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Unit 2-Jhaetlng

Chopei Wky PicD ye

we tlauel by Pico

Jhoauellung a a libesating ezpeviente

e Lens entielt n tharel
beudens eueyday &le t esponibluliis thot htd

back. AD nAibtiend
newes pesiblilu leaue Custums belicp3.
7opns Amd elt

nDt Aecegnized by o piorpevmenal/s0ual standu

freed of inesetial labels
ollow mpulw
JAaullng as seanch fer seL
atentim l s p ilial nu
seplë fuom ouupolay iye- pay
a thuk anl Aktic m r i nstiong
>Y Dauellug Cempels us
quLslien u l belie and reconsi di opinisr
quietude and Branqulilj couM pUülal auwakenug-e
erpl e ast ezpase b 0 Uni smu.

Jhullug s &ich bu Pospeclune

"Jhameug u ndtaluays aheut uwi ig nw placu but
seg tham nth nuw yes/tioogh fua peupectiu
Laeel Pus
puspecliny ont wsal, Lmuled G us
g u s us olp wnostanciuig of Aumandly, btoadu tisugF

pio Ces mullue puspectiins.

abeutbeath tahing landsCapes bu
u t enly
alse hansh Aeal as ( Aondsnapspeliy duuiminati.
neuntains o d e m l i ane
aestheticolly pla pleag but
ls lne en
a identiby Rt p0 thee muconceplo
Enables Cullinal Ezchange
and eustormd with thu
nle kant. gus heliets thawsllos.
(Tsen siey) g Jhe wlu aluays taks Mica Todon
DeN b Kyotd and 000 Aom wouun iho to

b s hel
N o t enly u l n e , dieams l aloo exhanged

h i l Tallug wt Cay thurgs thot ont banc nucceili

A i nal ois00upliag erset nexential um

u s tuem hat Ante bt Lit malual tbemors

wfn L iauu, we mL bon agau-9uuus ww uw

pups/ motuatieu) buugi he chid in us eut Mde
Euy me P-T a f tsu he hups unkng o
thott place & uuisuiig it touugh pics & olisy eny
*Aduente u u Lenotony

Cerpinement in hemes mak

us dull Uiauul quu us

aduentuu and thoull

what guu ualut to bauel u fe"

t h dmands us l be meu alut 6 aci

Jaauellng makes us guusuon the fizuly t identitu

r s identily u nst fixed /singulas

PMAOn mull neu pespl absods cutaun >amalgan t dn
tila t i u
aCces outt Cultuuu

anl human u
We CaMy mulituds t h n u no

Conud E 6n iolentily


human mud acue

e z h a u s l i o n tom boung Houline
(tianullug pug)

hyps chLtk on pyuolitu

wauu Cmplu- uke sus nnu self
romain intewiig, wnedug enthuiasm.
22> 4ac
40c wsld n all l l iangenus andl ntamulianuy

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