AM19 S2.2 W15 Final Assessment Revision - Part 2 and 3

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August Main
S2.2 W15 Final Assessment
Revision Pt. 2 + 3


The Essentials:

Media and Communications End of

Course Assessment

● Tuesday 19 May, 2020

● 2 hours and 40 mins assessment
● Time to be announced
• 30% of your final grade

The Final Assessment

Part 1. Multiple Choice Questions (20 marks)

Number of questions - 20 x 1 mark each
Exam time estimate - 30 minutes

Part 2. Practical Questions (30 marks)

Number of questions - 4 (2 x 5 marks, 2 x 10 marks)
Exam time estimate - 40 minutes

Part 3. Practical Questions (10 marks)

Number of questions - 1 x 10 marks
Exam time estimate: 90 minutes
Answer in sentences and paragraphs

Reread and proofread your answers!

Total: 60 marks (30% of final grade)


General tips for Part 2: Practical Questions

✓There are four practical ✓When you revise, time how
questions. Read the long it takes you to answer
questions very carefully and questions according to the
make sure you answer the marks for each question.
question on the assessment
page, not the one in your ✓Spend approx. 10-15
head. minutes on answering each
✓Make sure you plan
carefully before responding. ✓If you’re running out of time
Organise your ideas into in the assessment, put
key points and something down for each
corresponding examples. question, even if it’s just a
few bullet points. It’s easier
✓Type in full, complete to get the first few marks on
sentences. offer than the last few.

Part 2: Q1 Copyright (5 marks)

This question will ask you to select the appropriate creative commons
symbols and explain the function of each symbol in the space

You will be given a scenario where you need to decide, which Creative
Commons license would be most relevant.

Some prompts to help your revision:

• Consider the terms that have been presented.

• Revise each of the Creative Commons license symbols that we had

covered in your Journalism supplementary lecture on Copyright.

• Clearly identify the symbols you could use to create your Creative
Commons license – this needs to be relevant to the terms set by the

Part 2: Q1 Journalism - Copyright (5 marks)

Let’s practice with an example scenario:

You have written and directed a short film as part of a school

project and have uploaded the film to Vimeo, a video sharing
application. You would like to attach a Creative Commons
license to protect your work from being used for commercial
purposes. You are happy for others to copy, adapt or
modify your film as long as you are credited as the original
What Creative Commons licenses would you need to use? Select the
appropriate license symbols and explain the function of each.

Part 2: Q1 Journalism - Copyright (5 marks)

This means others can copy, adapt and modify my
film, but given I want be recognised as the original
creator - they must credit me.

This means my film can be used by others
but they cannot make money out of using it.
Make sure that you
Part 2: Copyright explain why you have
chosen the symbols to
Make sure that you
explain them in the
context of the scenario
given in the

Part 2: Q2 Journalism – Lead (5 marks)

This question will ask you to type a hard news lead of no more than 50
words - this may be one or two sentences. Label the who, what, where,
when and why in your lead (e.g. highlight OR underline). For example:

Text (Label)

You will be presented with an incident which will provide you with
information needed to type out a hard news lead.

Some prompts to help your revision:

• Clearly identify the problem and consider what the readers need
to know about the incident.

• Consider who, what, where and why you could use to get your message
across in 50 words or less – this needs to reach the readers immediately or
they will lose interest just as quickly.

Part 2: Q2 Journalism – Lead (5 marks)

Let’s practice with an example scenario:

You are a journalist with The Age and have been sent to Luna Park in St
Kilda by your editor to report on an alleged accident which is being
In addition to this, you have collected the following information:

Event: ghost train went off rails

Location: Haunted House (Luna Park, St Kilda)
Result: demolished wall, crushed arms, two teenagers awaiting
Reason: supposed water leak
When: yesterday
Using the information above write a hard news lead of no more than 50
words. This may be one or two sentences. Label the who, what, where and
when in your lead.(You could underline or circle etc. these)

Part 2: Q2 Journalism – Lead (5 marks)


Yesterday (when) a supposed water leak (why) led to

the ghost train at St Kilda’s Luna Park (where) going
off the rails. (what)
Two teenagers (who) are now awaiting surgery after
their arms were crushed against a demolished wall.

Keep an eye on the number of words and situation in the exam. To give
you more practice of hard leads, I have put up some additional questions
on TCOLE (M-C.AUG > Revision > Final Revision)

Part 2: Q3 Public Relations Flow Chart

(10 marks)
This question will ask you to create a bullet list in relation to public relations
crisis management, just as you did for your PR Campaign.
You will be presented with a problem and need to decide, as a PR
representative, how you would fix this crisis and protect the needs of your
Some prompts to help your revision:
• Clearly identify the problem and consider the public’s perception of your

• Revise each of the eight classic PR strategies we had covered in our study
of Public Relations and your press conference. Then - decide which
strategies would be most relevant to your campaign (inc. at least 3 in your
PR bullet list).

• Consider media platforms/channels of communication you could use to get

your message across effectively – this needs to be relevant to the target

Structure of a PR Bullet List

• Problem:

• Public Perception and Target Audience:

• PR Strategy 1:
Channel of Communication 1:

• PR Strategy 2:
Channel of Communication 2:

• PR Strategy 3:
Channel of Communication 3:

Part 2: Q3 PR Flow Chart (cont’d)

Let’s practice with an example scenario:

A music festival, Strawberry Fields, is due to be held at the Murray River this
weekend. The festival is a large annual event headlining major international
musicians and performers with tickets sold out in advance. The festival
organisers, ‘Strawberry Music Group’ are now however facing serious
financial problems and are unable to cover costs for necessary sound
equipment, venue hire or to pay the international performers. The event has
therefore been cancelled.

As a PR consultant create a flow chart to highlight:

➢The problem
➢Public Perception
➢3 PR strategies
➢Appropriate channels of communication to reach the target audience

A possible answer...
• Problem:
The sold-out Strawberry Fields Music Festival has been cancelled just before the event

• Public Perception and Target Audience:

Festival goers will be unhappy with Strawberry Music Group’s decision and want their
money back. The late notice makes the organisers look incompetent to the ticket holders
(e.g mostly 18-30 year olds).

• Put out your story first: Break the news of the cancellation yourself.
Use the Concert’s Facebook and Twitter feed to announce the cancellation. Use ticket
buyers’ contact details too (e.g. SMS, email).

• Admit mistakes: Apologise quickly. Take responsibility for funding shortfall.

When breaking the story left include an apology. Do interviews with local news media for
their newspapers, websites and broadcasting sites.

• Create positive news: Announce full refund and discount for rescheduled concert.
Upload a video to YouTube of Strawberry Music Group’s CEO announcing the news -
include concert artists in the video.
Part 2: Q3 PR Strategy Plan cont…

Remember to include in your answer:


Part 2: Q4 Journalism / New Media

Advertising Analysis (10 marks)
For this question, you will be provided with an example of either a:
> a news website OR
> a social media page
The task requires you to:
a) Identify and label 5 key features from the provided example.
b) Describe and explain how each key feature works.

Some prompts to help your revision:

• To answer this question, you need to use media terminology specific to
journalism and new media advertising. In your revision, brainstorm how as
many media terms can you think of that are specific to journalism and new
media advertising.
• To practice answering this question, find news websites and social media
pages. Spend time labelling and analysing the content - how do these
features work?

Part 2: Q4 Journalism / New Media

Advertising Analysis (10 marks)
Media Terminology:
tabloid, compact newspaper, news aggregator, headline, byline, caption,
clickbait, soft news, hard news, fake news, use of visuals, pop ups, banner
ads, interstitial ads, native ads, viral advertising, trends, influencer marketing,
inverted pyramid writing style, lead, layout and design, logos, branding,
brand ambassadors, slogan, brand mantra, social media platforms.

Examples of Language:
1. this is a ____ advertisement
2. this is a caption for ____
3. ___ advertisement works to ____
4. this means ___

Part 2: Q4 Journalism / New Media

Advertising Analysis (10 marks)

Example One Example Two MUJIUSA

General tips for Part 3: Extended Written


✓ Read the question carefully and make ✓ Type in paragraphs and full
sure you answer the question on the sentences.
assessment page, not the one in your
head. ✓ When you revise, time yourself
answering questions according to the
✓ Plan your response carefully. It marks for each question.
should have 4-5 paragraphs with a
coherent structure and topic ✓ Spend approx. 30 minutes on this
sentences. question.
✓ Always provide specific examples ✓ If you’re running out of time in the
where relevant to support your main exam, put something down, even if
points. it’s just a few bullet points. It’s easier
to get the first few marks on offer than
the last few!

Part 3: Q1 Media Literacy and You (10

This is a personal question that requires you to reflect
on what you have learned about your own media
literacy this year.

You need to draw on your understanding of media

literacy (refer S1 W3 Potter Summary Notes) and use
this to then reflect on your experience by giving specific
examples related to media topics, themes and sources
you have delved into during the media and
communications course.
In your answer, focus on Semester 2 topics:
> Journalism and Broadcasting
> Advertising
> Public Relations

Part 3: Q1 Media Literacy (cont’d)

Can you remember Potter’s strategies for increasing media literacy?

Part 3: Q1 Media Literacy (cont’d)

Some suggested trigger questions from the Potter (2013) reading:
• Consider usefulness of media exposure - does it relate to your personal

• Have you broadened your exposure to different media this year? Give specific
examples. What thoughts/feelings have you taken away?

• Has your media exposure been related to a search for knowledge? What
differences did you notice across different media sources? Relate to some
specific examples. What has your level of engagement and participation

• Have you analysed the reality-fantasy continuum that exists in various forms
of media? What messages do these provide to the audience? Do you live in
one world more than the other? Is this something you would like to change?

• Have you considered how your opinion might have changed before and then
after, exposure to a media source?

Part 3: Q1 Media Literacy (cont’d)

• Examine your behaviour in relation to the consumption of media - does it

relate to your beliefs? How? Give examples.

• Consider what you have created to be consumed by others via media

> What have you considered important to include or not to include? Is
design important?
> Have you thought about your potential audiences?
> Have you considered your privacy more?

The above is to get you started, but there is a lot more you could write about.
Make sure that you link your points back not only to strategies, but also
examples, especially relating to our Semester 2 topics.

Plan your response carefully. It should have 4-5 paragraphs with a coherent
structure and topic sentences.

Always provide examples where relevant to support your main points.

Part 3: Q1 Media Literacy (cont’d)

•The above is to get you started, but there is a lot

more you could write about. Make sure that you
link your points back not only to strategies, but
also examples, especially relating to our Semester
2 topics.

Plan your response carefully. It should have 4-5
paragraphs with a coherent structure and topic

Always provide examples where relevant to support
your main points.
Part 3: Q1 Media Literacy (cont’d)

On Tuesday April 27 at 2.30 I will run

a live Q&A session.
So if you have any questions about
the exam please join at this time.
I will record it so that it will be
available on TCOLE after .
I will set the meeting from with the
general channel of the AM team ( the
same way the Phuong sets her drop
in sessions)

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