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Contextual Information and Student Learning Adaptations Template


Focus Students Information

Provide information about the two focus students you selected from the class in which you will be teaching your unit
that you feel would benefit from modified instruction. You MUST choose one student with exceptionalities or an
English Language Learner as one of your focus students. Complete the chart below referring to these students only
as Student A and Student B. Do not use proper names.

Describe this student using Why did you What did you find out Based on this information what
information from the select this about this student? are the implications for this
Contextual Information student? Address characteristics student’s instruction?
and Student Learning from the Contextual
Adaptations Information and
Student Learning
Student Student A is an African This student’s Cognitive This student needs his
A American male. He has mother is a This student performs on emotional needs met for him
level academically with
autism spectrum music teacher. the rest of his peers.
to succeed academically.
disorder, anxiety, and He achieves Occasionally, he needs breaks
ADHD. He is on an IEP on level Emotional in order to regain himself
in order to receive help academically This student is very emotionally. This student also
for those characteristics. but is very easily “set off”. benefits from smaller goals
Sometimes he can turn
Emotionally, he gets emotionally around his attitude, as
that eventually lead to the
overwhelmed very immature. long as he is allowed to completion of the main goal or
quickly. take some time alone. objective. He needs frequent
redirection and encouragement
Physical in order to complete tasks.
This student sometimes
has a hard time staying at
his assigned spot in the

This student is socially
behind. Other students
will sometimes pick on
him due to his ASD,
ADHD, and anxiety.

Describe this student using Why did you What did you find out Based on this information what
information from the select this about this student? are the implications for this
Contextual Information student? Address characteristics student’s instruction?
and Student Learning from the Contextual
Adaptations Information and
Student Learning
Student Student B is a white This student is Cognitive This student needs frequent
B female. She has a a social This student is redirection and
cognitively below her
special ed disability, butterfly but peers.
encouragement. Similar to
described as being struggles Student A, she benefits from
developmentally academically. Emotional smaller goals in order to feel
delayed. She has This student is successful at a higher
developmental emotionally immature at frequency. Her “wiggliness”
times. I see her get
delays, but it frustrated when she does should be monitored, as it has
noted to what not feel successful. presented safety issues in the
extent in her Physical
past. This student may also
file. This student is very need to be redirected from
wiggly. She has a hard chatting with peers, but could
time staying in her also benefit from partner work
assigned spot. I if paired with the right student.
frequently see her
dancing or wiggling at
different points during a
class period.

This student is a social
butterfly. She has several
friends within and
outside of the class.

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