Eq. (5) will be for transient

Schematic diagram of composition feedforward control (control

method2) for the blending system

Method 3: Measure x1 and x, adjust w2 (Feed forward-feed backward)
• This approach is a combination of Methods 1 and 2.

Block diagram of feedforward–feedback control (method3) for the blending

Control Strategies for the Blending System
Method 4: Use a larger tank
• If a larger tank is used, fluctuations in x1 will tend to be damped
out due to the larger capacitance of the tank contents.
• However, a larger tank means an increased capital cost.

B- Boiler Drum (Level Control)

Feedback liquid level control in a Feedforward liquid level control in a Feedforward–feedback liquid level control of
Boiler drum boiler drum the boiler drum

C. Artificial Pancreas (glucose control) D. Stirred-Tank Heater System

Schematic diagram of temperature feedback control

system for a stirred-tank heater
Schematic diagram of glucose feedback control system
for an artificial pancreas

Q/ Construct a block diagram of glucose feedback control

system for an artificial pancreas?

Block diagram of temperature feedback control system for a

stirred-tank heater
E. Steam-Heated Tank System

Schematic diagram of temperature feedback control Block diagram of temperature feedback control system for a
system for a steam-heated stirred-tank steam- heated tank

1.2.5 Multiloop Control vs. Multivariable Control Strategy

• Multiloop control strategy:

Each control loop uses a single
manipulated variable to control a single
controlled variable. In the above distillation
column, a conventional multiloop control
strategy consists of five feedback control

• Multivariable control:
Each manipulated variable is
adjusted based on the measurements of at
least two controlled variables using the
process dynamic model that indicates how
the manipulated variables affect the
controlled variables. Model Predictive Control
(MPC) is a specific type of multivariable
Controlled and manipulated variables for a typical distillation column
control which has had a major impact on
industrial practice

1.3 Justification of Process Control

1.3.1 Specific Objectives of Control

a- Increased product throughput, b- Increased yield of higher valued products, c- Decreased energy consumption, d- Decreased pollution,
e- Decreased off-spec product, f- Increased Safety, g- Extended life of equipment, h- Improved Operability, I- Decreased production labor

1.3.2 Economic Incentives - Advanced Control

Product (%ethane) variability over time: (a) before improved control

(b) after improved control Product quality (%ethane) distribution curves

1.4 Hierarchy of Process Control Activities
The process control activities are organized in the form of a hierarchy with required functions at lower
levels and desirable, but optional, functions at higher levels. See the following figure:
(day s- mont hs ) 5. Planning and
Sc heduling

(hours -day s ) 4. R eal-T im e

Opt imiz ation

3b. Mult ivariable

(m inut es -hours ) and C ons t raint
C ont rol

(s ec onds -m inutes) 3a. R egulatory

C ont rol

2. Saf et y, Environm ent

(< 1 s ec ond) and Equipm ent
Prot ec t ion

(< 1 s ec ond) 1. Measurem ent

and Ac tuation

Proc es s

1.5 An Overview of Control System Design
There are two approaches of control system design:
1. Traditional Approach: The control strategy and control
system hardware are selected based on knowledge of the
process, experience, and insight. After the control system is
installed in the plant, the controller settings are adjusted
(controller tuning).
2. Model-Based Approach: A dynamic model of the
process is first developed that can be helpful in at least
three ways: (i) it can be used as the basis for model-based
controller design methods, (ii) the dynamic model can be
incorporated directly in the control law (e.g., model
predictive control), and (iii) the model can be used in a
computer simulation to evaluate alternative control
strategies and to determine preliminary values of the
controller settings.
The major steps involved in designing and installing a control
system using the model-based approach are shown in the
following chart:
Definitions Summary
Block diagram —Diagram that indicates the flow of information
around the control system and the function of each part of the
Manipulated variable —Process variable that is adjusted to bring the
controlled variable back to the set point.
Closed loop —In closed loop, the measured value of the controlled
Negative feedback —In negative feedback, the error is the difference
variable is fed back to the controller.
between the set point and the measured variable (this is usually the
desired configuration).
Controlled variable —The process variable that we want to maintain
at a particular value.
Offset —The steady-state value of the error.
Controller —A device that outputs a signal to the process based on
Open loop —In open loop, the measured value of the controlled
the magnitude of the error signal. A proportional controller outputs a
variable is not fed back to the controller.
signal proportional to the error.
Positive feedback —In positive feedback, the measured temperature
Disturbance rejection (Regulatory Control) — One goal of a
is added to the set point. (This is usually an undesirable situation and
control system, which is to enable the system to “reject” the effect of
frequently leads to instability.)
disturbance changes and maintain the controlled variable at the set
Set point —The desired value of the controlled variable.
Disturbances —Any process variables that can cause the controlled
Set point tracking (Servo Control) —One goal of a control system,
variable to change. In general, disturbances are variables that we
which is to force the system to follow or “track” requested set point
have no control over.
Error —The difference between the values of the set point and the
measured variable.

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