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PrimeTrade BITCOLD INVESTMENT | CONTRACT Cus eet g pee ere USA ARN: 24356734 ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS Welcome to our investment platform. These are our terms and conditions for the investment, which you may access in several ways. In these terms and conditions, when we say "BitGold” we mean the platform operated by on behalf of Prime Trade. Regardless of how you invest on the platform you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Clients (Herein after called "Planner") signing up on BitGold investment plan with Prime Trade (Herein After called "PT") authorize PT to invest on their behalf. PT commits to pay planners the certain profits ‘earned got thier chosen investment plan for thier period of investment in BitGold. PT holds the profits ‘earned on it’s custody on behalf of i's planners. Minimum investment plan agreement as well as minimum balance hold is equivalent to the desired plan. BitGold investment plan can be signed up both on private individuals and companies. Minimum regular or additional investment is equivalent to the prospective plan. Minimum number of investment to be made is one in which they must have reached the period in BitGold investment plan, All planners signed up for BitGold investment have trade account as thier main account. Trade account also works as a transaction showing the transaction history of the account holders BitGold investment. plan with PT. All investment plan with first be confirmed with the barcode generated to the trade ‘account for activation. If there hasn't been any other investment plan no profits can be earned. ‘There is no profit payable to trade account if trade account hasn't been activated for the period of 7days. When activated the profits earned would now be transferred to the trade account within the trade period. ‘Transfers into the trade account can be made on any day. Withdrawal from trade accounts would be paid into the accounts holders bank accounts Instantly at the end of the trade period. Planners can also make payments to an international card linked to thier trade account. The number of, withdrawals from trade account are unlimited and free of charge. Desired investment plan is subjected to impromptu upgrade. Where planners need to top-up Investment to meet the now required plan. ARN: 24356734 ABOUT BITGOLD BitGold is a 2005 proposal by Nick Szabo for a financial system that combines different elements of cryptography and mining to accomplish decentralization. These elements include timestamped blocks that are stored in a title registry and are generated using "proof of work’ strings. In his post announcing bit gold, Szabo proposed a decentralized proof of work function that could be "securely stored, transferred, and assayed with minimal trust.” UNDERSTANDING BITGOLD ’As described by Szabo in his original proposal, the "BitGold” system consists of seven steps. it starts with generating a public challenge string using a benchmark function (similar to the mathematical computation puzzle used to earn bitcoin). The user generates a “proof of work” string from the benchmark function, and details relating to the transaction are stored ina ttle registry (analogous to a blockchain in the consensus system). In Szabo's system, the last bit of string is responsible for creating the next set of strings. This is similar to the block creation process in bitcoin, where hash addresses are used as headers pointing to the next set of blocks. ABOUT PRIME TRADE Dr. James Howkins is the founder and CEO of Prime Trade which was established May 7, 2006. He isa ‘computer engineer, scientist and cryptographer known for various achievements in digital contracts and currencies. He attended alongside Nick Szabo and graduated from the University of Washington with 2 'Sc in computer science (1988) business management (1992) and received MSc and a PhO degree from Harvard University in Accounting and finance. ‘OUR MISSION We are here because we are passionate about open, transparent markets and aim to be a major driving force in widespread adoption, we are the first and best in cryptocurrency (OUR ADVANTAGE (Our mission as an official partner of the Bitcoin foundation is to help you enter and better understand. the world of #1 cryptocurrency and avoid any issues you may encounter. (OUR GUARANTEE To help you get the maximum returns on your investment. With years of experience in crypto-trading and using our "e-god" computer algorithm, our expert team always get it right. ARN: 24356734 Fill in the following details correctly. in a case of multi-investment list the chosen plan numbers in the “Investment plan” and total profits in the “Potential earnings”. ‘TRADE ACCOUNT DETAIL iiss A barcode is generated with your unique Application Reference Number E-mail: "ARN" 24356734. Kindly buy the desired investment plan equivalent in bitcoins to the barcode for account Nationality activation. Attach proof of payment to the filled form and return. A default Login would be sent to the email Potential earnings: provided upon activation. Please ensure to change log in details at the point of receipt. Phone: Investment plan: PROFIT PAYMENT DETAIL Bank Name: ‘Account number: Routing number: Swift code: SIGNATURE: DATE: Dr. James Howkins (CEO)

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